Ragnar Recap (aka a million pictures)

Total miles I ran—-> 24

Average pace for the 4 legs——>  7:15


I knew I was going to have fun at the Vegas Ragnar but I really had no idea how much fun I would have.  

First, let’s talk about the van.  Most teams with 12 members have two vans for the team and all of their gear.  We just had one huge one.

Pros of one van:  I didn’t miss out on a thing.  I got to know the WHOLE team really well and there were some pretty hilarious conversations that occurred and I would have been SO sad if I missed out on them if I was in a different van.

Cons of everyone in one van:  No sleep.  Usually when you have two vans your van can go somewhere to go get some sleep while the other van is getting their runs in.  I think I had two cat naps sitting up Friday night.  I don’t think I could have handled one van if it was another night because I need sleep.  

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After we woke up Friday morning we went to the store to pick up food.  This huge cooler was probably 1/3rd of everything that we got.   It takes a lot of food to fuel 12 runners and we demolished it all.

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The start of Ragnar Vegas is at a ski resort.  I had no idea there were ski resorts anywhere near Vegas but this place was really pretty and even though there was snow it still felt pretty warm.  Our team started at 11 a.m. along with about 15 other teams. 

These people are some of the greatest!

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The first few legs were very downhill and because I am a total morning runner it was very hard for me to wait my turn to go out to run.  I have runner jealousy issues.  

Just hanging out with some teammates during one of the exchanges while I made a creepy face.  PS that friend of mine in the glasses ran a 2:35 marathon a few years ago…

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My first leg finally came at around 4:30 p.m. and I was more than ready to get out and start running.  

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I wanted to get in a good tempo run during one of my legs so I decided the first one would be great for that.  This leg was classified as ‘hard’ because there were a few miles on a dirt and rocky trail but other than that it was a fast course and I really enjoyed it.

6.52 miles—–> 6:21 average pace.

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Leg #2 happened at midnight.  As you can tell I was exhausted due to the fact that I normally go to bed at 9 pm.  I was really nervous about running in the middle of the night because I thought I would get lost but everything was VERY clearly marked and I wore a head lamp, vest and flashing blinker on my back…  I felt extremely safe.

3.1 miles—> 7:11 average pace.  The whole 3.1 miles was downhill.   Right before I did this leg one of my teammates got hurt.  I volunteered to pick up his last leg later on so I decided to not push myself too hard in the rest of my runs so that I could do his too.  Does that make sense?

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A very random picture but basically we were all delirious in the van that night because we were so tired but it was definitely a good time.  

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What do you do when you don’t have any diet coke (or caffeine) with you?  Sour gummies and Honey Stingers.  That’ll wake you up.

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My 3rd leg started at 6:45 a.m.  I felt by far the best during this leg because I am used to running in the early morning.  Most of the course was on a paved trail with some rolling hills.

6.77 miles—–> 7:19 average pace.

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And leg #4.  Leg #4 was cruel to me.  Very cruel.  7.6 miles of uphill.  It was 1.5 hours after I finished my previous run and it was starting to get hot.  I was dead by the end.  I just kept reminding myself as I started climbing the 1 trillionth hill of that course that they were great for my training.  Hills are what make us strong.  Hills are also what make me want to die a little.  

7.6 miles ——> 8:04 average pace.

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Just relaxing after the three of us were done with our legs on a blanket reading People Magazine and hydrating.  It felt incredible to be done.  

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The finish line was awesome.  It was in such a gorgeous location.  As our final teammate approached we all jumped in and joined her to run across the finish line together.  

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I have always had a thing for finish lines but they are even better when you are running across with your new bffs. 

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Bling bling.

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Overall I loved Ragnar.  There were points throughout the race where I questioned what I was doing because I was exhausted and craving a hot shower but I think that is what makes it so cool when you cross the finish line.  It isn’t like a normal race because you aren’t really well-rested, tapered, eating nutritiously and ready to run… you go out and run hard when it isn’t easy to and prove to yourself that you AND YOUR TEAM are strong and can handle a heck of a lot.  

Please do a Ragnar at least 30 times in your life.

Thank you SO MUCH to PRO Compression for sponsoring me for this race.  They really are the best!


Favorite non-running magazines?

