The meal isn’t over until I have had some mango sticky rice.

The Grand Palace.  

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I felt like I was in a movie.  The Grand Palace is where the king of Thailand, his court and his royal government lived.  The current king (he has been king for 67 years now!) doesn’t live here but up until 1925 the kings did live here.  

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Sarah and her cutest 4 month old.  

I met Sarah in 9th grade and we have been close ever since.  We were doubles partners on the high school tennis team, college roommates and I take credit for introducing her to her husband (I was working at a restaurant with him and I made Sarah come get a job there… the rest is history;)  

They have three beautiful kiddos and he has been working in Bangkok for the last few years and who knows how much longer.  

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I was obsessed with the details of each building.

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PS remember to wear a skirt or long pants if you ever come here…  Or you can rent one like I did.  

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After walking around for a while we almost died from the heat and this revived me.  All that they put into these smoothies is watermelon and ice.  The fruit here is so sweet and amazing that there is no need for added sugar or anything else but the good stuff.   

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Next stop was to one of 30 (no exaggeration… there is a ton of these malls) 7 level malls in Bangkok.   My senses were on overdrive.  

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We met Sarah’s husband for his #1 favorite dish in all of Thailand.  

$3 for the best bowl of soup I have ever had (or will ever have).  

Khao Soi.

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And of course some Pad Thai.

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And the meal isn’t over until I have had some mango sticky rice.  

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Not a lot beats scootering around a new-to-you city halfway around the world while drinking a diet coke.

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There are kind of a lot of scooters here.

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A dessert that you could eat every single day of your life and never get sick of?

-Mango sticky rice.

Who has tried mango sticky rice?  Thoughts?

What sport(s) did you play in high school?

Scooters/motorcycles—>  ever had one?  Do they scare you or do you like riding on them?

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I am so nervous just LOOKING at all of those scooters! SO ADVENTUROUS! I am thinking that I could have anything with a little whipped cream every day of my life… but I have never had the privilege of trying mango sticky rice- so who knows?

No sports. I played the violin. In competitions. I quit after high school.


How come you stop playing?


I’m not sure if I should admit this or not but…. I had no idea Thailand had a royal government! The palace looks stunning.

In school I played volleyball because it required the least amount of running during practice/games. Oh how the times have changed :D


I will never get sick of eating chocolate for desert. Any form.

I’ve never tried mango sticky rice but I have a mango sitting in my fridge! I’ll just have to have some mango for desert tonight ;)

In high school I was a rower! Still am, but now I split my time with rowing and running!

Currently I’m traveling in EUROPE and I might rent a motor scooter in PROVENCE this weekend…that would be my first scooter ride! I know I will love it :)


I’m with you on the chocolate, I get a single layer chocolate cake from our grocery store and could eat the whole thing by myself lol.

Rowing, see them on our town lake all the time, looks amazing, and looks like its a great workout.


Beautiful pictures

I’ve never had mango sticky rice but I’m sure I would love it!


Looks like you’re having an awesome trip! And I’m so jealous of all the amazing Thai food you get to enjoy. *drools*


I LOVE mango sticky rice. I once tried to make it and it just wasn’t the same.

Why do you have to rent long pants or a skirt for the palace? I’m guessing it’s a respect thing, but that’s really interesting.

I’ve driven a scooter and ridden on a motorcycle and loved both. I don’t think I could ever own one, though.


Yes, and a top that covers your shoulders. It’s expected at palaces and temples in Thailand.


That’s my favorite Thai food (khao soi)! I lived with 2 girls from Bangkok for a year in England and they made it for me all the time :) I could probably never get sick of ice cream cake or the cookies and cream milkshake from UDF, I used to eat one every day in college!


I played field hockey, lacrosse and track in high school!


I don’t think I could ever get tired of Pnut M&M’s…so good every time. I have never tried this Mango Sticky rice but it looks absolutely amazing. I would definitely not turn that down. In high school I was a cheerleader and ran track! Didn’t have the hand/eye coordination for any other sports! Oh well. Love seeing your pictures from Thailand!


The buildings there are amazing, Great story about your friend. Wish I could scooter everywhere, gas would be better and Im sure less pollution. Food still looks amazing.

