An entire day in just one post.

Friday morning started with an easy 5 mile run on my treadmill followed by a few miles of walking on it until Brooke woke up.  I was worried that the sound of the treadmill would wake Brooke up early but it didn’t (the sound probably reminded her of the hundreds of miles that we spent together on the treadmill when I was pregnant with her).

Brooke and I had a great morning together and then we met up with my girls for lunch (we get to eat here for free because of our friend which makes the food taste even more amazing than it already is).

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Appetizers.  The tomatoes and mozzarella were amazing but the toast with beets on it…. I now know that I do not like beets at all.  Not even a little.

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The good stuff.

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After lunch I had to drop Brooke off (let’s not even talk about it mkay) and then my mom and I went up to SLC to pick up the race bibs for me, my sis, my BIL and nephew to run the Hit and Run 5k!  This is going to be a good time.  

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After we picked up the bibs we went to a mall in SLC and I bought Brooke a new dress.  If I can’t be with Brooke then the second best thing I can do is buy her clothes right?  

We walked around for a few hours and hit up Cheesecake Factory for dinner.  My mom and I have the perfect system for this place.

1.  Eat their delicious bread.

2.  Split one of the pasta dishes.

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3.  Split our favorite dessert in the whole wide world.  Once upon a time when we were on vacation 8 years ago my mom and I went to Cheesecake Factory 4 days in a row just for this dessert.  Strawberry shortcake is kind of our thing.

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One of my favorite things after a big meal is to turn the heater on full blast and to turn the seat heaters up as high as they go.  It made the 40 minute drive back home quite enjoyable.  

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Came home and read for a while.    

I have 17 miles on the schedule for today so I am meeting friends early for 14 and then I will do the 5k with my family afterwards.  Today is a day of running because as you know running is quite therapeutic.


How did you spend your Friday night?

Anyone running a race this weekend?  

Beets….delicious or disgusting?

Best thing you ate yesterday?

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I’ve only ever had beets in pancakes and they were actually quite good that way. I don’t know if I’d like them not covered in sugar. Last night was very exciting in the Reichardt house. We had Panera for dinner then went to Target to stock up on coffee for my husband. We wound buying a new blender as well since I killed ours 2 weeks ago. I sure I have missed my daily smoothies!


Last night I went to dinner with my youngest daughter and my parents. My mom wanted my daughter to try her favorite restaurant. I am happy to have leftovers available for lunch today!

I love beets! It looks like your toast may of had goat cheese on top of the beets. That is one of my favorite combos!

The best thing I ate yesterday was espinaca dip and fresh tortilla chips. So good!


Not a fan of beets either.

Best thing I ate yesterday was my chocolate pots de creme for dessert. Seriously the best.

I made them for my best friend and I to eat while we had some girl and craft time.


I hope you guys have a blast at your 5k!! Please tell me where those pizzas came from? They look divine!!


Hey!!!!!!!! They are from Pizzeria 712 on state street in Orem!


Thinking of you today, friend. I’m hear if you need to vent or talk :)
LOVE your shirt in that picture with the shortcake- where did you get it, if you don’t mind me asking?


Hello gorgeous! You are the best… We NEED a phone date ASAP! It is from J Crew… I need to stop going into that store!


Friday nights consist of a simple homecooked meal and some movie time with the hubs next to our fireplace. There really isn’t much that beats that.

Have a great 5k with the family and an awesome weekend!!


Good luck on the run!!


Whew I have 10 to do today and I am sitting here procrastinating reading your blog! :)


I have recently heard great things about beet juice…I am waiting for chocolate to make the round again as being super healthy! ;)

Good luck today with your running. Remember chin up chica.


Have a great 5k! Friday night was just the boyfriend and I cooking dinner and hanging out – so nice sometimes!


It looks like quite the weekend adventure. I’m spending the weekend sans racing and packing up to move back to the East coast. I think that’s harder than racing anyways…at least it needs more motivation. HA.


Last night consisted of wings, smoke alarms and Bravo TV. :) Needless to say: it was exciting. My favorite thing I ate yesterday was not the wings (probably because of the smoke alarm) but I made these AWESOME chocolate chip cookies that are thick and gooey. Oh my goodness!


Friday night was all about staying in. I had a friend visit for a while, so we had dinner and watched a movie, and after she left, I spent the rest of the evening bumming around the house and relaxing. So nice… especially since the cooler and darker evenings make it so much cozier.

Have a great weekend, Janae.


I feel like I normally agree with you on these things but… I love beets! But, I’m vegan so I better like most things that grow in the ground otherwise life would be difficult :-) I hope you find something joyful in this weekend in spite of not having Brooke with you!


