Eating and running around NYC.

Yesterday started with a group run along the Hudson River and Westside Highway with the Brooks Ambassador bloggers and the Brooks design/pr/awesome team.  See the guy in the red?  He just ran a 1/2 marathon in 68 minutes.  68 minutes.  

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Running around NYC definitely reminded me of the year I did the NYCM and I loved every step.  

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We did about 7.2 miles and then rushed back to the hotel to get ready for brunch.  

Bloggers in attendence:  Jessica, Anne, Ashley, Toni, Jess and Jenn.  In just the short time we had together I became really close with these girls (especially over our 3 hour dinner last night).  I love it when that happens.  

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We went to Sarahbeth’s and oh my goodness.  It was once again confirmed to me that brunch is the best meal of the day.  We started with muffins and fruit and then I had an english muffin topped with ham, spinach and eggs.  The tomatoes were actually perfect and I loved the potatoes with vegetables.   

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We got to ask the product design managers (for the apparel and shoes) any questions that we had.  I love hearing about all of the details that go into each item that they make.  They are all runners and their goal is to make our clothing and shoes to be as comfortable, functional and stylish as possible so that we can RUN HAPPY:) 

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We had some free time after brunch so my bff Catie (who I get to see every time I come to NYC) took me and Anne around to some awesome places.  

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I felt guilty for going to this toy store without Brooke but I WILL be bringing her back here with me someday. 

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Both of these statues were made completely with Legos.  

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We played around on the ginormous piano and I rocked out Mary Had A Little Lamb.  

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A trip to the city wouldn’t be complete without a stop at Dylan’s Candy Bar.

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5 lb gummy bear… why not?  

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A candy robe.  How did I pass up buying this beauty?

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And a quick stop at me and Catie’s favorite bagel shop.

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Finished off with a long walk around Central Park with an awesome umbrella and an awesome conversation.  

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Part 2 coming soon.  


Favorite thing to do in NYC?  Favorite places to eat?

The best place you have ever gone running?


Favorite meal of the day?

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Oh your trip was absolutely stunning! It almost rivals that super awesomesauce robe. I don’t know what I will do if I ever have to stop living vicariously through you on this blog! Now please excuse me while I go place my online order. I feel like I need to wrap myself in candy immediately after my shower. I know you think I’m kidding, but…


I’ve been to NY the state but not the city… definitely on my bucket list for places I want to run some day.
Looks like you’re having a great time- I LOVE Jessica… we’re running the ZOOMA half in FL together in January. I hear FL loves visitors from Utah during that time of year. ;)


We usually don’t mind them as long as they can drive properly ;)


I was not a runner the last time I was in NYC but next time I go I would love to run in Central Park. I love New York City. Glad you are enjoying it!


My favorite thing to do in NYC is EAT! I used to live in MA, and we had friends who lived in Queens. About once a year we’d head down there to visit and it was great! My fave food? So silly, but taco trucks in Queens. If you can, grab some Doughnut Plant while you’re there. So. Good.

And I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer ‘best place you’ve ever gone running’ because I’ve run in like 4 cities. My favorite though is definitely the city I just moved out of (Northampton, MA) Specifically, the rail trail near my last house. Even more specifically, the stretch of the rail trail that crossed the Connecticut River. Super gorgeous!


What a great time with what seems like GREAT people. Have fun!!!


I have never been to NYC long enough to really explore, my husband ran the marathon one year but we were in an out so fast we didn’t have time to look around.

I have to say my favorite place to run is anywhere nears the beach. I love the beach too too much!


I love your scarf!

We went to NYC on our honeymoon, but that was before we were runners. Now I kinda wanna go back JUST so I can run through Central Park. That’s totally reasonable, right? I’d love to do the NYCM someday!


This summer I ran from Brooklyn across the Brooklyn Bridge, up the westside highway and then a loop of central park. One of my favorite runs, despite the heat and humidity of an August afternoon :)


You are living the dream!! I love FAO Schwartz. I used to try and make my mom take me there when I was younger but then I just wanted to but the whole store. Dylan’s candy bar has been on my list for forever and I have yet to go. I really want to try their legendary sundaes. Anyways you look gorgeous and I’m glad you had so much fun but I bet your thrilled to be reunited with Brooke!


