That one time that I won the coolest thing ever (for once I am not exaggerating).

My niece was clearly very happy that I came over to babysit yesterday.  Actually they really do love it when I am in charge because I don’t make them do their chores.  My sister is always thrilled when she gets home.

I am still trying to convince my sister to get a high chair for Brooke at her house since we are there so often but until then…

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I did what any good babysitter would do and attacked the pantry.  The three C’s…  Cereal, Cheez-Its and Chicago Mix popcorn (caramel popcorn and cheddar cheese popcorn all in the same bag mixed up together—> try it).   

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By the time I got home and had a chance to eat dinner I was starving and the only thing I had patience to make was toast with almond butter and bananas.  Remember back in the day when I actually made real dinners?  Yeah, that was fun.    

At least Brooke ate enough vegetables for the both of us.

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The usual ‘put Brooke to bed and make one of my friends hang out with me at night’ occurred.  Candice and I both kind of loved this flavor and I am sure it will help fuel her as she runs the St. George Marathon this Saturday.  

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I have two very exciting email excerpts to share with you.  

1.   I finally signed up for CIM.  It is official now.  I am running it.  I was 99% sure up until yesterday that I was going to run it and I didn’t want to actually sign up until I knew I would be at that starting line for sure but now I am sure.  And I am more than ready to get that PR.  

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2.  Probably the most exciting email I have ever received in my life:

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Once upon a time I entered a raffle to win the Boston Marathon Treadmill.  I would have never in a million years thought that I would actually win it but I did.  Answer to my prayers especially because I no longer have my old treadmill and I have really wanted the Boston Marathon Treadmill.   It will come in 2-3 weeks which is perfect timing…  Utah will be getting really cold and I am positive that there will be many freezing mornings this winter where my new treadmill and I will spend a lot of time together.  I already have its spot ready.    

Bangs Friend, my sis, Brooke and BIL were all with me when I got the email that I won and I may have been freaking out just a little bit.  


Are you a milk drinker? 

Have you had any exciting news recently?  Please share!

What is the next race that you are signed up for?  Who will be at CIM?!?

Who has a treadmill?  What kind?  Who wants to come over and use my treadmill?

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That is so awesome that you won the Boston treadmill. No other person is more perfect for it than you.

Not a plain milk drinker, but chocolate milk? Yes, please.


OH MY GOD that is so awesome that you won!! You deserve it more than anyone! I would love to fly over from Boston to use it if you don’t mind ;)


That treadmill is perfect for you!
I love Almond milk. I’m not big on regular milk.
I’m signed up for my first full marathon this month! I know I need talking about it but I’m starting to freak out now!


SO exciting about the treadmill!!!!!!!! I am not a milk drinker but love it in cereal. :)


Milk freaks me out. I can put almond milk in a smoothie or bake with milk, but to drink it “raw” is a no go.

Nothing terribly exciting here- minus moving last weekend to a house that is .9 mile from the ocean. As soon as our BOB weather shield gets here, we’ll be there more regularly. (Today says REI…)

It’s a far change from our time in Utah for sure. Fire bans are a rarity, so yesterday we had a HUGE fire going burning all of the trim we ripped out, the bushes we cut back, etc.


HOLY CRAP!! What a giant present!! AWESOME. I bet it wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t move back to Utah. IT WAS FATE.


Ahhhh congrats on the treadmill! I know how badly you wanted it since you’ve talked about it a few times. I am not a lucky person so I don’t usually win things so I will live vicariously through you. Nobody deserves it more!
Side note: best part about babysitting is the pantry. Not even the least bit asged to admit that fact.


I can’t believe you won the treadmill! Aw I’m really happy for you! I never seem to win anything, so I can’t imagine winning something that is as perfect for me as this treadmill is for you!

Also, question. What does CIM stand for (obviously a marathon, but which one? Chicago?) and when is it???


California International Marathon I believe.


