Eyelash Extensions

8 miles at an 8:43 average pace early this morning. Isn’t it crazy how recovery runs after a hard workout make your body feel so much better? During the run my legs felt like cement but I am less sore now than I was before I went out to run. The benefits of easy running are sooooo worth it.

And I was worried about Brooke not enjoying coming to the orthodontist with me…

Ballon in one hand, chocolate chip cookie in the other hand.

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I had to go in to get my retainer adjusted and Brookers loved it there.

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At each chair they had an itouch with a bunch of games, they had a big fish tank, cookies, balloons and a movie room… pretty much any child’s dream. Too bad I will only have to go one more time because Brooke had a blast.

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A few readers have asked about my eyelashes. They are fake. This was one of those things that I started doing when I moved back to Utah. Let’s be honest, my self-esteem needed some help with everything that happened and of course fake eyelashes solve any confidence issues (I’m 1/2 way kidding because they really do make me feel better;) But really, I love having them because I go without makeup a lot (and I never wear mascara) when I have them and I just love the look of them. I am addicted and will probably never stop.

Meet my therapist/eyelash girl. She is the best. If you are in Utah and looking for the best, let me know and I will give you her info.

She attaches each fake lash to the base of my natural lash and they fall off when your lash naturally falls off. I go about once a month and it is $55, totally worth it for me.

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Plus I just get to lay on this comfy thing and talk for an hour straight with her. I always go during Brooke’s afternoon nap so it works out great.

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The final product. Who get’s out of their running clothes these days? I sure don’t.

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Came home and had an excellent salad (used TJ’s Spiny Peanut dressing). Baked sweet potatoes are one of the best foods out there.

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Anyone ever had eyelash extensions? How do/did you like them?

What fruits/veggies do you take the skins off before eating? Anyone eat things like the orange peel etc?

Are you good at taking your easy runs easy? Is it hard for you to slow down in order to let your body recover?

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I’ve always wanted eyelash extensions but they’re 200$+ where I live! Ugh so jealous ;)

I take the skin off everything! I had a teacher who ate orange/banana peels but never thought for a second about trying it myself haha


I agree, $55 is a steal! I’ve had them a few times when they were on groupon but it was still $80. It’s awesome to always look like you’re wearing makeup and not actually have to do anything ;-)


ewwww Really!?


You look gorgeous always! Might be a dumb question, but do you still wear mascara with those?


Not a dumb question at all! Nope, no mascara! I’ll put that in the post now!


That orthodontist office looks amazing!! I love that they give you cookies haha. Your lash extensions look so pretty! I’ve never done that, but think it would be fun for a change! :)



Your eyelashes really do look great! Impressive!

I don’t really take the skin off of anything unless you’re supposed to before cooking/eating.


Good for you lady :) You deserve it — and I just wrote about the benefits of easy runs myself today! I need to take my own advice. . . ha


I have always loved your blog but I find I am even more excited with every post now because Brooke is just so adorable! You are such a wonderful pair.


I really, really want eyelash extensions but they’re so expensive where I live and also I’m worried that they’ll look too fake (I’ve seen a few people who have ones that are too long and out of control). But yours look natural & beautiful, and for only $55 I might as well come to Utah to get them;)


I would LOVE to get eyelash extensions. I think the look of long and full eyelashes are so beautiful. BUT it’s just not in the budget these days. Just one of those sacrifices we have to make, which is a-okay by me.

I like leaving the skin on sweet potato for the extra fiber, and it just doesn’t really bother me to eat it. My husband eats kiwi with the skin on, and I just can’t do it. The fuzzy stuff weirds me out!


I used to get eyelash extensions all the time, but they cost a LOT more where I lived, and it just got to be too much. I miss them SO much (it is so nice that you can go makeup free and your eyes still look great), and if they were that cheap here, I’d do them again in an instant!


I really want eyelash extensions but I’m afraid in NYC they will be more than $55…have you tried any of those serums?



Isn’t it funny how a little change physically can make you feel amazing and like a whole new person?

That Brooke – I just adore her. She is just the cutest little gal!


I think you are beautiful with or without the fake eyelashes!


