A runner’s version of a going away party.

What do you do when one of your favorite people is moving away from you?  You do a runner’s version of a going away party:  run 12 miles in the rain and cold together.  Don’t feel too sad for us because she is only moving 1.5 hours away so we will still see each other all of the time but still….

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I told you, I wear this coat every day of my life.

It was a gorgeous morning up the canyon.  It started raining on the way back down so we were all soaked when we finished but running in the rain is fun.  I promise.  (Just keep telling yourself it is fun to run in the rain/snow until you start to believe that having prune feet/drenched clothing at the end of your run is a good time)

Today we talked about how fun it is to see the growth that we have seen each other’s running over the last year.  Julia has taken an hour off of her marathon time and got a BQ in October, Rachelle just nailed a 1:17 half and is stronger than ever and Janice came back super strong after having a stress fracture in her ankle and has done a bunch of marathons/ultras and pr’ed in the marathon with a 3:19!

This was at the turn around point.  

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It took… a hot hot shower, sweats, a hoodie (with the hood on), a blanket and Brooke to warm me up after this morning’s run.  Worth it.

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I had lunch at 10:30 a.m. today.  I feel like each week I eat my meals earlier and earlier. 

Paige and I have a tradition in which we make cookies for each holiday.

I present to you the Thanksgiving bears (we couldn’t find any Thanksgiving cookie cutters so we settled on bears).  Her sugar cookie recipe is the best.

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When was the last time that you moved?  From where to where?

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move?

Tell me about the PROGRESS/GROWTH that you have had in the last year in your running!

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The last time I moved was almost three years ago from Utah to New Zealand. I’ve been focusing on speed and strength this year and definitely feel like I’m a stronger and more balanced runner than I was.


THAT IS A HUGE MOVE!! Are you liking New Zealand. Way to go girl on your speed and strength!


Thanks! New Zealand is beautiful and we love living here. It was hard to take the kids away from the grandparents though.


I was a air force kid so having lived in the same house for the past 7 years in the town my husband grew up in (he only moved away for collage and mission) feels so bizarre.

I want to move lots of places and experience lots of things. Besides, then when my big mouth offends people we can get over it because I’m leaving soon.

I haven’t had much success speed wise in my running, but I’ve really refined who I am as a runner and realized what I want my goals to be and I’ve learned to say no. I say no to races that sound fun if they aren’t smart, I say no to running marathons because even though it makes me feel like a “real runner” I really hate them, etc. I know it seems silly, but saying no as a runner is a good thing for me!


The last time I moved was almost 7 years ago, but I’m still in the Deep South (just a few states further west). If I could move anywhere in the world, I would try Colorado. Or go back to Oregon.

I ran my second half marathon a couple weekends ago and PR’d by over 18 minutes (with 8 months of training). I’m even more excited for my first full now!


HOLY COW!! That is an incredible PR!!! Way to go and please let me know how your first full goes:) You are going to rock it!


Thanks! I’m a middle of the pack runner. I went from a 2:15:42 to a 1:57:24 and loved every minute. If anyone out there is looking for a smaller race (half or full) with a similar atmosphere to MCM, the Soldier Marathon at Fort Benning/Columbus, GA is for you! You can race in honor of a fallen soldier, run with survivors, and high-five soldiers every step of the way as they encourage you. The drill sergants along the big hill were the best… “The hill only gets longer the slower you go!” I didn’t see a single person walking… Every single one of my race photos shows a smile on my face :-)


Denise, this sounds like a great race! Thanks for mentioning it!


I moved from the Bay Area back to Utah…8 years ago! Both places are home to me :)
This year I ran 2 races while pregnant and that was new to me. My first pregnancy I couldn’t get off the couch. Literally!
I wouldn’t turn my nose up at Thanksgiving bears!


This year I ran my very first 13.1 and PR’d in the 10K by 6 minutes. Distance running is a whole new game to me (I just started this year…before I was a mid-distance trackie) and I’m LOVING it!


What a fun morning! I’ve had a ton of growth in my running in just a year. I ran my 1st half marathon last November and nearly died towards the end (seriously, my whole body was in agony) and I just did my 2nd half last weekend and I felt like I could keep running for another 5km + afterwards! I know, who would have thought??

And I just moved from Ontario to BC in May of this year. I love seeing the mountains and ocean every day, so I think it was a perfect move :)


We moved from NC to FL this summer. I want to move back to NC! And my running has gone downhill since we moved. I just can’t get back into it and I hate the heat and lack of hills. The flat roads are bothering my flat feet. I’ll stop whining now.