It is California International Marathon, December 8th in Sacramento, CA


I don’t really drink plain milk, but I like a good milky iced coffee and I love that research has shown that chocolate milk is a good post-run drink, because I’ll take any excuse to drink it! ;)

Ah that is so awesome about the treadmill! We bought a treadmill earlier this year, and I love having it, but I’m not going to lie, I’m totally envious of that one with all the bells and whistles! I wish I could have a treadmill that did declines and steeper inclines since that’s where I do a majority of my running by necessity.


Congratulations on the treadmill!! and omg the “three C’s” made me laugh so hard- yes, yes and yes!! and i always say i dont drink milk- but i do- in cereal, in coffee, in all sorts of things. sneaky bugger.


I want to come over and use you treadmill! That is an awesome giveaway to win!! And omgosh….I’ve got to try that froyo!!


too cute!


Not a milk drinker anymore…I used to be in high school! My next race is the Twin Cities 10 mile on Sunday. I’m sort of dreading it, and the weather looks atrocious (40 degrees and windy and rainy). And wow, congrats on the treadmill!!! I won a skateboard once but it isn’t nearly as exciting as a fancy treadmill.


I don’t think there is anyone more deserving of that treadmill than you! Congratulations Janae!


holy cow that is a HUGE win! Awesome!!!!!
My big news lately has been that I’m in for Boston next Spring, I’m very excited :-)


Wow!!! This is awesome Janae! Congrats!!!


Congratulations on winning your Treadmill!!! That is awesome. What a prize!!!

I don’t really like milk, unless it has loads of chocolate in it. Something about the creaminess really puts me off.

My next race is on Saturday – it’s a 10k trail race. And the week after that I have a 10k obstacle course: yep, in October. It will be pretty muddy, wet and cold!!



That’s SO exciting to win the treadmill!! I think it’s going to majorly help with your sub-3 marathon!!!


I don’t drink cows milk. If I drink milk, it’s coconut milk or chocolate almond milk.
Congratulations on winning the treadmill!! So cool! I am on the hunt for a good, used one.


Holy cow! That really is awesome!!! Congratulations!

I have a treadmill, it’s a nordictrack and I love it!

I’m signed up for the Hartford half a week from Saturday.


Wow, congrats on the treadmill!! Whoooooooooot :) !


I can’t believe you wont that treadmill – that is so awesome!!!

My next race is an 8k called Run through the Grapevine – it is exactly that, a run though a grape vineyard with free wine at the end. It’s a pretty difficult course because it’s a lot of huge hills and loose dirt. The wine is nice though.

I am not a fan of milk but when I was pregnant I was obsessed with chocolate milk. I drank SO much of it and it tasted so yummy. I don’t buy it anymore though.


Oh my goodness! You’re right, that is the coolest thing ever to win!!!!! I’m so excited for you!!!
And you really liked that maple bacon donut flavor? If I ever see that one I’ll have to try it! :)


Congrats on the treadmill!! That is so exciting! I am a milk drinker. Love that stuff. My next race is the Haunted Half in Salt Lake, then a couple weeks later I am running Ragnar in Las Vegas. I can’t wait! I sadly do not have a treadmill. :( but hopefully someday I will.


OMG!!! Are you serious!??! I am so jealous!! You deserve it! Enjoy the treadmill! It couldn’t have come at a more perfect time for you!


That’s so exciting!! Congratulations!!! You deserve this!! :) nowwww you have to let us know how it really is! Can’t wait to read about it!


AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That is so so so so awesome that you the treadmill!!! I am seriously bouncing up and down in excitement for you!!! Yahoo!!!! Oh my gosh, I am just so pumped to watch you kill it in the marathon!!! :-D

I have one more half marathon this fall, my favorite one, in like two weeks. I have actually been trying to train a bit for this one, not just get up and run like I usually do haha, with some speed work because I would LOVE to sub 1:30 by even 5 seconds! I am close so we shall see!

My exciting news ties in, I just got my new running shoes in the mail yesterday–bright blue and ORANGE so I am pretty excited to try those babies out! :)

Have the best day!!


You are way too fast for that treadmill. The belt won’t be able to handle your light speed. I think you should pass it on to me :). Congrats, Janae!


Congratulations on winning the treadmill! I don’t care what it is I always get excited when I win something but if it was a treadmill I’d probably throw an entire party around my treadmill I’d be THAT exctied!


