Top 10 Things I Love About Being Single

Brinner is always a good idea.  I met someone the other day that told me that they didn’t like breakfast foods and it actually hurt my heart to hear such a thing.

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Speaking of Breakfast foods, Brooke now knows how to get into the pantry and bring out the boxes of cereal.  I don’t remember if I ever did a formal review on the chocolate FMWs——> STICK TO THE CLASSIC FMWs.  The chocolate= no (in my expert FMW opinion) but Brooke likes to munch on a few every now and then.

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Brooke and I had a really fancy tea party on the deck, this weather is incredible right now.

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Over two weeks since the last time I had froyo (I love setting new pr’s) so I made Jess go get some with me.  9.5 miles of running on the trails made me want to eat all day long.

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I am going to keep this lighthearted (none of this has anything to do with the real issues of my divorce) but there are some definite positives to being single again and I thought I would share them with you.  Obviously, I never thought I would get divorced but I did so let’s focus on the positive side of the whole thing.

10.  Eating chocolate/candy/popcorn/whatever I want in bed all of the time.  No one to judge me (except I am telling you all about this and I am sure some people will judge me for this but oh well).

9.  I get to watch a ridiculous amount of chick flicks/10 consecutive episodes of Parenthood/whatever show I choose in bed until 3 a.m. and there is nothing wrong with that.  Also, I love getting lost in a good book and not feeling bad for leaving the lights on half the night so I can read ‘just one more chapter.’

8.  Every holiday with my family… I absolutely loved my in-laws but I of course always missed my family on Christmas and other holidays, it is so nice to always get to be with them.

7.  I get to turn on the light and make as much noise as I need to in the morning when I am getting ready to go running… no tiptoeing around at 5 a.m. for me:)

6.  Dating again.  It is a blast.  I will talk more about this in another post.

5.  King size bed all to myself.  I think I have 7 blankets and 5 pillows and I spread myself across my entire bed each night.

4.  No more watching sports on tv.  HALLELUJAH.  I would be fine if I never had to watch another football game on tv again in my life.

3.  As many girls’ nights as I want.  Just the feeling of being able to go do whatever I want once Brooke goes down to bed without anyone else’s opinion of what I should be doing (wow, I sound like a teenager).

2.  Spending time with myself.  Getting to know myself better.  Doing things on my own.  Figuring out that I don’t need anyone else to make me happy.  Being comfortable with just being Janae and being exactly who I know that I am.

1.  Starting fresh.  Knowing that I have a whole world of opportunities ahead of me… the possibilities are endless.  My life is an open book now, I am excited to see where it takes me and Brooke.


What about you… single, married, engaged, dating?  What are some of the best parts about your situation?

Watching sports on tv—>  do you like to?  Favorite and least favorite sport to watch on tv?

Are you a brinner person?

Any cereals that you do not like?

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Nicely written Janae. I agree that starting fresh is one of the most important. Knowing that you are happy in your own personal life and with Brooke. I could not be happier for you.

Also who doesn’t love breakfast?! So crazy.


What a fun post! So excited for you and this new season of life!


I am married and this year will be our 4 year anniversary! We met freshmen year of college and have been together ever since (9 years). We definitely have our ups and downs, what marriage/relationship doesn’t, and there are times that are very tough, but we try to do the best we can! The whole having the bed to yourself thing would be amazing though- I am quite jealous there! ;)

I LOVE FOOTBALL. It is my favorite sport and I can watch it for hours (not NFL only college), but it’s because I went to a huge college football school, Auburn- WAR EAGLE!

I love all types of cereal, sometimes I am in the mood for sweet and sometimes just normal, but I really love Cheerios, Rice Krispies, and Cinnamon Life!

I live in Charlotte, NC so I don’t know what Brinner’s is, but it looks delish!


“Brinner” is breakfast for dinner :) Like brunch!


Bahaha oh whoops! :)


War Eagle? Noooooo!


War Eagle!!


Married, but when he gets irritating, single looks good, kidding. I love breakfast, pretty much all breakfast foods. I also love college football, it’s my one sports vice..


W-w-w-wait a second. There are people in this world who don’t like breakfast foods?? How is that even possible?!

I’m “in a relationship” but he lives in another state, so it’s pretty much like living the single life. I do love the having the bed to myself (with the dog, of course). Also, eating the most random things because I hate grocery shopping, so there’s rarely a plethora of food in my house. It’s kind of like being in college again. But with my own house. and a job, of course.


Janae this post made me smile! Especially the part about you dating again, I cannot wait to hear about that. My divorce was finalized two weeks ago and it still hurts and I still have times I want to cry and scream but living by myself is soo so nice. I watch Bravo all the time and have no concerns about leaving a mess or cooking for someone.


LOVED this post Janae!! Thank you for being so honest with us!!! I am so excited for you and this new chapter in your life. Love that you focus on the positive rather than the negative. You are a blessed woman :)


Love this post! Awesome Top Ten List! Remember that when people are talking about you/judging you behind your back…they are behind your back for a reason! All of these are awesome I dont think I could pick even one as my fav.

Love brinner. Your waffle picture looks so yummy. But as for cereal I just cant do it. Too many ickies in them. So I make my own granola for cereal ~ so supper easy and basically you can use what you have in your kitchen.

Have a great day :)


I’m married- but I LOVE your perspective. You are in a new season- a wiser season, and more in touch with YOU!

Brinner= awesome. I actually like breakfast better at dinner :)


divorce stinks and you are ALWAYS in my prayers, friend!!! you’ve turned something crummy into something positive.


Wow, I can’t believe you are dating already. I don’t know why you got divorced but it seemed heart breaking. I’m not sure I could move on so quickly if I was suddenly divorced. I’m sure you have your reasons though and maybe will share them?

I love breakfast foods for dinner.


Your tone sounds a wee bit judgey here btw, but I’d say different people are ready at different times. You can still be hurting and make steps forward!


Because everyone is different? Because your way of doing things might not be the way everyone else would do them?


What?! She doesn’t need to share the reasons for her divorce. That is private and really no one’s business.

I’m glad you’re dating again Janae. You only deserve the best and I am happy to hear you have moved on. I hope you find someone who will treat you like you deserve it.


I meant the reasons why she felt like dating so soon. Seriously I’m being attacked because I said I couldn’t see MYSELF dating 8 months after a sudden divorce?


No, because you wrote “Wow, I can’t believe you are dating already”.


I am a long time reader/lurker and I love your blog. I am recently divorce and I see nothing wrong with dating a few months after a divorce (I sure did). Divorce is hard. I say do WHATEVER makes you happy! Good for you Janae!!!


