How long did it take you to love running?

Today’s discussion is inspired by my pajama shirt that I was staring at as I was brushing my teeth last night while getting ready for bed.  

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How long did it take you to fall in love with running and what is it that you really love about it?

I started running when I was 12 with my sister and I definitely remember it being extremely hard for a long time.  I was off and on with running during my teenage years and college and each time that I came back to running it would always take me a month or two to really fall in love with it again.  After we have been running for a long time we forget about how difficult it is in the beginning.  Your muscles fatigue quickly, your lungs may feel like they are going to explode and you question why you are out there running.  For me, I think I really started to love running once I could run 5 miles comfortably.  By then my body was pretty used to running and it started to crave the movement of running.  As I built upon that base and saw more and more improvements I fell more in love with the sport.   So, if you are wanting to fall in love with running and haven’t yet… just give it a little bit more time:)  

It isn’t that I necessarily love every step of the run (especially on days that I am tired and sore) but what I really love is the post-run feeling.  The feeling of accomplishment.  Feeling strong and when my body is pumped up with endorphins.  Knowing that I am doing something good for my body and pushing myself to a new limit.  That is what I really love about running.


Just some fine dining at the splash pad.  I could eat my bacon, avocado and turkey salad daily for lunch.

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Yesterday’s project that we spent most of the day on was operation trampoline.  

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I can now assemble an entire trampoline.  Let me know if you need me to come over and help you out when you buy a trampoline.  

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Brooke was pretty pleased with the final product.

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And the rest of the afternoon was spent either jumping or petting this sweet pup. 

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For dinner we had my 4 favorite things—>  homemade lasagna, broccoli, grapes and garlic bread.  It doesn’t get much better folks.  

Afterwards we went to my neighborhood’s yearly tradition of fireworks and food.  I have been going to this since I was 10.  

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And I had some sugar yesterday in the form of whipped cream.  I struggle.


How long did it take you to fall in love with running and what is it that you really love about it?  Do you love it?

Dog owners—>  How old are your dog(s)?

What is a meal that you could have daily for lunch?

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I think I really fell in love with running when I couldn’t run for the first time in my life. I had been running for years and then when I hurt my hip I had to stop for awhile and I missed it so much! When I started running again I was hooked for good.


Once I got over the initial “this is hard” phase I loved it right away. I loved the way my mind would wander and I’d work out all my emotions, get a great workout and come back feeling so much better about my life, decisions, and just more confident overall! Those are the big things that hooked me and probably the reason I stick with it through hard times. Like I said in a post last week I’m over the “infatuation” and making it a lifelong marriage!


It took me a few months (maybe 7-8) to actually START to enjoy running, and a few more months to really fall in love with it! I’m glad I stuck with it though.


I started running when I was about 13 and I didn’t really truly fall in love with it until I was 22 and training for my first marathon. Before then it was always a struggle, I would take extended periods off and then try to get back into it for a race. No run felt EASY; it was always hard to maintain my pace and I was never really enjoying it. Now I run 5-6 times a week and have a constant flow of races planned and I just can’t stop running! It definitely takes years before running really becomes easy and enjoyable I think!


I used to hate running in high school. I played soccer and tennis so running was our “punishment” and I just absolutely couldn’t stand it. Then I got to college and sort of threw all exercise out of the door unfortunately. I remember getting to a point where I was working out really hard and I could run for 20 minutes on the treadmill without stopping and that was a huge accomplishment to me. I didn’t really pick up or start to love running until I signed up for my first 5k in March 2012 so I knew I had to start training in January 2012. It’s been a love affair ever since. I am hooked and I love everything about running. Maybe not every day :) but it has truly changed my life in so many ways and only other runners can really understand that. I think I am going to go for the marathon this year and fingers crossed that I can complete it because that has been my true goal since the beginning of my running journey that started over 2.5 years ago!

I have 2 dogs..a mutt, Layla, who is 6 I think, and a chocolate lab, Molly who will be 4 in November! They are the absolute best :)


I think it took about six months to love running, and I think training for my first 10K was the hardest, out of all the races I’ve run. Once I got the 10K down, training for the half marathon seemed a lot easier, since I could run six miles comfortably, and something suddenly clicked. Sometimes I think about how hard it was at the beginning, and am so relieved I stuck with it and pushed through the tough start!


Okay that whipped cream thing is hilarious! I’ve never seen that before haha! Love it haha!


I still don’t love running but I am working on it! I try to do a 5k every month with the hopes of working up to a 10k, then half, etc. I really enjoy the feeling of being DONE with running! LOL

I have 3 dogs–A black lab/rottie mix who is 6, an Australian cattle dog who is 5 and a german shephard mix who is 3. All are rescues and the best dogs ever!!!