YAY! Congrats on winning the treadmill!! That’s so exciting!


I can’t believe you won the Boston Marathon treadmill!!! And I’m so happy for you! You totally deserve and you’ll get fantastic use out of it.


I can’t think of anyone better to win that treadmill- CONGRATS!


Here here!! GO YOU Janae!!!!


Congratulations on your treadmill, that is so exciting!!

I don’t normally drink milk but I did drink chocolate milk after a race this weekend.


That is an AWESOME win! Congrats! I’ve always wanted my own treadmill, but I’m certain it would just end up a clothes rack in my house (similar to Liz Lemon on 30 Rock). And nice work, signing up for CIM! You got this :)

I’m not a milk drinker anymore (lactose intolerance developed later in life), but I used to have a big glass every night for dinner! It’s cheese I miss the most….


That’s awesome about the treadmill! I honestly can’t imagine a better person for it than you. And while I’m not a huge milk drinker, I fully support breakfast for dinner. In fact, that may just be on the menu for me tonight as well.


congrats that is SO amazing!!!!!! I definitely want to use your treadmill!


OHMYGOD you are SOOOO lucky…I live in New England and have run 7 Boston Marathons—> I need to have a treadmill(its a Horizon)
One time…it died…I had to wait a whole week for it be fixed. (i was not fun to be around)
I saw that treadmill and I WANT IT but it is SO expensive…you MAY just be the luckiest girl on the planet right now!!!


Wow! That’s a beautiful treadmill! Congratulations! I never win anything, ever. My husband won. New pair of Newtons at our last race, though. That was pretty exciting!

I love long as it is ice cold.

Just a few local 5ks and a 4 miler for me. I just started training for my first half though!


I am so truly excited and happy that you won that treadmill! So wonderful and so perfect for you right now!Enjoy it!


That is soooo exciting! My mom is giving me her old treadmill which is a much less awesome version of the Boston Treadmill but I’m not one to knock a free ‘mill ;) I lovvvee milk but don’t drink regular milk too much now and stick mostly to almond. I’ve gotten used to it but I still love a cold glass of real milk.


A perfect example of how good things happen to good people! YAY on your BIG WIN lady! Happy training! :-)


YAY! I’m so happy for you! You deserve it the most!


No one deserves that treadmill more than you!!! Yesterday I won $100 to target which I was way excited too but yours is a little bit better :-)


I’m so glad you won a treadmill, they say everything happens for a reason and this is exactly what I thought of when I read this. Congrats!!

There is a treadmill in the gym in our condo building but turning it on sounds like you’re launching a space ship and it’s so noisy and rickety that I can’t stand running on it.


Omg Bacon Maple Donut Froyo??? Oh yes I would have to try that! I feel like I haven’t done a race in forever haha, I am thinking about signing up for a race next year, I haven’t decided if I’m going to do the 5K and just work on speed or the 10K and work on speed and endurance. So happy you won the treadmill!! They must have known that you needed it, all things do happen for a reason :)


that is so great!!!!! u deserve that treadmill!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congratulations on the treadmill!

I am running the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday – my first full! I’m terrified but so excited!


Ahhh girl, that’s so awesome. You totally deserve it! :) xoxo


What awesome news! I’m glad it’s going to someone who will use it!


My dog passed away this weekend so that was kind of big news… And I certainly was freaking out when I found out.


AMAZING!!!! I can’t believe you won that!!! I never win anything…no really! I have tried like at least 15 times to win a sparkly soul headband among other things and I never win!….but thats ok, I’ve accepted it :). That is an awesome prize too and I am sure a billion people entered!…it’s better than winning the lotto!
I am a mil hater! I have forced myself to like chocolate milk as a recovery drink but no way to white milk!!!!
My marathon is in 2 weeks and 3 days…ahhhhh!!!!!



This week was awesome for me as well. I won a free entry in to the Allstate 13.1 half anddddd I just got word that I will be an Ambassador for the Asheville Marathon at Biltmore! Holla!



That is so exciting!!!!