I peel cucumbers. And the thought of eating orange or banana peels really gags me. Never had eyelash extensions, in fact mascara was a big step for me. They look lovely on you :)


I really need to work on slowing down for some easy runs…its so hard for me!

I do have hair extensions, and I love them, so I can relate a bit to the eyelash extensions.

I don’t usually eat skins…unless its a potato skin with cheese and bacon. I know, i know. Bad, bad. :)


Anything to up self esteem is well worth the expensive! $55 is great! What brand are they? I’m asking my spa about them!


My SIL went to Utah and got certified to do lashes. She bought a chair and did them for a while, but she was so careful that it took her 3 hours. I am sure she just needed to practice, but I never got it done because I didn’t think I could hold still that long. They do look beautiful.

I eat the skins on butternut squash. Don’t tell me it’s poisonous!!!


I have been wanting to try eyelash extensions for FOREVER- and now I think this post totally has me sold! Thanks for sharing!! :)


I didn’t even know you could get eyelash extensions but I’m going to look into them – my short, stubby lashes could use a boost!

This is off-topic, but I just had to mention that I am reading What Alice Forgot thanks to your recommendation and cannot put it down! I keep sneaking into the bathroom to read a few pages when my family isn’t looking : )


They would probably look ridiculous on me – my eyelashes and eyebrows are blonde! Although I hate putting on mascara (although usually do so you can actually see my eyes…) because it takes forever to cover all my stupid blonde lashes. Ugh. Haha, first world problems.


I have had lashes since last April and I will nevvvvver ever ever go back! Love ’em! And love you!


Your lashes are so gorgeous! I love them <3 You're naturally beautiful so you don't need them in the first place though!


I went to the orthodontist just yesterday to get my braces on! Anything new takes getting used to! :)


You’re eyelashes look great! I had eyelash extensions for about a year and I absolutely loved them! The only downside was that my eyelashes were a bit thin and weak for a while after I got them of :/ I take the skin off of oranges, potatoes (unless they’re chopped up pretty small), and cucumbers (most of the time).


I have a question. Did you wear eyeliner with the extensions? If so, was it hard to take off? I would love them, but I wear a lot of eyeliner.



I do on the bottom and sometimes on the top (for things like New Year’s Eve etc). You just have to be careful taking it off but it is totally doable!


I completely agree with Janae! I wore eye liner on top when I wanted to get done up, and I was just super careful when taking it off. I used a q-tip to carefully remove it :) Hope this helps!


Thank you both! That definitely helps. The eyeliner issue has been a big question for me for a little while now!


I love the way you dress Brooke, she is always looking adorable! I need to try false lashes because I’ve been too lazy to apply my Latisse every night like I should.
I take the peels of apples most of the time, pears, oranges. Even though I’m a slow runner It’s hard to take a pace that’s easy for me, I always seem to go faster than I should at what I consider fast for me. The reason I can tell I’m going too fast for me is my heart rate monitor. But today I did listen and stayed in the zone I should be running at when it’s an easy day.


I kid you not when I say my sons eyelashes are about 2 inches long. They make it up to the top of his eyebrows…and they are thick. ALL of the women he encounters notices them right away. You all would be super jealous

I have learned to appreciate going slower on recovery and longer endurance runs. I don’t have anything to prove to anyone out there, even though I DO want to blast past them.


That is my nephew, too. He’s only 9 now but so far, he still has super long and think eyelashes. NOT FAIR. LOL.


You are so pretty, with or without extension eyelashes :)


I would love eyelash extensions! I used to have to wear fake eye lashes for dance, and loved those, but obviously those are a little excessive for every day life. Yours look awesome!


I knew someone who ate banana peels and it always skeeved me out — I even peel my apples! And those extensions look gorgeous on you. I’ve worn falsies on a few occasions, but never extensions. It’d definitely be nice not to have to fuss with my lashes though!


I would have never known your eyelashes were extensions- they look so good! Lately I have been getting much better at taking my easy runs easy. I think when my mileage is higher I really need the easy runs!


