You are going to have to thank me…

Only one more day to enter to win $150 towards a race entry!  Your odds of winning are really good right now so you should enter!  HERE are the details on how to enter!

For the last 4 days Paige and I have been talking about how much we wanted a rice bowl from Rumbi Grill and we finally made it happen.  I feel like this is one of those meals that I would be happy to have daily for the rest of my life.   

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The three amigos.

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I won’t have Brooke this weekend so I am soaking up every ounce of time (I know that measurement doesn’t go along with time it just sounds good to me) I have with her until Friday.  It will be a hard weekend (it is definitely for the best and I am very happy that Brooke has this relationship but I just miss my sidekick like crazy when we are apart) but I will stay busy with family and friends.

Instead of a real nap we did a play room floor nap together.  Do you know any other 14 month old that will just sit there and have you give them a head massage?  She loves them and I love giving them.

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We also had some reading time in her reading chair.  A messy apartment (that is just what I am going to call living in my parents’ basement)= you know it was a fun day.  

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Just as I was starting to get hungry my mom invited us to go to Subway with them for dinner.  My dad is still rocking his diet.  

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You really are going to have to thank me for the next link that I am about to give you.  We went over to Paige’s house to make Halloween cookies and she has found the BEST EVER sugar cookie recipe.  They were so soft, they tasted amazing and they had everything that you would want a sugar cookie to have.  

My kind of cookie.

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A few of the creations.

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Time to hit the track for some fun 800s.  Best way to start a Thursday.  

How did you start your Thursday?

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Those sugar cookies look awesome!!

Praying for your weekend already.


I’ll be thinking of you this weekend. It does get easier, but I still miss my girls on their weekends away. Cell phones help a lot. I think Brooke needs one for Christmas. :-)
I need to try that cookie recipe! I have never found a sugar cookie recipe that is perfect yet. I need one.
You have the perfect dog! You can enjoy her anytime you want, but not actually responsible for her.


It’s funny because last night I literally did take a floor nap. I was laying there reading blogs and the next thing I know I’m being woken up saying “Hollie I was looking for you for about 10 minutes…didn’t think I’d find you laying on the floor”. I was at angle hard to see if you were just walking by…anyways.

Those sugar cookies look really good, but honestly when you add frosting to anything it adds at least 5 points to the taste scale. You could have burnt, black crusty cookies but with frosting they would be at least a 5 our of 10.


The weekend will be over before you know it :) Especially if there’s family, friends, and good food involved — which you’re definitely never short on. Hugs for you <3

Today started out in my favourite way — devotions, coffee, breakfast, and blog reading.


Praying for you this weekend and sending you strength!


I just started my Thursday! I slept in (for me, heh, which means I woke up at five rather than four) and I’m nursing the baby really quick before I hit the treadmill for a quick walk.

Weekends away are always hard, but you kinda (sorta) get used to them. Last weekend my son was with his dad, and it was alright. Now that he’s five, sometimes I need the break!

I’m keeping you in my thoughts :) drink as much diet Coke as you need!


Sounds like a great start to a Thursday- hope the workout went well!
I started the day by taking my dog for a walk! It is the best way to kick off any work day! He’s going in to the vet to get a lump removed today,so I’m worried about my little buddy.
Have fun with little brooker the next couple days! She certainly is a little angel!


I’m a 20-year-old and I still LOVE when my mom gives me head massages. I don’t think that’s something she’ll outgrow. ;) Also, that cookie looks absolutely fantastic. As they say, you should make your meals colorful because that means they have a variety of nutrients! :P


Snuggling on the couch with my baby girl :-). Pumpkin pancakes soon!


I started my Thursday with some fantastic candy cane tea from trader joes! I have a temp run today and plan on heading to the gym over lunch to do it!


Pb English muffin and coffee.
Spirit wear. …….it’s homecoming week.


I started by thinking about finishing the edible garland before my sweet girl awakens, but I postponed it.

Then I thought about all for which I’m grateful, and how hard I’m determined to make things reality.

