How to taper for a marathon like a champ!

5 pictures from Thursday:



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Let’s pretend like I am actually doing a true taper for my upcoming marathon (I don’t think pool running for 5 weeks with a mile on the treadmill thrown in every now and then is the best way to taper for a marathon)…  

Here are the things that I would be doing the last twoish weeks before the race.  These are the things that I have found work FOR ME.  That is the beauty about doing more and more races—>  You learn over time what works for you and what doesn’t.  

Why do we taper?  To allow your body to be fully rested for the race in order for you to reach your potential!  The taper also allows your muscle glycogen stores to reach their peak!

Also, I usually race on Saturday so just apply my taper guidelines for a Saturday race.

1.  First and most importantly, I cut down my mileage.  Pete Pfitzinger gives a great explanation and examples for the three weeks of running before the marathon.  

Week 1 of the taper = 80% of your normal training mileage.  

Week 2 of the taper= 60% of your normal training mileage.  

Week 3 of the taper (aka race week)= 1/3 of your normal training mileage.

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(Dress rehearsal = 2-3 miles at marathon race pace with an easy warm-up and cool-down)

2.  Thursday night’s sleep matters most.  The night before the race I have a really hard time sleeping well but then I remember it is the night before the night before a race that really matters and I make sure to get a really good night of sleep on Thursday.  

3.  I personally cut out vegetables and super high fiber foods for about 1.5 days before the race.  I have no idea how long digestion really takes etc but for me.. cutting out all of the fiber/veggies really helps me to avoid stopping at a porta potty on race day (I started this tradition with my first marathon and I have never had to stop to use the restroom during a race so I am attributing it to this).

4. I spend a lot of time visualizing myself finishing strong, reaching my goals and staying positive.  Visualizing failure = it will probably happen.  Thinking about succeeding = you will probably do a lot better.  Our brains are so powerful and the more we think about doing well, the better we will do.  

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5.  I am not even going to attempt to be a nutritionist when it comes to carb-loading BUT I do try to eat a few more carbs the week of the race.  My diet is normally pretty high in carbs so I don’t feel like I have to change it too much to include more carbs.  I DO focus on drinking more water the weeks leading up to the race and I always have a gatorade the night before a race.  

6.  I do not run on Friday (and sometimes I even take Thursday off too!).  I don’t even ellipticize.  I just relax and walk around a bit but I truly let my body rest and gear up for 26.2 miles.  A lot of people really need to run a few miles the day before but play around with different schedules and see how it effects your race.

7.  I do try to do a shakeout run the morning of the race!  Remember to keep it extremely easy! 

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This is just to get your flood flowing and oxygen to your muscles—>  after you do this then you have breakfast!

8.  I don’t do any weight training the week of a marathon.  I tend to get really sore from weight training so I avoid it (which is very easy for me to do because I don’t love weights). 

9.  Trust in your training.  I take time during the taper to go over my training and I look over the workouts that I did and especially the long runs that I completed during the training cycle.  This gives me the confidence that I need to trust in my training and realize that I have worked hard and I will do great—>  this helps with pre-race anxiety.  Remember all of those hard runs that you pushed through and how you know that when the going gets tough during the race that you will be able to push through just like you did during training.  


10.  Get organized a few days before the race.  I am not a very organized person but when it comes to marathons, I prepare really well.  I have everything ready a few days before the race (i.e. gear, fuel, a new playlist) so that I am not waiting to do it the night before the race!


Do you like or dislike the taper?

What are some of your taper tricks?

THREE things you are doing today?

Are you an organized person?

-With certain things yes but most things…

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I like the taper! I haven’t been too great at it though. The week of my last half marathon I got my 10 miler in on Wednesday…whoops! But I also felt the strongest during all my races so far, so maybe it helped?

3 things I am doing today…work (ugh), weight training at lunch, and date night with the hubs at a cool restaurant called Tupelo Honey!

I am EXTREMELY organized when it comes to race day. Let’s just say Type A describes me perfectly. I lay out all of my stuff, clothes, arm band for iPod, shoes, GU, Garmin, etc. It’s nuts, and if I don’t do it then I am all thrown off. In real like though I would say I am semi organized. I like a clean house, but that doesn’t mean the dishes don’t sit in the sink for a day soaking or my bed is always made :)


Great tips!
I get so nervous while doing my shake out run. The anticipation and excitement kill me!
Brooke’s outfit is so adorable! I need it for my girls! And her high bun looks better than mine haha


I don’t think I fully mastered tapering for my first marathon. I learned a lot…and will be doing something a little different for number 2 I think. I think the two weeks before a marathon, nutrition plays more of a role then how miles you do, etc. I always take two days off before a goal race…it seems to have worked well for me too. Do you warm up before the marathon? I think of my journey before NY and could not think about warming up LOL.


