WHAT TO PACK FOR RAGNAR?!? And not my best run.

Everyone go ahead and give a round of applause to RACHELLE! She finished her 1/2 marathon this last weekend in 1:17. Yes, one hour and seventeen minutes. She is absolutely amazing. She is also the most humble person you will ever meet and she focuses more on helping other people with their running than she does on her own running.

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I always love running with Rachelle but today was just not my best day… my stomach was killing me and then I decided to not pick up my foot when I was going over a little bump and boom. Janae on the ground. Falling is a weird feeling because it is as though time slows down as you are approaching the sidewalk with your face. Luckily all that happened was some dirt on my pants and a scratched up knee and elbow.

I know… the aftermath of the fall is just awful;)

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I had a few errands to run this morning and I still get overly excited when I see my BFF Summer just hanging out on the Runner’s World cover.

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In between appointments this morning I thought it would be a great idea to grab a Subway. It was 10 a.m. Nothing like onions/ranch/ham and other delicious items to start your day off right.

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A friendly reminder from Brooke to drink more water and to take your water bottle everywhere you go. Skinny jeans on babies is my favorite.

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I leave tomorrow for Ragnar and I am starting to pack. Have you tried these before? Just picked up a ton of these from Utah Run and they are addicting. They will make the perfect ’45 minutes before the race starts’ fuel.

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So far I have lotion (I can’t go a few hours without putting it on, addicted), candy, ProCompression socks and arm sleeves, headbands and some clothes packed.

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Ragnar experts…. WHAT DO I NEED TO PACK!?! Besides the clothes aspect help me think of what I need to bring down to Vegas!

Ever fallen while running? Tell the story please!

Do you keep a water bottle with you at all times like Brooke does lately?

Any Honey Stinger fans? Favorite flavor?

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The best things I ended up bringing for my Ragnar (So Cal!) was a neck pillow and blanket! I think I also had a heat shield/blanket thing that I’d saved from an old race that was super easy to make small and used that for after my night run. Definitely pack each outfit into separate Ziploc bags, and bring a few extras for the sweaty stuff! Also, baby wipes saved our entire van. We all wiped down right after running, and our van didn’t smell one bit (even when we ended up with all of us in ONE VAN after one of ours broke down at 1am…Ragnar is unpredictable!).

Have fun, can’t wait to read the recap!!


You are the best!!!! I loved all of your tips! Thank you…. Off to buy a neck pillow:)


Bring a foam roller or tennis ball! Your muscles will be more tight than usual after running bc you have limited time to stretch after running since you have to be back in the van to go meet your next runner at the next transition area! And bring a pillow too!


Brilliant!!! Packing the tennis ball now! Thank you!


I’ve only fallen while running once. Last winter I was in town for my sisters wedding. There was snow and ice but I’m normally good at avoiding it. I was running down the street. One minute I was running and the next I was on the ground. I still have a scar on my knee from that one.


I LOVE the Honey Stinger waffles! I used them as fuel in my marathon last year. Delish!

And yes, I am a firm believer in the carry-my-Nalgene-with-me-at-all-times method of thinking. My husband is even more religious than I am when it comes to drinking water so I have good influence around ;)


I’m in love with the Chocolate Honey Stinger waffles!


Falling is the worst. I haven’t fallen in a while so that probably means I will fall today. Oops. I need to try this Stingers everyone is raving about!


My running friends and I call Honey Stinger waffles “crack waffles” because they are ridiculously addictive! My favorite is the lemon flavor mmmm.


Hahahah I will be copying that name! PS I need to try the lemon one!


I took my runs inside this wkneeed, you’re brave! I saw some bloggers talking about running in the teens and negative temps, but I’m with you, 20s (even 30s and 40s) is too cold! All I kept thinking was, I’m so glad Ragnar’s not this wkneeed! Hopefully it will be warmer for us! I’m getting my list together too!


Where is the striped headband from? The one on top and the one below? It is a headband, right? It looks adorable! I have no advice on packing, but good luck! I bet you will have a blast!


pack baby wipes, to clean up in between runs, sunblock, 3 outfits (for three runs) packed in gallon ziplock bags (put your stinky clothes back in the ziplock bags), safety gear. i’m running Vegas too! yay!
i’m a ragnar ambassador, here’s a packing list i did for socal last year (adjust for weather) -> http://bit.ly/IsxHju


I always have a water bottle with me. I feel naked with out it. I don’t look nearly as cute as Brooke though toting mine around.

I have never fallen down while running outside….only on treadmills….which, shouldn’t it be easier to fall down outside? I am pretty special.

Baby wipes – to clean yourself, Ziploc bags – to put dirty clothes in. Peanut butter filled pretzels…because, well, that is just a must ;) Have so much fun! I hope it is nice and warm(ish) for you there. I am headed to AZ in Friday and I am VERY much looking forward to the increase in temps!


I agree with everything Tara said plus bring a comfy change of clothes and shoes for when you are not running. Brushing your teeth is almost as good as a shower on day 2. Real food is important. I was on an Ultra team we only was able to stop once for food. I wish I had cheese sticks, more fruit and pasta with chicken and veggies.
Have a great time! You will love it.


