Cement legs on the long run.

Yesterday was not my running day…  My legs could not get moving without feeling like tree trunks.  Reason #34521I love running with friends:  I don’t quit when I am with them.  If I was by myself yesterday then I probably would have cut my 13 miles short.  Hard/bad running days always mean that the following week = amazing running days.  Watch out next week… I am going to cruise.  

Brooke never forgets to ask for my garmin if I still have mine on when she wakes up.  Great news about my garmin-  I thought it was dead for good because it wouldn’t turn on even though it was fully charged (I have had it for 6 years now) but it came back to life on Thursday, January 9th at 11:03 pm.  

Did some core work and foam rolling before getting ready for the day.  

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I can’t put my book down.  I sneak in a little whenever I can.  

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Every day after Brooke gets dressed she runs over and grabs her sticker book for me to put one on her hand.  I catch her admiring her daily sticker dozens of times throughout the day.  

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Time at my good friend’s house.  I NEED HER SHIRT.  

This friend of mine has made it to the second round of applications/interviews for SURVIVOR.  Cross your fingers that she makes it onto the show because she is the funniest human being you will ever meet.

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A froyo date with my cousin.  She lives an hour away which doesn’t allow for enough cousin bonding time but when we do get time together, we have a real good time.

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And last but certainly not least:  pizza while watching Parks and Recreation.   

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I am strangely really tired this week (it’s has been an emotionally draining week) so I am welcoming a rest day, sleeping in and as many naps as possible today.  

Are you a nap person?  How often do you get the chance to take a nap?

-Usually just Sundays.  I look forward to my Sunday nap all week.

What was your long run this weekend?

Favorite reality tv show!?

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I love pretty much any show on the Food Network and my favorite guilty pleasure are the Housewives of anywhere. So embarassing but I can’t stop watching. I don’t usually nap but feel one coming on today. I have been tired all week, too!


My favorite reality show is The Amazing Race. It looks like it would be a lot of fun. It’s also the only one I could actually see myself on.


That is one of my favorite books!


I did 15 miles yesterday, which is the longest I’ve done in several weeks! I’m starting to build my mileage back up because I decided kind of spur-of-the-moment this week to do a 50K at the end of January! I don’t think I’m going to be completely ready for it, but it’s just for fun anyways.


I love Amazing Race! But I’m also obsessed with traveling and weird adrenaline junkie stuff so it’s pretty much a perfect fit. Also Top Chef and other cooking shows.

I nap on long run days pretty often, I just need the extra recovery I guess! Usually anything 12-13+ gets a little nap ;)


I love naps but Sunday is my only nap day. I’ve missed out on them the last few weeks. Must make up for it today. 16 miles yesterday and feel amazing today!!!


I can’t nap. I keep trying but I end up just laying there thinking, “am I asleep yet?”

I like watching Coast Guard Alaska because I used to live in Kodiak and know a lot of the people on the show.


I had a tough week too, I ended up getting two naps yesterday. :) Today we are off to a winter wonderfest, where they have indoor rides, bouncy houses and even a ferris wheel


I used to nap all the time before I had kids. Now it’s only if I’m completely exhausted! My favourite reality show is probably Top Chef or The Taste. I really like reality cooking shows for some reason. I’m a horrible cook though so clearly they aren’t helping.


so true! Some days you are on and some days you’re just NOT. None of my friends at school are long distance runners, but if I have a big run {for my half marathon training} I’ll recruit people to run a mile or so with me– makes it so much more fun!


Friday I was.not.feeling.it.period. I got up and went to my little part time morning job..7-10AM and was in bed by 10:01 I think and woke again at 1:10!!! Felt so much better after! So, YES I am a nap person…a morning nap too…it does a body good.

I cannot imagine even trying out for Survivor….way to go to your friend!!


I love naps! I would take one both sat. and sun. but somehow I lost my nap mojo over the last few months. I lay down and just can ‘t drift off.


I’ve also heard of other people implementing a Sunday nap tradition. I really like that idea and need to work on introducing it to my household. :-)


Long runs where you feel the worst are the best for you in mg opinion. You are building mental toughness as well as running on tired legs! I’m doing a 5k series on Sundays for the next month so it will be hard for me to do weekend long runs. I will probably just do some 13-15 mid week runs actually. Have a relaxing Sunday!


