Thank you for existing.

I asked Josse (because how on earth could I motivate myself to get out of bed early if I am just running by myself?) to meet me at 5 this morning to get in some miles together before I went to 6 a.m. pump class and she agreed (and was even excited about it?).  Now that is a good friend.  


We kept it super easy and relaxed after doing track work yesterday and the real miracle lies in the fact that I didn’t even come close to falling on the ice the entire run.  I am doing this new thing where I watch where I am about to step as I am running;)  

HEATHER.  You may recognize her from our many dinner/froyo/diet coke dates.  I finally was able to come to her pump class and she is incredible.  My core and quads will be sore for days.  

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After I got home from the gym we got ready real quick to go do a bunch of errands.  

Brooke now knows what a selfie is.  I tell her that we are going to take one and then she leans into me and smiles for the camera.  I’m so proud.  

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We also hit up the orthodontist for them to adjust my retainer and Brooke got a bunch of compliments on her jeggings.  

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We ended up not finishing with the ortho until way after my normal lunch time (um… I prefer eating at 11:15) and I needed food very fast.  Hangry x 1,293,492.  I was also craving a tortilla the size of a plate (actually bigger than a plate) so we went on in for some Cafe Rio.

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My favorite lunch date.  

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And then on the way home I was tempted by the car in front of me to stop for a diet coke.  I somehow refrained even though it was staring at me and calling my name.  

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A reader just sent this to me and I had to share it with you:



How often do you eat peanut butter?  Love it, like it or could live without it?

What time do you usually eat lunch?

Last food that you had a craving for?

Favorite muscle group to work?

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Haha I eat all my meals early! Lunch at 11 and dinner by 6. Basically I’m an old lady.

Last food I had a craving for was tacos and fav muscle group to work is abs by far, shoulders next :)


What do you do for abs?! I am in an ab rut!! Haha :)


I love p90x Ab Ripper X. And if I’m just doing whatever I throw together, usually 100 Russian twists with a heavy med ball, side planks, reverse crunches with a light med ball between the feet, V-ups, and normal planks :)


I buy peanut butter probably once a month?? It only lasts about a week though : ) Lunch = between 11 and 12. Food craving = chocolate and right now. I like to do core!

I spotted a cafe rio for the first time in DC and have been working on dragging some one with me to try it out!


I eat peanut butter WAY too often :) It’s the best on a hot bowl of oatmeal with some sliced bananas. Or straight from the jar on your finger.

I was craving blueberries this morning because it feels like forever since they were in season and so amazing and delicious!

Favourite muscles to work – shoulders and calves.

Have a FABULOUS day Janae :)


Those teeny jeggings could not be more adorable! Can I have Brooke’s outfit today?


I LOVE peanut butter! I could (and usually do) eat it every day! It’s especially good with chocolate and bananas.

I really need to find a Cafe Rio…it looks so good. :)

I usually eat lunch late on weekdays because I workout during lunch…so probably around 1:30 on most days.


I buy peanut butter 2x a week. Not excessive at all ;) Running AND bodypump?! Girl I’d be starving after that too! You’re a beast (in a good way) ;)


before I get to lunch, you should probably know that I have about 3 to 4 breakfasts, and THEN have lunch at 11:30am. I take morning meals very seriously.

I eat some sort of nut butter everyday, sometimes multiple times.

Last night I had a ketchup craving. So I made sweet potato puffs – have you tried them? They’re tater tots made from sweet potatoes…I’m in love. Anyways, they were the vessel for my ketchup because I don’t think I could get away with eating just a bowl of ketchup without being judged.


I always over serve myself ketchup and finish it with a spoon / my finger… in private obviously : )


I like peanut butter but don’t love. It’s to thick and rich for me to eat all the time. I like to eat lunch really early too, 11:15 sound perfect but I have been trying to push it closer to 12 so I don’t want dinner at 3….Craving? chocolate milk. And I love to work my arms lately, I’ve been trying to work up to pull ups and I can now lift 65lbs using the assisted pull up machine!


