A miracle happened at the gym yesterday.  I did my 6 easy miles on the treadmill and at the end my mom called to say that Brooke was awake.  I hurried out to the car to get home and as I pulled into my driveway I realized that I left my iPad (I like to read when I run on the treadmill) at the gym.   I went back (must have been at least 20 minutes) and ran into the gym crossing my fingers that it was still on the treadmill….and it was. Right where I left it.  I am very lucky.   

When I got home I spent a long time with my dear friend the foam roller.   This last week I had my highest mileage week in a long time (55.25 miles ((yes the .25 counts)) so I am trying to do everything I can to make sure I stay injury free.  

Brooke and I spent most of the day watching General Conference.

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I also went grocery shopping with Paige.  I feel honored to have been with her for her first time trying a Kazoozle.  Our friendship can continue because she loved them (I am still struggling with the fact that she doesn’t like candy corn).  Try a Kazoozle at least once in your life please.

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Brooke walked at least a half of a mile yesterday (I should have had her wear my garmin so I could get an accurate account of how far she walked) all around the mall. 

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This will show you how speedy she is now:

I know, I know…that was the most thrilling movie you have seen in a while…I just felt like I needed to show you how good she is at walking now.

From the mall we went straight to the Pizza Factory for a girls’ dinner (aka what I do every night of my life).  

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Breadtwists and my salad mountain.  In case you were wondering, people do stare at me when I am making this 8 lb salad.   That straw kept Brooke entertained for at least 10 minutes.

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No evening with my mom is complete without ice cream especially if you have a buy one get one free coupon.   

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PJs+ Season 4 of Parenthood.  


What did you spend your Saturday doing?

How often do you foam roll?

Any candy that you don’t like?

-Circus peanuts, black licorice and Good & Plenty.

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Go, Brooke, go!!! Spent my Saturday night with my twinsies! Feeding them and catching up on z’s!


With that speed she’ll be running past me in no time. ;)
Candy YUCKS- Red Vines, Almond Joys, Mounds (really anything with coconut), Boston Baked Beans, and all three you mentioned.


Oh my LORD I can’t stand Red Vines. They are a licorice imposter.

I don’t even know what a Boston Baked Bean is. Black licorice is…yuck. Those peanut things taste like styrofoam.


I totally had that toy with the wooden toys you slide around the twisty metal strands that is in the background of a picture of Brooke. I think my son would love it. Our Saturday was lazy. The first in a long while which was actually really nice. Sometimes you just need to rest.


I had a great run with my training group, then walked another mile, came home and watched the first few episodes of Treme, then went downtown in Cincinnati to walk around (another 4 miles), eat at Crave (yummy), saw the very packed movie Gravity, then drove home and got drenched in a very powerful rainstorm. It was an exciting day. Brooke is booking it for sure! And you are a powerhouse salad builder!! Have a great Sunday.


You’ll never hear me complaining about a Brooke video, and it’s not surprising that she’s all sorts of speedy — she IS your little girl, after all :)

Black licorice… definitely on the candy hit list. That and yellow Skittles — those things just taste like what I imagine PineSol would taste like.


I do not foam roll NEAR often enough!!! I really really need to…
And I am sorry to admit to you, that I can’t STAND candy corn!! I really really dislike it strongly haha :)


We went to the movie Rush.
It was good, and the lead actor so easy on the eyes !!


Awww how adorable! Look at her go!!!

Great job on the mileage PR!! Enjoy your rest day – you deserve it. With lots of candy!!


I don’t like good and plenty either. That video is adorable. I love her top knot and little jeans.
Yesterday I spent half with my kids and half at work. Today I have to do my last long training run before my marathon. I’m super nervous.


such a cute video!


I am so jealous of this Pizza Factory place you are always talking about, and I’m not going to be able to get the image of Brooke wearing a Garmin out of my head for a few minutes now – could there be anything cuter? I think probably not!


My Saturday included baking pumpkin spice oatmeal cookies and watching Iron Man 3 with the hubby! It was low key and just what I needed after last week!