I fall A LOT like to the point where I have almost perfected the art and know exactly how to catch myself or fall gracefully enough so I can bounce right back up and keep going. But one time this summer I was running when it was dark out and I was on uneven pavement not paying attention and the next thing I knew I was flat on the ground. I hit it so hard that 5 days later I woke up and my face was swollen. Turns out I had hit my jaw so hard it caused an abscess in my gum. I almost had to have 2 root canals!! Since then I have been much more careful…


My advice is to pack three separate run outfits and put them in separate Ziploc bags so they stay fresh. Put some wet wipes in each bag(in there own small baggie) so when you finish your run you can wipe off and change into fresh clothes. The Ziploc bag then lets you put your old running clothes away without stinking up everything else. Hope you have a great time!!


I love Honey Stingers. The plain Honey Waffle one is my favorite.

Congratulations, Rachelle! You both inspire me SO much to try and run FAST.

Good luck at Ragnar, Janae. I hope you have a great time. We have a Reach the Beach relay here on the East Coast that I’ve done a few times. I’d suggest bringing plenty of extra socks and sports bras and hand towels and toilet paper. And comfy clothes to wear in between runs. So exciting!


I fell on a main road last year and ripped my running pants. It was so embarrassing and a lot of people stared! Lol!


Wow, Rachelle is just super fast!! Congratulations!

I’ve never had a honey stinger waffle, but I’m very intrigued. Are they actually honey? Cause I love me some honey, especially on peanut butter toast, yum!


I left part of my chin and a few chips from my teeth on the sidewalk after trying to jump a chain fence on the Virginia Tech campus and hitting the concrete. Hard. At least I have a cool scar, ER story, and rendezvous with a very attractive dentist to show for it! My daughters love those Nalgene bottles. And, YES, toddler skinny jeans are the best!


I recently discovered honey stingers too. I am in love.


I love honey stinger waffles. So good! I am packing for Ragnar this weekend also. I am so excited and am so glad I stopped in to see all the tips for packing. Good luck!!


Oh goodness, I fall all the time! Kind of goes with the territory when you’re a trail runner, especially in the winter. :/


I’ve never done a ragnar–but I can only imagine that a blanket, good snacks, and large ziploc bags (for sweaty clothes) would all be amazing.

Sorry about your fall! I am glad you’re okay :)


Oh girl, let me make you feel better here. I am seriously the queen of falling during runs. My most embarrassing was definitely back in college. I would run the trail around my school’s campus all the time, and I guess this specific day I was super in the zone and totally ate it on the trail next to the main street on campus. I didn’t even look around, just got up and kept running. I’m sure it will happen many more times over the years! :-) At least we have the ability to fall while running, right?


Yup. I hadn’t fell running in a very very long time the recently I tripped right into the street, water bottle flying in one direction, phone the other. It felt very slow motion. I stood up and took a bow and continued running.
Next day, (no joke) I FELL AGAIN!!! I stopped for a minute and thought, really?
Luckily I haven’t fallen since!!
Good luck at Ragnar!


Those Stingers are amazing!
Good luck on the Ragnar!!
I always have water with…and then I always have to pee!!

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I’ve never tried the Stingers, but I heard good things about them. And this month’s RW was one of my favorites.


my water bottle is pretty much attached to me at all times – I hate feeling dehydrated!


I keep a water bottle with me just like Brooke. She’d be proud. Oh and one time my friend had this epic fall in the middle of traffic and she turned it into a ninja roll, got up, and kept running. It was amazing to see the faces of the people who witnessed it!

Last time I fell, I broke my ankle. On the stairs. By myself. And I had to crawl back to my apartment while trying not to faint. OOPS.


What commenter #1 Tara said plus a small bath towel. It’s the only thing I deleted from my packing list thinking there wouldn’t be much opportunity to shower during the NW Passage. I was wrong and I regretted not having one.
I also packed a small lunch cooler with peanut butter, small bagels, fruit, candy, and frozen chocolate milk which was thawed for breakfast Sat morning. Good thing too because the only restaurant available that morning had a 45min wait and nothing on the menu that appealed to my stomach.


I tripped over a tree root once while running. It was mile 1 of a 16 mile run and I didn’t realize I’d skinned my knee and it was bleeding until I finished…gotta love running endorphins


don’t forget lip gloss!


Sorry, I’ve got no experience with Ragnar and what to bring, but I am very excited to read all about how you went! :)
Hope you are ok after your fall, and no bad damage. I fall/drop things all the time (cursed with passion fingers / being very clumsy). The worst one in recent memory was when I’d decided to go for an early morning run (still dark). In a new city. Along a beachside boardwalk. Yep: fell off the boardwalk in the dark and twisted my ankle – so frustrated and angry at myself as I had to limp back to the hotel and put my feet up for a week!
Yum, you sub looks awesome, and now am hungry for breakfast… All the best with Ragnar! :)
ps – Your little girl is one stylin little chica!


Brooke’s face is hilarious. Haha! Can’t help ya with what to pack- but hats off to you!!


my water bottle is definitely my constant side kick – if I go someplace without him, I have a minor freak out about dehydration and worry when/how I’ll be able to get water without my water bottle. Yes, this my real life.