Would be interested in your eyelash lady info they look great and that is a great deal


Her name is Alyssa and she is at Amara in Orem!


mmm, baked sweet potato on salad sounds so good! I have some roasted butternut squash in my fridge right now and it will definitely be making an appearance in tomorrow’s steak burrito bowls. YUM! I keep the skin on most fruits/veggies that I eat (besides oranges, bananas, etc.). I actually love potato skins and prefer my mashed potatoes with the skins mixed in, they are so good that way!

Love the eyelash extensions, very pretty!


I eat the skin on almost everything. The other day my mom thought I was crazy when I told her I eat the skin on kiwis and mangoes :)


I’ve never heard of those fake eyelashes, I thought you were wearing stick on lashes or something. Those eyelashes are something I would consider, since I don’t wear mascara either. They look great on you, Thanks for telling us about them!


I like to eat the skin on roasted potatoes, but sometimes I get a piece that tastes like dirt or moldy and then I can’t eat the skin for a while.


I’ve been getting eyelash extenstions for over 3 years nows. They can be very expensive for the inital set because it takes 2+ hours but fills after that are usually more reasonable.

The lady I’m going to now is only $30 but you have to go every 2 weeks. It’s so quick when it’s that often that it’s worth it.

I love not having to worry about make-up in the morning and they look great while exercising :)


I’ve never had eyelash extensions and I feel like they would freak me out. I don’t ever wear makeup…not even to my best friend’s wedding. I take the skin off of oranges and bananas and that stuff, but sometimes I’ll leave cucumber skin on and always eat the skin of baked potatoes. I’m not good at taking recovery runs….I’m not even good about not running this week while I’ve had bronchitis. I’ve tried twice…but I’ve died both times.


I wouldn’t mind getting some extensions – I hate mascara! I eat my sweet potato skin. But not my orange peel, ew!!


When I’m lazy I won’t peel my carrots, nothing much stranger than that. I do have trouble forcing myself to do slower runs sometimes, I’m not very fast in the first place so I feel like I should always be trying to go faster. If I want to do an easy run I’ll just leave my phone at home so I don’t know the pace, gives my ego a break.


Whoa I didn’t know eyelash extensions existed! They look great on you!


Oh gosh. I had them for awhile and I just loved them. They were expensive to keep up though so I stopped :( I regret it all the time. You look beautiful with them!!!!


I have kind of thin lashes, but they’re dark, so I don’t wear mascara a lot (I like how it looks, but it irritates my eyes). I don’t think I’d do extensions, but I’ve thought about dye. The tips of my lashes are blonde, so you can’t see them well. One of my friends dyed hers and it was like semi-permanent mascara.


You are gorgeous inside & out, with or without lashes :)
I’ve always, always wanted to try them but it’s not in the budget, dang it! I think $55 is a good price and pretty normal for Utah…I’m kinda shocked that some places they are $200!!


I used to get my eyelashes tinted. Then I splurged and got LASIK so I won’t have to wear contacts anymore, so now I am worried about my eyes more so than before, and also quite a bit of money went into my eyeballs so I can’t seem to slurge like I used to. I totally agree that if something makes you feel really good, and isn’t breaking the bank, you should do it. :)


Your eyelashes look great! I’ve seen signs for extensions at my salon, but had no idea how they applied them. I don’t remember how much they cost there, but now I’m curious after seeing the cost ranges in the comments.


I love your eyelashes. Nothing wrong with doing a little something to perk up your self esteem :)


I only heard of those fake lashes a few weeks ago when Gina/Fitnessista mentioned them. I don’t know – I’m kind of not into that sort of thing. But I also do not dye my hair/get manicures….just my thing :-)

I also think you are an absolutely gorgeous woman who doesn’t need them – BUT do whatever you need to during this time to help yourself feel better


HA! Shows how often I get out….I didn’t even know there were peeps who actually put on fake eyelashes and get paid for it. They are obviously not your Walmart pair of fake lashes….gorgeous!


You are so fast on your runs! I am excited when I hit 9 minute miles, which are few and in between. I usually run 9.20 minute miles. As always very inspiring. Thanks for blogging I look forward to your next post.


