Needed some endorphins and I have my reasons.

The Provo airport is the best.  It is 15 minutes from our house, going through security takes approximately 4 minutes and the flights always leave on time (or early).  

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After we went through all of Brooke’s books and played with every toy that I brought… Elmo came out and saved the day when Brooke was getting restless.  

It worked like a charm and a few minutes into the episode and Brooke and I were both fast asleep for the rest of the flight.  Yesterday was the easiest flight we have ever had together.  Cross your fingers this is the new norm.

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Remember how yesterday I told you that I was excited for the delicious Mexican food in San Jose?

We went to Chipotle….  I have my reasons though.

Neither of my parents had ever been there, I was hangry and needed food fast and my dad is still rocking his weight loss and I wanted to take him somewhere that I knew had a lot of healthy options.  

They both loved it and they want to start a petition to get Chipotle to build a restaurant near where we live.

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Steak burrito bowl for me and my dad and chicken tacos for my mom. 

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And then Brooke and I ‘shared’ a chocolate chip cookie.  

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Once Brooke left I dialed up my big brother and we had a great conversation.  Family, they are seriously the best.

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And then I needed some endorphins so I walked on the treadmill while watching Friends Thanksgiving episodes and read during the commercials.  


You know you are a treadmill nerd when you get really excited to try out different brands/models of treadmills and play around with all of their buttons and settings.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Eat lots of pie.  

What pie are you looking forward to the most today?!?

What time are you eating Thanksgiving dinner today?

Do you enjoy walking or would you much rather do something else?

Do you have a Chipotle near to you?

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Walking with my dogs is one of the most peaceful things to do. My office did a nice potluck today and it was great :) Enjoy your day and keep up the optimistic attitude :)


I think Chipolte still counts. HA.

That airport reminds me of the one in Texas we used. It was the same person checking you in, security and for you to board the plane. They closed the gate 15 minutes early so that same person could do all of that ha ha.

We eat Thanksgiving dinner around 2 or 3 actually. Then just sleep and watch TLC reruns the rest of the day…I’m kidding…somewhat.


You can’t go wrong with chipotle, even if there are authentic Mexican places around!
I also love to walk my dog, especially on trails. There is something so relaxing about walking.
Happy thanksgiving, Janae!


We will have having Thanksgiving dinner! I am about to head to the gym myself to get some walking done on the treadmill! Keeping it low key today! :)

I have a Sole treadmill in my house and love it! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!


I need to try Chipotle! There is one about 10 minutes from us, really easy to get to. I’ve gone in and ordered something for my husband before but not me. That is just wrong. Need to get there!


Happy Thanksgiving! It will fly by, and I hope you can enjoy seeing your family and friends.

I’m going to try and make my first Thanksgiving dinner in the UK on the weekend. My American friend made one last year, but she moved back to the States. Is there any MUST HAVES that you’d (or any readers) recommend?!

I’d rather do something else than walking… anything else!


Happy Thanksgiving! I agree with Ellie – not a big fan of walking, unless it’s really all I can do. Then I’m thankful to at least get moving :) .


Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are able to enjoy it at least a little even though it will be hard without Brooke. I think we’re eating around 1 or 2 so we can fit in a hike this afternoon!


Walking is the only option after being in a food coma from too much turkey; the running can wait ’til tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving Janae! We already had Canadian Thanksgiving in October — now I’m preparing to be jealous of everyone’s turkey dinners on their blogs :)


Chipotle is great but we have an even better burrito place called freebirds… It’s seriously to die for! I made a chocolate pecan pie yesterday and I just hope it’s edible haha :-) and yes I love walking. Especially with joe or a girlfriend!


Friends is, without a doubt, the best tv show of all time. I’m still sad they stopped making new episodes!


Happy Thanksgiving! I must admit we have Chipotle on every corner it seems here but I never go. Haven’t been there in probably 2 years but my friends love it. I should try it again for their new vegetarian something I see advertised.