In high school track I once attempted to run the 400 hurdles and of course my mom was recording the race because it was a big deal and OF COURSE I tripped over the first hurdle, ripped my tights and did a beautiful face plant in the 5th lane. I’m glad that memory is preserved on tape forever. Needless to say, I didn’t do the hurdles again.


I have fallen while running before, although I fall a lot. I was running with my german shepherd and beagle mix (two dogs that I no longer own). Everything was going great until they saw a rabbit on the fringe of the woods and took off down hill. I was flat on my face and drug through the grass some feet. Luckily no one saw me.


I have a horrible “fall” story: 3 years ago, I was running on the Appalachian Trail and it was super-hot and humid. I was dehydrated and probably not paying attention, and I tripped on a rock and fell. I landed on my outstretched arm and yanked my shoulder so hard, I almost passed out. I was nauseous and dizzy, and had to lean against a tree for about 20 minutes until I could stand up. I slowly made my way down the mountain and somehow drove home. And yes, I have ran that trail again many times :)


When do I not fall?! In high school, we did a trail run every Sunday and I fell on a tree root almost every week! My most severe fall was in January, when I slipped on ice, landed directly on my hip, and had to deal with bursitis for the next few months (plus a sick bruise!) Still finished the 20 mile run I was on though! LOVE LOVE LOVE those jeans on Brooke!!


The easiest thing to do is pack each outfit into zip lock bags, run 1, 2 & 3 and put the dirty ones that you are taking off in the bag that you are taking clean ones from. I also group my miscellaneous stuff like extra socks, calf sleeves, gloves in a different bag so they are easy to find when I need them. My entire bag is filled with gallon ziplock bags but it makes stuff so much easier to find in a cramped van. Have fun!


I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who has fallen. To date, I’ve fallen 3 times. I’ve never claimed to be coordinated; hence the reason why running is my sport ;) The first time I didn’t lift my foot enough to step on the curb, the other two I tripped on uneven sidewalk. Damn concrete. My knees are still scabbed from a few weeks ago. Ziplocks are a great idea!


I haven’t taken a tumble -yet- but now that there’s ice on the ground, I feel like I’m tempting fate by continuing to run outside.

‘Fraid I can’t offer any Ragnar advice, but safe trip and have fun!


wish i was going with you! WE SHOULD do a ragnar together next year!

pack all your clothes for each leg in a large ziplock so its organized and easy to grab, especially on your last two when everyone is tired and grumpy and the van looks like a girls dorm room exploded.
Don’t forget, headlamp, reflective vest, lots of candy and baby wipes.
Essentials, garmin and ipod, costumes and press on mustaches.


i love the chocolate waffles! They are my favorite before runs! Also, the honey gels are pretty good. Ive tried the vanilla and just dont love them. the thickness is much better for me than the texture of Gu.

so jealous that youre running Ragnar! Have a blast and ice those battle wounds


Wow, way to go Rachelle! Amazing run!

Drinking enough water is a constant struggle for me, but I’m always working on it! And striving for improvement :)


Team Nuun was looking for people for the Vegas Ragnar, but flying to Vegas just wasn’t in my budget, otherwise I TOTALLY would be there!!!!

I don’t think I’ve fallen while running (I REALLY hope I don’t fall now that I’ve typed that) but I do trip a LOT when walking! Last year I tripped UP a curb and bashed my knee right on the corner of it. Ouch.

I LOVE Stinger Waffles; they’re my pre-race/long run breakfast. So yummy.


I am no expert, but I did the Wasatch Ragnar this year. I would suggest bringing a sleeping pad and a sleeping bag. Even though I only slept 2 hours, it was nice that I had it. I am also running Vegas Ragnar and now I am going to bring a travel pillow and eye mask, so I can maybe get more sleep in the car. Here are a few other must haves:
*flip flops…. to air out your feet between runs
*get an extra Ragmag. I wanted to look at it a million times even though I knew what my legs were.
*Warm clothes for the night run (it looks like it could be 40s-50s at night)
*ear warmers
*Also make sure you know if you are going to have van support on your legs. This will help you decide if you want to bring a hydration system. (You can find this in the ragmag)
*wet wipes
*cleansing face pads
*a small towel and toiletries in case you shower (there are stops that you can pay to shower)
*don’t forget cash (this would have been helpful to know since we ate at a school (at 2am) that only accepted cash)
The last thing I would recommend is to pack pretty light. I thought I would change in between runs, but I think I changed maybe once. I hated trying to go through my bag to get items out. Hope this helps! I am runner 9…. hope to see you and say hi!


Will you be going to the Zappos Pre-Race Party tomorrow night?? :)


Baby wipes
Blanket/sleeping bag
Cliff bars
I can’t think of anything else!


I’ve fallen twice while running. On two consecutive days. In EXACTLY the same spot. There was a little lip in the sidewalk where a tree root had pushed it upwards. It was obscured by leaves on the first day, so I didn’t see it. Cut myself up really badly- hands, arms and elbows. No excuse on the second day, though- I should have known what was coming, but I totally missed it. Needless to say, I altered my route from that point on.