I cut 20 minutes off my half PR last month! I’m currently training for my first full marathon :) I actually have a consistent running schedule and look forward to my long runs- which is probably the running progress i am MOST excited about!! :)


I haven’t moved in 10 years, and the longer we stay in our house the less I want to move!

But, if we were to move it would be big, like the dessert side of the state, or somewhere that has a ton of running support like parts of CO or CA. Ultimately if we were going to pick a dream location anywhere in the world…Switzerland for me. It’s the #1 place for woman to live, and they have so little crime the prisons don’t have enough prisoners.

As for running growth I have managed to shave a solid minute off my average pace (consistently) and am flirting with 1.5 to 2 minutes off my average pace (on really good days, but happening more often now!). I set running goals every year, and next year is the year of the PR in all the distances I run, so this speedier version of myself is going to work out well!


Please can I join your running group? It looks incredibly effective.

In the past year, I’ve taken 13 mins off my half-marathon PR, I’m hopefully about to take 8 mins off my 10k PR (on Sunday, if all goes well) and I’ve built up an excellent wardrobe of running clothes :) And best of all, I discovered trails and I’ll never be the same again!!


I know all three of those girls. Which one is moving??? Sad day :(


Janice:( Susette, we need to get together ASAP!


Growth: more mileage without injuries, woo hoo (and PR’s… but nothing like an hour off my time or anything)!
And I moved in August to SF for school (but I go back to San Jose on the weekends, haha).


I moved to PA a year and a half ago and we bought our first house. :-)

I like running in light snow and rain. Hard rain, not so much.

I have runner jealousy right now. I haven’t hit the pavement since Sunday!


Love Janice! We follow each other on IG ;-) Also love that jacket on you! I need to stock up on winter running gear.


I am currently in the process of moving right now! But nothing to extreme just from an apartment to a house in the same city. Growing up we moved 5 times, by the time I was 12, to a bunch of different towns in Alberta.
Running progress has gone from excited about running 10km to running a half marathon! Currently I am suffering an IT band setback though :(
MMM cookies!


so much has changed about my running in the last year…1 year ago I thought it was a challenge to run more than 4 miles on a normal basis…now I’ve done 3 half-marathons with another in a few weeks! On my 3rd half, I knocked 7 minutes off of my half-marathon PR and am chasing a 1:45 half-marathon… and who knows after that! Would love to BQ, I think it’s time for a full marathon!


I have made progress in that I can run further than 3 miles! I am pretty comfortable with 4-5 miles now. I also ran a half marathon, which is something I never ever thought I would do. Congratulations on your friends wonderful running success!

Furthest move was from Logan, UT, to Everett, WA last May. I am feeling homesick today. :( but, if I could move anywhere in the world it would probably be to Hong Kong (then I would really be homesick!)


My last move was from El Paso to Hawaii.

If I could move anywhere in the world it would be back to Germany. We lived there for 7 years. (My husband is in the Army.)

My running growth in the past year has been HUGE. In January I could barely run 2 miles without stopping. In May I completed my first 1/2 marathon. I’m not as fast as I would like to be but will be running the same 1/2 again in 5 months and look forward to hopefully a big PR!


I only moved two blocks away.


Mmm sugar cookies for the holidays is always so fun!!

I LOVE that pic of Brooke with your shoes. Too cute.

My running will get stronger again soon–once I really get back into some more miles. :)


Wow, what a beautiful setting to run in!!! I would muster through the cold/rain/snow for that, too! :)



I last moved from NC to CA. The only good thing is that I’m close to Utah (I’m kind of obsessed with St. George). If I could live anywhere, I’d move back to the Middle East.

Not sure about PRs here, I’m slow. I’ve commented before that I’m training for Ironman, so I’m hoping to bust out some PRs in the run, bike, and swim soon!


This time last year I could barely run 2.5 miles and I was training for my first 5K. I just ran my first half marathon a couple weeks ago! : ) Can’t wait to hopefully have run a full marathon by this next in 2014!


I moved from Missouri to Park City last fall!

The move actually did incredible things for my running, which is weird…I figured running at altitude would nearly kill me. Maybe it’s the difference in scenery :) I love it though – wouldn’t change a thing!


I moved about 18 months ago from Sacramento to the Bay Area. I miss all the trails in sacramento area! But I just joined a local running group out here, so they’re showing me some new places to explore.

If I could move anywhere it would probably be San Diego, the weather is perfect, it’s gorgeous, you can’t go wrong!