Have you ever gone running in the middle of the night?  Like it?  What time was it?

Readers that have done Ragnar (or team relay races)… come out of hiding and tell us your thoughts on these types of races!!!

Do you ever have running jealousy?!

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That looks like so much fun. Like I said before I need my sleep and really struggle on low amounts of sleep. I’m glad you had a great time and holy smokes that tempo-you were on fire!

I would be the same way running at midnight-lord knows I’m a walking disaster in the daytime let alone night time. We used to have a road race on New Year’s Eve called beat the ball. It started at 11:35 and your objective was to finish in under 25 minutes. It was right on the water so anyone could see the fireworks anyways. I wish the race wasn’t cancelled.


Once a winter during a light snow fall Chris and I put on headlamps and run this trail near us at like 9 pm.
Once a year I run on the TM in the middle of the night………I am not exactly sure why………but it is so peaceful because it feels like the rest of the word is asleep and it is just you and your favorite activity.

The non shower, no sleep, etc. is part of what makes it so amazing. I mean your first shower after that and your own bed………perfection.


The only thing that comes to mind is hardCORE. Holy.smokes, lady… I have no idea how you did it! So yes, definitely a little bit of running jealousy on my part ;) But that’s one of the things I love most about reading your blog (besides the crazy cuteness of Brooke) — you always leave me wanting to push myself a little harder in my next run.


I have always wanted to do a relay race. My friends at the running store were talking about doing one and it just seems like an absolute blast. How cool that you did it with people you hadn’t met before though! That makes for an even more fun experience. I don’t think I would be able to run on no sleep but I guess we can do anything for a day or two :)


You are amazing! I always have runners jealously. If it’s a rest day or cross train day and I see someone running it completely changes my mood. Then I have to remind myself that the other stuff is important for me to become a better runner and avoid injury. Sometimes it works.

I’ve done several mountain relays. I always thought they were a lot of fun. I had a tendency to use all my energy on my early legs and not refuel properly. Nothing like Rangar though. You are one tough mama!


I’ve wanted to do a relay race for a long time! My only worry is that I’d end up being grumpy and cranky with my teammates after being cooped up with them for a 24+ hrs. with no sleep. :/ My siblings and I really thought about doing an ultra relay together, but decided that we would probably all hate each other by the end, so it would not be a good idea! :)

P.S. Where did you all get those really cool head bands????? And I love your striped tank and striped shorts, too!


I definitely want to do a Ragnar at some point – there is one happening in my hometown area in May and another in the NY State (which is actually closer than my home town) in a year. It seems like loads of tired fun!

When you ran at night – were you by yourself or were there people around you/on the course?


Favorite magazines– Backpacker and Outside. But I’m sure you’re not surprised :)

I’ve never done a Ragnar but I’m intrigued by their new trail series. It’s coming to Colorado next summer so I think I’ll try to get some friends to join me!


That seems like SO much fun! It’s kind of like a fun old school sleepover with all of your friends except you’re in a van instead of at a house and running instead of doing prank calls! So happy it was a positive experience for you!


Wow Janae this sounds like an amazing experience! Congratulations on four great runs! The night running would hurt me also, as I too am a morning runner. But anyway I would love to do something like this… hopefully one day!


Did you get a Ragnar tattoo???


Just a temporary one:)


I did Ragnar DC last year and although it was a TON of fun, I would never do it again.. it was too hard on my poor brain and I was really grouchy at the end! Awesome job running and even running an extra leg! Impressive!


I have never run in the middle of the night and rarely and actually can’t even recallthe last time I ran past 11:00 am (even 11 is late). But Ragnar looks so fun! (and hard). Amazing how you did it on no sleep. Just amazing.


I did the DC Ragnar a few years ago… LOVED it. We did 2 vans though, and I went in like you, knew just 1 person, but by the end felt like I had known these people for years! It was definitely an amazing experience, so I did something very similar in my hometown a few months later, a 50 mile relay split between 6 of us, it was a ton of fun as well! I loved the runs, and enjoyed the friendship not just between your teammates but every team out there on the course :) Glad you had a blast!


Congrats janae!!


Congratulations, Janae! That looked so awesome! I have total running jealously of that Ragnar now :-)


So glad you had fun!!!

