Chocolate counts as a salad and a game.

Pump class (I really am starting to get hooked and I really look forward to this class now.  I may be loving pump so much because of the second picture in this post) and 3.5 miles on my treadmill afterwards until Brooke woke up.

And she is already wanting to put on/eat lip gloss.  It may be because she sees me put it on 54 times a day.  I can’t live without it.  During my first marathon I forgot to put some on and 23 of the 26.2 miles I was thinking about how mad at myself I was for forgetting because my lips were so chapped.  

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The reason I look forward to going to pump class…  The class isn’t outside.  

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I got to have a tour of my niece’s pre-school and now Brooke wants a pet fish.

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I was out and about with my sister doing errands and we went to ‘our special restaurant’ together.

This was needed more than you know. Caffeine works miracles.   

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YOLO (about the below snow angel picture).  

I promise she was enjoying this:

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After our discussion in the last post about not ever wanting to give up dessert, this made me feel much better:


And last but not least I thought we would play the purse game.  Usually I have way more random things in my purse but today’s catch is:

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2 flavors of gum because you never know if you are in a fruity or minty mood.

A pack of oatmeal because you never know if you are going to have a hot bowl of water to add your oatmeal to.

2 lip glosses because if you lose one…

A zip drive with all of my favorite songs on it (just in case my computer crashes and I lose all of my music;)

1 diaper.  I have learned my lesson many times that I need to carry more with me at all times but yet I still forget to always pack more.

1 camera that I really should just leave at home because I use my phone camera so much.

Rubber bands and a headband because whenever I do my hair down it only lasts about an hour that way before it is back up in a ponytail.

A Coconut Chocolate Chip Cliff bar because that is both me and Brooke’s favorite snack (some may consider that a dessert and not a snack?).


What’s in your bag?  Anything random?  Is your purse usually pretty clean or messy?

Are you a gum chewer?  What is your favorite kind of gum?

How often do you have caffeine?

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I have 3 lip glosses, 2 mascaras, a fingernail clippers, and coupons :)
I am not a gum chewer :)
I need coffee everyday. Pop, not so much. But I rely heavily on my java!


GOOD CALL on the fingernail clippers… I feel like those are so handy! Hope you are having a great day:)


Thank you, I am :-) oh and I almost forgot the dental floss. I have to have floss I every purse I have! I hope you are also having an amazing day!


Oops I meant floss in every purse :-)


I love all kinds of gum! I chew it every single day! at the gym, in the car, at home…it’s great!

I will usually have a cup of coffee in the morning and then some diet soda in the evening – I just can’t break that habit!


Me neither. Me neither.


My purse is pretty organized, nothing random in there. Love gum, especially when I get tired mid-run, there’s a raspberry cheesecake I think flavor that tastes amazing.

Caffeine is necessary this time of year, my class of kindergartners is totally wild!

I used to do body pump and liked it til they changed the choreography or whatever they call it to one that wasn’t fun. That was back in July so it’s probably changed again. I’m dying to go to a spin class tho, I miss it lately!


I love the coconut chocolate chip flavor! It’s my favorite.

I try to keep my purse organized but it always ends up being a mess. I always have old grocery lists and receipts just floating around in my purse.


What kind of lip gloss do you use?? And holy crap, it sure is cold out there this week, huh??? I’ve been loving Pump class lately too! Do you not use a diaper bag? Or just use your purse as a diaper bag/purse all in one? I love gum, but try to only chew it in moderation because I have jaw issues. It gets sore easily, so my dentist said I need to scale back on the gum chewing. My favorite is spearmint! Caffeine is consumed every morning in the form of coffee. :)


I don’t use a diaper bag anymore but I did for a while. My purse is just ginormous so it works for both:) Jaw issues… no way! About the lip gloss it is Stila. Hope you are having an amazing day. Stay warm and I must see you soon!


My purse is usually clean but I tend to throw receipts in there that make it looks messy. Every once in a while I go through and throw them away, I never even look at them- I have no idea why I keep them…

I am more if a mints person these days. Chewing gum for a while hurts my jaw.

I have caffeine every morning at work but not on the weekends.


I have been using a small purse lately so that I can’t fill it with random thing – otherwise, I end up with an extremely heavy purse and I hear that is bad for your back :-)

I love gum and my current favorite is ID Peppermint.

Caffeine everyday or I get a headache! I don’t know how people don’t wake up with coffee!

I am very sorry about your cold weather. The thought of that makes me a bit ill. We have a big snowstorm coming tomorrow though. Not excited!!