I was never a napper before I was pregnant! Now it’s rare I don’t take one a day. Good luck to your friend getting on survivor! That’s really neat! We love the bachelor :-)
Trash tv at its finest…


I am knackered this week from working long hours so I feel ya!

Right now, no naps. And hardly ever typical sleep either! Joys of working in research…

6 miles this morning for me :)

Made in Chelsea- its a british show about posh people and its rubbish but awesome


I LOVE taking naps and usually take one on Sat or Sun (both if I’m lucky!). I guess Target did good recommending that book. I’ll have to get it. I love diet coke too Janae. I know it’s horrible for me and I get trying to wean myself off of it but I am not very successful. That picture of Brooke admiring her sticker is hilarious! I hope your friend makes it all the way! And I REALLY hope you have a better week!


We love Parks and Rec. Great show!!


I wish I were a nap person but I can never fall asleep during the day! Which is annoying because I wake up a lot in the middle of the night – I need a good nap sometimes!


I always take a Sunday nap! It is the one day I just can not stay awake for the life of me, haha!


I can’t nap. If I fall asleep during the day I wake up feeling feverish.
But I am really good at sitting on the sofa for hours and basically napping with my eyes open. Lol.

My long run today will be later this afternoon. Since it is the first of 16 weeks of training it is only 6 miles. Makes me smile because I have so much to do I’m glad I only need an hour to get er done.

Reality tv? Hmm I don’t watch much. I like the singing and talent competition type shows. But nothing is watched religiously.

Maybe brook is on to something. Maybe we would all be happier with stickers on our hands?!


Brooke is too cute with her daily sticker admiration!

I don’t nap often, if I can help it. I’ve discovered if I do nap, I will have trouble getting to sleep that night.

My favorite reality TV show is The Amazing Race. I want to be on that show!


Just when I think Brooke’s hair in a headband couldn’t get any cuter… it does!!! Love that picture of her with her stickers!

Last summer when I was marathon training I had to nap after every long run. I loved it. I don’t nap much now unless I’m sick, but I’m 3 weeks into a new training cycle, so naps will be back when the runs get longer!


I dont nap enough…lol. I love naps, but sometimes I lay down for a nap and ten minutes later I’m wide awake.

Reality shows? Hmmm..I don’t know…I used to watch a bunch, but not too much anymore…

Today is long run day…:-)


I’m loving revenge these days!!!
My long run today will be 12 miles hopefully. The weather is great in South Florida today so fingers crossed.

Brooke is so adorable. We need to do a play date stat. :)
Try to hang in there and see the light at the end of the tunnel and keep reminding yourself you are doing great!!!


I love So You Think You Can Dance, which I’m not sure if it is directly in the category of reality tv or not. No running for me this weekend; I have the flu and my body is in so much pain from fever, chills, and muscle aches. It has been years since it has hit me this bad. I love the sticker on the hand thing! When my niece was little that was her favourite thing! I used to carry a sheet of stickers in my purse so that I could give her one. It worked especially well to calm her down when she was fussy at restaurants. :)


It”s so cute how Brooke looks at her daily sticker! I’m unfortunately not a nap person! When I’m awake, I have to stay awake until bedtime comes in my mental alarm clock! I didn’t do a long run this week…so much studying!! :( Anyway, I’m not much of a reality t.v. person! I’m more of a Food Network kinda gal! :) Happy Sunday!


Brooke admiring her sticker is the sweetest thing ever. Love her headband too!

I am not a napper but sometimes wish I could be. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, lady!!


Ugh nothing worse than that dead leg feeling, especially when you realize it at mile 1 of a long run…Totally agree that after every dead leg run comes a great run on the horizon…My run yesterday was mentally a dead leg feeling more than my actual legs. Doesn’t happen often but I feel great today which is all that matters now! I am not a napper but some weeks I am more tired than others and will force myself to lay down.