In the last year I’ve cut off about 10 minutes from my half marathon PR! Now I’m ramping up training for my first full, I’m excited to go into uncharted territory!


I moved from a mobile to a home with a solid foundation a half mile away but if I could live anywhere it would have to be somewhere where the food was AMAZING like France or Italy, provided I had enough money to do whatever I want whenever I want.
In the past 2ish years (can’t count last year because I was pregnant) I have taken almost 4 minutes off my 10k time to get it under 45:00. I NEVER in a million years thought I would do that, let alone after having a 2nd baby and I am 32. Plus I’m 5 feet nothing. It’s all about efficiently turning those legs over! Hard work (and all the really hard/rewarding workouts) sure pay off if you stick to them.


Aside from going away to college, I’ve lived in the same general area all of my life. If I could move anywhere, it would probably be to California, but I would never do it cause I’d hate to be so far from my family.

This year I PR-ed by 1/2 hr. in a 50-miler and by a few minutes in a 50K! :)


August 2012 we moved from Boston, where I had lived for 47 years to Seattle. It was rough, but much better now.
My running has improved greatly this past year. I had PR’s in a 10k, half and full marathon. Hopefully it continues to get better.


Do you like Seattle?


We built a house last March and I am NEVER moving again! And we only moved a mile away.
I love visiting other places, but home is in Cali.


My best friend is moving away today too :-( My running growth has been in the REST area! I used to never give my body enough rest and I have made huge growth in the last few months! I also feel like my meals are getting earlier and earlier… maybe because it’s dark at like 5 now?


We just moved from Brooklyn, NY to Austin, TX about two weeks ago… :) quite the adventure! :)


I moved from Manhattan to Austin a few years ago. I lived by Barton Springs for three years and then came back to NYC for grad school. I loved Austin! Definitely check out the Alamo Drafthouse :)


I love how you toot all your friends horns and don’t even mention all the progress you have made! You were injured this year and are doing awesome! You deserve a high five too!

Last time I moved was from the Maryland side of DC to the Virginia side and that was June 2011. If I could move anywhere… AUSTRALIA! Only if I could bring friends and family.

And on progress and growth… I tore my ACL in April, had surgery in May, and just ran a PDR last weekend of 14 miles! I’m training for my first marathon in March!


My progress went from being a non-runner in January to completing my first half marathon in October and 21 minutes ahead of my goal of 3 hours!


Last time I moved was a couple of years ago, and it was only to the other side of the city from my parents’ place into my own condo. If I could go anywhere, though? Probably New Zealand — it looks so beautiful there; and I definitely wouldn’t miss the freezing weather we have to deal with here.

As for running growth — I just got back into running about a month ago, and it’s been nice to see myself able to go a little farther and faster without feeling like I’m going to die. Baby steps :)


In two weeks, I’m hoping to improve my marathon by over an hour!
And no big moves. Just once from Little Rock, AR to Memphis, TN over a decade ago. Would love to live somewhere I would never be in fear of getting run over by cars!


I haven’t moved in 9 years and it was just 30 minutes when I did move. I’ve lived in pretty much the same area all my life. Give or take a few months here or there.
My running has improved from not running at all to running everyday and signing up for my first half marathon in Feb. You were a big inspiration.


Fingers crossed I might be moving within the year!


We will be moving next year for my husband to start his medical residency. Where? I have no idea yet. I love hearing about people coming back from stress fractures. I am dealing with one right now and it is so so frustrating! I can’t wait to run again – trying to be patient!


I’ve only moved from zip code to zip code all within the same city. BOO! Boring!
This year I PR’ed in the half, full and 10k this year.
My full has come down from 5:28 to 4:48
My half from 2:36 to 2:07
My 10k from 1:06 to :57

It’s the first year I truly felt an improvement overall. And I ran 17 races total this year which is by far the most in one year. (2 fulls, 11 halves and 3 10ks)

I want to move to San Francisco/Sausalito!!!


I haven’t moved for a very long time, but my BRF (best running friend) is moving away …. far away…and i’m sad :-(


I hate moving. We moved at the beginning of the summer and we STILL have some things in boxes. I guess that means we don’t need whatever is still packed up…


I moved from Florida to NYC in August. Moving is strange – so exciting & terrifying at the same time! :)


North Dakota to Texas to Minnesota!
In the past year went from a 2:12 half to a 1:55.
Enjoy the -just rain- while it lasts. We started getting snow here today!


I moved from San Diego to Boise at the end of September. I have been checking out your posts about cold weather running for sure!


