How to make your ‘picture’ perfect.

My Easter was great (I hope yours was too) but holidays are always a little tough (each one is getting better and better though) after a divorce.  

Right before we went to church I had my dad come outside and take our Easter Pictures and on the way to church I started to get really sad because last Easter there was a dad, a mom and a kiddo in the Easter Pictures.  This year, there was just a mom and her kiddo (might I add, a ridiculously adorable kiddo).  

For the next few hours I was distracted with a million other things like chasing Brooker around while trying to pay attention at church and I didn’t think much about it until I got home and put her down for her nap.  I uploaded the pictures on my computer to start writing a Happy Easter post and I just stared at our ‘family picture’ for awhile.

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I realized that just because my family picture is not what I had expected/hoped/worked for/dreamed for so many years it to be doesn’t mean it isn’t perfect.  

We really just have to make the best of whatever our picture is.  Every single person has some sort of trial going on or they are missing someone or they are struggling with mental or physical pain…  We just have to look at what our picture is at the moment with the right perspective.   

I don’t know where I’m going with this but I just feel the need to share my ‘aha’ moments with you.  

I guess what I am trying to say is:  Whatever your picture may be right now—>   decide that it is great one.   We are the ones that make up our own definition of perfect:) 

This is my perfect.

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And the world’s most random “running” blog award goes to HRG.


1st and 2nd Easter basket finding comparison.  That backpack is on her at least 80% of the day now.


And the pics from the rest of our Easter:

Mid-morning walk with the girls.  

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I know, I know, my panoramic picture skills are kind of amazing.  

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The classic Easter dinner foods (and my mom’s awesome name cards:)

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The most important meal of the day:

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Just little jars of soap kept these kids entertained for a very long time. 

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Good luck to everyone at BOSTON!!!!!


PEEPS—> true opinion on them.  Delicious or awful?

Who is watching Boston today?

What is your Monday running plan?!?

Is your life where you thought it would be right now?  

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Your positive attitude is refreshing and inspiring. What a picture can’t show as adequately is how much your heart is healing each day. We can get knocked down–but we WILL get back up again. (Smashmouth?)


My Monday running plan is to walk for an hour or so.

My life isn’t where I thought it would be right now, since I never thought Mike and I would have kids and now I’m very impatiently waiting for this baby to get here. Life is funny that way.


Always love your ability to turn every situation into a positive one! You’re right your picture is perfect! Brooke is so lucky to have you and there is no doubt she is learning so much from you. ;)


I struggle with this too. Thank you for posting this. It’s nice to see how other people in similar situations handle it, and I think you set a great example. One day Brooke will thank you for this, because you didn’t sink into sadness or badmouth her dad.


I love this :) it is so true that everything is about the frame (of mind) we put it in.

God has a plan no matter what we think :)
My life is somewhere where I thought i would be… but the whole job thing is kinda no exactly where i thought i would be. It is such a process of getting were you want to be and also remembering to be happy with the journey. I am still learning to be happy and remind myself that i can’t live life for the future… i have to live right now :)
Thanks for such an awesome reminder! Have a super awesome day!


Peeps- yes- all the time, preferably just a little bit stale :) I’ll be watching the marathon from the comfort of my own couch, and cheering the elites and my friends on to the finish.


I am glad that through all of this you seem to have a positive attitude overall. I am ALSO happy to hear that the holidays are getting easier, that’s not a shadow you want around forever! When it comes to my life… I think I’m where I should be, maybe not the perfect I’d hoped for but it’s mine.


Happy belated Easter. Your family is perfect just the way it is.


You have such an amazing, positive attitude throughout all of this and that is truly fantastic. For you and for Brooke. You are a wonderful Mom and have a wonderful family it seems like, so that is perfect!

I actually don’t love or hate PEEPS, they are just kind of there.

I’ll be watching Boston today at work (I hope)!!

Monday running plans consist of a few miles on the treadmill at lunch!

I am very happy where I am in my life right now, but I would love to try something new (move somewhere different) with my husband for a while becuase as much as I love Charlotte, it would be fun to do something out of our comfort zone and have an adventure!

