My mom convinced me to go pool running.

My favorite lunch spot lately.  I just can’t stray from the BBQ Chicken Wrap.  Utah people- this is from Cafe Fresh.  I clearly love restaurants that start with the word cafe.

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My mom told me yesterday that walking isn’t going to keep up my running fitness.  Mothers always know best.  She told me it would be a really good idea to hit the pool for some pool running.  I think I made up 982 excuses to not go but she had rebuttals for all of them (she even gave me a swim cap because I said I didn’t want chlorine in my hair since I just had it bleached.  She also said she would stay home while Brooke napped so I could go).

She knows I thrive off of endorphins and pool running always gets my heart rate WAY UP and the endorphins flowing.  I did a post all about pool running here.

I believe that this is by far the best way to keep up your running fitness when you aren’t running.  Boring but crazy effective.  You gotta do what you gotta do.  Thanks mom for getting me out the door.


Workout:  30 minutes at medium/hard effort and then 30 seconds x 5 at HARD effort.   

The endorphins came and I felt much better afterward.  I took my pulse after some of my 30 second ‘sprints’ and my heart rate was around 190.  Really, it is no joke.  Running + all of the resistance from the water = this will keep my endurance up.

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Quick wardrobe change to get froyo and go to the park.  This will be a daily summer tradition.  

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Just contemplating life on the top of the slide.

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As I was leaving Cafe Fresh I asked them if I could buy some of their tortillas.  They are by far my favorite tortillas and they sold a pack of 12 to me.  Little did they know that they brightened my whole week.  

Dinner was a copy cat of lunch.  Chicken, rice, corn, lettuce, bbq and Tortilla bigger than my dinner plate.

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You need to make these now.

AMAZING Muddy Buddies:

1 box chex cereal

1 package almond bark

1 box funfetti cake mix

Melt the chocolate according to the directions.  Pour over cereal and stir gently until cereal is covered.  Then dump the cake mix on top and toss to coat.  

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I then went to bed at 7:30 because a cold hit me hard after dinner.  Here’s to waking up  (I write these posts at night) feeling a million times better!


Who has tried pool running out?!?! Thoughts?

Anyone else having really good weather right now? What are the temps like where you are?

Favorite place to get lunch lately?

Bloggers—> When do you write your posts?  

-Usually really late at night (I bet you could guess that by all of the errors) and then my second one during Brooke’s nap.

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I tried it a few months ago for the first time but it works SO well, it’s my go-to when I feel like I shouldn’t run but don’t want to miss training. I do it in deep water with no belt and it’s a killer!! I almost never eat lunch out so I don’t have a favorite lunch spot…unless coffee or milkshake stops count ;)


I would love to try pool running! What is the thing you need called? I need to try and build up my stamina a little more.

The weather here is really nice at the moment. The sun is shining, and it’s 48F. Last night it rained HARD, so the day feels lovely and fresh.

I usually write posts… whenever I can! And when I think I have something mildly interesting…. it usually ends up being on my lunch break, or just after work.

Happy pool running!


When I went through my whole hip injury/surgery thing I did HOURS and HOURS of pool running. It really helped me because it was the closest thing that I could do to simulate running without actually running.
Sending you happy thoughts for quick recovery!


I’ve tried out water aerobics, and they do incorporate some running into the workout. We didn’t use floaters like the one in your pic tho…how is that different from a kick board?


Pool running is so hard for me to motivate myself to do. When I ran track and cross country for the last three years my coach made us do it every Wednesday and I hated it. Maybe it’s because as a former swimmer for 15 years I found it difficult to get my heart rate up or feel like I was getting a workout in, but for some reason I just couldn’t work up a sweat! I’m glad you have found it super helpful though. I do think it’s a great way to mimic running without stressing your legs!


Brooke’s face is so cute! AH!

I did a lot of pool running during my cyst injury in college. It preserved my fitness and I was able to run a college XC Pr after a week or running. It was fantastic. My coach always said that pool running is what you make of it. If you “slog” your miles then it will reflect on that. If you up the intensity…it will reflect.

I write my posts in the mornings…race recaps I try and write the day after the race so I don’t forget anything but have time to reflect!


Fave place to get lunch–AT MY SCHOOL!!!! The culinary program is top notch and they make AMAZING buffalo chicken, i cannot pass it up, ever. Amazing.

