Why I get so excited to finish a workout.

Because I know that within 30 minutes of finishing my workout I get to see this:

DSC 9385

(PS she scraped her poor little nose on Monday:(  She handled it like a champ though)

I think that this is one of the best parts about being a mom–>  You have someone that is ridiculously happy to see you whenever you come in the room.  Another reason that I want a dog too;)

Yesterday I barely made it to pump class (I woke up 4 minutes before it started… oops) and then I did 4 easy miles on the treadmill and I’ll talk about today’s attempt of a track workout later. 

And I had the world’s healthiest dinner and dessert last night. 

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IMG 7414


I was browsing through this article and there are two things from it that I have to share with you:

I love looking at race predictor charts…   I think the half-marathon is my strongest distance (oh the 5k and 10k, why do you hurt so badly?) but I am excited to see what my upcoming races tell me about what shape I will be in for the marathon (latest game plan—> marathon in June, key 1/2 marathon in beginning of May and some 5ks and 10ks sprinkled in over the next few months).

 Screen Shot 2014 01 28 at 2 49 35 PM

Ummmm this is something I should definitely be working on.  Maybe I am part of the exception.

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Okay, just one more rule from the article…

Screen Shot 2014 01 28 at 3 03 52 PM

Do you always run facing traffic when running on the roads?  Or do you mainly run on running paths/trails?

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

What is your favorite race distance?  What distance are you best at?  

Is the race predictor pretty accurate for your PRs in different distances?

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I have never heard of that sleep rule but as a nap-lover, I like it! I try to get 8-9 hours of sleep a night but most nights its more like 7-7 1/2. My body just doesn’t want to sleep longer, it frustrates me because I know I need that rest.


That is really interesting! How often do you nap? Basically I just want to do whatever you do hahah!


I do run facing traffic but I don’t run on roads very often, I usually use trails or roads that are closed off to traffic by the ARMY. There is a long street that goes on for miles that I use a lot.
I get 8-10hrs of sleep a night at the moment.
The half is my favorite, I’m good at that and the 10K.
That race predictor is not true for me.


I also have never heard of the sleep rule- but I am somewhere between 6-7 a night. I think I got 7 last night- I hate when I set my alarm and it says “the alarm will go off in 6 hours etc etc”- because I know it won’t be as good a day/run/etc. Sleeping extra to accommodate marathon training is going to be hard!

I always run opposing traffic, the only exception are tight/blind curves where I change sides of the road to increase my visibility to traffic. I wish I could run in the middle of the road so I wouldn’t feel so unbalanced due to the shoulder!

Race predictors- Macmillan is somewhat accurate- though I am all over the place. My 5k PR indicates I should be running much faster 1/2s and fulls; I don’t have a favorite distance yet. I don’t specifically train for shorter races- so I guess I like that they can be unpredictably good or very bad. I’m not sure I love the marathon, but I do it anyway since I think I enjoy the training. hahaha.


I’ve also looked at race pace calculators, and don’t think they really “work” to a specific degree for any distance past the half marathon. A full (or anything longer/slightly shorter) is a whole other beast with so many variables that it’s sort of impossible to predict a finish time, you know? Also, that cookie thing looks amazing. I would eat it for breakfast right now


I agree with you about the marathon having too many variables to predict a super accurate time! I see no problems with having a cazookie for breakfast:) Have a great day Mary!


I try always to run on the left!


I like the sleep rule, I’m already a stickler on sleep though so I’m probably getting enough. The race predictor seems pretty accurate, although I’m not sure if I can hit the longer distances that fast. I’ll have a chance to test out the half marathon one soon.


I am a champion sleeper!! I get about 7-8.5 every single night. Less on the nights I wake up at 4:45am to run. Oy vey.

I usually race 5ks, but I think the 10k will end up being my strongest distance. I’ve only done one – the Runners World 10k! (I met you there and got a pic with you!!) I loved that race – I felt strong the whole time. The race predictor seems somewhat accurate for me.


“An easy four miles”–I hope to say this as casually as you do by this summer, but for now I am struggling along at 3 miles. That’s why I read running blogs: to stay motivated!


I shoot for 8.5 hrs. Just a little time cushion in case someone wakes up at night.