I have never been to NYC but I just moved to the east coast and can’t wait to visit! My favorite meal is definitely breakfast though.

My favorite place I ever ran was the tahoe rim trail. It was so relaxing.


I love the energy in NYC! I have only been once and that was about 18 years ago.

The best place I have ever gone running is southern Oregon. I still can’t get over the beauty of that place.

I don’t know that I have a favorite meal of the day. Maybe dinner just because I tend to have more time at that time and can relax and enjoy it.


Janae!! I’m so jealous! How did you get hooked up with this? Well, besides being the awesomeness you are? Did you apply? Did Brooks find all of you? Oh, how I would love to be there doing that! Love Brooks. I truly do think they make such a good shoe and products for runners. RUN Happy! Enjoy NYC!


That looks like a blast! I have only been to NYC once- to run the marathon-and like Sara@lovingontherun said-in and out too fast to really look around! I wish i had someone to show me around to all of the cool sights!
FAO Schwartz is on my list of things to do-a giant toy store?! WHY NOT!!!!!
I also want to go to the American GIrl store in NYC-I know, I am a grown up, but there is something about that store that make me never want to grow up! of course i will bring my 7 year old. (i think)
have blast, can’t wait to read part 2, and I can’t believe the guy in red ran a half in 68 minutes…holy jiminey crickets…


Please tell me you bought that 5 lb gummy bear ! lol


I haven’t been to NYC in awhile but I want to go again soon!

Funny enough when I went to FAO Schwartz I didn’t go on the piano :-(

I usually find small random restaurants to go to in NYC – just look to see what is good – I always go to this one Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, but I have no idea what it’s called, I just know how to get there!


this is sort of cheesy, but i love running in my current hometown (washington dc!) it’s just lovely here.
5 lb gummy bear… count me in!


Welcome to my hometown! Ok, fave bagel places in the city (and I’m a bagel snob being born and raised here) are David’s Bagels (16 or 17th and 1st) and Absolute Bagels (107th and Broadway). If you get a chance to venture to either one, the bagels are sooo good!! Hope you’re enjoying the rest of your trip!


68 minutes… thats just crazy


I try to appreciate NY more lately as living here all my life tends to make you numb to the wonders of this city…LOVE Pick a Bagel…H & H is great too…No other place in the world gives you a bagel like a NY bagel…Looks like you had a blast – come back with Brooke soon! Oh, and you need to hit up all of the fabulous dessert spots downtown as well as Max Brenner – best chocolate chip cookie ever, especially when dipped in the fondue!


sooo fun!!! have a great time!! :) :) xo


NYC is so close to home that I am lucky I can take a 50 minute train in; I would have to say just being able to walk around. I also liked that I could visit the WTC memorial as my brother-in-law’s brother passed during the events.

One of the most beautiful places I have ever gone running was in New Paltz, NY when I went rock climbing in the Gunks. The trails were absolutely beautiful and the town was amazing. I also loved running in Canton, NY for the NCAA XC regional meet in college.

Breakfast hands down is my absolute favorite meal of the day. I love going to bed knowing I get to wake up to a warm breakfast and a hot cup of coffee.


So glad you’re having a good trip!!! We have a Dylan’s candy bar here too and I love it :-) enjoy your day!


Reading about your trip to NYC just makes me want to go even more — I think I’ll make that my next American destination. And as long as a meal includes breakfast foods, then that’s my favourite. Breakfast? Favourite. Breakfast for lunch? Favourite. Brinner? Favourite… I guess I just love any excuse to eat something sweeter and call it a meal ;)


I love NYC so much! My husband & I go one a year, and it is always the highlight of my year. We cram as many shows as we can in our time there, and walk around the city until my feet just about fall off, end it is the absolute best! :)


Pick-a-Bagel is soooo good!!! I had lunch there on Saturday!

Seeing that giant piano makes me want to watch Big. I love that movie!