I completely agree about running with friends. You don’t want to be the one that messes up the flow! I think I nap way more now that I have kids. They go down, I go down. Even if it’s 20 minutes, it’s just enough to give me a little more pep.


Menchie’s!! YUM!!!

I still enjoy watching Survivor — I think the challenges would be so fun to do! Best of luck to your friend on her application!


OMGosh Brookers in that headband is too cute!! Love her!! Sorry you’re having a tough week love, hope next week is better!!!
I am not a nap person, I used to be until I became a mom and then for some reason I can’t anymore. It’s like a sick joke, I can be dead tired and I lay down and nothing! Sleep never comes!!

I’m supposed to run 7 miles today but my throat hurts not sure what I’ll do now. Boo!!

My favorite reality show is the Bachelor so much drama and I love the Amazing race.


I have had the same problem with my Garmin. Have you cleared out all the old history on the watch (after you downloaded it all to your computer, of course!)? That has solved my “random shutting den when fully charged” problem twice in the last five years I’ve had my watch.
Long run-8mile taper run before Arizona rock and roll half next weekend! Felt great!


I skipped aong run for a Tabata class yesterday.
I don’t nap usually, but I do rest on Sundays.
We watch a lot of the Alaska reality shows. My husband thinks he can learn skills just by watching those shows. Then he’ll be able to save us if we get stuck in the wilderness.
Now I want some froyo!


I can definitely relate to cement legs… but that’s usually a sign that the next run is going to be an awesome one :) And naps… the love of my life. I’m usually okay without them, but for those 1 or 2 days a week where I take one? They’re lifesavers.


I usually get a nap in at some point during the weekend – the week just seems to catch up with me and demand a good nap time!

My long run was yesterday, 10 miles. I have a race next weekend, also a 10 miler so I kinda wanted to feel oitnthe distance to see if I would bonk without water or fuel.

Shameless self plug: my Garmin Giveaway is ending today! Still time to enter to win a Forerunner 10 :) (janae you should enter so you have a backup for if your Garmin does die for real!!)


– we just moved to 9am church which means the glorious return of the Sunday afternoon nap. So happy, I could cry.
– did my first 5 mile run this weekend! (Not much for a serious runner, but a PR for me and I kept up my pace)
– not much for reality tv, although I did get into Cake Boss for a while.


I like little cat naps but rarely take time. I seem to always be tired around 4-5pm and thats too late for a nap!

My long run was 8 miles yesterday with my brother and I was so tired at the end. He is a fast runner!

Love Amazing Race!


Oh I love survivor! And you know every reality show puts someone from Utah on it!! I can get sucked into any reality show with just one episode. Only the highest quality tv for me ha!
I haven’t taken a nap in ages but can really use one after being up with a newborn.


I ran ten miles yesterday in the pouring ran, and I could have taken a nap yesterday afternoon, but never got around to it. I did lounge and watch some HGTV, though!

The picture you got of Brooke admiring her sticker is great!


Ahh, good luck to your friend on Survivor- that would be so cool if she made it on.
I’m sorry about your week, enjoy today- rest up & get ready for an AWESOME week next week- I have a feeling it’s going to be good for you :D


Enjoy your rest day today!!


Janae! I saw this quote at the AZYSA conference yesterday and wrote it down so that I could share it with you. As simple as it might sound, it really is powerful if you keep repeating it to yourself!

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is a guess. TODAY you can see and feel.”

Love ya girl!


Brooke always looks so adorable in a headband. Also, I love those plates! Where from??

I am for sure a nap person. Two days a week I get home around 3, and since husband doesn’t get home till 5 I usually schedule a 30 min nap time for myself somewhere in there. Totally worth it. They also happen frequently on the weekend. Man Im sounding lazy…

My favorite reality show is probably Amazing Race … ohh how I’d love to make it on that show! I hope your friend makes Survivor!!

Enjoy your rest day, don’t read these comments till after that nap! ;)


I’m all about naps, but I don’t take them too often because I feel like I could be doing something more productive with my time. If I’m really tired though, I don’t have any problem laying down for a snooze. my long run this week was 8 miles on Thursday! The furthest distance I have ever run, and it felt so good!
I would definitely watch survivor if your friend was on it.