Peanut butter – amazing. Peanut butter + chocolate = the best.

I pretty much eat lunch as soon as I’m done eating breakfast. I can’t wait.


I eat a bit of PB everyday on banana!


Allergic to peanut butter, but I hear I’m missin’ out!


I love PB and my favorite way to consume it? PB froyo <— my most favorite thing in the world. I hate how my local establishments only carry it "once in a while." I guess it's not a popular flavor somehow?

I can't believe how grown up Brooke looks eating at the table with you and taking selfies!!


I really like sunflower seed butter and eat that most often, but I do like PB also. I like to eat lunch early, too, but the time usually gets away from me and I end up eating closer to 2. The last food I had a craving for was pineapple…so I ate some :) I used to be really into working my lats and quads…a throwback to rowing, I’m sure. Lately, I’m digging my gluteus medius because that will help me in recovery the most probably (because right now it’s PUNY and WEAK!).


I love sunflower seed butter, I got it in a race packet one time and it was eating a little piece of heaven.


I eat some kind of nut butter everyday!! I eat lunch at noon everyday of the week, on weekends it’s usually around 3pm cause we sleep in. I’m craving a big icy cup of coca cola but If I have one now my streak will end and I will end up wanting it everyday.

Favorite muscle group to work?


Brooke is SOO CUTE!!! Ahh, the good old feeling of being sore from a good workout is now becoming quite familiar!


I have peanut butter every day and now I’m craving some!


That picture of you and Brooke is so cute- she is goin to be a blogger some day! My dad sent me his first ever “selfie” the other day (quotes included) to prove he went running in the cold. He was VERY proud (both of the run and knowing what a selfie is)


Peanut butter makes an appearance at least once a week, love it. Really good with pretzels!

I usually don’t get to take my lunch at work until around 1:30 because that’s when the kiddos finally fall asleep at nap time.

My last craving was blueberry muffins! I made some on Monday night, delicious!

I don’t really have a favorite muscle group to work, I’m still trying to like strength training.


I am a BIG fan of peanut butter. I usually have a scoop in some format (on a banana, in cereal, off the spoon) before my workouts. I’ve also discussed almond butter and almond maple butter which are both amazing as well. I’m cliche when it comes to lunch – typically noonish. The last food I had (and still have) a craving for is brussels sprouts.


I LOVE peanut butter……I think I would have no idea what I would do if I was allergic!!!!!
I eat lunch about 1 or so.
I have been craving bagels…but that is not all that new (I love them!)


You are the winner of life. Finally someone that enjoys eating lunch at an earlier time. I eat lunch between 11-11:30.

I actually don’t eat a lot of peanut butter. It sometimes takes me a a month or two to go through a jar.


LOVE peanut butter!!! Put it in my smoothie this morning :)
I go between wishing I could eat lunch at like 11 and sometimes forgetting/not having enough time until 2! It’s a mess sometimes. Not great. But I prefer around 12.


Love all nut butters! I pretty much eat PB or AB on toast for breakfast at least 5 days a week.

I eat lunch anywhere between noon and 2pm…..depends on the day and schedule.

I crave chocolate pretty much every day!

I love to work my shoulders cause I feel I see improvement in that area pretty quickly. And who doesn’t love some instant gratification??


I always seem to workout my legs the most. Even though I HATE doing leg exercises. I really need to work on my arms and my upper body. I’m a little weakling. :)

I had a super, annoying, crazy craving for pizza last night. And ice cream. Last night was craving central!


Peanut M&M’s…yummy


A life without peanut butter? That sounds terrifying.
Yesterday I was seriously craving spicy salsa so I went to chipotle because its across the street from my office.