I’ve only been to New York twice, and both times I didn’t really get to explore the city like I would want to. Each time it was just rushing through the city and getting whatever done as quickly as we could. Next time I’d like to go and explore a little bit more.


He’s handsomely tunerd out! And that color of spicy brown is not the easiest to wear with a light, ‘english’ skintone, however this gentleman wears it well! Love his matching boots too!!


Sarabeth’s! I live in NYC and finally went there a couple of weeks ago after my first-ever 5k! Soooo delicious.

Enjoy your time here!!


68 minutes?! That’s like my 10k time practically. Seriously speedy.


NYC is my favorite place in the whole world!! I try to get there at least 1 time per year, it is just so gorgeous and different than a lot of other places!

My fave place to eat brunch is at Le Pain Quotidien .. I know they have these restaurants a few other places besides NY but I live in Canada so we don’t get it but it is amazing!! And for dinner, La Esquina (Mexican food) is so so good, as well as The Stanton Social (“tapa” type meals!).

I Live in St. John’s, NL which is right on the east coast of Canada along side the ocean so we have a lot of incredible views and trails here for running!


Where is your scarf from?? I must know!


I love, love, love Dylan’s Candy Bar!! I want a bag full of only red gummi bears! I hope you go to Serendipity while you’re there for frozen hot chocolate!

I’ve never ran the NYCM.

My favorite place to run is around a lake, any lake with mountains behind it.

Go to Little Italy if you want a huge ego boost! The men working there come out to the streets to yell, “Bella, Bella!” You’ll thank me :)


I used to live in Brooklyn and the absolute BEST place to get pizza is Roberta’s pizza in Bushwick! It’s around the corner from the Morgan Ave. L stop. They grow all their veggies in a garden in their backyard and use a wood oven to cook them. Seriously…go. It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but I’ve never had a better pizza!


That brunch looks delicious!

I would have loved going to that toy and candy stores as a kid. Actually I’d probably have fun going in there now as an adult too.


Funny thing–after I ran Boston, I decided I wasn’t going to do anymore big city marathons. I’m a small-town girl, and running Boston was amazing, but super stressful. So far I’ve held to that decision, but I’m starting to get the hankering to do Boston again, so who knows! :)


So glad you had a great time! Hmm, favorite place in NYC … it’s a toss-up between Rockefeller Plaza and Central Park. Love, love, love them both!


Ok I love NYC, and I love eating there! I went to a really good Italian place somewhere in the East Village that was amazing.

But what I had to say was that you look BEAUTIFUL in all of those pictures!! I don’t know what’s in the water in NYC but girl, it’s working for you! Not that you don’t always look very pretty ;)


NYC is defiantly a place on my places to run!!! Hmmmm I’d have to say breakfast, it just full of carby deliciousness, and that will always be my favorite :) Although I don’t see a problem in eating carby deliciousness for every meal ;)


That looks like a great trip! I love NYC and I’m actually going there in a few weeks so I’m really excited about it. I love going to Central Park and just exploring some of the awesome restaurants there. That’s amazing that guy ran a half in 68 minutes, crazy!


Looks like you gals are having an amazing time! I’m a tad jealous considering I adore Brooks and have always wanted to visit NYC! ;)

Brunch is by far my favorite meal of the day too. Sweet, savory, breakfast, lunch all in one?! Yes please!


I loved everything about NYC, but my favorite thing was seeing The Rockettes, they are unbelievable.
I did not run while in NYC :( But I loved running along the ocean in San Fran – way too awesome from my regular views.
Breakfast is my favourite meal hands down.


I live in NYC and love, love, love being able to run in Central Park every day. I’m also doing NYC marathon this year after not being able to last year. It should be an awesome day showing off the resilience and strength of NYC and runners in general. Hope you lots of good food while you’re here!!


That’s my bagel shop!! I live four blocks away, they make a good bagel. And the scallion cream cheese….I’m going to have to get one soon.

Love Brooks, I’ve run in them for 12 years!


