Saturday’s Marathon Plan & Fit 4 Her

I have finally come up with my plan of attack for my marathon on Saturday—>  My plan is to not have a plan.

I think I am just going to go off of feel.  If going fast hurts my leg then I will slow down, if it still hurts going slower then I will drop out (that was my doctor’s advice too).  Finishing a race is not worth seriously injuring my body.  I think my leg will feel fine but you never know.  It will be interesting to see if pool running helped me to keep my running fitness or if 5 weeks of only pool running =s I am exhausted by mile 10 and my lungs feel like they are going to explode.   

I want to have fun and push myself at the same time and see where I am at fitness wise.  This may just be a great training run for the St. George Marathon in October or maybe I will feel good and try to push it.  Either way, running is just a small part of my life (it used to be way too big of a part and that is why injuries used to completely devastate me).  

There will always be another race and Brooke is still going to think I am the coolest human being ever no matter what time the clock says.  PS I am even entertaining the idea of running garminless so that I really listen to my body during the race.

Picture from when I did the Utah Valley Marathon a few years ago—>  my time that year was 3:08 and I was in really good running shape at the time so who knows where I am at now.

Utah Valley Marathon 8

It is going to be a hot morning so I just have to remember this…  (thanks Megan).  It is summer so we all need to embrace sweating because it is just how it will be for the next few months.

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And from last night:

Swimsuits at splash pads are overrated.

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Brooke was adamant about putting sunblock on her little bird toys to prevent them getting a sunburn. 

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I wish I could bottle up that giggle of hers.  

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What happens when we are both starving and I have absolutely no desire/patience/energy to make anything for dinner.  We eat out a lot less often lately but I cannot resist Cafe Rio.  

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I told you awhile ago about the protein powder that I have been loving (ps this is NOT a sponsored post but I love this stuff and want to tell you about it and they gave me a discount code for you to use if you want to try it out).  

Fit 4 Her is a protein powder designed specifically for women.  I have been having it every morning for breakfast and some nights I have it for dessert.  I add in frozen strawberries, peanut butter, a banana and almond milk for the heaven in a cup.  I have known the family that created Fit 4 Her for years and when they told me about the product and all of the benefits and how good it tasted I really wanted to try it out.  It has been years since I used protein powder because of one reason—>  the taste.  I can’t stand the fake chemical taste that most protein powders have but this one actually tastes like real chocolate to me and I also love the vanilla flavor too. 

I have noticed I have way more energy (probably because I am for once getting enough protein and vitamins first thing in the morning now because of this) since I started having this for breakfast, it keeps me really full (chia seeds and fiber!!) and I think it is helping me to recover from workouts and weight training faster.   Women have different nutritional needs than men so I think it is great that this is focused on what women need (i.e. calcium, magnesium and Vit D to help support bone health—>  VERY important for runners).  Good stuff.  

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You can get $7 off by using the promo code HRG!!!  You can find it HERE!!!   


What is your plan for your next race?  To have fun, push it, go for a PR, finish!?!?  

Are you good about wearing sunscreen?  Do you apply it before going out to run in the summer? 

What types of supplements do you use?  A multi-vitamin?  Protein powders?  Nothing?   What have you tried in the past?

Moms reading—>  what time do your kiddos go to bed (include their ages too!)  I’m ust wondering:)  

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You are such a cool mom – love that splash pad picture :) ! Good luck for your marathon!


I needed this post right now. I’m still recovering from my marathon and have a half this week. My pace is still in the gutter which is so hard to accept!


My next race is a 10k sat and my plan WOULD be to hopefully PR but the weather is looking hot so I’ll probably have to drop that and modify. I think you have a smart plan for the marathon given the circumstances. No pressure and run by feel.

My kids are 7, 5 and 3 and they all go to bed at 8:30, the little one still naps too.

I have tried digestive enzymes in the past but I don’t feel like I need anything now. I have never been a “supplementing” type and if I do it’s something specific like a probiotic.

I run at 5;30 am so no sunscreen!


I always wear sunscreen on my face but need to be better about my arms and shoulders (my legs never seem to get any colour!)

No supplements. Every protein powder I’ve tried bad upset my stomach.

My son (London-20 months old) goes to bed between 9 and 10. He sleeps two hours in the afternoon and is usually up at 6:30. We have tried to move his bedtime up
with no luck! Oh well, more time with him
when I get off work! ;)


You are being so smart about the marathon this weekend! My next race isn’t until my marathon this October (unless I can find a half marathon in my area before then … generally, we don’t have any though because the weather is too hot during the summer). My goal there will be to finish because it’s my first full!


i think your plan for the marathon sounds great, and your whole mindset in general too! brooke putting sunscreen on the birdies is the cutest thing ever!! also, your breakfast smoothie looks amazing, we have a giant thing of vanilla protein powder, but i think i am going to need a chocolate flavor now!


I don’t have a race on the calendar at this time, which I really dislike. I like always having a race to look forward to but it’s so dang hot here during the summer and we are literally either busy or out of town for weddings almost every single weekend. 2014 has been the year of weddings for our friend group so that makes training/races a little tough to do.

