We are just going to go ahead and organize this post into four sets of four.  

Starting with 4 food highlights from yesterday:

1.  Me and my main squeeze just livin’ it up on the curb with our smoothies (we get the ones that are made with fruit only… no sherbet/juice etc).  


2.  Egg scramble with zucchini sautéed in coconut oil, tomatoes, avocado and corn and chile salsa.

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3.  Healthy banana nut muffins that Megan brought for us to eat while sitting in 900 degree weather at the splash pad.  

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3.  MY turkey salad a la Kneaders.  

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4 activities from yesterday:

1.  Using the excuse of going to the splash pad all afternoon to avoid showering for the day until way too late.

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2.  Finally seeing Paige after her trip to Hawaii and taking a drive around town to catch up on life.  

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3.  A late night yoga class that reminded me once again how I feel so much better mentally and physically after a yoga class.

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4.  Discussing with my brother my upcoming trip to visit them in Kentucky.  He is the one that came up with the s’mores bar recipe and he is such a good cook… my stomach is already stoked for the things he will be making.  

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4 things I saw and loved:

1.  It really doesn’t get any cuter:

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2.  Yep. 

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3.  Brooke saying Santa.  The Santa pajamas are still the most worn item that Brooke owns.  

4.  I really think that Brooke needs this shirt because she rocks the top knot 5 out of 7 days a week.

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Four running related articles that I read yesterday and you may want to read too:

1.  Mind control:  teaching your brain to trust your training.

2.  How to know when you’re overtraining.

3.  Train slower, run faster.

4.  Cure for Anything.

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Your turn to add to the sets:

A food highlight from your day?

An activity highlight from today or yesterday?

Something you saw and loved?

A running related article/quote that you saw recently?

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Activity highlight from yesterday was a super early run on a really pretty river my last day of vacation :)

Food highlight was having my favorite pizza when I got home! Long flights are ugh a killer for me, I was SO hungry. Something I loved: my MIL sent a photo of my dog making best friends with a handicapped man who said my boy made his day :)


I’m pretty sore from a tough Group Power class yesterday. I’m gearing up for a 10k on Saturday, so the next couple days will be easy runs and yoga. I also love yoga at night. It’s such a great way to relax and stretch out before going to sleep.


Thanks for sharing those articles…they all look like topics that occupy more than a little space in my life.

Food highlight is that I finally tried sardines and wish I had way sooner. Makes it easy to throw a quick lunch together. Never thought I’d say food highlight and sardines in the same sentence!

Activity highlight was my daughter’s preschool graduation. Now I’ll have 2 kids in elementary school which does not seem possible. It’s incredible how time passes when you think you’re paying attention!


Food highlight is Mint Slices – amazing chocolate biscuits from Australia! You can’t get them here so we ration them out….

Activity highlight is being able to run by the river in the heat. I can’t believe the weather England is having now. You wouldn’t even think it’s hot… but it is HOT for here!!

Thanks for posting those awesome articles :)


I loved the recent RW article about the 5k that you posted, that cracked me up!

My food highlight of the WEEK is probably the fact that I got to enjoy a free nothing bundt cake bundlet the other day. Those are the BEST.


Food highlight from yesterday was a yummy pizza I made for dinner and then an oreo milkshake for dessert :)


Enjoy your visit to Kentucky! (I live in Louisville.) It’s a very pretty time of year here and I’m sure you will find lots to do! Not knowing where your brother lives, if you are near Louisville or Lexington, try out some horse related activities – Kentucky Horse Park is in/near Lexington. Brooke might enjoy seeing the horses!


Hi! I’m in Louisville too! If you have time and are craving FroYo, we have that here :)
If you are going to be in the Louisville area and would like to meet some of your blog followers, I’d love to help arrange.


Co-sign on the helping with a meet up!


Girls! I would absolutely love that!!!! Please! I will be in Louisville !!!!!


Okay, should we get an email chain going with dates? I will beo ut of town 6/18-6/28 so I’m hoping I don’t miss it :(


Ahhhhhh yes!!! I am there from 6/25-6/30!!!!


Oh yay!!! If it works for everyone else, 6/29 would be great!


Works for me!


Bummer I teach at my church Sunday afternoons :(

Marley what about later in the day?

Sundays just do not work for me due to church commitments…sorry. I have early church then teach an afternoon class and don’t get finished until late in the evening :( you girls have fun!

Could Saturday night work for everyone?



