If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The 4:something a.m. wake-up calls this week left me a little bit tired yesterday afternoon.   

Who needs a nap when clearly being used as a jungle gym is so much more fun?  

It actually kind of felt like a mini back massage.  

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My mom and I were both craving pizza for dinner and before I knew it I had a bbq chicken pizza in my hands.   It happens.

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Adding a salad to a meal instantly makes it healthy.  

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A few hours later and I was with the girls for a waffle sampler party.  If you are wondering if I do anything with my friends besides run or eat large amounts of carbs… The answer is no.   If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it:)

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Two races to talk about this morning:

1.  I registered for the Utah Valley Marathon.  This is happening.  Can anyone answer why we enjoy this pain?  I need answers.  

I have a very good feeling about this race.  I ran a 3:08 on this course a few years ago and it is practically in my backyard so I am positive that good things are going to happen now that I am feeling ready to start training for the marathon in a few weeks.  

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2. Utah Run is putting on an AWESOME race on February 15th!  I feel like all of you Utah readers should come do it!  

I love how creative it is and it is the perfect time to start running some 5ks while prepping for spring 1/2 and full marathons.  

Race details HERE!


Utah Run is giving away a free entry to the 5k!  

If you want to enter to win a bib then tell me in the comments—>  “I WANT TO DO THE VALENTINE’S STOPLIGHT 5K!”


Who is registered for a full marathon right now?  Which one?  When does training start for it?  What training plan are you going to use?

Favorite pizza toppings?  

If you were running the Valentine’s Stoplight 5k… What color of shirt would you be wearing?  Don’t be shy;)

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Those waffles look delicious! I need to live somewhere with this kind of deliciousness. Favorite pizza toppings: pineapple, goats cheese, sundried tomatoes, spinach, pulled pork (not all at once!). No marathons on the schedule right now, just a lot of half marathons! Probably not another full until next spring.


I would be wearing red. In fact, yesterday was my 10 year anniversary :)

Can’t wait to see how you do in the Utah valley Marathon!


Happy late anniversary, Laura!


I’m registered for Boston! Thought I’d be a bandit but snagged a bib just last week!
When are you going to come run Boston?!



I am JUST STARTING to train for my first marathon ever!! I;m in week one. And I like week one so far. It’s the other weeks which concern me ;)

I’m using a plan from Runner’s World, and am aiming for a sub 3:45. The marathon is in May, and is the Edinburgh marathon, which is apparently fast and flat = good for the first go!

I love your purple top you wore in yesterday’s post. Where is it from?

Also pizza toppings = pineapple and pepperoni for the win!


Ellie – that is our pizza topping preference as well! People think it’s weird, but whatever…they’re missing out! :)


Mmm a waffle sampler party sounds amazing! They look amazing too!

I am registered for the Portland Marathon, but it’s not until October. It will be my first full :) I am seriously so excited about it, but I am trying not to think about it too much since it’s still so far away and I have some other running goals I need to concentrate on before training begins. I can’t wait to read all about your training to motivate and inspire me!


Good luck in Portland. I ran it last year. Great support and only one big hill over the bridge.


The Portland Marathon was my first marathon two years ago. Its a great course and the support is awesome.


I would LOVE to come back to Utah and run a marathon with you! Make that, give you a high five before you start and an hour after you finish when I finally come across the finish line! I’ll have to come out two weeks early to adjust to the altitude thought! :-)

I’m running the “Have A Heart 5K” on Sunday with friends. I’m wearing my bright pink Brooks jacket that I got for Christmas. Nothing fancier, though.


Pizza is all I’ve been thinking about for days. That looks AMAZING. I’m not registered for a full marathon since I’m an injury waiting to happen, sadly, and I want to have some consistent training with halfs before I move to the full. It’s not worth it to me to run a race and then never run again just because I want to finish a marathon!