Happy be-lated Easter!


You are so right, it doesn’t have to be what you expected to be perfect. Happy Easter to you and Brooke!

Peeps are so yucky by the way! My family must know me too well because between my parents and my in-laws, I got 8 boxes/bags of sour patch kids!


Lovely! :)


Those pictures of you and Brooke are absolutely amazing!


I know times like this must be so hard. I’m glad you could step back and realize that you are still blessed. You have a great attitude. Stay strong!


Very well said. Staying positive is key and sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Such great Easter activities, looked like sooo much fun.

PEEPS – Absolutely LOVE them
Boston – I’m going to try and watch some of it at work.
Monday running – I took the WHOLE weekend off so I need something today
Life – I always make plans but know God has a plan for me so I believe I’m always where I’m suppose to be. Always thank him for the blessing I have in my life.


Love your positive attitude, Janae! You inspire me all the time to be a better person.

I’m at work, but I’m going to try to watch the Boston Marathon online! It makes me a little sad because I haven’t been able to run in 4 weeks (and it will be at least another 4, I think), so it’s hard to watch other people racing, but it’s also so inspiring and uplifting, especially after last year’s events.


You’re so strong Janae!


I loved this post. You’re right, everyone is going thru something and everyday we all get a little stronger. I can tell just by reading your blog posts that you’ve come such a long way and I hope each holiday gets easier and easier for you.

Brooke has grown SO much in a year, hey? Yeesh! Lol she looks like she’s ready for kindergarten in that backpack of hers


Are those pro compression socks you have on? Love the pattern
No running plans today-bike day. Training for my Triathlons this summer.
My life is NO WHERE I thought it would be right now. But-its my life and I control it. Thats all that matters.


This post was so great. Parts of my life are exactly eat I thought they’d be and other parts are drastically different…but all parts are wonderful. Life is complicated but also pretty perfect if you let it happen :)


Been there!
I remind myself that we are not in charge of “winning” societies expectations of perfection.

Right now, the day after Holidays might be almost a relief to get back to your normal. A Monday run, a great salad, watching Boston with favorite snacks………..


That’s such a nice picture of the two of you. I’m so jealous of everyone’s pictures of candy/chocolate/delicious food, I’m in Switzerland where EVERYthing is closed for Easter Monday, and all I want is a chocolate bar… I’d say my life is not where I thought it would be right now, but in a very good way.


Awful to eat, awesome to watch in the microwave. I DECLARE A PEEP WAR!

Sipping on coffee and watching Boston right this very moment. :) I love the pre-race coverage.

I should get out for a shorty three today (after Boston, of course, in which case, I’ll try to NOT go HAM from being inspired).

Absoluuuuuuuuuuuuutely not! And I love that it isn’t. :)


Wow – Brooke has grown up so much since the last photo! I NEVER thought I would have a disabled child. It certainly wasn’t in my happy family plans. The possibility never even crossed my mind. Until it happened to me. It can be very difficult, stressful but the worst thing is the worry about how a cruel world will treat my child when I’m not there. Its ok to feel the pain when things don’t work out as we planned.


THANKS for an awesome post. exactly what i needed this morning!!! =] you’s a wise woman!

PEEPS are heaven-sent, especially when stale.

LIFE is nowhere near where i thought it would be. which is why i loved your post extra-lots today :] xo


Aw I freakin’ love your positive attitude :). You are so right, you decide your happiness. I never thought I’d be where I am right now, but honestly, I couldn’t be more happy with where I am. It’s different, and not ever what I planned. But sometimes the unplanned is the best.
And ugh, peeps I hate them, which was a huge disappointment when I was little, because I was so sure I would love them!


I appreciate your tip to make right now your perfect. My life isn’t how I pictured it’d be right now but I am learning to make the best of it and enjoy the “new”. You are strong and I love your non-running posts! Have a great week woman! :)


Your positivity always makes me smile. You seem to always roll with the punches and make something great out of it, which is why this blog is one of my favorites!

I truly believe life is as good as you make it.


Your family is beautiful and perfect.