Brooke is so cute sitting on the bench with her stuffed animals lined up beside her lol.

I have never done a full marathon, only 2 half’s but I also try to drink a TON of water for the few days prior as well. I get less cramping if I’m well hydrated.


Thanks for sharing! I like the “dress rehearsal” day. I really need to be better about doing a warm up…I usually use the first 3 miles of a half marathon as warm up… Probably not the best plan for a PR.

I’m running and lifting this morning, then going to work…probably a shower in between those two things. No promises though


I’ve only run one marathon so I don’t have very much experience with an official taper, but I use some of the same techniques the week of any race; cut down on high fiber foods, take in slightly more carbs, don’t do speed work, sleep well, drink water. I have found that when I take too much time off right before a race I’m stiffer than I like to be. I have never done a shakeout run the morning of, but I’ve found I like to swim the day before a race, or take a long walk.

Today: commencement at the school I work at, working out (I should have done it this morning but it was pouring so I cleaned instead…), and going to bed early!

Most would say I am extremely organized, but it’s all an illusion. haha. I’m Type A-, not fully Type A…


three things: an awesome tempo, eating a wonderful steak and sweet potato dinner, and cuddling on the couch with my husband!!

GREAT taper advice, these are all things that I tend to do, too!

I’ve never tried a shakeout run before a marathon though..I will keep that in mind for October!! :)


I’m running my first marathon this fall so I don’t know what that taper will be like yet, but I do enjoy tapering for half marathons.

After a full training cycle I think it feels good to rest a bit at the end. I feel like I’m recharging my batteries for the race :)


Love the pic of Brooke and her dogs-so cute!

I’m not a good example. I’ve never done a full and my normal long run (non injured) is 12-15 miles, so I never completely taper before a half or 15k. I cut back my miles and don’t run fast on far on Thursday (usually a 5k) and do nothing on Friday. I also eat a few more carbs and super healthy the two days before a longish race (anything more than a10k).

I am a super organized person, it one of my strengths and weaknesses! :). Must be why I’m I’m the room parent for my daughter’s class for the third year in a row!

Three things I am doing today: 8 mile run, pedicure, and going to the grocery store! It is exciting to be me!


I LOVE the taper… it’s like a final countdown….

Three things I’m doing today are working, running (MAYBE), and having movie night with the kiddos!

I like to be organized…lol… my closets are VERY organized, my desk is semi organized, my office is EXTREMELY organized…. my bedroom is currently a mess….


Jamba Juice! We had one on my college campus and I miss it so much! my favorite is the Strawberry Surf Rider. I also hope you enjoyed the movie. I thought it was great!
While I haven’t trained for a marathon yet, these sound like great tips. I will make sure to come back for them when I finally reach a marathon!


I got new shoes yesterday. I will be trying them out.
I’ve got some Primary business to take care of today.
And I need to get some balloons for the last day of school.

Has anyone worked with “sovrn holdings?”


I’d say I live in organized chaos! :-) hehehe


Oh, great tips!!

Three things I’m doing today –> working, working-out and hopefully trying out a new dinner recipe from my ever-growing assortment on Pinterest!

Yep, I’d say I’m an organized person with most things! :)


Thank you thank you for all this amazing information!! I’ll be running a Half Marathon this sunday, does it all apply for 21 km as well?
I also have to say, Brooke is a mini you – so serious when it comes to her froyo, she’s sooo gorgeous!!
Hope your leg is healing well!! All the best!! =)


I don’t like the taper. I’m okay with the running less part, but I just feel nervous and anxious all week–so one of my taper tips is getting/giving pep talks with runner friends who are racing


Tapering always drives me nuts! I overthink it, assume I am either doing too little or too much, and obsess over pains that may or may not exist!

The only tip I have is to stick with the plan. Rational thinking doesn’t usually occur during the taper so a change of plans is rarely a good idea!


I want REALLY badly to be an organized person but I am still working on it… haha


I always look forward to the taper but once I’m there I go crazy! I always feel like I’m hurt or too tired or my easy runs feel hard.
I am an insanely organized person so I am all about making lists and plans the week before the race!


Thanks for the tips! I’m currently training for the NYC Marathon (my first ever!) this November and it’s already making me nervous. What do you do the day before the race in terms of exercise?

P.S. – Brooke, froyo, and that shirt…too cute!!