BTW—whipped cream trick was HILARIOUS! lol


Oh, good question!! I ran XC and track in high school but didn’t loooove to run back then…. I’d say I fell in love with running around the time I started running fun, local 5K’s so maybe 24 years old? :)


I have loved running since high school. I had to run for sports, but I also ran on my own to clear my head and get outside. My running route was/is beautiful and I always run it every time I go home to visit my family. I have 2 precious dogs….a large chocolate lab and a small mixed breed. My lunches vary, but I always have an apple along with the meal.


I was in college before I really liked running. Since I played sports, running was usually considered a punishment, so it wasn’t something I would associate with the word ‘fun’. I’m so glad I love it now because it keeps me sane!


It probably took me 3 months to love running. I started “seriously” running after I had my son and I felt amazing after I completed the Couch to 5K program! I agree, that post run feeling is amazing!!!!!

I could have my “snack plate” every day for lunch. Apple, almond butter, carrots, cucumber, cheese, rice crackers and hummus!! Yummy!!!


My love of running has been a slow evolution. I started to get a lot more into when my boyfriend bought me my Garmin :) I also realized how lucky I am to run – it’s not something everybody can do! My parents were both avid runners and marathoners while I grew up, but in 2011 my mom had to have emergency brain surgery for an aneurism. She made a complete recovery – thank God! – but the doc suggested no more running. That was another point in time when my love and appreciation for running really picked up – when I realized how blessed I am to have a strong, healthy body and to be able to do these things. Now, I think of my mom during all my runs and I like to dedicate runs and races to her, because I know how much she would give to be able to get back out there. At this point, running is a huge part of my daily life that helps me maintain my sanity and really makes me feel strong and alive!


Very nice! I remind myself of how lucky I am to be able to run too. Looking at it that way has also helped me appreciate my body much more than I used to!


First off– our dog. We got our dog, Daisy, the year after we got married in 2003. She was 13 weeks old and adorable. She is now nearly 11 years old and still adorable and the best running pal ever! She is part husky- part mutt–> a mut-sky. I highly recommend a husky mix, because (though you will have to contend with under-coat molting) they DO NOT NEED regular baths and they do not smell (well, a little when wet). GET ONE! Also, I started to love running when my I joined ROTC and had an amazing pal, Kory Lund, run VERY SLOWLY an entire 5K with me. I felt so proud of my body for not dying as we ran up 9th East, that I was inspired to continue running farther and farther. I always say that once you can run from downtown Provo up 9th East to the MTC — then you are doing it right!!


That video is hilarious! Pretty sure I would end up with it in my hair and make a huge mess. I had my ups and downs with running at first too. I started loving it when I felt like I had control over my speed and could run at more than one slow trudge along. I love the way it allows me to work through emotions from my day. Now I crave it so bad and get antsy if I don’t have another race on my calendar for some time soon.
And our dog Charlie turned 2 on the 4th of July!!! He thinks he is a pretty big deal that he gets such a big party and fireworks for every birthday.


Putting a trampoline together sounds like the worst thing ever. Like something I would never want to do – I would buy the model.

I started running with my uncle when I was twelve and spent the summer with my cousins. We only did a mile and it was so hard. In high school I played field hockey and I would run a mile every morning in order to “get in shape” for the season. I hated it then too. I didn’t start liking it until I attempted my first 5k (having never run more than a mile). It felt amazing finishing what seemed like a really long distance. Then I started liking it even more in college when I was doing Army ROTC and discovered that I could run faster than most of the people in my squad. I couldn’t do the push-ups or sit-ups well, but I could do the 2 mile run pretty fast. Then I started training more, doing more races, and finally falling in love with it. Now I love it – it makes me feel strong and tough, which I don’t always feel in other areas of my life.


I’ve ran on and off since I was young also. Recently I started running again a year ago then stopped when I became pregnant (my husband did not want me to do it while pregnant), then started again 2 months after he was born. It was slow and hard at first, and I had to be patient and allow my body to get back to normal and my stride was off so it was frustrating. I think after I could go 3 or 4 miles I started to love it. I really started to love it after my first half. Before then I was more into biking and after my half I run a lot more.
It isn’t ready for me though. When I was 15 I fractured my pelvic in 4 places so sometimes I am sore. I also have asthma which makes it hard especially when my allergies kick in. I still love it though. It’s my me time. My time of no one talking to me or needing me or me having to talk to anyone else. Even though I listen to music it’s my quet time. My peace.
I’ll never stop because of that.


I started to love running probably my junior year of high school. It took me a few years, but eventually I just loved the feeling I got after my runs!


I love running for the same reasons as you – the after effect. It is such a good feeling of accomplishment, the endorphins and the happy tired leg feeling. Not to mention, I just think everything tastes that much better after a run.


For me, I started to like it after I did my first 5k, but I started to love it after I had my base and could do my slow long runs of 5-10+ miles. I felt so amazing after (runner’s high). I still hate speedwork, but I love my long easy runs.


It took me about a year of running on and off to really commit and find that I do love it. I love shorter runs and the ability to run whatever miles I feel like. I love races, but find that certain times of the year are more difficult to train for. Love your shirt!