I love milk. Chocolate milk, plain milk. I just love it and can’t get enough.


Congrats on the treadmill! So exciting and lucky! You deserve it!
My favorite combo is pb, banana on toast! yumm!
I drink dairy milk occasionally- but I prefer almond milk the best. And its easier on my stomach as well.


OMG! Congrats on winning the treadmill!! Amazing!!


I am SUPER jealous of your treadmill winning skills!!! That’s awesome! I dream of the day that I can have my own treadmill. I HATE running in the cold, so the minute it gets too cold out…I have to hit the gym again. I aspire to own a top of the line treadmill like that!
My next big race will be my first Half Marathon. I’m doing the Detroit International Half Marathon…which is exciting because I get to run to Canada and back! Woot Woot! :D


congratulations!! you so deserve that treadmill!! ENJOY IT!


Congrats with your tredmill.

My exciting news is that my boyfriend of three years proposed to me :D


Whoa, congrats on winning the treadmill!


Congratulations on winning that treadmill! How awesome! I know you’ll put it to good use. I have a Woodway that I got used last year and refurbished a bit with the help of my husband and a friend. I puffy-heart L.O.V.E. it in the winter when the roads get packed with snow and ice. I can watch way too much HGTV while running on it!


Congratulations!! You were right- that is not an exaggeration.


Awesome! So happy you won the treadmill, you really deserve it!
Not a milk drinker, unless its chocolate which is still rare when I do drink it.
Just that our baby girl is arriving in about a month!
I just got a tmill for my birthday last month and love it. Even though I am only walking on it right now :)


Dang! That is a really cool thing to win! I enter basically every contest/giveaway I can find. I don’t care what it is. I won a race entry once but that was because I was the only person that entered. Whateves. A win is a win. I think that treadmill is perfect for you since you do semi-enjoy treadmill running. I may need to visit Utah soon and bug you so I can use it too. Then I need to convince my husband that a $4000 treadmill is necessary for life.


Yay!!! Congrats Janae!! I’m so jealous :) I would love my own treadmill. I need to find one of those drawings! haha
Ok, for reals. Soon we’re going to schedule one of those evening, go for dessert hang outs.


Best news ever!! So happy for you.
I hate milk, I wish I liked it but I don’t:(


I am at work, but I had to leave a quick comment about this exciting news!
Congrats Janae! Nobody deserves to win more than you! I can’t wait til you make it to Boston. Have fun with your new and even BETTER toy!!!!


Janae I’m so happy for you! You deserve it, girl!!!


Congrats on the treadmill, my friend! Next time you see Baby Ford, give him a HUGE HUG and KISS from me!! <3


Congrats on winning the treadmill! And that Chicago mix is so addictive, it’s ridiculous.
I’m not a fan of plain milk, but I can do flavoured ones!


Wow, best surprise ever!! That’s amazing! I have been drooling over that treadmill – my boyfriend thinks I am crazy because we live in Boston, but HELLO, the treadmill lets you train for downhills without having to suffer outside during the cold winter!

Next BIG race is the Boston Marathon :)


YAY!!! That’s so exciting :)

My next race is this weekend, a local 10k – The Golden Gallop. And then Oct 20th I’m doing the half at the Denver Rock’n’Roll….I’m just hoping its not snowing by then!!


holy cow- that is awesome! congratulations!


YAAAY! You deserve that new treadmill!

So not a milk drinker, unless it’s with cookies…or a pb&j!


Congratulations on the treadmill!!! That is so exciting and you DESERVE it!!! I can’t wait to read your post about your first run on it!! I have a treadmill at home, which is nice to have, but I dread having to use it, I’d rather be outside.

I am on a big chocolate milk kick right now! I have a glass after every run! But otherwise I prefer almond milk for cereal and protein shakes.


Oh my GOD! That treadmill is the best prize ever! I’m gonna pretend to know you in real life and brag about it cause that’s super cool and you deserve it! :) Can’t wait to hear your review!


CONGRATULATIONS on your big win! I am so happy for you. . . you deserve this win.