I used to be a life guard and I also used to be a Medical Assistant at a Dermatologist’s office so I have seen skin cancer, and all sorts of terrible things the sun can do to your skin so I pretty adament about putting on SPF. I usually always have it on my face (in my moisturizer) but I am pretty crazy when it comes to the beach/pool/laying out/etc. and I always wear either 15 SPF (if I’m not staying out too long) and 30 SPF (if I am staying out longer)!

I take Fish Oil, Vitamin B-12, and B Complex!


I wear Olay face moisturizer that has SPF 15 in it. Not so good about putting on my body, unless I know I’m going to be in the sun for a long time.
I take a glucosamine/chondrotin, multi-vitamin, calcium/magnesium and vitamin D. I use protien powder every morning for breakfast, either in a smoothie or oatmeal.
My son will be 5 in September and he goes to bed at 8:00 and has for as long as I can remember.


I’m the worst about consistently taking supplements. When I do it’s usually a multivitamin and some fish oil. I’ll occasionally have protein powder in the house cause it’s a fun way to get a little more protein in the diet.


I’m so glad you’re not stressing about your race – listening to your body and thinking big picture is so important.

I use VegaOne protein powder because i can’t eat dairy or gluten.

My next race is going to be hot hot hot…and HILLY. so probably not a PR but I want to get a good training run in!


I’m so bad about wearing sunscreen but I’m trying to be better!!


Good luck Sunday!!!

My next race is a 70.3 on the 22nd!


I am hoping to PR at my next half in October, but I’ve signed up for a few 5ks over the summer that im running off effort since they are on sand at the beach!!

I used to only wear sunscreen when I lay out…but now I put it on my face 1-2 times a day.


I bet you will do great at the marathon! I think the pool running will pay off big time! Good luck!

I hope to run some 5ks and a 10k this fall. As am due to give birth any day, running will be out for the next few weeks. Really looking fwd to running again soon!

My kids are 4 and 8. My 4 yr old is in bed at 8, the 8 yr old 8:30 on school nights (but he usually reads in bed til 9) and later on the weekends. Still usually by 9:30.


I think it would be very wise of you to go Garmin-less. I have to do that anytime I am battling an injury. The unknown will drive you crazy, but you’ll be forced to truly listen to your body. I am a pro at wearing sunscreen. 100 SPF daily on my face and upper body. Sadly, I have no upcoming races. I had to drop out of two Tough Mudders I had planned to do this summer since I’m carrying twins!!


My race last weekend was all about going slow and being safe due to the heat!


Good luck on your race, no matter how it turns out for you!

My son is 19 months, and bed time is 8:00pm. Within the last two weeks or so, he has really started to stretch it out (we read 6! books last night) and I din’t put him down until 8:35, so I think we are going to try to start earlier. I think he is tired around 7, but get a second wind by the time we start bedtime. He still takes one 1.5-2.5 hour nap during the day. He usually gets up between 7-8 am.


you should out this powder up under your gear instead of the other protein powder. do you still use the other one?

also, you look like you are in much better shape now then a few years ago. you look like you could have blown away in that picture. You may not feel it but I think you are stronger now and with eating healthy lately and cross training you will get even stronger. Good luck!


Thanks Kelly! I think I am just doubting myself with the pool running but yes, I am much stronger now! Have a great day!


I am really good about applying sunscreen before my runs. I don’t need a sunburn or sun damage or to age any faster lol…Liking your marathon plan. You must go by how you feel and you will know if you don’t feel well enough to finish. I dropped out of the Fitness Magazine half in April because I just knew something wasn’t right and didn’t feel well and even felt dizzy. Sure enough, I went to the bathroom and saw good old aunt flow. I can’t race under those conditions. Regardless of that problem or not, there is always another race to run and if you don’t feel right, you stop.


My next race is a 5k on Saturday. I am coming off of an injury and three weeks without running, so I’ll definitely just be running for fun. I’m running with my best friend so fun is pretty much guaranteed regardless of pace!

Good luck on Saturday!


I split up my run today and I even after 3 miles I felt like I was drowning in sweat! It is HUMID here!

Good luck in the marathon!! Just listen to your body and you will do great!


What are the ingredients in the protein powder? I tried to look on the website but didn’t find a complete list. I’ve been looking for a good protein supplement because I’m nursing and my son is allergic to nuts, dairy, eggs, and possibly soy! I need more protein in my breakfast. :)


Hey Mary! I will include the ingredient list and nutritional information in the next post!


That would be awesome! I too checked the website. I’m wondering if there’s sugar (of any kind) in it, as I’m trying to find one without. I’ve been using Promasil but I don’t love the flavour. This one sounds delicious!


Agree – I was looking particularly for the fat gram/serving count, although I see from the front of the package it has only 140 calories/serving. I did buy it using HRG’s code! Can’t wait to try it – I’m in marathon training (an October race) and all those protein grams can only do me good. Doing glucosamine Chrondroitan as well. I bet that shake with a banana in it is DELISH!! Might have to get back into soy milk….doing skim around here lately.


Let me know what you think and I will put the facts up in a few minutes! Yay for marathon training!


The shake is super yummy and I am really loving it w/the peanut butter! The chia seeds took me a bit to get used to because I have never had them before, but now I’m fine w/ them. Have had for breakfast and then earlier today as a recovery shake after my FIRST ever 17 miler! (marathon training) With the ice in there after a humid (90%), hot (85) run, it was HEAVEN! :) thanks for sharing…now I need to know your lipstick color from today’s post because it is so pretty! I know, totally random! lol


You made me chuckle with your plan.