I would love to have eyelash extensions. Your eyelashes look sooooooo pretty!! I had hair extensions once and my hair ended up falling out as I was allergic to the glue, so I would imagine that the same thing would happen if I had eyelash extensions. That would be scary to have no eyelashes!

I always take the skin off most fruits where you’re not supposed to eat the skin, like bananas, oranges, mangos, etc. I always take the skin off carrots and pumpkins too. A friend of mine eats lemon peel too! I know that you usually have lemon rind in sweet baked goods, but she eats the whole entire thing!

I do find it hard to get into the right rhythm for slow runs. It normally takes me about 10 minutes to get use to the slow pace, but sometimes they are exactly what your legs need!


I am horrible at running easy runs at a truly easy pace. Once I get going into a rhythm it is hard to get out of it, and I usually end up going harder than I wanted! I don’t know if I could ever do false eyelashes but I have gotten really into makeup recently (like I’m in junior high or something) for my own self-esteem boost. Gotta do what you gotta go, right?!


I like to cut apples into discs (instead of wedges) so there is no core – so I guess that means I eat the core. I started doing that after seeing the “how to eat an apple” video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdCGnuccRv0

The eyelash extensions are great – I’d love to know your skin care regimen. I’m trying to find good products and a good morning/night routine for my 20-something face.

Also – I put vaseline on my lips and eyelashes (natural) before a run, it keeps the sweat out of my eyes and makes the seem (at least to me) longer and softer.


For $55 I’d do it as well! They look great – I wonder how much they cost here! Hope they gave you the ego boost you needed, I bet they did ;)


I think if eyelash extensions and diet coke are the worst things you do to make yourself feel better these days, its all good. The eyelashes look so pretty, I’m definitely going to try that one day. I have a bad habit of picking at my eyelashes though, so I’m afraid I’d pull them all out lol.


Your eyelashes look so great!

I am not the best at taking it easy…but it’s something I am working on. I did it this week!

The skin on an orange? Do people eat that?? Crazy…..Now that I think about it, I’ve looked at that picture of you eating a mango at the top of the page and thought “Is she really eating the skin?”


Hey, who’s your ortho? Looking for a good one for my kiddos.


Dr Graf in Orem! He is seriously the best!


Good for you, Janae! You should treat yourself and they look amazing (helps that you are super gorgeous)! Your slow runs are faster than any run I ever do. I don’t do any speedwork so all my runs are at the same pace. I love reading about your long runs and your drills and your fast runs! You inspire…..


I really want to try fake lashes…I guess I shoud really look into local pricing here, although…I believe it is waaaay more than $55


I’ve never had eyelash extensions but you are a bad influence and are making it very hard for me to resist because they look so good! I peel off the skin on all the peeling skin fruit and veggies except for potatoes I love the skin for some reason. One time I tried to force myself to eat the skin off of a kiwi and an orange because I heard thats wear most of the nutrients are but just couldn’t bring myself to do it; the orange was bitter and the kiwi had a freaky texture!


Your lashes always look great – thanks for sharing your secret!!


Your eyelash extensions look amazing. In fact, after noticing you wear them I started asking my more make-up literate friends about them. Next year I’m 40 and I’ve decided that just before my birthday I’m going to get eyelash extensions and my teeth whitened. Thanks for the detailed info. Oh and no peel for me ..eewww (well maybe in good marmalade :-))


I have never had eyelash extensions but they look beautiful on you!


Love the extensions. They look great on you!

I did them once myself. (As in, I put them on myself) They turned out just about the way you’d expect a non-professional trying to do it with one eye open.

As an alternative, I found a really great mascara that makes me look like I’ve got lash extenders. But it really goops them up so it’s definitely not for every day use.

You’ve inspired me to see what it might cost in my area.


Ooh what mascara do you use? I’m always looking for a good one!


Hey Cel — It’s called Benefit “They’re Real” mascara. I found it at Ulta (I think you can also get it at Sephora). It’s not cheap. But I bought the “trial size” for $10 (’cause I didn’t know if I’d like it well enough to spend $30 on the regular size). And since I don’t use it every day, it seems to be lasting a long time. If you get it, let me know what you think.