Dessert Every Day – Chocolate cake
Sports in High School – Golf, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball
Scooter/Motorcycle – Ive rode quads before but never scooter or bike. Would love one though since they are so good on gas. Definately scary though, other people dont know how to drive.


I could eat watermelon every day.

I ran track in high school and I love motorcycles. We have 3 of them.


I played basketball in high school, but it’s been years now since I’ve played, and it doesn’t appeal to me anymore.

I’ve ridden on the back of my brother-in-law’s motorcycle, does that count? :) For myself, I prefer a regular old bicycle. :)


Did you and basketball just grow a part? Why is it no longer appealing?


It looks like you’re having a wonderful time! I would just die over all that beautiful architecture!

When I was in high school I played badminton. All my friends here at school laugh because they don’t think it’s a “real sport.” I always just tell them – watch the Olympic badminton games and then get back to me and say it’s not a real sport!


We use to play badminton in PE, we all loved it. It was one of the funnest and challenging sports we ever played. Didnt have it in our high school or I would of played much more. Let them laugh, awesome sport!


You are really making me want to go to thailand just so I can try out their fruit! In fact I think fruit is the only “dessert” I could eat every day and not get tired of, I’m a major sweet tooth but I’m pretty sure that anything else would get to be too much after awhile.


You look like you are having so much fun. It makes me want to travel again!!! Too bad you couldn’t bring Brooke. I can’t wait to travel with my little guy.

Scooters/motorcycles scare me unless they are on deserted roads and there is no chance of getting hit by a passing car.

I haven’t ever had mango sticky rice (even though I LOVE Thai food – I just never order dessert). There are a lot of desserts I could eat every day: cookies, cupcakes, chocolate, cheesecake, pie, frozen yogurt, etc. I am not picky.

I played field hockey in high school.


I can’t decide what’s more incredible, the food or the architecture. Both are amazing, incredible, astounding…I have run out of adjectives. That’s how good they are.


The malls there are nuts!! I loved walking through them.


Awesome pictures!!

I can’t believe that smoothie was only watermelon and ice?! I wish they sold drinks like that in Boston!

I don’t think I could ever get sick of home-made chocolate chip cookies or brownies. :)


Wow – the trip of a lifetime! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!


This place just keeps getting more and more gorgeous! And that is absolutely crazy how many malls they have!! I’ve never had Mango Sticky Rice, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t like it, I’m not a fan of sticky rice sadly. I could eat dark chocolate everyday, oh wait I already do ;). I’ve never ridin a scooter or motorcycle, but always wanted to, it just seems like so much fun!!


Mango sticky rice sounds good! I played a ton of sports in school but soccer is the one that stuck :) l


Mango sticky rice sounds good! I played a ton of sports in school but soccer is the one that stuck :) Love seeing your Thailand photos!


Ahhhh Thailand looks so amazing. why the long skirt? Is that a cultural thing? I’m not sure I know what religion is dominant in Thailand?


Oh my gosh Thailand looks BEAUTIFUL! I must visit this place! I’ve never had mango sticky rice but it looks soooo yummy. In fact, the only Thai food I’ve ever had was pad thai from a box haha! I play 3 sports – cross country, basketball, and track!


That castle is so cool! I totally want to go to Thailand now!
I could eat ice cream every day of my life and not grow sick of it!
In high school I did soccer, swim, and basketball, which is funny since I’m only 5’4″.
My hubs had a motorcycle for several years. I loved riding with him, but I would pray every single time I sat on it.


I LOVE sticky rice! I have no idea why it’s so good, but it is! Looks like you’re having a blast!!!


It always amazes me how different the architecture and cultural styles are around the world. That is one of the reasons I want to travel everywhere – learning about and seeing the way people live is truly remarkable. Could you imagine all those scooters in the US?


I could eat cake every day and never get sick of it!

And I’ve never really thought of going to Thailand, but this is really making me want to go!


Wow! The palace looks so beautiful. You look so cute in your long skirt! Is the long skirt/pants rule a respect thing?

Mmmm I LOVE mango sticky rice! Eat a lot of it for me!