Happy pool running! I have never done it before but i know that one of these days, i could be in a situation where I have to try it!

I wish it was warm here. It’s sunny but very very cold–12. Boo.

FEEL BETTER and get some rest!!


I have never tried pool running but I’d like it, it sounds like a great workout!

Yesterday it was 80 degrees and sunny here :) Beautiful for most people, but scary for me since I am not ready for it to get back into the upper 80s. Running in warm weather is okay, but running when its 87 even when the sun is down is kind of annoying for me.


Hope you feel better soon! x


I hope to try pool running when I’m cleared to exercise again!


Yikes! I hope you feel better. I am fighting a cold courtesy of the little boy behind me in church Sunday who sneezed on me three times. :-(

I did a lot of pool running over the summer while my broken ankle healed. It felt great to be able to move!

We are NOT having great weather right now. It’s horrible. We had snow Tuesday, single digits yesterday and today, winter mix tomorrow and another substantial storm coming Sunday into Monday. I am so ready for warmer weather!!

I write my posts whenever I find time. I try to do it on a regular schedule, but that doesn’t really exist in my life right now.


Never tried pool running but I hear it’s super hard! Good for you for doing it! Since I can’t run right now I’ve thought about swimming I just can’t get up the motivation… Favorite lunch place is which wich (or fast food, dang you pregnancy)! And yes the high is 60 here today :)


Pool running… Good girl for doing it! I can’t imagine how boring, and yay for your mom for encouraging you to go!

I usually write my posts in the afternoon between clients.


I never seem to have a set time, but I am trying to keep Sunday evenings as blogging time.

The pool kept me sane last year when couldn’t run. I went there everyday and spent too much time in the water, but it felt good!
Have a great day.


I hope you feel better soon!

We’re back to the polar vortex here — twenty degrees below normal and another big snow/ice storm coming on Monday. I am counting down the days until spring!


Two things:
1. I needed this pool running encouragement right now. I’m struggling with a hip flexor injury that just doesn’t seem to want to heal. It is SO frustrating and I miss my long runs!
2. The beauty of your photos, with the snow capped mountains in the background amaze me! Even if they’re cell pix, I can’t imagine living where this is a daily sight! I live in flat, sea-level Florida and wish I had your backdrop!


Hey hun, be sure to talk to your physiotherapist (or whoever you’re seeing) before starting pool running. It tends to overwork the hip flexors (and hammies) which may aggravate your injury. Good luck!


The temps are COLD! This winter has been brutal for runners especially runners who can’t use their treadmill because when they moved they lost the screws for it! (a piece of it actually broke off in the move too)
I am not a pool fan
I write my posts at all different times (I have no consistency which is probably bad) but usually at night


Does it need to be a special pool to work? I want to try it!

Brooke looks a lot like Curly in that slide pic! I have never thought they looked alike before. :)

Get well soon!


No pool running here. I haven’t ever been injured though, so I’ve never not been able to run because of that (I usually can’t run because I don’t have time and pool running doesn’t solve that problem).

And I can’t wait for summer days at the park with my son!!! It snowed yesterday morning and today the high is 30, so no nice weather here. Boo.


I’m glad your mom talked you into going pool running! My husband’s uncle swears by it. He ran track in high school and college and did a lot of pool running after an injury in college. He was actually able to *gain* fitness by pool running during his injury–he was surprised that he was actually faster than one of his teammates after his injury when the teammate used to be faster than him. Hopefully you’ll be able to gain some fitness, too!


Ah the days of hitting the playground, life was so much simpler then. Hope you get over your cold real quick.

Pool Running – Have not tried, but I have had ITB pain and that was the suggested exercise
Weather – AZ has been pretty amazing lately, although it makes my lunch break runs pretty hot
Lunch – Still Chipotle, I dont think I will ever get over this place
Bloggers – I update my blog at 6am in the morning as soon as I get to work (Shhhh dont tell work)


I spent all spring last year pool-running- and it is absolutely NO JOKE.

My favorite is to do a ladder workout with increasing time for the hard intervals- start with 20 minutes medium effort, then begin with 30 sec hard effort, building to 4 minutes of hard effort w/ 2 minute recovery “jogs” at easy/medium effort- so 30sec, 1 min, 90 sec, 2 min, 2:30, 3, 3:30, 4 – then 4 min; 4 min all the way back down the ladder, finishing with 10-20 minutes of medium effort. It ends up being 36 minutes of hard effort, 28 minutes of recovery, plus another 40 minutes of warm-up/cool down for a nice long workout of nearly 1:45- so equivalent to a mid-long run or so.