For some reason it didn’t post everything I wrote, lol. But good luck this weekend girl! I am sure you will do fantastic! We will be rooting for you!


I don’t leave the house without sunscreen in the summer! I have really fair skin so if I don’t apply before a run, I will have a sunburn. Brooke is so cute putting sunscreen on her birds.

I was skeptical about protein powder but tried GNC Total Lean 25 earlier this year. It’s a meal replacement which I needed because I wasn’t getting enough nutrients. I really liked it but I am going to try Fit4Her next.


I’ve been trying to have a protein shake every day lately because I’ve been really sore. I think the extra protein really helps rebuild those muscles faster and make me less sore the next day. I get mine from Hammer Nutrition, and I also use their multi vitamins.


Good luck this weekend!


Love your plan & positive attitude towards the marathon! :) Good luck!!

I take a prenatal vitamin every morning and sometimes I’ll add a scoop of whey protein powder to my smoothies to fill me up. I’ll have to check out that ‘Fit For Her’ powder.


I love your plan! Your long-term health is so much more important than a race that lasts one day. I hope that you feel wonderful and can run your fastest race yet!:)

About a year ago, I was taking supplements. Mostly protein powder. I stopped because I watched a show about all of the fake crap that goes into most protein powders. Now, I do not take anything.

I have three kids…ages, 11, 7, 2 1/2. They have been going to bed later because it’s summer but, usually, we aim for 9 for all of them. The youngest goes to bed at 7:30 if he does not nap.


I’ve somehow lost the ability to run, much less at a pace that I could PR at so basically my goal for life is now just “don’t die trying to run.”

At 28, I go to bed at 9:30. Yup.


I think that sounds like a perfect plan! Every time you have a picture of cafe rio I get extremely jealous. We used to go at LEAST once a week when we were at BYU and I think I puked up cafe rio more than anything else while I was pregnant (so the fact that I still love it is REALLY saying something!).

My little munch goes to bed at 8. He’s 15 months and we shoot for a 12 hour night, give or take 30 min of playing in his crib and looking out the window on either end :)


Good luck this weekend. I’m sure an experienced runner like you can trust your body to tell you exactly what to do. I haven’t run in ages (like 6 weeks) since I finished my first half. I thought maybe I could just run for fun through the summer- but apparently not. My mojo is gone! So I signed up for another race! And now I need a plan!
I have a 2 and 4 year old. They have always gone to bed at 8. If they napped that day, they still go to their room on time but might not fall asleep for an hour or so.

Sorry for the novel ;)


Okay I’m so trying that protein powder because I have yet to find one that I like!! Sounds yummy!!

I basically took the same approach you’re taking when I ran the Nike Women’s Half this past April! I tore my hip labrum in December so I had to take a lot of rest and ease back on the running, but come race time, I just made my goal to have fun running, and I did great! Good luck with this weekend! You’re gonna do great!! :)


Listening to your body is such great advice. This weekend I had to drop out of my half at mile 9.5 because my shin was just not going to make it (started to act up at mile 4 and it took me another 5.5 to let go of my ego and stop). It definitely hurt my ego to stop but I knew it wasn’t worth risking further injury. Now I’m in the pool just paddling along while my apartment complex neighbors stare at me.


My plan for my next race is to hope I am cleared to run it. Lol.
It’s a 10k but tendonitis has kept me from running the last 4+ weeks.

I always wear sunscreen on my face but sometimes forget to apply to my neck and shoulders.


Great goal for Saturday, Janae!

It would be awesome if the Fit4Her site had an ingredients list for the protein powder. I LOVE my protein shake in the morning and night. I switch between Garden of Life raw protein powder (not the meal) and Sun Warrior vanilla or natural flavor.

I lather up in sunscreen every day before getting dressed in the summer! So cute with Brooke and her toys!!


Wear sunscreen! A friend of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma at 21 years old, given a 50% chance of surviving 10 years. Luckily, he just surpassed the 10 year milestone and now sits on the board of the Melanoma Foundation of New England. They made this fantastic video:

It’s so important to remember the sun exposure we’re getting when we’re out on the roads!


Hi Janae! Just wanted to say that I think running without the Garmin is a great idea! You could still run with a watch that has a lap counter to save your splits and know what mile times you are hitting at each marker, but then you don’t have the constant reminder of how fast or slow you are going, which I feel can be distracting. I have to admit that I haven’t actually run with a Garmin on a regular basis or for a race, but I think I would always be tempted to look at my pace and let that influence how good or bad I felt based on the number rather than my body. Pace can vary a lot even in the same mile and I think it would be easy to get discouraged if I looked down and saw what I thought was a slow pace. That said, I do think it is helpful to have some indication of where up you are at, and getting mike splits at each marker would help you do that. I have only run 1 marathon, so I don’t have a whole lot of experience, but that is what I did and the miles seemed to fly by (more so at the beginning :) because I was focused on other things (enjoying the scenery and I dedicated certain chunks of miles to thinking about different things/people). It was also kind of a fun game to not know where I was at pace-wise but get a little “time check” each mile, but that was mostly when I was surprised by my faster miles.