Georgia Marathon and its 7 weeks away. I cant wait to hear about your marathon. Your times are so impressive


Woohoo!!! So excited for you and your marathon, Janae!! You are going to rock it! And I can train in the best possibly way – by living vicariously through you ;)


I think you’ll do great at the marathon– you haven’t formally been training, but you really never took a break after training for CIM which basically will put you at a year + of training by the time the marathon rolls around! It’s fun reading about a runner who works so hard, and whose races have improved in proportion to her work! It’s very cool! Keep up the hard work and faith in yourself and you’ll do great!


Chicken, onions, mushroom, olive, fresh tomato pizza.

I’d be a red heart. Married 14 years!

Feeling like I might need a nap after an evening pump class. Any time anyone lays on the floor at our house, our little boy thinks we’re a jungle gym. Love it!


Sadly I can’t even walk right now I’ve been having excruciating back pain with this pregnancy. So no marathon but I will just live vicariously through you :) I’m adding attend a waffle sampler party to my life bucket list. Sounds perfect!


Human jungle jim is awesome, my kids and I think its fun. Jaw dropping, drool enducing bbq chicken pizza, looks amazing. Good luck on your two runs!!

Not registered for a marathon, thinking of signing up for the Phoenix Marathon here in AZ.

Favorite pizza is basic pepperoni and of course bbq chicken pizza.



Pineapple and BBQ sauce


I’m signed up for 4 races this spring/summer: two 50K’s, a 50-miler and a 6-day, 112-mile stage race! It is by far my most ambitious race schedule ever!! I’m not sure what I was thinking……I need an answer to why we enjoy this pain, too. :)


I am actually going back and forth on a race that is in 11 weeks ! I can’t decide on the 1/2 or full…I know that is pretty close marathon to be unsure about. I am more trained for the 1/2…but still kinda just want to do the full….we’ll see!
I would wear red



I’d be decked out in red baby – taken!




MELANIE!!! YOU WON!! Email me ASAP!!!


I am not registered for a marathon yet, just a half in April, but this is the year that I really really want to run one! I am thinking it will be late Fall for me though and it will probably be here in Charlotte (Thunder Road) or Savannah Rock n Roll in November!

My favorite pizza toppings are (not all at once usually) pepperoni, black olives (your favorite! ;)) and then all other veggies- peppers are my favorite and I actually really love brocoli on pizza!

I have 2 back to back weekends of 5K’s coming up in March and I’m really excited!!


Oh wow!!!! Those waffles look awesome! What a great idea! We had a waffle bar at our wedding and made sure to include Nutella in the toppings. it was a huge hit. I will be recapping the wedding all month


i wish i could be there to run all those races with you!! So proud of you for signing up for a marathon!

My 14 in 2014 kicks off in less than THREE WEEKS! I have the Hyannis marathon in Cape Cod on Feb 23. On March 30th, I am doing a 20 miler Eastern States marathon that starts in Maine and ends in Massachusetts. Its a beautiful race aloing the coast! April 6th I have a half marathon in Great Bay, NH and on April 14th I am running my 8th Offical Boston Marathon! HEARTS FOR EYEBALLS!!!!

This years Boston means more to me than any of them combined because my family, friends and i were mere feet away from the bombs last year. to say that it will be extra freaking special is an unerstatement!


Dude- we must have been right freaking next to each other at Boston last year. I was at mile 26.15 or so when the bombs went off. I will be there this year, too! Impressive race schedule- I am debating Eastern States. I hear people lose their Boston legs there…


That’s so weird! I was at about the same exact spot- how bizarre. Have you found pics of yourself in magazines from the bomb footage? I found a few of me…SO scary to actually see it and realize that the bombs were that close to you.
I’ve done ES before, it’s really good and I don’t remember it being TOO hard:)
I’m glad you’re going back, too…BostonStrong!!!


OMG those waffles look so good. I’ve been craving waffles and pancakes a lot lately.
I’m registered for the Cleveland Marathon in May. I have some unfinished business on that course.
My favorite pizza topping is pinneapple! Which is funny because I don’t really like pineapples unless they are baked into a cake or on a warm pizza.


No fulls this year – just a lot of halves.

Favorite pizza topping – spinach or olives …or just more pizza :P

I would be wearing red :) I’m also doing a valentines themed race that day here in Denvetr!!


