Getting my whole body fixed up, glute exercises and benefits of exercising in nature!

I have had my fair share of injuries over the years and I really don’t want any more of them… I want to get my body all fixed up, balanced and strong so that I can train for another marathon without any injuries.  I have also had a hard time finding a doctor/physical therapist/chiro that is able to diagnosis, treat and figure out what is causing different problems.  

My really good friend recommend Dr. Bennett to me and I am so happy that I went in to see him.  I started having my IT Band (I deal with IT problems off and on ever since I had Brooke) yelling at me the other day after a run on the treadmill and so I knew it was time to get everything figured out so I can really train the way that I want to train.  (My IT Band isn’t bad enough to stop running but I do want to get it taken care of once and for all).

We started off with a series of performance orthopedic exams, muscular strength testing and range of motion tests (for my entire body, not just legs) to find any dysfunction.  He was able to find the areas that need a lot of work… mainly my hips (never had hip problems until I was pregnant/delivered) and glutes.  He did some chiropractic care, adjusted me, did some work with reactivating muscles (painful but they felt a lot stronger afterwards) and spent a ton of time educating me on what was going on and causing different problems when I run—>  mainly weak glutes/hips.  

I tested my IT Band after I left his office and went out on a run and it felt awesome.  I am excited because they don’t just treat the problem but they figure out what causes the symptoms (injuries) and fix them—>  love that because once we fix whatever is causing different injuries that I have had over the years I will be all set to go and stop with the cycle of fixing the symptoms and not the cause only to get hurt again.  

Below he is testing my muscular strength (or the lack thereof) by pushing my leg down while I try to push it up.

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We talked a lot about how having babies is really hard on a woman’s body, how much it changes it (hello widening of hips, weakens the core) and how that can cause a whole bunch of problems with our running.  So we need to really put in the time and work to strengthen those areas! He was also the first doc that was able to diagnosis what my problem was leading up to my marathon (he found all of the scar tissue from my torn muscle that I had).  

SOOOO to get this body of mine ready to set some crazy pr’s, Dr. Bennett gave me some simple exercises (to go along with the treatment) to start off with to get my glutes strong.  Weak hips/glutes is a very common problem for women runners so we should all work on this together!  Each week I will be getting new exercises to do to get stronger and stronger and make the muscles that are supposed to do the work do the work so that I am not overcompensating in other areas and getting injured:)  I will share the exercises with you each week so that we can all get strong glutes together!

Starting off with 10 air squats and then standing side leg lifts (with 10 pulses up and down at the top) on each side and then repeat all of that 3 times.  I made a video but for some reason I couldn’t get it to upload on my blog so instead you get some lovely screen shots where I am making crazy faces. 

Screen Shot 2014 07 30 at 11 09 01 PMScreen Shot 2014 07 30 at 11 10 37 PM

I am excited to go in once a week for a while to get everything in tip top shape!  I will share the new exercises/tips/etc he gives me each week.    

UTAH PEOPLE—>  I highly recommend seeing Dr. Bennett (I have tried a bunch of docs/pts etc in the area and my experience with him has been the best).  He has offices in Pleasant Grove (he works in Utah County once a week to work with the BYU athletes), Salt Lake City and Kaysville.  His phone number is—>  801-513-1078   


The amazing Candice helped me to find the perfect mattress.  So far I have a couch, a mattress to sleep on and a tv… we are going to be just fine.  

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And Brooke found the bed that she wants.

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I could eat this dinner at least 3000 more times.  The feta that came out with the pita bread was out of this world.  And so was the fried chicken.  

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We spin together and eat together for her birthday.  I like it.  I stuck with my 21 days of no desserts/treats and they brought out berries for my dessert.  


Yep x 1,000,000:



Don’t forget to enter my NOW FOODS GIVEAWAY!!!


Last place you went out to dinner?

Have you dealt with a lot of injuries?  What do you think is the cause?

Ever been to a chiropractor?  What was your experience?

Anyone doing the 21 days without dessert/treats—>  HOW IS IT GOING FOR YOU!?!

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When I would get injured it was always a tendon issue, and a mix of not running in the right shoes and not recovering properly/running too many miles. They are always “overuse” injuries and I have two “hot spots” that tend to feel it the most – left posterior tibia and right hip. Shoes have helped big time! But overall the balance of rest/work needs to be in my favor, which is challenging as far as marathon training.

I actually have a post up today with tips on quitting sugar (which I did months ago and it seriously changed my life!)


So glad you figured out what’s going on with your hip! My glutes and hips are really weak, too, and I keep thinking I need to get back to doing some strengthening exercises, so I’m looking forward to your future strengthening posts. The same weakness gave me a pretty bad hip flexor injury back in 2012 and I had to DNF at the Chicago Marathon, which was a very sad day for me. Thanks for the reminder that I need to do some work to stay injury free! Have a great Thursday!


Thank you for sharing the exercises! I’ve luckily never been injured, but I know I have week hips that constantly require stretching and attention otherwise they tighten up like crazy after a run. Are the air squats mainly used as a way to stretch the hips?


I have had hip problems for a loOoOOOoong time. Physical therapy worked painful wonders for me, as well as strengthening exercises. Glad your appointment went well, and hope the exercises are helping!


I’ve been dealing with an injury for several months. Mine is not from running but from CrossFit. I am horrible at listening to my body which is probably why this injury happened ;( I learned my lesson and now I am taking care of my body/health first! I found a chiropractor that has worked wonders. I think this will be a chronic issue but now I know when I need to back off!