Happy thanksgiving, Janae! So glad you had a good conversation with your bro!
I want to fly out of Provo, that sounds like a dream! I know they have flights to phx out of there so I’ll have to try it next time we leave town.


Chipotle is always a good choice! That reminds me… I haven’t had Chipotle all week. I need to change that! I have one about 10 minutes from me. In Oregon it was a couple of hours away. I would find excuses to go there every few months.

I am most looking forward to my uncle’s amazing pecan pie! He will bring several different pies but it always includes his pumpkin and his pecan. Best part of the holiday! Except for the family part.

We are eating at noon today. Me and 50-80 of my family members at my uncle’s ranch.

I enjoy walking, especially if it is in the woods.


I’m not a chipotle fan, I would rather have real Mexican food! Lol.

We usually eat dinner around 4pm. Mostly looking forward to pumpkin (duh!) and Dutch apple pie! Yum!!

Glad you are still surrounded by family while out in california. Happy thanksgiving!!


Happy Thanksgiving! We have Chipotle’s everywhere here and I love it, but you know what I am dying to try? That place you used to go to that has the chicken and veggie bowls. I think it was like Flame Broilers or something like that? Those always looked so good! : )


Yes I have a chipotle near me but we dont go that often.
We r eating at about 3 today.
Im looking forward to homemade rolls more than pie.

Thank goodness you have your parents with u to help you today.


Enjoy those rolls and you are so right about my parents!


We’re doing Thanksgiving lunch. I was looking forward to some kind of pie, but nobody is making any. Luckily, my birthday is next week so I can make myself one.

I usually walk with friends or for recovery with sprints. My Dad and I used to take walks together after church. Now we live far enough from each other, so that rarely happens. Walking=chatting time.


The San Jose airport is super teeny and quick too (at least I think it’s San Jose)! Took a group of 10 people 5 minutes to pass through. Gift from God. :) Happy Thanksgiving, Janae! <3


Walking/hiking is a zen activity for me. So centering, so peaceful.
Genius ideas to read during commercials.

We just got done with a family turkey trot. Dinner is at noon.

Thankful for your friendship! Enjoy the day, and the pie.


Thank you so much for your comment the other day… that is what helped me realize I need to focus on the positive. Wish we could go for a hike together. Thankful for you and all you do for me. LOVE YOU!


We only have a pecan pie, but I am really looking forward to it! We do dinner at 4pm on Holidays.

I love walking! It relaxes me. And I LOVE Chipotle! I always get a burrito bowl, and they are so good.


If all goes well, I should be FINALLY going to Chipotle Grill for the first time ever this weekend. Totally getting a burrito bowl!

Hope you are having a nice Thanksgiving!


Holidays are not always magazine/sitcom perfect, in fact they are usually hard. This Thanksgiving we’ll be thankful for your mom and dad being with you, your brother as a great shoulder, an amazing family ALWAYS having your back, Chipotle a rockin’ emergency backup (so good), and of course…the treadmill (never underestimate the power of THAT, right?) offering those oh so needed endorphins.
And remember the mantra we’ve all seem to have picked up.
I can do hard things.
Love to you.


Thank you so much for your comment! I can’t tell you how much it just helped me. You are the best and you are right.. We can do hard things!


Happy Thanksgiving! We are just about to head out to do the turkey trot with some of my family that live near us. Dinner today is at like 5 or 6 – I don’t know how I’m going to make it! My family usually eats at 1!


I watched my father in law make a pecan pie and I can’t wait to eat it! We will be eating around 4 today. Happy Thanksgiving!!


I was just talking about one of the Thanksgiving Friends episodes where Joey says he is thankful for thongs. LOL… cannot ever get enough of that show!

Happy Thanksgiving!


My grandpa always makes me a pumpkin pie made with a pumpkin from his garden! It is the BEST!