Congratulations! You are the PERFECT person to win that! I moved to Chicago in the spring and had to try the Chicago mix popcorn right away, it’s amazing.


YES PLEASE–> I wanna come over and use your new treadmill!!! I love it! Congratulations, you so deserve it. When I read this, I immediately thought, “Good things happen to good people”. You really deserve this new toy to help you get through your winter running in Utah (I can relate, running in my parts is similar), especially with the changes you have undergone recently. Woo HOO!!!!

PR at CIM, here you come!!!

PS I can’t get enough of Brookers little mini-bun. She is rocking the messy look like none other!


Congrats on winning the treadmill!! That is so awesome.
I have a SOLE treadmill that I love. It’s simple, but it gets the job done.

I drink milk with my dinner almost every night…and there is noting better than an ice cold glass of chocolate milk after finishing a hard run!


Holy smokes, congrats on the treadmill! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and I am so so happy to see you getting stronger both with running as well as being an independent woman! You couldn’t ask for a better family and daughter! Keep going strong Janae!


Congrats on the treadmill! I’m running my first marathon – the MCM – at the end of the month. Can’t wait! I’ve more on streets than the treadmill for training, but I do love my treadmill. My running group has passed this gem around, which sums up my long run from last week.


Big Congrats on your win!!!


Congrats on the treadmill! I’m sure the two of you will become fast friends. My next race is at the end of the month, but I’m using it as my 10 mile training run for my Thanksgiving Day half. Also, maple bacon doughnut? Holy yum, Batman!


Congrats on the treadmill!! That’s so exciting, I actually yelled out to my boyfriend in the other room, who was really confused as to why I was so excited for you (apparently I live vicariously through others, maybe to an unhealthy level – and he is clearly not a runner and doesn’t understand the excitement surrounding the coolest treadmill EVER).
I’m running the Nike Women’s Marathon in SF (i’m doing the half as I just did a full this past weekend). Good luck in the CIM!!


Great news about the treadmill! Good for you, you deserve it! I just started running and am a little nervous about winter running in the slush and salt. So I am entering some raffles too ;)
I love milk. Also, the exciting thing in my life was a promotion becoming official and my first ever-so-slightly-bigger paycheck, haha.


Ok that is seriously awesome for you to win that treadmill!!!!!!!! You deserve it!!!


Too funny – my boss was in Chicago over the weekend and brought the office back a big bag of Chicago Mix popcorn. I had never heard of it before. Cheddar and Carmel is a bizarrely delicious combo I would have never thought of.


Congrats on winning the treadmill!! That is an amazing win! I have a Precor 9.35. I absolutely love it. Worth every penny I paid for it. Enjoy! You deserve it!


I don’t drink milk but I should!


Congrats!! I am happier that you won the treadmill even more than if I had won it myself! You deserve such a perfect thing for your Utah winter running. The planets are all aligning for your sub three!


I am so happy you won your treadmill! Congrats!


Wow you lucky girl!! That’s awesome! I think you really deserved to win that treadmill right about now. Someone is looking out for you ;-)


Omg that is so awesome you won the treadmill!! Congratulations!! I have some nordictrack one that I’ve had about 4 years… does the job, lol.

I actually signed up for my first full marathon–the LA marathon. I am excited and scared, I’ve never run more than 15 miles before. Good luck at CIM, I used to live in Sacramento and have a friend or two running it. I would drive out and offer crowd support but it’s the same weekend as my daughters bday, boo!!


That is awesome! I love that treadmill too! I am so happy that something so great happened for you because you deserve it!


That’s so exciting! Free stuff is always exciting!

I am a big fan of vanilla milk from Starbucks (made for kids) post run. It’s refreshing without being a sugar overload!


Clearly – that treadmill is one of the coolest prizes anybody has ever won… That thing is amazing! We have a pro-form treadmill that gets my quality time in the freezing upper mid-west winters.

I have super exciting news… but not ready to share just yet! :)


Hooray you won the treadmill!!! Happy Dance all day!!