Single people aren’t the only ones with struggles. My life is not what I’d hoped for at this point. I recently had a bday and am going through some major reflections and panic.

You ended your marriage for a reason. Had you not, would you be as happy as you are now? Best wishes!


at the risk of stating the obvious, I had the impression your family was a lot bigger than two you just didn’t cram everyone into the picture!


It took me a while to let go of the “family” picture in my head and what I had envisioned for my life and for my family life…I still struggle with it from time to time but not nearly as much as I did a few years ago when the divorce became real. For a while I wouldn’t even take my son out for dinner on the weekends because I didn’t want him to notice the other “families” and question where his father was. I got over that too. You just kinda go with it and be grateful with what you have, as you are doing. Hope you had a very Happy Easter!


yay, i love this post (partly because of how adorable brooke looks in her easter outfit)! don’t feel down! one of the best parts about things ending is the fresh, bright, open pages you get to fill with a new story. life has a funny way of working out better than you ever expected… you just kind of have to be patient (which i am definitely not very good at). hang in there! at this point you may have no idea what your easter pictures will look like in a few years…. but there’s something breathtaking and exhilarating and wonderful about that all at the same time. :) have a great day!


My name is Sally and I am a peepaholoic! Love them!
I will be watching boston marathon on my computer in my cubicle at work. Two dear friends are running. One was less than a mile away from finishing last year so I am so happy she gets to claim her finish. I still feel such sadness for those who were taken or maimed that day.
And no I never expected my life to be where it is.
Happily married at 25 only to watch cancer destroy my brave hubby.
But my picture has an amazing dog and amazing running friends and i am happy where I am at the moment. Someday perhaps I’ll get the chance for love and marriage again. But I won’t miss out on my life waiting on the sidelines for that to happen.

Thanks for sharing your aha moment. :)


I jogged/sprinted 1 min each for 4 miles. My shin is acting a bit crazy right now, so I’m trying to take it a little easy while still prepping for my half this weekend.

I saw a quote on FB that reminded me of you (and myself): Always remember my blood type is Be Positive :)


Peeps are great decor for dessert… just maybe not so great for the teeth.

I will be watching Boston on and off…

Well I was SUPPOSE to run my last long run before my half yesterday, HOWEVER, I decided to drink mimosas instead…. so today will be my last long run instead….

My life is no where near where I thought it would be.. some for the better some not so much… either way I have two amazing kids and I can only go forward…


It’s definitely important to remember that everyone is struggling with something, so you’re never alone! My Easter picture: well, haha I didn’t take one because it’s just ME! Should have taken a selfie though in my pretty red dress! I bet if everyone showed you their family pictures, they’d all be very different!


Wonderful perspective and post;-)


2 gorgeous gals!! Thanks for sharing your moment. In years to come Brooke will look back on this picture and know just how strong you were during a hard time. We definitely all have our hard ‘thing’ to deal with.
I spy Mer!!


Thanks for the inspiration re: perfect. Nobody is there! On a lighter note, I’m not a huge fan of peeps. I do like microwaving them though!


I’m so glad you shared your thoughts because I’m sure it helped many people out there. I hope you all had a very Happy Easter! You and Brooke are two of the cutest gals out there. Hugs!


So…let me throw this out there.
My middle son is on his way back from a deployment. My daughter is married and has a child of her own. My husband just took a job that will have him in another country for the majority of the year.
The night before Easter my youngest son (age 17) told me he feels like our family is broken.
My heart was sad.
Then I reassured him it’s not broken at all. At some point or another someone is always traveling but they are an email away and sometimes a phone call. And at the core of all these extensions in every direction are him and I holding the fort. They will always come back to us.
You and Brooke are your core family and you have all those fabulous extensions in every direction. This is a beautiful family and she is already bonded to everyone so much. There is no better gift.


Life isn’t even where I thought it would be a year ago let alone my whole life expectation. But overall, life is good, I know my Heavenly Father loves me and things will turn out for the best.
Love Peeps. I got a pack of them in my Easter basket!
Love you girl!