That is so funny that you listed both black licorice and circus peanuts for the candy you don’t like! A lady at work has come to the conclusion that anyone who likes black also likes circus peanuts, and if you don’t like black licorice then you don’t like circus peanuts either! So far this has been true for everyone I’ve asked!!


Now you ‘know’ someone who breaks that rule ;) I LOVE love love anything black licorice flavored (i buy bags of black jelly beans only!!) but I despise circus peanuts. They are absolutely vile and shouldn’t be allowed to be called a candy. haha


Yes! someone else who buys the only black jelly beans! I love them.


I super love circus peanuts and hate (HATE) anything black licorice flavored. I think you just needed a larger sample size to prove this theory of liking or hating one of the two leading to the same feeling for the other :)


Wow! Brooke rocks at walking! Such a cute video. So glad your iPad was safe. Yuck to circus peanuts and raisinettes. Headed out on a nine miler if we can find the perfect window without thunderstorms today. Enjoy your Sunday!


I love parenthood too!


I should foam roll more often. Especially with my nutty It bands. Spent my Saturday painting in studio and getting my race bib and gear ready for today’s race. .

I hate licorice in general. Kettle corn. Can’t stand those two.

That’s so nice your iPad was still there! Still some. Good people in the world :)


Ugh. Black licorice is awful. So are the black jelly beans. Yuck!

I spent a nice day with my kids yesterday, playing catch-up before work at six am today. Then my fiancé and I had an exciting date night where we stayed in and watched Grease (hey, he said I could pick anything I wanted!) and ate chocolate covered candy corn. It was a good night! Heh.


Saturday we did the Alzheimer’s Walk. We speed walked 4 miles. I told my husband we walked faster than some of my miles I ran during my disaster of a marathon. We then went to a band and choir concert at a local college. It was a great day. I’m glad you got your iPad back. I once forgot my iphone and by the time I remembered someone was already running after me with it. People can be nice.


I’m right with you on those candies. Yuck!!


Love love love Parenthood. .. Although I started watching it for Peter Kra
use (from Six Feet Under–which is still divine), it is way different than Six Feet Under.

I went back to my University for Homecoming.


We know where Brooke gets her speedy genes :-) yesterday my family had their annual fall festival! It was such a blast!


My Saturday was spent running and then going shopping with my mom! LOVE the video of Brooke in the mall!! So cute!

I foam roll after every single run. Even if it was only a mile. I was strained my hip flexor back in August and couldn’t run my September marathon. Now rolling and stretching never get skipped! I HATE black licorice! I really wonder if anyone actually likes it or if they just make it for the heck of it ;)


Definitely with you on black licorice and good n plenty. I’m usually all for candy, but those two are disgusting. Oh, and black jellybeans.

I’m working on foam rolling more! I’ve been upping the workouts lately and I noticed that my hip/IT band were bugging me a bit, so I’m been foam rolling almost every night before bed. Seems to be helping a lot!


I’m amazed your salads don’t topple over when you walk back to the table, that’s impressive!


I hate candy corn, but have you tried the Starburst candycorn? Oh lord.. It’s amazing.


I dont think I have ever tasted a candy that I didn’t like……its sad….very sad….

That salad is huge but still looks great. ;-)


I spent Saturday being Homecoming taxi for my daughter and her boyfriend. We went to my parents’, my brother’s, to friend’s, to two scenic locations, to dinner and to the dance. It was a nine-hour chore.
I foam roll whenever I feel tight. Usually once every other week or so.
I don’t like black licorice either. Yuck. I don’t like sour candy, except maybe lemon drops. Those are okay. Don’t like Mike & Ike’s or similar candies.


People often stare at me not only when I pile my plate but when I finish it. They don’t understand my appetite and I don’t understand why more people don’t clear their plates lol. Brooke is too cute.