Whatever you end up doing, I wish you the best and hope you are able to run pain-free and ENJOY the run. I know that is easier said than done when 26.2 mikes are on the line, but I hope it is a good experience! And of course, a speedy time would be a huge bonus :) Go Janae!


Currently I’m using Vega Performance Protein, since it’s dairy, egg, and soy-free. I’ve yet to find a protein powder with that combination (Vega included) that tastes good, though. :(

I just got a truly amazing sunburn on my long run on Sunday! While I rocked out with the sunscreen for the run, I sweat all of it off and ended up sitting on a restaurant patio for a few hours afterward. Smart choice, Amy!


Janae, could you post ingredient information about the fit4her powder? Looking on the website you link to gives no information about what is actually in it!


My next race is July 13, and it is a midnight 25k, (appropriately called El Scorcho) so my plan for that particular one is just to have fun with it! But my next big race is Dallas Marathon in December, and I’m hoping to PR the heck out of that one!

I recently started using MRM all natural whey protein, and I love it! I take it 4-5 times a week after a workout, and I really enjoy it!

I am not the best about wearing sunscreen :/ My every day moisturizer has SPF 30 in it, but I’m bad about remembering to get my shoulders and arms before going out for those summer runs.


Brooke is learning early – gotta wear that sunscreen! I love seeing her on here even more now that I’ve met her, and YOU! And cafe rio was SO GOOD. I even ate a chunk of that glutenous flour tortilla… so worth it.


I love Vega protein powders. The ratio of protein to carbs is perfect and the extra 2 servings if veggies doesn’t hurt either! Chocolate flavor tastes just like chocolate milk.


My next half in July I’m going for a PR and am considering running without my watch…I did that Saturday and did better than usual


I think you are going to do awesome and i really feel like your body will remember all its hard work over the past few months.

Last night i was very lazy…i made english muffin pizzas for dinner. LOL…can you get much lazier???


I *think* that my next race is a half in August…which I’m not sure how to treat at this point! Me running + heat = ughhhhhhhhhhhhhwhyyyyyyyyyyLordwhyyyyyyyyy?! So we’ll see how it goes! It’s int he middle of marathon training, so hooray for a tune-up race!

I’m definitely good about putting on the SPF before I head out in the summer.

I currently take a Vitamin D supplement, and that’s about it. I took a lot more stuff in the past, during my bodybuilding days (no, not ‘roids, lol).


I live in Florida and wear sunscreen all the time. I’ve already had melanoma on my stomach and after having it removed I never want to have to go through that again. You can never be too careful!

I love the fact that the protein powder has probiotics in it, that’s awesome, and I may just have to try it. :)


I’m running a 10 miler on Saturday and my plan is to just try my best, and not worry about the other runners around me (i.e. the ones passing me). I’ve PRed many times with this attitude, so let’s see if it works again :)

I’m horrible with sunscreen…I very rarely put it on! I also don’t take an supplements…probably should get on that too!


My original plan for my race in the fall was to BQ… but seeing as have proven to myself that I can already do that, I’m shooting for a PR.. I want to still have fun but I would like a nice comfortable PR..

I only wear sunscreen on my face and it’s because it’s in my facial moisturizer…. I know it’s sooo bad not to but I just forget… I’m often in such a hurry to get out of the house that I’m lucky I remember my garmin… lol

I don’t use anything… I keep saying I’m going to try something… I use to take vitamins but I didn’t feel a difference and they gave me a stomachache.

Ella is 20 months and I put her to bed religiously at 7/730. Brady is 3 1/2 and I put him to bed btwn 8/830 (it really depends on when ella falls asleep bc I don’t want him to keep her up)


I think going garmen-less could be a great idea. You know yourself, but based on reading your blog, it seems that wearing it might be too much of a temptation. Like you’ll realize you’re so close to a certain pace and want to up it just a little bit.


We have five kids ages 7-10, they go to bed at 730-8 during the school year and 9pm in summer
My 3 year old goes to bed at 730 everyday
My 6 month told usually goes to bed around 8

Yep that 7 kids! Lol


Wow! You have come such a long way…running by feel? Good for you. I try so hard to listen to your advice about listening to my body. But Garmin-free is a terrifying thought for me in a race. So sad.

You are going to do great!


Ya. I saw how warm it is going to be on Saturday. Pretty similar to the Ogden marathon’s forecast and I know a lot of people struggled. Now just imagine that same weather, but starting freakin 3hours later. Ya ;)

I love Brooke’s laugh. If you do bottle it up. Let me know.

Your shake sounds delightful. I think I will have to try it. I also don’t usually like the protein smoothies because of the taste, so you have me sold on this one.

Right now I just avoid the sun. But I do put it on my kids before they go out. And they go to bed at 8:30. I currently take a pre-natal vitamin and an iron supplement. This is the first time in my life I am anemic. Boo. I don’t know about my next race. But I am pretty sure it will be just to ‘finish’ and that is okay with me. I miss running. Sigh.


My next race is a local 10k. I’m planning on pushing myself as much as I can, but know that if I don’t hit a PR, that’s okay. I’d rather enjoy the race than burn out too quickly.