Funny you ask if we’ve ran in the middle of the night… Technically no but I was running this morning on the beach in Brazil (awful, I know ;)
and it was 6 am. I couldn’t help but think how if I was in Houston I’d be running at 2 am! Going back is going to feel like sleeping til noon!


You are such a motivation to me! Love you HungryRunnerGirl!


I really want to do this one day!
You have to try the Women of Steel relay up in Midway. It’s like a mini Ragnar…1 day with 6 team members. It’s super fun!


Awesome job – it looks like it was a lot of fun!


Wow! You are amazing! You make it sound like a lot of fun… But I’ll be honest, not sure if I’d love it. I’m kind of high maintenance when it comes to my sleep and showers. ;) Glad you had a great time! Your team looks like a blast!


I wish I could go to all these different places to run!


I’m having major running jealousy right now! It sounds like you had a blast. Hopefully I get the chance to do a Ragnar one day!


I did Ragnar napa valley in September and loved it! I can’t wait to do another one! And kudos on getting the race into one post! … It took me 3! haha


Every time I see someone running and looking like they are having fun when I’m not running, I get jealous.

I’ve gone running in the middle of the night for a long run once and it was kind of a disaster since there aren’t street lights around here.


You are a running rock star, girl! I am always amazed how your pace … great job!


You had some awesome legs! Good job! I loooove Ragnar. Let’s do one together!

I have running jealousy everyday or my life!


I think a RAGNAR sounds like so much fun! I just don’t think I could run at night, or run well with not sleeping. But I am sure the energy of everyone else would keep me going!


How fun!!! Love that your FOURTH leg which was the super hard one was still at an incredible pace. WOWZA!

Your friend with the 2:35 marathon pace… eep! But he’s a Detroit Tigers fan… yay!!!! Love him already. :)

How did the team finish?


I totally forgot about that… oops! I think we finished in 27 hours! Super fun! Hope you have an amazing day Wendy!


I definitely have running jealousy right now!

The thing I loved (and that you seem to love) about Ragnar is that you give it everything you have and then it asks for more. Running across the finish line with your team, gross and sweaty and exhausted and feeling like nothing more than a shell of a person is probably the best feeling int he world.

My night leg of that race started at 330am, and I ran through a nature preserve in Racine, Wisconsin. It was so beautiful and peaceful. I loved EVERY second of it (and it was my best paced leg of the whole race).

Gah, I’m just so happy you got to run a Ragnar!!!


Cooking Light and Bon Appetit!

I have run at weird hours on little sleep. Every year for the past 6 years I have participated in the Cabot Trail Relay Race, it’s a 17 stage relay that goes around the entire Cabot Trail in Cape Breton. It starts at 7am and goes until about 9:30 the next morning. We are from Baddeck where it starts and ends so we usually have one vehicle for the team, and a bunch of us follow around and join up during the course of the race. it’s a blast! There are some really hard legs (4 mtn stages of 8-13 miles) and some relatively easy ones. It’s capped at 70 teams. This is my favorite weekend of the year, it’s in 6 months and I am already planning what leg I want to do and how I will train!


Okay, that trail relay race sounds amazing! I love that you have done it every year for the past 6 years! Can I join your team!?!?


Is that a Tattoo on your shoulder or am I seeing things? Looks like you had a very fun time. Lucky girl to do all this fun stuff.


I’ll chime in…Ragnar gives all the runner temporary tattoos for the race. I’m so addicted to Ragnars that I may get a real one someday ;)


This is the best! I’m so happy you finally did it! I feel like you are built for races like this! Hmmm favorite non running magazine? That would have to be Cosmo! I ran at 2:00 in the morning once, and it was just amazing. I was doing a 24 hour walk for cancer, and I of course decided to try and run the whole thing hahaha, almost but I did have to take a good 4 hour great after the mile I ran at 2 am. I’ve never done a Ragnar race ,but would defiantly want to!


I totally get runner jealousy! Reading about dun races people (i.e. HRG) get to do when I am sitting here 8 months pregnant and just don’t have the same fitness I did. Also, anytime I watch a movie and someone is running in a cool place, I totally get envious.