Tara, do you want to send me an email and we can make some plans? [email protected]


I want in on this, I’m good with 6/29.


Highlight from yesterday was seeing The Fault in our Stars. AWESOME movie… you’ve got to see it! My daughter also needs the top knot tee!


A highlight from this whole week has just been lots of awesome runs. It’s been a while now since I’ve had a bad one, and I’m riding the high!

Brooke is all ready for Christmas in July :) Is that even a real thing? I just remember people talking about it when I was a kid and it got me all excited, haha.


What a great post!!

Food highlight – going to make cookies, but didn’t have enough butter so I found a recipe for brownies and made those instead….DELICIOUS!
Activity highlight – started my fall Chicago Marathon training plan and taught a BodyPump class after a great little 3 mile run. I’m looking forward to training for another marathon…its been a while and my last one was Big Sur in 2012
Something I saw and loved – there’s a little boy who rides a tandem bike to school with his dad every morning…its adorable :)
Article – I read the same one about “train slower, run faster”. I’ve been really doing research on training plans recently and really can’t decide what approach to take

Hope you’re having a great day today and enjoying your taper!!!


Yesterday I ate like 7 cookies… never fear, they are healthy cookies! They only had 3 ingredients: bananas, oats, and craisins. Make sure the bananas are ripe and stir them up with the oats. I used probably about 2 cups of oats. I added crasisins but you could use anything- coconut, chocolate morsels, nuts, etc. Plop them on a pan and cook at 350 for about 15 minutes. They taste like banana bread, they are very, very sweet from the bananas.


Brooke is so adorable!


Yesterday I ate hot dogs and sweet potato fries…. SO GOOD. tastes like summer.

I always tell my lady runner friends that if you haven’t read Mile Markers yet, you absolutely need it. That book speaks to me on so many levels.


That yoga mat is so cute!!


I saw Maleficent this weekend and enjoyed it. I refuse to see the fault in our stars until I read the book.


I ate a delicious salad yesterday from Chili’s! It was a normal salad, but with quesadillas in it. Such a well-balanced meal ;)


Blueberries. The highlight right now in my house is blueberries. Can’t get enough!


late night yoga sounds amazing! I need to stretch more.


Like Susie, I live in Louisville, KY too. If you are coming here, there are some AMAZING places to run!


We should do a meet-up! That is where I am coming!


That’s so exciting! I would love to! Is Brooke coming? What are the dates? I am maybe too slow for a group run but I have tons of places to recommend (as I am sure everyone else does). There are also many excellent places for icecream and dessert here. And donuts. And tacos. Basically, Louisville really knows how to eat. Maybe a meet up somewhere yummy and kid friendly?


Where will you be visiting in Ky???


Louisville! You close?


Pretty close! Louisville is awesome…if you plan a meet up, I am driving there for sure!


Okay I totally will then!!! Get excited!


I saw two cockatiel’s in someones yard while I was running this morning. I stopped and walked toward them to take a picture and just as I thought they were going to fly away, one of them landed at my foot and the other landed on my arm! It was the most amazing this EVER! They were so sweet.


My best friend is an gym instructor and she just started teaching yoga. It was intense but at the same time last five minutes of mediation were awesome. I cant fine that type of calm in my own place.


I saw this quote somewhere yesterday and really liked it:

“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal.”
-Paulo Coelho


I love that quote Cassy! It’s stellar!


I make a greek salad last night that was a huge hit! I believe the same cure is true for me as well :) P.s. more brooke videos!!!


Oh wow, she looks and sounds like my little one (she’s 18 months)….except she has curly hair. Brooke is such a sweetie. You NEED to get that shirt for Brooke! Love it:)


My food highlight was last night’s lasagna.

You can’t go wrong with yoga. I don’t know what it is about it, but I always feel amazing afterwards.


One of my former students posted this picture on her fb page this morning. It’s fitting since she just lost 120 pounds! I’m so proud of her. “Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dream or wake up and chase them”.


Loved yesterday, usual. Definitely my highlighy.

Getting my workout on right now as we speak…errr type. My highlight will be taking my kids to the movie today and hosting book club tonight. I am making fruit salsa, having a veggie tray with homemade hummus and lemon sugar cookie bars to eat. I kinda like food.

Speaking of, after you visit your brother, it will be a requirement that you share that soup recipe. That sounds delicous.

And since you love dogs. You need to follow ‘mammasgonecity’ IG account. She got a dog when her baby boy was little and they take naps together every day and she takes a pic and posts it. It’s adorable.