I love Honey Stinger! I use the chews for long run fuel. They have never upset my stomach. I also love the waffles pre-run. Good choices there!


I know a few people that have done different Ragnars – they always say to pack tons of EXTRA TOILET PAPER and ANTI-BACTERIAL SOAP because at the port-a-potties, it’s the first things that run out and never get replaced! Some vans had roll out cubbies and each person would have a drawer (with that sort of stuff in it) to keep it more organized. Another thing was BINOCULARS – so that you could see better who it was coming down the road while you are waiting by the van? EXTRA WATER because you can never ever have enough of that – and some people mentioned decking your van out in cool lights so at night – it would stand out from other people’s vans. I’d also say BATTERIES – for headlamps incase someone needs one or chargers of some sort! And since you are running Vegas and sun – don’t forget to protect your lips – get some good Burt’s Bees or something and coat them – and perhaps even lotion around your eyes – I remember running in Arizona and getting horrible burns from wind/sun/sweat gathering around my eyes and it would just BURN (habit of wiping sweat from dripping around your eyes, too) – so hopefully this all helps you!


Has Rachelle been running for long? She is crazy fast!!!!!


Love the stinger waffles, chews, and bars!

I’ve fallen twice. Once while running with a friend and ripped my favorite pants. The other time was at the beginning of an eight miler. I tripped and scrapped my hands and Garmin pretty badly.

I always have a water bottle with me! Have fun with your relay!


I love the vanilla honey stinger waffles! Yum! I always eat one about 1/2 hour before a race.


I fell during a relay last summer. Of course it was my first leg and on gravel and my van had already past. So I trudged on and everyone at the next check point gasped and my big ole scraped up leg with blood oozing down it.

I love reading your blog. You keep me motivated to keep running! It doesn’t hurt that I get to see pics of your adorable little girl! :)


Fallen twice. One month apart. First time in the street and I went flying. Road rash shoulder to knee. And shattered my phone.

A month later I broke a bone I my hand, tore the skin, and busted my chin. Looked like I had been in a fight. :)

I keep praying those are the only falls I ever take.


BABY WIPES! But seriously-they are a life saver :)


First bad fall- my first high hurdle race in HS- skinned my chest area and everything. Got up and finished, but then swore I would never run that race again! Well, made it to finals and ran it again that day and placed!!
While on a long run I was nearing an intersection, and I slipped on the manhole cover- I guess the sprinklers had been on that morning (why at Thanksgiving time in ks?) but I hadn’t noticed it was wet. I was lucky I didn’t hit the back of my head.

Have fun!!!

And Brooke is adorable!!!!


Have fun at Ragnar! I was supposed to do the Key West one a few years ago but wasn’t able to make it. One year, I’ll do it!

I fell while running a couple weeks ago. I’m still sore and scraped up from it. It really is an odd, slow-motion kind of feeling. I’ve been overly paranoid on my runs ever since.


I fell once while trail running – uphill if you can believe it. Lacerated my knee wide open when I hit a sharp rock. I must have been in shock because I just pulled my shirt off and made a makeshift bandage (still had a sports bra on haha) and walked down the hill like nothing happened. Luckily there was a person on the trail who had a cell phone so I called my husband to come pick me up. 12 stitches and two weeks later, I was back to running on the same trail…more carefully of course.

I’ve never tried the honey stingers and I guess I drink more green tea than anything.

Have fun in Vegas. :)


Honey Stinger Waffles (honey flavor) are my absolute favorite!!!! I could eat them daily for dessert!!!!


I need to work on learning to fall better while running. Actually I need to learn to not fall while running. I hardly ever run with people but both times I fell I was running with someone and got distracted. Over the summer I fell and scraped up my hand. I fell again 3 weeks ago and broke my finger. I wrote about it here: http://runningoutofwine.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/the-run-that-was-more-painful-than-the-marathon/
Also, I love the honey stinger waffles! I have a half of one every morning before my run.


Gold bond powder!


I ALWAYS have my camelback water bottle with me! I feel lost without it, and if I realize I don’t have it, I all of a sudden feel like I am thirstier than I have ever been in my life. Maybe it’s in my head. ;)


I always, always have to have my water bottle on me. The thought of being thirsty and stranded in a waiting room terrifies me!


Ok I totally went for my water bottle.. thank you Brooke :) Have fun tomorrow Janae! :)


I haven’t run Ragnar but I’m a huge Reach The Beach fan!! Pack each running outfit in a gallon ziplock. It’s so nice to grab one bag and know the whole ensemble is in there. I also picked up camp towels at EMS or REI. They’re basically enormous residue-free baby wipes and were the best purchase ever. I also advise one-pound bags of Twizzlers. Have a blast!!


don’t worry, i totally tripped last night like a big dork and skinned my knee. it happens… ;) and it’s better that you fell today and not during your ragnar race! :) good luck! i can’t wait to read your race recap!


Janae, I am so jealous! I had the opportunity to Run the Vegas Ragnar with Nuun and couldn’t make it work. So very sad!
You will have a blast.
I try to take a water bottle with me so that I drink that instead of the alternative, split sweet tea and unsweet tea or Coke.
Falling is my worst nightmare. I haven’t bitten the dust yet but it is only a matter of time.
I have had the Honey Waffle Stingers and really like them but have noticed that they sort of upset my stomach. They are delicious though.