I never eat peanut butter. Actually I had no idea what it is because in Greece we don’t have it. It still looks weird to me…it is pureed nuts


I live on peanut butter. Easily makes an appearance two, if not three (or more) times a day. Breakfast, lunch ,snacks, dessert and heck even at dinner…As for lunch, I try to make it until 12 but when I am hungry is usually when I eat – which means lately lunch has been at 11.


That second to last photo makes me want to move to Utah ASAP. I love where I live even though it’s flat, but sometimes I just miss the mountains. The last food I had a craving for was pizza, and I totally gave in to that one. Nobody’s perfect. :)


Hi Janae! I’m glad to have just found your blog. I’ve been reading some of your old posts and see that you’re a fan of spinning. I thought you might enjoy this video =)

PS- reading your blog makes me want to eat more salad. And run more. I think I will continue reading.


I am an early luncher; around 11:30. I work out in the morning so I’m hungry even after 2 rounds of breakfast. I have peanut butter every day so I think that makes me a fan!
Does running count as a muscle group? No? Ok, I’ll go with core work.


I think that ecard was MADE for me! I adore peanut butter and eat it at least a couple times a day. Pretty much everyone I know knows this about me. :)

You look so pretty in that bluish/purplish top at your pump class! Great color on you.


I LOVE peanut butter!! I do try to hold myself back from eating half a jar at once… I like PB2, so I try to use that for with my apples, but it’s not quite the same. I’ve never had almond butter…

I eat lunch at 1:00 when I’m at work to break up the afternoon a little, but at home, it’s noon on the dot!


Oh my goodness, I love peanut butter. I agree…so thankful it exists. I made these peanut butter protein balls the other day and dipped them in chocolate melted with coconut oil. They’re marginally healthy. And I love them. Love. I prefer not to share. But I would share with you, if you asked me too. :)

Last food I craved was chocolate chip cookies. I made them twice this past weekend.

And I ran 5 miles today in prep for my half in March. Woohoo!


I like working my back. IT helps my posture and makes me feel strong all over and taller.
My family loves the JIF Natural peanut butter. I have tried the even more natural stuff and they don’t seem to like it.
I eat lunch around 12:30.

Tried the 12x400s. Will try it again w/o lifting first.


Oh my gosh, I NEED that bumper sticker (which is sad haha)!

Now that I’m a working gal, I prefer taking a later lunch around 1. It helps the day speed by. Plus, I am a morning girl and useless after 2, so I can be way more productive taking a later lunch!


I can’t live without peanut butter, I eat it at least once a day. I would never be able to live with someone who is allergic to peanuts because I love them so much. Favorite muscle group to work is a toss up between my glutes and my shoulders.


LOVE the scenery in the background of the Diet Coke picture! It’s so picturesque!


Love me some peanut butter (especially when paired with chocolate). I’m dying to try to make my own like I keep seeing on Pinterest. My favorite body part to work are my arms because they are so weak. I’ve been craving all sweets since I am fasting from them for a week! I eat very early (lunch between 11 and 12 and supper by 6)!


I love peanut butter. Especially if it’s stuffed inside a chocolate jacket that’s shaped like a cup. I have a secret stash of mini pb cups in my desk drawer. Mmmmmmmmm kinda makes me wish I as at work righ now.


Haha I can’t even spell my blog name right on my phone.


I thought I was the only one who ate lunch between 11 and 11:30. Thank you for making me feel normal. When you are up at 4:55 for run or training lunch is practically dinner heh heh
Beautiful selfie! Brooke is to freakin’ cute.


I love peanut butter! But it needs to be Skippy or Jeff and loaded with preservatives. I tried that healthy Adam’s brand and it just didn’t cut it for me. I’m so ashamed.

We eat lunch between 11:00 and 11:30. I’m usually starving by then.

I actually craved pizza last night. Really weird for me because I’m pregnant and, up until now, pizza was on my “no” list. I guess it’s on the “yes” list now.

I love working my legs. But whatever muscles I’m working are usually the ones I love at the moment.