When I ran a half last year, I figured 1:45 if all the conditions were right. My mile time shows I could go even faster. If I would train for the suggested number of weeks,I bet I could do it. That just lit a little fire in me. I guess I need to start training again.

And it looks like you’ll hit your goal with time to spare!

Today is the last day of my cleanse. Every dessert picture makes me drool.


Completely agree with having someone who is ridiculously happy to see you when you enter the room. Going in to see my 1year old first thing in the morning is always a highlight to my day.

The race predictor is a little off for me, my fastest mile does not correspond with my fastest 5k.

I must confess, I may have a super power…
Whenever I shut my eyes I can almost instantly fall asleep, so I tend to sleep a lot!

Generally, I tend to run on paths but I do my hill repeats offroad which makes them hurt even more :( (I love them really)


I have great sleeping skills. :) My preference is 9 hours (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.), but most of the time it’s probably closer to 8 hours. I am not a morning person or a late night person–I like my sleep! :)


I always run facing traffic.

I don’t think that predictor is very accurate. I missed sub-2 hours on my half by only a few minutes and I wasn’t running as fast as they say you have to to snag a sub-3 hour half.


I should be much faster for my marathon and half according to the graph hand those our my distance of choice. And princess needs eight hours to function but after a hard workout I may only get eight but man they are deep zzzzs and wonderful! Melissa http://www.theredheadedrunner.com


I mostly run on paths, but even so, try to run as far on the right as possible- the bikes zooming by are scary!

PS- here’s my recap of aqua spinning! Not my favorite workout class ever…


I like the mid distances.. between 10k and 15k. Marathon is too long, and unfortunately due to some stomach issues, the half isn’t really possible at this point. 5ks are just a sprint and not too enjoyable for me, but they are done the fastest haha However, it takes me about 3 miles to warm up so theres that, lol. I always run facing traffic. Scares me if I don’t! I’ve never used a race predictor, but a lot of people say it works!! I average 7-8 hours of sleep a night and if not, watch out :)


I almost always run against traffic, especially on my runs out on the county roads. I like to sleep about 7 hours but lately I seem to hibernate in bed a little longer :-) I’m not sure that pace calculator is all that accurate. The marathon is completely different than any other race on that chart and I feel it needs its own chart!! Sure hope you have a great track workout!


I always run against traffic when I’m on the road. It’s running 101, in my opinion. It drives me bonkers when I’m driving and I see a runner going with the flow of traffic, ON the street wearing headphones!

I try to get eight hours of sleep, which lately I have been. I’ve been increasing the number of and intensity of my workouts, so it’s easier for me to fall asleep at night. :)

13.1 is my favorite becaue I am not fast and it takes me a bit to get in a running groove.


I NEED 8 hours of sleep, otherwise I’m a grouch! And I don’t know what my best distance is – I’ve only run one marathon, three halves a couple 10Ks and then a smattering of 5Ks but usually those are for fun. I really want to improve my half time but I keep having rough races and getting injured. My best race experience was the marathon I ran, so maybe that’s my distance?? Haha seems overwhelming to race a bunch of marathons


I sleep around 9 hours a night so I’m probably okay but I find on heavy mileage weeks I naturally sleep more. My predicted times are SO off for the shorter distances, I’m far more an endurance person than a speed person :(


The indicator is pretty accurate for my 1mile, 5k and 10k….I’ll let u know how it works for my half after my first one this Saturday :) :)


I’m really lucky if I get 7 hours. :( Most often those 7 hours are broken up too…teething little girl.

I really love the half marathon too! I dread 5ks because I feel like I can never catch my breath.

I would eat that dinner/dessert combo every night. :)


I can’t thank you enough for sharing the sleep rule. Not that it will change how I’m sleeping, but it’s so validating for how tired I am. I’m only running 20 miles a week, but I only get 5ish per night, with a little nursling who does not sleep well. Oy.

As for the facing traffic thing, I definitely do that, and I run more often than I drive, so I actually have to remind myself to drive on the correct side of the road– it feels weird to be on that side!


Ever since I hit my 40s, falling asleep and staying asleep is more challenging, so I’m a big fan of the nap. Short naps–15 minutes at the most.