AHHHHH 8 months pregnant!?! It is almost baby time. I am so so excited for you and no more watching running movies;) You will be back running and stronger than ever!


This race looks like it was a blast and you were super speedy with all those legs! I ran my first relay this year at Hood to Coast and loved it! It is such a special experience and the way you connect with your vanmates is so unique. Glad you had so much fun!


I’m happy to hear that you had a great time! I’m not sure how well I’d make it through one of these – I’m super grumpy and basically incapable of exercise if I’m lacking in sleep that much!


Yes to running jealousy! I am injured right now, so basically every time I see someone running, I am jealous! Looks like you had an amazing time! I was shocked by your tattoo but then I saw you wrote it was a temporary one.


This makes me so excited for my relay in March! It’s not a Ragnar, but it’s the same set up, from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC! I’m extra excited because I went to college in Charleston and I’ll get to see all my friends!


I ran a race a midnight once. I loved everything about it EXCEPT and thats a big except, when people in front of me would just stop; and it happened quite a few times. Because they didn’t move to the side, I ran into about 6 people and even fell twice so I wasn’t too happy about that, but I loved running in the moonlight over the Gulf of Mexico, it was stellar.
Oh, and I have major runner jealousy only I call it ‘the running greens’ and it happens anytime I see someone running and I’m not. Seriously, could I love running anymore? Nope!


This is an awesome recap! I kind of want to do one someday!!
I have running jealousy when I am on my way to work and see someone running???I want to be out there with them!! Sometimes I shoot them daggers without meaning to. I can’t help it!! Haha!!!


I ran the Cabot Trail Relay in Nova Scotia several years ago, and it was one of the best running experiences EVER! I would love to do a Ragnar Relay some time. Looks like you had a great time and way to go on all of your legs!


LOL @ running jealousy

I love that medal! Seriously need to get my Ragnar on!!


I completely have runner jealousy!

Your teammates look awesome.

Thanks for the recap and great pictures! So fun to read about your weekend!

I did Reach the Beach on the East Coast (September) with 11 guys plus me. It was all coworkers and they were so nice and I also laughed hysterically most of the weekend. I loved your comment that only runners would find this fun. I am NOT strange that I love to sweat and workout and wear a headlight while running down a highway (in NH) at 2 a.m. in the morning. What a blast!

US Weekly and People and Knitting magazines… I’m a dork! :)


I get major runner jealousy. And I never run at night, I am always too scared of bad guys creeping in the shadows.


Running at midnight…!!! That would be tough! A great experience!


I am having runner jealousy right now :)! Yes I have other times too…but it is also fun to be a spectator sometimes!!!
I have never run in the middle of the night…actually I am pretty sure I have never run later than like 8!….I think I might get freaked out :)
Ragnar looks pretty cool!!!


Running a relay is definitely on my bucket list. It looks like sooo much fun. in a sweaty sleep deprived, crowded, smelly kind of way :)


This looks like such a good time! I get absolutely ridiculous when I’m tired and will start just giggling at everything, so I can only imagine how fun it was to sit with a bunch of people in a van. So hippy-ish! LOL And I definitely thought you had a tattoo on your shoulder I somehow missed until I realized it was the Ragnor symbol. Oopsies! Favorite non-running magazines?

I have running jealousy every day I read your blog ;-)


I have no doubt I would love to do a Ragner! I am super close w/ my adventure race group and know that Ragner would be a blast with them. I have runner jealousy of you right now! ha!


I really want to do one of these!


I will definitely (hopefully) do a Ragnar at some point in my life!!


Congratulations on Ragnar! So glad you loved it. I have found that people either love it or hate it. I have done 4 and cant wait to try a new location.
It is not easy, but the running isnt really the hard part. You have to be a team player. People get injured and you have to dig deep to help them out.Ragnar requires low maintenance, easy-going, strong runners. Lots of craziness in the vans that makes it all endurable.

Way to go Janae!


Thanks for the great recap, Janae! I already wanted to run a Ragnar race, now I REALLY want to run one! I have never run in the middle of the night, but I would gladly do it for this experience. I also get runners jealousy usually when it’s my rest day and I see runners out on the trail, lol. You’d think I’d just enjoy my rest!!


You did pass me on the last leg!! I thought it was you. Of course you ran it much faster then I did but those roller coaster hills were insane! How did you do it without water?