You’re going to rock CIM, I just know it. I’m running it, too. My goal is to run it at 10:05 min/pace, which to me seems so fast to me. My last marathon in the spring was at 10:35 min/mile pace and it was super comfortable and fun the whole way. I’ve been putting down some serious miles since then and we’ll see if I can drop my pace by 30 seconds.

I’ve fallen in love with marathons and can’t wait to give it my all at CIM. I’ll also be cheering for you!!! Well, from several miles back :)


Congratulations on winning the treadmill! That is awesome! I’m a milk drinker, my whole family is. I buy 5 to 6 gallons a week and we have even cut down a bit. My two kids drink a gallon each a week. Pretty much we need to buy a cow.


OMG Boston Marathon treadmill?! I am so jealous!!!! Looks like things are really starting to look up for you:) You deserve it!


Oh my goodness! Congratulations! That is really awesome!!! I never win anything, so I will share your excitement!


That is awesome Janae! You deserve to win after everything you have and are going through. I am so happy for you, I am smiling at my laptop:)

I do not like milk at all. Yuck!

My big race is my first half marathon in November!!!

I had a treadmill but you couldn’t run on it because it was broken and needed a costly repair. Gave it to my sister and got an elliptical, which I don’t really like but it still gives you a decent workout.


It’s always exciting to win something.

We also have a treadmill, and it’s great to have here in the winter cause it gets so cold and snowy here.


Wow!! Congratulations! For so many reasons, I am so happy that you won!!!


woah that is awesome! congrats!
and i am not a milk drinker, im not a fan of it by itself. i can do it in cereal or coffee and sometimes with cookies, haha


I love chocolate milk, but will only drink plain milk with some type of chocolate dessert straight out the oven.
Congrats on the win!!!! That is so exciting and awesome!!


That is the awesomest win! Congrats!

I am not much of a milk drinker. No exciting news lately either :(


Good things DO happen to good people! ;)


I’m so happy that you won the treadmill!!! AWESOME!




Omg congratulations on the win! I can’t think of anyone that deserves that more!


Awesome win!!

I’m running CIM too :-) It’s in my hometown, which makes it that much more awesome. It will be my very first full marathon. I’m nervous, but excited!


I cannot think of another person who deserves this more. God is with you, Janae :) Congrats!!!!!!!


Wow! I won a $50 Brooks Gift Certificate yesterday, but that pales in awesomeness to the Boston Marathon Treadmill! Insane! Congratulations!


<3 Everything WILL be okay!

I'm also going through a divorce, and this song has really spurred me on this week. Spreading the empowerment!


WOW! Super jealous that you won the treadmill! That is crazy awesome! So excited for you to run CIM!!!


Oh my gosh that is so cool!!!!! You’re definitely deserving of that and I’m so glad you were the winner <3


congrats! there is seriously no one who deserves the BM treadmill more than you! i’m so excited to see pictures of it! will it be on a balcony again? ;)


Thankfully no more balcony running hahahaha!


YOU WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s so awesome!!!


You definitely deserve the win!! Congrats!!


Awesome, congratulations!

Popcorn is my favorite food, more than fro-yo! What brand is that “Chicago Mix” popcorn? I’d like to try and find it.

When do you fly into NYC for your race?


Hey! I come on the 21st! They changed the schedule so I will miss the race but I will still be there! Hope you are having a great day!


I am so, SO jealous you won this treadmill! I never win anything… Not even free tickets on $1 lottery tickets. Lol. Congrats :)


Oh my goodness, that is so COOL! Congratulations! The next race I’m running is the Chosen Half Marathon at the end of the month.


Janae!!!! That is such amazing great news that you WON that treadmill! WOW! so cool! I have a treadmill at home as well, its a ProElite. I have braved many a cold and snowy Canadian Winter to run outside, but I draw the line at ice, it’s just not worth it and I have fallen too many times.

I do not drink milk and haven’t for many years. I do however use almond milk as a whitener to my tea, or for my protein shakes.

I have no races on my schedule! I should find one for the spring.

In general, life is good (and I’m going to have a wicked good hair day today, so theres that!) I continue to keep you and your family in my daily prayers.


