Kids are sure smart.

I wrote this post the week before Thanksgiving but sometimes it takes me awhile to finally push the ‘send to blog’ button on things that really mean a lot to me.

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My blog is my journal and this is a story that I want to remember forever and ever so here it is.  

One day this last week I was having a really hard day.  I was just sitting on the floor in my bedroom and Brooke was on the other side of the room playing with her toys.  She was so into her books and toys that I didn’t even think she knew I was in the room with her.  

I just couldn’t hold everything together anymore and the tears started coming.  

Brooke immediately noticed.  She dropped her stuffed animal that was in her right hand and her slinky that was in her left hand and came over to me.

She sat on me all by herself, hugged me and put her head on my chest.  This lasted for 10 minutes (for the first time I am not exaggerating about something).  There were no words, toddler babbling or wiggling.  Just hugging.  

It was so tender.  Somehow Brooke knew I was hurting and she knew how to fix it.  

It was exactly what I needed.  At just 15 months Brooke knew what it took to get me through that dark afternoon.  I felt so much stronger after those 10 minutes.  I felt recharged and ready to keep pushing forward with hope.

Kids are so smart.  

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And the rest of the day she continued to make me smile.

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These kiddos of ours sure know what’s up.  

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Beautiful, Janae! You two obviously have such a special bond — I’m not at all surprised that she knew just how to help you :)


This is probably one of the most touching things I’ve ever read Janae. You are Brooke are so strong and I’m so glad you are both there for each other.

You have such a supportive family, friends and even connections far away that are rooting for you.

You will make it through this. You will make it strongly through this.


:(. I wished I could have given you a hug too!!! I know it’s really hard right now and there is nothing I could say that would make it better. Troy got me through those difficult times, kids always know and they are truly like little angels making our days better and brighter!!((hugs))) love you!


This warms my heart! Reading this makes me very excited to meet my little girl and have these special moments with her! Glad she was able to help her mommy!


They know.

She’s a sweetheart.


This is such a sweet story. I’m glad you have Brooke to take care of you :)


You and Brooke have such a special bond…my dad and I are like that, there is just a connection we have that is…different, that you can’t really describe. He always says that I am “his heart” and I think that fits for you and your little girl as well. <3

Thank you for sharing this…always praying for you and your sweet girl.


So sweet!


Isn’t it amazing how intuitive they really are!…and it’s so special that such a small gesture can change everything for us


What a sweet girl you have!


You’ve got an amazing little girl there that will always be there for you. She should make everything you’ve had to go through worth it. Keep your chin up – just by reading your blog over the past year or so I can tell you and your family are really great people. I’m sure God has wonderful things in store for you – remember He does not give us more than we can handle. Hang in there!


So heartwarming. You got a good one. :)


Kids are incredible, and yours is proof of that! I’m so glad you have her. And you’re so right – they intuit way more than we give them credit for. Hugs to you (and thanks for the incredible email you wrote to me the other day!)


Hi Janae,

I have been reading your blog for years now, but this is the first time I have commented. It’s funny how God knows what’s best for us, and gives us the tools (people, mental strength, whatever) to deal with the situations life hands to us. I truly feel that He was comforting you through Brooke, and gave her to you to help get through this time in your life. You are right where you are supposed to be in life right now. I have had hard times to (like everyone), and when I see light no where else, I always try to remember that no matter how bad I hurt, the sun will rise the next day, and things will have to get better. They HAVE to, and they will. My mom gave me a paper weight once (nerdy, I know :) that says, “It is in the darkest skies that stars best shine”. It’s cliched I’m sure but I always fall back on that when I’m struggling. Just keep shining.


That just brought tears to my eyes and you’re right kids can be so smart…. and so sweet. Hope your days are brighter, lately!


What a precious story Janae. I’m glad you have your Brookster by your side.


So sweet. My four year old now asks why I’m upset, and then hugs me and rubs my head. It’s the sweetest thing in the world!


I am so happy you have her to make you smile. Mine makes me smile and laugh all the time.


<3 <3 <3


ahhh this. i lost a little boy when my (now 3 year old) little girl was just 15 months. grief would hit me out of nowhere sometimes months later and she would drop her toys and climb into my lap. no words, just love. she would even try to put her passy in my mouth sometimes since that’s what helped comfort her. :) these tough times create the sweetest bonds.


I know I’ve never met you (but I know Marty, and I trust his opinion on pretty much everything), but your situation makes me angry. I don’t know what happened, but it’s apparent you’re hurting, your heart is broken, and this part sucks. The past little while has had a lot of suck.