The taper drives me nuts! I get paranoid and start to think that my running will decline. For my first marathon I went on vacation 2 weeks before the marathon so this really helped with the taper but my last marathon I was home those 2 weeks and it almost drove me crazy!


I’m running my half on saturday, and am realizing that I worked out just a little too hard this taper. However, I have really cut down on my milage, and that’s good. I’m a little antsy today though…


I am crazy organized. If something is left on my to do list at the end of the day it drives me crazy.

I used to hate to taper but after several races I learned how beneficial it is. I do walk a lot during tapering though because that helps me not to stress and helps me keep my muscles loose.


I like the taper. I am usually REALLY ready for it and need a break.

I’m usually really organized….today I forgot my running shoes to go during lunch though. I failed. lol.


Everyone considers me very organized, but sometimes I feel like my life and house are in utter chaos. I do love lists and having everything in its place :) What’d you think of the Walter Mitty movie? My husband’s been wanting to watch it, but I don’t know if it’s something I’ll enjoy.


I love your nail polish!!!


I tend to like the first part of taper, because by then I am pretty exhausted from so much training. But by the end (last week before marathon) I’m getting antsy and ready to run again! Haha you know you’re addicted to running when..

I’m a pretty organized person. Chaos makes me anxious and puts me in a bad mood so I’ve learned I’m much happier and zen when everything is organized.

Was Walter Mitty good? I’ve heard different things, but overall, I thought it looked great!


Great tips! I just have one marathon tapering experience, and I think I did it well, but I do have some things to maybe adjust next time. I went on several walks, and didn’t weight train at all. I was an anxious mess all week, but I also had some time to do other activities that I wasn’t able to before because it was time I would spend running or strength training. I drank a ton of water, and started the carb increase about 3 days before, and didn’t over eat the night before the race.

In my mind I’m organized, but it might look like a mess to everyone else! :)


I’m a kinesiology major so I’m going to nerd out for a minute about my love for the taper! It has proven to be so beneficial for your performance and protective for your body! Even though psychologically it may drive you a little crazy.
3 things: trip to Target, cafe rio and a volunteer orientation for the Utah valley marathon :)
Have a great day!


Oh my goodness, that movie is SO MUCH AWESOME! I hope you loved it!


I DID!! Seriously, such a good movie!


The taper is ok for me, although sometimes I feel guilty for not running more, I have to remind myself that the extra stamina in the race will be worth it.

I have a half marathon on Saturday!! My favorite half ever! I don’t taper as strictly with my half marathons as I did with my whole, but I think they take less time to recover from so it all evens out.


I taper two weeks before a big race – meaning more than 10K. I don’t really need to taper as much for a 5K, but I do the same nutrition things like:

– avoid the veggies/high fiber food
– absolutely nothing containing sorbitol or fizzy drinks
– No alcohol, limit the caffeine
– Limit if not totally avoid dairy

I had shin splint issues before my half a couple of weeks ago – so I actually took 10 days off before running. I still PB’d and had a really good race, legs wise – no pain at all. Did I go as fast as I wanted to? Nope, but it wasn’t really in the cards that day (it was also stinking hot/sunny).


Ah I’m getting so excited for your marathon now!! I didn’t realize before that it was so close! Three things I’m doing today, skateboarding, grocery shopping, and maybe laying out and enjoying the sun!


Brooke’s little wet hair bun makes me miss the days of going to the pull ALL day in the summer and walking around looking exactly like her… With sour watermelons and other snack bar foods in tow!

And I made the mistake of eating oatmeal the night before my first race. 7 porta potty stops. OY!


My taper sounds pretty close to yours. I usually eat fish the night before a race, not sure why but it works so I keep doing it! I am super organized and it drives my husband crazy.
Three things….
Ran 3.25 hills
Abs and pump tonight


I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that Brooke can now partake in the fro yo festivities. That pic sorta made my day!


Tapering is so hard for me. no running + pre race anxiety= a hot mess of a momma


I agree with some things like scaling back on mileage and visualizing. I do think fiber and strength training is important. Everyone is different though and need to find what works best for them. Like for example I cannot carb load. My body isn’t used to carbs and doesn’t know what to do when I get too any other than to give me a bloated belly.


Great tips! I think they’re all very realistic and important (at least from a very ammature runner’s standpoint – ha!).

Three things I’m doing today: Body Pump, packing for Blend (can’t wait to see you there!), and dinner at my parents’ house!

I’m a pretty organized person, but there’s little areas of my life that are rarely organized (i.e. my car, my “junk drawer(s)” to name a couple).