I’m reading The Fault In Our Stars Now!
Food highlight will be today’s sushi lunch. That’s my most favorite thing to eat – ever!
I always liked this one:
“The Grass is Greener Where You Water It.”


What a GREAT quote! Isn’t that the truth?!


Salt water is the cure for everything!!!

I’m not sure it counts as an activity, but hanging out with my sister on her deck. I did move a few times to get some birthday cake oreos, so that counts as low-impact exercise, right? :-)

Brooke’s voice is so cute! It’s too hot for Evan to wear his footie pj’s anymore so he doesn’t have the Santa option. He’s not really particular about what clothes he wants to wear though.


Yes, get Brooke that shirt! Her little top knot is her signature do’ and it’s darling!!


I live in KY!! You should plan a get together for your KY friends! Food highlight = trader joes sweet potato fries for dinner tonight!!


Are you close to Louisville?


I’m in Lexington so just about an hour away!


Brooke definitely needs that shirt. Her little bun is too cute! She looks like a wise lady with it. I wonder if she will keep it as she grows up? I read a great article yesterday on running over at The Cookie ChRUNicles.


That Isak Denison quote is my all time favorite quote! My food highlight from yesterday were the stuffed bell peppers I made for dinner. My favorite activity just might be the nap I’m going to take today. :)


The food highlight from my day is always coffee. Unless there’s pie. Pie trumps everything.


ooooh I always see that corn salsa at TJs but haven’t tried it yet- now I want to get it and add to eggs. YUM. My food highlight yesterday was making choco chip cookies. It’s been way too long since I made them…


Let me know if you do a meetup in KY!!!


A food highlight? I just made cinnamon rolls from scratch for the first time ever this morning. So so so yummy! I didn’t run yesterday but my new Brooks came in! I’m a new convert so I’m super excited to try them today!!


My run today will be a highlight!! Hoping for 4 miles today! And the smoothie I’m going to make will be the highlight of my summer. I’m super stoked for it, and have been thinking about it since yesterday.


A food highlight for me was eating at Panera yesterday with one of my coworkers after picking up our race packets for the 10 miler we’re running this weekend! I’m so excited that their Strawberry Poppyseed and Chicken salad is back!!


i had my first girls’ book club last night at a lil wine bar — so much fun! we’re reading Wild next and i already can’t put it down.


I love the quote about saltwater. I also felt like a hot yoga class took all the stress right out of me and just left me peaceful


She said 1 instead of 2! Hooray! :) Little cutie
I love that’s quote because I definitely utilize sweat and tears for therapy. But not the sea. I’m not a big water person. I’m a mountain girl


Brooke! She is to die for! Isn’t this age the best?!

Highlight from yesterday and today – I totally found theeee most bomb youtube channel that I am already addicted to! She does Dance Fitness and it is actually good dancing! (I didn’t want Jazzercise stuff, and this one is sooooo fun!)Search Dance Fitness and her name is Sid Vicious (don’t search Sid Vicious because a lot of weird stuff shows up, idk). I seriously rocked out for 30 minutes straight yesterday to her videos and an hour this morning! Who says you can’t be 31 and still hip hop like a boss?? hahaha!

Another highlight – my five year old gets her cast off tomorrow! Finally we can swim again!!

I love that quote! A good sweat helps my mood in a ridiculous way! Have an awesome day!!!!


I’m incredibly late and you have so much in this post but I wanted to say yes to the t shirt…obviously. And oh man the egg scramble. I could die it looks so good.


Your kiddo is so stinkin’ cute – I love how she rocks that top knot! I haven’t had any food yet today besides a smoothie so no highlight! Definitely looking forward to taking my in-laws to fun, delicious restaurants when they come to visit this weekend!


Highlight of my day: my sons kinder graduation sweetest thing seeing him on the mic day he wants to be a teacher and what he learned in kinder.
Highlight food: chocolate fudge sundae oh yeah. Rewarded boys with ice cream for both getting academic achievements. Totally ok with rewarding them with sweets. My parents did and I’ve never had a food or weight issue.
Saw my kids hug each other. Yay for snuggling this summer!


My food highlight yesterday was a mini snickers blizzard from Dairy Queen. It was a perfect little treat!

Activity highlight-winning our volleyball games last night.

I saw the cutest puppy playing with 2 bigger dogs at the park yesterday. It was adorable!