Last time I moved was 10 years ago just to the town next to mine in Ohio. And now I’m 4 and a half hours away at college, still in Ohio! Hopefully moving to Florida in the next few years!

The most growth I have made in the past year was going to running 2-3 miles a few times a week to running 5-7 miles a few times a week. And in the past three months since school started, running 5-6 days a week and taking almost 2 minutes off my 5k time. Now I’m in week 8 of training for my very first 1/2 in January!


I cut 12 minutes off my marathon PR and BQ’ed, ran a sub six minute mile and a sub 20 minute 5k. I owe it all to running LESS and strength training!


This is exactly what I hope to be saying by the end of next year! You’re awesome!


You can do it! Just remember: quality over quantity!!


I moved from MN to TX three years ago. I never want to move again!! I just started running two months ago and I had my first 5k race this morning (22 : 10)!! I’m hooked ;)


That’s an awesome 5k time especially for your first one! Way to go girl!


My last move was just over a month ago – Alaska to New York! My boyfriend and I did a 32 day road trip, stopping to visit family and checking out fun touristy things along the way!

I have a bad habit of running like crazy for about a month and then I stop for about two and then start up again. So I’ve been trying to find a happy medium where I don’t do the stop and go so much.


Ran my second half marathon in September. Very proud after months of training to have finished in 2:02. Next on my list is a sub-2:00 next year!


Sugar cookies are the best cookies on earth! I love that you do holiday cookies for each holiday. What a great tradition to do with Brooke too (once she can really get into it).
You should make a book (maybe snapfish) with a picture of all your views on your run. Its something I am trying to do and then I can capture a year’s worth of runs in a cook photo memory book.
I went from not being able to run more than 2 seconds without feeling like I am dying to being able to run 9 miles in a short few months. Running is such a great thing, if everyone knew how exhilarating it was every single person would be a runner.


Last time I moved was from Seattle to college here in Montana. 3 months ago. Ha! ;)


When was the last time that you moved? From where to where? We just moved about a month ago for the THIRD time this year. All have been within the same town but it was still a pain in the butt! We sold our home last October, moved into a rental – it sold, moved into another rental and finally found a home to buy and moved in mid-October. It’s been a LONG year.

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move? I don’t have a specific placed nailed down, but it would be somewhere that doesn’t have snow but also doesn’t get horribly hot during the summer.

Tell me about the PROGRESS/GROWTH that you have had in the last year in your running – At the beginning of the year I was doing so good, PR’d my 5k but 20seconds/minute, half marathon PR and then hit a wall HARD in July at the Timp Half, since then I feel like I have been struggling just to maintain and stay injury/pain free. So frustrating.


I had both a big move AND a big PR this year! I moved from Buffalo, NY to Houston- and then I Pr’ed by 70 minutes in the marathon in May! Now I’ve got my sights set on that BQ :)


We moved across our city into our current house 3 years ago. I would to the beach if I could…it’s just convincing my husband to move that is the problem. He has the annoying thing called a job keeping us 3 hours from a beach. ;-)


I have improved so much in my running this year! I’ve knocked about 10 mins off my half PR and I want to get a few more mins off by February! I also know my body better, have much better gear and my love for running has only increased. Plus I ran my first full marathon this year and that, my friends, is great.


I have a question…was it hard for you to move and still keep up with your running? I have a steady running routine where I live, but am moving soon…I’m a little nervous about finding another trail, course, group to run with and losing motivation while I try to figure it out…just wonder if there was ever an adjustment period as you’ve moved from place to place? thank you so much :)


Janice is one of my running IDOLS. She’s such a speedy, motivating lady :D You guys together are a powerhouse team!


We moved to Iowa from IL about 5 years ago…and I am pretty sure we are going to be moving again VERY soon…like Jan!!! From IA to Maryland!
If I could move anywhere it would someplace warm…I promise I wouldn’t miss the snow!


I’ve always wanted to live in Oregon. It’s so beautiful there. A little mountain/a little ocean. Best of both worlds. I’m from MT and live in Colorado so the mountains are a must. Though I visited Pittsburgh once and the architecture was incredible and running those streets…oh man, incredible. Can I live everywhere, one new place, one year at a time?


Wow, I admire you! It’s really hard for me to run in the rain or the cold. My husband and I moved from Idaho to Nevada last year and we said goodbye to some amazing friends. Moving is hard but it can be a fun adventure too.