I have had a lot of “we’ll see how it goes” races and you always end up surprising yourself!! It will be a great race!

I’ve also ran a few races without a Garmin… and been like “it’ll be fine, there will be mile markers with timers”… umm nope. Ha. So that made it interesting, but you can truly run by feel so it was great!


I vote you go Garmin-less! I am all about listening to the body and don’t even own a Garmin. I just run as fast as I feel – and surprisingly I seem to run a consistent pace even without a watch (when I run with others or run a race, I can tell what my pace is).

I don’t take any vitamins or supplements. I try really hard to eat enough foods from each food group that I don’t need extra stuff – I am one of those people that don’t really “believe” in supplements. I’m not sure why, but I’ve just never been into them.

My son is 21 months and his bedtime is all over the place. It’s anywhere between 8:30pm-10pm. I don’t get home from work until 7pm so it’s just impossible to get dinner on the table, read some books, play around, get a bath in, and get him to bed too much before 9pm. I wake him up at 6am to leave for my sister’s and then he goes back to bed until around 8:30am. He usually naps anywhere between 2 and 4 hours…depending on how much he slept the night before.


I never leave the house without sunscreen on my face and if it’s a race I like it on my shoulders. My daughter got sunburned on her shoulders very young and had to have precancerous cells removed…very young. Protect that skin.

I take Vitamin D religiously. I’m Celiac.

You can almost hear Brooke giggling in that picture. Hilarious.

And finally…I did in fact DNF a race when I entered it with an injury that I felt was mostly backed off and my doctor and I thought I could make it. At mile 19 it leaped back into action. It wasn’t worth never running again or a more serious injury. I’ve had people give me crap for that. I don’t care. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Take care of you! Good job Miss Janae.


I have my first ever race on August 3rd since I started running in April, it’s a 5K and I’m super excited and I think I’m just going to go and have fun and then when I do another race, I’m going to push it! Good luck for your marathon :)


I think having no plan is the absolute best plan. I really hope you feel amazing come race day but you are right, there is always another race. I love all the photos of you and Brooke. Adorable.


I think running garminless sounds like a great way to listen to your body. Either way, I hope it goes well!


I learned a lot from my first IM 70.3 this past weekend and will definitely approach my next race a little differently – hopefully pushing it a little harder on the bike and run. I always like to challenge myself, especially if I am healthy and fresh! I’m sure you will do a great job this weekend, regardless of your injury. You never know what will happen once that adrenaline kicks in!


My next race is a 10 miler this Saturday, and while I am hoping to PR I am really just running it to see where my fitness in and how much work I will need to do if I want to PR in the half marathon. I know it will be hot and hilly so I’m trying to not put too much pressure on myself.
I am good about wearing sunscreen before I run on the weekends but when I got early during the week I don’t. I should probably start wearing it because now the sun is always up when I am out running.


My kids are 4 (bedtime is at 7/7:30 in summer) and 1.5 (bedtime is 6:30/7). They get up around 6 for daycare during the school year. Things all get pushed back in the summer!

Good luck this weekend and listen to your body!


Love that giggling picture of Brooke! So cute! My next race is a 5k this Saturday and I am pushing for a PR. I have been doing a lot more speed training lately so I’m hoping that, in combination with good weather, will help me.
I love supplementing with protetin powder to help rebuild muscle. My favorites are Vega, Spirutein and Perfect Fit. I definitely agree that women’s nutrition is a lot different than men’s. Especially for runners.


Janae–I am very excited you get to run your marathon! And I think this is going to be a really cool “experiment” to see how well one can keep up running fitness w/ pool running! Kind of your own research project on yourself :)
I am praying that you have a stellar race!


I use a bb cream with sunscreen on my face so that’s always covered. I’m not the greatest about getting it on the rest of me.
I used to get borderline chronic migraines so along with a daily multi and Rx med I take added Vitamin D, Calcium, and Magnesium. It’s definitely helped. I also use protein powder.
For a yummy treat (which is practically the perfect protein/carb ratio for post workout) add that chocolate protein powder to homemade banana softserve!


My kids 6 & 3 have always gone to bed at 7. I know that the 6y/o lays in bed and reads for a while because the sun is up so much later. I don’t mind because she is quiet, reading is awesome and she lets her brother sleep.


Oh, and Girlie’s bedtime is technically 8 but really more like 8:30. She’ll be turning 8 this summer and I’m thinking we may push it back to 8:30 but really more like 9 for starting 3rd grade in the fall. Egads- 3rd Grade!!!


That protein powder sounds awesome!! I really want to try it, and I love that it is made for our needs. I take a calcium & multi vitamin pill, and protein powder :). I had to give up racing a couple years ago. I just get way to into it. Like if don’t get the time I wanted or my legs are just not feeling it that day. It made me start hating running. So I said goodbye to races, and things have been better since :)


I only wear sunscreen at the beach.
I’m an herbal supplement junkie. I think I take about 20 -30 pills a day.
My kids, ages 9, 7, 6, 3 go to bed about 830ish…
Brooke putting sunscreen on her bridies is pretty darn cute!


My next BIG race will be my first marathon here in Chicago. My only goal is to not die (haha!) and I guess my 2nd goal is to finish ;) Good luck on Saturday – I hope you have no pain!