I’m eating around 3.. the most basic food ever. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, jello. My family isn’t very creative.

I’ve never had Chipotle! :( Small town problems.

Have a great Thanksgiving Janae!


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! I am really looking forward to my aunt’s pumpkin torte…I could really skip the whole turkey meal and just eat the pumpkin torte.
There is a Chipotle about 45 minutes from me so I try to eat there as often as I can! Best. Fast. Food. Ever!


My husband works for Chipotle corporate. Part of his job requires him to test the food. I like to help him out with that :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your fam!!


Ask if they are hiring:) Hope you are having an amazing Thanksgiving Angela!


Happy thanksgiving, pretty girl. I hope you enjoy your day..brookers will back before you can say Black Friday!:) big hugs!!!!!


Enjoy sunny California and time with your extended family! I am very grateful for YOU Janae. Thank you for your light that you bring into my life. Love you girl!


I am grateful for YOU gorgeous girl! Hope you are having an amazing day! LOVE YA!


Happy turkey day!

I just love me a pumpkin pie. It isn’t thanksgiving without it.

We’re eating at 2.

I like walking ok. But I’d rather just run.

We have 4 chipotles between 5 and 30 minutes from our house. We’re there a lot….


Happy Thanksgiving! I love that your family came with you to California.

Were eating today at 4.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I ran a Turkey Trot with my bestest friend from DC which was the best run ever.

There are chipotles everywhere down in South Florida. I agree its delish!!! Yummmmyyy


I like walking when it doesn’t hurt :) I am so glad you have such a great family …what a blessing :) We are eating around 1 today I think. I don’t really even know! Sadly, I won’t be eating pie today. No one understands my intolerances so everything is filled with stuff I get sick eating. I’ll be loading up on BBQ and salad and my awesome cookies. I’ll make pies I can eat for our little turkey dinner on Saturday :) and YES! We have Chipotle about 5 min from my house :) Wishing you a joyous day, Janae. I know you can find the sunshine in it :)


We are eating at 2. I get most excited about French silk pie! How in the world can you read while on the treadmill?! It gives me a headache just thinking about it :).


Just ran a 5K, so I’m overflowing with endorphins! I’m hoping to get a nap in before we eat at 4


Way to go on your 5k and I hope that you are getting your nap right now!


I made apple pie, it is not as good as my sister’s but it is okay. We are eating at 1:00. We have many Chipotle here.


Happy Thanksgiving pretty lady! I am thinking and praying for you today : )


Thank you sweet Jenn! Hope you are having a great day!


Thinking of you today! We love chipotle too!


Thanks so much Jackie!


Happy Thanksgiving! Burrito Bowls from Chipotle are da bomb dot com. Other’s shouldn’t even try to attempt it. Ha.

Hmmm… pumpkin pie is the pie I am probably most looking forward too. Our feast begins at 3:00pm. I can’t wait! I am a walking maniac. I love walking. Best way to tour any place I say. :)


Happy Thanksgiving! We watched all of the Friends Thanksgiving episodes on Tuesday. It’s a tradition. I hope your day is as great as it can be. It will fly by and Brooke will be back before you know it! I’m so thankful that you have an amazing family to help you through this hard time and that you have a positive attitude that makes everyone adore you. Your positivity is so contagious. Thank you for your posts and helping other who might be going through a hard time as well. Keep up with those endorphins. They’re amazing!


That is the best tradition ever!!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment Rachel, it made me smile:) Hope you are having an amazing Thanksgiving and that you got some good endorphins too!


Happy Thanksgiving! I love Chipotle and have definitely gone there over researching the best taco places. It’s reliably good, which is something I love :)

I went to Cafe Rio for the first time a few months ago while visiting Utah and it was amazing! Thanks for always raving about it or I never would have thought to try it!

Also, sending positive thoughts your way. Holidays can be hard after life changes. It’s wonderful to have family close by.


