Fun facts from my Cinco de Mayo.

1.  I woke up at 4:30 a.m. all on my own and couldn’t fall back to sleep so I did what any normal human would do and I went to the gym to ellipticize.  My quad flared up again after the race so this week I will be taking it pretty easy with my running.   Gotta get to that marathon starting line in 39 days uninjured.

2.  Because of above mentioned wake-up time I was ready for bed when Brooke was going to bed and for the first time in approximately 15 months she fell asleep in my arms.  That is what heaven feels like.  

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3.  Have you ever had these?  They are delicious and I had it for part one of my breakfast.  

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4.  You didn’t think I would go anywhere but Cafe Rio to celebrate Cinco de Mayo did you?!?  I am guessing my sister didn’t really want to be on the blog judging by her head positioning.  Curly always wants to be on the blog.

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Speaking of my sister.  Finally, someone that understands how I feel… 

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5.  Monday afternoon matinee to see Spider-Man…  Sure, why not?!?  I absolutely adore Emma Stone.

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6.  I decided yesterday that I am going to have to get off of snapchat because my friends think it is so funny to send me pictures of delicious donuts to make me drool over.  It has been far too long since my last donut.

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7.  Fun fact from Sunday— we ran out of chocolate chips so I got creative and added Sea Salt Butterscotches from TJ’s and bananas to our pancakes.  I really need to stop coming up with so many good ideas.  

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8.  My favorite internet find from yesterday:


Also, please refrain from being too jealous over my elephant pajama pants that I bought for 70 cents in Thailand.  I wear them daily.  

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It’s your turn to share a fun fact… anything you want!  

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Your matinees are so cheap!! I think we paid $9 to go see the spiderman matinee on Sunday. Very jealous.

I thought I woke up early today and I was up at 5:45…4:30 is crazy!


That is about what we pay as well, then all the candy and food…yikes lol


My fav internet find from yesterday PUSH = Persist Until Something Happens


I love those elephant pajama pants! Fun fact: I get made fun of by my husband for pronouncing it “puh-jam-a” instead of “puh-jom-a” if that makes sense at all.

Oh man, Cafe Rio. I’m in Europe right now and the one thing I miss the most about America (besides my family and friends, obviously) is Mexican food. I think about chips and guacamole and tacos ALL the time.


Yeah but I’m sure Europe has its own amazing food.


Random: I am wayyyyy too excited for the salad I packed for my lunch today. Also, nervous to go to muscle pump since I haven’t been in approximately a gazillion years and definitely have not done anything remotely strength oriented since a couple weeks before Boston. I think I am going to huuuurrrrt tomorrow.

Your jazzed up pancakes look fanTAStic! OMNOM :)


that is so cute that she fell asleep in your arms!

i cannot think of a fun fact. haha pathetic


AHHH! I thought that photo looked Familer from Oiselle, I’m pretty sure that photo is Jen B! Anyways-

I actually woke up extremely early yesterday for no reason and could not figure out why. I got a lot of sleep but around 430 I just could not go back to sleep. I guess that is my fun fact of the day.


Aw so glad you and Brooke could bond like that! She is so precious!


This weekend we added crumbled homemade dark chocolate chip cookies and fresh mint leaves to our waffle batter. Try it. It wil rock your world. You’re welcome :)


That sounds amazingly delicious


I love falling asleep with the kids. Wow those pancakes sound amazing.

Fun fact – I haven’t ran in two days and I’m completely OK with that lol. But the itch is starting to come on heavy.


Fun fact for me is I just discovered pod casts! seriously? how was I not listening to these on long runs? I almost feel spoiled now that I’ve found them, like it’s gonna make running too good to be true ;)


I just installed a podcast player and want to find good ones to listen to as well!


Currently (like this morning) listened to The Paleo Solution (Robb Wolf) and I also like The Primal Blueprint (Mark Sisson)
They are both paleo guys but a lot of what they talk about I would think is interesting for anyone :)


Sweet Brooke!!

I had ice cream for dinner last night… :-/ #sorrynotsorry


Nothing wrong with that, sounds delicious


Elephant pajama pants for 70 CENTS! That is the best deal of the year!

Fun fact: I’ve been working with a new running coach for a month now and am already seeing the results and getting faster! :)


Why does your blog always make me hungry!!


I apologize. This is how I feel every time I open my instagram and snapchat feeds… food jealousy and hunger always occur.


Fun fact…. I had absolutely no Mexican food yesterday. Need to change that, this weekend. Love the pancake idea!


I got a really great green dress yesterday to wear to a party and for a bridal luncheon yay! New clothes are always fun facts :)


Hmmm fun fact. Went on a Target shopping spree yesterday. I love me a cheap maxi skirt!


I have almost the same pants from Cambodia and I’m obsessed with them :)


That makes me so so happy! Aren’t they ridiculously comfortable?!