I also “like” doing sprints of 2-4 minutes to simulate running 400-800m track workouts.

Cell phone in a bag is a great way to get through it! I’ve been meaning to write a post on this myself!


I love/hate pool running! I should be doing it right now, bc my IT band is messed up–>I can’t run and am getting grumpy…except the lifeguard at the university pool says the AquaJoggers are for varsity athletes only. Boo. Guess I’ll have to buy my own.

I just started blogging two weeks ago and have been writing my posts at night and posting them in the AM. Love your blog, I’ve been reading for a while!


Yay for endorphins! That wrap looks amazing! I’m adding that to our list of things to eat when I come visit. :-)


That face Brooke made at the top of the slide, haha. She looks like she’s judging someone. I would know, it’s my normal face. :)


Oh no, so sorry you’re sick! I had the worst cold in the world last week! I hope you feel better today!

I’m jealous of your nice weather! It’s still super cold her (single digits), and no end in sight yet. :(


Good for you. My husband can never get me into the pool because I hate being cold and wet, even if it’s just for the first minute.

One of my old favorites is Pilpel (falafel salads) in my old city, and I spent forever last night looking for a place where I could get my standard order. Still looking!


I was struggling with an IT band injury late last winter when you mentioned pool running. Changed my life. I go three times a week now, in addition to regular road miles, and I ‘run’ for an hour. I run a half marathon every six weeks or so, and find it is just the best way to keep my aging body (I’m almost 50) tuned up with less stress to my joints. Boring? Yup, but I listen to audio books (I have a waterproof case for my ipod). So, thanks. :-)


We finally tried Which Wich! Such a yummy lunch place.

I don’t do pool running because I don’t know how to swim… ahhh. We have a pool at our apartment building and thought maybe I could go in the deep end and hang on while I do some stuff?!


I tried pool running when I visited my parents in FL two weeks ago but kept thinking I was doing it wrong and then finally gave up.


I went pool running for an hour yesterday as well! It is tough but once you get done you ALWAYS feel better! I write my blog posts at night too because it is really the only time I have to sit down and do it!


Depends on the post, my “Benefits Of…” post are written on the weekends, sometimes weeks in advance, but other posts are written the night before around 7:30-8. I’m afraid of pool running haha I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it, it just looks so hard!! Hope you’re feeling better today!!


I’ve done a few pool running workouts in Florida when it’s too hot and humid to actually run. I’ve loved them, and you’re right- they are a crazy good workout!


Too funny, but dealing with an injury and have been swimming. At the end of my laps, I do about 5 minutes of aqua jogging. Boring as hell, but I do feel good afterwards. I just ordered me some aqua shoes since the pool cuts my toes up something fierce. I’m now going to add that in to my training.


I haven’t tried pool running but I think it would be a great alternative when it’s mid summer and super hot outside! I’m just now getting back into blogging so I’m still trying to figure out when the best time for me to write my posts will be. It will most likely be during my lunch break!


I have a love hate with pool running. I know it’s beneficial, but just so boring!! We need pools to install big movie screens, so we can at least watch a movie or something while pacing the pool.


I’m so scared of trying pool running – I feel like I would just get in the water, move two inches, and then drown. I actually despise being near water of any kind (even the beach) so I think if I was sidelined from running for a while I would have to find something else. It’s awesome though that you have something to keep you in such great running shape!

Have a great day! :)


You are so good. I get so bored in the pool. I know it’s a great workout, but I get so bored.

I usually write them in the evening after dinner.


My physical therapist wants me to try pool running but I can’t find anywhere near me, I’m glad you got to go, hope it made you feel better!


I’ve done pool running with my injured runner friend, except we were outside so it was miserable cold :( But it definitely helped keep my fitness level.
Our weather is amazing right now! High 60’s low 70’s.
Lunch is almost always leftovers because I only have a 40 min lunch.


Favorite lunch place right now is Cafe Rio…just moved to Utah about 1.5 years ago and just discovering all the fun lunch places. I blog in the morning after kiddos are in school…new to blogging so trying to get my blog “just right” ha!!! Does that ever happen??