The best place I have ever gone running was in Barcelona! Probably because I was just 100% obsessed with everything about that wonderful city and running around it was so exciting:)


I love love love New York. My sister and her husband live in Manhattan. I should probably go visit her and frolic through the city.


Newton, Cambridge are expensive. Stay way from Roxbury/Dorchester even if the rents are cpeehar. I lived there years ago, but all of my family is there and I’m currently looking to move back. and are a good place to start they will help find something in your range as well. I am working with them. Middleboro, Hull, Quincy, Braintree your looking at 950-1500 depending on 1 or 2 bedrooms and the area.


There are so many amazing places in NYC. The Spotted Pig, Aquagrill, ABC Kitchen, Babbo, Rosemary’s, Prune, Clinton Baking Co. The Meatball Shop, Stanton Social, and you HAVE to go to Levain Bakery..the best cookies in the entire world!!


Once upon a time I lived two blocks away from Dylan’s Candy Bar. It was dangerous for both my wallet and weight.
Best place is Katz’s for pastrami and a knish. I say this because I generally speaking hate meat, but this is amazing and I have to say it’s like butter. Like butter. Hand carved… It’s literally the only place I’ll eat it.


Ahhh so glad you’re having a blast enjoying so many fun spots in my city! I always run along the Hudson River path, as I live riiiiight by it. Dylan’s Candy Bar is always a crazy fun blast — makes me think of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Some of my fave things to do are walk around the Villages or SoHo, run along the West side, hang out in Central Park, go to fun brunch places and restaurants, and discover new places constantly. Such an amazing place to call home. :)


Depending on temp, rent the city bikes and ride them in central park.
If you are in the mood for a salad for lunch go to fresh&co. It is customize your own chopped salad. Ymmmmmm.


You know how to hit the best places in NY! I miss FAO Schwartz! We used to have one in Kansas City and I was so sad when it closed!


Wow looks like an amazing trip!!

We went to Carnegie Deli in NYC for lunch and it is SO busy there but the sandwiches are so incredibly huge. You won’t even believe it. There is like 6 inches of corned beef between two slices of bread (insane!), and they had great cheesecake too.


We always go to Dylan’s cady bar too!!!!!!!!


Dylan’s is definitely one of my favorite places in NYC.

I’m running the marathon this year!


Good Luck Stephanie! I’m running too. First time.


Thanks! Good luck to you too!


I visited my sister in NYC the other weekend and did a 11 miler around the tip of the city near the Brooklyn Bridge. Loved it! And didn’t realize how much green area there is down there!!


my fav meal is almost always dinner!
and i have always wanted to play on one of those giant keyboard things!


It looks like you’re having a phenomenal time here in NYC! I have yet to run along the Hudson but after reading this post I decided that my long run this weekend will be there :) And thanks for pointing out Pick-a-Bagel…I realized I live only a few blocks away from one and you’ve inspired me to try it out!

As for places to eat, if you’re looking for the *original* pizza you should go to Lombardi’s or Grimaldi’s. Your taste buds will thank you.


Looks like a blast!!
Again, I’m envious of your running adventures! I’m so excited for the NYC marathon!! It is on my bucket list!
Keep on havin fun!!


I’m a die hard New York girl- grew up there! Only on a brief hiatus as I test out the southeast for college!
My favorites– PeaceFoods Cafe {awesome vegan restaurant}, Chelsea Market, Eataly, and anything//everything Central Park!


Oh my goodness… LOVE Sarabeth’s!!! I’m glad you ordered the Four Flowers Juice… it is literally one of the best things I’ve ever had.


Noooo you were RIGHT by my office when you went to Dylan’s and FAO. Would have loved to run into you!


I LOVE the candy robe! I need to go to NYC asap so I can go into Dylan’s Candy Bar. Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day… It’s the only meal you’re allowed to load pancakes up with chocolate and it’s completely acceptable.


You’re in my city!!!! I’m currently typing from my desk which is the building across from Macy’s Herald Square =) I love Brooks! I wear their essential capris for running and when a pair ripped on the second wearing they replaced them no questions asked. Run Happy indeed! If you see a Mr. Softee Ice cream truck you must get some. It’s better than fro-yo! I always get the nutty merlin.