I’ve seen entire teams in a huge van before and just can’t imagine it. We have my families big green shaggin wagon with 6 captains chairs and it’s the lap of luxury. I’ve never laughed harder and made more friends then in my 8 Ragnars. Runners are a fun bunch! Our team had 1 runner over 70, 2 over 60, 1 with an MS like disease and a 7 1/2 month pregnant runner. It was a blast and grandma/mom (not mine) crossed it off her bucket list!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I wish you would have said hi!!!!!! Next time:) okay those hills killed me and I thought for sure there would have been water offered during that leg… I drank 2 full water bottles the second I stopped. Hope you’re having a great day! Congrats on another Ragnar for you—> you are amazing!


I will. It feels stalkerish ;)
You could have counted out loud though!


Your Ragnar team sounds like a lot of fun and one I’d love to hang out with! I’m heading over to check your blog out now!


So glad you enjoyed it Janae!! Ragnar is the best running experience I’ve ever had. Yes your tired and at points miserable and dying from heat or freezing from cold but the hilarious moments in the delirium and the memories and the commraderie with the other runners is totally indescribable to anyone who has never done it. We did So Cal and Napa this year (double medal bling!!). And cannot wait to add Wasatch and Vegas to the list!


Oh and PS you don’t get that much more sleep when you have 2 vans :-)


I have running jealousy right now after reading that! I want to do one now!! That looks like such a blast! I can’t say that I have ever run in the middle of the night. That had to take some guts woman! But you kicked trash lol! Congratulations again!!


In Kansas City, there is a race called Brew to Brew where we run from Bouldvard Brewery to Free State Brewery-it is 45 miles split into 10 legs and we have a team of 5 girls each year. It is not as hard core, but it is a blast!! We start at 6:30 am with a beer (sorry first runner) and usually finish by early afternoon.

Ragner sounds like a blast!! You really make me want to check it out!!


I’m trying to get a group together for next year, but I don’t have many runner friends. You’re times are awesome! Congrats!


Us Weekly is my guilty pleasure.
I have run Ragnar NWP once. And can not wait until next year. I was on an Ultra team, so 6 runners one van. I did not sleep for 42 hours and ran 28 miles. I did miss sleep and the shower, but it is such an experience I will be doing it again and again. You can sleep any time. You need to take chances and enjoy life while you can.


Running jealousy? What’s that? Lol. Each and every day, girl.

I absolutely love night running. I used to do most of my running at night.

How amazing to all be in ONE van! I did feel like I would have liked spending more cozy time with our other van in the relays I’ve done. So much goes into a “successful” relay experience. Food, drink, camaraderie… Navigation! Lol. Flexibility and a sense of humor totally trump speed when it comes to relays. I


I ooze with running jealousy when I’m pregnant. My first pregnancy, I didn’t run at all because I was nervous. My second, I made it to thirty weeks. My third? I only made it to 20 weeks before I put away the shoes. Twenty weeks is a long time to seethe.


Isn’t it funny how when the team gets started you are so jealous and want to get out there and kill it and when your legs are done you are SO GLAD you’re not the one out there running!? I can’t believe you picked up a 4th leg. I’ve always been terrified that a teammate would get hurt and not be able to continue. This has made me so excited for So Cal Ragnar in April! Maybe I’ll see you there?! Great job! Looks like you guys had an amazing experience!


Ragnar sounds so awesomely fun! Ican’t get over the fact that that guy ran a 2:35 marathon. Craziness. Good job!!


Congrats on your Ragnar!! I just finished my first Ragnar end of October in Tennessee. I was part of an mixed (4 girls, 2 guys) Ultra team. We ended up finishing in 26 hours, and my share of the miles was 36 miles split over 3 legs. Definitely NO sleep, and crazy thoughts out there in the night. I had 26 dark miles…but would I do it again? In a heartbeat!! Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and accomplishing something like that – priceless! Priceless to me, and my 3 kiddos when I got home and told them all about it!


whoa, ragnar looks SO fun! i’d love to do ragnar someday, but unfortunately, i’m not as hardcore as you ;)


that looks like so much fun!! I always have runner jealousy.. if I am driving through the park and I didn’t run that day (I may have even done something else), I totally hate it and wish I was out there!!