I love the taper. I definitely write lists of what i’ll need for race day, review course map, and plan out my logistics of traveling to and from the race (especially if it’s a point to point like the NYC Marathon) and I create a document with estimate split times based on my projected pace for my friends and family who will be spectating. And I send them a pic of my race outfit too

Today I am going to ride my bike while my friend runs, I’m working from home for a few hours and I’ve got to stop at an ATM because I have $3 in my wallet.

I’m organized to a degree but I can get a little disorganized when life gets hectic.


These tips are great and I think they can be applied to a half marathon too! I’ve never done a full marathon but I’m not so great at tapering for a half. I tend to overload on the rest portion on race week. I like to get in one or two runs to make sure my legs stay loose. I also avoid all weighted exercises the week of a race so I’m not sore. Like you, it depends on the situation if I am organized or not!


I actually like tapering — I feel like that is not normal. But I enjoy getting the extra sleep and having more time to hang out with my husband and friends.


I like tapering because my body feels so fresh, I hate it mentally.

3 things I’m doing today: I just finished my first mountain run, I hiked for 4 hours, and tonight I’m going to dinner. Yay for vacation! (I’m in Austria)


The taper messes with my mind, especially after training hard for a while.

3 things I’m doing today… shopping for my youngest’s birthday party this Saturday (Pokemon all the way), drinking coffee, and going for a short run. Can you tell I’m a teacher and it’s summer? Yahoo!!

90% of my life is extremely organized. It used to be 100% but then I had kids and I’ve relaxed a little ;)


I find tapering to be really hard. I get so nervous that I’m going to lose all the fitness I gained over the months of training! But at the same time I know it’s going to help me feel fresh come race day.

3 things I’m doing today – going to Atlantic City, eating copious amounts of boardwalk food, and going to a burlesque show later tonight!


Great tips! And I love the Secret Life of Walter Mitty!


I run halfs, so I only taper the week of the race and I am not a huge fan of taper week. I don’t know what to do with myself when I am not running or working out. :)


Great tips! In my first marathon it was hard to taper because I was kind of afraid of being out of shape for the marathon, but I did trust my training. I ended up hurting my hamstring and having to take off a week before my marathon, but that was probably best.


Thank you so much for this info!! Have you ever written a post about tapering for a half marathon? That is currently the longest race I’ve run (and I’m not quite ready for a full) and would love your advice on tapering for that distance as well.

P.S. I hope one day I can achieve a bun as good as Brooke’s


Great Tips!! I’m running the UV marathon as well — but will probably finish about 2 hours after you haha. Best of luck! Loved these tips!


HEY MEG!!! You are going to rock the marathon! Hope to see you there!


Thanks Janae!! I appreciate that. And I look forward to watching you take one of the top spots!


Great post! My marathon is still 149 days away (but who’s counting), but I’ll make sure to come back and check this as it gets closer. Personally, I love tapering! It’s like a ritual: changing your diet a bit, taking extremely good care of your body, getting everything ready… In fact, I take tapering very seriously for every race… 5K up to the marathon ;)
My tricks are very similar to yours: no fibers/veggies (except for sweet potatoes with no skin)/nuts (nuts & I don’t get along when it comes to running) two days out. No alcohol/junk food of any kind two weeks out. No caffeine the day before. Tons of water/water+Nuun and Gatorade starting two days before the marathon. Yes, I’m OCD like that. And I ALWAYS have sushi as my pre-race dinner! Easy to digest and good carbs/protein ratio. And sodium from the soy sauce!

PS: I was lucky enough to attend the world premiere of the Secret Life of Walter Mitty!!!


I’ve learnt to like the taper, although I’d rather be running business as usual. I’m going to try a shake out run before my next race, that sounds like a great suggestion, and I had never heard it before.
I hope you get to run the marathon!


Thanks for sharing this! Awesome! You’re the second person to quote Pete Pfitzinger. I gottah look into his words of wisdom. I look forward to the taper. It’s almost as satisfying as finishing the actual marathon. My last 4 races are fulls… back to back to back to back months. You nailed it about do what works for you, especially between races. I’ll have to try no strength training tip, and the cut out of vegetables trick. 3 things…work, reading blogs, and catching up on recording shows. I’m organized with a touch of anal. Have a great day J. Stay blessed!


Great quote, and sooo true. Or like they say in hebrew:
הנפש חזקה מהגוף!


I get antsy with a taper…..but I remember why I do it. :)

Taper Trick: Similar to your nutrition tip: Just add a few more carbs to your meals than normal during the week prior to your race. No need to go all pasta/potato/bread heavy if that’s not what your body is used to.

Three things Thursday:
Working (booooo!)
Drinking Diet Mountain Dew (aaahhh!)
Eating a Drumstick Ice Cream cone for dessert tonight (yess!)