That watermelon smoothie looks so refreshing! Frozen chocolate covered banana slices is a dessert I could eat all day every day. I played year-round volleyball in high school and miss it so much. When we started dating, my husband had a motorcycle that scared me to death until I finally went for a ride, then I LOVED it!!


Khao Soi is my absolute favorite! And it’s so hard to find in the States.


Thailand looks so incredible. It’s definitely on my list of places to go (mainly because of food haha) Looks like a blast-glad you’re enjoying yourself!


I don’t want to come off as a huge jock but… I was captain of the Model UN Team. And Mock Trial. Yup.

Also that looks like the most amazing slushy I have ever seen in my entire life.


It’s so weird to me that you are hanging out with my cousin in Thailand. I don’t really know Sarah. She and Rocky got married when I lived away. But Rocky is one of the nicest guys. These pictures are so great. I’m dying to travel abroad!


That is soooo cool! Come over and visit! It is amazing:)


I have tried mango sticky rice in Thailand and I will tell you right now that thing is the best thing on the planet and you are making me completely envious that I am seriously tempted to buy tickets to Thailand right now. Like….seriously I’m going to head on over to travelocity right now and book me a flight. It is so freakin awesome!!!


I’ve seen a few people post about mango sticky rice on Instagram and have been dying to try it! I love seeing your travel pictures and living vicariously through you. I am also a total vacation worker-outer (is that word?!). I’d rather know I’m working off all that food I’m eating! haha


Wow. Thailand has never sounded so appealing before! I want to go to there!


Mmm, the food and the fruit looks AMAZING!


I love living through your pics on this trip! SO COOL!


Mango Sticky rice is a dessert? Who knew…


so cool! I want to be there! I could eat apple pie (warm of course with vanilla ice cream) every single day. Or fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

I rented a scooter in Bermuda once. We rode them to the beach. It was fun.
I’ve never had mango sticky rice.
I was on the track team for one semester in High School. Let’s say I was not really much of an athlete back then. I was the creative type. Always in theater, chorus and set design projects….


Everything looks so amazing and beautiful there. Including the food of course. Thanks for sharing your travels with us! Adding Thailand to the list of must go to places.


Mango sticky rice looks AWESOME. I have got to visit Thailand!

I played volleyball, basketball, track, and softball in h.s. Loved it! Running (& summer softball) fills my athletic fix now.


I played tennis in high school too! Only for the first 2 years though because then I switched to cross country after the girls on the track team made me :)


So fun! I used to live in Chiang Mai so it’s neat to see you experience all the good stuff! my favorite meals too! Mango sticky rice is a must! or even the corn you get in cups in the mall. yum! One of the things I miss most is all the fresh fruit. Good times! Enjoy!


Do you have to wear long skirts everywhere or just at the palace out of respect? I could eat froyo everyday. I can’t get enough of that stuff and you can mix it up with different toppings too!


Wow, that palace is pretty amazing! I love the rent-a-skirt idea.

I just ran track in high school because our school didn’t have a cross country team. :-(

I rode my 185 Suzuki in high school like a crazy girl!


I cannot wait until it is watermelon weather here!! LOVE mango sticky rice. Eat an extra serving for me.

I played soccer and ran track in high school. Never had a scooter or a motorcycle, but my dad recently got a motorcycle, and it scares me to think about him riding around on it on the narrow country roads near my parents’ house!


That building is stunning! Your trip is making me crave some serious travel time.


the dessert I could eat every day of my life are Popsicles…. I know.. LAME… but they are amazing and I eat them in bulk….and they come in an array of flavors.

In HS I played soccer (not very well) and ran xcountry (after I realized I was terrible in soccer) and track and field.

I’ve ridden on motorcycles before and I think they are fun! I wouldn’t purchase one but they can be fun:)

You must be having the time of your life!


I played soccer, I rowed (not well) and did xcountry (also not well) I did (and still) rock climb while in high school!

You are having an AMAZING time. Love the recaps and your daily posts.


I am obsessed with Yodels (like a cheap knock off Swiss Miss roll), my husband is always having to go out and get me some when I get a craving.