I run on paths 80% of the time, but when I run on the road, I face traffic. Here in FL, runners get hit ALL the time, even at crosswalks on the trail where cars don’t obey the stop signs. We have run and bike “lanes” on our paths, so that makes it easy to avoid the zippy bike riders :-)

I LOVE sea salt and vinegar chips. They are the bomb :-)

Thanks for posting that race predictor! I’ve gotten my 5k time down to 29 minutes and my 10k down to 1:02, on a regular basis, so I hope that translates into a 2:17 half on Saturday (my last half was 2:27).


Love that picture of Brooke! I thought 10K was my best distance, but since I switched to shorter distances, I think 5k’s are more my thing now :). I always run facing traffic, I was taught this when I was younger, I prefer to this day because I hate having traffic come up on me. I sleep between 7 1/2 hours and 8 hours, during the week. But on the weekends it always between 8 and 9 haha


I always run facing traffic. I usually run at night and I don’t trust people to see me even with reflective clothing on.

My favorite race distance is the half marathon right now. It’s long enough (for me) that by the end I have literally nothing left to give… but I also don’t have to run so fast that my heart is popping out of my chest like with a shorter distance race.


I almost always run facing traffic. The only exceptions are where I know there are blind spots, etc. for cars and I’ll cross over to the opposite side for a short time.

My favorite distance is probably the marathon because you don’t have to run at the “so fast I’m going to vomit” speed. I’m better at the shorter races, though.

I usually sleep about 8 hours a night, but pregnancy has pushed it more towards 9 and 10 hours.


My Jawbone Up says I get about 6 hours a night, on the weekends I usually get 7. Really aiming to get more sleep each night.


I love sleep and never feel like I get enough. When I have the time, I can sleep 9 hours at night and take a 1 hour nap every day. This doesn’t happen very often but when it does I feel awesome.


I always run facing traffic unless I’m on a running path.
I get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I can’t sleep any longer and I don’t know why.
I love the half marathon and used to think that was my best distance but lately I’m not so sure it is and the race predictor has only been accurate a few times for me. I just think there are too many variables that the predictor doesn’t factor in, especially in a marathon.


i would kill for those chips right now- no lie ! I almost always run on the road, and always against traffic with as much reflective gear and neon as possible! Even my dog wears a reflective vest.

I like the half marathon distance but after running a bunch I really want to conquer the full 26.2!


The race predictor is pretty accurate for me…except when it comes to marathon times.

I wish I could live by the Sleep Rule. Grad school is only allowing me to average 6 or 7 hours of sleep and I can definitely feel the impact it is having on my training. I’m already looking forward to graduating and getting more sleep :)


Sleep is definitely very very very important to me, I’m one of those “grandma” types where I’m in bed by 9:30 pm every night and up at 4:45 am. When my sleep schedule gets messed up, I am not a happy camper.

My favorite race distance is the half – I don’t quite have the sustained speed to do a really good 10K…and I just don’t do 5ks, not worth it.

I hope Brooke’s poor little nose heals up well! What a brave little kiddo.


I always run facing traffic the only time that I don’t is when I am coming up on a blind corner then I will go to the other side of the road so that I can see them coming :)


I love running either a 10 mile race or 1/2 marathon and I loathe the 5k then the 10k. They do HURT! I am not a sprinter by any means.


I think if I properly trained for a half, I would make that time. I’m hoping that with my new part-time work schedule that I am able to really get into half training for my May half. Otherwise, although I can run the distance, it isn’t my best time. BUT the last time I ran a half, I was running 30 minute 5K’s and ran a 2:29 half. I am now flirting with sub-25, so my hope is to run as close to sub-2hrs as I can.

My favorite distance is the 5K – I love that race! BUT I am running 2 half marathons and a full this year – so I will be not running as many 5K races as I normally do this year.

I never run on the road, but if I did I would run facing traffic.


I’m super lucky there are sidewalks everywhere we live so it’s very safe! Very interesting about the race predictor chart. I say your well on your way friend :) now I’m craving a burrito and pizookie. Yum!