I’ve had my own version of suck. And I know other awesome people who have had their version of suck. And the anger? Means I’m prideful (I’m working on it). And I understand and believe very much that all the suck means we’re getting better, stronger, and becoming the people we are supposed to be– that this is all for our benefit. I get that. I believe that. I’ve experienced that.

But sometimes? I’m angry that this is how it has to happen.

TL;DR — I’m sorry you’re hurting. Brooke is blessed to have you, as you are to have her.




Mother-daughter bonds are incredible. I moved from California back to the Midwest when I found out my mom (who does not have a husband to take care of her) was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s so I could help take care of her. The bond between us just. keeps. growing! I cherish her and I cherish our relationship. It is magical and I’m so grateful for it. Thank goodness for the special bond that you share with Brooke! And thanks for sharing with us.


I’m so happy you shared this post. Kids are extremely intuitive. You and Brooke will always be there for each other and she’s so blessed to have you in her life and vise versa. ((Hugs))


Isn’t it amazing how kids just know what to do? Animals are like that too. I remember whenever I used to cry my cat would just sit there with me and purr. Both kids and animals have a special bond with God!


Thanks for opening up to us a bit! I can’t imagine how hard it is going through all of this. Still praying for you! Great things are ahead :-)


so unbelievably sweet, I can’t even imagine


This is so so sweet. I’m glad you chose to share.


What a precious little story to share! I hope her empathy and compassion continues to grow within her throughout her life- it’s a great trait to have :)


Love this! :)


I don’t have kids yet, so I can’t even imagine the bond you must have with her. I am so looking forward to that one day though! I’m glad you shared, this was an awesome post to read. :)


I have been reading your blog for a year and never commented before. I have seen your life change so much in that year but you have been so amazing and strong. I have learned so much from your heartache and happiness and I thank you for sharing your life with us! I am also a member of the LDS church and my testimony has grown because of you. You have obviously been hurt deeply yet never focus on the negative or say bad things about those that have hurt you. That says so much about your character! Keep on doing what you are doing and you will look back on this experience and be grateful for what you learned!


Oh Janae that is so precious, i cried while reading it because it resonates with me also for the past 10 months. We try to be strong in front of our kids but some times the hurt isn’t easy to hide. I felt awful crying in front of my kids but realize it shows them it’s okay to cry, you are stronger for it. Lots of love.


Lovely … Be strong. Be happy.


Oh, this was so very sweet!!! I’m glad that you have your super sweet and cute Brooke to give you those hugs and show you how awesome you are.


i totally cried reading this. lots of big internet hugs, friend.


That’s such a heart warming story and a sign that you are setting a great example for Brooke. I’m not a parent, but I can see from my friend’s kids that they emulate their parents soo so much in everything they do. Not every day will be easy, just like not every run will be easy, but the tough ones make us stronger! :)


So cute! They definitely know how to make you feel better. My boys have done that a couple times and they are some of the most special times I can remember. As much as I hope you don’t have more of those sad moments, hope you have lots of these happy, heartfelt memories with Brooke.


Brooke was there when you needed her just like you will always be there when she needs you. Children are such a blessing in so many ways!


Kids know how to push all our buttons, sometimes to the point of near insanity, but they also have the keen ability to make everything better at the exact right moment with the simplest and sincerest of gestures. All in the great design of things, I suppose :-)


This is such a sweet story. Brooke has to be the cutest toddler in blog land.


This is such a beautiful story. Brooke will help you find your strength for the rest of your life. Keep on keepin on, Janae! You inspire all runners battling hard times.


What a beautiful story and precious memory. I know you’ll keep remembering her tender hug whenever you have tough times. Kids ARE smart, way smarter than we as adults often give them credit for, and so loving, too.


Now I’M crying and I need a hug from Brooke! That is awesome. SO glad you have her during this season of life. :)


This is a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing that. Kids are a wonderful comfort in hard times. They have the ability to make you laugh and lift you up in the toughest times. Remember, one of the reasons that she is so sweet is that she learned it from you. You obviously take wonderful care of her and make sure she knows she is loved. Keep up the good work.




I’m so glad you have Brooke and your amazing family to get you through this time.


And now I am crying too. Kids really are so special and in tune. She loves you like that because of the unselfish and powerful love she feels from you all day every day. You are the best mom to Brooke and she is so lucky to have you. You will get through this Janae…still the hard days suck. It hurts me to see you go through this time in your life. No matter how many times I say you will get through it, you are strong, you are amazing….it still just sucks sometimes. I love you!