You know, when you’ve moved as often as we have, to feel “at home” is a wonderful reality. It’s overwhelming at times. It’s a combination of soaking in the bliss and saying, “oh, now that we have these blessings… let’s make the rest reality.” Sometimes, though, we have to be patient… and let edible garland for a bit. ;-)


I started my Thursday with a quick run and then some marathon plan research. I love sugar cookies! Well… I love all cookie!


Head massages are the best and she knows it!


I only like sugar cookies when they’re thick and doughy like that – yum!!

My Thursday started off by sleeping in a bit (7!), walking my dog, and now I’m eating breakfast while catching up on blogs : )


I made an effort to get up earlier this morning so I wasn’t so rushed and I succeeded. I even had time to have an actual sit down egg breakfast!


I’ll be thinking about you this weekend. I know that it must be really tough. Love the look of those cookies! Sugar cookies with icing are my favorite!


I did my track workout in Tuesday…it was a BLAST (sarcasm)

Right now I’m starting my day off reading my favorite blogs with my cup of coffee…best way to start the day.


By biking to work on a very chilly morning–only 40 degrees!!! And now reading blogs and sipping coffee to warm up. :)


THOSE COOKIES. Holy masterpieces.
I hope you are able to do lots of things you love this weekend to take your mind off things!


Brooke knows what’s up! Head massages are the best!!! Omg those sugar cookies look like the best one ever, huge and fluffy! I woke up and ate haha going on a long run soon, I can’t wait!!


Brooke=me as a kid. My favorite thing was when my mom would rub my head at night to help put me to sleep and it worked like a charm. If I’m not feeling well or cannot fall asleep I play with my hair or have Ben play with my hair as I lay on him and it STILL works… out like a light.


Thinking of you this weekend, it will be hard but keep busy and I know you will do great :)
I starting today with a yummy breakfast and cup of coffee while blog reading :)


Good luck with your workout and your weekend! I agree with the other commenter who said adding frosting adds at least 5 points to a cookie :-)


Love Brooke’s little chair, and my 2 year old has the same Elmo book! He loves it :) My morning was more hectic than I would have liked… little guy slept in until 6:45 instead of his usual 6-6:15, so that meant I did, too. We had to rush around to get ready for work/day care when we normally snuggle and read a lot! Oh well, I guess we both needed the extra sleep. Hugs to you for the tough weekend ahead!


Big hugs to you! I totally understand what you are going through and you and all are in my prayers:) That sugar cookie recipe looks so scrumptious and I will be making some this weekend. I love making some and letting the kids decorate them, they like it too:) My Thursday has begun with some knitting, some blog reading, and lots of coffee drinking. Its raining here today so it has totally got me into a soup making, bread making, crafting kind of mood!


My Thursday started with a walk with my dog and now I’m about to try to catch up like crazy! We are heading to the Chicago Marathon (my husband is running it) and I feel like i’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off!


Hopefully the weekend will fly by for you but I know it’ll be hard.

Thursday is starting with a 2 mile run.


Yay for your dad rockin’ his diet! That is awesome! Not an easy thing to do.


My day is starting with a nice cup of pumpkin spice coffee and catching up on blogs. My kinda morning! :) This weekend my mom is coming over and we’re baking Halloween cut out cookies- I’m only a LITTLE excited……. okay I’m really excited


also on the track today! 4.5 soggy miles at a speedy pace. get it done!


The more toppings on the cookies, the better!!!


Head massages are on of my most favorite things in the world…they honestly almost put me into a trance! Obviously they do the same for Brooke :)

I will definitely be praying for you this weekend…I know that must be really difficult but I agree it is awesome she is keeping up that relationship with him.


I’m always on the hunt for delicious sugar cookies! thanks!


Umm, I want one of those cookies. Preferably one with a bunch of candy corn on top :-p
And I started today with taking the puppy outside, followed by blog reading. How I like to do it!