I ran track through high school and college – but I wouldn’t say I LOVED running until I moved out to Colorado and started training for half marathons. After my first half, I fell in love.

I have two puppies…an 8 month old cockapoo and a 6 month old Aussie. Not sure what we were thinking getting two puppies at the same time…


I started loving running when I had worked up to a 5k. Now, after having a baby, I’m basically starting over, and waiting to love it again!

My sweet Abbey is 4 1/2. She’s a doll. We found her in a corn field when she was only a couple of months old.

I could eat Mexican food for every meal for the rest of my life and be happy.


Fell in love with running the minute I realized it quieted my mind and let me sort out all kinds of stuff that I have a hard time with, as well as just feeling amazing when life is going well. It is my therapy and my love.

My dogs, are 11 and 8, two border collies who are the perfect running partners and I wouldn’t trade them for the world!


I started running at 14 when I joined the track team. I realized I might love it after the first big meet. 18 years later I still have a passion for it. It’s my head-clearing, push myself, fresh air, dripping sweat, usually love, sometimes hate, me time!
My dog has been my running partner for the last 7 years!


I started running about 7 years ago and I’ve loved it ever since. I never considered myself a runner when I was in high school or college. I tried to get in to it, but it never stuck.

Now, I’m running 30 races this year to celebrate turning 30! I’m up to number 17 now. :-)


Took me about 2 months to fall in love with running, I still have my off weeks were I don’t want to go more than 30 minutes but once the hard bit is over I love it!
My dog was 6 in January, she unfortunately passed away a couple weeks ago but she was the best dog in the world, trying to convince my mum to get another dog!
I could eat Panera Bread Cobb salad every day it’s so good!


I honestly fell in love with running at first step. It makes me so happy, unfortunately I’ve been dealing with runners knee for almost a year and have maybe ran a dozen times since it started. It sucks but I can’t wait until I can get back on the road.


I completely agree with you that it’s not necessarily while you’re running that you love, it’s how amazing you feel after. I believe it’s mind and body. On the days I don’t go, I always regret it. I could eat chipotle chicken salad bowls or cafe rio ones everyday. I’m surprised that was not yours!


I am still in the process of falling in love with running. At this phase (I am training for a 10k and Half marathon) and with this heat, I am trying to not succumb to excuses why NOT to run. I feel similarly about the after effects of running. It’s when I am done that I really feel accomplished and healthy. I haven’t quite hit my runner’s high or pace really, but I am very much looking forward to it!


lol that video!

I could always eat a bacon, avocado, tomato wrap for my lunch – so good!!

I think it took me a few months to love running. Although I was in track in high school, I didn’t start the long distance running until I was 27. I just started running because I was bored at home in a new city where I didn’t know anyone. I signed up for my first race because everyone else was doing it. After that first race, I was hooked!


It took me about 2 months to really start love running! Now I’m more into strength training but adding in more running…we’ll see how long it takes this time!


I always find it fascinating how various people fall in love with running. It’s definetely something you need to find internally. I don’t love every single run but I dolve the end process of running. Nothing can take that away.


I completely agree with the 5 mile point. Once I could run 5 miles I noticed I really started enjoying my runs and looking forward to them. There’s a whole different set of endorphins that first time you run 1 mile effortlessly and look back on when 1 mile seemed impossible.


I joined cross country in middle school and was part of a team from then through college which I think helped me love running from the very beginning. Even when you’re suffering through a run it’s not all that bad when you have your friends next to you! :)


It took me about 2 months to fall in love with running. I never understood runners who were always trying to persuade me to get in to it, trying to convince me that I’d love it and the runners high is so great etc etc…

Then I became one of those people. I found a great running buddy who wanted to get into running but also wasn’t going to be a wild fanatic about it and then we both started to love running together.


I fell in love with running when I was in grad school and started realizing how much it helped me to deal with stress. My motivation for running also changed, as I would run for other reasons than to just control my weight. It was a source of confidence, community, and challenge that I enjoyed. I would say that running is something that I really do love and enjoy doing. It is my time and I can go anywhere and think about anything without everyday distractions.

I wish I had a dog. I am still trying to convince my husband to get a Golden Retriever!


I started running when I was 15 and hated it!!! I only did it because I played soccer and needed to work on endurance. I think I started loving it once I realized I could push past the pain and achieve that runner’s high… I was probably 21 or 22 when running became my love/therapy. Now it’s usually one of the best parts of my day!


I started off/on running in college and wasn’t super enamored of it until probably a few years ago. I think like you, once I could run 4-5 miles comfortably, I began to feel more confident which in turn made me then enjoy the actual act of running. I realized how strong my legs and body were and that made me want to push myself more. I ran my first half marathon in May, and I LOVED training for it. I was so pumped to know I was running all these miles without stopping AND I was getting faster!