I literally went through the comments before I even finished this post to see if you mentioned the tattoo on your back. I was totally duped and thought it was real! Looks great, just saying ;)


Glad you had a great time out there. Soooo many people in one van! Craziness. I haven’t been packed into the van like that since college swim team and water polo days. And they were a lot of fun :)

Totally want to do Ragnar. So Cal or Nor Cal is fine with me :) Or heck, take me out of state and explore a new area. haha. I would fear the night run as well, but I’ve heard many good things about the whole experience.


I have runner jeaousy right now! I wish I could do this!


I’m officially adding the Ragnar to my list of must-runs. It sounds amazing!

The latest I’ve run is between 10 and 11 p.m., and I went alone around my neighborhood equipped with knuckle lights (if you don’t have them, get some – they are awesome). I enjoyed it, and for some reason, my hill repeats didn’t feel so difficult. I’m thinking it has something to do with the not seeing it looming ahead.

Yes, I get runner envy…it’s torturous to go to a race and not run it. But sometimes I have to step back and cheer on my people, so a girl’s gotta do…


That sounds like a blast! Thanks for the recap.

I’ve never run in the middle of the night (mostly because I can never get anyone to go with me and don’t feel safe by myself), but I’ve always wanted to. I’m definitely not a morning person (or morning runner).


I’ve done two different relays…the first one there was more team camaraderie even being split into two vans. The next one was more van against van – people didn’t get out and cheer for their runners, etc. It was kind of lame :( The first year was fun though :)

My second leg was at 11pm this last time…it was awesome…downhill for over 6 miles (plus one 1/2 mile climb) and I flew through it…it was totally quiet around me and dark everywhere and I loved it.


Wow. That is so amazing. You are strong janae!


What a fun recap! Love the photos!
And I never ran in the dark… I’d be too scurred.
Course looks pretty nice :)


My cross country team used to do a 24 hour marathon running around a lake that was close to our high school. The trail was almost exactly a mile so it went pretty fast, and it was a rolling rotation of everyone who was on the team. You’d get exhausted by the end of the night because no one really slept in between all the fun that was happening, but it was still awesome. Plus we’d have someone ride a bike with a light on it as the lead, so that was helpful during the dark hours.


I did Ragnar 2 years ago and from looks of your start and finish, they revamped the course with different locations. Now I must do it again!
Congrats on first Ragnar under your belt


Definitely want to do a Ragnar!! And I think WE should be on a team together! How fun would that be?!?! And have B &G at the finish line!?!?!? Ahhh!! That is what I think about while I’m running- seeing my little Gabriella’s face. Makes me fun faster & faster :D


I am just in complete awe that peopel do this!! haha girl, you are CRAY and also AWESOME. Like, this type of thing scares the bejeezus out of me but you rocked it and actually make it look super fun!!!! Mayyyybe some day ;) As for magazines, I love People, too, and Vogue and Cosmo and Martha Stewart Living haha totes random selection, I know.



Of all the running events I’ve done, I think Ragnar was my favorite. I was on a non-competitive team that just did it for pure fun and we had an absolute blast. I ran the AZ one a couple years ago and unfortunately a high school boy got hit in the middle of the night and was killed, so we didn’t run our night legs and had huge delays, but it was still fun. I was a little nervous to run at night, but since this happened, I think it’s even more safe!


You my cute friend are a rockstar. I am so thankful I got the chance to meet you and run with you. You are my hero and one of the greatest people I know. Thanks for all your encouraging words and help. Love ya.


Girl! Do you have a tattoo!?


No it was a temporary Ragnar one:)


I ran Vegas this weekend too! I loved it but I’m so exhausted from it! The only thing I regret is not being with all of the girls from van 1. I love meeting new people. I only knew 3 people from my team. It was awesome meeting and getting to know the other girls I didn’t know. Hopefully there will be future races with them. :) one of the benefits of running with people you don’t know. :)

I did top of Zion relay earlier this year and the heat is what made it not fun for me. My first leg was at 3-4pm, the worst heat of the day (109 degrees). I definitely didn’t prepare for the heat at all!


Never done a relay but it sounds amazing.