I need to buy a smaller purse because I have everything under the sun in there. I try to use it as my diaper bag as well when I’m with the baby. I shove everything in sub-bags and throw them in. Most important: wipes, diapers, emergency snacks for her, Lara bar for me, head phones, spare iPhone charger, hand sanitizer and a ton of bobby pins. Because you can never have enough!


I’m a messy purse person. I don’t even know what’s in there. Extra clothes in case someone falls in a creek or puddle (it’s happened enough times to warrant carrying clothes). Loose change. Hair ties. Wallet. Safety pins. Chapstick. A heart-shaped rock. I remember stashing diapers pretty much everywhere for a long time. Purse, jacket pocket, glove compartment in the car…

Caffeine really amps me. It’s fun to watch but not so fun for me!


I carry diapers and pull-ups in my purse, hah. Other random stuff in there….flashdrives that hold my PhD research, a Hebrew Bible, wallet, keys, phone, mirror, change purse, pens, highlighters, and hand lotion. Whew, that’s a lot of stuff.


i have really been cutting my coffee back. i only drink it a few mornings a week now. other than coffee i dont consume much caffeine now that i think of it! and i always have really random stuff in my purse because i kind of use it for “transporting” stuff. right now the strangest thing in there is a wire whisk that i let a coworker borrow


Well I do not carry a murse. just a money clip.

favorite gum, everything except for black licorice flavored

I have a coffee or two in the morning and if it is only one in the morning, occasionally one in the late afternoon. I am half Colombian, so it is in my blood.


No purse for you?!? I had no idea they had black licorice flavored gym.. that is just wrong.


agreed, anything black licorice flavored should be banned!!!

no purse, murse, man bag etc. Are they still in? I could really use some fashion help!!


I have a cup of coffee (with peppermint mocha creamer in it yummmm) every morning and that’s pretty much the only caffeine I drink besides the occasional cup of hot chocolate now that it’s cold! :) I love that “chocolate counts as a salad” thing. YES. Amen to that. My purse always has at least two things of chapstick because I am addicted (like you and lip gloss) and a Larabar, cellphone, a million hair ties/ hair clips annnd random pieces of paper from previous shopping lists and whatnot. I need to clean out my purse.



Stride gum is my favorite. Sweet Peppermint flavor is a combo of sweet and minty!

I can’t drink caffeine… I know, blasphemy on this blog :) It makes my heart race and I get super jittery.


Of course… the caffeine in chocolate doesn’t count (for me)!


You hit on two of my worst habits… Diet coke and extra watermelon gum! It’s rather pathetic how much I love that gum :)


Same lip gloss, same diaper, 1 pair of undies (for a 2 yr old…not me ;) 5,000 receipts, various punch cards: cafe rio, Uswirl, etc. My purse is pretty exciting!
I like Glee aspartame!


My purse normally has: clutch, book, notebook, point and shoot camera, gum, bar of some kind, candy, keys and cell phone. Can’t go anywhere without it!


Ugh, I am the WORST at keeping my purse organized! I start out with the best of intentions, but it always goes downhill… oh well! Can’t be perfect :)


I need coffee every day. It’s my drug ;) My purse has pens, my wallet, my phone and a ton of change at the bottom!


hey —- so i too was obsessed with lip gloss and was forever upset with myself if i forgot to have a stick with me. and being in texas, in the summers it felt like there was always melted (and scorching) lip gloss in my car.

anywho, people always told me the more lip gloss/chapstick i used, the more it made me ‘need’ it. trust me, i did not listen to those bonkers people. i loved my chapstick.

but when my lips felt super dry recently i did some googling and came across using pure lanolin …. let me tell ya how insanely awesome it is. i basically put it on once at night (because who can fall asleep without their lips feeling soft?!) and in the morning. it’s ah-mazing. i still put it on at times during the day like when i run, but i tell ya, much better than lip gloss or chapstick. it stays on so much longer and really protects your lips.

only problem-o? that i can only find it in a giant tub … doesn’t bother me, i just carry the dang tub around in my purse. it’s big enough to fit it and other the other random things us girls carry.

love the blog, your story, and your spirit. have a very merry christmas.