So lucky and i know the feeling! Right after I got my iPhone, I left it in the cup holder of a treadmill at the gym during peak busy time after work. I went back about 30 minutes later, hair sopping wet from my shower and I ran up to the treadmill I had been on and the girl on it reached down and handed it to me. I didn’t have my phone locked so she recognized me from my background picture of me and my niece. :)


omg I hate ALL the same candies as you do! Clearly we’re candy soul sisters. Although I’ve never even heard of a Kazoozle…


Speedy thing!!


Brooke’s stride is very smooth!
I hate black licorice too.


oh man.. you don’t like black licorice!? I always buy the bags of just black jelly beans. I have candies that aren’t my “favorites” but I’ll pretty much eat any kind haha. Candy corn is so good- I can’t believe so many people don’t like it!

I never foam roll.. (maybe that explains why I’m always injured??) haha. So glad you are staying injury free- I bet someone thought you went to the bathroom or something and were coming back to the treadmill.. so glad it was still there!

Brooke’s walking is amazing- she is speedy like her mama!


We spent Saturday afternoon and night clamming. Before that I made lentil chili and cornbread.

Oh, we also found an antique dresser that I plan to refinish for an absolute deal plus a doll rocking chair. The new home is coming along… and will all be redone in due time!


Janae – You look BEAUTIFUL! I am also obsessed with Parenthood, and so happy that you are watching it. Let’s get together this week!?!?


That video is the CUTEST! I love when babes first start to walk – it’s adorable!

Our Saturday consisted of donuts, a drive up the canyon to see the beautiful fall colors, a family walk, and relaxation. It was a great day!

I totally agree with you on the candy – black licorice, Circus Peanuts, and Good & Plenty – all no bueno.


It’s raining here, and I didn’t want to run in the rain. This post just motivated me to go to the gym and run the 6 miles I wanted to run today…THANK YOU! :)

What books have you been reading? I desperately need a good “mindless” read to “shut my brain off” at night and get lost into…any recommendations? Thanks!


I did a long run, came home relaxed for a bit. Went to my niece’s volleyball game and then went shopping. Had dinner and then fro-yo!

I used to not foam roll, despite me having one, but the last few weeks I have after every run and it does help! My nephew loves to roll on it too:)

Don’t like baked beans!
Love black licorice and good&plenty!


My Saturday was full of farmer’s markets, coffee runs, and a Target trip. My mom and I made pizzas for the first time in forever, too! I try to foam roll as much as I can but sometimes I feel like I do it wrong because it does more harm than good. Who knows. And I hate, hate, HATE black licorice. I don’t even know how anyone considers it a candy. Blech.


I finally ran a sub-3 hour marathon at St. George! It was a beautiful day and gorgeous course. 2:59 :)


Jamie!!!!!! Huge congrats! I need more details!


My training wasn’t nearly as good as yours seems to be — I missed my last 20 miler 3 weeks before the race and also the 16 miler the weekend before it. Also, my peak mileage was only about 47 miles/week. Meaning, I think you’re well on your way to being able to run sub-three, too. And, don’t get upset if a week or two don’t go well, even what seem like the most critical weeks! Oh, and if you can ever get “elite” or “sub-elite” status at a road race, go for it! It made a huge difference for me — easy access to port-a-potties, etc. They were very generous (relatively speaking) for sub-elite status at St. George. I definitely recommend that race as long as it isn’t a windy day (apparently some years it is windy). Feel free to ask me anything else! Not sure what other details you may want. Good luck! And have fun!


My Saturday was full of R&R! I didn’t go to bed until 4 because I was playing Cards Against Humanity with my fiance, his roommate, and our friend. I only got 5 hours of sleep and I was sleeeeeepy all day. I ended up taking a nap at 3:30 for an hour, and then fell asleep at 8:45! I got 12 hours of sleep and WOW I feel much better ;) My Saturday was not nearly as fun as yours though!


Your least favorite candies are mine as well – along with Jelly Bellys. My sister always tricked me into the gross ones, so I just don’t trust them any more! I spent my Saturday with a WOD at my gym and then getting some homework + assignments done. Today is a day for me (except finishing a paper!)!


Brooke is such a good walker now — and so speedy!

I have been sick all weekend, so Saturday was spent laying on the couch watching movies.