Dating can mean many things who’s to say she’s serious this soon?? If she is healing and moving forward there is nothing wrong with dating anytime after a divorce. Everyone is different and if dating helps her move on so be it!!! Don’t comment on someone’s personal blog if your just going to judge them- obviously you don’t even know what the reasons of the divorce was and obviously your opinions are just rude amy


Divorces are tough, and unless you have been through one you don’t know what it would feel like or what you would or wouldn’t do. Remember that divorces don’t happen overnight. The day you get divorced isn’t the day your marriage ends. Marriages end before the divorce papers are signed. The actual divorce is when you realize that it truly is over. It’s hard, but divorce is not a bad thing. We don’t know what happened, we don’t need to know. All we can do is show support, love and acceptance to someone who went through an extremely difficult time who is now finding some peace and happiness. She deserves that at least.


I love your positivity!!

I’m dating; my bf and I have been together about 9 months and although I love him to pieces, and there are obviously many many good things about having a solid partnership, I am sooo glad I live alone so I can still experience many of the single girl perks… taking up the whole bed, eating whatever the heck I want most of the time, turning on all the lights at 530am when I get up, making loud smoothies in the morning, etc :) These reasons are probably a good 75% of the reason I recently chose to keep my little 1 bedroom apartment and live alone for another year before moving in with my bf. Can’t beat it!

PS who doesn’t like breakfast?! I mean come on, it’s the most important meal of the day AND the best meal of the day. Let’s be real.


I’m so happy that you’re at a point where you can start to think about some of the positives of being single, you’re such a strong inspiration!


Definitely a brinner person!! Love your positive spin on your divorce! I’m happily married, but you’re right, there are definitely positives to being single!


Ugh …king size bed all to yourself? I’m a little bit jealous! Even when my guy travels for work I have a cat who spreads out horizontally and takes up half the bed! :)

Awesome that you can write a list of 10 lighthearted things about your situation! I know you wrote about having a rough few months, but it sounds like you’re having many more good days than bad now. So happy for you!


Happy post Thursday!!
I have been widowed now for 15 years so I consider myself single mostly but every so often I feel I am not being true to myself and guilty he would be mad so then I will say widowed. It’s complicated!

Watching sports on tv? Yuck! Unless it is World Series or super bowl and in connection with a party and snacks.

Brinner, brunch and breakfast are my favorite meals. :)

Not a fan of raisin bran. Gets soggy too fast and tastes like cardboard.

I am on board with your entire list by the way for why single rocks.


You’re such an inspiration you have the best outlook!!!!


Totally jealous that you get the whole bed to yourself ;) I don’t like any of the FMW varieties as much as the original by the way, though the maple one is pretty good.

Totally love breakfast for dinner, my favorites are pancakes or crepes!


Brookers looks SO much like Curly in the picnic table photo. Love you, Janae! You inspire me to be more positive everyday. Thank you.


This is a great post! I love that you can find the best parts of any situation that you are thrown into :) My bf and I have recently encountered that issue of me wanting to read “one more chapter” and him wanting the lights off- so I am jealous of you for that one! ;)


This post made me so happy — which is kind of rough for me right now, going through a serious breakup. It’s only day 4, but I’m trying to look on the bright side. A positive in my situation: my friends are amazing. I don’t think I could do it without them.


Loved this. You’re dating again?!? Can’t wait to hear about it!!

I have been dating the same person for 2.5 years, it’s GREAT. We are long distance and have been for a year and half, which sucks, but I also feel like I get the best of both worlds (of course I’d still choose to be not long distance, over all). I get to have girls nights and time to myself, and we are in driving distance so we see each other every other week. It’s worth it!

I actually highly enjoy watching football on TV, but baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, golf = NO.

I don’t like Captain Crunch. It cuts my mouth and makes it all filmy. SICK.


I’m glad you are finding the bright side of all this. I’ve been divorced for about 1.5 years now and have been dating. Dating is an adventure for sure! Mostly good.


You are such a positive person! What a great way to look at things.

I am married, we are about to celebrate 11 years in May and we both love football, but cheer for opposing teams! Twice a season things get really tense in my house (Go Cowboys!). My daughter and I love brinner, but husband does not. What is wrong with him?? I make it when he is on business trips or at a night meeting, then everyone is happy.

I like cereal, but mostly Kashi and Golden Grahams and when I’m really bad, Fruit Loops! I cannot eat Total, which was my sister’s favorite growing up. Odd child! :)

I hope you have a great day!


I love your list! Your positive attitude continues to impress me!
I love breakfast foods, especially blueberry pancakes, and I eat brinner more times than I care to admit.
As for cereal, as long as it isn’t soggy, I’m not too picky. But I can never drink the leftover milk in the bottom, for some.reason it grosses me out.


Single. Sports not so much, unless its for the local football team or the Super Bowl. I don’t usually have breakfast foods for dinner BUT I am one of the biggest cereal fans ever. The cereal aisle is one of my favorite places in the store and I pretty much love every kind. I don’t judge (: I had cheerios and lucky charms this morning, obviously starting the day right!


This post made me so happy! I love hearing about how positive you are being through such a trying time. You really inspire me to see everything, even if it’s hard, in a good light. :) Can’t wait to hear about dating again too!! Have a great day Janae!


Umm how have I never heard of the term ‘brinner’?! I looooove breakfast foods!

Love your list! :)


Are you in my head or what?! I just literally typed up part of a post on the exact same topic of why it is nice to be divorced and live “single” just my son and me. How funny! I relate to almost all of your reasons and have a few more that I think I will be posting in a few days!


A. Breakfast foods are the best and I also had brinner last night.

B. Love the positivity of this post and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.

C. I don’t really care for Oat Bran…but I will probably eat any cereal if I throw in some fruit with it. :-)


We are having our 10 year anniversary next week! I have to say I love being married, but there are a few things on your list that I am quite envious of!!


This is a great list and I’m so glad you are able to look at all the positives about being single. I am married but there are plenty of times I wish I had a king bed all to myself:) The holiday thing is definitely hard….we both have family in a couple different states which makes it super complicated and inconvenient for both of us. But there are great things about being married and having lots of family too…so its just important to appreciate the positives of the current situation you are in. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your dating:)


I love that you’re starting to open up to your readers a bit on here. There are so many of us who care about you, your running (you inspired me to start running, btw!), and your family even though we don’t know each other in real life.
Keep it up, Janae! These last couple posts have really shown that you’re putting more time into writing your posts; I have really enjoyed them.
I’m excited to see the video that you filmed the other day on the island..
And that picture of Brooke at the “tea party”?! When did she get so old?! You’re going to have a little heartbreaker on your hands before you know it ;)

Take care of yourself, and I can’t wait to hear about the dating scene.