Check out http://expertbrand.com. Buy some new running gear and use the code Active10 to save at checkout!


Looks so much fun/exhausting in a good way! Congrats!


WOW Janae that is amazing. Congratulations!


I have never done a Ragnar but they look like so much fun! I love reading People Magazine, it is such an addicting magazine and I love it! :)


Lol, this post threw me a little – People magazine is quite a different sort of, ahem, ‘read’ in Australia (i.e not many clothes). Thought that would be a different way to relax at the end of a race! :P


You are amazing!! This looks very challenging but I was sure that you would kick butt!


That sounds like SO MUCH fun!!! I bet it’s super awesome with a really great team too :)

Love your jacket!!


Good job to you are your team!! This makes me want to do one even more! You’ll have to make up your next post with Brooke pics. ;)


Sounds like such a fun experience!

My favorite non-running magazines are “Real Simple” & “In Style” :)


I get MAJOR running jealousy when waiting for my turn! But, learning to relax and cheer on my teammates is part of the fun. I always get really quiet & focused when the runner before me is out. I’m so so so glad you had a fun time! Even with picking up a 4th leg!! You’re a champion!


I’m usually a pretty happy solo runner (or with my dog), but you’re making me wonder if I should find some running friends.

Also I’m coveting pretty much all of your gear – I would rather be in my running clothes than normal clothes any day!


Congratulations Janae! This looks amazing! You’re incredible! Now I want to sign up for Ragnar!


Non-Running Magazine – People
I had running jealously last weekend watching my friend complete her second half. So fun!


I did LV Ragnar this weekend and I was runner 8 too! That last 7.6 uphill leg was a beast! I started running around noon and it was HOT! Way to go!!


I just ran Ragnar Tennessee at the end of October with a group of my college friends. It was the first time I’ve done Ragnar and I will absolutely do it again! It took me a week to recover from the lack of sleep, but I just loved the “team” feeling of the whole experience. Glad you enjoyed it too!


This sounds like such a fun race! I had a friend do a Ragnar last year & ever since hearing how much he loved it, it has been a bucket list for me. Loved reading your recap! You had some killer runs in there!


I could never ever run a Ragnar but I have SO MUCH respect for those who can! You did so great!!


Holy Cannoli, 7.6 miles of up hill! My Oh My does that sound like a challenge!

I have always wondered if a Ragnar was for me. I must say you by far make the most convincing case to run one thus far :)


I did the Great River Ragnar back in August and it was truly the best experience of my life! You grow so close to the people on your team! This past year was our first time and we’re already registered for next August! Can’t wait! Your pictures bring back awesome memories, I’m glad you enjoyed it!


OH MY GOSH. I got so excited to see this because I was at Ragnar Las Vegas too! I was runner 11 and it was the most amazing experience!! My last leg by Lake Meade was gorgeous!
We weren’t nearly as fast as you but we were stoked to finish and had a blast doing it!


my only middle of the night runs have been as good study breaks with my boyfriend!


My brother in law did Vegas Ragnar too and his last leg was uphill and very hard but u did 4 Legs!!!! Amazing! Hope your friend heals quickly.
I haven’t ran in the middle of the night… Maybe if I had running friends I would!…sometimes when I see runners on my normal route and I’m driving I’m always like oh I wish that was me!


Okay funnest thing ever! Bucket list!!! That friend who ran a 2:35 marathon. He has Detroit Tigers shirt on. Is he from Michigan? GO tigers!!

That 3rd to last paragraph is beautiful. I love how Ragnar is about pushing yourself and not having a race routine- all about seeing what your body can do when it’s tired!


I have running jealousy esp reading people’s recaps of Rangar. I want to do that one day.


Awesome! Congrats!


I love all those headbands you girls are wearing! All from the same place? If so, where from? I like the size. Congrats on completing your first Ragnar!


I am definitely a morning runner, but the occasional night run is so much fun! I feel like when you run in the dark it feels like you are going so much faster!


I have never done a Ragnar, but I did run a relay back in September. I ran three legs for a total of 17.6 miles. I loved every minute of it!!! (Minus the soreness of my legs after!) But for the week after, I kept wishing I was back in that van with my teammates running. I can’t wait to do another relay.