LALALALALALOVE Chipotle! It’s is our favorite fast food, hands down!

Sending thoughts your way! Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the warm weather while you can!


Thanks so much Catie:) I really appreciate that! Hope you get some Chipotle soon!


We ate at 1:00. Yummy ! I love walking and I seem exactly like you in my love of treadmills and endorphins. This morning I did 2 mile run warmup on my treadmill , met up with friends for a slow , fun 5 k, and then went home and walked 3 miles on the treadmill while watching Love Actually. A pretty perfect morning .

If my stomach ever recovers from how much we ate at lunch , I will be having apple pie.

Happy Thanksgiving !


Happy Thanksgiving! :) We actually made a pumpkin cheesecake, so I’m looking forward to that!

And yes we definitely have a Chipotle near us … it is my husband’s favorite!


Yummm Chipotle! We just got one literally down the street from us! SO exciting and SOOOO dangerous!! ;) We’re having TWO Thanksgiving dinners today- first one is at 3pm and the next is at 6pm! This pregnant girl is prettyyyy excited for that!! My mother in law makes the best pies, and so I’m looking forward to both the apple and the pumpkin (smothered in whipped cream, of course!) Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family, Janae!!! <3



Mm love me some chipotle! I’m thankful to you for sharing your life with us and being such a positive, joyful and amazing person! You are so strong, even more than you know! Thinking of you today!!


Hey Janae-

First off- I LOVE your blog- I don’t comment often but wanted to pop in today to give you good vibes for the holiday. I’m also going through a rough patch in my life and reading your posts always makes me feel better and see the positives. You have such a wonderful energy.. so Thank you. And enjoy some good food today!


I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving, Janae. I know it’s hard but so glad you have your family!!

I have never eaten at a Chipolte, I don’t think there are any in Michigan.

I started the day with a group fun run, I organized it and had almost 30 people show up, which is great since it was about 15 degrees this morning. My kids are with their Dad for the day, will be home later this evening. So, my boyfriend and I are actually having your mom’s Taco Soup for supper!! It smells great in the crock pot :-)


Hi Laura- I’m not sure where you live in MI, but there are Chipotle restaurants here. I’m in the southeast part of the state and there are multiple locations in this area.


Hey Stacey! I am in lower Norther Michigan, fairly rural area….but I did a location check and there is one in Saginaw, which is about an hour south of me. Will have to check it out. I love the GR area, have run the marathon and half there a few times. Someday I will be able to move back to an area with good malls, restaurants, running groups, etc :-)


I’m actually not sure what time we are eating dinner today. I’m waiting for my cousins to arrive.

Chipotle is one of my favorite restaurants. Whenever I go, I usually get the steak burrito bowl….so delicious!

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving! Thinking of you today.


I have been wanting to write this comment for a really long time (actually since your halloween PR post) but kept putting off. Though maybe this is the perfect time for you to hear it. I am so inspired by how focused you have been in working on/towards your goals and yourself in the last few months, in spite of what has had to be such a challenging time. This year has been a truly challenging one for me, especially in the last 5 months. I have actually considered emailing you several times because while there different circumstances, i feel a lot of similarities to what you’ve been going through. Anyway, seeing you get stronger throughout this time is great, and such a inspiration to me. Aside from your posts serving as a guaranteed bright spot in my day, your attitude has reminded me to try and keep going. To try and create something, even when it feels like everything is falling apart. I’m sure these next few weeks will be hard for you, so i wanted to give you a reminder of how strong you are, how strong you’ve become, and your ability to help others. Lots of hugs <3


There are no Chipoltes around here, therefore I’ve never been to one. Sad eh?
No pie today but delicious PB chocolate brownies and angel food cake with a raspberry sauce topping. Good stuff!!!!
I do enjoy walking. After a long day of work nothing relaxes me more. Running in the morning and walking in the evening. Nice.