I usually write my posts during my lunch break at work or just whenever I find the time. There are sometimes just not enough hours in the day!


I usually write my posts in the evening but I have been known to sneakily get one in whilst at work.

Wish I could try pool runing but nowhere has the facilty near me!

Wrap looks great, but bacon would make it better ;D


I write my posts at night and like Ben up there…I’ve been known to “sneakily” get one in “whilst at work”. Thanks Ben. I stole your words. This writing at night thing…it’s my favorite but it does have it’s downsides and sometimes I have to edit.

I would totally pool run to help myself heal but then I’d have to get wet.


oh my gosh – if there was gluten free funfetti cake mix I’d be all over those!

And I try to write my posts in advance (like on the weekend) since I now work full time and go to the gym in the morning, but I still end up writing a couple the night before/morning of when I find a spare minute.


I’ve never tried pool running, but I have no doubt that it’s an amazing workout! I did lots of pool exercises when I was recovering from my ACL surgery, and it helped a ton, so I can only imagine how great pool running is for you and your body.

I’m sad the sunshine went away, but at least it’s still fairly warm for this time of year.

I typically write my blog posts for the next morning in the evening too. It just works better with my schedule that way!


Hey I did this workout yesterday and thought of you for when you can start running again. It was “Treadmill Roulette” where your speed is determined by different aspects of the song that is randomly playing. Ex: female singer=7.4, male singer=7.2. It was so much fun and made the miles fly by.


I’m going to try pool running! Thanks for the tip!!


I can’t believe those mountains in the background! What a beautiful view. I would be so happy seeing that every day :)


I’ve ever really tried pool running except like playing around, but I think it would be a great exercise for sure!

It was SO nice here in Charlotte the past few days and now it is cold again…well cold for us like 45*, but today is freezing :( I just want it to be warm!!

I usually write my posts during the middle of the day, either before or after lunch…just whenever I get a break from work!


I have tried pool running and you’re right it’s effective but that doesn’t mean I like it…it’s awful boring.
It’s 60 degrees here and lightly raining. Not bad weather but not great.
I love chick-fil-a anytime but especially for lunch.
I write my posts whenever I can. There is never enough time in the day…
Hope you feel better soon.


I’ve never tried pool running, but it seems like a great way to go. It’d be awesome to do when it’s so hot in the summer. Too bad I have no idea where I’d go for a pool.

We aren’t having good weather. We’re getting another arctic freeze over here with negative wind chills. Let’s just say, it makes me never want to leave the house.


Hope you feel better! I’m a baby about colds. I know you keep exercising, but I barely move at all if I don’t have to.

Blog posts: I write them after my kids are in bed, and nap time on weekends.


I did pool running in college every once in a while when I needed to give my leggies a break from the pounding. It is so hard! I haven’t done it in a while and this makes me want to start doing it once in a while again! Have you tried using one of the floaty belts/arm things instead of a kick board?

I usually do my blog posts the night before and schedule to post in the morning. I don’t really have time to blog during the morning/day because I run then go to work.

Favorite place to get lunch right now is Chipotle. I can’t say no to a burrito bowl.


Temps were really nice last weekend (high 60’s and sunny) in the Bay Area! But now we have a lot of rain- which is good cause we need it. Never tried pool running but I want to now haha! I guess I’m a glutton for punishment??


I usually write my posts either the night before or I’ve been trying to schedule them on Sundays for the week. I am also studying for another big test, so that way I have my nights to study, except I’ve been slacking on that, hahah!

I can’t believe the weather you guys are having! We had one day of 50 degrees with sun, but also 30 mph winds. I still went outside to enjoy it, b ut now we are back to the single digits. Darnit, haha


I write my posts usually after the kids go to bed except for sponsored ones or craft ones, which I try to do on the weekends instead.

Hope you feel better soon!


Wow, running in a pool sounds like fun, but I would think you need someone to do it with to keep it exciting. That is awesome that they sold you their wraps, I would of never thought of asking that type of question, but I know most pizza places will sell you their dough.


Yay for you for doing pool running. I have never tried it because I swim 2-3x per week to cross train and that gets my heart rate up and works my whole body. Hope your sore calves and your cold both go away soon! Take care of YOU.


I just saw that!!!! Seriously so so good! Thank you! I love the way Lauren writes!