This really helps me a lot. Yesterday was hard for me too, which led to a harder today. But after reading this already feeling better. Divorce = the worst. But true that everyone is going through something too, so no need to down about it.


Wow ur amazing! I’m not much of a commenter but what u said really resonated with me today! Thank you!


One of my favourite quotes by Douglas Adams is “I may not have ended up where I intended to go but I think I am where I needed to be” it really helps me maintain perspective on where I am in life. And I think your family picture is beautiful!! Thank you for being so honest here it is nice to read.


I love reading your honest “Aha” moments. Thank you for being so brave to share them with us. So glad you had a beautiful Easter and that God is renewing your heart and mind in this hurt : )


Your family photo is just beautiful!! It looks like you had a wonderful Easter with your family.

Peeps-no thanks. I would much rather have Cadbury Creme Eggs…or as my friends kiddo called them “Catburied” eggs.


Love this so much, and I couldn’t agree more! You and Brooke are beautiful!


Beautiful post and family picture. You’re so right. Hugs to you and Brooke!


I am watching Boston!

My Monday run was 4 miles after getting off a plane this morning…my legs always feel like tree trunks after flying so 4 was the right number today…

You are such a great example and role model for Brooke!


That picture of You & Brooke needs to be framed! It so so so beautiful <3


Your Easter image is BEYOND PERFECTION! Happy Easter!


This post is precious. I think you opening up is therapeutic for you as well as others. Take care and happy Easter!


Your family picture is BEAUTIFUL. There is so much happiness and light in Brooke’s face. You’re doing a great job!

I thought I was going to do some work while watching the marathon on tv, but I’m so enthralled watching Shalane and Meb that I’ve given up on getting anything else done until they cross the finish line!


I like Peeps. I wouldn’t say I love them, but I don’t discriminate against any type of candy. ;) Didn’t have any this year though.
I’m watching Boston!!!
My running plan today was a 9.6 mile run (I know, I’m very exact). Turned into a 13.2 mile run, because I felt great, and my goal was to run a half marathon distance soon anyways. It was a distance PR by almost 5 miles. :)
I don’t honestly know where I expected myself to be right now. I had so many plans when I was younger but they were always changing. I’m happy where I am though!
This is one of my favorite posts on HRG ever. You’re a strong woman! Brooke looks adorable and I’m glad you guys had a good Easter Sunday!


You and Brooke look so sweet together in those Easter pictures :) My life isn’t quite where I though it would be right now but I have a feeling it’s going where it should be.

Peeps aren’t really that great but that doesn’t mean I won’t eat them given the opportunity!


Ham and “funeral potatoes” are Easter classics.

No to peeps.

Early married Life was up and down for me. In general, I am more confident and settled and not so worried about things. God does have a plan and he loves each of us more than we can imagine. I have always had a knowledge of the atonement and it’s power in my life. I love that He atoned for our sins as well as our struggles and sorrows. Thanks for sharing.


Your family is perfect, Janae :) You’re so right that perfection exists in our minds alone, and that the same situation can be radically different depending on how we look at it. Thank you for starting my week off on such a positive note <3


Peeps are gross! Jelly beans and mini candy bars are the way to go.

I think you’re right, no one has the perfect life, our happiness depends on our attitudes with our circumstances.

Walking on the treadmill today while reading Villette.


Wow. Thanks for the post. Really hit home. Things are NOT how I ever imagined in my life right now, but there is also ALot of good, too. Thanks for the reminder.
Peeps- HATE them! Close up there with circus peanuts.


You are so right. I love your honesty and fresh perspective- life will never be perfect! We make the best of what we have. You are so blessed with your family and your sweet girl!


Your making me tear up with this ‘aha’ moment. As you mourn the family pic without a dad, I mourn the family pic with no kiddos…I guess I really should start appreciating what my family looks like in this moment…


I have a major sweet tooth but I never liked peeps! It tastes like a handful of sugar!

My life isn’t where I thought it would be but I kind of like how life isn’t scripted and you never know where it will take you. :)


Those pictures are adorable and ahhh that race had me on the edge of my seat!!