Wow, you live in such a beautiful area, though looks a little cold. I never knew anything about Utah before reading your blog. I wish I could move to a coastal area here in Australia. Somewhere big enough to have facilities but small enough to be a strong community. I’ve always lived in Sydney and looks like I’ll be here for a while yet. It does have many of good points though :-)


I just wanted to tell you that not only do you inspire me as a runner but as a friend. You have also inspired me to start my own blog. So thank you for pushing me to be a better person.


If I could move anywhere it would probably be California. My dream is to have my own vineyard one day :)


I started running over a year and a half ago. My first half was 2:06 and I ran the same half this year in 1:59 which I was excited about especially because during training i never drank protein after and my iron was low and I felt fatigued the week before so I’m hoping I can still PR my fourth half next year I’ll be 38 then yikes! I think I need to read about nutrition after long runs…
I have no desire to move I’ve loved on the central coast of Cali while life. Love it. But I enjoy traveling and would love to visit Australia someday.


In the process of moving right now!!! From South Dakota all the way to Phoenix! 1600 miles and it takes 27 hours to drive! Going to be a huge adjustment in our lives. Leaving friends and family is going to kill me. But the warm winters will make everything just fine. :)


My last move was across town last year when we bought our home. Before that though I moved back to Georgia from South Africa! I wish I could live in South Africa 6 months during the year and the other half in Georgia. I’ve gotten much speedier in the past year and have gotten my average times to start with an 8 instead of a 9!


You have such an amazing network of running friends. I love it. I love how Kristin Armstrong calls her ladies her sweat sisters. Every girl needs ’em!!

We moved three times in 2 months 2 years ago… From our condo, to a rental apartment, in with family and finally, into our house. I never want to move again!! If we did, though, I would want to head to Europe (the Irish countryside or Paris) or to the south of India, where my husband’s family lives. I like adventure!

An improvement in my running is just how much I LOVE it these days. I’ve been going out and doing it for 8 years, but in the past few months I just love it and crave my workouts. Endorphins are flowing :)


My running, while not really faster, has been a ton better this year. I’ve run injury free (my only real goal) and I haven’t hated it! I also had a PR for my 5k. I decided that conservative training and not comparing myself to anyone else was the right way for me and it’s worked! I also ran a lot more outside.


I’d move wherever I am close to my family!


I’d move from Ohio to Portland, OR! Our dream location (even though neither me or my husband has ever been there! haha). I’m a stronger, faster runner in my 30’s than I was in my 20’s. It comes down to breathing and focus and cross-training.


The last time I moved was from Boston to California and if I could move anywhere in the world I would move back in a second!!!


Pretty scenery!
I came back strong after having a baby at the end of last year and took 5 mins off my half marathon time, and ran 3 halfs this year which is a record for me. Taking the winter off to recharge for marathon season next spring :)
Yum to sugar cookies. One of my favourites for sure. Gingerbread still takes the cake though ;)


If I could move anywhere, it would be to NYC! It’s my favorite :)


We moved 2 months ago, but just five blocks this time. If I could move anywhere I’d move back to Sweden! Trying to convince the husband.. Growth I’m no where near a runner yet but I hope to be some day! A year ago I couldn’t run 2 blocks, maybe not even one, and now I can do 2-3 miles pushing a double stroller. Thats nothing to most people but to me it’s HUGE! :)


FYI-Your blog is amazingness:)

Last move was from Michigan to the Bay Area, CA. I actually grew up between both states (So Cal when I was younger) so both feel very much like home:)

If I could live anywhere…(entire family included) Bay Area, I Love it!

As far as running this year, I finished my first half in October woot woot!

Completely unrelated to the post but here’s a video my friend showed me the other day that made me almost fall on the floor laughing. oops.



Question- what are the shoes Rachelle is wearing?? She’s so speedy, wondering her secrets:)

My last move was Alabama to Hawaii 2.5 years ago, and now we’re set to move again in March. As much as I love Hawaii though, if I could choose anywhere to live, I’d go somewhere with mountains! We love New Zealand (honeymooned there) and the northern part of Italy. But honestly, Utah is a top “realistic” place on our list to live when the Army days end! We had the most amazing trip there this summer and want to raise our kids somewhere with lots of amazing outdoor sports.


A perfect going away party. I moved from Kenya to Kuwait last summer…where next…who knows…I think I would like to go back to East Africa or maybe Paris…or…


The last time I moved it was from NYC to Princeton. City life was not for me! If I could move anywhere it would be a toss up between Yosemite and Yellowstone. My fiancee and I love going to National Parks- they are some of the most beautiful and peaceful places I’ve ever been. I love the sense of “getting away from it all” when you are in those places.