Love your plan of attack for your race! Your attitude is just perfect.

That protein powder intrigues me! I’ve never seen it before, but it sure sounds great, so I think it’s definitely a must that I try it out.

P.S. I just adored seeing you and Brookers this weekend. Miss you two ladies already!


Ahhh I loved hearing Brooke’s giggle on Sunday! You seriously have the cutest little girl on the planet (and she has the cutest mama!)

I think you have a really sensible plan for your marathon and I’m excited to hear how it goes!

I try to be good about sunscreen, considering that I’m super pale and burn easily.


1) My kids go to bed at 8 (they are 5 and 20 months).
2) OMG, yes, I am absolutely crazy about sunscreen! I have to be, with my ghost-like skin.
3) The good news about being a beginner is that pretty much every race is a PR! I started out so slowly, I’m bound to break my previous record, right?


My kids all go to bed at different times.

9 year old girl (almost 10!!! what?!) – 8:30
7 year old boy – 7:30 and he’s always up at 6am no matter what.
5 year old boy – as early as possible! 7-7:30-ish
2 year old boy – if he naps, then 8:30, if he doesn’t nap then it’s around 7pm.

I’m a huge fan of the alone time at the end of the day.


I’m so glad you’re going to be able to run, and I hope you feel fantastic!!!
My UVM plan is to go slow and finish strong, since it is my first full. I’m trying to throw the time goals out the window and just not get hurt (Ultra Ragnar 2 weeks after this race!!).
I’m great to sunscreen my kids, but not myself so much.
My kids go to bed around 8:30 (newly turned 5 year old and an almost 2 year old)


Don’t wear your Garmin, I dare you! That way it can’t mess with your head. You know I’m running the half right? Hope you get to ring that Bell. I no I won’t be. :(


Good luck on Saturday!

My first half marathon is this Saturday, so my goal is to finish and get my new PR (automatic since it’s my first). I’m starting to get nervous, but thankfully work & family stuff is keeping me busy and keeping my mind off the race.

I put half a scoop of protein powder in my overnight oats to help keep me full longer in the mornings.


My next race is 8/15 in the middle of the desert. My plan is just to finish. I would totally not do it (it’s supposed to be 102 today) but my friend already signed up and I can’t leave her hanging. She’s slower than me, so I may just keep her pace :)

My foundation has sunscreen in it, otherwise I don’t worry about it on my runs because I’m back before the sun has risen.

I take MSM every day because my knees don’t work without it. I also do Raw Meal protein powder. It’s the best vegan one I have found so far because my tummy can’t handle the whey that other powders use.

During the school year when they are up at 6:
10 y.o.: 7:15, read until 8
8 y.o: 7:00, read until 7:30; same for my 6 year old.

Summer: They go to bed around 8 and read until 8:30-8:45


Sending good vibes your way for Saturday!!
Sunscreen: I am the worst at remembering to use it.
Next Race: I would love to PR my next half!
Supplements: probiotic & multivitamin


Max goes to bed anytime between 8pm and 9:30pm – depends on his mood. We start the bedtime routine at 8pm and sometimes he wants to go to sleep right away. Otherwise he is just up and out of his bed in two seconds. I think he is getting closer and closer to cutting out naps for good. Eventually we will be back to 7pm bed times.

Aren’t splash pads the best? We go in a small splash pad practically every day.

I only take vitamins when I remember and the same goes with sunscreen. I have a sweet sports bra tan….


Ummmm…you’re kinda an awesome mom =). Oh man, if you run garminless, I will bow down. Even on a mile I tell my self don’t look down, don’t look down… but it’s inevitable. I’m throwing prayers your way that you have a fun, safe race. But remember, you only get what the day gives you. It’s what you do after what you get that makes you the person you want to become. Stay blessed!


I have never used protein powder (or any supplements) because of the taste. I have been wanting to try some out to see if I could tell a difference in my appetite.

My next race is a 10k this weekend! I have no goals except to enjoy myself.


I’ve tried the protein powder thing but haven’t succeeded in finding one that tastes decent, so I’m excited to try Fit 4 Her! Can you buy it in any stores in Utah, or just online??
Either way thanks for the info! And good luck this weekend!
I’m volunteering at finish line, and I’m so excited! I love watching the look on a runner’s face when they cross the finish line :) maybe I’ll get to hand you your medal or a banana or a grilled cheese! Best wishes!


Running without the Garmin sounds like a good idea.
Right now, I am focusing on getting to the NYC marathon so any races I do between now and then will be just about finishing and maybe getting a PR as my stamina and speed improves.
I don’t use sunscreen if it’s my first outdoor activity. I need a little sun exposure. For a long run, I wear a hat.


Can anyone tell me if the Fit4Her protein powder is vegan?



My next race is a half in October, and my goal is to really train and push myself. I’ve done 2 half marathons and a full, but all just to cross the finish line (2 were post pregnancy and the full I did with my injury prone husband so we went SLOW)… I don’t have a finish time in mind, but I want to run all of it.