My purse has about 3000 pencils, my wallet, a surgical face mask, surgical gloves, graded papers, and an extra credit assignment. My purse is basically my backpack. (Thank god the semester is almost over!) I have caffeine everyday in the form of many many many Diet Pepsi bottles. It’s so hard to quit drinking that stuff!


my bag is pretty neat but i do have a Cars phone if you want it! i watch my nephew a lot and most of the time, i have goldfish, pacifers and a blanket with me at all times. he has to be entertained when shopping with me:)

i like gum but i always forget i have it. my favorite is trident layers, the lime and strawberry kind.

yes, i have coffee every morning…its my fix:) i do drink diet coke but usually 1x/day and not always everyday. coffee is an everyday, sometimes twice a day thing:)


I’m too addicted to gum! anything minty hits the spot!


Wow I didn’t realize I would love reading what people have in their bags. My bag is very clean and small. Wallet, phone, Orbit bubble mint gum, Frost mints, Lip Rescue, hand sanitizer and keys.

2 or 3 cups of coffee everyday. Starbucks Holiday is my fav currently.


You mean diet mt. dew isn’t orange juice?

Purse randoms:
1. hotel keys from prior vacations.
2. $35 in the sealed envelope Chris got for winning his first bike race. (I really should spend this)
3. Jolly rancher sucker?


I have a diet Dr. Pepper a day (or 5 depending on the day :) ). My purse has tons of junk in it- my planner, koozies, hair ties, band aids, and hand lotion to name a few- you can never be too prepared!


Several kinds of gum and lipgloss, various jewelry I take off, toys, and crumbs. Lots and lots of crumbs.


Coffee every day! And I actually don’t chew gum. I’m digging the EOS brand of lip balm lately … I call it my egg and it’s a little awkward but love it. My hair always gets stuck to lip gloss womp!


I constantly say to my bf, “Hi my name is Meagan and I am addicted to chewing bubble gum.” I go through a pack of Trident bubble gum a day. very.bad.habit!

I have one hot cup of coffee a day and that does the trick!


My purse is a complete disaster. I’m afraid to look in there. I just dig around until I find what I need. haha


I love those cliff bars too :)


I’m currently carting around 2 pieces of tupperware that I keep forgetting to remove. (I take yogurt or cottage cheese every day to work for a snack.) One more bowl and I’ll have a complete set!


I love minty gum!


I always say I’m going to do a what’s in my purse post because I always have such random things. Kindle, lip gloss, chap stick, floss, glasses, Cliff Bar, head phones, pens, and whatever else I’ve tossed in there.


oh the lip gloss pic is a crack up!

SO I have this small purse and manage to have the usual: cell phone, keys, sunglasses. Then I have; 2 wallets (1 for checkbook and 1 for my credit cards), a bottle of hand sanitizer, a Ziploc with crayons in it (my kids call it the “travel crayons” that we pick up from restaurants. I only take the brand new ones home), 2 lip balms, 1 lip gloss, 1 eye shadow compact I never use (I never touch up my make up thru out the day but I should) a Ziploc bag with skittles in it (you never know when you need to quiet down the younger 2 kids that are 5 and 3) a Ziploc with baby wipes in it (those kids get dirty faces and hands), random crumpled receipts, a bottle of herbal medicine for blood sugar, (in case i’m out eating yogurtland :) ) a granola bar, business card holder, a mini bottle of motrin, a bottle of Thieves from young living oils, and more stuff I’m getting too lazy to list. wow! I can’t believe all the stuff I have in here. Feels like Mary Poppins bag. Any minute now I may pull out a lamp.
Happy Evening to you and Brooke!


Total gum chewer- Extra Watermelon. I used to love the Strawberry Dessert Delight until one day it disappeared from the shelves…and I am a major morning caffeine person. Great habits, I know. Could be worse…My bag is an organized mess and even with the cell phone pocket I can never find my phone and since my car drives keyless, I can never find my keys in my bag when I get home to open the front door.


I do love gum! But my dentist told me that it does irreversible damage to your jaw that can later cause chronic pain. I have known a lot of people who chew gum and don’t have that happen though so I am living on the edge going through a pack every 2 days!


I always have a messy purse. Right now I have random receipts from christmas shopping, 4 lipgloss (you never know if your going lose one…:)), some nail polish, my camera, a pad of paper and about 3 pens, and cinnamon gum which is my all time favorite! I always have at least 2 cups of coffee in the morning and some tea throughout the day but it is very low in caffeine.


The items in your purse make you extra prepared for any situation except for the one where you might need 2 diapers :)

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the bottom of my purse. I am sure there are many long lost items down there that were once really important to me!


Caffeine: Every morning
Gum: I usually think it’s gross but sometimes will chew it while I’m lifting.


Caffeine: I cannot live without it!! I have my cup of coffee every morning upon waking!

Purse: As my kids have gotten older, it is less random than it used to be. However, currently I have about 5 lip glosses in my makeup bag. I only use one of them. Go figure.