Love Brooke’s little hair-do with the headband and top knot!

Sorry it’s been an emotionally draining week for you. :( I feel ya on that one actually. It’s been a little bit of a rough week over here too. I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxing Sunday. The snow is perfect for it!

I rarely take naps … maybe every once in awhile I’ll squeeze in a 30 minute power nap if I’m super tired, but that’s about it. I’m a busy body and have a terrible time just chilling myself out to nap.


Brooke seems to have a routine in the morning. First, take your Garmin when she wakes up or go sit on the treadmill to warm up. Then after she gets dressed, get a sticker! Smart child.

I love naps and I typically take one at least once during a weekend. When I was in school, I would take naps every day. My college roommate still makes fun of me for that :(.

My favorite reality show game would have to be Big Brother…. I do watch a bunch of reality shows on TLC when nothing else is on. Good luck to your friend on Survivor! I use to watch that all the time!


I love naps! Especially in a Dunday afternoon. Today I watch my beloved Carolina Panthers play in tve playoffs with family. It should be a great day. Always wonderful when I am with family. Enjoying your Sunday.


Aww, Brooke is the cutest! No long run for me this weekend, my littles and I have had that terrible flu since WEDNESDAY


I’m not as much of a napper anymore – but occasionally I get one in and I love it! Although I always have to be careful that I don’t sleep too long – or else I’ll wake up grumpy! As far as the long run, I’m due to go on mine today. The sun is actually shining here in Connecticut so it should be a lovely day for a run outside.


i don’t usually nap unless i’m sick or reallllly need it! my long run was 6mi and it went fabulously even though it was ttotm ha. some days i feel great and others yeah..lead legs. um brookes little bun is the cutest!


Hi, I recently bought a Garmin Forerunner 210, I spent quite a bit of money on it and I’m 17 without a job so it was quite an “investment”. I was wondering what you think of this watch/brand as I still have time to return it. I have heard good things but I would be overjoyed if you could tell me what YOU think of it. Thank you!!


I don’t really watch much reality TV probably because we canceled our cable quite a while ago…BUT I love watching shows like Scandal on Netflix :)

Your food always looks SO amazing!


I love stealing weekend naps when my girls are sleeping. And good luck to your friend! If I had to pick one reality show, I’d want to do Amazing Race. I’d love the chance to travel the world that way.


I always find that naps make me so groggy! So if I’m really tired I power through the day, then go to bed early that night.


Well, what I’ve learned is that sometimes I even like the hard days, because it proves what you’re made of!! I am battling my first running injury (abductor strain) and I’ve never gone this long without running – I’m going crazy!! I know I’ll appreciate running so much more and renew my immense love for it when I am able to start back up. The hardest part is, I can’t even do any form of exercise right now, so I feel so restless to get my heart rate up!!


Would you believe I have no experience with reality television? But my oldest stepson was called back for Naked and Afraid. The interview process was eye-opening for him. They basically wanted him to “play” a type…not just be himself…and he said no. That was that. The pic of Brooke admiring her sticker is priceless! And my littlest has those same leggings.


I agree! When you’re running with friends on a bad day you keep going when alone you might have stopped! Thank goodness for running buddies!

My long run this weekend was only 8, but I’m not training for anything big so it’s just maintenance!


I hate naps. They just leave me more tired and groggy. I hold out for that glorious moment when I go to bed each night.

My long run was 17 miles this week – first week of 100 miler training!


hope you enjoy your rest day and afternoon nap! =)


I’m going to brag. It’s 57* right now, so I’m going to put in some miles with the double jogger. God bless you, odd Kansas weather.

And your friend should listen to this! http://anothermotherrunner.com/2014/01/11/all-about-survivor-with-monica-culpepper/?utm_source=Mother+Runners+Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=62e1eb4267-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_3932c69c84-62e1eb4267-63502585
Another Mother Runner just did a podcast with a gal who was on survivor who is a mommy runner. It’s incredible! Annnnnd also convinced me that I never, ever want to be on Survivor. :)


Hang in there and rest up today!!
Reality show does Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown count?