I’m running the NYC Marathon….So excited. 11 more days. Have a lovely stay here in the Big Apple.


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your scarf. Where is it from? Also, there are some pretty cute guys in those pictures :)


That looks like such a fun trip!

Dylan’s is def a place to go to when in NYC–and has some super fun stuff. Glad you got to go there, miss queen of candy! ;)


oh and if you still have time to run again and you run up west side highway toward the george washington bridge you can see the little red lighthouse! And then you can buy the book about it for Brooke.


Oh I am sooo jealous! I had my first visit to NYC this past June and I loved it! Next time I go I will spend more time wandering around Central Park. You MUST visit a Crumbs bakery. You will die, amazing cupcakes!!!!!!


I’m so jealous that you got to hang out at Brooks! I love my Adrenalines so, so much but all this talk about the PureFlows has me curious :)


My four y/o would FLIP over that giant gummy bear! I wonder if you can really eat it though? Looks like a great trip. My favorite meal of the day – the next one, especially if it involves dessert. Sometimes dessert is its own fourth meal!


I’ve never been to New York, but you’re further convincing me that I absolutely must do it ASAP! And breakfast/brunch is clearly the king of meals :-p


I love strolling the streets and seeing plays. And loading up on candy at Dylan’s ;)


What great timing- I’m going to NY to watch the marathon and all the tips for where to eat are great to read!!! That candy store looks pretty amazing too…


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE NYC!!! It’s my favorite place to visit. Some of my favorite places to eat I just discovered on my last trip in May. Big Gay Ice Cream has the most AMAZING ice cream cones. They put homemade dulce de leche inside of a dipped soft serve cone and sprinkle it with sea salt. Um, YES please! There is also one the is rolled in crushed pretzels. Yum!

Forcella’s in the East Village is probably the best pizza I’ve ever had! Deep fried pizza … who knew it would be so amazing! If you have time, I highly recommend both.

Also, one of my favorite things to do is go to the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon monologue rehearsal. They give out tickets at noon in the NBC Studio Store in Rockefeller Center. He likes to practice the jokes with a live audience and they edit the monologue according to their reaction. Very fun!


I didn’t love NYC overall but I did like some things about it. Loved Central Park, Magnolia Bakery (I haven’t seen you instagram a cupcake yet so you better get there!), Shake Shack and pizza from just about anywhere. I’d love to go for a run around Central Park! I also wouldn’t mind going to more Broadway plays. There’s a lot of fun things to do but man it’s an exhausting trip! haha


The FAO Schwarz ginormous piano is a must anytime you go to NYC! Glad you rocked out Mary had a little lamb on it. I tried chopsticks and split my pants the first time I went there, yeah, true story. This really is my life….


I think the best place I went running was this past Labor Day weekend up in Northern Michigan, right on Lake Michigan and another smaller lake. It was BEAUTIFUL. And just the right amount of hills.


My favorite meal of the day is definitely dinner during the week — because it’s the only meal I get to eat with my family.

But during the weekend, I am ALL ABOUT BRUNCH. Ohh the opportunities :)


I’m running NYCM!!! Can’t wait! Thank you for this post I have a list of places to try.
My favorite running place is Alki Beach in Seattle.
Favorite place in NYC Central Park, we usually rent bikes and pack a picnic lunch.
I love the bakery’s, Crumbs, Magnolis, Levain.


I am so jealous that you got to play on the HUGE piano. Ever since I watch BIG as a younster, I’ve wanted to do that!!!

Great pics…looks like you have had a fabulous time.


So fun!! Love that diverse group of runners :)


Aww you’re making me miss my home city! Sarabeth’s is the BEST brunch. Have fun!!!


Favorite meal is probably breakfast or lunch… Dinner is fine and all but I feel like breakfast I am always starving so everything tastes awesome and for lunch if I decided to go totally nuts and eat everything in site I can just enjoy they mehhh its only my 2nd meal of the day, I’ll just make dinner small : )


how bad did you wanna pull one piece of this statues :)

Have fun girl!