It took me a few months to fall in love with running. After I ran my first race I was hooked! I could eat anything with avocado for lunch everyday. I swear it’s the best ingredient ever.


I love running, most days. But I agree, it’s more the post run rather than the actual run or getting up super early.
Our dogs are 8 and 14 :) The 14 y.o. is an old grouchy woman.
I could do a trash salad every single day. Basically it’s a salad with whatever sounds good on it :)


When I ran back in college it took me a few weeks to really get into it. I liked when I would get in a running groove and you sort of don’t even notice you’re running. It’s like that way when I go for power walks, now, too. You get to a place where your body just does it without you having to constantly push one foot in front of another. I’ve toyed around with adding running back into my routine, but I’d probably wait until fall. I’m a total baby when it comes to heat!

And I could eat a caesar salad with black olives for every single lunch, and dinner, and maybe even breakfast. I love them!!


I actually gave a talk in church 2 weeks ago and included how my behavior changed with running. How it was hard at first with breathing. But it eventually got better and I love it now. I agree with you about the post run feeling. Still need to work on bringing up my endurance after having IT band issues.


Hahahahahahaha – that video of you with the whipped cream. SO FUNNY.

I probably still have at least one run a week where I feel bleh and wonder why in the world I do it, but you are totally right, it’s the feeling after I’ve finished that keeps me coming back for more!

Also – it’s funny that the thing I was most focused on in your trampoline pictures is how stinkin’ green the grass is in that backyard. I haven’t seen grass that green in ages! And I can thank Texas summers for that.


I started dabbling with running in 2005-2006. I think I first fell in love after completing my first half marathon in October of 2007. It was just one of those moments where I said to myself ” I just ran 13 miles!” I felt so strong and proud. And I never stopped. Always training for something. And I do that same half marathon every year. this October will be my 7th straight year.

Duncan, my labradoodle is 5 1/2

I could have steak fajitas with guac and cheese and pico de gallo on soft flour tortillas every day for lunch. :)


omg the whipped cream video is amazing. It was always my dream as a kid to have a trampoline but my parents refused to get one… so sad.


Truthfully, I don’t know that I have fallen in love with running yet. I do it quite often and have most definitely fallen in love with the runner’s high I get afterwards and the sense of accomplishment it gives me. But I still haven’t quite perfected loving it WHILE I’m doing it. I think that may be because I tend to always push myself during my runs instead of slowing down my pace and enjoying it. I need to start leaving the garmin at home and trying to enjoy it more!


Hahaha I love the whipped cream video ;)

I can’t get myself to fall in love with running! I did start to like it when I was training for a half marathon but after the race, I just didn’t want to lace up my running shoes anymore! My husband recently fell in love with it though so I may try to get back into it so we can run together!


totally agree. even though running mile 24-26 of a marathon is TOUGH, i still think my hardest runs were those 2-mile, super slow, super tired attempts i tried when i first started running. it gets easier!


I always say I wish my speed was in direct proportion to my love for it, I would be so much faster. I love running !!

A salad with lots of veggies and some protine on top would be my favorite lunch every day.


too started running at 12… I ran all through hs and college and didn’t fall in love with it until I started running for myself that I fell I love with it. In school it felt like my job and it kind of was because i was on scholarship… After school, I finally was allowed to run for ME and compete for ME…I didn’t have to make it it practice on time or at all for that matter. I could run whenever I wanted and at my leisure. It became something that I started to hate in school…. And I’m sooo happy that I can not only still do it but I LOVE it


I’ve been running for almost a year… I can’t still say that I LOVE running, but I’m kind of addicted to it… it’s a very strange thing :) I’m slow but I love the fact that every day it gets easier for me to conquer those uphills though it looks like more of a speed walking than running (a month ago I would just give up in the middle thinking it’s impossible for me to do it). Well, there are times when I’m literally dancing while dressing up for my run… :D I still wanna quit every step of my run but I just keep moving… in the end I’m glad I’d done it! Gradually my 20-minute-run had become 1.5- 2 hour-run with no breaks. How could I stop when I see that I’m getting better? And when I feel sooo good, non-stressed and anxious? No Way!!! Now I just have to work on my speed… :)


My dog is 3 and she is pretty much the most awesome thing :) It took me a while to love running. I don’t think I really began to love it until I started challenging myself a little more.


I’ve been running since I could remember–and have always loved it.

My favorite part is just being able to explore and be outside. I’m an outdoor junkie. I love the sky–and running let’s me check it out!

Jealous you got to go the ward firework show! It was fun seeing my house in that photo-wish I was there!


As a teen, I loved running to stay conditioned for motocross racing. As a new military recruit, I hated running in combat boots for military conditioning. As a experienced veteran, I loved running in various countries across the world. Now, everyday is a different story. The Trampoline Project ! That Summer 1999 project held up very well until 2005, and Hurricane Rita hit South East Texas
( The Texas version of Louisiana’s Hurricane Katrina). It scattered the bent and twisted parts across several neighboring yards. For several years, we still found tension springs buried just beneath the lawn surface….or rather the lawn mower blade did.