Just a random thought. I also ate pizza and watched Park and Rec last night. I love that show. Who is your fave character?? Mine is Ron. haha


Yup…love that book! Such a great, mindless read!


Long run of the week was a full marathon. Did it to celebrate turning 26 (later this month).


I never nap! Can’t do it as I feel so much more tired after a nap. I do go to bed super early if I feel really beat though.

My favorite reality TV show is Amazing Race!


I can’t get over the pictures of Brooke! Her hair and her outfits are all so cute!


OMG I could have wrote this post myself! I had 13 miles on the schedule as well yesterday and, just like you, I had cement legs. They just wouldn’t cooperate and it was so frustrating! But I trust you 100%: next week is gonna be a great running week!


I’m not a huge napper because every time I wake up from a nap I just feel even more tired than I did before :( They do feel good while they last though!


I love the Bachelor! How cool that your friend is actually a potential candidate for Survivor. I could never ever do that- I like modern comforts! ;)


I put lettuce on my pizza too!! I actually put a lot on it – I’ll take a bite of pizza then bite my carrot or broccoli. I like textures! I go through phases of naps. I’ll take one everyday, then I’ll go for months without taking one. Long run yesterday was 8.6. 30 degrees felt like a heat wave!


I just finished an 18 mile run also with cement legs. I usually run with 2 of the most amazing runners/story tellers/friends but we have all been hit with the flu and/or any other winter illness you can think of, so, we were all on our own this weekend. Training with friends is so much better than tackling a long run on your own! As for naps, I’m pretty sure there is a nap in my near future with my cute 4 year old!


Favourite reality TV show is; The Bachelor! I know its terrible but it is so addicting. That is so cool that your friend might be on survivor! PS. Brooke looks like a mini you when she has her hair in a bun and a headband.. too cute!


I don’t really watch reality TV that much anymore (I used to love the NJ Housewives). I also had no long run this week :(


I rarely get to take a take but when I do I end up sleeping for way too long!
My long run this weekend was also kind of tough…I am also hoping that this means my running next week will feel amazing!


Brooke and her sticker are so cute! I work with little kids and they just LOVE stickers! Also, I really need to read What Alice Forgot!


How fun would it be if your friend did make it on survivor??!!
I am feeling the emotional draining week as well. In fact, my long run ended up only being a 7 miler : (
Today is a rest day because I am in need of cleaning the house and getting ready for the work week, now that we just got back home from a quick out of town visit.


My long run this week was 8 miles. I’m getting through that half training!

My favorite reality show is probably Sister Wives. The whole lifestyle fascinates me!


Oy vey. I ran the dopey challenge this weekend. A 5k,10k,half marathon and whole marathon back to back. Talk about lead legs. Physically and emotionally exhausted. I even PR’d my marathon.


Brookes little top knots always makes me smile.

Naps are the best, but usually only get to take them on the weekends. For some reason I think my bosses might frown if I laid down on the couch in the office. Clients might find it weird when they come in.

Long run this week was an easy 90 minute run today, 11 miles. First double digit run in 5 weeks.


Hi Janae my longest run this weekend was yesterday – 17 miles @ 7:10/mile pace which felt v good. I let may legs dictate my pace even tho I was only planning to do 7:30pace. I listened to Chrissie Wellington’s audiobook she IS SO inspirational a madefromnowhere phenomenon who practically went from nothing to the Ironman champion- she’s also a lovely person which makes the book even more e fearing and great to listen to on a 2 hr solo run :-)


Ahhh that’s so cool!! I hope your friend makes it on Survivor!! :) I love Brooke’s little headbands. And her fascination with your Garmin is awesome- she is SO going to be a runner ;)



That would be so cool if you friend got on survivor!!! And that picture of Brooke admiring her sticker is so so so cute :) I usually take naps on Saturday and Sunday! The best is waking up, eating breakfast, then curling up on the couch with some HGTV in the background and taking a nap!


I have never watched the Bachelor, but everyone is so into it, I’m clearly missing out. I try not to nap because usually I feel more tired afterwards, so it is counterproductive. You dress Brooke like an absolute doll! Too cute.


Wait, you make fun of me because I like Junior Mints and you eat pizza with lettuce on it?! Not sure I can deal with that…we may have to have a long talk….