I was plagued by injuries for a few years, I would get injured and stop running for months at a time. Once I got back into running and started getting my speed and endurance back, I would get injured again. Ever since I had Annabelle, I have been basically injury free (knock on wood). I think pregnancy somehow helped my body run better?!?!

I started on Tuesday and I’m on day 3 of no treats! We can do this…and then we can share a ginormous brownie sundae (no nuts of course). :)


Have you tried Barre classes? I deal with weak hips as well and the only thing that got me back running was Barre3/Pure Barre classes. I highly recommend once a week plus doing a few of the exercises before bed.

So glad you found a doc to help you out! And I think Brooke NEEDS that castle bed!


I’m so glad you found a good doctor. I have been having hamstring problems ever since I gave birth. I coach youth golf and one of the other coaches is a chiropractor and he told me that I have weak glutes and that this is causing the pain in my hamstring (right in my thutt – where my thigh and butt meet). He gave me some glute exercises to do and they have helped but the pain returns if I forget to do the exercises. And pigeon pose has become my new best friend because it really stretches my hips and hamstring and feels amazing. He said if I only have time for one exercise, the most important is side leg lifts, so I try to at least do those. I will definitely be incorporating the ones you are doing too!

As for the sugar challenge – I was doing well until someone brought in Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I didn’t eat them the first day but when I went into the kitchen the second day to make my breakfast I was so hungry I couldn’t resist. Boo!


Last place I went to dinner was a seafood place in SF after the marathon. Had a yummy crab sandwich.

I haven’t had to deal with many injuries (knock on wood). I try to do strength training at least 3-5 times a week and I really do think that helps a lot.

I hope you can get your injuries figured out so the sub 3 marathon is not far away! I will do the glute exercises with you!!


that castle bed is the coolest thing ever. Brooke needs that.

I’ve had very few running injuries (knock on wood) but deal with fatigue a lot. I eat pretty well and stay hydrated, but after a while the miles build up and I have a few weeks of exhaustion.


Last price I went for dinner was a local sushi place (all you can eat! Yummy!)

I ruptured nerves in my feet a few months ago and had to take 5 weeks off. They never found out why but during treatment I went to the chiropractor. I didn’t love it but it wasn’t as bad or painful as I imagined it to be.

I agree that having a baby is tough on your body! I’m still working on my core :)

Have a great day! :)


I have dealt with an injury that delayed me doing my first marathon for a whole year. After going to a physical therapist and being fit with orthodics, I haven’t had problems since and have completed two marathons. I really hope you’re able to fix what’s going on, so you can have the run that you want. Injuries are so frustrating!!


So I broke my back once–I fell off a young horse. Ouch.
Along with that a few things came out of place.

I went to a chiropractor and it was AMAZING! I was feeling better in no time. I was always skeptical before–so it was cool seeing it work!


I went out to dinner last night after the Chicago Cubs game – I got a big ol’ kale salad because after seeing all of the junk in the stadium, I was craving something healthy :) Good luck with your new exercises! I’m sure you’ll be setting some new PR’s in no time!


I haven’t been out to dinner since our vacation! I’ve kept my promise to myself not to eat out. So last place was at the NBA Restaurant at Universal Studios City Walk.

Right now I am dealing with a bad knee. I missed the bottom step at our vacation house and fell on my knee. It’s been over two weeks now and I’m still having pain. Not sure what is going on with it.

I went a chiropractor after I was in a wreck a couple of years ago. (When I returned home from meeting you in Utah.) It was a great experience! I would totally go back.

I am doing the 21 days without dessert/treats! Except for day 2. I slipped, but other than that I’ve done great!


Last place we ate was Friendly’s last night. I cheated on my no sugar…. It was my son’s 6th Birthday so I had to! Back to no treats today!


I went to a BBQ restaurant the other day for dinner. Def my top 3 fav foods. Injuries….I am really good about cross training and credit that for a slim list of injuries. However, all of my injuries have been quad/hamstring related and I blame my huge chocolate lab for it. He kills me when I run him and has caused my major muscle injuries due to sharp turns/pulls. I don’t run him anymore.


I’ve been seeing a Chiro off and on for almost ten years. He’s really great, the entire practice is super friendly, and he helped me work through my own running injuries (I’m not a strong runner, and when I started, I was overdoing it). I now see him in lieu of a regular doctor, because if what he preaches is true, and keeping your spine adjusted will help keep you from getting sick, I should be good. My mom had gall bladder issues and her regular doctor wanted to take it out, but she got adjusted several times over the course of a month, and hasn’t had a flare up since.


I went out to froyo last night- does that count as dinner? (Obviously I am not doing 21 days without sweets. I just can’t handle it right now) If that doesn’t count, then I went to a pizza buffet on Tuesday. It was delicious and unhealthy.


I have been seeing a chiro and message therapist ever since I had my daughter. It is funny what children do to our body—but its totally worth it. I had alot of trouble with my my rip hip. I was discussing it with a fellow running friend and he suggested I switch running shoes ( left my pure cadiences and started running in saucony kinvara’s and always do exercises before or after I run to strength my hips. It has really helped! It has made me faster and stronger! Today is my day two without sugar so far so good…………….


I used to work for a chiropractor, and chiropractic really does work wonders for your body! It helps me just be more in tune with my overall body health!

The only injury I’ve really struggled with is shin splints, but usually if I pull back and treat them with ice and stretching they go away pretty quick, so I’m lucky!


I also struggle with weak hips and glutes! That’s awesome that you are getting things taken care of so you can be an even better and stronger runner!