Have a great Sunday!


brooke is such a speedy walker. she will be running in no time ;)

wow, very impressed by your salad making skills! i completely agree with your least favorite candy choices. i don’t like black licorice at all – you can also add hot tamales to that list. yuck. i prefer chocolate :)


I just told my husband that your family makes me definitely want 4-5 kids (I already wanted a big family, but you guys just reconfirm why). Even though you are all adults, you spend so much time with your parents. That is all I ever want! Kids who always want to hang out with me and give me tons of hugs.


Yes yes yes! It really is such a blast:) hopefully your husband agrees!


I set a new pr for myself at my half marathon yesterday! Yay!
Today is my stepdaughters 7th bday.. It will include lots of treats to celebrate!
I have never foam rolled but am making a fall resolution to do so!
Thank god you got your iPad back… I would cry for you bc I’ve had mine stolen before.. It was heartbreaking!!


Nicole! Congrats on your pr! That really is so awesome! Enjoy your day!!


Thank you!!!:) I was really proud..I came in 4th in my age group!!!:) reading your blog and tips helped a LOT!!:) thank you,SO SO MUCH!!!


I spent my Saturday with a run, watching football, napping at eating. Pretty much the best Saturday ever. I try to foam roll a few days a week… although recently I have been slacking. The only candy I don’t like (that I know of) is licorice. But I am really bad about branching out with candy, because usually if given the choice all that I want is Sour Patch Kids.


I spent Saturday house hunting (came up with nothing) and hanging out with my 2 girls!

I don’t like Peeps (please still be my friend), those other weird marshmallow egg things they sell at Easter, black licorice, and black or white jelly beans.


My goal this training season was to make it up to 55 miles a week but then sickness followed by an it injury followed. I did get up to 51.6 though. :( Maybe next training season – I’ll get up to 55. Boy, will I have a huge post to do after the Chicago Marathon on things that went right and horribly wrong with my training. No matter – I’m still on track to BQ and at the moment that’s priority. This time next will be finished!!!!!

The foam roller has become my best friend this training season. I do it at least twice a day (ok that’s a lie – I do it at least once a day). But I do have a foam roller in the office for when the mood kicks in.


I try to foam roll every day! I was at a conference for 3 days last week, and didn’t bring my foam roller with me, and I really missed it!
Brooke is getting so good at walking she is going to be running before you know it!


Seriously, you could put a video of Brooke up every day and I would love it. She is so precious!!!


That sounds like perfect timing! I love hearing about Brooke. It helps that she is SO adorable, so post away about her! :)


I am a huge candy fan, but absolutely agree with your choices for candies that are no good. Thank goodness there are plenty of other goodies to keep us satisfied!


I spent my Saturday night at my first Homecoming Dance! I had so much fun! Hahaha- that would be great if Brooke wore the Garmin!


I made a goal for October to foam roll everyday!


She is so adorable. That is one strategic salad.


The best salad bars are the ones with goldfish crackers :)

Oh and Brooke is just following in her mama’s footsteps!


We spent Saturday unpacking as we just moved to our new house. We also took our son to the mall and let him run off some energy and the park.

I foam roll almost everyday, its a necessity for me!

I don’t like anything black licorice flavored!


Janae- Holy Cow Brooke is speedy!! That video is the custest thing ever!!! She takes after you and is going to be a runner no doubt it.
The picture of your sister and Mom is gorgeous.
I need to brag about my weekend. I turned 40 on Friday and pr’d my half marathon today!! I am super excited.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Linda that is incredible!!! Seriously amazing and happy birthday last Friday!


Brooke- From Spikey to Speedy in One Years’ Time!
Gah! She is such a doll!

I spent my Saturday sorting and rearranging things in the apartment. My hope is to get a new foam roller soon! In the meantime no rolling for me but I’ve been keeping my mileage low since the half I was going to run isn’t going to work out this fall.

And I agree, black licorice, yuck!!


Omigosh I love love love love love love Parent Hood! And Brooke is amazing! She is so fast and ADORABLE :)


You don’t like circus peanuts??!? I’m not sure i can red your blog anymore!!!