Yes – they are amazing! I am obsessed with them :)


Fun fact…I have at least 15 pairs of pj pants. :-)


I knew we were soul mates for a reason:)


That picture describes how I feel about how much time we have left in school (because I don’t have a sister) haha.
Fun Fact: I am getting really nervous about the launch of my jewelry line!


Good luck with your launch.


@70 cents I would have brought a pair home for everyday of the week :)


Hey! That runner girl with major pain face is me!! Ah! That’s what the end of a 5k PR (or any race distance actually!) looks like. Ouch!

I love falling asleep with either (or both) of my kids in my arms. Best feeling ever! I’ll remind myself of that tonight when my teething baby has me up at 2am and I’m nodding off while nursing. ;)


SOOO COOL!! I absolutely love that picture of you! I follow you on Instagram too and all of your pics are the best:) Hoping you get some good sleep tonight!


Curly’s face is priceless.

I LOVE butterscotches. And anything with sea salt. Oh man so good. Now I’m hungry.

Also…I had Qdoba yesterday. I don’t know if that really counts because I just love Qdoba. It didn’t have to actually be Cinco de Mayo.


I really miss my babies falling asleep in my arms, especially since my youngest will be 7 this month.

Fun fact: I ate an entire bowl of watermelon yesterday.


Watermelon is delicious, Kids and I finish oft a whole bowl regularly.


Evan still falls asleep in my arms every night. I love it so haven’t wanted to give it up just yet. One day it will happen. Something random? Last night I made brownies at 10pm – on a work night. And I wake up every morning at 4:30am so I can leave for work at 6:10am.


This morning I wore a headset and sang to people and had one of those people yell, “shut up!” at me. BUT I DIDN’T CARE.


Haha! Love the picture of your sister and Curly! :)


My husband loves cafe rio, with the whole wheat tortillas it’s hard to resist


Well this is funny more than it is fun but for the longest time I would dvr tv shows but forget that I could fast forward through the commercials. I was just so grateful to record stuff I would have otherwise missed.

Then one day I realized I could watch two shows in the same timeframe by fast forwarding thru the commercials. Lol!!!


Fun fact… I have the same elephant pants! But in green :).




My son loves those fruity things from Cliff! I kinda love the word ellipticize. Genius!


Oh my goodness those pancakes… mmmmm. I made taco lettuce wraps for cinco de mayo and then promptly stubbed my toe on a very sharp corner and gave myself quite a nice gash so I won’t be doing any running for a couple days. Maybe with the extra time I’ll make some of those pancakes!


I love those pajamas! Elephants are always good. Fun fact about me: I eat lemons the way people eat oranges. Totally normal, right? My only pregnancy cravings were lemons and watermelon, and I am pretty sure that’s why both my girls love lemons, too.


I love a good movie in the middle of the day! I have yet to see Spider Man thought! Captain America was really good :)

Love the pjs!


Wow, you exercised at 4.30am?? When I couldn’t sleep last night I got up and watched Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender being interviewed about the X-Men! :-)


Yum I love butterscotch! Those pancakes sounds amazing.
Fun fact: I love sprinkles. Probably more than a grown adult woman should. But I do.


Fun fact? I was going to do the first day of this week’s training plan yesterday. Then I was going to go to the annual Cinco de Mayo group workout with my trainer instead. Then I was going to do the training plan. Then I went out for margaritas and tacos with my husband and kiddo instead of doing either.


Yay for margaritas and tacos.


I love Emma Stone too – isn’t she adorable?! I may or may not have teared up in Spiderman. I was not expecting to cry during a superhero movie. ;)


We went to Chuck E. Cheese’s to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. He came out shaking some maracas and gave everyone hugs. Then we ended the night with blizzards.


I just made Banoffee Pie last night for the first time ever. Sweet, gooey goodness! The Brits are on to something. You must try it!


i want those scotchies!!!!
Also-I tried TJ’s Cookie butter yday…i’m regretting that i left the jar at home today bc man it is GOOOOOD STUFFFF…. i don’t wantto eat anything else EVER again in my LIFE!!!


Random: Eating a bagel and cream cheese for teacher appreciation. Delish.


And you just gave me the biggest flashback ever:)


Fun Fact: I added up my running totals yesterday for a year and my driving totals for a year. I ran exactly 22.4 miles more than I drove in a year! Mind you, I work from home but I think that’s pretty darned amazing so I must be too :)


Okay, seriously. That is the coolest thing ever. CONGRATS!!!!


Thank you, I am challenging others to do this every month. It’s a great way to be less sedentary and get healthier! :)


Wow that is amazing, Congrats.


This is very impressive.


I got a box of Thin Mint cookies yesterday, and plan on making Thin Mint cookie ice cream. We have an ice cream machine and it’s my favorite thing. Also perfect for Mother’s Day since mint chocolate chip is my mom’s absolute favorite flavor. Thin Mints + chocolate swirl + ice cream = awesome.