Last place I went out to dinner was Perkins for a fun night with a load of friends. BUT tonight I am going to Buffalo Wild Wings with my man. Score.

I have dealt with bursitis. Sucks. On and off for about a year.

I will be starting to do more legs this week, also! I am on the same page 100%.
Prayers being sent!


Pregnancy and hip problems, oh my god yes! I hurt my hip running pretty soon after I started (I hadn’t even built up to three miles at that point, so you know I was weak!). The doctor told me my hips were very weak, likely as a result of pregnancy and a ridiculous amount of sitting (office job + long commute = too much tush time).

Good for you, you’ll be killing Boston in no time!


I’m going to the chiropractor for the first time tomorrow and am completely freaked out about it. I have been getting extreme tightness in my right upper hip/lower back area whenever we have a run/squat combo WOD at Crossfit. It goes away pretty quick once I sit down, but that is killing my times. I hope this can help me out some.


I’ve dealt with a lot of injuries on and off myself, but I’ve never found a PT/chiro that really helped. In high school and college, I basically just went to the trainers provided by the school because they were free and convenient. They didn’t make anything WORSE, but I never got any great solutions either. Is the doctor you’re going to now a chiro? Is that kind of the smart choice for runners?


Oh man, I’m right there beside you with this whole “my body is out of alignment” thing after having a baby. My daughter just turned 2, and being active just isn’t as easy anymore. My calves and quads are perpetually tight/sore, my shoulders are always in pain, and now I have major back pain and am seeing a chiropractor. I swear all the foam rolling and deep tissue massages in the world don’t help either. I’m 32, but I feel 65!


Thanks Janae! I need to do these exercises too so I will do them with you! I have a great new ortho doc who is young and treats the whole person, I love that! He found that my hip stress fracture in Feb was from low Vitamin D, so I am changing that, along with strenthening the glutes and hips. My PT said that injuries force us to learn from them, that they are a good thing, we learn how to get stronger than ever. Here’s to being stronger – and not forgetting to do our exercises!


You live in Utah? I want to visit that place someday–you guys have some of the best dancers in all of America(yup, that’s right, I watch SYTYCD).

Also, was it awkward asking to take a picture while doing physiotherapy with the doctor? I would be too shy to ask to do that!


I have weak hips and glutes too! It seems like no one talks about this even though so many women struggle with it! I can’t wait to follow along and do these exercises too!


I have to say, it wasn’t until I started lifting weights (light, not heavy) that I stopped having injuries. The last one I had was a year ago, and that was because I was running way too much and wasn’t being careful to make sure that I was using proper form. So always keep an eye on that :)


My dad and I spent the day together last weekend and went out to Pita Jungle. I could eat their Mediterranean Chicken Salad every day of my life!!

I’m rockin the no sugar/sweets if I do say so myself! Today is Day 4 and I’m feeling good!! I need to get more berries though today, I love that idea of having berries for dessert! Yum! And drinking a ridiculous amount of water each day has been a life saver and totally is helping with the sugar cravings!


Here are some fabulous hip stability exercises! I found them originally in Running Times a few years ago, and while I don’t do them nearly as often as I should (fail), they are some go-to hip exercises when I feel my knee tweaking.


Oh fun! I have not dealt with very many injuries (knock on wood)…but I know that I want to work on strengthening my hips/ and butt so I am SO excited that you are sharing what he tells you.
I have never been to a chiropractor….they kinda scare me. All that shifting and cracking and adjusting seems like it would be painful and I hate that once you go you usually have to keep going back….but my husband goes occasionally (he has a bad back).
Last place I ate out was Chick-fill-a :)


Luckily I’ve never had to deal with any injuries.. knock on wood! Love those exercises. Thanks for sharing!!


I really appreciate this post! 2 years ago I had some realllyyyyy serious IT-band issues (sounds similar to yours). It was so bad that I had to stop running for several months and go to physical therapy 2-3 times a week for 10 weeks!!! My physical therapist diagnosed me with the SAME problems that you have (though I have never gone through labor and delivery yet, I’m only 20 :). My physio said that I had weak glutes and almost 0 hip strength. Crazy!!! Now that I’m marathon training, I try very hard to keep those strengthening exercises and stretching routines a part of my schedule about 4-5 times a week if not more. GOOD LUCK and happy strengthening :)


Hm last place I went out to dinner was last night I guess (take out counts right?) it’s a local real Italian place, SO GOOD!

I used to get injured a lot when I started running. I had IT band issues in both knees at different times and then together at once, and that was not fun at all. IT band is just really tough because the best you can do is rest, but I still stretched, iced, massaged, rolled, and did basically everything I could to make it get better. It was about 6-8 months of pain, but it went away over a year ago and I haven’t had issues since (knock on wood)!


Funny enough – my problems were the same thing, hips and glutes! I went to a physio-therapist who is also a runner and specializes in gait analysis. It made total sense on what she told me. Basically my glutes/hip flexors are not doing much which is putting way too much on my calves which = shin splints. I also have a bunch of exercises to do every day and I’ve had to change my gait a bit/increase cadence. She taped my running and – it was crazy what my legs were doing to compensate for the weaker areas. I basically had perfect form at the top and strike, but after I struck my foot down it was awful. After making changes – I’ve noticed that my calves are no longer huge and aching after a run – yay!


The Chiro has changed my life and it helps that I work for one:-) The best job and my body feels amazing! I have never dealt with any injuries, thank God. I pray I never do, I am not sure I could take the pain of not running and working out!
We went to Chipotle last night! Seriously, I think I can eat the veggie bowl with brown rice every day!
Have a HAPPY Thursday! Thursday’s are my Friday’s so its great!!!!


