Extra pep in her step.

Once upon a time Southwest called me and told me that my plane was delayed.  I planned accordingly to the fact that my plane was delayed and we went to my favorite restaurant in Phoenix (La Grande Orange).  Southwest then called me and told me that the plane was on time again…  ummm that’s a problem when you aren’t at the airport and you don’t have a lot of time to get to the airport.  We got our food to go and we barely made it in time for my plane.  

At least I had my amazing open-faced sandwich to eat in the car to fuel my running at top speed with Brooke through the airport.

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I sat next to the nicest woman ever and we had the best conversation.  I love it when that happens.

Brooke had a little extra pep in her step when we got to Utah and she saw grandma.  They have quite the bond.

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On Sunday I saw this….


and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about quesadillas since then.  If you need a good dinner idea then you have to check out all of these different quesadillas.  

I just put all of the food that I had inside of a wheat tortilla with cheese and it fulfilled my craving.  

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It had been way too long since my last date with my mom so we decided that it was time to make it happen.  

Back to coats, boots and lots of layers.   

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All we really need in life.

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Don’t forget that it is almost pi day!!!!

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Check out Keeping it Real: Runner’s Share Self-Portraits.

I LOVE what Julianna says:

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Favorite type of pie?!

On a scale from 1-10 what is your running motivation at right now (10= really motivated and excited)?!  Why?

What are your Wednesday plans?  

What type of workout do you have on the agenda?

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That sandwich looks amazing! I make quesadillas all the time so I’ll make use of that list too ;)

My running motivation is at a 9-10 right now. A lot of other things are in upheaval so I’m extra motivated to run well and have some control over something but also to have something I can rely on that really makes me happy every day :)


My running motivation is a 10 but I am still babying my injured foot… so I am trying to be good by not over-doing things… but it is SO TOUGH with a marathon looming!
The best part of my day will be going home at lunch to take my pup on a walk/jog. He’s on a run/walk plan. lol.

Wednesday = 2 hour cardio (used to be mid-week MLR, but with the foot)… 1 hour run, 1 hour elliptical.


Key Lime Pie! Nothing compares really, nothing!

Sadly my running motivation is zero today because I don’t feel much like running in thunder and lightning so I’ll wait til later and go lift some weights in the meantime.

Tomorrow we are having a cold front and it will only be 61 so I plan on 10 miles or more…


I have a half day today in school so i am going to run early, yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

RUnning motivation-at the moment, it is probably a 7..(i’m a lil sleepy) but by the time i get out of work, it will most likely be at a 9 or a 10. Yesterday it was at an 11 because i got to run with my friend who I havent seen in a few weeks! LOVE IT!

Fave type of pie…Pizza pie! Does that count?


Waitt… you have a place called “The Chocolate: a dessert cafe”? I’ve been living in the wrong city for far too long. With this sudden change in weather to 65 and sunny, my motivation to run is a 1500 but my legs are telling me otherwise. Easing back into running is the worst. My workout this morning was November Project. So many hugs, squats, and burpees between a little running.


I usually end up sitting next to someone insane on planes that wants to tell me their entire life story. Then again, random people everywhere seem to do that to me. Apparently, I have one of those faces.

My running motivation is pretty low lately. Pregnancy pains and laziness do not help you get out the door. I’ve still been running, though, so that’s all that matters. I’m hoping to get outside today before the rain starts and enjoy the 50 degree weather before it switches back to freezing tomorrow.


My favorite pie would have to be Pecan Pie — so good!!


My running motivation is only about a 5. i am going on a spring break beach vacation, so cross fit, my nike app, abs, and yoga have my higher motivation because I am toning up for my yellow polka dot bikini.

Favorite pie is blueberry.


Just walking for me! My running motivation is high right now though! I’m excited to be back at it when I’m not pregnant anymore :) favorite kind of pie… I’m not a huge pie lover but this weekend we did have a turtle Heath pie that was drenched in caramel and had a chocolate cookie crust. It wasn’t terrible!