Such an early morning! Loving the PJ’s. Fun fact: I am actually listening to my body and resting from running today! :) My calfs are sore so I am taking a rest day!


I’m left-handed!

I loved the Spiderman movie too!


Fun fact: Three months ago I found a new group of running friends (Moms RUN This Town) and have loved having friends to run with super early in the morning! My other friends never wanted to run that early.




I ate a Boston Creme donut after my run on Sunday and it was truly spectacular. I wish I could have another, but I’m a fitness instructor – I don’t think my folks would appreciate a new donut gut.


I’ve never tried Clif fruit ropes before but they look yummy! I used to eat Clif bars all the time so I wouldn’t mind giving these a try!

Those elephant pajama pants look comfy!


We got a Cafe Rio in our area! It is soooo good. Those donuts look sooo good also.


I wish I could magically drop the 10 pounds I gained while I was injured. I feel like an elephant running now and even though I did exercise everyday when I was injured I probably wasn’t eating as good. Then my Moms emergency heart surgery was more stress. I wish managing weight were easier. I’m not sure why I’m rambling along about this. I’m a size 2 and 128 pounds. Maybe I wish I were happy with that, but I’m a perfectionist and want to be were I was before my injury.


LOVE those elephant pants! I need a pair!!!


I had my sister and cousin over for cinco de mayo. I made beef tacos, chicken fajitas, and apple enchiladas with vanilla ice cream. Oh my goodness, you need to make apple enchiladas. They’re super easy and they taste amazing!


Great way to celebrate right there.


Those pajama pants are so cool! I made a plantain crust pizza the other day, sounds weird but it was actually delicious 8-)


Those elephant pjs are awesome! I definitely want a pair!!


Today’s random fact … George Clooney and I are celebrating our birthday. We tried to organize a joint party but our publicists nixed the idea.

Seis de Mayo is the BEST.


Ahhhhhhh happy happy happy birthday dear friend!!!!


I love Cliff Kid Fruit Ropes and Z Bars are great too.


I had to comment and say I’m OBSESSED with your elephant pajama pants. They are glorious and so cute!


2 out of my 3 kids are home sick with fevers today. That tends to be the only time that any of my kids will fall asleep in my arms. Fun fact, I add hot tamales to my popcorn and now it’s the only way I can eat popcorn.


Hope the kids get better soon, I hate when mine are under the weather.


That picture of your sis and Curly gives the optical illusion that Curly has a giant head.

Random fact: My running buddy and I have both been out of town, but at different times. It’s been FOREVER since we’ve ran together. It makes me sad. (and slow. I always run slower without her).

Hope your able to curb your belligerent quad.


#2 is my fave from your post. I look forward to that feeling one day (hopefully).

Fun Fact: I have a half marathon in less than 25 days and I haven’t trained for it…eek…I’m not sure that counts as FUN. haha!


Fun fact: I get to wake up every day without an alarm because I naturally get up at 5 am. I wish I could call this a “good” fact; but, it also means that I also pass out around 10 pm every night! So much for my wild twenties ;)


I love that my 2 year old likes to cuddle with me. She still walks up to me, puts her arms up, and says “cuddle mamma.”

Random thing from Monday. My husband bought new running shoes on Sunday, on Monday he won a free pair of the same shoe for winning a Cinco De Mayo race.


2 fun facts. People know I have a passion for running and all things running. Truth is, what trumps that is my passion for showing dogs. I’m not a professional handler, but I hold my own in the show ring. The second fun fact…I got the name TSA from a trainer who noticed all I did was get in the gym, get my work out in, not say a peep, and then peace out. You know, like an assassin, but silent. Even after appearing on RER, some people still think I’m imaginary. Ok that was 3 facts =).


I wish I could wake up at 4:30 and not be able to go back to sleep. I am trying to get back in the habit of waking up early! Especially as the weather begins to get warmer to beat the heat.


Fun fact: I also entered the St. George Marathon and can’t wait to hear the results on Monday! Good luck to you too, maybe I’ll see you there!


Those fruit snacks are the best!! My parents had them at home in bulk and I took about 20 of them back with me to NYC :) That’s what going home is for right? ;)


Fun fact from me: I have a similar pair of trousers (I wear them out though, not as pjs), although they are pattened/flowery and from China instead of Thailand. I LOVE THEM. So comfy and free.

WHY have you not had a doughnut in ages?? Donut-day-Wednesday maybe?? :)


Brooke snoozing on you is too cute! What a sweetie!


Fun fact: I turned my family into a gluten free one. Funnier fact it’s while my husbands been on his business trip. Hope he thinks it’s a fun fact too! I’m also on my day 2 no sugar detox and my headache is finally gone.


Those Clif bar fruit ropes are the best! In college, I always got excited when this one family asked me to babysit because 1) they had an adorable baby, and 2) they had these fruit ropes and would tell me to help myself. ;)




I love Emma Stone too! I want to hang out with her haha

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