I agree – kids really are a blessing. Brooke is an amazing kiddo Janae :)


What a cute story. Brooke is just adorable!


Little girl’s definitely know what their momma’s need at just the right time. My daughter has always been my security blanket. She has always been there when times were tough, and I needed a hug or for her to just sit with me. Those memories I always hold dear to my heart, as I know you will too.
Big hugs to you and Brooke.


That little girl is amazingly beautiful! This is such a sweet post and touches my heart!


That is the sweetest thing ever! Kids really are great at sensing when things are going wrong and reading emotions. It’s quite amazing, actually. I’m glad things seem to be looking up a little bit.


So glad you have such a sweet and precious baby. You will help each other get through the tough times :)


So happy you shared this. So touching.


She truly is a little gift :)


Crying!!! Brookers is amazing. I need some of her love, too.


This is such a sweet story Janae – you and Brooke are so lucky to have each other.


So so heartwarming. There is nothing like the bond between a mother and daughter {my mama is my best friend!!} and Brooke clearly knows that already :)


Just wait til she is a teen, it will happen in reverse :)



This made me cry. You’ve raised such a sweet thoughtful little girl. She’s the good in all of this. Hugs.


So adorable, you guys are a pretty amazing team!


This is the sweetest thing. <3 Hope will get you through anything. Thinking of you, sweet friend!



Sweet, precious Brooke.
My sister in law had a 6 week old baby when her mom died. It was the hardest time of her life but she says that baby saved her. Her and this daughter have ‘that’ bond. I think some kids are sent to us at a specific time for a reason and when they are needed most.
You are an awesome mama!


God most definitely placed little Brooke in your life for a reason! And just think, this is only the beginning! Such a sweetheart she is. Hugs to both of you!


Babies and animals always know something is wrong, and it’s so great when they can make your problems go away (even if only for 10 minutes). Just like mommy’s make their baby’s booboos go away, your baby can help her mommy’s booboos go away <3


Sweetest story ever.


Absolutely beautiful! So happy you chose to share this Janae… you are both each others blessing<3


This brought tears to my eyes. <3


That made me tear up!! So sweet!!!! Happy you have her :)


Our kids are the ones that will always be able to pull us out of our darkest moments. I know going thought my divorce myself my two kids are the ones that will always make me get out of bed and put a smile on my face. Brookers is such a good kid and things will only get better as time goes by.


Oh my goodness! What a sweet girl! I’m glad she KNEW and was there for you!


Kids are so much smarter than we adults give them credit for. Their love is just so pure as well. I am so glad you have an amazing daughter to carry you through the hard times and make your good times even better. She sure does love you.


This post is so beautiful. You are so lucky to have such a kind and thoughtful daughter like Brooke. Children are so smart and it is lovely that they know how you are feeling without expressing any words.
Take care and keep smiling.


Heart breaking and melting at the same time. And what you said is so true. Kids are incredibly intuitive. I’m noticing this in my own son. If I just stare into the distance too long, my sweet 2-year-old will ask, “What’s the matter, mommy?” It’s so tender. All kids are naturally sweet, but especially those who have loving people around them showing them examples of compassion. With a wonderful, amazing mother like you, Brooke is sure to be a comforting angel to many for her whole life. Thank you for sharing this!


She is such a precious gem! What a lovely moment!


Umm, thanks for the tears at 7am Janae ;) What a sweet, sweet girl!
Heart of gold, just like her Mom! <3


What a sweet girl you have!


That makes me cry for you tht you are hurting.. You are so very strong and show us everyday that life will Go on. Thank you for always being honest and open even it must not be the most comfortable thing in the world. Brooke is the absolute
Sweetest thing in the world.


We feel privileged when you share such personal things with us. We’re rooting for you. Even though I don’t know you personally I do keep you and Brooke in my prayers. You are such a great example of how to endure well. Thank you again for opening up to us and allowing us glimpses into your life!


So sweet! Toddler hugs fix all problems :)


What a sweet sweet little girl you have!


We are meant to walk this life with some specific people, I am convinced of it. Brooke is one of those people for you………and she is your daughter……..amazing.


I am a long time reader and I usually don’t post anything but I had to today. You are truly my favorite blogger and most of it is because of your loving relationship with your daughter. I have a 4 month old daughter myself and find your outlook on life and love for your daughter inspiring. I’m very sorry for your current struggle, I always tell myself in hard times “this too shall pass”. I hope you have a day filled with so much joy and happiness today.