I have never tried the waffles. I actually purchased one like a month ago but I still haven’t tried it, no idea why! Maybe I will try it tomorrow since so many people are in agreement that they are delicious! :)


The vanilla and strawberry waffles are my favorite, they got me through the Chicago marathon a few weeks ago. Good luck at Ragnar! I am so jealous, still looking for enough crazy people to join me in a team to do one


I have forgotten if I have shared this story with you. Anyways three years ago I decided to run on trails in Upstate NY. It was about 1 mile from my house (across to the engineering college which had better trails). It was pouring rain and I was wearing pink spandex…I ran there and about 1 mile into the trails I slipped and face planted in the mud. I had to run back into town and home in the pouring rain looking a less. I also had class less then an hour later and I went in even more of a mess. I also slipped and fell on ice walking to the gym breaking my arm senior year of college. I have many falling stories to amuse you with.

Anyways good luck with Ragner. I have been taking the time change very harshly and been starving for lunch by 10am, since I normally eat at 11.


Okay that was great reading all the falling stories lol!! Luckily I’ve only fallen once and that was on the ice last winter. I seriously did a ninja roll and got right back up like I meant to do it!

GOOD LUCK at the race and I am so excited for the recap!!


I love the honey stingers. I’m new to them and they are so delicious I ate some of them even when I wasn’t racing. I seriously need to go buy cookies.


I’d suggest at least two pairs of sneakers. I brought 3 and wore a different one on each leg (it rained the entire time. Running in cold wet sneaks ain’t my thang lol). Also, a blanket and pillow of your own for the car was nice, uggs for the car, comrpession socks, anything to eat BESIDES trail mix and granola (got verrrrry boring by the end lol). And a car phone charger/ipod thing bc we didn’t get any radio! Have SOOOO much fun! It’s an amazing experience!


I’ve fallen 3x this year while running (umm..and they have been the only times I’ve tripped and fallen while running in the last 3.5 years). The first two were before the cherry blossom 10 miler in April and the army 10 miler last month. My scans were just finally healing when I ate concrete again last night. Pretty sure that means I should be banned from running on sidewalks and running at night.


I literally have a water bottle with me at ALL times. Brooke is a smart cookie! ;)



I fell during the summer while trail running, and I fell late last week on a sidewalk… my had got scraped, but everything else was okay. I kind of rolled and came out okay (I think it was better than when I skid on dirt trail).


I am so excited for you! I’ve always wanted to do a Ragnar. You will have a great time and I can’t wait to hear about it!


Haven’t fallen running –YET!
BUT I did fall spread eagle when doing box jumps at CrossFit—I can’t be all quiet and nonchalant, I have to scream really loudly!


I’ve had many stumbles but never a fall! I know it’s bound to happen some time…

Good luck on your Ragnar race! :)


I have so many running fall stories its hard to pick ONE. But this one might just take the cake… You know when your sneakers start to get old and the laces start to grow weirdly long?? That was starting to happen with my current pair of shoes and so when I tied my shoes the loops were HUGE! About half a mile into my run my right foot got stuck in one of the loops on my left shoe and I completely wiped out! I didn’t even try to put my hands out in front of me and instead hit my shoulder and my chin on the cobblestone! It was one of those moments that I wished someone had caught on tape!! Hilarious! (Especially since I didn’t get seriously hurt)


Once I was running on a dark street about a half mile from my house. I was singing along to my music and saw a deer. It seemed gigantic and terrifying in the dark and was only about 10 feet from me. I got scared and tripped over a pot hole and then skidded across the gravel. I had to walk home w my knees and hands all bloody. It looked worse than it felt but it was super embarrassing. Also I’m pretty sure the deer wouldn’t have hurt me haha


Honey Stinger Pink Lemonade chews are delicious. I fell twice in2 months a couple years ago. Once in my neighborhood and I ended up with two scraped palms and a bloody knee. Then, about a month later I was visiting my brother in Texas and I was running and totally fell and two women saw me and were all worried about me. I was like, “no, no, I am just a klutz.”


Good luck with Ragnar!

I usually try to keep a bottle of water with me at all times, but it looks as if Brooke is more successful at this than I am.


Haven’t ever fallen while running – yet. Love the honey stingers gummies, but I’ve never tried the waffles…carry water every
Where and drink about 10 glasses a day.have fun running the Ragnar!! Bucket list!


I loved Ragnar!! Bring lots of food and drinks, warm clothes, non-running clothes to sleep in, extra socks and clothes for running, toothbrush and a few toiletries, gear for night runs… It’s so much fun!!


Most of what I’d tell you to bring for Ragnar has already been covered, I just wanted to say that Smuckers Uncrustables are the king of Ragnar foods. If I just bring stuff to make PBJ’s I won’t do it, if they’re already made then I will eat them. Also, there are a ton of places to eat on the course, so you can stop for food instead of having to bring a ton of food. Our van is going to Cheesecake Factory for lunch on Friday, it’s right by exchange 12!