But, and here’s the biggest BUT in the world, we DO have life, whatever that may be.

And, whether we are ‘up’ or ‘down,’ we are alive, by God’s grace. Plans do not work out the way we want them to …….. but, here’s the challenge. It’s about grasping the reins and going with it. Think MILE 22. And just going for it. And, you’ll be so, so surprised how truly strong you are.

When you can pat yourself on the back, for hanging in there, you will truly know how wonderful you are. Call it ’empowerment.’

Ps. Sorry, random, lack of sleep. :)


I love your little “message.” You’re completely right – everyone is going through something and it’s all about perspective. You and Brooke are wonderful together and she couldn’t ask for a better mama!


Your positive (and realistic) attitude is amazing, and I think that family photo is beautiful!


What is more perfect than a healthy baby and a healthy mama? Blessings! xo


I hate Peeps!

My life is nothing like what I thought it would be. I’m 25 and still living at home, have been looking for a teaching job for 3 years but haven’t gotten one. Boyfriend lives in another country, we see each other about 4 times a year. Meanwhile everyone around me is getting engaged and starting their careers. Sometimes I feel like I have no one to relate to.

Thank you for your honest posts. You are such a role model to me in running, and your positive attitude and awesome family will get you through this! :)


This is why I love your blog!!!


This post was beautiful. You said it all so perfectly. Life doesn’t always go as planned, but you make the best of it and keep going. Brooke is adorable, and she is so lucky to have you as a Mom. :)


You are amazing Janae! You both look beautiful in your Easter pictures :) My run this morning was a short and sweet 3.3 miles because I had to get back and home and watch my baby girl so that my husband could head off to take his finals. I never really knew where I would be at this point in my life, but I am happy with it, and that’s what really matters to me :)


Thanks for your example of working at having a great attitude. Life is a messy school room, and we’re all in it together, aren’t we? Thank you for your positive voice through your trials. It reminds us all that we have a positive, grateful voice inside of us during our trials as well. Hugs to you!


Thanks for this post. Holidays right now are hard for me as well…and I often feel as though I’m the only one feeling this way. Thanks for letting me know that I’m not the only one struggling…and reminding me that I have so much to be thankful for.


You are SO right- thank you for this today! It’s what I needed.


I use to love Peeps when they only came out on Easter, just because they were different. Now, not so much.

I’ve been through a lot of “missing” holidays since I’ve buried both parents and a sibling. But I’m thankful for life, for memories, for the here and now.

My life is not what I thought it would be – it’s better and has definitely been an adventure! Your best days are ahead, Janae.


You have a beautiful family, regardless of the dynamics. I watched the Boston Marathon this morning-what a fantastic day for the city! The women’s finish with a new course record and then to watch Meb win was amazing. He is more American than some of the people born in this country.


Very sweet and thoughtful insights on your family and your picture. I think many of us (even those of us whose picture looks “perfect”) can use this reminder!

I streamed Boston from my work computer (shhh) and almost cheered out loud when Meb won! He is so inspiring.

Rest day for me today (boo) but have 4 or 5 run days planned for the rest of the week.

I think the last question is hard. It depends on when you asked me. When I was 18, did I think I would be exactly where I am now? No, probably not. I probably thought that at age 27 I’d be living in NYC working for some offbeat magazine, partying, and getting tattoos every other weekend, instead of living in the suburbs, married, and pregnant…which is what ACTUALLY happened lol. If you asked me five years ago, I’d probably still have a somewhat different picture than my actual life now. But, as you said, you have to see your picture as perfect the way it is right now – and mine looks perfect to me.


one of your best posts yet. exactly what someone needs to hear. happy boston marathon day.


Peeps…..SO not worth it. I’d rather eat a regular marshmallow.

I watched the marathon this morning (from about mile 19 of the women to Meb’s finish)…..I WILL GET THERE!

Today’s running plan is: Let me get on the treadmill and see how things feel. I did 8-miles at pace yesterday and, while I’m not super sore, I do have a little nagging pain in my calf….Easy does it!