I do a majority of my running on the track, but when I run the surface streets I kinda split running with and against traffic so no real help here.
Uhg I get about 5-6 hours sleep, wish it was more.
My favorite distance is 5K, others are just too long for me.
Never used a race predictor, do you suggest one?



I like that race predictor a lot- it is pretty accurate for me! I am better at longer distance and I’d say the half and full are my favorites. I am signed up for a half 3/30 and am pretty excited since I haven’t done one in over a year. I get about 7-8 hours of sleep. I do not function well with much less!


I definitely don’t get enough sleep in general. I get between 6-7 hours a night. I wish it was more like 7-8 hours. I should work on that.
I always run against traffic! My xc coach in high used to say to run that way so that “you can catch the license plate of the car that hits you”. Really reassuring. ;)
LOVE the half! That’s definitely my favorite distance. It takes me a couple of miles to get into my rhythm, so shorter races just don’t do it for me.


My favorite distance is the half. My best distance I think would be something super long (ultra) I have never done one, but my body can go one speed all day long. When Chris and I have down our mountain treks it is the time I actually get an athletic compliment out of him. He suffers way more on those than I and he is in much better shape than me. I need to learn how to tap into that strength.

I get 7.5 hours of sleep. I do best on 9, but I can never fall asleep earlier and the alarm clock has to be what it is because of work.


What an awesome excuse to get more sleep! I love it ;) I also think that if I had a bebe waiting for me after a workout, I’d be excited to get home too!


I do sidewalks at school and on the road, facing traffic at home. I am for 7.5 hours a night but it’s usually more like 6.5-7. My new favorite distance is 13.1 but I’d say I’m best at 5k. I think I push myself harder because I know it will be over quickly ;)


The race predictor is frustrating to me, because based on my 5k I should be running a much faster marathon! I know that the distances are very different, but I find that it is wayyy off for me. I usually sleep for at least 8 hours every night, but I can’t really sleep for more than 9 (I wake up naturally by like 7am even on the weekends).


Brooke’s poor nose :(

I usually run on sidewalks; however, when I run on the road I stick to the left-hand side and I wear a reflective vest.

I try and get a minimum of eight hours per night more on the weekends.

The half marathon is definitely my favorite distance.

The chart was almost exact for my time prediction.


I am working hard at getting extra sleep! :) Its tough, but I’m willing to take one for the team. No kids yet, so I can easily clock 9 or 10 hours at night.

I run on the roads around town, facing traffic. It’s a catch 22. I have developed hip issues and ankle issues from the slant in the road. :(

So far, I have only raced 5ks and a 5 miler. Definitely a runner, just not long distance.


I generally run on trails but when I do run on the road I always face into traffic. Cars freak me out when I’m running! There’s a perfect 5 mile loop near my house but one stretch has really poor visibility so I do this weird “run a mile then turn around then run 1.5 in the other direction and turn around” thing.


I definitely need to sleep more! I always notice that less sleep/bad sleep = a hard run!


My PR’s are way off on that chart. I think it depends on what kind of runner you are. I have more speed so my mile PR is not comparable to my 10k or half at all!


I enjoyed reading that chart but I feel it is a little off! I love to race the 1/2 and just run the full!
I run facing traffic, but try to avoid the roads as much as I can and stick to the trails.
I get about 8-9 hours. I need my sleep or I am not a very nice person! :)


I always run facing traffic. I mostly run on paved trails and sidewalks. I get 7/8 hours of sleep a night. I like my sleep. My favorite distance in the half. It is enough of a challenge but you don’t have the killer training you have for a marathon. I don’t think most race predictors are accurate for me. I have 12 sub 2 half and my marathon PR is 4:25.


As a RRCA coach we use this as a way to figure out ones’ strengths and weaknesses. For example, my PR mile is 5:02, yet that does NOT mean I’m running that fast of a marathon. However, With the right training of the LONG RUN, I have the “potential” for that marathon time…make sense? It gives me HOPE that I can be FAST in the marathon…hopefully…


I do a lot of bike path running, so I stay on my right side. I’ve seen a lot of races directing us to the left side of the road lately, though, so it’s definitely a trend. I’m stuck at like 7-8 hours of sleep no matter how early I *try* to go to bed, so any extra would definitely be gravy!