Hug sweet girl. I can’t pretend to know how hard that is, but it is a GOOD thing he is still in her life, and you are a good mom for not preventing that relationship. Afterall, she is half him, so what message would that send her if she thought he was a bad person? My mom never spoke a bad word against my dad (and trust me, there are many bad things one could say) and I was able to make up my own mind about him as an adult. Regardless of what Brooke ends up thinking/deciding about her parents, you are doing the right thing now. I hope it gets easier for you. You’re in my thoughts!


I started out with a run until it became a Nor’Easter of wind and rain so I headed inside to the gym for the elliptical machine instead….Sugar cookies are fun but nothing beats an original chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven!


Keep busy this weekend and it will fly by! Do something you normally can’t do, like paint your nails! (I have a puppy and he’s always around me and climbing on me so painting my nails would be awesome if he had to go away for a weekend or took longer naps)


I want those sugar cookies. Baaaaaaaaaddddddddd. YUM! Will be thinking about you this weekend. Hang tough. Think of it as well-deserved ‘me’ time and do things you can’t do with Brooke. Treat yourself. Get that super size Diet Coke AND ice cream. And know that you are a fabulous mother and your daughter is a very lucky little girl.


Sugar cookies are the greatest!! and Brooke is a girl after my own heart. A head message nearly puts me right to sleep!


My Thursday started with a 7 mile tempo run in the rain! My Garmin needs a windshield wiper!


Sugar cookies are my absolute favorite and these look heavenly! In my opinion, sugar cookies should be soft and doughy, not at all hard or chewy! I am definitely going to be needing to make these ASAP! thanks for the recipe!

Good luck with your track workout!


Gotta love how much candy are on top of those sugar cookies.

My plan was to get a workout in this morning, but after having a nightmare last night I didn’t get much sleep, so I chose sleep over the workout.


I started my Thursday with a gym workout! I never go to the gym in the morning, but I thought I’d try it today and it was great!

Thoughts and prayers to you for this weekend. It will be over before you know it!


My dad did a very awful thing to my mother to end their marriage when I was 5. Despite that she managed to get past her hurt (which was deep and well earned) and allowed my brother and I to have a relationship with our father. I am do greatful for the relationship I have with my dad but even more greatful to my mother for digging deep and allowing it to happen. Know in your heart you are doing the right thing and that Brooke will thank you later.


Thank you so much for sharing that with me. It helped a lot. Your mom sounds incredible!


Diet Coke, good friends, and delicious food will really help make this weekend easier. I don’t have an actual child, but I do have to send my dog to his dad’s house every once in awhile and it’s really hard. I can’t even imagine how hard it is for you. I will be thinking of you!


I started my Thursday with a niw bike and arm workout. And now I want sugar cookies for breakfast!!


I started my Thursday with Turbokick and then weights – today was arms. Now I am eating pumpkin oatmeal and it is so delightful. It screams Fall on this rainy day. Now If I just had one of those sugar cookies to round out this meal. Heaven knows this is too healthy and needs some balance ;)

I have been craving Rumbi for a while, but we never go because Ross had a bad experience. I try and recreate it at home, but it is never the same.

I love head massages. Ross does is to me when he is trying to calm me down. Works like a charm. He tells me I am basically a dog like that ;) My kids, since they were toddlers, will come lay by me, lift up the back of their shirts and put my hand on their back until I start to tickle it :) I love it.

Soak up all that time with Brooke. Even when things are for the best, it doesn’t make them easy. Completely understandable that you will miss her. But we will have fun until she comes back to her mama. I love ya girl!


I just started mine with a pumpkin spice english muffin and drinking a pumpkin spice coffee with pumpkin spice creamer! Yea, I love pumpkin:)


I forced myself out of bed at 3:50 am for a yucky 5 mile run. Oh well…tomorrow is a rest day.


40 minute run on the treadmill, plus coffee and Legos time with my little guys. But I would actually love to be doing 800s, I miss the track! Hope they went well!