I only ran at night while training for the relay and during the relay. Leg two was at night for me. I started at about 11:30 pm, but another runner from another team started about the same time as me, so we ran together for most of that leg. It kept me from getting freaked out with every sound I heard!

And I get running jealousy every time I see someone running on my rest day! Kills me every time!


Wow! That’s awesome, I’m so jealous right now and totally want to do a Ragnar now:)


Janae! I’m so excited for you! I’ve been wanting to do a Ragnar but it’s never the right time! (Grrrr). I want to ask about the headbands you and your teammates are wearing. I’m doing Rock and Roll Vegas next weekend and would love to get something like that. I’ve been searching my local stores but coming up empty! Congrats again!


Wow, NOW I have runner jealousy about Ragnar! lol…

Tend to get bouts of runner jealousy when I am in a car or on a bus and I see a runner out there pounding the streets.

Cheers, Lou :)


Only time I’ve run in the middle of the night was during my relays. They turned out to be my favorite leg every time. Even though, like you, I’m a morning runner.

So glad you had a good experience. It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t done one how totally fun they are.


Awesome recap of your first Ragnar relay! Like you, I’ve been addicted since my first one. I totally relived my experience through yours! I really loved what you said about how Ragnar really makes you dig deep and find strength within, just when you think there’s nothing left. It’s like a metaphor to life.

I’ve done three Ragnars: last year-Napa, Las Vegas and this year’s Wasatch Back! All three were done as an Ultra team (6 runners) and one van. We didn’t get any sleep because we had to alternate driving/running/navigating throughout the event. Plus I’m the nut who gets lost. When I did Ragnar Las Vegas last year, I missed a turn during my late night second run and ended up running an extra nine miles. My total for that event was 47 miles!


I was there too! I ran on team NUUN/ pro compression
We had the best time!
I think 2 vans is the way to go…1 that is crazy tight on space! :)


I’m a Ragnar Ambassador and loved your recap! So happy to see that you enjoyed your race! I think the funny part is the difference between how much you’re supposed to run and how much you actually do. Last year, I ended up picking up an extra leg to cover for an injured teammate… this year I was the injured one and had to have a teammate finish my last leg for me! Way to go!


Relays are SOOOOO much fun!! I ran a relay in June and it was the best part of my year- SO much fun!! :)
The hardest part of the relay is waiting for your first leg!! I was the 9th runner on our team so I had to wait for HOURS for my turn and I was incredibly anxious and jealous and just wanted to run RIGHT NOW!! :)


I have a case of running jealousy RIGHT NOW!! That looks like so much fun. I have never done a relay race, but Ragnar is definitely on my “Runner’s Bucket List” now!! I’m so glad you had a good time. Great job, girl!


I was signed up for Ranger Madison-Chicago in 2012 but ended up declining because of some wicked PF.

I think next June my unit is getting a team together to run it…and it’s during a drill weekend so our commander is approving it!


I ran a 50 miler in the night, can’t say I prefer it over daylight. Hoping to do a ragnar in 2014 but with an ultra team!


I always have runners jealousy! There is a bike trail right outside of my work and I see people running by while I’m stuck at work… it’s such a tease!


I am running Ragnar Florida Keys in February with my church running club and I cannot wait.


Nice pictures and recap. Our team did Wasatch Back this year. One of our team members was interested in us doing Vegas as well for that whole Saint n’ Sinners medal thing. Did not end up doing it but we are looking forward to SoCal next April.

Appreciate the pluses and minuses of the whole single van thing. We have debated that for a bit and well you have convinced us to stick with 2.


Our team did Hood to Coast Relay this past summer. It was a blast – we had two vans which was nice. We got to sleep in a school gym at 2:30 am for a couple of hours or at least lie down My first relay leg was a bit rough as it was like 9 pm at night and pitch black and even with headlamps etc, I might have just missed a ditch on the side of the road. My last relay leg was the best – gorgeous afternoon, through rolling country roads and past farmers fields. And yes, I was envious of the runner who got to start our team off on a downhill leg!


Question regarding only using one van. We are putting a team together for the Chicago Ragnar next year and are toying with only having one van. If you were to do another Ragnar (or if you have done another already), would you stick to just using one van or go with two?

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