As for sports, I did Field Hockey, Cross Country and track and field (55 and 100m hurdles). I was blessed to go on and run hurdles in college also

I also had a moped in college (it got stolen… Boo!) when I was living in Charleston, and after that a pink beach cruiser I rode everywhere


I am VERY intrigued by this mango sticky rice — VERY.


Will you explain Mango Sticky Rice? Is it just rice that sticks on to mango pieces? Also, please explain the long skirt thing? Is it just at the Royal Palace that you need to wear them, out of respect? The photos are beautiful. In high school I was a cheerleader, gymnast and diver, all the bendy, jumpy sports!


Okay that’s it I am going to Thailand! ;) I could probably eat chocolate with toffee and almonds everyday and be okay with that haha. I was a cheerleader in high school and loved it! I have never owned a scooter but I used to ride on one of my friend’s scooters, and I absolutely loved it!


JANAE I’m obsessed with all your pictures and just wasted my vacuuming time looking at them all! I’m also really impressed that Sarah cna get around everywhere with her 4 month old!

Is the Thai food here pretty accurate to authentic Thai food? I always wonder if it’s the same or like the Panda Express of Thai food.

Mango sticky rice is THE best. I got super into it at that “Thai Food” (with no other name) restaurant by Motsimoto’s in Hawaii…did you not ever ride the bus up there with us!??


LOVE mango sticky rice. I haven’t had some in a while – I need to!

I didn’t do any high school sports, but I wish I had done running! I took a jogging class at BYU and my professor thought I was on my high school track team since my pace was so good, haha.


Yes, eat Pad Thai at every.single.meal!!!!! And the Grand Palace….so grand! My husband didn’t join me when I visited Thailand, but I am hoping to take him back there in 2015!


I’m jealous! I would love to just walk around eating fruit (the way it’s supposed to taste…sweet and delicious) and taking photos all day long! Hope you are having a blast! Love you. :)


Wow- the decoration and design of the Grand Palace is awesome! I also really really want one of those smoothies now- yumm!


Oh my goodness!!! LOVE all the pictures! I would love to go there too :)

Mmmm that watermelon smoothie!


I love all your Thailand posts! Reminds me of my trip a few years ago :) Next time you’re in the Bay, there’s a place with great Khao Soi you have to go to…it seriously brings me back to Thailand every time I go!


Oh my word. That smoothie looks amazing! I want to make one for myself, although, it won’t be as good as the Thai version I’m sure!


Those watermelon drinks look simply amazing!!! I want one!


OMG Mango sticky rice is the best! So jealous!!


That Khao Soi looks amazing. Amazing how we leave our country and go abroad and the food tastes like food without the sugar, salt, and fat.

Thailand is definitely on my Bucket List.

Regarding the long skirt/pants, is that all of Thailand or was it because you were in a temple (that’s what it looks like). Pardon my ignorance!


Love the pictures!

Mango sticky rice is delish! But I’d have to say, chocolate would be my “can eat anytime, anywhere” dessert.

I played fast pitch softball in high school. Catcher.

Had a scooter in college. SO MUCH FUN! I miss it. My hubby and I have motorcycles now but we’re thinking of selling them since we don’t get a chance to ride them very often anymore.


I’m so glad you’re having a great trip Janae! This looks so fun and now I want to go to Thailand. Haha. Enjoy!!!


Frozen yogurt! Any day, any time! Never tried mango sticky rice but you have me intrigued! Scooters, motorcycles, vehicles without doors scare me…


Cake. I love it. I want it every day. Especially if it has filling.
I’ve never had mango sticky rice but I want some. I love rice.
I’m fairly certain I would crash a scooter as I have zero coordination.
I miss Brooke photos. Not to make you sad. Just thought I’d throw that out there.


Ive never had mango sticky rice but it sounds good! I could probably eat some form of cookies everyday and never get sick of them:)


Ah I wish I could go! I could eat creme brûlée and never get sick of it, it’s my jam :)


I love mango sticky rice and khao soi – you pretty much just ate my ideal meal! We have a really good recipe for making khao soi at home (its really hard to find in New zealand….). That post just made me SUPER excited for our trip to thailand in july…. Keep it up!

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