I tried pool running last month when I injured my foot (plantar fasciatis). I didn’t love it, but actually I am liking laps. It’s 80’s here in Arizona, but supposed to get cooler (in the 60s) this weekend. We really haven’t had a winter here it’s been ridiculously warm.


I’ve never tried pool running but I’m interested! I usually write my posts at night too- I read in the am :)


I have always wanted to try pool running when I’m injured but have yet to do it. That’s crazy how high your heart rate got!


I usually try to write my posts at night and then do a quick check over before I post it at 10 AM. I haven’t done water running but I have done water cycling and I wasn’t such a fan! I’m sure you got a much better workout running though!


That’s awesome that you go pool running–way to keep up your fitness & endurance!

I love Brooke’s look at the top of the slide. Haha!

I write my posts at night too–so much easier for me.


I have tried pool running before, but I always feel like i”m doing it wrong because I flail my arms all over the place…so, theres that. And I write my posts the morning before or maybe a couple of days before if it’s a recipe or review or something like that.


I write my posts in the mid-morning after breakfast.. I just don’t have the energy or alert mind to write in the evenings haha. weather is in the 30s and light snow on the ground.. can’t wait for spring!


Today is a 50 degree day in Fort Worth, which I’m loving. I only wish it could’ve been like this for race day this past Sunday!

Never tried pool running! But I’ve definitely wished I could when I’ve been out for minor injuries. My massage therapist also told me it’s a great race recovery exercise because it just gets your blood flowing to those muscles.

I usually write my posts late (relatively, 8 is late for me:) at night because then I have a whole day’s worth of material to write on! Also I like to sleep in :)

I need to to make those muddy buddys! I love litttle gift snacks, and those couldn’t be any easier. Did you use white almond bark or regular chocolate?


I write entries when I have something I think is interesting.. ;)


i hope you’re feeling 100x better this morning!

i’ve never tried pool running, but it looks like a hard workout. good thing you were still able to get your running endorphins in :)


I also write at night before I go to bed. Now and then it’s first thing in the morning but I usually don’t have much time in the morning.


I want to try pool running so bad! Anything other than running in the -10 degree weather :( that is too funny about buying tortillas from the restaurant. Yesterday I asked my fav place is I could have their scone recipe and they said yes!!!!!!


I write when I can – mostly in the evening and during my lunch break. I rarely write in the morning!

I have never tried pool running!

I’m holding a giveaway for some sweet Canadian treats on my blog – including cookies and chocoaltes! YUM!


I have never tried pool running, but it sounds interesting. I guess it never crossed my mind. I’m not a strong swimmer, but I bet I could handle some running.

The midwest is getting another polar blast. Freezing rain and snow through Sunday and then bitter cold. I just purchased an indoor bike mount so I can train inside on my road bike. I’m looking forward to trying it out!!

My favorite lunch place lately has been a sandwhich shop called Pot Belly’s. They put hot peppers on their sandwhiches and they are amazing!!

I typically write my posts around mid-morning. Earlier if possible and if I have something really exciting to say, I will post again at night for a bonus.


Moms always seem to know when something is needed, right??

Ooh I love that you bought the tortillas at the cafe. Think Cafe Rio would let me buy 100 of their fresh tortillas??? haha


The weather in Seattle has been great the past few days, 55 and sunny. Favorite lunch place Panera, I love their turkey chili. I only write a blog post about once a week and usually write it in the evening.


Wait, that muddy buddies recipe sounds amazing! Funfetti muddie buddies?!


I hope you are feeling better, my husband had the same thing happen to him last night. So weird! I typically write at night as well and then maybe in the afternoon. I am loving lunch at Chipotle!


The weather here today (In North Florida) is FABULOUS! It will be 59 and sunny when I run this evening. Can’t complain for sure :) Sunday it was pretty hot for my marathon and made me struggle. Tonight should be a piece of cake! (mmm I love cake :)


pool running! that’s so cool, it probably feels really weird compared to normal running though. I usually write my blog posts mid-day, after my workout.


Ive never tried pool running but it seems way hard. I need to go make some muddy buddies now.


Oh gosh, I did pool running a while back, with similar workouts. I was such a dork, wearing a cap and clipping my iPod to the top of it, with the headphones wire wrapped a billion times over it.