Mmmm peanut butter! I eat at least a jar a week!
I usually try to hold off until 1 to eat lunch – to try to make the afternoon go by faster!


Peanut butter is a daily occurrence in our house! It’s delicious and I always snack on it in the evening!

I have to say Brooke is one of the best dressed little girls I have ever seen – so adorable!


I love peanut butter!! I try to limit myself though, because I could go through the whole jar and not realize it.


My lunches are getting earlier and earlier — used to be 12, then 11:30, now around 11. But I blame that on the fact that I get out of bed before the crack of dawn. As for PB, I could definitely live without it — buuuuut I might be biased because of my allergies ;) AB, on the other hand, is a must every day, all day.


I love love love peanut butter! Can’t live without it!

I usually eat lunch between 11 and noon, sometimes later, depending on my schedule for the day


I am a lover of most nut butters. I just had some almond butter on an English muffin actually. My fave is TJs almond butter but there isn’t a TJs near me anymore….whomp whomp. I’ve actually tried to order it on Amazon before. At my job when I was in college my boss used to make pecan butter. It was heavenly. I ate it straight off the spoon. I’ve been meaning to try and make it myself.


Love peanut butter, right now we have four 2kg jars of it because it went on sale for half price and I want to have enough until it goes on sale again. The closest Costco is 4 hours away!

Lunch is usually consumed by 9am!

Last food I craved…fried pork chops. Had them for supper tonight.

Love working all the muscle groups!


I love doing ab workouts! And I am so ready for spring <3


If I don’t eat lunch before noon I turn into a bear and it’s ugly. I don’t even want to tell you how ugly it is…


You may die when I tell you this….I’m a high school teacher and don’t eat lunch until 2:00!! Yes! I’m starving as well as the kids. Also, I teach group -exercise classes from 4-8am so I’m triple starved. I eat peanut butter daily!


I try to hold off until at least noon to eat, but sometimes it’s more like 11… whoops :) We just bought a new HUGE PB this weekend- ours lasted a few months so I guess we don’t eat tooooo much of it?


pretty sure that peanut butter happens at least once a day for me!


I eat PB at least twice a day, on a banana, with some apples or right out of the jar!
I typically eat lunch around 12-1 pm, I can get hangry just like you, and I am not a happy person!
I have been craving sushi and after your posts yesterday I was really craving it!
I love working the biceps! Great job on the workout!


Peanut butter is my most-eaten food.
I’m ready for weather above 20 degrees too!!


Brooke is pro-selfie taker now! And peanut butter is a constant/must buy in my kitchen. I love it!


Hi Janae!

I am a school teacher so my slated lunch time is not until 12:15! I am usually starving by then and have eaten a snack (or two)! I am currently loving almond butter…I even added it to my pancakes this morning since I had a snow day.

I hear you on the cold weather running. I haven’t been running because I am a sissy with this weather. I can’t wait to get back in to it! Keep up the pump! I also attend body pump twice a week.


I made the best Peanut Butter protein treats. I put the recipe on my blog they are worth making and it’s like eating cookie dough, which I love to eat but it’s healthy
You can find the recipe here


I love peanut butter and usually eat it at least once a day.
My lunch break at work is at 10:47, thankfully the hubs & kids eat around the same time so it works out okay when we are together.
Cookies with icing in the middle is today’s craving.


I eat peanut butter at least once a day! I like to eat lunch early…Im usually hungry by 11:30. Right now I have a craving for cookies! My favoite muscle group to work changes, but when I take body pump I usually like chest an triceps the best.


I eat lunch at 11:40 because that’s when lunch for the students is! On the weekends, it’s usually a little later because I don’t eat breakfast until later.
Quick question, what is the headband you are wearing in the gym picture with Heather. Does it every fall off? I’m trying to find one that will hold all my flyaway frizzies.