Yes! The hip/glute strength (or lack thereof) is a super common problem. I went to 10 weeks of PT in 2012 for a hip flexor strain and did a lot of exercises. One that I did a lot was walking sideways with a band around my lower thighs – about 15 steps in each direction 2-4 times. Your outer glutes will be on fire.

I started taking barre classes at Pure Barre in December and my running has improved a good bit – especially in terms of zero hip flexor pain! I think Barre3 has online classes if there aren’t any barre studios near you.


Dag nabbit good stuff you whrreeisnapppps!


You’ve really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.


I went to a PT this spring after getting a really bad foot injury, and I was diagnosed with weak hips/glutes, too. I only got one set of exercises from my PT though (have since incorporated some more from youtube), so I’m excited to follow along with the different exercises that Dr. Bennett is going to give you! He sounds like an awesome doctor–I wish I lived nearby!


I had IT band issues and I realized it was because I was wearing old flip flops outside of running (pretty much all the time, all year round since Normal doesn’t get too too cold on the winter). I switched to regular sneakers and the IT band issues never came back!


I was only injured once earlier this year. I tore tendon in my heal. It’s been a huge wake up for me about the importance of stretching. I never had to stretch after working out and now if I do not, my legs scream at me for days.


I haven’t had a lot of injury problems, but I had one dragged out annoying one which ended up being exertional compartment syndrome. Surgery helped, thankfully, but I did some PT as well that focused on my hips and glutes. If you have an exercise band, you can put it around both legs and take 10-15 steps one direction, and then back the other way. I think it’s called a lateral band walk or sumo walk. It gets the hips and glutes burning!


A good doctor is gold. I’m thrilled for you! Keepin’ you strong.


I haven’t had any injuries lately, as I really try to practice good recovery and rest, but my last injury was after the Seattle Marathon when I was suffering a lot of knee pain and inflammation. I ended up doing PT for a couple months to get my knees, hamstrings, and glutes stronger. I’ve never been to a chiropractor, but it sounds like you have a great one.

Glad to see the furniture shopping is coming along well. It looks like you have the essentials. :)


Wow I jut realized I haven’t been out to eat for dinner since Sunday. I don’t even know who I am right now.

I have been pretty proactive during my injury and seeing as many people as possible. I wish I lived in Utah..1 so we could hang out and I could find someone awesome to figure out all my weird running imbalances LOL.


That’s a wehhltloug-t-out answer to a challenging question


We went to Main Street delicatessen last night. I had a grilled cheese and a chocolate chip cookie the size of my face. (Maybe I need the 21 days after this vacation?)
Never been injured but I always chalk it up to I don’t run fast enough.


He sounds like an awesome doctor! I agree, I’ve always had such an issue finding a good doctor that could actually help me!


He sounds like a great doctor. I went to PT for IT band issues last year and they prescribed an exercise routine which really helped. I have to be much better about doing it more frequently. I was frustrated at first, because the exercises made my hips tired when I ran, but after a couple of weeks, I felt MUCH stronger.
Happy Apartment Shopping!


I have had a ton of problems with injuries too and it all started to get the worst after I had my first baby. I do think it weakens the hips/glutes/core to have a baby, but I don’t think it means you’re destined to injury forever. I’ve had three now, and I’m stronger now than I was before I had any because I started lifting heavy kettlebells (hey-whatever you can find that you like that can strengthen that area!).

But for me, I found out after 7 years of injuries that my biggest problem was my form. Yep, I became one of those crazy people who runs in “barefoot shoes”. And that was after running completely barefoot for 4 months to get my form right. I started over from scratch and slowly built my mileage barefoot and after I felt confident I could keep my best running form even with a very thin shoe on, then I put on a Vivobarefoot shoe and I haven’t looked back. That was over three years ago and I’ve had no injuries since then. It took a long adjustment period of running a very small mileage and stopping if my feet got sore, but it paid off very well in the end. I’ve even had another baby since then and I returned to running very fast and never had any injury.


Yum all the food looks great! I haven’t been out to dinner in such a long time! My boyfriend and I have a date night planned for Friday though :). I haven’t had any serious injuries due to running, but it is always helpful to hear these tips so I can prevent them!


Definitely interested to follow the exercises your doc gives you! I’ve had problems with my IT band (both sides) and general hamstring and glute tightness recently. It got me down because I had to walk during a half marathon a month or so ago and I had to quit a fitness class recently as my glute suddenly burst into flames after doing a burpee, but have now been given a few exercises by a PT to really work those muscles so hope I’m going to see some improvements! If you could get the video working that would be so helpful!
P.S – love your blog, don’t tend to comment but have been following you for over a year now and always find it so helpful and positive :)


I love my Chiro too. He helped me so much. Weak hips and glutes . He said to do glute bridges and the Pilates leg series. It does help a ton, if you do it. My injury now-a torn calf muscle has led to foot pain. I’m going to a podiatrist, but I’m not sure he will really help me.

I think it all started with wrong shoes, but who knows. I am trying to be patient, but I miss running.