I loved looking at the Pace Calculator and not sure why I have not paid attention to one in the last year. I am definitely on target to qualify for Boston with my next marathon since my comparable times show a BQ by 18 minutes!


Awww poor Brooke. My little just got a good scratch on her face this week. Just in time for her 1 year pictures (never mind that she’s 17 months).

I always run against traffic but a friend of mine had a cyclist yell at her that she’s on the wrong side. So I always make it obvious I’m getting out of a cyclist’s way so I don’t get yelled at too.


I am not a good sleeper, so I’m used to not getting enough sleep, but the night before last I slept SO well and didn’t wake up when my husband came in the room, I couldn’t believe it. I felt like a completely different person yesterday, too. I kept thinking, so this is what it feels like to get enough sleep? I was so hyper and in such a good mood all day.

I am running my first full marathon in June and I’m trying to figure out how long it will take me. We’ll see if the predictions are right! I’m hoping the chart is right for the half, my goal is to break two hours and the chart has me at 1:59:46… cutting it close!


I mainly keep to paths when running outside — I don’t trust the drivers in my city enough to run on the roads!


The race predictor is pretty on target for me (give or take a few seconds)….My fave distance is by far the 13.1 – I do not intend to ever run another 5k – agree with you, hurt so bad! lol


I used to underperform based on that chart (meaning my mile would suggest faster times than I ran). It’s pretty close for the 5k but gets progressively farther off! Maybe long just isn’t my thing?

I tend to short-change myself on sleep. Definitely working on it.


I always try to run against traffic but I think it’s so awkward to be facing someone for a like 30 seconds while they’re just driving along and youre huffing and puffing haha


Oh, I like the Sleep Rule! I’ve never heard of that one, but I can get down with it :) Yes, I’m glad you posted the other rule, I hope everyone abides by that one. This race predictor is way off from my racing/PR’s, but its always fun to look at these.


I’ve never heard that sleep rule before! I used to think that I needed a TON of sleep– like 8-9 hours a night. But now that I’m self-employed and can have any sleep schedule I want, I’ve found that 7-7.5 hours works for me!


The marathon is my strongest and I am sooo slow at any distance below that… so it’s a little bit off. However! I want to change that this year. :)


My race predictor time is actually fairly accurate right now for my most recent half and full marathon times, but I also know that I can run a half much faster…and should be able to based on my mile/5k times. So that’s my goal for the spring – faster half marathon!!


I do always run facing traffic when I run on the road.

I probably get about 7 hours of sleep a night- not enough for sure!!!

My favourite race distance is 5km, and the race predictor is pretty accurate for me!


Sometimes I think I’m crazy because I seriously LOVE to sleep! I can easily sleep 12+ hours if I’m feeling really tired, but I usually average about 9 hours a night I think. My body just DOES NOT function well on less sleep than that, and I feel amazing when I sleep enough!


Love this race time predictor! The last half I ran was a few years ago and I took it really slow (like 2:25)…but I’ve run a 5K and 10K since then, and according to the chart my next half should be 1:55! Maybe it’s time I sign up for a half ;)


I totally agree about being a mama! She just lights up (even though she’s only 3 months) when she sees me :)


Good luck with upcoming training!


OMG in that picture Brooke looks so much like Culy that is not even funny!


My husband is a stickler for running against traffic — and on back roads it definitely does make me feel more safe and in control. Running in the city (Denver, and before chicago) I run on the right side of the road(AKA sidewalk)


I usually run facing traffic when running on the roads. I wear headphones, so I’d at least like to see the cars coming towards me.
My meals haven’t been the best these pass few days. It’s basically whatever I can throw together, because I have to go to bed so soon after getting home to ensure I get 7-8 hours of sleep.


The race predictors and sleep rules are fascinating!!


The race predictor is nowhere close for me! I am all over the board. I can consistently run a 1:33 Half but my best marathon is 3:24 (hopefully to get lowered at Boston this year??). And I agree on the 5K’s – so painful. My fastest recent 5K is 21 minutes and if you use one of those predictors, that’s a 1:37 half marathon… But I’m doing more speedwork now so that will maybe the race times will get more inline.

My favorite distance is the Half Marathon (why do I do fulls?? I blame it on my friends/training partners)

Yes, I run facing traffic!