LOL! That video was hysterical. I watched 3 times!


I fell in love with running when I was young, it was an ‘escape’ for me. I fell in love with marathons last year and decided it was my favorite distance…something about the push, the challenge and the dedication it requires.


That video is hilarious! I don’t remember when I started to really love running. Even now while running I’m not thinking about how much I love what I’m doing, but it’s the feeling after the run that I love! I could eat a turkey and avocado sandwich for lunch every day!


I’d say it took me a good 2 months to love running. I loved the team atmosphere (I was on the junior high cross country team), and seeing that running further was getting easier. I could eat a sausage salad every day!! Chicken Apple Sausage is the best!!


I can’t actually remember not loving running since I’ve started. I’ve had rough patches along the way of course, and I ‘broke up with running’ after a less than stellar race before. It always finds it’s way back into my heart though.

Every time you mention home made lasagne, I get a craving for it! LOL

I have a shih Tzu named Lola who is 6. I love her to bits!


I started running in high school when my cousin gave me his bib for a 10k. I hated running every step of that race. Somehow, i ended up on the gym treadmill regularly and eventually started enjoying myself. Now i can call myself a marathoner :)


I started running in high school on the cross country team, but I wouldn’t necessarily say I was “in love” just yet. I had a great time with the coaches and teammates and enjoyed being physically fit but it wasn’t until college when I started running longer distance races that I became totally in love with running! Instead of just doing it to stay in shape I was running everyday because my body and mind NEEDED to. It keeps me from going crazy.


I think it took me a good year to fall in love with running. I started running in college when my best friend signed up for her first half marathon. We both danced in high school and I figured if she could do it I could too! Once I started doing longer distances I really really loved the feeling of accomplishment after a tough work out.

I have a 4 year old black lab named Dude – he is pretty awesome. ; )

I could eat macaroni and cheese for every meal every day!


It didn’t take me long to fall in love with running… but it did take me a long time to enjoy it! haha

I remember loving the concept and how I felt when I was done with the beginning couch to 5K workouts, but man all those beginner things you described really stunk during the actual run. I think I really truly started to love it and was able to use it as a form of relaxation when i could run 4 miles and zone out the entire time. Running is the best!


Wow, this is apparently a topic that really inspires people based on all the long posts I just scrolled through! I’ll try to make mine short and sweet ;)

I’m currently trying to fall in love with running, and I can now (somewhat) comfortably run 3 miles without stopping. I keep making myself get out there, waiting for the infatuation to come!

I now have one white boxer boy (Spanky) who is 10 1/2 years. We had to put our beloved 11 year brown & white boxer (Gibson) to sleep a week ago, which was just gut wrenching :(

I’m currently on a tuna salad kick – I make it with chopped apples, dried cranberries, sliced almonds & spinach – yum!!!

Have a great Tuesday!!


I’ve enjoyed running as long as I can remember, but I really started loving it after my first race that I ran purely for fun with a friend. I placed in my age group and since then, I’ve been hooked. I started actually training as opposed to running 3-4 miles a few times a week, did some intervals and got really fast. I love racing in local 5 & 10Ks on the weekend just for the fun of it (plus our kids like the snacks and awards haha!).

I’m like you though; there are some mornings when I get up and jump on the treadmill and I’m not really feeling it, but by mid-run, I feel great and after I run, I’m always so glad I pushed through. It’s nice starting the day knowing you’re doing something good for yourself and it’s great “me” time in a packed day.

My favorite feelings are the rewarding feeling of being all sweaty after an intense run (and a great shower after it) and seeing my husband and our boys waving near the finish line.

I could eat a giant chicken salad with lots of fruit every single day. And maybe some pretzels with Nutella for dessert!


I didn’t love running until after college. I did it at first to lose weight, but now I really enjoy it. I think I started to love it after completing my first 5K. The feeling of accomplishment and excitement had me hooked!

I love my pup. He is just over 1 year (we have had him for 9 months) and I can’t imagine life without him now. You definitely need a pup!


Love running? Hmmm. I guess it’s a love/hate relationship in the beginning. I loved the feeling of being outside and looking like I was a runner but hated the pain. Now, I love the feeling of being outside and a little bit of the pain (improving) but I hate the never ending personal competition (faster, stronger). I guess there are much worse things to hate. It’s good for me! Stick with it! I know I will!


High school! Running was the first athletic thing I was really good at.


I initially started running because I quit doing gymnastics and I felt like I needed to do some sort of exercise. It took me months and months to build up past running for 15-20 minutes, and I think I really started to love running when I got up to the point of being able to run about 5 miles comfortably. From there, it was much easier to improve more quickly!


Ahahahah, that video was amazing!

When I started running again, it was hard. I wanted to love it right away because I had started up again running for a charity, so I just kept thinking of the reasons WHY I was out there, to help motivate me. I didn’t start loving it until I got to know my running groupmates and we started bonding.