I remember about 6 weeks ago when I went to physical therapy for the initial evaluation and the therapist did that same sort of muscle strength testing. My left hip is SO much weaker than my right hip. And my tendonitis is on the left leg as well, basically all my pain and weakness and instability is on the left side. She feels pretty confident it’s from all the running I do on the street (basically in the gutter) as my left leg is always hitting the ground lower than my right due to the slope of the road for water run-off. I’m working on strengthening the hips with resistance bands and side stepping. CLAMSHELLS! They are a great way to engage the hips and glutes. My friend is currently seeing a sports chiro for her “sleeping glutes”. He said they aren’t firing and causing her issues with hip and sacroiliac and piriformis. So she’s been charged with “clenching” the butt cheeks during the day =)

I’ve been dealing with peroneal tendonitis since I crossed the finish line of the NJ marathon 3 months ago. I was supposed to do San Francisco full this past sunday but had to drop back to the half. I’m hoping to spend the month of august doing my strength work and super light cardio to really give the ankle/foot/leg time to heal 100%.

Looking forward to your share of strength exercises.


I’m so glad you found a doctor who took the time to figure out the cause of your problems. I’ve broken my pelvis twice while running and so far my physical therapists and doctors can’t figure out why or fix the pain since. I wish Chicago was closer to Utah so I could visit your doc. I think it would almost be worth the trip out there (and for Cafe Rio of course!).


I just had to reply to your comment – I just got diagnosed with my 2nd pelvic stress fracture in two years, and there is no real underlying reason that has been figured out. It’s maddening. I hope you get some answers and are running pain free soon!


That’s insane! I felt like the only weird one. You should have your estrogen levels checked, mine were low and could have contributed. I hope you have some pain free running soon as well!


This was so interesting to read. I NEVER had IT band issues until I had my daughter. I’m definitely interested in all of the exercises you will be doing to get stronger. I’m due with my second baby in 6 weeks, and the only thing that has bothered me throughout the pregnancy is IT band soreness and gluteal weakness. It’s crazy what pregnancy and childbirth do to your body!


I usually get injured every two years, but so far (knock on wood) things have been alright! It usually has to do with my super flat feet that throw everything else out of wack. As long as I stretch properly and cross train (i.e. don’t run every day) I’m usually alright.

I will be starting the no sugar thing soon…I just need to eat all of the junk food in my house first…hehe.


Have any suggestions for a blister? I got a really bad one on my little toe while hiking in Spain the first of July and it has not gone away. I have not had blisters before. I took a couple of weeks off however I have a half the first weekend of September so I can’t not run. It has started to fill with fluid again.
I see my chiro once a week. I think it is one of the best things I do for myself.


The last place I went to eat was The Quarry in Vernal. You should totally try it out if you are here :) Sadly running outside lately hasn’t been my fave.I want to run on the treadmill instead (I know I’m crazy!) I think it is because I get out of the house later than planned and get sooo hot! I have a half marathon at the end of September so I guess I better get motivated ha! Also I have definitely noticed how I seem to have like zero abdominal strength since having my baby girl 6 months ago. I am working on it, but wow do I notice a difference from before I had her!


I’m so glad you were able to find a great doctor that was able to help you figure out what was going on and give you a plan for going forward! He sounds awesome. I was having some hip pain during my half marathon training (I had never had hip problems until after childbirth as well), so I did a crap ton of research to figure out WHY it was suddenly bugging me. The biggest thing I came to was weak glutes and hips, as well as a weak core. So, both of those things became my focus for awhile. Now I feel like I’m pretty well rounded with BodyPump. We do a lot of squats and lunges, which are great for the glutes. I should probably add in more core work though – one of my least favorite muscle groups to work! ;)


Ahh that food looks so yummy!!! The last place I went out to dinner was at Artisan’s in Southport with my mom, and it was AMAZING. They have the yummiest whole grain bread with unsalted butter (sprinkled with sea salt ;) and this amazing “superfood” salad with almonds, quinoa, kale, blueberries, chicken, and a bunch of other yummy foods!

I’m currently recovering from my runner’s knee injury :( pool running has been helping!! And the elliptical! Those exercises look like they’d be perfect for me though! Apparently I need to work my booty and hips more haha!


I had the same issues after my first birth. IT band and hip pain. My chiro gave me some exercises to strengthen my hips. I am not good at doing them, so I am looking forward to learning more from your blog.


I go to a chiro every other week and it started to IT band issues. I was told the same thing about my glutes not firing and one thing I do before every run and workout is roll on a lacrosse ball on my butt and it fires the muscles to start working. it has made a huge difference.


This is awesome! I teach a core class that strengthens the entire core (abs, obliques, glutes, hip stabilizers, upper back & lower back), and I’ve noticed a huge difference in my overall strength. CXWORX is the name–come try my class any time, it’s awesome!

During grad school and through my experience teaching fitness, I’ve learned again & again that almost any time we have an (stress) injury in the lower body, it is often caused by a weakness or misalignment from up above. And a lot of us suffer from poor posture (weak abs, weak lower back) and that can affect our running and other ways we move during exercise or physical activity.

Way to put your body in the best place possible for more PRs! I’m excited to watch you excel!! xo


Where did you go for dinner?! That looks delish!!

The last place I went out to dinner was a place in San Clemente while I was on vacation-Beach Cafe? Or something like that. Tonight though I’m going out for Chinese food at Asian Star. SO SO excited!!! They have the most delicious Chinese food!! Eeeeek!


Last place I went out to dinner was a pizza place, Base Camp, in Tahoe and it was relish.
My chiropractor is a life saver. I went to him after I was in an accident at 16 and haven’t stopped. I had crazy sciatica pain when I was pregnant and would literally fall to my knees and nothing else worked besides an adjustment.
I totally blew the no sweets yesterday. 8 Oreo cookies later. Thankfully today is a new day!