A 68 minute half marathon?! HOLY SMOKES that’s ridiculous. It amazes me that people can run THAT fast for THAT long!! When I was at Disneyland this summer, Christian & I were walking around Downtown Disney and stumbled upon giant Lego figures of Disney characters. It was so impressive!


LOVE your scarf in these photos!


Serendipity is a MUST when in NY, their frozen hot chocolate is legendary!

Best place I’ve ever run is home, Boston!!

My favorite meal of the day is lunch. I am obsessed with Paninis!

I’m so jealous of your trip, cannot wait to see what else is planned! Have fun!


Never been to NYC
Favorite place to run = Dunes State Park


Looks like you had an amazing time. I’ve never been to New York, but I’m definitely putting the NYCM on my list.


OMG Sarabeth at Central Park South is by far my favorite brunch spot! I’m glad you like it. So bummed I didn’ get to meet you though… And yes, I AM RUNNING NYCM (sorry, tapering is driving me nuts).


I read this article today and thought of you!

and my favorite meal is definitely breakfast. So many amazing options that involve minimal effort :)


Is it wrong I really like that candy robe?? Not sure I’d buy it but it’s really cute!

My favourite meal of the day is definitely brunch at the weekend!


OMG Sarabeth at Central Park South is by far my favorite brunch spot! I’m glad you liked it. So bummed I didn’ get to meet you though… And yes, I AM RUNNING NYCM (sorry, tapering is driving me nuts).


I’ve never been to NYC, but it’s definitely on my list of places to visit. I would love to run in Central Park. I’m actually contemplating the Central Park marathon in February. Two birds, one stone.

I would have to go with breakfast as my favorite meal. Cereal, waffles, muffins, pancakes, and other baked goods…you can’t go wrong. :-)


I’m running NYCM this year and am beyond excited! I’ve never been to the Big City, so I plan on doing all of the “touristy” things.


currently a senior at NYU! gotta say everday is something new in NYC


so much fun!!


68 minutes for 13.1 mi? 68 minutes was my first 10K time… Phew-ee!

You seem to be having a busy blast out East, soak up every second! It’s a beautiful part of the country, unique in so many ways, and the history and energy of NYC is off the charts!

I’m not running the NYCM (just the Chicago next year, as you know, first marathon woohoo!), but I have been to NYC once. My sister used to life in Connecticut, and I remember she took us to “The Burger Joint” which is hidden in the lobby of Le Parker Meridien hotel (literally hidden behind a curtain. Hardly a sign, just a neon burger!). Greasy, yummy, a celeb fave, very dive-y. You should not even walk up to the counter unless you already know what you want – one of those places. Other than that – eat some NY thin crust for me!!

Favorite meal of the day…Can snacks count? I love me some snackage. Frequent snackage. :)


I love everything about NYC, especially in the winter around Christmas. It is so magical. But if I had to pick, eating in Little Italy is the best.


Ahhh you are making me want to go to NYC even more!!!! I’ve never been :) Looks like such a fun trip! What a great place to run, too.



Looks like such a fantastic time! I just moved to Denver from NYC this past summer and I’m definitely missing the city right now, especially since it’s almost Marathon week (THE best week of the year in NYC). Can’t wait to read about the rest of your trip!


Brunch is def. the best meal of the day! I LOVE Sarabeth’s! One of my favorite places to eat after a run in Central Park when I visit NYC!

It would be awesome to run the NYCM, so cool you did that!


Loved reading this post! Love SaraBeth’s, Love Dylan’s and of course FAO Schwartz. You did all of the things I do whenever I visit the city :-)


Favorite meal….dinner. or breakfast. oh crap! Quality Performance wear for men and women!


That scarf! Tell me everything!


Hey! It’s from Nordstrom about three years ago!


So fun, I follow Anne’s blog too- I met her once at an LA Boxing blog meetup in DC a while back!


Love, love, love remembering our trip. And such great pictures! I totally stole a few :) So glad this event brought us together and allowed us to meet. You are such a positive influence and a strong runner and lady! xo

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