Mine was 26.2 and first place in my age group at Disney! :)


My long run was the Walt Disney World Marathon! Best. Race. Ever!!!


I love that book!!!!


The bad news…I live in Asia and they only have coca cola light! And it is not the same. Really helped me break the habit. My husband does bring some to me from us when he has a biz trip, but we are talking 2 cans. When I move home, I will probably OD for a few months then go cold turkey. It’s ok to have a little dc, J….what ever it takes to get through these days!


Parks and Rec!! Love that show!


All your questions were meant for me today.

Yes I love naps but Sunday is usually the only time I get one.yay for 5 mins from now when I start mine.

My run felt like yours yesterday. Cement legs…that’s a good one.

I love survivor and have watched every season. I would never want to be on tv though. Good for your friend. Hope all her wildest dreams come true. (Sorry for the random napoleon dynamite quote.)

I love how happy stickers make Brooke. She looks like she’s having a conversation with it. Cutie.


My long run was 10 miles today. Started out great even going against strong winds for the first 4 miles. Last 2 miles I also had cement legs. I would’ve loved a nap today but there wasn’t enough time.


I had cement legs to day and I was alone so I was glad to just finish 7 miles. I can never tell when that’s going to happen. I felt great when I left the house!


I did get to run without a jacket :) a treat in Jan.


Great job getting the long run done!

I was going to run 5 or 6 miles today, but had to stop at 2.75 because of all the ice outside :( Very dangerous!


I love getting into a good book. And Parks & Rec!


I’m a random napper…some days I feel like I NEED one and other times I go for months without. Way to go on your long run, sometimes when I run alone I run near busy roads because I feel like I’ll be embarrassed if someone sees me walking :)


I never take naps, ever but I did today after church. I read my daughter a chapter in her American Doll book and then we napped, it was the best.

I ran 12 yesterday, 6 more weeks to my first full marathon. I have my first 18 miler on Saturday.

I love Big Brother in the Summer, we also watch Survivor and I DVR the Bachelor for the treadmill.

I love the sticker picture. I am a big fan of little traditions and that looks like a great one!


Cement legs are the worst! I had them a couple weeks ago and felt like a was trying to workout in the sand or something.

My favorite reality show right now would have to be Tone it Up on Bravo:-) Love those girls!!


I love taking naps on Saturday afternoons when I’m exhausted after my long run. It always feels like it so well deserved. Otherwise I don’t really nap, I’d rather just go to bed early.
Meant to do 16 miles this weekend but I kind of miscalculated the route and it only ended up being 14.5, sad :(


Brooke seriously reminds me so much of Emree! And Yes I always look forward to my Sunday nap and my kids know it! Your winter dedication to running inspires me. Have not ran one mile since the first part of december…ugh but Go YOU!


What book is that?
Feel better dear! Emotional draining on my end as well (LDR) :(


I’ll really need to check out that book! I love it when you just don’t want to put a book down like that!


That pizza looks so delicious! I love taking naps, usually on the weekends.


Brooke in headbands gets me every time. She is so adorable.

That would be awesome if your friend was on Survivor!!

I used to never nap. I feel like it makes me more tired and I’m always grumpy when I get up. Now that I’m pregnant, though, all bets are off. Either I’m in bed by 8pm or I have to nap.


I did 15 miles on Sunday and felt good. I don’t say that to rub it in but only to confirm that your thoughts on bad running day one week = good running day the following week. Last weekend I did 13 miles and felt like I was going to die the whole time. This week’s felt great. So you are right – you will ROCK this coming week!

Favorite reality show is Project Runway.

(My Pure Flow 3’s are en route from Brooks! Can’t wait to get them. I got the blue ones).


Good luck to your friend! And that photo of Brooke looking at the sticker is too cute!


That would be awesome if your friend made it on Survivor. I love that show!
Naps are the best…but I don’t take enough of them!

*http://expertbrand.com for Women’s Apparel Performance Apparel


I take a nap on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon. It is GLORIOUS.


I JUST finished that book last week! So good!!


OMG. It is like one of my dreams to be on Survivor!!!

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