Breakfast for dinner is the best. We only ever really do eggs for brinner, though, because Mike doesn’t like pancakes or waffles (WHAT?).

I could definitely do without watching sports. I usually just get a bunch of books during football and college basketball seasons so I can read on the couch while Mike yells at the tv and scares the dog.

I think the best part about being married is that when something goes wrong, you’re not on your own…like losing a job, etc. Plus, it’s fun to always have someone to hang out with.


I love brinner. I love breakfast foods in general. I always want to eat breakfast.

I also love #4 and #2. I hate watching sports on tv. Everyone in my hometown is a football fanatic so I feel pretty left out.

#2 is important no matter what your relationship status is. I think we all sometimes lose ourselves in other people at times and it’s hard to really focus on who we are. And you’re right – no one needs someone else to be happy!


Haha I love being single.


I have been married for over a decade and the best part about it is maybe not even marriage related. I feel like we are still dating a lot of the time. I never thought I still would have butterflies after all these years. So to have all the memories of holidays, travels, shared experiences over all these years with someone I feel this way about is pretty special.

I also look forward to the dating post. Fun!!


Good for you for starting to date again! But you know, if you get involved with someone, there goes all those things you are loving about being single! ;)

I’m married–got married while I was still in college to the guy that I had been dating since high school. Sometimes I wish I had enjoyed a few years of singleness first, but I think the best thing about being married is having someone to share the load, whether it be household chores, difficult decisions, heartbreak, ect, plus having a sidekick for all the good things in life, too.


WHAT??? Who doesnt like breakfast foods, that is crazy. You are 100% correct, there are tons of possibilities in front of you and its great to see you embracing it.

What about us – Currently engaged, wedding set for July 5th this year.
Sports – I’m a guy, sports on TV is in our DNA lol
Cereal – Nope, I think I’ll eat any cereal with a little sugar sprinkled on top


Good for you Janae! I love your positive attitude. You and Brooke have so much to look forward to!


Awesome post. Never ever hurts to see the positive in whatever situation you are in! I love your attitude.

I have been married (almost) 15 years and what I love is spending time with my husband doing things we enjoy (watching sports is one of them since I LOVE all sports) but also having the balance with my girl time which is a priority and also my alone time (when he goes on 3 day ski trips with the guys). I do enjoy having the house to myself when he is gone but am always super happy to see him back home again. With the right person you will find that perfect balance that works for you :)

Have a wonderful day.


Brinner is the best meal of the day, I love pancakes for dinner and it’s the primary reason I’m seriously considering investing in a waffle iron.

Plus, being single means I can do things like seriously consider investing in waffle iron, or picking up and moving wherever I want. AND NO ONE CAN JUDGE ME FOR WATCHING MURDER, SHE WROTE MARATHONS EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND.


I’m so happy to see you so positive and happy with your life :). You are just one of those people, that many don’t like to see sad, and you are totally right, what’s wrong with that person?? How can you not like Brinner??? It was always my favorite dinner to get with I was growing up and still is today!

I’m dating, I love my situation, because he is pretty much my other half, we don’t fight ever (and we’ve been dating for 5 years), so it’s like hanging out with my best friend all the time. I love watching football!! I get so excited for football season, it’s a bit ridiculous, the boyfriend loves it haha. I hate watching basketball, but I will watch with the boyfriend, but the deal is that, I get to ignore him and pay no attention haha. I don’t like fruity pebbles of coco puffs, they are just weird to me!


I’m 3 1/2 years married and love getting to hang out all the time with my best friend. My husband is on the road almost every week, so I get my fair share of solo time though. I really don’t mind it… an excuse to go to yoga, watch crappy TV, or hang out with my friends without feeling sad that he’s home alone.

I’m a HUGE sports fan and will watch almost any sport anytime. I get unreasonably into it, even if its not necessarily my thing. I’m pumped to watch the Masters this weekend, and my husband got me into Formula 1 racing.

YES, YES, YES to brinner! Most often it’s something like an egg white breakfast sandwich, but breakfast foods rule supreme. I have to confess, I’m not that into super sugary cereals. A good bowl of Special K is cool with me.

By the way, I SO admire your positive attitude. I felt so sad for you with the nasty text this week, so this post made me really happy for you.


Brinner= amazing! We would have breakfast for dinner growing up when we got back from long car trips, so it was always a special thing. I don’t do it too often, but I really love it!


I have realized that in life there are goods and bads for everything. I am now married and love being married but I wish I had appreciated being single when I was single. I love having dates for weddings (this seriously stressed me out when I was single), I love having someone who is there for me and that I can plan a future with, I love being connected to someone and working through things and growing stronger together. However, I definitely miss being single sometimes. I am a very independent person and it is really hard for me sometimes to be married. I loved not having to share my time and being able to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted – I could travel, take whatever job I wanted, volunteer in a foreign country, hang out with my friends, move to a new state, etc. Now if I did everything I wanted I would never see my husband, like ever. I feel like this is what I miss the most. And I wish I had appreciated it more when I was single – but I was so terrified of being single forever that I didn’t fully appreciate it. So, if I could go back in time and talk to myself – that is what I would say: appreciate all the aspects of being single and live up every single moment. Being single is great and being married is great – but you can’t have both!


Married for five years. He works night shift so I still get the whole bed to myself (and my two little pups).


I’ve been married for almost 14 years. Some of the best things about my situation include: coffee being made and brought to me in the morning, someone who will go running with me at a crazy early time, I get to share inside jokes with him and he totally understands my career as he is a teacher also, and we have all of our holidays off together.

I want to hear more about dating!!


I am newly engaged- just since Saturday. I am divorced, 4 years now. and the new beginning was so refreshing. I was with someone that brought me down and I wasn’t myself. so it was so nice to slowly figure out who I am. Now I am with someone who has helped me become myself and supports me and pushes me to be myself.

Sports- my fiancé loves all sports. I watch baseball with him but I can’t handle football.

brinner- of course.


Great list. I love how positive you are with every stage of your situation. I’m so happy youre enjoying dating again. I can’t wait to hear a little more about it because in my mind we’re actually friends ok? Haha!
Breakfast foods are my all time favorite. I don’t get how some people skip it. I start looking forward to breakfast the night before!


I’m about to be 30 and still single- I date all the time but haven’t settled down. At times I get frustrated feeling I should be “farther along”, but then I remind myself of all the awesome freedoms I get to enjoy by not being tied to. There is something to be said about being on your own and learning all about YOU before having to share yourself with any one else. Enjoy it :)


I’m married 4 years this month and we’re having our twins very (VERY) soon!
We got married sortof later (I was 28 and he was 37), and had both been single for a long time before that. I always tell my single friends who are lamenting being single to be happy with yourself and that’s when he or she will come. At least, that’s what happened to me. I’m glad you are making a concerted effort to get to know yourself and make yourself happy before allowing someone else in.