I only chew gum occasionally because it makes me bloated. No fun.


Handbag contents:
Cell phone (when not in hand)
Makeup bag
Hand sanitizer
Smiths rosebud solve
Small mirror
Socks (why I do not know)
Snacks (unless I forget to replenish after eating. Happens often)
Transit pass

Wow.. That’s a lot.

Gum: yes. Always


Caffeine – all day long, in drip coffee form


My purse has loose money, a small mirror, gum, an iPhones charger, an old plane ticket, mints, a wallet, another wallet, and sunglasses. I rarely ever use it though! I used to chew gum every single day but then I had a teacher that made me spit it out every day and now I rarely have it. I find that when I do I have way too much spit!


Oh my – what’s in my purse?! What’s NOT in my purse/carry-on luggage?! I too, have gum (Spree) and clif bars in my purse. Along with the following: hard candy, 10 lipglosses (yes, at least 10), sunglasses, nuun (in case, I’m just driving around and I decide to go for a long run?), a package of honey stingers (see previous explanation for the nuun), nail file, finger nail clippers, tweezers (in case I grow a uni-brow in the middle of the day), headband, hair ties, tampons, chargers for phone & tablet, mace, wallet, calendar, about 20 pens (I may or may not have a slight pen “problem”), jump drive, ipod, phone, white out (b/c I hate messy lists), hand sanitizer, and keys. That is all. And Clif bars = a snack. It’s not a big enough serving to qualify as a dessert. ;)


I forgot the band aids (i’m accident prone), lotion, small mirror, eyeliner, bobby pins, and earbuds. No wonder my shoulders are always sore!


It’s always nice to come across someone who understands the fruity vs. minty gum ordeal. I always make sure to have both on me because yeah… you never know what you’ll be in the mood for. As for caffeine, if we ignore the amount that comes from chocolate, then I usually start my day with a day of black tea, have a cup of coffee a few hours later, and then another cup of black tea some time in the afternoon.


One degree?!? That is insane. I cannot imagine how cold that is. It’s in the lower 60s/upper 50s here and everybody is freaking out about how cold it is.


I don’t have much stuff in my purse, but it doesn’t seem to matter because I can never find anything in there anyways! I’m with you on the gum. I always have one minty and one fruity depending on what I’m feeling like or time of day haha.


I have a clean purse. Wallet and make up bag (that contains everything you might want…including dental floss, cuticle clippers, hand cleaner, etc). Caffeine EVERY day. Coffee (sometimes 2 each morning) and probably a diet Coke 3 afternoons/week. Won’t ever try to give those up. I chew way too much gum. Orbit sweetmint. It is COLD here too. Will be below zero again tonight :(


I miss going to body pump and spin classes. Group fitness is so much fun!

My bag is just full of diapers, my wallet, and kid snacks/sippy cups. Things have definitely changed for me haha


ARe you kidding ….. coffee should really be one of the main four food groups…it comes from a bean which is grown on a tree there fore making it some sort of plant right? ;-)

(Or was the chocolate??? Yea same difference)


I am OCD about my purse. It has to be super organized and neat all the time. If I can’t find my keys or phone right away, I get super stressed out. I think b/c I always have stuff in my hands so I don’t ever want to dig around.


Coconut chocolate chip sounds REALLY good! And I definitely have two flavors of gum too – sometimes you really want mint and sometimes not!


My purse is almost always messy and huge. I always have nail files and orange tic tacs in my purse and dental pics because you never know when something is going to get stuck in your teeth.

My favorite gum is double bubble.

I hang out K-man on the reg. Dunkin Donuts Kcups are the best!


In my bag:
2 diapers :)
Random DS game that’s actually a Christmas present
Maui Jim’s case, but sunglasses are MIA
You’d think my bag is huge. It is not.

Caffeine happens a lot in my life. I had tea this morning and 2 cokes, so far. Probably hubby will make me a latte…

I’m not much of a gum girl. Hubby chews it all the time. But he’s constantly in people’s face at work.


My purse is a disaster right now, it’s currently holding a garmin watch, laptop charger, post it notes, a ball, baby car keys that sing every time I press on my bag the wrong way, and a random $10 bill. Probably is about time to clean it out…


gum maniac…orbit sweet mint or stride sweet peppermint are my go-tos. helps me not want to eat 24-7, but I also don’t want to make my patients pass out from my bad coffe or lunch breath.
so so much caffeine. every day.