I didn’t start running until after high school. I love how I feel mentally whenever I go for a run. It helps me clear my mind and escape from my daily responsibilities and routines!


Hahaha, that video cracked me up!


I was a terrible runner when I was a kid, but, probably because of that, it was always something that I aspired to do. I held runners in a high regard and harbored a secret desire to become one, too. The summer that I was 20 years old, I was living in Boston, and started running every day along the Charles River. At first, I couldn’t go more than a few minutes at a time, but I improved pretty quickly, and fell in love with it as I did so. By the end of the summer I could go 20 minutes without stopping, and I was hooked. And for me, it was when I could run three miles continuously, on a regular basis, that I started thinking of myself as a runner. Nearly 20 years later, virtually no cardio activity gives me the same high as running does. I can only run about once a week now, thanks to my knees, but I still love it when I do, crave it when I don’t.


I only started running 3 years ago when friends talked me into doing C25K. I just love the feeling I have when I finish. I feel so accomplished! There’s no doubt in my mind that I could eat french fries every day of my life & never get tired of them.


Hmm I’d say the first time I ever really fell in love with running was after around 2 miles–when 2 miles no longer felt like a slog–when I could do it without wanting to pass out when I finished, that was when I first started about 8 years ago in the 9th grade or something. But I “re-fell” when I started participating in races. And this is why.

I’m absolutely addicted. Addicted to the energy, addicted to the collective push/sweat/tears/fight. Addicted to beating myself, beating my goals, beating my demons (because really I’m not ever going to “beat” everyone else, ie. I’m likely never going to be a winner). Truth be told, I like the torture of a race just as much as I like the triumph of the race. The crowds cheering and the feel-like-im-floating miles are just as compelling as the waking up at 5am and the stretches that are hilly and lonely and gruesome. Combined the harmony of these seemingly opposing poles create a magic, a dance, that has me hooked. There’s no one thing that motivates me to compete–there are many things, my running goals, my desire to be fit, my love of the my feet pounding the road, my sweat pouring, my heart racing and also (on some days) the hate of all those things. I would say more than motivated to run, I am compelled to run.


I love what you said about it taking time to love running- I still haven’t given myself the time I need to really enjoy it, and you just gave me the motivation I needed to give running a SOLID try- so thank you for that!! :)

As for the trampoline, that looks like so much fun. I’m impressed you guys put that together! I’d be intimidated!



It took about 3 months when I first started running. I think it’s because I was doing c25k and was run/walking. I still hate when I have to take walk breaks. It screws up my stride and momentum. My favorite thing about running is the way it’s shaped my body. I also feel like a badass when I’m out there running in the humidity and cleaning out my pores.


I fell in love with running after I ran (w/o stopping to walk) my first 5K. However, there are still definitely days/moments when I don’t love running. But, no matter what, the post-running feeling is pretty much always worth it.


I think I’m actually still in the “learning to love it” stage. The NorCal summer makes it harder to love (SO.FLIPPIN.HOT!!), but that’s not really relevant since I injured my posterior tibial tendon and can’t run right now anyway. Reading your blog is actually one of the biggest reasons I have kept running even this long! :) I was looking at some of the RAGNAR courses a couple weeks ago and decided I have to keep running at least until I’m able to do a RAGNAR. (My guess is that by then I’ll be totally in love with it, haha)


I actually wrote about this (kind of) in my post today! I fell in love with running when I ran cross-country in middle school. There was very little pressure, and it was just about having fun. Once I had that base, high school became really exciting because the competition was there. But I think I would have hated it if I was thrown right into competing. I needed that fun time to get me started. I totally agree with you, though, that crossing the 5 mile barrier was a huge milestone in my relationship with running. Check out my post if you have the time!


I do love running but there are days when running is a struggle and you get a little down about it but then the next run is better and your love returns.

I have a mini pin that is 10. I have had her since she was 5.5 weeks old. Couldn’t imagine my life without her. She is my BFF>

If I pick one meal will i never get fat? haha If so pizza or something from Pita Jungle.


It took me over a year to really love running. I forced myself to do it because everyone else in my family did it and I felt left out haha. A silly reason to start but so glad this got me into it.


I took some time off while pregnant & am getting back into running. It’s extremely difficult right now. I’m starting from scratch & remember a time when it was so “easy” to run 13 miles. Can’t wait to get back there!


Ahhh I miss the trampoline I had as a kid so much!!! One of my favorite summer traditions, Brooke is so lucky hahaha


Gosh. I feel like it’s more like what DON’T I love about running. I just feel so strong and in control of myself while running. It just makes me feel alive.

We have 3 dogs: Casey the Jack Russell who is 12, Piper the Border Collie who is 8, and Belle the Golden Retriever who is 1. I love those girls so much!