Precious. What a sweet little girl.


Awww, that is so sweet!


This is truly wonderful. ❤️


Brooke will continue to get you through hard days! Hold on to her because she is your future! Best wishes.


Years ago my mom passed away and my older sister and nephew moved in with us; one day I just sort of fell apart and I didn’t realize my nephew heard me (he was almost 3 years old.) He waddled over to me with a little pint size water bottle, handed it to me and started rubbing my back! I was so amazed and calmed. I still think of that moment when I get really upset and it always helps :)


Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


this just shows what an amazing momma you are. it’s so obvious that you give her all of the love you have; how could she not reciprocate? she is one lucky, lucky little girl.


Awww this made me cry! You might be going through something so hard, but it’s clear God put Brooke in your life to help you through this (among many other reasons!). Just know you’re in my prayers!


Such a heart warming story. I was tearing up. Glad you shared this with us. Brooke is such a sweetheart.


Such a precious bond between a mama and her girl. Love it.


Brooke is such a special little girl! And that gap-toothed grin of her’s makes my heart melt :)


so glad you have brooke during this tough time….what a sweetie!


This story brought tears to my eyes. It’s amazing how insightful even the youngest of children can be. You are so lucky to have such a sweet and adorable daughter to get you through the tough times. :) Thank you so much for sharing!


This made me teary eyed. Brooke is truly a blessing…in more ways than one. It’s so wonderful that you have her there to help you through the tough times. She may not know or understand why things are the way they are but she will always be your sidekick. Much love to the both of you. XO


this is so sweet! Kids really know how to make you feel better!


They do know….this was so beautiful, so precious….


Love this. She is such a sweet girl, and kids can only learn what they’ve been taught. It’s the best reward. You are obviously a great mom.


What a special spirit she is. I’m so glad you two have each other.


What a sweetie-pie. Little kids are very intuitive.


This made my eyes water. What a beautiful story. I’m so sorry you’re hurting it sucks to see someone you care about suffer, because even though I only know you through your blog and a few emails it hurts me like you were one of my friends. Hugs from Mexico.


amazing little girl you have :)


This made me cry. What an amazing little princess she is. I’m so glad she could ease your pain!


I’m just so glad that you have such a sunshine in your life that makes everything better! ♥


So beautiful and now I’m all teary eyed and what not :-) Thanks for sharing this.


Love it! Instantly brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.


Such a beautiful moment, it instantly brought tears to my eyes. You two are a team and will surpass this tough time. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face everyday when I read your posts.


Hi Janae- I’ve been a long time reader but first time commenter. I think you’ve been such a class act in the way that you share your tough times without making your blog a negative place. I truly love reading about your adventures with Brooke. Just wanted to say hi and have a fantastic day! xx C


I’m in tears (blaming the fact that I’m a mom of a 10 month old and I’m just sappy!). This was beautiful. You’re such a lucky mama and she is such a blessed daughter to have you! You have an amazing bond with Brooke and it is so sweet to see. Take care of yourself.


Loved this :)

Thank you for sharing.


What a sweet angel!!! Thanks a lot for making me cry in the middle of Zaxsby’s all by myself!!!


My mom was a young, single mom and we had the support of amazing grandparents and aunts and uncles. My mom and I share an amazing bond that most of my friends don’t have with their parents. I can already tell that you and Brooke have this special bond too. In a way, ya’ll will grow up together. And it will be beautiful and special even if it’s not always “ideal.”

By the way, my mom married my stepdad when I was 13, and they will celebrate 20 years of marriage this July.

You are strong, because He is strong. And you are beautiful, because He made you beautiful.



I have experienced this several times with my son. You truly are connected to your child- she has your DNA and you grew her inside of you. I have had some truly heartbreaking moments during my own separation and divorce, and it has been my son who has been able to permeate through my darkest times. My mom always tells me that our bond is so special and strong because I am his “steady”. I know it seems like it never ends sometimes,but I promise you won’t always hurt like this.


I have almost no words for this except that Brooke is such an angel and the light in your world. LOVE <3 Amazing, absolutely amazing.


I love this story Janae. Thank you so much for posting it.


What a sweet story. I’m so glad that you have Brooke to comfort you and make you smile through this hard time.

Its amazing how intuitive children and animals can be. Whenever I’m sad or hurt my puppies always sense it and are especially cuddly!