Those banana nut muffins looks so cute! I also love going to yoga class because it is so calming and relaxing. The highlight of my week is the warm weather we’ve been having all week! Unfortunately it’s going to cool down a bit today. :(


I have to give a talk on seeking virtuous things. I might be using that quote. Thanks!


My brother came over yesterday and finally met my son ( he lives in Seattle). It was so sweet seeing them play together :) the best food from yesterday was my big bowl of watermelon!


The food highlight from my day yesterday was a Cafe Rio salad! It was somewhat homemade, and so good! My highlight from yesterday was going to see X-men last night with my hubby. I LOVED IT! I saw my baby girls smile yesterday, and pretty much loved it more than anything in this world! Baby smiles are the best! Recently I read an article about all of the different benefits of running, but also what else I need to incorporate in order to be an even better runner :)


I just wanted to comment and say how much I love your posts and your blog in general. I am a newbie runner and I always look forward to your take on training and family etc. I am rehabbing from a hamstring injury and started trying pool running after you mentioned it. I hope your marathon on Saturday is great (not just for you but also to give me hope that pool running will actually help!). Good Luck!b


Awww that video of Brooke is so precious! You have an awesome little girl :)


Food highlight from yesterday- I went out to lunch with my coworkers for tacos. After, we were all craving dessert because we heard someone say cookie in the restaurant (HA!). We walked to the bakery next door and all got something sweet. I ended up getting a massive cookie that I split with my mom :)


These are from yesterday:
Food highlight: Pistachio-encrusted scallops (fancy-schmancy anniversary dinner)
Activity highlight: BodyPump class
Something I saw & loved: The UPS guy (my new running shoes AND mountain bike arrived yesterday!)
Running quote: All the best ones I read on your blog:-)


PLEASE share your brother’s soup recipe, it sounds delicious.


Thanks SO MUCH for posting your healthy food and recipes. I am really trying to clean up my diet and your posts are helping me know that it can be flavorful and good not boring. You rock! :)


I had an awesome 8 mile run this morning! Despite the HIGH dew point/humidity.

Yesterday we had breakfast for dinner. Win!


Yumm all of that food looks


Brookers is so cute! I literally die over her baby voice. So sweet!


Oops sent too soon! It all looks so good! A food highlight was Kung pao chicken from TJs- deeeelish!



I had brown rice (with Tamari), shrimp, salmon, spinach and red bell peppers…SO good!

Today, lol, go check IG. Wearing an runemz shirt gives me super powers!


There will be a day when I can no longer run…today is not that day! Use it J!


Haha that is such a cute shirt for her!


Hi Janae! 1) went to trader joe’s today and when I saw the minestrone soup I had to get some because of how you talk about it. So, thank you! 2) my best friend will be coming to Houston to visit from Tennessee. We are a little bit obsessed with your blog and will be eating pounds of salad and froyo. 3) I have read your entire blog from July 2013 until now and I have to say it has helped me heal so much. I am going through the exact same thing as you only mine just happened in April. It is so relieving to know that time really does heal all. Thank you for writing and sharing your life with all of us!


food highlight of the day–Burrito at 10:00am! I woke up really early to drive a friend to the airport, so I was hungry for lunch suuuper early

Omg that puppy picture!


omg do your parents have an extra room I could rent? Because I want to come and be Brooke’s best friend and hang out with her and wear santa pjs all day. And maybe she’ll teach me how to do a great top knot…


I’ve seen so many healthy banana bread recipes online lately that look so good. I need to make one ASAP.


The lunch salad I made with grated carrots, mixed greens, red peppers, sunflower seeds, Dr Praeger veggie burger, hot sauce and blue cheese dressing. Yummy!


Long time blog reader but I’ve never commented before. I love that quote at the end. Give me a day at the beach anytime, it truly fixes everything!


Oh my goodness, the salad looks delicious!


I loved the running related articles your posted! Some of them was just what I needed to hear, or learn about. Thanks!


Brooke is so cute in her Santa pjs! My food highlight today (and minor obsession) is chocolate syrup in almond milk after a run. So good.


Another one from the Ville here. Post final details for the meetup once it is arranged, please!


Awesome! I will!


Food highlight was probably some frozen yogurt from last night! They had some amazing flavors and toppings, and I rarely get fro-yo so it was a real treat!


I agre, Brooke def needs that shirt!


My food highlight was chocolate cereal and Brooke is so cute in that video!!! Wish I lived in Utah still! Have fun at the meet up!!!


Mmm, all of that food looks awesome!


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