OMG!!! I can’t believe you won it!!! I have to agree with you: that is the COOLEST THING EVER!!! So so jealous… but so so happy for you ;)

And, to answer your question, I’m not a milk drinker-I’m THE milk drinker! I drink so much of it that is not even funny! Cold, warm, with coffee, with chocolate, straight from the carton… I just LOVE milk! However, it has to be 2% or 1% milk- full milk is too heavy IMO and skim milk is like white water to me.


YOU WON THE TREADMILL!! Ahhhhhhh! SO excited for you!!! That is SO happy. You totes deserve it too. That is SO SO cool.

In pregnancy I’ve totally started drinking milk–which is weird b/c I don’t love the taste of it. Guess I needed some more calcium?! ;)


Wow, congrats!! What blog/company/kind person was raffling the treadmill off?

My next big race is the Philadelphia Marathon in 45 days!

I have a ProForm treadmill and love it. :)


WWWOWWWW!!! That is WAY cool! Have fun!
Milk hurts me :(
I thought I had exciting news. My blog traffic seemed to be picking way up. But…turns out it was just a bunch of nasty spambots :( Other than that, we have to move this month to a place we have yet to find…that’s kind of thrilling, right? Every day is one big adrenaline rush!
I’ll be watching at CIM. Too many cool kids running it to stay home ;-)


oh my gosh, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Haha that is SO awesome that you won the treadmill!


Congrats on winning the treadmill! What a dream come true! So so so cool!

I’m running CIM this year too. Hopefully the weather will be better than last year (it was a monsoon!). See you in Sac!


No one deserves that treadmill more! I’m running the Boston half next weekend and I’m so excited!


And everything does get better at the end :)

Congrats on winning a brand new treadmill!!! Hopefully the company realizes that it better be the neatest/bestest thing ever so you can fall in love with it and share wonderful reviews of it. In fact, you may as well get a portion of all sales that get generated off your blog. I’m pretty sure if I didn’t already own a crappy treadmill I would buy whatever one you owned.


Congrats on the treadmill- you deserve it! Totally karma for all of the awesome things you give away.


That really IS the most exciting win ever.



I have a Landice 7. Yes, it’s very fancy and I love it! :)




Sweeeet win!!!! You deserve it and will put it to great use!


A new beginning with a new treadmill. How VERY exciting!! I can’t wait to see pictures of it and hear about all the bells and whistles.


I am an almond milk drinker.
Exciting news is that my hubby will pin on for Major in November.

That is AMAZING that you won the treadmill!


Yay for CIM! I’m running it too, and seriously keeping my fingers crossed for better weather this year!!


You completely deserve that treadmill !!!


Wowzers – what a HUGE prize – congrats


Wow! Congratulations on winning the treadmill- that is seriously SO AWESOME!!!

The most exciting news in my neck of the woods lately is that I passed my recital hearing, which means that my senior recital is officially a GO!


I just signed up for CIM yesterday too!


There is a popcorn shop near me that takes cheese popcorn and puts carmel ON TOP of it, so every single piece has both cheese and caramel. It is AMAZING and you would love it!

Congrats on the treadmill! That is a pretty amazing prize!


What an awesome thing to win!! Congrats!!


Wow! That treadmill looks awesome!


You deserve the awesome mill! I am so envious as the WI weather approaches!


That is awesome Janae! I am so excited for you!!! What a great training tool for the winter.
I was with my Training Group the other night, talking about the Brooks shirt you were modeling and one of my runner’s said, “Hey I read HRG too.” Seriously, we started talking about you like you were our best running friend. Always remember how inspiring you are!


Congrats on the treadmill!!!! How awesome!! You deserve it!!

I have a treadmill(not sure the brand) & as much as I’d rather run outside it sure comes in handy sometimes.

I am not signed up for any races at the moment but there are 3 that I am considering. Have to do at least one right!?!?

Milk drinker? No way. Yuck! But don’t mind it in cereal etc but vanilla almond milk is way better tasting!

Congrats again on the treadmill–wow!!


OMG!!!!! I am beyond jealous that you won that treadmill. It’s on my “if I had oodles of money to spend I would buy the Boston Marathon Treadmill” list!!

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