Janae! I just love you so much. You amaze me at how strong you are! You truly can do hard things, and I am thinking of you during this tough time. I know amazing things are going to happen in your future, and I can’t wait to hear about them. You can only go up from here! :)


Lots and lots of love to you today!! Your family really seems awesome!


I am at Chipotle more than I care to admit! The salads are just too good to pass up. And the burrito bowls. And the burritos. And…everything.


Love Chipotle. Could eat it every single day.

Chocolate chip pecan pie rocked my world today!

And I didn’t eat too much to be stuffed. Just enough.


I’m looking forward to pecan pie! Happy Thanksgiving.


Hi kiddo :) Would love to say something really smart and all helpful etc but I am not good with words sometimes. So I will say this that I think you are amazingly strong, super sweet, an incredible athlete, and a super Mom. I can only imagine how these next days will challenge everything in your whole being……but you can do it and will get through it….remember you CAN do hard things.

You also have such incredible sweet parents. You Dad is doing so good too.

I love Chipotle in particular the steak soft tacos. However, once Cafe Rio moved in we have been eating there more often because I have fallen in love with their steak salads.

I hope you do have some good times with your awesome family this weekend and cant wait to hear about them!


2nd comment of the day cuz I cant stop thinking about u today.
Thinking about you tonight. Hugs and loves for you.
Im so thankful for you! Checking your blog everyday is something I look forward to so much. Thanks for continuing to post even through this difficult time.


Happy Thanksgiving Janae. You are very strong and I admire your positive attitude.
Unfortunately we don’t have Chipotle here in Australia and what’s worse is…we don’t have Thanksgiving:-(


I’ve actually never had Chipotle even though we have a few around. I think I’m gonna have to get me some now though. We had dinner around 3:00. I was looking forward to some sweet potato pie but my aunt made peacan instead (I’m allergic) but there was some Hershey bar cake to save the day!

I’m the same way with treadmills. I get so excited when I try a new one. Lol

I’m thankful for you & your blog! You are an inspiration to more than I think you know!

Happy Thanksgiving, Janae!


Glad to hear Elmo was a winner and you had such a great flight.

We don’t have Chipotle in Australia but I wish we did.

We also don’t celebrate thanksgiving here but I can still be thankful for a lot of things too. Like my boyfriend, my family and friends and definitely for blogging too.

It is the first time to your blog, surprised I didn’t know about it already :)


Happy Thanksgiving!!
We ate Thanksgiving linner around noon. I had worked all night and ran that morning, so I was ready to eat spend a little time with the fam, and then go to sleep. It actually worked out to be a really good day.
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.


Hope you had a good day yesterday despite the circumstances. I’m so glad you have such an awesome supportive family!


Hope you have a wonderful holiday, despite Brookers not being there. Hopefully she gets to stay with you and your wonderful family for Christmas…that’s a fair trade :) You are so lucky to have so many people arounf who love you both!


I used to love Elmo when I was a kid – who am I kidding, I still love Elmo! :-) I do like to go for walks and when the weather is good – which in Scotland just means it’s not raining usually – I like to go for a long walk along the beach or through a country park that’s luckily near my house.


Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving! Friends episodes are always the way to go, Thanksgiving themed or not!

I had no less than 4 different pies yesterday. It was epic. Apple, pumpkin praline, ricotta and “chocolate awesome” pie. We were supposed to eat at 12:30 but the turkey had other plans. We ended up eating at 1:30 instead.

We have a Chipotle about 10 minutes away, yet I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve eaten there.


I love Chipotle, it rocks. We just got a new one about 2 miles from our house (uh oh!) Dinner was at noon and every once in a while I love walking while reading :)


When I first moved to MD for work, I found a Chipotle by my work, and my apartment… So dangerous!


We had Thanksgiving on Wednesday night with a friend that was visiting. I made my first turkey!! And it was amazing!
Totally want some Chipotle now though!

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