I’ve got two girls, and my 2 year old is asleep by 7:30 and my 4 1/2 year old is asleep by 8. It used to be earlier, but the summer sun keeps us all up a bit later :)

If only we could bottle their giggles and the perfect softness of their skin, the world would be a better place ;)


Very wise plan…I have so many supplements but I forget to take em daily. Iron, fish oil multi…i recently got a protein powder but I don’t like the taste of stevia in it. I will phase it out and get something new.
My kids are 9, 6, and almost 3. Older two boys bedtime 8:30 school night fall is earlier. Summer time no school around 9pm. They sleep til 7 summer 7:30. My daughter Falls asleep after them I still have to rub her back to sleep.
Next race not til August 10k…maybe.


I used to plan all of my races and I would worry about my time for weeks before the race. I no longer plan my race. I get up race morning and run as fast as I feel I can. I always train to run faster but tell myself that the race is just one day. If I go faster great, if not maybe I will next time. Taking the pressure off of myself has helped tremendously. I have run every race faster since I have done that. I also refuse to tell people what my target time is, if I have one, I don’t need anyone else putting pressure on me or my race.


Awww, your baby girl is too precious. Love seeing all the happy faces on here. :)


I always try and wear sunscreen especially on my face, working outdoors for 7 years you see a difference if you don’t sport the stuff!

Where can I buy this protein that you use? I see they don’t ship to canada..
Good luck on your marathon and listen to your body!!


Is Fit4Her vegan? I looked at the website and I there was a lot of information about nutrition, but I couldn’t find a link to the nutritional label. I was wondering how much protein/carbs are in each scoop. I would love to try it out, but I am a bodybuilder and I am vegan so I need to moderate the amount of carbohydrates in each meal. Thanks!


Hey Summer! I will put up a picture of the nutritional values and ingredients in the next post! Thanks so much!


How long will a bag last you if you use it daily?! Just seeing if it is in my budget! :)


Ignore my comment..clearly I have trouble reading :) I found it on the website! Thanks again!


I highly recommend going Garminless and just going off how your body feels and your energy level. Take the time to enjoy the race and the beauty in your surroundings. You have plenty of years to work on PR , don’t forget why you started running in the first place.

I always wear sunscreen on my face when running .
I do protein shakes for breakfast, but have yet to find a powder I love.

My girls are 5 and 3 and I put them to bed at 8:00, they like to read and look at books in bed, so they don’t fall asleep until 8:30 or 9:00.


I have no plan for any upcoming races – hopefully I will do one eventually after I have my baby in September but I don’t really know what life with a baby will be like so who knows?

I’m a psycho about sunscreen. All my friends make fun of me because I’ll wear it on a trail run in the winter, or for a car ride. In 10-20 years I’ll be making fun of them when they are gross and wrinkled and I have nice smooth skin.


Fit 4 Her looks great! I might have to splurge – especially since I need more vitamins, etc. now that I am XC training. Did you ever run XC?


I love what you said about running not being your whole life, and that there is always another race. I am feeling super stressed because I have decided to run a last minute marathon (which Dave is coaching me through!). I feel like I am holding myself to this high expectation, when in reality, who cares? haha. Why do I have to cram this marathon in? Maybe I should just enjoy the summer with my girls… hmm…

I don’t use any supplements, BUT I just started doing this morning lemon/cayenne pepper water. It tastes AWFUL (I’m not gonna lie), but I have only read and heard how good it is for you. Yes, I am weird.

Good Luck this weekend. Can’t wait to read all about it =) I am sure you will rock!


I think it’s odd they don’t show the Nutrition label or Ingredients for the Fit 4 Her on their website. You should take a photo for us! I’d like to know what kind of protein they use (is it whey, soy, pea, etc.?) and how much of what types of sweeteners (cane sugar, stevia, sucrose?).


It will be up in the next post! It is a new product and they haven’t had a chance to put it up yet!


Super, thanks!


I sent them an email and they responded right away with an attachment of the ingredients and nutritional info. I also found it odd, glad I’m not the only one that cares about that :) I can’t put a link here since it was just an adobe attachment they sent me. In any case, the company was super responsive.


My girls are 20 months and (just turned) 3 years old. I recently had the brilliant idea of moving them into the same room. It’s been 3 nights and I’m so over it! Lol bedtime is 7:30 but they haven’t been going to sleep till after 9! It’s the new party room down here:)


I’m glad you are listening to your body and aren’t stressing out about the race!

Honestly, I’m not very good with remembering to apply sunscreen. I need to be better and remember to use it more often!


I’m running a half marathon next weekend and I plan to just go by how I feel too. I didn’t train as well as I could have, so I’ll just enjoy the 13.1 Miles :)


I love that your plan is to not have a plan. I think that is SO smart with your leg right now. Listening to your body is always the most important thing! :)



I put protein powder in my oatmeal every morning and love it! I prefer more protein that what Fit 4 Her has, but given all the other benefits I might have to try it!

My daughter is 19 months old and goes to bed around 7. She sleeps until about 6am, or longer. Lately she’s been having a growth spurt and napping for 3 hours every day! Usually it’s closer to 2. Like Brooke, she’s a good sleeper!


I have two kids: ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. They both go to bed at 7:00pm, and get up around 7:00am every day. For our family, we believe it is important that our children learn to be alone and independent, as well as fall asleep on their own. So even if they do not fall asleep right away, they entertain themselves in their rooms until they fall asleep. This provides guaranteed adult time every night for my husband and myself to nurture our relationship as well.