I’m at a 10 on the running excitement scale because spring is almost here and I have a lot of races lined up! As soon as I finish this comment, I’m headed down to my basement to cross-train on my spin bike and then lift weights.

I love that picture of Brooke high stepping it with your mom! Too cute!

I’m pinning Joyce Carol Oates’ quote. Thanks for sharing it!


PS. LGO is AT the airport now. Just sayin.


Pecan Pie is my favorite..

5 for running motivation.. must be a combo of weather, time change and not being able to run outside..

Plans this Wednesday = Down hill skiing with my son and husband.

Finished my workout for the day.. 6 easy miles of random hills on the treadmill…


My running motivation is pretty high right now…maybe at 8 or 9. I am feeling good and almost through the peak of my training! I’m trying not to get too excited because that leads me to overdo it. I’m trying to find that delicate balance between training enough and not over training!


I love all types of pie!

My runnning motivation right now is the beautiful weather we’ve been having here in Charlotte, and a half marathon coming up in April!!

No real plans today, I am going to run at lunch on the treadmill because it’s raining so I thought about running outside this afternoon, but I might as well get it out of the way so that I can relax tonight!


I had that exact same experience with Southwest a few weeks ago – except it was 100% my fault. I thought our plane left at 8:45pm and it actually left at 7:45pm. Whoops! I didn’t realize it until we were leaving the airport and so we checked in for our flight at 7:25pm. We flew through security and made it to the plane before they closed the doors. Good grief was I stressed!!!

My motivation to run is about a 6. I have been so tired recently that working out has required too much energy. However, the weather has been in the 60s the last two days so that has made me want to get out more.

My favorite type of pie is strawberry rhubarb!


Pumpkin pie all day, every day!

I’m tapering for the Rock N’ Roll USA Half in DC this weekend! Today’s workout is a short 30 min run and then resting up for Saturday!

9 is my motivation – race day is almost finally here!


I bet grandma is happy to have you two back :-). I am very motivated right now, close to a 10, because I REALLY want to qualify for Boston! Track workout is on the agenda for today. :-)


Last week my running motivation was at about a 1-2 but this week it’s on its way back up and I’d say it’s at a 7-8. I’ve been stressed out and it’s been dragging down my runs. I like to run happy!

It’s so hard to imagine living in a place where you need a coat and boots when it’s already mid-80s here in the afternoon!


I forgot about pi day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your mom and Brooke are very cute together :)


i LOVED that keeping it real article, thanks for sharing!!


I would have to say Dutch Apple Pie, because they put the crumbles on top, and that is what makes it so good! Plus I usually just like to eat the crust, what can I say, I’m a carbaholic. Weights today, arms, shoulders, and chest :)! I’d say I’m a 10 right now on my motivation for running/working out. I just feel like I have a lot of good things going on in my life, and that makes me just want to work out more :)


My running motivation is at 10! I am racing this weekend and hope to BQ! Oops…I said it out loud!


Hi. New follower and just wanted to say hi! Your blog is great and it is keeping me motivated to keep up with my new running routine! Also….Those quesadilla recipes, I am salivating right now! Can not wait to try them, and thanks for sharing!


I have been on such a quesadilla kick and now I need another one! That chocolate cafe got me thinking, though…chocolate quesadilla? YES.


Pumpkin pie for sure, growing up my mom always made me one on the first day of school. Now she carries on the tradition and I get a pie on a random day in September.

Thanks for sharing that link, Quesadillas are one of my favorite indulgences!


I’m a fruit pie girl. Warm apple pie or cherry pie.
Today my goal is to just get through work. Battling a cold.
No workout :( but it only makes me more jazzed for Sunday. I’m running the NYC half marathon along with 5 extra miles. So it’s operation get well until then.

Glad u didn’t miss the plane after all that.