Such a great topic! I think a lot of non-runners think that running is naturally easier for those of us who love it. It’s not, it takes forever to build up endurance and strength enough to get to the enjoyable part of running! It took me almost 3 years to be able to run 3 miles. I used to stop at 3/4 mile with a side stitch every single day, and I thought running was pointless. But once I started getting better at it, and seeing some progress and getting positive reinforcement, it was suddenly kind of fun. Now I can’t imagine what my life would be like without running!


Hmm it took me a few months to love running. Like you said, it’s that first really rough period where you think that your lungs are going to burst that you have to get over. My pup is 8 years old! And PAHAHAHA your whipped cream video = best. thing. ever. Made my day :)


i truly fell in love with running the summer i decided to train for my first half marathon, and then during the race, and then after it — i knew i would keep running halves after that, and i felt like a “real runner.” but i’d been running shorter distances for yearssss before that and just never conditioned myself to stick with it.
i could eat a big salad w/ grilled chicken or a crumbled black bean burger and avocado every dayyyyyy.


I had always thought that running was the only sport that I truly hated (I played pretty much every sport under the sun growing up). It wasn’t until I tried out for and made my high school’s cross country team that I truly fell in love with running. I crossed the finish line at my time trial during tryouts and felt good about myself and proud of myself for the first time in years. I love the way that running makes me feel. Even on my worst days where I can’t stand myself, running reminds me of just how lucky I am to have a body and legs that will carry me miles and miles. It’s my comfort and my happy place. I am so thankful for it.

I could have snack plates with veggies and other dippable things with a spread of different dips for lunch every day and be happy.


I think I fell in love with running immediately. Yeah, my legs felt like they were gonna fall off and my lungs were on fire and I had to take walking breaks but I must ha e loved it or I would have quit right then and there. And I mean, there are runs like that still even today right? Yeah, Im more experienced and know how to pace myself but there are still those hard runs where you really have to push yourself either mentally or physically or both and it hurts so good. I think running has always been about something deeper, proving something to myself. I havent figured out what that is yet but here I am a year later, still running for answers.


So, I have this pet peeve. I was gonna let it pass, but I feel like I need to speak up.

Jaaaanaaae, start filming your videos in landscape mode! Hold your phone from left to right, not up and down. Preeeeeetty please?? With whipped cream and two cherries on top?




In high school my best friend and I used to run a three mile loop through our neighborhood nearly everyday. For the first little bit we’d stop about half way through and take a break and then start again. I’m not sure when the switch flipped but eventually we quit stopping, and started adding distance to our route.


I fell in love with running as a kid, my mum said i was a hyper kid ha ha ha always had to race people, but i didnt get to really fall in love with it until i had 17 years and till today i still love running, it sure becomes an addiction.

I love that doggy in the picture, he is so adorable. My little baby (doggy) is Molly and she is turning 6 this year, i must say she is my best buddy, we hang together, she loves my girls and they spoil her rotten, she really saved me from a depression i had, i believe animals have a way to save people.


I think I started to love it by the end of my first cross country season in high school, I was hooked quick!

My sweet little puppy is 8, and she actually looks kinda like the dog you were hanging out with, big dogs are my favorite!

I could have honey mustard and turkey everyday and be quite satisfied with that, your salad looks delicious too though!

Side note: that video is hilarious!!!


I started to love it when it felt good. I have to admit that only 4 out of my 6 runs a week “feel good” but it is the ones that do that keep me going. Being part of a large running club also helps. I almost always have someone to run with and I always have someone checking in and encouraging me! Having someone to run a race with is also a plus..that keeps me loving this sport.
I am wondering where you set up the trampoline for Brooke? Is that in your new apartment or a friends place???We have a trampoline in our backyard for our kiddos…
best exercise ever!!!


I have been running on and off since I was 15. I don’t think I fell in love with it until a few years ago when I started running half marathons. I love the way I feel after a run, and I love that it gives me a way to really challenge myself and see what I can do!

We got our dog from a rescue. So we aren’t sure how old he is. The vet thinks that he is probably three or four.

I could eat anything with avocado every single day for lunch. It’s so good!


I actually hate running, I’ve never liked it! But, I took it up about three years ago to force myself into better shape. The only part that I love about it is when my kids are cheering me on during a race or egging me to sign up for a marathon (to them, every race is a marathon, and sometimes it feels like it to me too!) I usually run when they are sleeping so they get super excited when they see me dressed for running and it makes me happy to set a good example for them.

And as much as I hate the actual running part, I do really like the incredible feeling of accomplishment when I am done with a race. :)


I love that salad too! so good! And your video at the end cracks me up. You hair is so cute with your blonde highlights :) I love it!!!


I just woke up my 14 year old (old lady) dog laughing at the whipped cream video. Too funny!

And I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t positively in love with running until I finished my first 5K. I think I needed to cross that finish line in order to truly feel like a runner. Now, there’s definitely no doubting how much I need it in my life and how much I love every running experience that I have.