I’ve run lots of relays. Is that smelly lotion? I might kick a teammate out of the car if they brought smelly lotion. Remember you are in tight quarters, and that stuff is overwhelming for most. I always bring baby wipes to clean up after each leg, and I change my clothes and reapply lotion and deodorant at the next exchange while waiting for the runner, so I am in clean clothes most of the time – best way to avoid smelliness.


Pack snacks you can eat that are easy on your stomach, baby wipes or face wipes, and plastic bags for sweaty clothes!

I’ve fallen more than I care to admit running, but the last one I managed to hit the ground so hard i still have scars on my hand and forearm over a month later :( it hurt really bad, lol, and I felt like a complete idiot.


cow bell and glow in the dark items, glow sticks, etc. crazier the better! cash handy for a quick “I need this” from the gas station, or $ to shower or eat, a charged watch, iPod, camera, phone, etc. Ear plugs-for sleeping. a rubber chicken! really, what isn’t fun about a rubber chicken!


In my several Ragnar experiences I’ve learned to never forget…

-ear plugs
-moleskin or these blister helpers http://www.amazon.com/Help-Remedies-Have-Blister-Count/dp/B005FNVEZ2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1383797811&sr=8-1&keywords=help+i+have+a+blister – you can get them at Walgreens too… I rarely get blisters but always do when I do Ragnar.
-2 or even 3 pairs of running shoes
-flip flops

Just a warning: A lot of people think Ragnars are just crazy fun but it seriously SUCKS being up all night (for me at least) and then having to run. The worst leg is your last one. I think Ragnars are harder than a 1/2 marathon but I will say it is one of the best feelings to finish the race altogether as a team! Love it! But.. I will only do one a year cause it wipes me out!

I love the honey stinger gummies, every flavor… it’s like candy so you probably love them too! As for the waffles.. the vanilla is the very best!

Good luck this weekend in Vegas! Take lots of pics!! I’m excited to hear all about it!


I love the Honey Stinger ‘honey waffle’, it’s delicious! I used it during a couple of my longer runs and found it great and easy on my stomach. I actually really like the Honey Stinger brand in general — the chews are delicious and organic which is a bonus. And easy to chew!
Good luck for RAGNAR!


Headlamp and reflective jacket. Usually relay teams have a few to share for running at night but they get really sweaty (with someone else’s sweat) and you may want to have your own… Remember to put a big towel in your bag, I usually wrap myself in it right after each run when I jump back on the van. Car charger with USB port for charging phone/iPod/GSP watch.
I agree that baby wipes and ziploc bags are a must. I also suggest ibuprofen and pepto (in tablets)…. Because the stomach gets easily messed up with all the running, snacking and no sleeping.
For eating I usually bring pb&j sandwiches, almonds, bananas, granola bars and vitamin water.
Relays are awesome, enjoy every second of it!


First day on our holiday, I tripped on a hidden curb and fell totally skinning both knees and 1 hand. I was so excited about running again in shorts (fr Canada and it was winter) so there was NO way I was calling it a day. Kept running with blood running down my legs, into my socks and shoes. Worst part was having road rash the rest of my time in shorts. Oh well. Won’t forget that run!


Make sure to pack in bags like this:
http://sheenabean13.com/2013/09/25/ragnar-relay-napa-valley-pt-1/. Also, if you can get your hands on Shower Pill or Action Wipes, you’ll be great (and smell good, too!) Bring a small pillow and pack able blanket. Honey Stinger are the only thing I can fuel my runs with that don’t make me painfully sick. The gels are good (original honey and fruit smoothie) and vanilla waffles make the world a better place!


I’ve only fallen once, and it wasn’t even because I tripped over something! I don’t know what happened, all of a sudden I was on the ground. My knee and elbow were pretty scrapped up. I actually still have a scar on my arm and it happened a year ago.

Good luck at Ragnar! I hope you have a blast.


I agree with all of the packing tips given! Definitely make sure you have lots of different kinds of food with you. Sometimes your favorite snack just doesn’t sound good at 4 AM when you have to run in an hour and need fuel! Also bring flip-flops so you can be comfy in between runs. I’m going to send you the packing list I put together for my team in Napa :)

Yes, totally have fallen while running. Night run – waving to my sister and sister-in-law instead of watching the ground. Whoopsie! Still have a stupid scar and tan line from that one!


You are going to have a blast at Ragnar Las Vegas! My advice is to pack layers / warm clothes since it will be so much colder at night.
Here’s my packing list from Ragnar Chicago earlier this year:

For food / fuel, it’s good to bring a handheld water bottle. Many of the exchange points have coolers of water so you can refill there and save the space in the car cooler for FOOD.

One thing I’ve done both years I’ve raced Ragnar, is brought apples and kept them in a bag in the cooler. In the summer race, it was so refreshing to refuel with an ice cold apple!