I’m not a huge breakfast food fan…I’m not really a sweets person, and that’s what breakfast foods seem to be mostly. I LOVE bagels and fruit however and will eat both at any time of day.

I don’t care about sports at all, but my husband works in sports, so I’ve watched a lot of college basketball, football, and baseball in the last few years. I’m sorta starting to understand it all. Fortunately, he’s not the type who puts SportsCenter on ever. And I’m excited to say that he finally likes one of the reality TV shows I watch, Restaurant Impossible!


thank you for posting this!!! my sister knowwwwsss this is for her. <3 you are the sweetest, and reading your blog brightens my day. :)

my fav cereal would def be kix, chex, and golden crisp! YUM.


I have been married for almost 14 years…I just feel really blessed. I love that my husband is my best friend, and I love that even though we have been married 14 years I still get excited just talking about him. I know that we share something very special and I pray that I will never take that or him for granted.
Having said that we all go through our ups and downs and I do very much believe tat God has his hand in all of it and knows the outcome. I also have a very close friend struggling through a a divorce and i can’t imagine, but keep looking forward and trusting that there are better days ahead :)…I am now curious to hear about this dating comment :)
You are a great mom and doing such a good job of providing a stable environment for Brooke.
Anyone who doesn’t like breakfast foods and want to eat them constantly is crazy


Your positivity is always so refreshing! I’m excited for you as you take on this new adventure. Huge hugs!


Love this post Janae and love your positive outlook! Makes me happy to hear that you’re dating – can’t wait to hear more about it!! :)


What a beautifully written list! your positivity is incredible. keep up the great work!

I can’t wait to hear about #6! ;) You are a CATCH and SOMEONE would be BLESSED to have you!



So happy for you!!!! You sound wonderful! :) Can’t wait to hear more about the dating, so exciting!!


good post today! I think my top 10 list would be similar if I were ever single again, minus the sports thing because my husband doesn’t watch sports.

I actually do not like breakfast, so therefore I do not like brinner. Most breakfast foods cause my stomach to churn. Except waffles


I love this and love to see how you’re adjusting to this new life. I found a lot of the same ‘perks’ of the end of a long serious relationship. I went from planning on moving across country and spending my life with him to being left flat on my butt (on Christmas no less…).
But this time alone has really given me time to figure ME out and it’s been wonderful.


I love the list and focusing on the positive as always!

I admit I’m not much of a breakfast person, but I love brunch because everyone can have what they want, haha!


I am NOT a big sports fan at all! You couldn’t pay me to sit through any kind of sports game on TV. Going to a live game is a whole nother (not a real word) ball game! I can tolerate that but I am very lucky my husband is not a sports fan :) One sport event that I have to watch every year are the Winter X Games because I snowboard and LOVE watching the pros compete in the high pipe!! Brinner fan all the way over here , heck I could have breakfast foods for breakfast,lunch and dinner :)


Hey thanks for this post, it was just what I needed to hear! Struggling through a breakup..lots of running…and reading your post. Next on the list is some froyo ;) You are such a strong woman, love reading your blog!


First of all, waffles are ALWAYS a good idea. Leslie Knope knows what’s up.

And it may be because I’m preggo and hormonal, but this was seriously the best post I’ve read. Ever. In the history of the internet. My heart feels like it could burst from happiness. You deserve so much goodness!


Brinner tonight. Fried potatoes, eggs, turkey bacon and fruit.

I’m excited for your possibilities too.

Married for 14 years. We have just started dating more now that we have a 12 year old. It’s kind of sad that we didn’t really have fun with each other when the kids were smaller. Everything felt so busy and we didn’t make us a priority. And we were cheap, so we didn’t want to pay for a sitter.


Girl. You definitely need to share how to make dating fun – I’m five months out of a 4 year relationship that ended surprisingly, I’ve been on one date and it made me feel so sad. Thanks for being honest and speaking your truth – love it!!


Dating?!?! YOU GO GIRL! It makes me super happy to read that. As of now I am engaged and I feel like the best part is planning. I will be marrying into a pre-made family and spending time with his daughter is the best. We are so much alike its scary and I love hanging out with her. :)

I am a big brinner person….I would kill for some gravy and biscuit. Do Utah people eat that or is it a southern thing?

I cannot eat regular Cheerios. Ughhhhhh…I get sick just thinking about it.
The only sport I watch on tv is football…and one team only….Alabama! Roll Tide! I enjoy football Saturdays because all of our friends come over and we kick back and have a good time.


Thanks for this post. It was exactly what I needed this morning. My boyfriend of 5 years and I broke up this week and I am having a hard time with it, of course. But reading about you and the positives to being single was what I needed to hear. He always complained about me eating in bed and I never got to catch up on my tv shows, so it’s nice to think I’ll be able to do whatever I want without anyone judging me :) thanks again!


I LOVE this post! You are incredible and so positive ! I was single my first 22 years of life and I loved it! I love my relationship now but there are so many fun things about your own independence too! I can still do a lot of things on my own now and my boyfriend is very supportive. He isn’t a runner, but we balance each other out. I don’t think I could date a runner!


Single and loving it! I’m too set in my ways to be married at this point. I embrace my freedom. I love breakfast and could eat it all day. The only thing I will say is most restaurants don’t make breakfast the way I like it.


I love this list!! I am in a relationship, but we don’t live together yet so I certainly enjoy having the bed to myself on most nights :). Before my current boyfriend, I was single for 3 years so I can definitely appreciate everything you listed. I love that you are looking at the positive side of being single! It’s so easy to get down on yourself… I always try to remind myself that “the grass is always greener on the other side”.
Um, I don’t mind watching sports if there are other people there to chat with! haha.. I can’t seem to pay attention to a whole football or baseball game. Basketball I can, because I used to play it.
Brinner is one of the best things ever!! I had waffles for dinner the other night. Love your posts, Janae :)


LOVE LOVE your attitude, girl!! Keep it up!!!

I am married. Dating always seemed very awkward for me. My husband is almost as nerdy/quirky as I am… and we both need our own alone time and respect that.

I’ll occasionally watch basketball/baseball/football with family when an important game is on… I enjoy watching tennis and track meets. :)

I am TOTALLY a brinner person. I make a mean biscuits’n’gravy. Breakfast food is my absolute favorite. It’s also what I happen to be best at cooking.

I don’t like applejacks. Right now I’m going through a phase of cocoapuffs and honey nut cheerios.