I’ve gotten so much better about getting 7-8 hours of sleep. It helps a ton in terms of feeling good for exercise. I am also in a much better mood throughout the day with more sleep.


I always run facing traffic, because I wear headphones. Hmm..during the week, I get maybe 7 hours of sleep, weekends, more like 10 (I really love sleep! haha). My favorite race distance is 10k. I’m not great in endurance though, so I’m probably best at a 5k! The race predictor is pretty accurate for me. I’ve never run more than a half marathon distance though because I just started running six months ago, so we’ll see when I start getting up to running marathons. :)


I laughed at the running rule about facing traffic. I can’t get used to running on the opposite side of the road (though I am used to driving on the opposite side now). For some reason, I am always a spaz running on road here in England. There are footpaths every where here, though, so you rarely have to run on the road with the cars.


I used to ALWAYS run facing traffic! But in the last 2 months I’ve almost been hit twice by cars pulling out of a driveway turning right. So now I’m scared to do that and I’ve been running with traffic on sidewalks and against traffic on shoulders. Yikes! Brooke is so adorable!!!


I’m lucky to get 7 hours of sleep on a weeknight, but I try to catch up on weekends. I do try to always run facing traffic, but most of the time I run on the town bike paths.


Aww, poor Brooker! :(

I always always always run facing traffic. I love it when cars give me a nasty look because they think I am in their way… sorry, buddy, I’m right on this one!

Right now I am getting around 7 hrs of sleep during the week and closer to 10 on weekends. I am spoiling myself because I know 5 months from now it’ll be more like 3…

My favorite distance is the half marathon. Long enough to really feel like I worked hard, but short enough that I’m not regretting it before it’s over. I think I am best at that distance as well. I really hate 5k’s.


My favorite distance is the half-marathon. I’m not a fast runner, but I really love the challenge.
I feel like I never get enough sleep, but it depends on how my little one is sleeping at any given time. Right now she is enjoying a staying up all night and sleeping in phase, but I’m hoping to get back to a more normal schedule soon.


Thank you SO much for sharing that pace calculation chart! I’ve been looking for something like that on the internet for a loongg time. Also- you made me start craving a pazookie with that yummy-looking picture!!! :)


wow according to that chart i should be able to pull off a 4:25 marathon PR. but currently it’s 4:48 and I’m hoping this april to get it down to 4:40. I have way more 10ks, 5ks and halves under my belt but this will only be my 5th full marathon so maybe i’ll get better with the fulls. I would LOVE to get a sub 4:30 someday.

I need to sleep more for sure when training. Lately I’ve been passing out on the sofa really early because it’s so darn cold but then i wake up and have insomnia for a few hours between 2-4am. It’s terrible.

Aww, Brooke’s li’l nose!

My favorite distance is the half marathon!


OH NO…are you not running the Phoenix Full?


Mmm, that skillet cookie looks awesome!


I looooove sleep. I usually get about 8 hours. I’m grumpy if I don’t! ;)



Half marathons are my favorite for sure! In fact, I run a faster 5K, 10K and 10-miler within my half marathons than the actual 5K and 10K races!


Yes, I always run facing traffic. I love running early on the weekends because the roads are way less busy. Crazy drivers out there! I get 8-9 hours per night. I really am not a fun person to be around when I don’t get my sleep!

That cookie + ice cream = YUM!


I always run facing traffic on a one-way or a non-divided two way. But we have a lot of two-ways with large medians called the”neutral ground” here in New Orleans, and drivers get used to only looking one way before pulling out because they know there won’t be traffic coming the other way. Unfortunately, there might be a pedestrian coming the other way! and I’ve gotten hit (lightly) twice this way. Now I run with traffic on these roads if there are a lot of cross streets or it’s a high traffic time of day.


The race predictor is pretty accurate for me.

I get about 7 hours/night, usually a little less on weekdays, which is terrible.

I love the half! Best distance ever.


Sweet Brooke-her face is adorable-scratch and all. I love reading your blog!