Woooo go Brooke, go!!! And I admire your salad mountains. It’s a gift, really.



I’ve actually never foam rolled. Maybe I should start.


Something about video of toddlers newly walking with their arms all out to the sides — melts my heart! Thanks for sharing.


Brooke is super speedy. :) And I don’t like anything that is pure chocolate, like Hershey’s. I know I am weird. I spent my Saturday volunteering with a group from my church. We painted a person’s house, and it was really fun! I also went shopping with my mom, so obviously that was fun. :)



Have you ever posted about your foam roller routine? I need some guidance! I try to roll out all my lower body muscles while I watch TV at night, but I’m usually done so fast, it can’t be enough…I’d love a breakdown of what you do and about how long you spend on each move. Thanks in advance for any tips!

Brooke is adorable as always. And your salad looks delicious :)


Brooke is super speedy, and I love how she holds her arms out!

There are lots of candies that I don’t like, but I do like circus peanuts! If I tell you that I don’t like Swedish Fish will allow me to continue reading your blog? ;-)


That is so scary! I hate when I do stuff like that! I really need to work on foam rolling more considering how much I run! Do you really feel like it makes a big difference in recovery time with your legs?


Yes I really think it helps my legs so much! I definitely feel a difference when I don’t!


Look at her go! So awesome! Love the little bun on top of her head too! So precious!


I spent my Saturday getting in a legs & back workout, deep conditioning my hair (I use the Wen deep conditioning treatment and IT IS SO FABULOUS), and trying to figure out what to do with my life.

As for candy, circus peanuts are vile. Seriously, Santa should leave them in naughty kids’ stockings instead of coal.


I have never tried or even seen that candy before!! How is that even possible? I am ashamed of myself and need to hunt it down to try it.

I thought of you so much while listening to conference during this mornings session. I really liked the talks.

You and your sis look ridiculously gorgeous in your pics from dinner.

Congrats on your high mileage week. I can’t imagine running that much in a week. I would love to if my body would just freakin hold up. Glad your ipad was still there too. And the luck continues (not sure if I ever said congrats on the treadmill win-so awesome).


Conference weekend. My kids call it “church on tv!” Love the break from being 5 mins late every sunday into sacrament meeting. We have cinnamom rolls for conference weekend and lay in bed watching conference.


I LOVE Good n’Plenty! I was looking for some Saturday and all I could see was a big bag of them! I had to pass until I found a small box because I would eat them all!
I actually can’t think of a candy I would pass on, even circus peanuts..if I’m in the right mood.
I rarely foam roll (GASP!). I do my physical therapy exercises 3 times a week and try to do 2 pilates classes a week. Unless I’m working all week. Guess we’ll see how that goes.


Brooke really is speedy.

Seeing your enormous salads makes me wonder about the aftermath. How do you not make an insane mess when trying to eat it?

My Saturday night was spent in PJs going to bed early, because my life is that exciting.

Candy I don’t like: pez?


I spent my Saturday switching my phone plan with my mom, then getting a Costco (!!!) membership. Then I hit up the bulk items big time!
I should foam roll way more than I do. I forget. But I do stretch a lot!


Yay for walking Brooke! She is fast – like her mama! Love it :)


Brooke is a great little, speedy walker!!


My saturday night was spent eating tator-tot-casserole and watching Parenthood too!

Had a foam roller- the dog ate it.

http://expertbrand.com- where I get all my performance running apparel!


Do you have a link to the toy in the first photo? It looks perfect for my little guy.


Very lucky, and maybe a sign that people are generally honest? I have left my iPhone at the ice rink after using it to play music through the rink’s sound system, and I was lucky, I called them and it was still out there.


I try and foam roll twice a day. I have a love hate relationship with it. It’s one of those things where it hurts so good.


Have you heard of the new device by Dragon called the Run-n-Read? (http://www.dragoninnovation.com/projects/12-run-n-read) It’s not released yet, but I’m definitely curious to see how well it works; sounds like a great concept!


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