I tried a new core class tonight and feel like I won’t be able to sit up tomorrow haha. Also, I love Brooke’s jeggings- I used to nanny for 18 month old twins and would dress them in jeggings as much as possible, they’re precious


Peanut butter is LIFE. I don’t go a day without it! I eat lunch at 11:13 because that’s when the bell rings! Although I prefer around noon. Loving the selfie with Brooke! Too cute!


Way to rock the willpower behind the truck window of temptation.


Love Peanut Butter, incidentally that is also the last thing I had a craving for haha!


Oh I LOVE peanut butter but all my kids are allergic to it. Sometimes I go out and have a satay/peanut butter binge. Afterwards I have to sterilize my mouth and hands but its worth it. Oh no…now I want some really badly. I’m not thanking you right now..


I love working my triceps because it is the first muscle group to show improvement and I am all about instant gratification. Last food I was craving was a tuna melt (random!)…which I then ate for dinner. Again with the instant gratification thing…


all day every day. PB lover. And can brooke share her style with me please?


I start work at 7:00 am ….I (try) to hold off from eating until 11:30-12.
I’m not so good at it. Sometimes I can’t wait and end up eating at 10:45!!!!!!!! Even if I have snacks first!! I’m hangry!

Tomorrow I have my first running date with my running friend….yay!!!

Pb+apples is one of my true loves. For real, we have snack time together every day. Well. I snack on IT.

I love your blue shirt in the pump pic, where’d you get it???


I pretty much always crave Mexican food. Never sweets! And I could eat peanut butter on everything, or by itself. That is some dedication to get a Diet Coke sticker for your car.


I eat peanut butter ALL the time!! with everything!! lol… apples, bananas, chocolate pudding, oreos, celery… the list goes on and on! ;)


I love working my back, which is strange because my upper body is definitely my weak spot.

I crave chips and salsa almost daily and always want lunch early but try to push it back until at least 12:30 so I don’t want to eat dinner during the early bird special.


I had a momentary freak out yesterday because I very distinctly could taste an oreo milkshake, that’s how strong my sudden craving was. The reason for the freak out was because I hadn’t had one like that since I was pregnant… Oy.


I’m looking for leggings like you’re wearing in your pump picture… Can you tell me what brand yours are??


Yes! They are from brooks!


I love peanut butter, but these days you usually find me scraping the jars of almond butter. I do love scooping up the dark chocolate pb cups from trader joe’s pretty frequently though. I mean they are conveniently located right by the register! :)


I eat peanut butter several times a week and I feel like the more I run the more I craved it. I crave sweets all the time and I don’t have a favorite muscle group to work on.


Love it! Especially with all the fun flavors around now!


Peanut butter – yum- just ate some a few minutes ago! With apple slices. Apparently I am 40 going on 8.
Favorite body part to work has to be the bum (and legs) because gravity is starting to set in and I’m just not having it.
By the way – Brook learning how to spa selfie, love it! My 10 month old nephew already knows how to work an iPhone better than my mom. It’s a little scary.


Take a selfie – how did that turn into spa? iPhone – killing me.


I have a HUGE love for almond butter. My stomach can’t handle most peanut butter, except…recently I’ve discovered Earth Balance Coconut Peanut Butter…and it’s heaven in a jar. Plus, it doesn’t upset my stomach. I have nut butter a few times a day…every day. At lunch and before I go to bed.

I eat lunch at 11. I always crave almond butter or dark chocolate. But, recently? Frozen yogurt. I live in Mammoth and we don’t have frozen yogurt here. I also crave any of my favorite grocery stores: Whole Foods or Tjs. I miss them!

I love to work my whole body when I do a long run; it feels good to run long:) What’s better?!


I try to eat peanut butter (crunchy!!!) at least once a day. Isn’t that a rule somewhere? Because seriously, if I had to chose 3 foods to eat for the rest of my life, peanut butter would be one of them.

I’m an early eater. I would think that most people who work out in he mornings would be. But maybe there are people who can actually control their hunger impulses.