I never comment but – get it, girl!!! i loved your reasons, i must admit i feel the same when my husband is out of town ;) lots of parenthood, mac & cheese, and a messy house


Good for you for dating again. As painful as breakups are (100% worse when it’s a divorce, I’m sure), I always say you need to get back out there, even if it’s not serious (ESPECIALLY if it’s not serious). I think this list is fabulous.


You go girl!!! You have the world in front of you with endless opportunities! I am sure you never imagined going through this, who does?? But when one door closes another opens:-) And who better to share this adventure with than your little side kick?!!!!
I have been married now for 2 years, we LOVE brinner and I love my hubby because he does not care for sports, its the BEST!!! My alone time is my running, he is not a runner so that is my time to go and his time to be home doing his stuff:-)
I love peanut butter panda puffs!!!!


Perks of being single: my bed is my own (spread out!), my room is my own, my time is my own. I really am spoiled right now being able to do just about whatever I want, when I want. Like having froyo for dinner! (note: this does not happen often) I do look forward to marriage and motherhood though :)
Brinner = amazing. I do love football and basketball on TV…but not any other sport.


I’ve been married almost 10 years now but those sound fun! Lol my husband actually watches golf and every other sport yawn. But I’ve learned having my own tv in another room has been beneficial to our marriage. Also moms night outs etc …u go girl! I’d do the same if I were single.


I am married to a wonderful man, but I have to say one of his biggest flaws is that he is one of those people who doesn’t like breakfast foods (the horror!) So no brinner in my household :(

I love most cereal, but for some reason I HATE the way Cap’n Crunch feels in my mouth. It leaves an icky film.


I was once divorced and I have to say while the experience was emotionally and physically draining and not something I wish anyone to have to experience, it made me realize more about myself than I ever thought possible. It’s wonderful that in the midst of the pain and hurt and everything else that goes along with the experience, you’re able to focus on the good. You’ll be stronger and more true to, and in touch with, yourself at the other end.

I’m now happily married and 8 days postpartum from having our second son. Our first was born 4 days after Brooke. I love being married and knowing who I’m going to spend my life with, I’m lucky I found someone who I get to be true to myself with and I was blessed to create a family with. But sometimes I miss the lights being off when it’s bedtime and I’ve finally gotten our newborn to sleep ;)


I love this comment :)


Lovely post! You have such an infectiously positive outlook on life.

I am engaged – getting married in September after dating for 9 years. We don’t like to rush things!


Breakfast foods are my favourite! I could have them all day long.

I’m getting married in 2 days (AH!!) but it took me a long time find myself and then let someone in. I am very thankful that my fiancé has been so patient with me.

I could go without the football games, I’m not a big sports fan in general but I love watching him wrestle. He’s very strong!

I was going to say “Enjoy finding yourself” but it is clear that you are! You always make the most of every situation and it is that positive attitude that I admire so much!

PS – I love Parenthood because of you!


Great post Janae! So many fun things about being single!! I’m engaged right now, and I think it is so fun!! Planning a wedding and a future is a blast.

I love most sports! I also watch them on tv-football, basketball, volleyball, and even baseball. My fiance watches golf too, but I use that as nap time or cleaning/getting stuff done time.

I am not a huge breakfast person. I perfer savory over sweet any day! I will do bacon and eggs for dinner, but not much else. I know, I know…I’m one of the weirdos!


A few things on this post…I am REALLY excited to here about your dating situations again! Good for you for getting out there!

I am engaged, and I think the best part is just having Austin there when I can’t be there. Like today I feel awful because of allergies, and it’s so nice to have a partner, even for the practicality of being like “hey babe, I feel terrible, can you go to the pharmacy? I love you!”

I hate sports on TV and I know that makes me boring.

I love breakfast any time of the day!

And I general don’t like cereal because it’s too much sugar for me and I always get really really hungry after!


I know that you said you were keeping this lighhearted, but everything you said is absolutely true! I separated around the same time as you did. Every single thing you listed I identify with. Also, I love being able to do things because I want to…I don’t have to make sure that someone else likes the idea….last night I decided that I wanted to chop of my hair, so I did. Took off about 8-10 inches and it was so liberating. I know in like six months I’ll regret it, but right now when people ask me why I did it, I can answer BECAUSE I WANTED TO. That feels so good. Wishing you the best throughout this difficult time.



I am not single, but I have a bad back that requires me to sleep on the futon in my office sometimes. To be comepletely honest…. sometimes I sleep in there because I am reading a really good book and know it will be physically impossible for me to turn the light off at a reasonable hour. We are both okay with this.


Love it!! I am dating (with the same guy for >5 years). I love it because it’s like having a best friend around me all the time- if that makes sense. Definitely a brinner person. Waffles for dinner? Don’t mind if I do (actually one of my favorite pre-race dinners)!


i absolutely love your positive outlook and attitude! it’s really admirable that you’re able to put a positive spin on an otherwise painful situation.

YES to brinner!! i made an omelette for dinner last night… great minds think alike ;)


Married 6 months now. My favorite parts are the fact that it feels like a slumber party with my best friend all of the time. I rarely worry about what time it is if we can just hang out. We have definitely already had some rough times. If it wasn’t for knowing the grace that God shows us, we would be a wreck. Thankfully, after the worst times are the sweetest times. I hope that you get to experience this again/soon.

I think I like to watch sports on TV more than my husband does. :) Especially NFL and any type of championship. I really wish Track and Field was on TV all the time. He would definitely be into that, too.

Breakfast food is my favorite. I could eat it (or cereal) for every meal.


My boyfriend is an EMT and is gone for 48-72 hours out of each week. So I kind of get the best of both worlds. It is a little annoying when he’s home and I can’t turn on the light and be noisy in the morning, though. ;-) I just love your positive attitude. And when did Brooke become a child?!?! She looks so old! It must shock you sometimes.


So happy that you have made it to a place of hope and positivity (sometimes anyway ). I love your list! I am recently divorced after 10 ys of marriage. I embrace much of your list.
Being a single parent has its really tough moments, but at he end of the day I can deal with it however I like with no judgement. :)
My biggest fear was dating again, ugh. By the grace of God I have reconnected with a high school boyfriend. Its been amazing! I wish the same for you.


great post! Nice to appreciate the good out of a bad situation!


Good for you! Do what makes you happy!!! Your positive attitude and strength is awesome. So much of a situation is what you choose to focus on and although I’m sure it’s hard, you are making the best out of a difficult situation! Continue to focus on the positive and don’t let others bring you down. :)


Great post! I think it’s so important to try and find the positivities in any difficult situation, especially when it comes to relationships. In the end, learning to love yourself and appreciate the opportunity to get to know yourself again while being single is one that comes around only once in a while.


I have to say, when I read that you are dating again, I was so excited for you!! I’m so glad you are having fun, and even when you are going through something as serious as divorce, that you know much brighter times are ahead, including wonderful people that you will meet along the way.