I went out to eat this past Saturday night and it was delicious. My favorite part was the bread they brought out in the beginning. I haven’t had any injuries but I know I need to do more strength training. My hips and core are still so week after having my son a year and a half ago. I’ll definitely be using these workouts and tips you share!! I’ve never been to a chiropractor but had a friend who is a chiropractor adjust my neck while we were out last weekend. It felt SOO good.


Im not doing the 21 days but I am on a Whole30 right now! I would loveeeee some chocolate right about now (day 18!)


Your doctor sounds AMAZING! I went to a PT for the first time ever last month for my posterior tibial tendonitis, and while it was nice to have someone besides myself look at it, I was REALLY frustrated by how “cookie-cutter” her whole process seemed. She was not very attentive to my questions, and when I expressed that I was concerned about misalignment in my hips back being the root cause of knee/ankle issues, and this mysterious crazy-tightness that comes up in my right hip after every leg workout…nothing. She just said, “yeah, your hips are probably weak, and you’re core is really weak, so you just need to strengthen those.” Didn’t even examine my hips/back/knees. So you are SO lucky to have found a wonderful doc like Dr. Bennett.

Good luck with your rehab and please keep us posted on how it goes!! :)


My body injuries are due to my poor posture. I’ve gone to physical therapy but it didn’t help much. However, hot yoga has been so helpful in easing my aches and pain.

The last time I went out to eat was when I had pho for dinner last week!


I LOVE the chiropractor! I haven’t been in years, but those adjustments make everything better- i swear i breathe better, walk taller- its amazing.


I have not been to a chiropractor before, but my boyfriend swears by his and everyone I know who has gone to one loves it. I think I need to make an appointment with someone…haha.


That is terrific that you were able to stay sugar free while eating out. I am still dessert/snack free too. This is the longest I have gone and I am giving you all of the credit for making it feel like team work. Please keep up the posts of what you are eating and how you are managing. I look forward to reading them every day. Thank you also for sharing the exercises you are learning. I love how you try to help everyone with your experiences.


Between the biomechanical makeup of women’s bodies and child birth…it is very true…WOMEN ROCK because of what we put our bodies through!!! : ) So happy for you that you have found a doc will help you find the answers and FIX the problem instead of masking it with “take this drug”. Chiropractic care is amazing!

I have been fortunate through my running to not have suffered from any major injury. I am currently dealing with my shin screaming at me some when I run, though…not happy about that…but I am very stubborn and am not allowing myself to take too much time off. : /

I look forward to seeing some of the exercises you are given to help strengthen. It is amazing how sometimes the simplest exercises are what we need the most to target those deep muscles that often are ignored. Best of luck to you!!!

RUN HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you have a Pure Barre near you, I feel like maybe you would like it, especially for the core work, stretching and strengthening of all of the muscles. I am not dealing with an injury but I am convinced that adding Pure Barre into my routine is helping me balance everything out and strengthen all of the muscles to help me run better and feel good.


I had a running analysis done while training for my 2nd marathon in May because I was having a bunch of new pains. I also have weak glutes/hips. So I can’t wait to copy all your new exercises!


I’ve pulled the groin muscle in my right leg 3 times in the last 4 years. Last one was 2 weeks ago. SOOOO painful. BEYOND painful. I went to the hospital from the physio because they said it might be torn when they saw how much pain I was in. Vomiting from pain, unable to use my right leg at all. Spent 3 days in the hospital on pain killers and had to wait for it to heal just to walk again. NOT fun. Please avoid hurting this muscle, everyone!


Hi Janae, I think it is great that you found someone to help you through your injuries. I know my knee problems from running have stemmed from week hips / glutes. I just thought I’d suggest that maybe you should make it clear that Dr. Bennett is a chiropractic physician and not a regular physician in case people don’t realize that when booking an appointment.


I worked at a running store for awhile ( and still do from time to time- and love it!) and the #1 issue I see, other than plantars, is weak hips and glutes. I suffer with this. Regular strength training, walking lunges, and prepping my glutes pre-run helps. It’s a literal pain in the rear!


When I had hip injuries a couple of years ago (besides having to get a cortisone shot) the doctor said its due to weak glutes/hips and abs. I find the old fashion doggy hydrant position and raising the leg works them well too….and I have been biking more and its feeling great!


Wow it’s so true that weak glutes and hips are a huge problem for female runners because that’s exactly what my doctors and physical therapists have told me, too. I’m going to be right there with ya doing those exercises! Let’s get injury free!!

Last place I went out to dinner was an awesome waterfront restaurant in Caps Cod. I had a salad with all sorts of fruit and grilled shrimp that was the size of my head.

I have dealt with a ton of injuries in my 7 years of running. I’ve had a stress reaction (step before a stress fracture) in my hip, IT band problems, and knee problems. The cause was a combo of weak hips/glutes, lack of rest/breaks between sports seasons, and overall just being young and fragile!

I’ve never been to a chiropractor but my mom goes to one every month (she has fibromyalgia) and she swears by it.

I hope your 21 days without dessert/treats is going well- it sounds like it is!! Keep pushin girl :)


Oops I meant *Cape Cod (Massachusetts)


My IT band has been acting up too, so I’m excited about following your exercises! I used to go to a chiropractor regularly, and loved it! I even went when I was pregnant, and it really helped with all of those pesky pregnancy things that happen to your body. Unfortunately, I find I don’t have the time to make it out to the chiropractor like I want to…maybe I should go back to help with all the new pains I’m feeling now that I have taken up running.

And I’m with Brooke on that bed she chose…that thing is awesome!!