When V was smaller, I always kept a change of clothes, 2 diapers, wipes and snacks in a baggie in the car. That way, just in case we were always prepared. When the diaper size/clothes size changed, I emptied out the bag and replaced it all.


I love Trident strawberry gum and usually have 2 packs with me at all times, in case I run out of a pack. I have a big cup of coffee every morning and every so often (a couple of times a week) I will have a soda, usually a Coke Zero or Diet Mountain Dew.


I am a gum addict and I’m totally on the same page with you as far as carrying 2 types of flavors. Extra is my favorite so I always have watermelon and spearmint on me. Going through a pack of gum a day is better than cigarettes right?


I would know that classroom anywhere!!! She’s in Miss Dorie’s class! I student taught in that classroom last year and I absolutely love the BYU preschool!


My purse always has my wallet, phone, a pen, about three red lipsticks, two lip balms, and a zillion messy receipts. I love red lipstick (and I’m pleased with Revlon’s Really Red, which is fabulous even though it’s a drugstore brand), and they all wind up in my purse till I clear them out.

I don’t always have gum, but it’s original Trident all the way.

Caffeine for me is one cup of coffee in the morning. Caffeine in chocolate doesn’t count, for as you note, it’s a salad. ;-)


Totally with you on the fruity AND minty gum! I do the same thing!!


Lately, I don’t really carry a bag around very often. It’s strange not to, but kind of liberating.

I have a little caffeine every day, mostly in tea.


the better question to ask me is what’s not in my purse. I’m a pack animal.


I wish there was a contest for Messiest Purse because I would totally win! I generally have most of the same things as you plus a million old reciepts, gum wrappers, a padlock and phone armband with earbuds for the gym, makeup bag, cell charger… oh and most importantly a large empty ziploc bag (my girlie gets carsick sometimes and I’ve learned large zipper bags are the best in that situation). Hmm, I may have to do a purse post to mock myself (and inspire me to clean it out)!


My bag isn’t as random as it normally is right now!

I have:

1) Wallet
2) 4 lipsticks and chapstick…that might be a tad excessive :)
3) An Auburn koozie, WAR EAGLE!
4) A wine opener because I have learned my lesson that it is just not very fun to have a bottle of wine in front of you and no way to open it :)
5) Hair ties so I never don’t have one!
7) Check book

Nothing too crazy exciting! I don’t really chew gum so I never carry it, and usually there is candy of some sort in my bag as well, but I think I ate it and haven’t restocked since!

Happy Friday! ;)


Um, I always have at least half a dozen flavors of gum at any one time. When my purse is too small for the packs, I keep a little pastil baggy with sticks of various flavors. I chew a lot of gum, LOL!


I switch around purses… I have a HUGE one I got from Stitch Fix that I carry around sometimes, but when all I have is a wallet, then I bust out my tiny purse my friend got me from Ecuador. I think I’m honestly over having a purse at all – I wish I could store everything in my pockets like guys do!


I just went through my purse and discovered – a pair of headphones, my reading glasses, Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand lotion, Burt’s Bees cuticle cream, keys, advil, business cards, 1 tube of mascara, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, 8 different chapsticks/lip glosses, sunglasses, 2 pens, a chocolate truffle and a few yogurtland spoons! I didn’t even know half of those things were in there! whoops!


Haha I love the packet of oatmeal! Smart move!


Haha I always have such “mom” stuff in my purse- gum, Advil, Bandaids, hand sanitizer, mints, Chapstick. Luckily they all fit into one makeup bag so they aren’t all over the place haha.


I LOLed at the oatmeal comment. I mean you can always ask for hot water at any cafe! My friend asks for it to heat up her baby’s milk bottle actually.
Brooke is just too sweet. I love her little fashion! I swear I have those striped leggings.
I am about to chew that Trident Original gum now. It’s the only gum I chew!


Ever since you shared with us the details of your gorgeous Marc Jacobs purse, I have been obsessed by it! Like, I visit several times a week just to look at it. I contemplate clicking the “Buy Now” button every time, but I haven’t … yet. :)


Do it. Do it. Do it!


Mine’s messy. At any point in time I remember finding a gu, a clif bar, a granola bar, or an apple. Those clif bars are my favorite too!! I like the extra dessert flavors! I feel the same about my lip gloss. I try to keep some everywhere so I never run the risk of not having any.


What shades of lipgloss are those? I love the more brown one!


First of all- you have a child- that gives you a great excuse to have a random assortment of things in your purse. Totally okay.

I dont’ actually have anything random in mine. I used to be a gum chewer…not so much lately though.

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