HAVE FUN and if you forget something, there’s always truck stop convenience stores :)


Oh Man!! I wiped out so bad a couple of months ago and still have the huge scar on my knee. Basically the same thing, although i had changed into my “fast shoes” and went out way to quickly, went over a brick that was’t flush to the ground and skinned the crap out of my knee. I hadn’t had one of those since I was a kid! Luckily I limped home before it messed up my pro compression socks :)


Yay Ragnar! It’s seriously one of the best races ever :)

Packing essentials: your three running outfits in separate ziplock bags (it’s no fun trying to find the shirt you want to run in at 2AM), ear plugs, flip flops, body glide, noisemakers to support the runners, essential Ragnar safety gear (reflective vest, headlamp, and blinker light), snacks, snacks, and more snacks. Have fun!


Good luck at Ragnar!

Yes, I fell once about 0.10 miles into a run. I was with my husband on a running path. The path has a wooden bridge right after the start. Well, there was a nail sticking up from one of the boards and I never saw it. My right foot clipped it and down I went. You are right, everything does go in slow motion. I cut my knee up pretty good, but got up and finished out our 7 mile run. It was bruised and sore a while afterwards.

I try to carry a water bottle with all the time. I am always drinking water!

I have never had the Honey Stingers before.


Good luck with the Ragner!!! Some of my friends and I have looked into doing one, but we haven’t been able to coordinate it yet. I can’t wait to hear all about it! I saw those honey stingers at a race expo this past weekend and they looked interesting but I didn’t pick any up. Glad to know they are good!!


My worst/ funniest fall would def be the time I was running on a treadmill at my school gym.
I was running and then dropped by ipod and my first reaction was to stop and pick it up.
So both me and my i pod went flying off of the treadmill.. I was so embaressed that I quickly stood up and jumped right on the treadmill again… it was still going. So I flew off one more time.
I was so embaressed but I didnt want to look like a whimp so i ran one more mile before leaving.
I just so wish i could have gotten the video tape of that because it would have surely won on AFV.

and you are gonna do awesome at the Ranger!! :)


I had a pretty bad fall once which was totally due to my own stupidity! It was during winter so there had been some ice but cocky little me thought I’d found a route that wasn’t too bad. Turns out what I’d actually found was a route covered in black ice! Foot hit patch of ice, slid backwards, fell on bum and slide bum first down the hill towards the road! Thankfully managed to stop before hitting traffic but was pretty tempted just to lie there and pretend I’d fainted rather than just been stupid!


Hey Janae! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but I’ve always been too shy to comment. BUT I’ve taken some serious falls over hurdles (my old track event), one of which was captured mid-faceplant by the mother of the girl who won the race! It’s still one of my favorite pictures to this day. Have fun with the Ragnar!


Have fun with Ragnar! Pack more water and more food than you think you will need! I also wished I had a book or something to help me fall asleep….with all the adrenaline I didn’t get any!


I’ve fallen running on trails before, but never on the road (knock on wood!). Hope you didn’t hurt yourself too badly!

Good luck this weekend!


I once fell during a cross country run- I fell in mile 1 of 5. I tripped over the sidewalk and next thing you know, I’m bleeding all down my leg. Best part- my coach made me finish my run on pace, so when I was done, my entire leg was covered in blood. It was gross/cool/hardcore/painful.

And I now have a scar on my knee that is about the size of a half dollar. Right in the center of my knee cap. It’s super-cute. The end!


Don’t know if anyone mentioned this (or if it’s too late) but you’re going to want to pack an outfit for each run, packed in its own ziplock bag. After each run, take a bag of fresh clothes into the porta-potty. Change out of your sweaty running clothes and put on the fresh ones, sealing the sweaty clothes in the ziplock bag. Seriously, your teammates will thank you! Oh, and pack a warm hoodie. I know it’s Vegas, but after the sleeplessness and all the running, you’re going to get chilled.
Good luck. I can’t wait to read the race recap. I LOVE relays!


I run early. . .5:30 or 6:00 am, so I use a headlamp. BUT, the headlamp did not spot the rock that I twisted my ankle on and fell two weeks ago. I got right back up and finished the run (I was less than 1/2 mile from my vehicle). It doesn’t hurt to run, but I can’t put any pressure on my ankle bone and it kills. . . still. . . : (
Getting a bit worried. . .


A blanket and pillow so you can try to sleep, extra shirts because if you get super sweaty it’s nice to change when it’s time to sit in the van, plenty of food and water! Have fun, I love Ragnar!!


So sorry to hear you fell. That sucks! Did you do the superman on the way down? Classic! You won’t believe how many times I’ve fallen running. Within 7 months I fell 5 times. The last time I dislocated my knee cap and didn’t know it and ran a marathon a week later. You know runners and pain. At first I ran through it – the adrenaline kept me going but when I stopped it was not pretty so I took a few days off! Now I have what’s called a patellar retinacular tear – scar tissue basically but a lovely little knot on my knee cap. It doesn’t hurt its just there hanging out.
Feel better!


two things that I didn’t see mentioned (but hard to tell with all the comments) are ear plugs to help block noise when trying to sleep and jams for the van to stay pumped up the ENTIRE time


I had a pretty good fall over the summer. I don’t normally run in the morning, but decided that it was a good idea that day. Needless to say that my feet don’t always do what I tell them to. Total face plant only about quarter mile into it. I had an audience too, which was awesome. I picked myself up and I was bleeding, but in my tired stubbornness, decided I wasn’t going to let that ruin my run. I hobbled 3 whole miles and then threw in the towel. I limped for almost a week after that!