I’ve been going out (we don’t really say ‘dating’ over here, but I love the word dating, makes me giggle!) with my guy for 5 years. We are due a baby in August actually right around your little girl’s birthday, and from re-reading your HRG baby section I’ve the same due date you had before Brooke arrived early. I first met him 10 years ago and it was definitely love at first sight even though it took a few years for us to go on our first proper date..!

I am 100% a brinner person. Pancakes for brinner may just happen tonight now. My favourite cereal has to curiously cinnamon (maybe you have cinnamon grahams?) Anyway they are so very cinnamony, delicious.

Sports- rugby! Ireland are pretty good at it :)


I wish I could “Like” this a thousand times! This is all very true and I know we have never met but I feel like we are friends lol and this post made me very proud..proud of what you have overcome and proud of your positive outlook :)


I would not miss sports either! I love your perspective on this! I don’t think anyone goes into a marriage thinking they might get divorced one day so I’m so glad that you’re embracing all the good things about being single again. Live is so funny where it can take you. I know it will be a bright and exciting future for you :)


I just started dating again… PLEASE make an advice post. It is exciting but a HOLY TERROR to be dating again.


I am REALLY old! :) 39 years old, actually. My husband and I have been together for nearly seven years but behave like we are 15. For us, having ice-cream on the sofa is really exciting, watching chick flicks (together), taking the mick out of each other …… going for pizza. I didn’t have a real boyfriend until I met him aged 33.
YOU have plenty of time, Janae. I love your blog (I now receive it through email) and it’s so kind of you to write it. That takes a lot of dedication. We all go through periods of our lives, in which trouble surrounds, over-takes and consumes us. BUT, we get stronger and happier FOR it.
Girl, you rock …….. and thanks again. I am a Brit and it’s so refreshing to hear your voice this side of the pond.
Ps. One question: who looks after Brooke whilst you run? I’ve never figured it out!


My mom! I live with my parents and I run while Brooke is asleep. I just give my mom the monitor while I am gone. Thanks so much for your sweet comment:)


Thanks for this post! I am 35 and single and haven’t met that person yet. It’s always comforting to hear when people meet their match a little later in life :)


Yes, thank you also from me! Like Amanda (exactly!) I am 35 and single, and never got married, because I have never met the right person. And I yearn with all my heart to be married and have a child and create my own family, but I have not yet met the right person. So its nice to hear that you were “older” (relatively speaking) when you met your husband.

(oops, wanted to reply here originally but posted below in the wrong place)


Thank you so much! And, to add the weirdness to it all, we met through a newspaper ad. Be random. Let life be random and who knows where the adventure will take you! Girls, be empowered.
Hugs – this blog really is fab. Janae, you’ve got such a following…


Married. As much as I enjoy spending time to myself and soak in my “me time” when he’s away on business trips, I do miss him while he’s away. Eric got me into watching team sports (Giants, Niners, Sharks, Earthquakes etc), I actually enjoy it, but if I don’t feel like watching it I go off an do my own thing which is perfectly find (which is what he does when I want to watch water polo, gymnastics or figure skating, haha) I love being married to my best friend. He grinds my gears many times, but the times he makes me laugh and supports me and encourages me to be my own person far out numbers to annoying aspects.

Personally, I don’t think being married or single is better than the other. It’s all about perspective and how the situation affects your well being. There are pros and cons to both but as long as you are happy and not suppressing the real you, then I think you’re good.

I’m glad you’re finding yourself again and finding the positivity in being single. Continue to grow, explore, have fun and don’t give a F**ks sake on what other’s think of you.



I don’t remember a time I wasn’t married but being military my husband has been gone for extended lengths of time more than once. I love watching any movie I want at any hour of the day to include late into the night…I’ll add while I’m reading my book. I love breakfast for dinner and he does not. He thinks it’s a little strange. He also doesn’t love pizza so clearly there’s something wrong with him. ;)

The holiday thing is so true. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.

I am the loudest person in the morning no matter how try. I’ll knock something over or trip or just anything. That is definitely a perk.


Cereals? none… disgusting… I can’t even smell them or I puke. No joke.


This morning was a prime example of the “Turning lights on in the morning”. I get up everyday around the same time as I have to get ready for work, and so on came the bathroom lights and almost everyday I hear a “Argh shut the door” emanating from the bed and I just shake my head as my thoughts are “Or you can just get up at the same time and save me from the daily debacle”


I really like your number 2. I think it is so important to know yourself and not forget who you are. I’d say that you are a beautiful woman of God. He will always be your true source of comfort and joy. Keep holding your head up high, you are an encouragement :-)


Sports on tv – LOVE watching baseball!
Brinner – I could eat breakfast for any meal of the day.
Cereals – I don’t eat too much cereal – usually a snack in the evening or a quickie dinner – I don’t like shredded wheat cereals – kind of like what I imagine eating straw would be
Situation – not going there right now but I love your list. I love that you keep looking at the positive through what is a sad, confusing, frustrated time and I know it’s not like that every day. A fresh start and learning more about who you are – excellent outlook!!!


This is SUCH a great post! I love love love your positivity, and that you know how great it is to look on the bright side. You have to! :) Your top ten is awesome too. I do feel really bad leaving that light on while I read “just one more chapter” ;) Oh! And FMW is my number one preg craving right now!!! Thought you’d like that. Haven’t tried chocolate, and I won’t waste my time. OG all the way.



#6?!! Ah, can’t wait to hear about that! You are my inspiration everyday, please know that. :)


You go girl!! I loved this post! Even though I am very happily married I completely understand where you are coming from on all of these. Well except for the dating thing. I haven’t dated in about 7 years but I’m glad to hear you have been dating! Someone out there doesn’t like breakfast food?? How??? I could eat breakfast, brunch and brinner ever day. :)


I HATE to watch sports. My ex husband would watch EVERY. SINGLE. SPORT. on TV. After our divorce, I was glad I did not have to watch sports anymore. I then meet and married someone who LOVES sports, even played college football (GO BEARS!) but realizes that there is more to life than just watching football.

The best part about being married again is that he loves my children from my first marriage as his own. He also encourages me to run and he is the person who got me into running.


I think it’s amazing that you’re so able to look on the bright sides of things! And it’s great to hear that you’re dating again. I have no doubt you’ll find someone who will eat candy in bed with you after a pancake and eggs dinner. My husband also has no interest in sports, so men like that do exist!

I love brinner – I decided that the terms “breakfast foods” was meaningless because breakfast is completely different in different countries – cheeses, veggies, meat stew, lentils, oatmeal, rice – are all called “breakfast” somewhere. So now I’m all, “Leftover beans and rice for breakfast? Sure!”