I try to run facing traffic when I am on a street, but this doesn’t always happen :/ At night I usually sleep about 6 hours or so. I try to get more, but right now that just doesn’t happen haha. My favorite distance is probably the half, but I have done a few 5 mile races that I have really enjoyed as well :)


That is my favorite brand of potato chips.
Poor brooke and her nose!

*http://expertbrand.com-Performance Apparel for Women and Men*Use the code Expert10 at checkout to save!


That pizookie looks amazing!!!!

The race predictor didn’t work for my marathon time, which was slower than my 5k time indicates. Sad day!


I like the sleep rule! I’ve never heard that before. Thanks for sharing. :)


Love the sleep rule! So important to get the right rest. Thanks for the tips.


I always face traffic. Poor Brooke and her nose! That chocolate chip cookie and ice cream look awesome!!!


Race predictor charts are very interesting!! My half and 10K times are right on but my 5K and full times are much faster than what I’ve ever ran.
Running against traffic is a MUST!
I have heard that about sleep before and I do believe it holds true. Not that I do it but I think when training hard extra sleep is crucial.


“oh the 5k and 10k, why do you hurt so badly?”

I’ve heard this on several blogs now. I am very curious as to why that is. I am very new to running. I have only run 5Ks. Just signed up for my first 10K. The thought of running longer (half marathon) is terrifying to me but I keep hearing that 5Ks and 10K are harder from all you seasoned runners. Why is that? I would love to have some insight into that.

Love your blog!!


Hey! Great question! For me it is because I would rather go a longer distance at a moderately fast pace than an all out spring for the shorter distanced races! Does that make sense?


Gotcha. That does make sense. I am not fast in the least yet. I’ll be there someday. Day by day. Mile by mile. Thanks for the reply!


Logic and my OCD override safety I guess because I ALWAYS walk/run on the right side of the road.

And sleep? I guess I’m one of those high-energy folks? I only need about 5hours of sleep everynight.


I’m lucky that I have great running trails and don’t have to run on the road except when I visit my mom.

For years my favorite distance was the marathon and I rarely ran anything else. These days I’m digging the half-marathon and loving the 5K!


Yessssss run facing traffic – this was hard for me, since I’m used to road biking, but it’s so much safer!



Race predictors are sometimes frustrating but I think are a good guide if you take them with a grain of salt. I ran 3:01 in Boston last Spring and this summer ran 18:01 for a 5k and 1:24:23 this fall in a half. I’ve also heard taking your half marathon time, doubling it, and adding 7 minutes is an accurate half to full marathon prediction.


I need at least 8 hours otherwise I don’t function the next day! I run mostly on the left side but if I see a car way ahead I’ll move over to the right. My 5k pr is 20:04 and half marathon pr is 1:45.. so it’s a little bit off!


I self-enforce my bedtime to be the same on weeknights as it was in high school (10:30) so I get about 8 hours. Then on the weekend I stay up ridiculously late and sleep in ridiculously late. Late enough that fueling for my long run might as well be called lunch.


I always run on the sidewalk.. some crazy drivers around here. :) That race predictor looks very close to accurate for me. Will check it out again in a few months to see where I’m at.


I always run on the sidewalk, people are crazy in Charlotte, I don’t trust them not to hit me. Also, I definitely need to work on the extra sleep thing, I usually end up missing out on sleep the longer I run.


I think that race predictor is WAY off! I ran a 1:51 half marathon and a 3:32 full marathon! The race predictor chart in Hanson’s Marathon Method is way more accurate I think. My 10 mile time exactly predicted my full marathon time to the minute last year! (I embarassingly sleep loads! 9 hours a night is awesome)


She is a cutie! And that dessert………yummers! My favorite race distance is the half marathon…….it is easy to train for yet impressive to brag about. I have two half marathon PR’s of 2:03 and my first full marathon (PR, since it has been my only one so far!) at 4:04:31…………….but my pace is usually pretty darn close to 9 minute miles. The race prediction is far off for me. I usually run on a path that is designed for pedestrians and runs 7.5 miles with each half mile and full mile marked. It is nice because I can do “out and back” and have a 15 miler! If I do run in the road I ALWAYS face traffic, bc usually I have my 90’s country tunes blaring! I have a hard time going to bed at night…….I am such a night owl and usually fall asleep reading or doing logic puzzles with my head down in my book!

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