My life isn’t where I thought it would be five years ago, three years ago, two years ago….I don’t know where it SHOULD be, but you make a great point – our current picture is where our focus should be, not on what we thought it “should have” been.


I like your positive spin on everything :)
Happy Easter!


Hi Janae,
It’s Barb from OH. Remember my husband died (suicide) in Sept. Totally get the new “family picture” thing. I stare at my boys during dinner and think about what a fragmented family we are. How we have been so totally torn apart by this. But at least I have them to stare at. And, like you, this picture is perfect, too. Wherever we are in this journey, we have our kids. Thanks for sharing, thanks for being so open. You’re doing great! :-)


After reading this post this morning I came across a quote this quote:

“It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s the way that you carry it.”

I think you carry it well, Janae, and thank you for the reminders to carry our own burdens wisely and efficiently. My life is not where I thought it would be right now but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. I’ve often found that God’s plan is much better than one I could ever dream up!


Very well said Janae! Your picture is perfect and it will continue getting even better as the years go by. xoxo


Thank you for this heartfelt post, it nearly brought me to tears! You definitely hit the mark, it’s all about perspective. I think your little family looks perfect. <3

Oh, and Peeps = no, thank you.


Beautifully put janae :)
Peeps= aweful!
Checking boston results in between seeing patients today, so proud of Meb!
Running plans will include hills, a stroller, and my 4 month old baby :)
Life picture is ever changing and involves lots of working hard to reach goals professionally for our family. I hope that when my son is older he will understand all that had to be done to keep our little world turning :)


I love your thoughts about the picture. THat is beautiful <3

peeps=gross to the max

Didn't watch Boston–but I bet you did!


That is a beautiful picture of your Brooke! You look awesome!

I have to say your house always has the BEST looking desserts! YUM!


My picture isn’t how I ever expected it, but I tell myself everyday “this is where I am supposed to be.” I want to come over to your house to just eat :-) It all looks so good!


That was really well said! It’s been my mum and I on our for just over 2 years and it still feels weird sometimes taking ‘family pictures’! Your little family is beautiful! Happy Easter :)


Omg, Brooke has already grown so much! Was she ever really that little!?

I think I thought I would have it all figured out by now, that I would be making more money by now…NOT SO! Oh well. I will figure it out one day. Or maybe never!


Peeps – blech! :) The only way I like marshmallows are in smore’s! :)

I just love this post – you put it perfectly! So many times we get hung up on what or where we are “supposed” to be (I hope its not just me, ha!) and that leaves us sad or bitter and shuts off our ability to see the blessings around us. I’m so happy to hear you are happy with your “perfect” because you are awesome! And Brooke…there are no words! :) Too much cuteness!


Beautifully stated. I needed to hear this today. Thank you!


You two look so perfect and happy!


Brooke is SO precious! She just melts my heart!!
I don’t care for peeps.
I couldn’t watch the marathon today, so I kept up with it via Twitter.
No running for me today.
No my life is NOT where I expected it to be.
I think your little family is just perfect. God had a plan for you and Brooke that will be just right!


Your picture is perfect. I see 2 beautiful girls that have everything since they have each other. You’re right about perspective though because really, no one’s life is perfect and thats life. Life has many different ideas of “perfect” and thats what adds beauty and variety to our world. This is the most beautiful and important holiday (in my opinion) to reflect on this too. :)

Oh, and peeps are yucko. ;) unless u make them into a smore or cover them in chocolate and then I can eat them.


My life is nowhere near what I had ever imagined. The road we take is always full of the unexpected.

Peeps? My daddy’s favorite. He used to send me some every year and I never had the heart to tell him to stop because I HATE them! But my dad was the best :)

No running yet but today I did walk two blocks SOLO this morning and am headed out for another go-round this afternoon :)

Happy belated Easter!