I am married and we’ve been together 9 years so it is almost hard for me to remember what it was like not being with him. I wouldn’t trade it for anything though – it’s kinda like always having my best friend around. Of course, we get on each others nerves and frustrate one another but at the end of the day he’s my best friend!

My husband however is in medical school so at nights sometimes when I have the place to myself I love watching lots and lots of chick flicks!


i totally heart you girl, for real!!! i love your outlook on life!!!! ok i’ll try and not get to sappy either since you kept to your promise, lol. i had a horrible break up in 2007… we even owned a business together, that’s almost like a baby, right???? anyhow, it was a friggin mess. he’s happily married now with lovely kids and i’m happy for him. i’m at peace with it all now. but it took me some time. and that’s where running also saved me from myself, and from harming anything near me during the down times.
so back to being fabulous gorgeous brinner and single. all awesome, thank you very much! i’m currently dating but refuse to give up my ‘me’ time and believe in taking things uber slow… like pouring mud slow, lol. and i am not ready to give up watching all my girly shows on netflix just yet, and amen to reading in bed for however long you want!!!
p.s. i ‘ve bought the most girly obnoxious little mugs from anthropology, they have polka dots. actually my mom bought them so it’s her fault. i eat all foods from these mugs, i’m going through some weird baby phase i guess. clearly i’m single!!!!!


I love all 10 of those. I’m married but my husband does not like sports…thank goodness! He’s a firefighter so him having to run off to calls can get a little annoying, but we each have our own things to do.


You’re so inspiring! You really have a great attitude about this all–I know it’s been painful for you, but trying your best to turn it around and see the positive? That is powerful stuff! Love you for that!

I am married–it’ll be 4 years this month, and honestly it’s the best thing ever. I found my soulmate…but it took a lot of frogs!!! And I almost married one….however, once I figured out that I was most important first, and began to date myself & take care of myself, I let that frog go, kept living life, and my soulmate came along. When we are in the best place for ourselves, things just fall into place!

Hugs!!!! <3

I def love breakfast foods!


I love this post. What an inspiration you are :)


Love this! I am engaged and am already missing my single life because I truly love my single life (although I do think sharing it with someone is more fun). But I have to agree with your list especially the making all the noises you want when you wake up…lol. And the watching continuous episodes of your favorite shows… for me Gilmore Girls…lol


LOVE Gilmore Girls!!


I love your list! I love that you can put a positive spin on your trials, I need to be more like you! Married — for almost 8 years! Right now because I am 6 months preggo I am grateful that I have someone else to make up for my deficiencies– especially with our 4 year old — because let’s be honest, I am pretty much a permanent addition to the couch this pregnancy (it has been the worst ever…)


I am new to your blog, and i love it!! I too love running, and EATING…..i basically run to eat. I love that you post daily, it’s always so interesting. I have not searched back, and it’s not anyone’s business, but i just wondered if you ever in a post explained what happened to your relationship/marriage. You seem so happy and Brooke is adorable!! Ok, just trying to put the puzzle together, looks like you had a great trip to Thailand. Thanks for all the great foodie pix, and the inspirational running quotes/posts!!


I’m happy that you’re learning about yourself as an individual :) I went through a tough breakup in July of 2012. Once I was happy as a single lady and not even thinking about relationships, I met my AMAZING boyfriend. We have been together for a little over a year now.


I am about 5-6 months into a sudden divorce myself, and I have got to say, your list looks about identical to mine (though my ex and I didn’t have any children so I don’t have to balance friend time with bed time! :) ). Some people found it surprising that I was ready to date again pretty soon or that I was trying to see ANY positive in my divorce (who doesn’t want a bed all to herself?!), but this is my life and I am learning to be happy living to fulfill my own needs, rather than trying to satisfy other people’s expectations….as I am sure you are learning to do, also.

Reading your blog throughout my divorce has helped me, and I try to model my attitude after your’s…I am sure you have difficult moments in private as I do too, but I love that you keep a positive outlook in public as much as possible, especially with your work in blogging and running.

Also, in a perfect world, breakfast, brunch and brinner would be all I eat (and cazookies!). :)


This post is so fun and you are such an inspiration! I love sports especially college (Kentucky Wildcats all the way!) and will be married 3 years next month. I do miss some of those single perks though! I don’t comment very often but emaile you once and am so thankful you took the time to respond! I feel like you are a true friend to so many and you deserve so much happiness! If you ever come to KY I would love to hang out!! Phillipians 4:8 is one of my favorite verses and you certainly do this!


Ha ! I love this post.

I got married (for the 2nd time) @ 30. Learned so much between the two. The best thing, that list of 10 things that make you happy gets to stay put…. except maybe being loud in the morning. Sorry, we don’t want to be jerks.

I hate watching sports (except running & the Olympics!) and he watches his football game in the kids play room with our son. The girls and I curl up in the family room to watch bad Lifetime movies. This just works so well!

Brinner = big yes & cereal that gets soggy real fast is hard for me :(


You are my hero. I’ve been married 21 years. We’ve had ups and downs but I honestly can’t remember what life was like before him and can’t imagine a future without him.
I love watching the NFL – the hubs mot so much but he knows if he wants to spend time with me on Sundays and Mondays Aug – Feb that’s what I’ll be doing.


Die hard Bronco fan here, and your husband sounds just like my fiance!


Yes, I’m a huge fan of breakfast ANY time of day. I support that.


Seriously. Who doesn’t like breakfast??? I mean… really. It’s BREAKFAST.


Dating…still have my free time to do ME things, run, workout, nap, indulge in extra sweets.
No sports…unless it is running.
Growing up my Mom would make would make breakfast foods for dinner. Always the best dinner!!!
Never tasted a bad cereal.
Love your top ten choices. I agree with all of them. Divorce is a identity crisis and it takes a while to find yourself and be strong in your skin. It took me a long time. Keep up the positivity!!!


I am single and LOVE it. I was “practically” married when I was 21 (we lived together) and he was the love of my life. And then things were not good :) And now I’m 35 and STILL haven’t met anyone that I click with. Being self-sufficient and happy with myself has been pretty awesome. It’s so easy to get dependent on someone. You’ll be so better off with a year or so on your own. I have a feeling you won’t be single for long but any time you are single will benefit you. I’ve seen so many couples that are truly in love but they each say ” I kind of wish I had that time to be on my own. ” They love each other but sometimes there is that longing if you were never fully single as an adult – what is it like? And you get to experience and enjoy it Janae! You will find someone else who will love you but you’ll also never wonder what it would have been like if you had some time to be a single lady.


Oh how I loved this post ;) Probably my top 5 favorite one!! I’m sure dating is super fun for you since you are beautiful inside & out :) I agree with the sports thing.. !