Key Lime Prime probably. Though I really love all pie!

I would say my running motivation is around a 9. I am just starting back from injury and while it can be frustrating I am so ready to make this happen!


I LOVE pie. I mean, I love it. It’s my favorite part about any holiday and if I ever come across a pie eating contest then I am definitely entering.
I’d say my favorite is strawberry rhubarb.

Running motivation is 8, but my heel is acting up so it’s going to have to wait.
Wednesday plans mostly include binge watching Parenthood.. such a good show.


french silk pie is THE best in my opinion.
closely followed by cherry.

man i just want warmer weather so I can eat pie topped with good WI custard.


I am injured and of course that means my running motivation is at a 10! Isn’t it funny how that works. When I’m healthy and able to run, the motivation is much lower. Sometimes we don’t know how good we have it until it is gone! :)


I’m not a huge pie fan, but coconut is ALWAYS good so I’d go with banana and coconut cream pie:-)

I am going to run 2 miles to warm up, then complete a circuit workout from the Nike Training Club app. I am addicted to that thing! Constantly keeps me entertained, plus I’m a trainer so it gives me great ideas to do with my clients.


Mmmm I LOVE La Grande Orange! I’d say almost missing your plane is totally worth a meal from there. :)

Favorite type of pie would probably be cherry pie. But not any cherry pie. It would have to be from Door County, WI…they are famous for their cherries and cherry everything. My grandparents live there, and it’s always a treat to get some cherry pie.

My running motivation right now = probably a 10. I’m pretty pumped for my first half marathon on Saturday! Eeeeek!


First off: Quesadilla article = amazing! Seriously, they are one of my favorite foods, after french fries and burgers.

I love pie. All kinds of pie. Apple might be my favorite, but blueberry is close behind!

Running motivation = 6.

I’m headed to yoga in a few minutes, and then I need to run after. It’s hard for me to motivate myself to run after relaxin in yoga…but I promised myself I’d get into yoga in 2014!


Welcome home Janae! That is the cutest picture of Brooke with Grandma, but all pictures of Brooke are the cutest!

My running motivation is around 8. I have the rock ‘n’ roll half marathon in DC this Saturday!! I hope that when I get to the starting line my motivation will be 10! I have work today then will do a 3 miler if it does not rain today!


I need a dessert café like that in my life.


That sandwich looks yummy! I love bbq chicken quesadillas.
Running motivation is about a 5 right now. I don’t really have much on the agenda right now.
We are dropping the kids off at church and jogging to the yogurt place.


Favorite type of pie- Pumpkin for sure

Motivation is about an 8- three weeks until taper! (not a 10 only because I’m ready for taper to get here and to race! marathon training is long…)



My favorite type of pie is Dutch Apple, although I can’t even remember the last time I had it. Hhmmmm….

My running motivation is at a 10 right now because I have a race this weekend! It should be interesting though, considering I haven’t ran in over two weeks (and it’s killing me not to run) because of my IT band issues. I should probably go for a jog tomorrow and see how it feels!

Wednesday plans: work, clean the house, design my new website to be published soon, catch up on some DVR’d shows, and possibly see my husband if he gets to come home from military training tonight :)

Workout agenda for today is some planks, crunches, and IT band stretches/exercises I got from my physical therapist friend.



I can’t get enough of pumpkin pie! But a chilled chocolate pie with whipped cream on top is fantastic too.

My motivation is at like a 6 right now, and that’s mainly because I haven’t picked out what my next race will be. Until I do that, my running is more for my sanity than training for anything so I feel good about it but not necessarily super motivated to push out of my comfort zone.

My Wednesday workout was a 530am bootcamp, and I’ll get in a fun run tonight after work. We’ve got some CRAZY winds today so it should be an interesting one!


Those darn airlines, always messing things up. My kids go crazy when Grandma is around too, I love that they love her so much!