I’m not even going to discuss the weather. :\ Lol

I write at different times of the day. If I have a quick thought and a few minutes away from work, I’ll draft some words. What I need to stop doing is getting home from work, blogging, then completely “forget” about training. That’s.gotta.go.


I’m in Provo and the weather was so nice the last few days, it is rainy today though dang it :/ Lately I have been loving Chick-fil-A. Yummy! I write my blog posts at all different times. I have a new baby so I am trying to find a routine that works for me ha.


Oh my gosh, that muddy buddy recipe sounds AMAZING. I’ve never tried pool running. They offer it as a group fitness class but I’m not sold!


Could your daily scenery be any prettier?!


I’ve never tried pool running but it sounds awesome for low impact cross training!


Getting me to get into a pool days is harder than pulling teeth now that I quit swimming after HS.
That mountain view is simply breathtaking. i envy that!

And that puppy chow…. my mouth is watering.


I very rarely schedule posts but I know it works really well for a lot of people!


It’s still crazy cold here — go away, winter!

I usually write my posts the night before & publish them first thing in the morning :)


I always write mine at night…..but I don’t blog very often. haha.

I tried pool running once and I just couldn’t get into it. It was crazy boring and I didn’t really move….kinda of just stayed in place. Perhaps I was doing it wrong?


Hi! Seasoned pool runner here. Some people move forward and do laps of the pool, others stay on the spot. With the right posture there should only be a slight tendency to move forward in my opinion; if you’re doing laps too fast your torso is probably tilted too far forward.

Info on technique etc:
Good water running program (which I think Janae has also used) here:


5.5 MONTHS of pool running and counting thanks to 3 x stress fractures, patella tendinitis, and a very slow healing body. You know, I think I’ve actually grown to like it?! The trick is to crank up some up-tempo music and do hard intervals (which can be a variety of ‘distances’ – a couple days ago I did 10 minute ones!). That said, I’ve only gotten a PROPER running high three times in all this time. I’ve also been ‘running’ on a mini trampoline for a few months, and had a couple of failed attempts at phasing back into running… I think my body hates me.


I haven’t tried it, but pool running sounds amazing!!


Your mom is awesome!!


that view is spectacular! we had to do pool running in college when we were hurt—not fun but it helped what you had a group there with you!


I have never tried pool running because 1) I am embarrased I will do it wrong and 2) my gym pool is outdoors so I could only do it in the warm months (and then I never feel like it)
We are getting another cold front here in Baltimore. The winter just will not end. Its going to drop into the teens tonight and next week we are expecting a snow/ice storm.
I usually just blog whenenver I have time…mostly on the weekends. Sometimes I will write 2 posts at once and schedule them to go up throughout the week.
Hope you feel better!


Mother’s know best :)

Love pool running. Though I haven’t done it in a while. That or water aerobics. Whoops.


Two words: Polar Vortex. The wind literally almost knocked me over on my walk home from work tonightl I’m dealing with it by running early in the morning before I really know what I’m doing, and eating as many carbs as possible.


I have tried pool running before and it was one of the most borning things that I’ve ever tried! I did, however, enjoy swimming and then running super hard in place as it felt like I was doing intervals. I would make sure I would do them for as long as it took me to do 400s, and 800s, keeping my heart rate up high. What a workout and I was already in the water so I enjoyed my cool down afterwards lol. It is not hot where I am now, it’s like 6 degrees lol. I wish it were warmer, and I eat lunch at home :) Fresh fruit for lunch is my favorite and if I could eat it anywhere, it would be on top of a mountain :P


Feel better Janae!!! Try some hot water, honey and lemon slices.

I usually blog late night as well, except on the weekends. :)



congratulations for the excellent blog. I always choose healthy food and I run every day. is very important to be concerned about our well-being.



I completely understand the “blogging hours”. They occur, late at night, EARLY morning or during nap times. Any time my little man is asleep : )


That first pic of the wrap looks delicious!

I hate pool running. When I got injured before NYCM I had to do it. I mean once you get going like you said it’s not that bad, but I’d so much rather be running!


Never tried pool running, but I may try it tomorrow since my left knee has been killing me this week! I write my blogs at night. Late. That’s just when I have time.


Don’t you hate it when mom’s are right? Silly moms :)
That’s awesome that you found a way to still get those endorphins up.
And way to go with the tortillas!!

* for quality performance apparel!*


Thank yoս for consisting of the gorgeoսs pictures– so open to a feeling oof

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