Your lashes look great! $55 doesn’t seem so bad — off to look into how much they cost around here… :)


As many others mentioned, SUPER jealous that you have lash extensions available to you for $55!! Do you feel that you loose your eyelashes natural eyelashes in the process?


Ah! I love eyelash extensions I just got my filled today, love the joys of no eye makeup!


I love the eyelashes. I never even knew you could do that! LOL I am going to find someplace here :) You are so beautiful,celebrate it! You work hard to stay in shape.


I did the eyelash extensions when I worked at a spa and I loved them on but once I decided to get them off my eyelashes were awful for months after. Very sparse and thin.
Jealous of your orthodontist playroom. I have to see an endodontist next month with my kids and there is nothing for them to do or look at while I’m there. Hello iPad haha.


No extensions for me! I actually have longer-ish eyelashes, so when I put mascara on (everyday) they are SUPER long. Don’t hate. I could use extensions on my head though…like on the real. They are on my bday list and The Hus just laughs at me every time I tell him I want them.


I’ve been wanting your eyelashes too! I’ve been considering extensions but right now they’re not in my budget (womp womp)


I am glad you addressed this eyelash thing, because I was super jealous of yours and was really thinking they were real. They look awesome. I have never down the fake eyelash thing, except for the cheap ones you apply with glue that I wore at dance competitions when I was younger.


Do you still wear mascara with your extensions?


Hey Janae!!!
I sorta fell off the planet last year but i’m back and catching up on blogs:)
haven’t run for 6 mo s after my 3rd stress fracture in less than 2yrs….I remember you had some trouble with that right? i’d love to hear your story…might give me hope.

anyway, I JUST started lash extensions in december and I LOVE them!! I wake up and feel SO MUCH PRETTIER with no makeup on!!
Hope you are well sweet girl!!
Nicole xx


I’ve wanted eyelash extensions forever but so far havent gotten them…
I take the skins off every fruit and veggie, it’s an OCD thing.
I am not good at slowing down and I really need to work on that…


I do have a hard time taking it easy on my runs. With the exceptions of my long runs. I currently run 4x a week – one day being a hill workout, one being speed intervals, and the other two being my long, easy runs. Usually one of them (the longish, but not LONG run that I do mid-week) ends up being speedy, though, because I get impatient and want to be done (I’ve been running on the treadmill the past month).


Your eyelashes are so beautiful! I say go for it if it helps u feel even better about yourself.
Do they ruin your eyelashes though? I have a friend who lost all her eyelashes because of extensions. Maybe she just had a novice putting them on.
I think it’s so funny your orthodontist gives u cookies. How cool they keep it fun.


This timing of this is so funny, I just had the exact same experience with a recovery run! A 4 hour hike followed by a half marathon the next day toasted my legs, and I ran an easy 4 yesterday and felt literally 1 trillion times better after! I usually have a very hard time easing off my pace, but it felt so good!
I really want eyelashes now…. does it look weird when they start to fall out?


To not ever have to wear mascara again would not only be amazing but save in a ton of time getting ready. That pink jacket is super cute, what brand is it?


She does an amazing job, I would have never thought those are fake lashes. My eyelashes are blonde, so if I don’t wear mascara it looks like I don’t have any. I will admit, I only wear makeup rarely…so I normally look like I don’t have any lashes. :)


Love the lashes! I have short, stubby lashes :-P

I don’t eat fruit peels, but my dog LOVES orange and banana peels. You’d think I was giving him steak or something lol.


Oh Utah… eyelashes are a simple way to make yourself feel better, I totally agree! Funny how they are so small, but make such a big difference.
I’m actually sold on LiLash, the serum that makes your lash grow. I did a before and after post about it…( http://www.ccmcafeeperspective.com/2013/01/sold.html ) crazy how it works. I’ll never get extensions, but will be using this for the rest of my life!

Easy runs… can’t live w/o them… although I do have a hard time slowing myself down, so I don’t know how much good/recovery I actually do. Need to practice that.



I’ve always wanted eyelash extensions but they are crazy pricy here!