Pie – Toss up between apple/pumpkin/cherry
Motivation – 10 – my new Garmin has me wanting to run ALL THE TIME!
Wednesday – Work, little league practice, late night run
Workout Today – Recovery run at a REALLY slow pace



I am motivated at a 9 right now. Here in Canada is was 9 degrees yesterday and I was wearing a cardigan outside, dreaming of hitting the pavement this weekend, and I woke up to a snowstorm…So i am itching to get out (in nice weather!).


Fun fact-my birthday is pi day. I hate pie. Ironic, no?


My running motivation is a 10 right now! I think it is because this miserable winter is coming to an end in New Orleans and we are entering that brief period of perfect running weather before summer hits with miserable humidity (which usually happens in April down here!). I ran a 5k last weekend and had a runners high all day from it. I am running a 2 mile St. Patrick’s Day race Sunday and I am pretty pumped about it.

Right now all I can think about is a Quesadilla…. and it is 8:30 am!


Ugh my running motivation is at like a 3. I think it’s because I’ve had several bad runs in a row and I think my anemia is back which is just making me so tired. But I need to get pumped up because I’m doing a 200 mile relay in SC at the end of the month!


That open faced sandwich looks SO good! Great meal to start the day.

My running motivation is an 8 right now because the weather is finally starting to warm up to perfect running conditions and it feels like spring, which of course means I get to forgo the treadmill and run outside! Today I have a swim and bike on the workout schedule and it is finally warm enough to ride outside – yippee!


My favourite pie is definitely cherry every time. I also enjoy chocolate pie with whipped cream.

No workout today as I have a meeting after work so I won’t have a chance, and I am still sore from this weekend and Monday’s workout!

Running motivation right now is about a 6- I am kind of just Meh with running these days.


Yikes never had an airline do that! I’d be so freked out bc I’m that weirdo at the airport 2.5 hours before my flight lol.

It was 60 here yesterday and today going to see up to a foot of snow?!! I hope they’re wrong!


APPLE PIE. Forever and ever! A la mode!

10, because (up until last night) the sidewalks were clear…spring is coming, and that means all the snow miles will bring happy, speedy feet!

Work and maybe some Yoga this afternoon.

Derp…I already ran today, so Yoga…yeah. :)


a dessert cafe? I think I need one of those to move in next door to me…


Key lime or chocolate silk pie are definitely my favorites. Just depends if I’m in the mood for tart or sweet! I’m at about an 8 on motivation. I’ve started seeing my speed come through and I’m loving it! Can’t wait to get home from work and do a tempo run! Good thing you are so speedy that you were able to run to catch your flight :)!


My Favorite pie is pumpkin!


Well, today is going to be a very busy day so I will not be able to work out until late in the afternoon, which is good and bad…good because I will be more awake and bad because sometimes I tend to get too busy and not work out. My husband is working all day on 3/14 so we will celebrate tomorrow with a Costco Chicken Pot Pie for dinner and a homemade Strawberry/Rhubarb pie for dessert.


Favorite type of pie is cherry <3

My running motivation is at a 9 because I have a half marathon coming up in June that I really want to beat my time on. But today is a rest day and it's raining like crazy.

My plans this evening after work are to watch tv and relax in my pj's.


I love cream pies and apple pie.

Booty Barre and rowing today. Maybe 1-3 miles later on.

It’s nice to go away for a while, but it’s always great to be home.


I don’t have to go into work today so I’m going to be getting lots of homework done.


Didn’t your parents have a dog? You haven’t said anything about her in a long time and she used to be on the blog every day… Is everything ok?


Apple pie or lemon meringue pie, both my favorites!


Quesadillas, pizookies, pies…I don’t even like pies but it looks good! Janae, coming to your page makes me hungry, EVERY TIME! I have to stop reading your blog ;)


Pie Day is one of my favorite holidays! It’s right between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’m trying to decide what to bake this year. Ohhh, I can’t wait.