I’m organized if it will affect someone else, but not for just me, personally.


I’m very organized in my mind. Some areas of my life even LOOK organized. But not my desk or my car.

Three things I’m doing today (and yes, my life is so exciting)… going to my piano lesson, taking my kids to swimming lessons, and picking my oldest up from his last day of his first year of high school. Living large.


Three things I’m doing today: training clients, working on a throwback recap of my 2010 North Face Endurance Challenge Marathon, and picking up Chipotle for dinner!

I always liked the taper… perhaps I’m lazy at heart!

I’m organized about most things except my closet!


The first couple of times I tapered for a marathon I hated it. Now with a bit more experience I embrace the Taper. I am usually ready for it when it happens (both physically and mentally) and I know it’s a part of the process. :) Good luck in your marathon! I’m running a Marathon next Sunday in Nova Scotia, Canada. I’ll probably finish an hour longer than you did! lol.


Thanks for the great advice. I’m getting anxious/excited for race day. 8 days!!! I really hope your body allows you to rock the marathon. You’re the besttttt


I’m going to avoid vegetables & high fiber foods 2-3 days before my next race–my last few races I’ve had stomach issues & I would like to break this cycle:)


Hi, can I please ask you-do you pool run in shallow water where your feet touch the ground or deep water when you can’t touch the ground. Thank you so much.


Hey Catherine! In the deep end!!!


I love that pic of you holding Brooke on your hip. SO cute!!

I am cheering you on & hope you get to run next week!!!


I know this has zero to do with tapering, BUT isn’t The Secret Life of Walter Mitty AMAZING!!!!!!! Love love love that movie and have tried to convince everyone to watch it. If you watched it once, watch it again, you’ll see things you missed the first time and such great quotes! Eye opening and inspiring. Love it! Snow cat….awesomeness! “Things that are truly beautiful don’t ask for attention.” Something like that :)


Three things I did today: work, run, drink chocolate milk. All in all, a good day :)


I don’t really like tapering, it gives me too much time to think about the race and psych myself out.

I try to really rest when I’m tapering, get plenty of sleep, and eat some extra carbs (no hardship there!).

Today I went to work, read on my back deck and walked my pooch. Fairly uneventful.

I really try to be organized sometimes, but it doesn’t come naturally to me.


Janaeeeeeee, are we soul sisters?! That Henry Ford quote is seriously one of my faves! Plus, since my 28th b-day (last month), I’ve made one of my goals for myself to be: “Finish strong!”


Taper time is not my favorite but I make sure I rest the weeks before a long race. When I can’t run my usual miles I get kind of get grumpy. But I do know how important it is to rest your legs before a race. I think I’m really organized. I don’t function well in chaos so being organzied works well for me. :)


You’re the best..good post.. thank you!


I tend to taper more than I run, btw free race entry on my most recent entry


I taper just because my plan tells me to :)


I try really hard to be organised but i am new to all this and finding my feet. I love eating gluten free pizza before race day and temper is not something i have had to really do as not done a big enough event although this is about to change next month.
Have a lovely weekend and hope the weather is better then the storms here in England.


great post. one think with tapering that i hate is that a 3 mile slow run turns into the most difficult task ever. happens to me everything. its all in my head i think haha i always think…omg. i can’t run 3 miles, SLOW. how will i run 26.2, FAST?!

very organized person.

and three things I’m doing today:

(1) post op appointment where i can get this chin strap looking thing off my face. i. cannot. wait. get it off me! its been a week of walking around like this.

(2) RUN. haven’t run in a week bc of surgery. cannot wait!

(3) sister’s bday dinner at home tonight w the fam :)


I always look forward to tapering, but then when I actually am tapering I start to go stir crazy and just can’t wait for the race.


I’ve only run half-marathons so far, but I just started training for a full this week. Thanks for all the tapering advice! I’ve enjoyed tapering the week before halfs–it feels so good to rest my legs! I’m going to try a shake-out run, too (I’ve never heard of doing this before) since I spend the first couple miles warming up!

I had today off so I went running with my dog, did some much over-due mowing (it was more like a hair chopping for my lawn!), and am now lounging on my deck on a gorgeous day!

I’m pretty organized when it comes to pre-race prep! Moderately so with the rest of my life :)
Thanks for all the tips, Janae! I hope you get to run!


Love this taper list!! Makes me excited to keep training for my race and all the fun that happens race week!


I hate tapering!!! It’s the worst (well not really).


I’m re-reading this post today because I’m doing my third half this Saturday, thanks for the tips, it’s very helpful!

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