Love the Valentine Stoplight idea! I would most def be wearing red! <3 My fave pizza toppings are ham, pineapple, onion and green pepper all together… yum!


I am also running Boston- and have the winter Half at the Hamptons on February 23rd. It’s a flat and fast course along the ocean in New Hampshire- but it is usually 10-20 degrees with blowing wind :)


Pizza? Depends on where it is from. I like it anywhere from super-plain to totally trashed up with everything :) But I do love some hot peppers and caramelized onions!


I am training for a marathon on May 11th! I’ve started training and I’m using the “run less, run more” plan. One track workout, one tempo workout, and one long run a week…the rest of your days can be easy runs/cross training/etc.

I CANNOT wait to see how you do in June! Maybe I’ll come and do the half if they have one. ;-)

I have been loving BBQ chicken pizza lately too.


No races on the horizon right now.

We usually just go for boring cheese on our pizza. I really like white pizza (no sauce), but Mike doesn’t, so we compromise with plain cheese.


I love that those waffles look like they have the biggest scoop of whipped cream on them. Speaking of whipped cream, I had a dream about whipped cream (this is common for me to dream about food). That utah 5K sounds like fun! I wish I lived in Utah! I would wear red :). I love pepperoni on my pizzas. I just can’t get enough grease!!!


I’m registered for the NYC Marathon in the fall!!! I can’t wait… to start training in July. Hm. But I am really, really excited.

I’ve been making homemade pizza all this week with mushrooms on top and it’s delicious. But I never eat cheese on my pizza. NEVER.


Oh yay congrats on finding a marathon! I know you’ll excel!


That 5K looks like so much fun! I’d be wearing red, which works since it’s my favorite color. :) One of the things I love most about running and training for something is being able to tell myself that it’s okay to eat carbs. I’m happy to read about someone who eats as many carbs as I do!


I’m signed up to run the Utah Valley Marathon too! It’s going to be my first full som I’m kinda looking forward to following along with your training


I wish I lived in Utah! I am bored of the races here in Phoenix so maybe I will have to travel up there next year :D I’d being wearing pink… I am a girly girl, I can’t help it :p
Salad makes anything look healthy. I am pretty sure it was scientifically proven ;) I love Hawaiian pizza. I am a sucker for the pineapple.


Yum BBQ chicken pizza is my husband and I’s FAVORITE! I would love to run the race but it is a bit too far for me to go to :( so sad!


This post has inspired me to have a waffle tasting party! Sounds like my sort of party!!

My favorite pizza topping when I was little was black olives. Now, it’s definitely sausage! I guess the theme of both is that I like my salt!


I am training for the New Jersey Marathon on 4/27…training began early January. So far so good! Hoping to set a PR again (ran it last year and had a 9 min pr).

I usually do a hybrid of Hal higdon novice program and New York road runners conservative plan…I am a slower runner and only run 4 days a week.

I would love to wear black and white with a big pink or red headband with hearts.


Me too!!! It’s my second marathon and my first time running one in NJ-hope the course is really as easy as everyone says.


I have now completed 4 fulls and NJ I finished in 4:48. My others were 4:57, 4:57 and 5:28. It was really windy for NJ last year but luckily it was only a head wind for a few short blocks…it felt so effortless until close to mile 20 and then I tanked. This year I’m determined to shoot for 4:40. It’s really flat so that’s where the easy comes into play. Good luck!


Hmmm…favorite pizza topping is definitely pineapple and ham=) And I’m registered for the NYC marathon in November. I ran it in 2011 and then was supposed to run again in 2012, but that was the year of the hurricane Sandy, so deferred until this year. I have a 7K and 10K before my training officially begins in June. I’ve had fantastic results with my interval training program from Dr Marius Bakken, so I’ll probably stick with that. But we’ll see, I may combine a few this year, especially since I’ve started CrossFit as well=) Utah sounds amazing and I wish you the best with your training!!!