Peanut butter!! Love. Obsessed. Untiiiiil it betrayed me freshman year when I ate a million pounds of it and you had to have a fat friend in Hawaii. I mostly crave doughnuts these days.

Brooke is looking like such a little woman in her little boots!

Are you loving living so close to cafe rio again?


I used to eat peanut butter daily out of the jar. And then I developed an increasingly more serious allergic reaction to peanuts, and all nuts (except pine, funny enough). Now I carry an eli-pen and look longingly at other peoples food!


Whenever I need motivation to run or workout I read your blog Janae. :) thanks!

I don’t know how you resisted the diet coke after that, lol. I’m a sucker for subliminal messages ;)


I love her jeggings! So cute! I eat peanut butter (or some type of nut butter) multiple times per day. Last craving was Mexican food. Always crave that! I eat lunch between 11-1 depending on the day and my favorite muscles to work are biceps and chest.


Peanut Butter…everyday! I can never get enough of it. The last food craving I had was probably PB. I eat lunch around 12:30. My fav body part to work…umm quads and glutes i suppose!


Brooke is seriously the most stylish kid I’ve ever seen. She has better clothes than me by far!

I usually eat lunch around 11:15 also, but then I basically have to eat second lunch at 2pm, too.


I absolutely love peanut butter, it is one of my favorite things in the world and extra crunchy is the only way to go!

I usually eat lunch around 12-1 pm depending on the day. I go to the gym on my lunch break at work at 12 but I am never really that hungry right after I work out so it’s usually around 1:15ish when I go to the gym!

I love working my back, legs, and abs- I use the bender ball every night! Sounds silly, but that little $20 ball was the best purchase I ever made! I do 5 sets of 30 on it every night while watching TV and it has completely transformed my abs!


I could probably live without peanut butter. I do like it, but I don’t have it that often.

lunch usually happens around noon for me. I

Last food I had a craving for was a donut. In fact, I still would love one.

I wouldn’t say I have a favourite muscle group to work. I like all of them!


I absolutely love peanut butter, especially with celery or apples. Yum!

I usually eat lunch around noon, but I’m starving by 10:00 so I have a mid-morning snack.

My last (and current) food craving is for some orange chicken and steamed rice from Panda Express. They are building one near my work so I have to keep driving by there and thinking about it every day. I wish they would hurry up already so I can get some!


I eat some sort of nut butter/jelly sandwich every day!

I usually try to wait until 1:00 p.m. for lunch but I have a snack at 11 a.m.


I love peanut butter. I do not know how I’d exist without it!


Today is Frozen Yogurt day, I think a bunch of places are offering free cups today so you should go!!


It’s official: Brooke has better clothes than me. Jealous of the boots and sweater, and her adorable thighs in those jeggings (mine aren’t quite as cute).


Okay, I looooove that Brooke knows what a selfie is!! SO cute! :) I love working out my abs and my legs! Peanut butter is one of the best inventions everrrr.



i like peanut butter, but i think i actually prefer almond butter or sunflower seed butter.

i usually eat lunch at noon, but i have a couple snacks after breakfast to hold me over until then ;)

i love brooke’s jeggings! she has the BEST wardrobe ever!


I used to be absolutely obsessed with peanut butter (I would go through a 16oz jar in a week – 10 days)….now I eat it more sparingly, but still LOVE IT so much!

I usually eat lunch around Noon….but if I’m up early (like you’ve been lately!), 11:30 is best!!

I had the biggest craving yesterday for Costco cake with ice cream. YUM YUM YUM!

I love to work my shoulders!


pb- love it
lunch at 1
I want pb now!! on top of ice cream with whipped cream…


PB is the greatest. I eat it everyday and go through a jar every 7-9 days. by myself :)

lunch whenever the morning patients are done and shoveled in before afternoon…

craving: fluffy frosting!


Love peanut butter. We probably eat WAY too much of it in our house!!

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