I never had any injuries until after having kids…same fun reasons! I’ll have to look up dr Bennett though if he comes out to kaysville!


Also dealing with hip (and groin) injuries. So bad that I was out of commission for over 2 years! This time around I’ve included much more core/glute/hip exercises to my training. Good luck with the new doc… I gotta find me one of these Dr. geniuses in Las Vegas…


ch_height=250;. Some girls say when he walks like John Wayne in a Western movie or has an ex-girlfriend
that walks like John Wayne in a Western movie then most
probably he is well-endowed. If you have low testosterone levels, talk to your doctor about testosterone supplements
for men.




I found out I have weak glutes, too. I just read this book that you might really like called The Anatomy of a Runner. The beginning is kind of dry, but it explains the root cause of different injuries. There are exercises and little tests to see where your weaknesses are. I really liked it!


It really is awesome to find a doctor who can truly help…so glad you now have this! I haven’t dealt with a lot of injuries just a big one that went undiagnosed for years and a few overuse ones that used to crop up when I increased too fast. I’ve been fortunate to have worked with a few great chiropractors. And the no sugar thing is going alright. But I won’t be doing it when I go camping in mid August because toasted marshmallows will be happening.


Speaking of injuries, have you ever dealt with a sprained ankle? On Tuesday I was doing speed intervals stepped wrong in a small pothole, and was down for the count. My ankle is swollen and bruised and it’s killing me not to run! Any advice? :) PS Brooke is looking adorable as always of course!


Again, this post so pertinent to what I’m experiencing now. I am currently struggling with a sore peronial tendon that always flares up. I wish I had someone just like Dr. Bennett to see, though I think it probably is also stemming from weak hips/glutes and am excited to do the same exercises along with you.

The 21 days (day 18) of no sugar is going so well. It’s huge to have something to be accountable to.


I’m assuming that bed is a Maxtrix for Brooke. Be warned – it took us over 8 weeks to get ours. It is great though. We didn’t get the loft yet but my son likes his big boy bed.


I can’t remember the last place I went out to dinner! I think that means it’s time I go!

I’ve had an issue with my knee for a couple years now that seems to get worse with higher mileage. It’s been diagnosed as both ITBS and runner’s knee. I’m training for my first marathon and so far it’s been holding up, but I will definitely be doing these exercises with you to ensure I stay healthy and strong!

I’m starting no dessert/treats August 1st! Thanks for the inspiration!


Your recap of going to the chiropractor was exactly like mine one year ago. The strength test (for weak glutes) and the first exercises are exactly what I was prescribed. After 4 months over regular visits, I have learned what exercises to do to keep the pesky IT band quiet. I ramp up the exercises when I need it and I don’t run 6 days a week anymore. I typically run the FIRST training program. So far it works for me and I’m a ‘happy runner girl’.


I’m so glad you found a doctor that works for you!!


I’ve had multiple injuries over the years and almost every single one stemmed from weak glutes. The exercise that my PT recommended that I think helped the most was single leg dead lifts. Good luck!


Mattress shopping can be the hardest (and most awkward) things ever! So exciting that you and Brooky are moving into your new place so soon! It will be so fun to decorate and make it your own place!

I can’t wait until my hubby and I get to move out of my parents’ basement. It’s been great being so close to my family and getting to spend time together but I think we’re ready for our own space! haha, just a few more months until we will have saved enough to move out! YAY!


The last place I went out to eat was the Olive Garden! I had a giant salad and a little dish of pasta and it was perfect. I don’t eat there often so I loved it.
I wouldn’t say I’ve been completely injured lately, but I do feel random aches and twinges of pain and make sure to take time off before they get worse. I think it’s important to prevent injuries before you are laid up for a while! I love your idea of sharing your exercises with us. I’m so bad at strength training, so I am definitely going to try them each week :)


Two things: 1) Love the shorts! I have the same pair. Aren’t they comfortable?? : ) 2) I have weak hips and glutes too; especially my left side. Working on strengthening them.


My uncle is a chiropractor so I grew up with one. They are AMAZING.


I LOVE my chiropractor! Well, love what a great job he does fixing my running injuries!


Such an awesome post! Thank you for sharing your exercises and info from the good doc. Planning to follow the plan along with you!


I swear by my chiropractor for my knee/feet issues – I think all of my pain and injuries are because of my flat feet, but he always fixes me up!


I should totally write more about this, because after having my son (15 months) I had such a weak core and so many problems that I spent a good five months just walking and doing core and hip exercises just to get back in shape. (TL;DR: everything is about hips.) Walking lunges work really well for me for basic maintenance. Pilates, Pilates, Pilates!

Glad you’re getting some good treatment! Dr. Scharman in Ogden is also excellent (and he’s a runner, too!)


Those exercises you’re showing in the pictures- LOVE them! I do those a lot and they work wonders! Sounds like you found yourself an awesome doc!! :)



Glad you found the right person to figure out your injury! The only thing worse than being injured is being injured and not knowing why.

I am just back running from a 7-week IT band injury. I’ve seen chiropractors and PTs and have realized that the title doesn’t matter as long as you found a good one. My IT band issue was “miraculously healed” in one appointment because my sacrum was out of alignment, making one leg functionally longer than the other. He pushed on my butt, and now I can run!


Great recovery plan! I think that runners tend to ignore strengthening the “non-running” muscles because we are so focused on mileage and workouts. In reality, though, almost every muscle in the body is a “running muscle” because they all have to work together or injuries result! It took me a while to correct a lot of my weaknesses, and I still struggle with some today, but doing strengthening exercises and yoga has helped tremendously by pointing out what needs work and targeting the weak muscles.