My brother’s girlfriend always says the weekends are the hardest part for her, but they do get easier with time. <3 Hugs to you


My kids will do anything if I rub their feet or backs. Anything. It’s an awesome power to have.

Good luck this weekend! Think of it as positive personal development time or something equally cheesy but important sounding.


no icecream yesterday??? What is happening? Lol


I started my Thursday over sleeping and then having to rush to get to work on time but I did it. It’s amazing how fast I can move when I’m running late in the morning. Brooke is a genius being able to read a book upside down. LOL. My daughter used to “read” books like that all the time. I love that little chair. I am definitely going to make those sugar cookies this weekend. They look amazing. I will be thinking positive thoughts for you this weekend. I know it’s got to be hard. Take care of yourself and give Brooke a hug for me. She is just so cute!!!!


I started with a 4 mile run, stretching & foam rolling!!


I started my Thursday off the same as every day – wake up the hubs, cook breakfast and pack our lunches, rush out the door and settle into work. Boring! I did snag a mini cupcake from the office breakroom, though, which thus far has been the highlight of my day.


I started my thursday walking in heavy unwavering rain and wondering if I should run on the treadmill or outside tonight–because really, I sweat so much on the treadmill it’s LIKE I’m running in the rain… Deep thoughts.


Brooke is one lucky girl! I know of a 27 year old girl who loves to lay around and get head rubs … and eat froyo. So basically, let me know if you want me to come over this weekend and keep you company :)


I started my Thursday by sleeping late and finally waking up to some cereal and coffee. Leaving soon for an afternoon on speedwork on the treadmill!


Homemade sugar cookies with icing are by FAR my favorite kind of cookie! And I started my Thursday with a 3 mile run and 20 min weights workout, but now I’m sitting here waiting for the AT&T man to fix my internet. He’s been here over an hour so I’m getting concerned…


I love a good sugar cookie! My fam has an amazing recipe too–and they’re so soft & buttery. Mmmmmm.

Good luck this weekend–many hugs & prayers for you, girl. You are strong!!! <3 xo


Those cookies look amazing! Might have to give them a go this weekend :)

Take care this weekend — try to enjoy your time alone if you can. It will be over before you know it! :)


My Thursday started out with my son having a meltdown and refusing to get on the bus. Fun times. Fun times.
I had Subway for dinner last night. Yum!


You got me in trouble, Janae!

I am addicted to your blog and I was BUSTED checking it at like 4am this morning laying in bed after I got up to nurse my son…my husband laughed!

OMG those cookies look UBER tasty. Can you speed mail us all a couple? Thanks!

I am starting my Thursday with like eight cups of coffee (I am now shaking) and a hike up the mountain with my brother and Ben (brother packs him up, so bonus pour moi!).

Have a great day!


Hahahah that made my day! So funny he caught you!


those sugar cookies look so fluffy and cakey! yum :)

have lots of fun with brooke today! i’m sure it’ll be difficult being away from her this weekend, but remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder. :) sending thoughts and prayers your way! xo


hhmmmm….I might have to come by trick-or-treating for one of thos cookies ;)


My Thursday is beginning with my little boy’s first school photos…he’s been practising his smile but I know it’s going to be one of those awful gurns!! And then we’re off to the pumpkin patch!

This weekend will go fast – it’ll get easier every time, I promise.


You just saved me $18.00 on the neon pink compression calf sleeves that I’ve been wanting with the giveaway discount code! I have the boring black ones and white ones but I couldn’t justify the expense for the pink ones. Thanks for supporting my habit of things that are bright pink!!! Happy Running!!!


That makes me very happy! Enjoy them!


I started my Thursday sick! How much of a bummer is that?


Thursday started with an 8 miles run, which I did great on! I kept to a 9:30 pace which was my goal. Making home made chicken, broccoli and penne for dinner.


Your food looks amazing, uggh now I want to eat exactly that but nothing within 1hour driving distance…boo! Are you still doing the New York 10K this weekend?