Progress >> I started running 16 months ago and I’ve completed 5 half marathons and my first full is in less than 6 week…eek! :)

Karen @karenlovestorun


I recently moved from Cali to DC…big change in outdoor running weather. I need to ask you what leggings are you wearing to run in the cold??? They are going on my Christmas list!
Over the past year, my running progress has been non existent, as I have been pregnant and returning to running. So worth it though…to cuddle with my little man!!!


I’m cold just thinking about that run!

The last time I moved was when I got married and it was only one town over, so nothing too crazy.

I managed a 3 minute marathon PR this spring, so that’s pretty awesome.


We currently live in Tucson, AZ. We moved here from Germany. We are military so we move every few years. (In 7 years, we lived in North Carolina, Georgia, Germany, and now Arizona.)
Honestly I’d love to move back to Germany. The language barrier is a bit much but that country is absolutely gorgeous and the travel opportunities over there are amazing!!


From New Jersey to DC and I would love to move to an adorable apartment in Paris and eat all day, everyday.


When I was little, we moved every two years because my dad was a Navy captain! Now I move just a bit.. back and forth between school and home!


I moved from Texas to Virginia two years ago. My Hubs is in the Army, so we move a lot! This is our third duty station in 6 years. We will stay here at least until the summer of 2015 so our son can graduate from his current high school. It’s always hard on the kids to move around so much! I actually like the moving around though–I love traveling and seeing new things. Who knows where we will end up next….I’m hoping for somewhere abroad :)


Last move I made was two years ago, from Boston to New York City; I will never leave this place!

You all are some speedy ladies! I am just so happy that despite a broken ankle, I am back at running 25-30 miles a week. I honestly didn’t think that I would be finishing the year stronger than when I started out!


We are moving this weekend…from a small apartment to a little bigger place in the same town. Excited for more space for sure!

My running has been lacking lately…but once i get back to the gym it will be better.

Time for some new gear? Shop Expert Brand and Save. http://expertbrand.com. Use the code Expert10 at checkout to save big!


Our last move was from Chicago to Denver. A big change for our little family, but the best move we ever made :)


I moved just a little over 2 months ago to go to school and work at a winery, hello! I love it.

I would move to…idk. I’m really happy where I’m at. I would totally visit Australia though to see my bestie!

And oh my goodness, I’ve gone from being sedentary at the beginning of the year, to running a half marathon in April, to doing a 216 mile relay run in August, to taking a full 6 week running hiatus at the end of the summer, to running again. My running totally goes through cycles. I’m getting back up there though :)

And of course, Brooke is too cute for words. Love all the pictures of her!


Every single one of you ladies is crazy fast!!

My running went from zero (seriously) to a great xc season, many 5k,s and TWO half marathons! Amazing what a year can do!


Last time I moved was from Italy to the United States seven years ago ;)

I had a beautiful running year so far and the best achievment for me has been running my very first marathon less than one month ago! I started racing in March, when I ran my first 5K and didn’t really know whta I was doing. It still amazes me that I ended up running a marathon just seven months later…


“A beautiful running year”…what a lovely description…


For my bday this year I want a running party. That’s it, I’m sold!!

I have had a ton of growth and progress this year. I don’t know WHAT it is but I’m gonna keep on keepin on…aka..still being a crazy runner:) happy Friday!!!


Hey Janae. A bit off topic, but if you don’t mind sharing where do you buy your clothes? Your real people clothes not running ones ;)
You always look so put together. It has been about a month since I realized NONE of my jeans from last year fit (why taking up running made me gain weight Ive. No idea) and I need to do some serious shopping but at 23 I feel like my Hollister and American Eagle days should probably be over.


Our last move was only about 1.5 hours away, still in the same State of SC. I love it here.
Since I just started back to running again this year and got a silly injury, I think my biggest accomplishment was that I completed my first trail half in July and finished a road Half and PR’d with a 1:56:29 time.
How did Julia take an hour off her marathon time? That is incredible.
If I could live anywhere in the world it would have to be somewhere with mountains, lakes and beautiful scenery. No Big City! Not sure where that is but will definitely keep looking.


Mmm, those cookies look delicious!


I’m a teenager {and a runner!} I have traveled with my family all my life, so when we came off the road, we moved to Texas. Then several years later (last year) we moved to North Carolina! I miss TX but i’m {slowly} learning to bloom where i’m planted… LOL! :)


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