Oh boy this got to me big time
Always always remember this moment dear
There will be days in the future when you will need to remember this trust me
She is a great kid because she is YOURS and she is loved
You deserve a great kid
I hope this day is bright for you
And I wish you and Brooke a happy 2014 health and happiness deserve that


What a sweet story. You are both blessed to have each other.


Janae, Brooke has learned that love and compassion from you! You have surrounded her with family, friends and a church community that are lifting you both up during this dark time. You are such a positive and joyful person! (You find happiness in yogurt toppings and earbuds!!) But, you are also allowed to be sad, angry or frustrated by your situation. I’m in a similar situation. It’s definitely not easy to have your life, Brooke’s life and all of your plans and hopes turned upside down. But remember, you are blessed and you are truly loved! Keep running, keep blogging and keep on being an awesome Mommy! Thanks for sharing.


They know. They really do. It’s good to put it down in words, to remember. Even if it takes a bit to do it.

I’ll never forget coming home from a really bad day, and just bursting into tears the minute I walked in the door. M ran up to me, had me pick him and just held on. He asked me if I was upset and asked if I was calm. It was so sweet. It definitely brings you down from the edge.


Such a sweet story… You’re an amazing mom, no wonder Brooke is such a great little girl.


Janae, this was beautiful and thank you for sharing such precious memories with us. Kids know more than they lead on sometimes, and Brookers knew just what you needed that afternoon. How lucky that she will always be there for you! (hugs)


this is the sweetest story. <3 brooke is such a precious little girl and she's so lucky to have you as her mother (and vice versa!).


That made me get all teary! Our babies are so precious.


Yeah – that girl’s a keeper! ;) What a sweet story – thank you for sharing.


Oh man, our kids sure do know how to make everything right in the world again! So sweet and tender. I am happy that you have each other and am so impressed with your attitude through all of this!


Very, very sweet.


Wishing you & Brooke all the best in 2014! I hope it is a year filled with so much love & laughter that you forget about some of the tears shed in 2013. You are so blessed to have such a tender hearted little girl & she is so blessed to have you & your sweet spirit to help guide her through life.



Brooke is a beautiful, sweet little girl, and that story is precious.

Something similar happened with my son last month. He was just 12 months, and I had lost a family member, so I was really sad. There’s no way he understood what was going on, but he knew that I needed extra hugs and snuggles. Sweet baby!

Extra hugs and prayers for the next few weeks.


i teared up reading that. that was so special. bless brooke`s sweet little soul!


I remember you telling me this story. I’m glad you posted it. Your words are perfect. Those little spirits are incredibly special and so much more aware than we often realize. Love both of you girls so so much!


This is the most gorgeous story. You have one amazing little girl there, but remeber she is like that becaouse of her incredible mom.

Often when you are going through really tough times you can’t understand why. One day it will and you realise there is something around the corner that will be life changing and it will all make sense. Keep up the strength you inspire hundreds of people daily and we are all here cheering for you and Brooke!! x

And remember


You brought tears to my eyes. Brooke is such a sweet little girl.
And yes you are right, they are so smart.


thank you for sharing that story. It is so lovely that you have that connection with Brook. You will get through this and you have an amzing family that will support and help up. Chin up as us English say!


That is one darling, amazing little girl you have there, Janae.
I think she takes after her mama. :^)


Teary eyes over here. I love this. <3


What a sweet story! You are blessed.


This bought tears to my eyes… so beautiful. You are so loved, so strong, so deserving of every blessing that God has ahead of you and he has SO many.




So sweet. She loves her mommy soooo much. I’m glad she was there for you. :)


You’re incredible Janae. I’m so sorry you have to go through all of this. My heart just aches for you!! You and Brooke are in my prayers.


So sweet. You are so right on that they are so smart. My daughter does the same thing to me when I cry. She’ll drop everything she’s doing, walk over and say “Mommy why are you sad. Don’t cry Mommy.” and give me a big hug and cuddles. She’s 2. It’s the best feeling in the world and can sure make you feel 100% better. I’m so glad you have her there for you during this hard time.


I have recently come across your blog and have loved reading all that you have. Tonight…I found this post. I found this so touching and very much a deja vu moment. My son’s father & I separated when he was 11 months old. I will never forget our first night after we left. My son was eating his dinner…I knelt down (with tears in my eyes) and said “we will be okay.” He was 11 months old…he hadno clue really what I was saying, but suddenly he raised his arms to give me a hug. Kids are smart…I think smarter than we as their parents give them credit.


Wow. Your comment gave me goosebumps. I am so glad we had our little ones to get us through these tough times!

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