I would love to someday train for a full marathon but right now I’m just trying to get over the fact that everytime I try to train for a half I get injured….and I would be wearing red :)


No full marathons for me this year, but maybe in 2015 :)

The stoplight idea is awesome! Two people wearing green can find each other and fall in running love, haha!


i usually pride myself on being a veggie lover, but when it comes to pizza i need MEAT. pepperoni, sausage, chicken, whatever! sign me up



Also, I’m doing the Utah Valley Marathon too!!! So excited!!!


Favorite pizza = California bbq chicken with jalapeños from Papa John’s
Red heart = married for 13 years :)


I am registered for the Quintiles Marathon in March here in Wilminton, NC. This is my BQ attempt and I have a lovely girl from my running group who is going to pace me. Her speed is around 3:30 (maybe faster) and she is pacing me to go 4:20 (and yes I am older than dirt!


Um yum, waffles! I always top mine with peanut butter or nutella. Sometimes both, if I’m feeling sassy ;) I’m getting the itch to run another half marathon but this summer is chaotic so it’ll have to wait!


No full marathons right now. I am tempted to sign up for a spring one or Baltimore in the fall but I haven’t been convinced. I am running a half in two weeks and I’ve only gotten about 8 runs in since October….not looking good for marathon training by any means.

That Valentine’s Day run sounds fun! I would be wearing red – married for almost four years.


I ran the Houston Marathon January 19th.

I am training for Ironman Lake Placid July 27th. Training just started in earnest.

I like just about any kind of pizza but my go to is usually Italian Sausage.

Dagnabbit…now I want some!


Red girl, I’m taken!! :)


Congrats on signing up for the marathon! I know you will do great. I hope to get a full marathon crossed of my bucket list sometime this year since I had to bump down to the half for my race next month. It was a total bummer, but I still have hope for later this year!

My favorite pizza toppings are pepperoni, green peppers, onions, and jalapenos.

If I was doing the Valentine Stoplight 5k, I would be wearing head-to-toe RED :)


mmmm I love pizza. Pineapple, canadian bacon and black olives are my favorite. But I also like a good veggie pizza or a meat lovers. I know, I’m all over the place.
I would wear green! I’m single and free and can’t hide it haha
Can’t wait to see you TONIGHT!!!


I used to love pepperoni and mushroom from La Scala here in NY – the best combo! Although, I don’t even miss it since going vegetarian a few years ago. I love a loaded veggie slice with extra sauce on the side.


As always, I love your hair, Janae!
My favorite pizza toppings… Does stuffed crust count as a topping??? Also, definitely extra cheese!!!!
If I were running the 5k, I would probably wear a hot pink shirt!




Hi Janae! Long time reader here :)

I’m finally taking a trip out to Utah in April and I am super excited! Do you have any recommendations for runs in Zion/Bryce/Moab? I’ll be in the peak of marathon training, so any suggestions are welcome!


I am registered for my very first full marathon and training starts next week! It’s on June 2 in Cork, Ireland (I currently live in California). My parents are going to travel to be there too. I’m glad to hear you have a marathon around the same time, I can use your training to motivate mine!


My first marathon is in June too! Good luck with your training :)


Thank you, you too!! Are you as scared/nervous/excited as I am??


Yup! That’s exactly how I feel haha. We can do it though!!


Yeah!! It’s so nice having the support of the online running community :)


I used to love making my nieces walk on my back! Until they entered high school and now I think it would break me haha. I TOTALLY agree about adding a salad,,….if I eat something unhealthy I always justify it by adding greens haha


You are going to rock both those races!

I love just cheese pizza!


Why have I never been invited to a waffle party before?! Those look amazing!

No, I’m not registered for any races. I’m pregnant and a huge klutz. There’s no way I could safely run in all this snow.

I think my husband would want me to wear red. :)

Kind of weird, but I love slices of hard-boiled egg on my pizza. I tried it once in Italy and thought I’d died and gone to heaven.


I am registering for a full for the fall! I am pumped and then I have another one next January (I need to do the Disney one every year! haha)
I would wear Red!
Favorite pizza topping would be ham, pineapple and banana peppers.