I’m flying into Phoenix for a bachelorette party in Scottsdale. Not sure if that’s where you stayed in AZ, but if so do you have any restaurant recommendations?


I love that pic of Brooke & your mom! Too cute.

Mmmmm quesadilla sounds so good—going to have one now!


my absolute favorite pie is my grandma’s apple pie. it’s the best :)


My running motivation = 4… I was planning on doing a half marathon in 2 months but I just found out I’m PREGNANT (with number 3)!!! I never feel great running and pregnant so now I’m taking it easy :)


Wow – the self-portraits are awesome, aren’t they?! Thanks for sharing those, I could definitely see myself in them.

and, Brooke + Grandma, awwww so very sweet


This basically just confirmed that I’m having quesadillas for lunch. We have tortillas for the first time in ages and it’s time to put them to good use! I think pumpkin or apple pie is probably my favorite. Anything my sister makes really, she’s the pie master :)


I LOVE the quesadilla recipes! :) I would say my running motivation is at a 7! Have a great Wednesday.


I am so ready for spring and summer!


Your sandwich in the first picture looks amazing. I am also now craving quesadillas. Thanks for helping with supper plans! Haha


It makes me sad that have never been to a place specifically for desserts like that. I don’t think I even knew they existed until your blog came into my life. So thank you for that.


my running motivation is at approximately 0 right now… we’re getting hit with anotehr big snow storm and I am NOT a snow runner :)

my favorite pie is pumpkin with TONS of whipped cream. that’s the best part!


Favorite pie is a tie between Lemon Meringue & Key lime. Unless Cheesecake counts as a pie?! It is pie shaped…

Running motivation is about a 5 today… Yesterday the temperature was about 65 and today it is in the 30s with snow. Ohio weather makes me sad sometimes.

Tonight I am going over to my best friend’s house to stuff envelopes for my bridal shower while watching a chick flick and eating ice cream! =)

Depending on what time I get back from my friend’s house, I plan on using my new spin bike. I didn’t realize how good of a workout I can get from it. Hopefully it helps with my running endurance. If I get home too late I will do some yoga and stretching before bed.


Nothing beats my mom’s apple pie with some Blue Bell Vanilla on it!
a close second is pecan pie, and yes you guessed it, with Blue Bell vanilla on it.

I am at a 10 on the motivation front. The weather is perfect here in Houston. My first races (triathlons) are coming up.

Today I swam 3000 yards and I am running 6 miles later.


My running motivation is like…. a 4! ugh! I have a marathon coming up and my long runs have been really hard- feeling really defeated! And I love your Utah pictures and places because I am moving to SLC in the fall! Now i need to find that dessert place…..

katie @ http://www.runningaragnar.blogspot.com


I’m not a big fan of pie, but that cookie and ice cream look like heaven to me!

Also, I at about a 3 on the running motivation scale… not so good since I have a half to run on Sunday! ;)


I am so mad. The day started warm and dry but I was working and couldn’t get out for a run. Now it is wet and cold and I am still working. So mad!

BTW I have a compression sock giveaway: wp.me/p4fmQC-68


I love how much Brooke loves her Grandma


That plane scenario happened to us last year and we were BOOKING it through the airport. So scary.


My running motivation has been low…not sure why. Guess it’s just the season of life right now.

Love Pie!!! Going to get some apple pie to celebrate : )


I was going to say, I’m impressed they called you about the delay (versus you sitting around at the airport) but now it seems like they just did it to mess with your schedule! I’m glad you made it on your flight!


How can you choose one pie?! Apple crumb, Pumpkin, blueberry, chocolate…too many good pies!


My motivation is pretty high right now with the warmer weather sneaking in here and there . . . and the longer days. Love it!


Favourite pie has to be caramel / toffee apple crumble… with custard.

Motivation is tough as I am currently resting an injury for a week. So technically, I have bags of motivation, but nothing to do with it…

Bring on core workouts tonight…

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