Totally made Pumpkin Pecan Pancakes last night! Breakfast is my favorite meal and sugary cereal is a night time snack staple :)


I’ve been going through this weird phase (for like… 6 months) where every few days I really REALLY don’t want to eat meat with dinner. My go-to has become pancakes, oatmeal, or cereal. I could eat breakfast for every meal, I swear!

I’ve graduated to “big girl” cereals (a desire to get healthy has done terrible things to me, alas!) so I veer away from cereals with super high sugar content. I LOVE multigrain cheerios, shredded spoonfuls, and multigrain puffins. :) Berries and almond milk and we’re SET!

Can’t wait to read about your dating adventures. I’m a single girl and dating is ROUGH. One of these days I’ll meet that guy, but it sure hasn’t happened yet.


If I could eat breakfast for every meal of the day I would


I love hearing that you’re dating again! You seem like a truly wonderful person who would bring so much light into a man’s life :) I love your positive outlook on things. I’ll keep you and Brooke in my prayers. My mom is also divorced and she started dating the most wonderful man about one year ago. It’s so wonderful as a daughter to see my mom so happy :)

I LOVE breakfast foods and watching sports on TV! I’m currently engaged and planning a wedding so that is both really exciting and stressful. One of my favorite things to do with my fiance is watch soccer. We follow a team in England so we often wake up veryyyyy early on Saturdays to catch the games live.


Yes, thank you also from me! Like Amanda (exactly!) I am 35 and single, and never got married, because I have never met the right person. And I yearn with all my heart to be married and have a child and create my own family, but I have not yet met the right person. So its nice to hear that you were “older” (relatively speaking) when you met your husband.


You and I went through the ending of a relationship at the same time and I too have been dating again. I wouldn’t exactly call it fun, but I definitely have some great stories to share at girls night!

The best was when I went on a blind date with this guy and he brought me a box of Thin Mints because he had heard I loved GS cookies.

I was like, I think I’m in love

…With this box of cookies.

Glad to hear you’re having some fun!!


My husband has sports on tv 24/7/365 so I hear you! It’s never a bad thing to look on the bright side. Your family sounds amazingly supportive too. Good for you! And as for me I do a lot of dinner for breakfast over breakfast for dinner but I am overall a fan of eating whatever calls your name regardless of time :)


I got married at 21 and divorced at 34 and it was the best thing for me at the time. Now I’ve been with my Honey for 2 years and I actually know what love is supposed to be like now!!

I’m a HUGE SEC football girl so love watching it on TV!!

I’m a breakfast for any meal kinda girl!

I don’t like any cereal for breakfast – it never fills me up.


You’re dating again! Good for you!

Breakfast foods are my absolute favorite. My ex never ate breakfast. I should have known that meant everything.


This list is awesome! You are such a positive person :) Brinners are the best! I don’t actually like FMW *gasp* I know! They don’t have enough of the frosting on them for me haha!


Great post! Aren’t we all so fantastically different (reading comments). I have been separated from a 10 year relationship for one year now. I’m a single mum with two kids (6&3). I dated one person six months after the separation and realized I was not ready for anything other than to date myself and feel in a place of forgiveness towards my kids father and be able to move on from the events that ended that relationship. I feel ready for fun and romance now, and so sure that I will make better decisions with whoever I allow into my life, kids life and heart.


Great work on focusing on the GOOD! You go girl!

I had brinner last Saturday (pancakes and beer… why not?!?) and loved it!


Hey guess what seriously..I think you have also made yourself an awesome list about what would make a great marriage if those things are more okay the next time around. You know? Living life good. Doing what you got to do!


Good for you! So glad you’re happy. I’m married and I love every minute of it, but all that matters is your personal happiness! :)


As I read you list, I thought to myself, why couldn’t she or why shouldn’t she have all of those things even if together with someone? In fact, I said, that is how it should be. You should be able to have as many girl nights as possible, breakfast when you want etc. It is about compromise and dying to self. As a man it should be his job to shift focus off of himself and onto his bride and vice versa. There should be balance, otherwise, you end up…well not together.

I bet you could come up with a list of the top 10 things you love about being in a relationship as well. Either way, your positive attitude shines all the way down to Texas.


I am married, but I actually get to enjoy the perks of the “single” life fairly often–well, besides the dating part of course! My husband is in the military, so he is gone for extended periods of time quite frequently. I try to use those times to focus on myself and doing things I enjoy that I wouldn’t necessarily get to do when he is home.


It makes my heart happy to read your list. I love that you have taken us on this sometimes heartwrenching journey with you, but I know those of us who have been there reading through it all are so thrilled to see how positive and wonderful you have stayed throughout. And I really cannot wait to hear about these dates you speak of…


I love your positive attitude =) And forgive me if you’ve answered this already (I’ve not read the previous comments) but WHAT kind of waffles are those??? They look SOOOOO yummy (and my pregnant self tells me I must have one NOOOOOOWWWW!)


–>I am in a long term relationship and we do have a child together who will turn 1 this year, on our 10 year anniversary mark. We’ve talked about getting married, but we’re happy with how things are. Plus we get more back during tax season ;)

–>I’ll watch some sports, but I do prefer to do other things. I’ll watch hockey, soccer, basketball, and baseball. No football or golf..zzz

–>I LOVE brinner. I grew up with two working parents and pancakes is my absolute favorite dinner food. Especially banana chocolate chip with peanut butter on top. And Cereal is the perfect bedtime snack.

And congrats on living it up!! Way to just have fun and make the best out of a not so awesome situation!!


Brinner is the best! I don’t think I’d enjoy life half as much as I do now if I couldn’t eat chocolate whenever I wanted and stay up way too late reading a great book.


I love breakfast for dinner but I’ve never heard it called brinner – such a good idea! In my house growing up breakfast for dinner always meant french toast. :)

Also, I’m with you on the chocolate FMW. Chocolate is like my favorite food group but when it collides with cereal its just a bad deal… I’m not a fan of any kind of chocolate cereal.


I was so thrilled when my ex husband moved out of my house that I completely re-modeled the bedroom and now it’s my happy place of snacks in bed, movies…whatever I want!
The dating thing…not sure about that. I never planned to be back on the dating scene in my late 40’s. I’m almost too lazy to do it!
Love love brinner!!


I LOVE breakfast foods! Brooke is a smart cookie to eat dry cereal out of a box. So good!

On August 1 my college sweetheart and I will have been married 33 years! :-) I love, love, love sports and even if I’m home alone, I will have the Nats (DC baseball team) on. We have season tickets for Virginia Tech football, our alma mater. I love all college football, and watch the NFL if the Redskins or Ravens are playing. I don’t really like basketball, though.

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