Since you’ll be Brooke-less this weekend you can come snuggle Ford ( I promise he wont be fussy like he was at Fro Yo last week) :)


I LOVE sugar cookies! Such an underrated cookie variety!


Started my day with a 5 mile (treadmill run) then some legs exercises and silly looking tummy exercises. (seriously you don’t want anyone seeing you do these)

I wish my babies would let me give them a cuddle and a head massage! Brooke is stinkin’ adorable.

I will have to try those cookies!


Those cookies look AMAZING! So far I got my run in this morning, did a little work, and played dress up with my girls! It’s a beautiful day!


I actually do know someone else who loved head massages as a baby…my husband…and he still does. My mother in law would caution you to not make them too good, or you risk getting asked for eternity to give them! =)


I too love rumbi bowls, now that I don’t live in utah I have to make my own. These are seriously so good. Miss running into you randomly around Provo!


Love that image of you giving your sweet girl the head massage :)


I started my Thursday with a quick 2.75 mi run on the treadmill at the gym. I didn’t have time to do more before work, and I don’t have time after work tonight so I figured a few miles is better than nothing at all!

Those THICK sugar cookies look sooo good! Cookies with frosting are dreamy……..


Mmm that rice bowl looks delicious!


I started my Thursday by cleaning soap off the entire bathroom and bathing two little mischievous girls :) My heart breaks for you having to send Brooke away, you’re amazing. It makes me think about what my mom must’ve gone through.


Those cookies are out of control!!! So much sugarrrr mmmm. haha! I reallyyyy want a rice bowl now, too. That looks incredible.



I hope your weekend goes super fast and you can be with the little miss again real soon! I started my Thursday off getting a package full of cookies at work from one of my reps for customer service week. It had 6 dozen cookies from a bakery he likes near him in Omaha, NE. Our dept has already polished off 1 tray! LOL


You’re an incredibly graceful person. I admire how you carry yourself and maintain such a positive and gracious attitude. Good on you.


Those sugar cookies look delicious! My Thursday started off pretty boring, so I’ll probably have to start my Friday off with a donut to make up for it! :)


I feel weird commenting on something so personal because I obviously don’t know the details of your situation and also because I’m about to overshare on the internet. My parents divorced when I was 11, and it was definitely my dad’s “fault.” My mom didn’t allow me to really have a relationship with my dad after that … I think it hurt her too much. And while I can’t imagine what it’s like to be in her shoes – or yours – it has definitely impacted my relationship with my mom for the worse as I get older and realize how sad I am that I don’t even know my father. So as much as I’m sure it is absolutely killing you right now, I am admiring you like crazy for trying to do the right thing for Brooke. Stay strong and keep your friends and family close.


I had a slow start to my Thursday. I slept in (no running this morning bc my marathon is on Sat) and I got 10 glorious hours of sleep which I so needed!
I hope your time without Brooke goes by quickly:)


Hang in there this weekend. It’s great you have people to keep you busy!

I started my day off with a walk with the dog! I get all my winter running gear!


I smiled so big when I saw the pic of you messaging Brooke’s heads. We did that to Mollie at that age to get her to fall asleep….now she is 3 1/2 and it is a bedtime requirement! She loves it!! :)


I ‘started’ my Thursday with my first run with a group instead of on my own. I was the slow poke of the bunch, but it was still fun. And then there was a health expo in the cafeteria at work, so I got to sample some hummus, kale chips and smoothies afterwards. No sugar cookies, though ; )


Amazing, thank you! I was just looking for good sugar cookie recipes since we have to work on a Federal holiday thanks to the shutdown (I know, it’s really complicated) so I figured I may as well bring in America-shaped sugar cookies. Can’t wait to make these this weekend!


oh no Brooker this weekend?? Do something amazing for you!


I spent my Thursday working at the Hartford Marathon race expo. It was fun, but so exhausting. I’m not sure I’ve actually recovered yet.


My kids love having their heads massaged. They ask for “massage parties” — which usually end in giggle fests, but there’s some massaging happening too.

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