They look great. I’m totally jealous! :)


Your eyelashes look amazing. I love the idea of not having to wear mascara! And I’ve never thought about putting sweet potatoes in my salad. I love sweet potato, I just never thought of that combination before :) I try and leave the skin on most things unless it’s thick or bitter like most citrus and melons.


I take every run easy… that’s kind of a problem for me…


love the eyelashes! i want to try that. i am always running late to work and never have time to put on make-up/mascara!


I feel like this post was meant to be. I just read it and said, I really should try eyelash extensions and then Groupon just sent me an email for a Groupon to a salon down the street from me offering them for 1/2 off! SCORE! I am going to go next weekend!! Thank you!


SO beautiful, as usual! I have really long eyelashes but i would love to try those so that I don’t have to wear mascara-that is the ONE makeup item I NEVER leave the house without! :) (my lashes are my trademark i guess) :)

I always leae the skins on everything. besides bananas or oranges…i mean..that would just be WEIRD!!!


I think your eyelashes are gorgeous. I get very nervous when it comes to people messing around my eyes. I don’t think I could get relaxed enough to have them put on.


Wow, I need to try out the eyelashes someday when I have some extra money laying around (well, face it–that never happens so I’ll just keep dreaming! LOL). I’m sure they would really benefit me though because my eyelashes and eyebrows don’t grow in very full because of my thyroid disease. Just another weird symptom of this horrible disease I struggle with every day. I wonder if they would work on my eyebrows too? Now that would be interesting. Haha!


I love the look of your eyelash extensions. Definitely thinking of getting them if they will cut down on how much eyeliner/mascara time I need in the morning! Thanks for the tip!


I would LOVE to get eyelash extensions. My eyelashes are blonde so if I don’t put on mascara I look sort of freaky :p


My orthodontists’ office is nowhere near as cool as yours is. I love the eyelash extensions though they look great!


They look great on you! Can you still take hot showers and wash your face with them on? Can you sleep on your stomach/face without crushing them?


Thank you! The more careful you are with them the longer they last! I try not to get them wet and just wash my face around them. I will never give up hot showers.


I’ve been getting extensions since October of 2008. I love them. They make me feel pretty, I save SO much time getting ready in the morning, and alot of times I wear no make-up at all. I’m impressed you get a month out of yours though, I always try to go every 3 weeks, and usually by the time I go, they are looking pretty shabby :) But I swim alot in addition to my running, so that probably doesn’t help. And with biking starting up again, I might have to go every 2.5 weeks since the wind and watery eyes make them fall out faster.


I’ve never had eyelash extensions but could probably use them! Yours look great!

And as for easy/recovery runs… I’m pretty sure they are the hardest runs to do! Like you said, they are SO important to training. It’s just hard to hold myself back and not feel like I’m being “lazy” on a run.


I now want to find someone who does eye last extensions! I never even knew it existed!!!


I’m in Utah and have actually been looking for a great place to get eyelashes done! I’d love her contact info. =)


Hey! Her name is allyssa and she is at amara salon in Orem!


I adore your honesty :)


My friend tried them and it was horrible… She did not like them and tried to remove and couldn’t… Ended up costing her 1/3 of her natural lashes in the process of removal! Yikes…
I think they normally look super cool and who doesn’t love longer lashes!!
Apples and bananas are fruits I take the skin off..
I think its hard for rest days or easy days when you are in the heart of training… When your running for fun and no actual race is close.. then its super easy for slacking days.. But IMO once your race ready, you want to keep hitting it hard to get better and better.
I do allow my body to recover though.. Gotta listen to your body, You NEED it for a LONG TIME ;-)


I’m actually jealous of my daughter because her eyelashes are SO long!! I can’t wait to have her model them in the future when I sign her up for mascara ads. Kidding…I think! haha (but seriously, everyone comments on how long they are!)


the skin on most fruits and veggies is actually pretty good!!

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added a title that makes people desire more? I mean Eyelash Extensions is a little vanilla.
You could glance at Yahoo’s front page and watch
how they write article headlines to grab people interested.
You might add a related video or a related pic orr two to get
people inmterested about whaat you’ve written. Just myy
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molre interesting.

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