I probably need to find Atlanta’s version of Dr. Bennett here, because I still struggle with a lot of recurring tightnesses and weaknesses. That knowledge is so valuable to a runner!


I’m so excited to try all of your hip/glute exercises! I’ve been wondering how to be strong enough to run after this third baby. You must have read my mind.


I’ve been getting a lot of shin and ankle injuries lately also. I think perhaps it is my form. I don’t know really but it’s super frustrating. I’m also working on some new glute exercises.


Yay! Glad you’re getting all fixed up now so you can go to the Olympics! :) Where is that bed from? We’re looking at bed and my boys would FREAK over that one.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one with hip problems and weak glutes. Regular Chiro adjustments for my hips and pigeon pose after runs seem to help me. I’m also thinking about cycling a little more and glute exercises to help with my problems. So glad you figured out what’s going on. I’m trying to listen to my body more. When I’m running well I just keep on piling more on and then…well, you know what happens. Some of us are just more prone to injuries.


I have been dealing with hip/quad pain for over a year! I finally had arthroscopic hip surgery three weeks ago. The recovery has been hard! I went from working out every day to only being able to ride the stationary bike. But after recovery, I’ll be good as new!!


Go girl! I also am at home recovering from a hip scope. So much harder than we imagined right?! (I thought it was going to be a piece of cake! haha). I’m 4 weeks in, and excited/dreading the first time back at running. Miss it terribly, but hard to start at the bottom from being so active previously! Good luck in your recovery! :)


It’s a lot harder than I thought! When do you think you’ll be running again? I’m hoping sooner than later but they won’t give me any kind of timeline!


My PT guy said could be a year. He said regular biking (not spinning) would probably be the first thing I could do. My surgeon didn’t want to give a timeline either! It’s such a new surgery so I can’t really find that much online about people getting back to their previous activity levels. I’m hoping it’s A LOT sooner than that! I guess right now we have to focus on getting up and down stairs, which is so weird. haha.


Oh, meant to say he was guessing running in a year or so..


I went out to an Italian restaurant with my boyfriend’s parents a few weeks ago.

I have been really lucky and haven’t had to deal with too many injuries. I have no explanation other than dumb luck as I haven’t always been the smartest about my training.


Last place I went out to dinner was an English style “pub” in my hometown. It’s really fun and has really good beer. It’s funny because I was just in England!

I have dealt with a lot of overuse injuries, I am learning that my body needs a lot of cross training!

Never been to a chiropractor. I got a new mattress in October and that helped my back problems a lot :)


I loved my chiropractor before I changed jobs and no longer can afford to go


Glad you found a doctor who is helping you meet your goals! You go girl.


I have battled IT band issues for 2 yrs not fun:( I have a crazy suggestion for you to try!!!! I got a small kitchen plunger & stick it to my leg all along the IT band, then gently pull out & massage under the tight band …….I no I sound crazy but it is the only thing that has worked for me:) you can get a YouTube video of it also just google IT band plunger
Good luck


My prescription against injury has also been a lot of strength training! Let’s do it!


So far so good on the 21 days without sugar but I haven’t made it through the weekend yet! :)


I used to be injured (in the hip actually) but then I discovered the blog Strength Running and it saved my running! He has an ITB rehab routine that I do twice a week and it really helps.


Hi Janae,

I read your blog a lot and don’t ever really comment but I felt compelled today since you posted about your doc visit. He is a chiropractor right? (LOOOOOOOOOOVE them!!!) I was completely off running for several months last year with hip pain that was so intense I could hardly walk. I tried lots of things and ended up going to a chiro in Atlanta (where I was living at the time) and he did ART (active release technique) on me and normal adjustments. The first treatments were incredibly painful but I felt euphoric afterwards!! And almost a year later I am running more than ever and feeling great!! Things I do now to keep myself strong and injury free: yoga once a week and strength training!!! (SO true that pretty much all women have weak glutes/hips) Good for you for taking care of yourself!! :)


I’m glad you were able to get more information about your injury, and more importantly how to get it back into good shape!


Oh, we’re twinsies!!! I’m currently rehabbing my angry IT band caused by weak hips and glutes!!!


I also had no idea how important strong hips are! Up until late last year, I was an avid runner/yogi/spinner. In January I was diagnosed with labral tears and impingement in my left hip. PT for 6 months and then ended up in surgery 4 weeks ago… am still stuck at home recovering. Your blog helps me remember what running is like, since I know it will be hard for me to get back at it when my body is ready. You are an inspiration! :)

And also, ladies, strengthen those glutes!!


On day 3 of Whole30! Yikes! Haha it’s good though. I had problems with my hips too, and it caused Achilles tendonitis O_O thankfully, both have since healed, but i’m better about stretching my calves and hips now! :)


I just “liked” the Sunglass Shop page!


The Crankshaft is nice but the Holbrook looks pretty cool too!


So glad you were able to discover your weak areas to stop the injuries!! I started this week with leg and core strengthening as well. I know I need to build strength in these areas, have known for a while. I just couldn’t figure out how to fit them in with as much running as I was doing. So in the process of training for a marathon (not till next spring) I plan on focusing on strength training those problem/weak areas!! Good luck! I look forward to seeing what you are doing as well!!


Where oh where can I can that white top you’re wearing in the picture with your 2 friends? It’s super cute! Like everyone else, I am so happy you have a solution to your problem areas, I’m a little late to the bandwagon but happy for you!!

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