I am registered for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Full Marathon in Raleigh, North Carolina. I am using the Hanson training method, so a lot of mileage during the week, so we’ll see how I do!! My favorite pizza toppings are just cheese with green peppers on a really thin crust. And if I was running that stoplight 5k, I’d wear red :)

Funny enough I used to go to stoplight parties when I was at State, kinda skeezy, but the race organizers have turned it into a cute idea :)


I am heading to utah next weekend (yay!) to visit my boyfriend. Also doing some running while I am there! I am considering going back in April for the marathon in Salt Lake City- Have you run it and can you recommend it?


yay, you’re going to kick butt in your marathon with all the training you’ve been doing!! =)


Pizza toppings = ALL THE TOPPINGS – I’ll eat pretty much everything, it’s pizza, it’s awesome.

I’ve got a couple of half-marathons (hopefully) this summer and a couple of triathlons in the spring to train for. This is my first year of doing races so I’m quite nervous…

I’d wear green :( single!






I’m running my second marathon in 3.5 weeks and hoping to run in under 3:25.
It’s the Napa Valley Marathon and I’m using the 55-mile peak training plan in Advanced Marathoning which so far has been great! For my next marathon though I’d definitely like to do a bit more mileage – maybe peak at 75 or so.
Favorite pizza topping are mushrooms and cheeeeese.
And if I were running the 5K I’d wear red :)


There’s a Napa Valley Marathon?! You just turned my world upside down, I have to run that next year! Good luck!


Good luck in Napa – I’ll be there too!

It will be my 3rd, am excited & nervous.



I’m not signed up yet, but my FIRST full marathon is going to be this year’s Big Cottonwood Marathon in September! Mostly downhill? I think I can handle that :)


I have never done a race before! Would love my first one to be with you but I seriously doubt I could even keep you in my sight. You’re too speedy.
Can’t wait to hear about your marathon training.



You are totally going to rock UVM!!


Mmm, those waffles look delicious!


I want those waffles!!! The Valentine’s Stoplight sounds so fun- cute idea! :) I’d be wearing red! <3 I looooove sun dried tomatoes and artichoke hearts on my pizza. I also love a good classic margherita pizza, with just mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil, yummm. Okay great. Now I want pizza too.



My husband and I are doing the Hot Chocolate 5k on the 15th and calling it our Valentine run;)


When I was pregnant, I was missing the long runs…so I signed up for a post partum marathon…that is in 2 weeks. I am not trained for it. Do I run it or forfeit???!!! Help!


I’m certainly no expert on if/when someone should run a marathon. This is would I would do: If I had a reasonable level of fitness I would go for it. If I totally bonked at least I’d now where I was at and I tried. If I really hadn’t given my body enough time after pregnancy to build my fitness level back up then I would pass. Better safe than really sorry later. Hope this helps:)


I wish we had a fun 5k to run around valentines day. I’d totally be wearing bright pink and would safety pin hearts all over myself. Gotta have fun, right???

Glad to hear that you are signing up for more races…so excited to see your results from all your running!


I’m registered for the Mountains 2 Beach marathon and am using the Hansons Marathon Method. I’m about 2 weeks into the program and have a good feeling about it :)


The Valentine’s Day stop light is such a cool idea! Although I’m not sure how I feel about looking for a date while all sweaty, red-faced, and generally gross. But maybe another runner would find that attractive?


No marathon plans, mushroom pizza, red shirt :)


Go Janae! I know you will rock the marathon! I am so excited for you! I am so happy you will continue to take us along on your journey!



You’re going to rock the Utah Valley Marathon!



I’m currently registered for the Salt Lake City Marathon and Boston – not going to be able to do Boston :(


I’m registered for the Seattle Rock n Roll and its my first full marathon ever! Eek!!


Good luck Meaghan! I hope you are running lots of hills.


That race looks so fun!! I am looking for a late spring race and will be developing my own training plan. YAY for marathon training!


Good luck on these races! Can’t wait to see you do well!!!


I’m training for the Boston Marathon :) So excited!


I’m training for Boston. I’m using Hal Higdon’s Intermediate plan. I did add speed work and today ran my fastest mile ever 7:43.
Favorite pizza toppings onions and peppers.