I cannot wait to read your recap from the race. Right when I started reading your blog I knew you would love something like that!


For Ragnar, I would definitely bring a big blanket and pillow so that when you get a few minutes to sleep, you’re comfortable enough to actually grab some zzz’s! Headlamp, flashy lights and reflective vests, etc. The usual. I would bring extra snacks too – you never know when you’ll get to stop and eat a meal, and because of the weird schedule, your body may not tolerate a full meal anyway, so snacks are good.

I fall running pretty often, but only on technical (rooty and rocky) trails. It’s normal :)


I fell when running just last week by tripping on a place where the asphalt trail was raised up due to a root underneath it and pushing it up. Since I was in shorts and a singlet, I scraped up my hand, elbow, and shoulder. Ugh!

I’ve never run Ragnar, but it’s on my bucket list!


Honey Stinger is the best! Those waffles are awesome(I use the waffles when I hike). I also use their gels during my long runs. I get mine here: http://goo.gl/DjA1On


My friends and I have done three “overnight relay-type” races – including one Ragnar. Here is a list of our essentials: Oatmeal Cream Pies (the vans compete over which van can eat the most boxes), bread/peanut butter/jelly for sandwiches, baby wipes, batteries (for head lamps/cameras/etc), all kinds of candy (anything gummy, especially Swedish Fish), bottled water, powdered Gatorade, paper towels, bananas, apples, oranges, granola bars. Part of the fun is doing a team grocery shopping trip – everyone just throws what they want in the cart! Basically buy everything fun that you would want to have for a road trip! And don’t forget a bag for your sweaty, smelly clothes! Have a blast – you will love it!


Aussie Bites from Costco were my relay go-to food. I didn’t read every comment so I’m sure there’s some redundancy here, but comfy sweats and clogs or pull on boots (i.e. anything easily pulled off/on). Our team was in and out of the van constantly (to cheer people on, etc.) Definitely a pillow and blanket. Deoderant. If you like your teammates, don’t forget that. A towel, since I assume you’ll get a chance to take a shower along the way.

You’ll be surprised at what foods suddenly sound good and how your “usual” doesn’t. So be flexible — bring cash to buy warm food at stops.

I assume you’ll have a reflector vest for running at night (it was required in our relays).

I would also always bring my “stick” for rolling out my muscles in between legs. It was always very popular in the van.

Above all, have a great time. I’ve done six and loved every one.


Oh. And I had to get stitches from one of my trail run falls. I’ve fallen so many times, my husband has suggested that I wear knee pads when running.


Oh my gosh I fell the WEEKEND before my last half on a run that I didn’t need to be doing in the first place and twisted my ankle. I wore a brace the entire next week and for the race…it was awful.


You have tons of great suggestions. I’ve done Ragnar for the last 5 years and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. You will love this weekend. Here is a list I put together for my own reference a while back.



Janae! I will be sure to say hi to you if I see you this weekend. :) I’m also running the Ragnar. Runner 7. :) I have to always carry a water bottle with me or my lips will dry out. :S


Bring some sort of slippers or comfy shoe – you are not going to be wanting to have your running shoes on between runs :) Best of luck!


So I fell for the first time a couple weeks ago and it was baaaad…like I could only make it another mile before I threw in the towel. Thought I broke my wrist! (Didn’t, thank goodness.) What’s worse is that it totally messed with my head, and a week later I did it again!! I mean, c’mon!! And talk about embarrassing. I had a good cry for about a mile and then decided that I would NOT let a fall stop me again and finished my 10 miles! So moral of the story, falls suck and I feel for ya. :)


I LOVE the HoneyStinger waffles! you should also try the ‘gummy-bear’ type energy bites that they have- they taste like gummy bears! So good!!

I fall ALL the time- my knees look like just one big scar! haha!

Good luck at Ragnar! I’ve wanted to do it for years! Have fun! I can’t wait to read about it!! :)


I’ve fallen while running in soccer – my cleat spike went in the loop of a lace on the other shoe and I wiped out in the middle of warmup. I also fell during basketball one at a time dribbling in gym – where the whole class was lined up and watched me fall.


yes!! hydrate hydrate hydrate! my little girls I babysit LOVE it and always drink water with me haha :)


Love the Honey Stinger pomegranate chews. I snack on them all the time, they’re so good.
Ps- I wouldn’t eat those waffles before you run. Even the Stinger people taught us they have too many calories for your body to break down while you run, so all your energy is used up trying to digest them rather than run. They are a
Much better recovery food after you run to replace everything you burned off.



Enjoy the picture of my lovely trail fall. I caught a tree root and went airborne before I rolled n the dirt. I was a little crazed but I ran the next day ad was fine :)


Totally random but yesterday I was at Five Below scoping out their candy selection. I always grab the Twin Cherries gummies because they are my favorite. For some reason the Smurf’s gummies were looking good so I got a bag of those too and my first thought was that you would like them lol


That is awesome! I need to try them!


Honey Stinger Waffles are delicious, especially with some PB in the middle of two waffles for a little sandwich!


Janae – where are those headbands from?

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