Today for lunch I had a green smoothie + bagel with cream cheese. And it was DELISH. I don’t know what I could have everyday; I go through phases! Oh I know. Broccoli salad. FAVORITE.

I always hated running in gym class/basketball sprints… but now I love it. I’m that girl in class that never cheats on the mile or wants to do another sprint! As for long distance running, I’d say I started loving it when I started training for my first half marathon. I realized that I actually was a real runner!


My favorite part about running is the sense of accomplishment that I feel post run :-)


I HATED running in school, but it was a different story when I became an adult and chose to run. It was almost instant love.

We have a 7 year old English pointer and a 1 year old Shetland sheepdog. And a 21 year old cat (who is the most awesome old cat ever).


Haha that video was funny and cute (is it weird to say it was cute? Whatever but it was). I agree on the living it after 5 miles thing. I always wanted to love running but really didn’t for years. Once I figured out how to increase my distance more and more I really started figure out why people loved it. And now I do!!!


*loving, not living. Dang phone.


hahahahah I love that video!!!!! Sooooo funny!! That’s totally an ice breaker to whip out at a party!

Okay falling in love with running… until I could run 3 miles I didn’t feel like running was anything substantial in my life. After that I wanted to see how much further I could go. It’s really amazing how our bodies can build all that milage with some effort.

I could eat pb&j everyday for lunch ( I kinda do already)! It is just the best combo in the world. I wish I came up with it


I don’t think it was until I started running & racing w/ friends that I REALLY started to love it on a more consistent basis. Like you, I’ve always liked how it made me feel, though.


I’ve loved running since I could do it! But doing it every day is a different story ;)
My pup is 8 months old!


That video is hilarious!


I don’t remember ever not loving running. I fell in love with the thought of running when I was like…10 years old. I don’t remember it being hard. I just remember wanting to do it more than anything. I’m slow and steady and I just get there. And that’s okay with me. If I never ran another race I’d be totally okay with that because my happiness just comes in the running. The racing is mild entertainment. The running is the icing.

I have a Shiba Inu and he’s 8 this year. He’s BEAUTIFUL. He looks like a miniature German Shepherd and he’s more afraid of me than I am of him so it’s the perfect relationship to have.

I love the little action shots of Brooke on her trampoline.


That’s a really cool party trick!
I think you will enjoy reading Running Like a Girl by Alexandra Heminsley :)


I could eat chips and salsa and melted cheese everyday. I am heading to camp tomorrow so I’ll probably be able to eat that (without the cheese being melted) for 4 days so that should satisfy me for a while. Now if I could only convince myself that nachos were healthy, everything would be great! More on my meal struggles later… Or you know where to find my ramblings


My dog is 5, and she is the best dog ever! :)


My dogs are Kaia, a Shepherd/Rott mix, who is about 5, and Cassius, a Rott/pit mix, who is around 3. They were both rescue dogs and are the most awesome dogs ever!

I MUST try that whipped cream trick!!!! It was hilarious!!


i fell in love after the PE mile and after connecting running around the block- per my dads request- to decreased anxiety (i.e. the runners high!). lunch: apple, salad with salsa beans kale/spinach black olives shredded meat etc, and/or PB&J. yummy! dog with family back home-oscar 95lb lapdog (great dane,lab,boxer mix-boy was he fast as a puppy) and STIG my boyfriends dog- GSP white with liver spots, excellent distance runner if you can reign her in! good luck with the sugar thing- sometimes if i think of foods that cause inflammation I’m less inclined to eat/drink them but sometimes its just worth it to eat something yummy.


I definitely struggle with some race day anxiety. Having someone there with me to calm me down and help me figure things out usually helps though.

I love #8. Such a good message about good body image.


I’m still trying to LIKE running lol. I think once I get into the routine of running on a regular basis, I’ll start to like it and maybe eventually love it.

My dog Roco is 2! He is such a nut :-)


It took me years to really love running. Seriously. I loved races from the first step in my very first race (a 10k) but I dreaded training and couldn’t comprehend running just because it’s fun. But somewhere along the way during training for my first marathon that all changed. I don’t know whether it was the camaraderie of the Team In Training team that I was training with, the cause that meant so much to me, or the fact that running was suddenly not quite as hard but I started to really look forward to my run days. Somewhere along that journey I fell in love with running and I’ve been in love with it ever since.


I still do not love running, but I WANT to LOVE it


This post is great and inspiring, I love running


This post is great and inspiring, I love running in the morning it helps me stay active the whole day


This is great. I really have had to think a lot about when I first loved running, rather than it being a chore. As a college runner, running can feel like a job when you are running 80-100 mile weeks, but I have learned to turn it into a joy and use it as a time to reflect, to think, to be silent, to pray and the such. I love running now even though I have had teammates quit on me, bad races, workouts, injuries. Perspective changes everything. I realized I had to get to the core of it all, start running like I was a 5 year old on the playground again. Thats when running became fun, and I fell in love with it! -Matt Galvin

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