I would wear Red :)


A full marathon sounds too scary but I’ll take a pizza with green pepper, onion, and pepperoni please.


I’m doing a valentines 15k so I can go at a slower pace. Red for me and I was thinking Cupid wings would be cute? Hmm where to find? Not training yet for a full just a half but I am doing the Santa Barbara (god willing) full this fall. My first!

Love mushrooms olives and sausage. I’m not picky.


I am registered for NYC Marathon – training starts in July. My plan is to use a running room training schedule, but modify it a bit.

Fave pizza topping = bacon strips!


I feel like I may have to sign up for that half marathon but it TERRIFIES ME! Because I’ve been trying to get back into running shape and just haven’t had any success, and my knee continues to give me issues =\ But I’m a lot closer to that location now!


Utah Valley Marathon was my first! I loved it! Provo Canyon is a very inspiring place to start the race.


You go girl!!! I’m running the New Jersey Marathon on April 27 and currently following my running team’s training plan.

I like my pizza plain-sometimes, if I feel really bad, I add pepperoni ;)


I want to do the Valentine’s stoplight 5k!!


LADY, this is totally random, but look what I found : http://www.crazy8.com/shop/dept_item.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524446006865&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374306261212&bmUID=1391711019699&productSizeSelected=0&fit_type=

They look just like (well, close enough) to your favorite gold shoes from Target that Brooke has. Let me know if you want them, I can always pick them up at my Crazy 8 & ship them…not sure if you have one near you.


Confession time…I am terrified of doing a full marathon. I have no idea why because I do many half marathons every year. It’s on my bucket list to do a full marathon. I need motivation to do it and maybe a little courage too! ;)


I am signed up for the Rock N Roll Raleigh Marathon in April. I started training at the end of December, using the Hanson’s Marathod Method training plan.
I like my pizza plain or with veggies.


A waffle sampler party?! BEST IDEA EVER. I love bbq chicken pizza! We made a buffalo chicken pizza for the superbowl that was delish. I need more pizza in my life.


I’m not currently registered for a full due to waiting for the lottery results from the NYC marathon. If I get lucky enough to get in, then that will be my next full. If not then I will start looking for another fall full to run.
I love my pizza with onions and mushrooms. Bacon once in a while is doable. =)


Really want a nutella waffle now!

I am not able to register for my marathon yet, it is in November! I ran it (as my first marathon ever) last year and it is run on a civil war battlefield! Very cool!! I got 4:04………..proud of that as a time for my first!

I would wear a red shirt, taken for 5 years almost…………hoping that ring comes soon!!

And I LOVE pineapple pizza……….no ham, just pineapple!

Love your blog!


I’d be wearing green. I so wish I could come to Utah, find an attractive runner boy also wearing green and live happily ever after lol. But I’ll be here in Chicago – maybe I can find the same type of race somewhere, but I haven’t heard of one yet!!

I think my next goal marathon will be Chicago again, so not til the fall. Base building mode right now!


I’m doing a full marathon in October and doing a half in June. My question for you is, I can already run the 13 miles. So what kind of training plan do I use for it? All of the plans I see start way back at 5-6 miles for the “long” run. I’m kind of confused. Thanks!


What a cute idea for a race! That’s really neat. I’d be wearing a red if I did something like that, so I think I’d have to buy a red shirt. I have very few different colors in my running wardrobe! LOL


I want to do the valentines stoplight 5k!!!




I want to do the Valentine’s Stoplight 5K!!!!!


Forgot to tell you what color shirt I would wear! It’s me, Barb, the one whose husband just died…I guess I should wear yellow. It’s pretty complicated for me!!


I’m doing NYC marathon this year!!!! :)


I was registered for a full marathon in April, but I’m injured, and I’m not going to be able to train adequately for it, so I had to drop out :(. I cannot wait to run again!!!!!


I live in NY so the Valentine’s Day run won’t work for me. I am actually training for Half Marathon and since I am racing with Team In Training and I have surpassed my fundraising goal I have several options: NIKE women’s Washington, DC half or Rock and Roll San Diego. Which do I choose?