When my older two were little they went to bed at 6:30 and slept until 6:30 (from 7-7 during the summer). That was from when they were 2 until the oldest was 7 and the younger one was 5. They both gave up napping cold turkey right around their second birthdays. Since they both were taking 2-3 hour afternoon naps, I think that’s why it was so easy to get them to bed so early! The younger kids are totally different and are NOT easy to get to bed. My 9-year old thinks he should get to stay up as late as the high schooler! Ummm…no. My 5-year old has started playing in her room after I kiss her goodnight. She’s “in bed” somewhere between 7 and 8 (she is really, really willful) and then will play for over an hour in the semi-darkness. And yes, she doesn’t like to get up in the morning because she’s exhausted. It’s a good thing she is super cute and funny ;-)

I take over a dozen different supplements.

My next race will definitely be working toward a PR. Here’s hoping I get to toe a line again someday in the not too distant future :)


I really wish there was a Cafe Rio in Nebraska! I’ve heard such amazing things!


just wondering how many oz or servings per that huge pack ? the website has no info… thanks!

Good luck on Saturday! will be thinking of you! you will do the best you can and thats enough!

a very new (six weeks and counting) runner


Hey! There are 30!


just stopping by to say if you’re considering it, i would REALLY recommend not running with your garmin. just this once. :)

i just ran a half-marathon without mine – for the first time ever – and even though i felt totally naked at first, i cannot tell you how big of a difference it created to not even be able to check my pace. i felt like i ended up paying so much more attention to the crowds, the signs, the pretty spring morning – i was smiling the entire race. i had been dealing with some knee pain, so not having the garmin forced me to just enjoy myself & go at a pace that felt relatively pain-free and comfortable, and i actually ended up feeling great & scoring a 10 minute (!!) PR. but more importantly, i had so. much. fun. it just kind of takes the pressure off, you know?

anyway, just wanted to add my two cents. :) good luck! you’ll do great & i can’t wait to hear how it goes!


My next race is a 5k so I’d really like to PR. I’m going up to Maine for it and will be running near the ocean so it’s a fun/PR combo. :)

I need to get a lot better about the sunscreen. I have fair skin and still forget to put it on. Bad me.

I’m a gastric bypass patient (3 yrs ago) so I have to be really diligent about getting in my vitamins and protein. This includes a multi-vitamin, iron, B-12, calcium and many forms of protein. I use the protein powder in my oatmeal and greek yogurt. also try to each protein-rich food. I’m not always good at it but I know it’s going to be a lifetime of change.

No kids for me but I like my sleep. :)


I just ran a race on Saturday, I wanted to have fun and push myself. I ended up getting a PR, which was a nice surprise!

I am so not good about wearing sunscreen on a daily basis. I’m pretty good about putting it on when I know I am going to be outside a lot, and am really good about it when I go for a run in the summer.

I only sometimes remember to take a multi-vitamin, and I sometimes need to take an iron supplement. I am borderline anemic, so I have to be careful about my iron level, especially when I’m running a lot.


I am running Utah Valley on Saturday too. Good luck with the race and listening to your body sometimes it can be tough! I am sad to hear you say it’s supposed to be hot for the race. I guess I better look into the weather myself to get ready ;)


I used to be terrible about sunscreen, but then my pharmacy that I manage got access to a limited distribution drug for melanoma. Suddenly I started seeing lots of patients with skin cancer – and suddenly I stopped forgetting sunscreen. It was a sad lesson but I learned it well!


The heat is putting a slight damper on my training but we’ll see how it goes. Good luck at your race!!! I am excited to see how it goes! You will do great either way because you will walk away healthy!


I think that is so awesome that you are just going to listen to your body and do what is best. Your protein shake sounds so amazing as well, yum!


I went into my last half with that plan (I was just getting out of a boot) and ended up surprising myself by running way more than I anticipated!


V’s bedtime is 8pm. He is currently 7. He is up at 6:30 and dropped off at daycamp/school at 7am. He is also active with soccer, swim team, soccer and boy scouts.


I wear sunscreen everyday. I’m so pale that I could get burnt in the winter.

I take a multivitamin and a calcium supplement. When I’m training for a marathon, I’ll have a protein shake after long runs, too.

Right now, Leif is 4 weeks old, so he pretty much sleeps whenever and we put him in his crib when we go to bed.


Thanks for the info!! Sounds good and I’m glad it actually tastes good too!


i think your “plan” is the best plan possible! it’s important to listen to your body. something didn’t feel right during my last half marathon, but i ended up pushing myself too hard and ended up feeling achy/terrible after as a result… NOT smart!


Hi Janae!

Congratulations!!! I have read your blog for a while but never actually commented. After this post I felt I needed to thank you for your inspiration and strength. You are absolutely incredible. I completed my first marathon this year and I could t have done it without your blog. Thank you for continuing to push me and make me a better person / runner, I can’t wait for you to conquer Boston 2015! You are amazing, keep being you and absolutely killin it.


I’m a Beach Body distributor so I drink their product Shakeology, it has a good amount of protein, practically all the nutrients you need in a day, nothing artifical, and the chocolate is amazing!


I love little kids giggles! My little man makes me laugh every time I hear it :)

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