Love reading all about your “aha” moments! You are so wise and an amazing role model for young women (like me!) This post reminded me of a J.Cole lyric – “we ain’t picture perfect but we worth the picture still.” Slightly relevant? Anyway, I think you’re an incredible woman of strength, and your honesty is something to be admired. Being comfortable in our own vulnerability is something that only makes us stronger. xxo


I ran 3.5 easy miles today…Im taking it easy after running a marathon 8 days ago. I watched the Boston marathon this morning! I love watching running events. Not really a fan of peeps. I feel like there are so many better candy/junk foods!
I thought this was a really awesome and honest post and I loved that your shared your experience the way you did:)


Love you Janae!! Ever since I have been 2 my family picture has been me and my mom just like you and Brooke :) I wouldn’t want it any other way!

I don’t like peeps at all! Gross! Today I ran 8 x 400’s at 6 minute pace. Hurt so good.




being a single momma was never my plan either, but I have cute boy and I wouldn’t have it any other way


Life is so NOT where I thought it would be right now. Holidays are the hardest. Thanks for a little perspective. :-)


You’re perspective is so refreshing. Everybody has a trial, even if it is not outwardly apparent. I’m off work focus on making my picture great now, thanks for the reminder.


My personal life has taken not one but two very unexpected and painful turns. My kids have been with me through it all. THEY are my happiness. I had family pictures taken last December with me and my 4 beautiful, awesome, kind, loving, adult children. All I can think of now is how lucky I am. Hang in there. You make your own happiness and when you get there you will be so much stronger.

Peeps are amazing…after 3 days out of the package. Chewy sugary goodness!


Janae you have such an amazing outlook on life, and this post made me so happy. You are so beautiful inside and out and that adorable girl is so lucky to have you as her momma! 5 years ago I could have never imagined my life where it is today and I am happier than I ever thought was possible. All that you have experienced so far in life is just going to continue to make you the best mother and will make you an ever better wife in the future to a very lucky fellow! Love and miss you girl!


You Easter picture with Brooke is beautiful. She’s lucky to have such a good momma!


Your perfect is beautiful :) You’re right, everyone has their own stuff they may be struggling through. This was a wonderful, uplifting post. I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend! Xo Kelby


I love peeps, they’re my favorite Easter candy! Your picture with you and Brooke is precious and perfect for your family! I hope your Easter was awesome, you’re so strong!


You have a great attitude; and that is a perfect picture!


I love how positive you are! And you and Brooke make an adorable family photo :)

Also, Peeps are the worst candy. Cadbury Cream Eggs all the way!


I want you to know how great I thought this post was Janae :) So beautiful and so true, it is all about perspective and it’s a good reminder that everyone is in the same boat, and dealing with something. We need to be kind to ourselves and to others!
I don’t usually comment but I was thinking about what you wrote all evening. Thanks!


Your family is adorable :) Love you Janae!!


Amazing, just amazing…per usual!:)
Brooke’s hair is sooo long, I love it! It looks like it’s going to be really thick too when she is a little bit older!:)


Your picture is beautiful! And I completely agree about changing your perpsective and accepting and loving what you have, even if it’s not what you had planned out. That seriously seems to apply to everything in life. You are contagiously positive and inspiring, thanks!


Hi Janae, I loved this post so much and really needed this reminder!! Thanks so much!!


Thanks so much for this post Janae. Currently my family photo includes my hubby and I, 2 furbabies, but no human babies. Some days I’m totally ok with it, and others I struggle with the notion that “something is missing”. But you are right, our family of 4 is our perfect. Reading this helped me enjoy my marathon Monday to the fullest extent. Thank you so much for the reminder.

My husband, sister and I were at mile 10, enjoyed the beautiful day & race, then we went back home and played in the yard with our poochies. I’m a lucky girl :)


I needed to read this…I spent the holiday alone (family is all back east) but that’s ok. it was a gorgeous day with an enlightening service, and realizing the reason for today-He is risen. you have such a great outlook and perspective and it’s awesome to read :) happy Easter to you all!!


thank you for your “perfect picture” thoughts. I have those moments too when I feel like I dont have exactly what I thought/wished/envisioned I should at this time in my life. But you know what? I am SOOOO blessed! THAT is what the focus should be on. I love when things during my day remind me of what is really important and put it into perspective. Thank you Janae. Your blog is ALWAYS an inspiration on many levels xoxo


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