Pineapple and pepperoni every time! Although my husband introduced me to the thin crust spinach, chicken, artichoke pizza from papa Murphy’s and it’s a close second.

I love that on your race registration is says “pain you enjoy!” Haha!


Planning on doing the Chicago marathon!

Sausage and Sauerkraut, nothing beats a cold slice of sauerkraut pizza

I’d be wearing green, wish they had one of these in Iowa!


I love the stoplight theme of the race! My sorority had a dance like that in college but that’s an even better race idea!


It’s funny you ask about the why do we enjoy this pain that is the marathon because I just took this survey Mark Remy posted on Facebook for a friend of his – she is doing a study on personality types and running marathons. That is probably not an accurate representation of her research study but here is the link, you can check it out and email her if you are interested to see what she finds – I think it is super interesting!



Oh my gosh waffles. Yessss. Eating carbs + running = best activities to do with friends

I love every single vegetable on my pizza. The more the better!


I’m running the Bayshore Half Marathon in May in Traverse City, MI and the Detroit Marathon in October. I’m also doing a few 5 and 10k’s here and there. I’m coming off a cartilage injury so my training will be slow and steady :)

Mushroom & Hamburger pizza is my fav! I know it sounds weird but it’s so yummy!

I’d be wearing red! I’m getting married in August!


I really like getting meatball and onion on my pizza, though my favorite right now has broccoli rabe on it – and garlic – yum!

If I were running the Stoplight 5k I would be wearing red :)


I’m registered for the Cowtown marathon – it’s in 17 days! HOLY COW. It’s my first marathon – so I’m one hundred percent nervous – but also super excited.

Favorite toppings would be sausage and black olives! And spinach. I’ve been digging spinach lately.

I’d be wearing green.


I’m debating about signing up for my first full- yikes!


Just give me pizza. I like most all of it. Except the Hawaiian. Although, if that’s all there was, I would eat it! ;)




I’m registered for the Eugene Marathon in July. However I’m doing the Nike Women’s Half in DC in April and the Portland Rock n Roll half in May, so my training has already started. I’m so excited for the race in DC!! I’ve never been there so its a really exciting for me and my mom and her book club are coming to the event too! I’m using a combination of the runners world and Nike training app to train right now and adding some cross training/strength in too. If I was doing the 5k I would be wearing a red shirt. My favorite pizza toppings are probably artichokes.


I WANT TO DO THE VALENTINE’S STOPLIGHT 5K!!!!! I will be in Utah on the 15th!!! I want to run a Utah race during my 2 weeks visiting!

Honestly my favorite pizza topping is pepperoni! But I do enjoy almost all the others, especially from Pizza Hut!
Those waffles look delish!!!! And no marathon this year. Will be running a few half marathons later this year, just have to choose!


I am also running Utah Valley!!!! And first Ragnar 2 weeks after!!
Loving any pizza right now (gotta stop nursing! The cravings are worse than pregnancy!) I especially LOVE green peppers on my pizza though.


I am training for the Paris marathon! My first marathon. 8’weeks to go


I too am registered for the Utah Valley full! I got the idea to register for this one when I was at the St. George marathon expo last October – plus my in-laws live in Provo so it’ll be a dual-purpose mini-vacation while my kids are on their summer break. I’m currently training with a local marathon training group here in Tucson. As for pizza toppings, I like no cheese & extra sauce, but then I usually add crushed red pepper & parmesan – strange I know!


Favorite pizza toppings: mushroom, green pepper, pineapple and onion.

Good luck on the races…you are more ambitious than me right now.

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great now I want waffles… ;)



I will be wearing red. :)

I’m doing lake to lake relay in St. George this year… That’s about all I have thought about. I’m way nervous to do a full marathon.


I haven’t registered yet (because registrations haven’t opened) but I’m planning on running my first marathon at the Gold Coast (sunny Australia) in July! I’m in week 4 of training now using the Hal Higdon 3 day running program. My knees don’t like it if I run too much more than that. But lots of cross training is getting me fit.

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