You and your friends look like you could be sisters! :) The food looks amazing especially the pasta, I drool looking at pasta. I’ve been thinking of you and Brooke since yesterday and wishing you peace of mind this weekend. I know it can be challenging. I am so glad you have your family as such an awesome support group. The Hit and Run 5k looks like so much fun. It looks like a blast. Take lots of pictures and share them all! Then when youre done have something nice and chocolately!


My three year old is weirdly obsessed with beets. I’ve actually never tried them, because my dad HATED them, and they weren’t allowed in our house growing up (which was weird, because my dad was super laid back and not really crazy about anything except BEETS). Kick that 5k’s trash, miss!


Have a great run this morning! The weekend will be over before you know it…

I also love strawberry shortcake…the Linda’s Fudge Cake is also pretty darn good.

I did Yasso 800s on the treadmill yesterday and I was starving afterwards…Texas Roadhouse rolls and salad hit the spot :). Oh yea, and ice cream.


I need a therapeutic run today too.
Wish we could run it out together.


I spent my Friday night going to bed early! My week was exhausting!

I’ve actually never tried beets! I have no idea if I like them or not. Best thing I ate yesterday was a grilled portabella mushroom. Yummm!


Have a great run! And I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you are doing the right thing by having Brooke maintain “that” relationship. stay strong!


I used to hate beets but in recent years have learned to like them. Oh how I love Cheesecake Factory- dessert looks amazing but I just can’t get anything other than chocolate cake….Best thing I ate yesterday? Probably my sundae from Cold Stone Creamery in the giant chocolate dipped waffle bowl.


Enjoy the 5K, and good luck on all those extra miles! I think you’re crazy about beets – I love them!


Busy, busy, busy! Good luck on all of your running today– you’re pretty much a boss so I know you won’t need it! ;-)


I spent my Friday night digging out ferns with a pick ax in the front yard. As I was doing it, I thought about how times have changed…

It was actually pretty enjoyable, and I was able to remove the biggest of the ferns (about 8-10 inches in diameter- there were 2 of these) in one night.

The best thing I ate yesterday was an organic apple and banana fruit salad. I’ll be repeating that for breakfast in just a bit…


I bought beets recently when I saw them pre-cooked at Costco, and it being Costco, the package is giant.

Of course, I’m not really enjoying them. Good job, self!

I do have a recipe for red velvet cupcakes using beets, so I’ll have to give them a try. The beets are good until January, so I have time!


I hope you have great runs today! I had to laugh at the idea of running 14 miles, then running a 5k, because for me right now that is so out of my reach, but you make it sound like no big deal. I think that’s awesome!


I hate beets. Everyone looks at me weird but I can’t help it. I can’t. Lol.


I’ve never tried beets….whenever I hear that word I just think of Dwight from The Office. I don’t think they look very good. The best thing I ate yesterday was the garlic cheddar mashed potatoes I made for dinner! I needed some comfort food after a rough week at work and the potatoes were perfect!


I’m ok with beets — not my favorite, but my mom always served them with turkey dinners so I still eat them when she serves them :)

Have a great day of running!


Beets are gross!

Friday night was spent with some much needed girlfriend time combined with a play date for our kiddos.

I hope you have a great time at your 5k!


Hope the race goes really well! It did look like it’d be a super fun time. And I don’t really blame you with the beet issue. In my life they have only ever popped up during Thanksgiving dinners and I stay away. Far away.


Friday night was homecoming and since I’m a class advisor, we had to be there.
Best thing I ate yesterday was either an egg, feta, and spinach wrap from Sbucks or Swedish Fish at the game.
20 mile run tomorrow :)
No beets! Or eggplant.


I’m running the BAA 1/2 marathon with a bunch of family tomorrow. I’m so pumped!

Beets are basically my favorite vegetable. Roasted on a salad with goat cheese and pecans?! Nothing better.

Last night my husband and I camped in front of the TV to catch up on our shows and the best thing I ate yesterday was a sea salt bagel with fresh veggie cream cheese. My office celebrates bagel Fridays and sometimes it’s the only thing getting me through the week!!

Hang in there this weekend. Run it out!


I ran the police memorial 5k in my town with a girlfriend. Lots of fun but I really think I need a garmin to pace myself! Races give me so much adrenaline that I just take off like crazy and then die at the end! :)

Enjoy your weekend!


Kensington and I were reading your post and she saw your first picture and I’m pretty sure remembers you and Brooke from your AZ visit. She got so excited see you both.


Beets – absolutely delicious.

I am raving a 5k this weekend. I don’t think I’ll do very well though, that seems to be the trend lately.

Hope your 17 miles went well!!


Pasta da Vinci from Cheesecake Factory may possibly be my favorite meal ever! I know it’s just pasta and chicken but …. how do they make it taste so good?! I can’t do that at home!

Hope you all rock the 5K, which I know you will :)


Spent mine getting some homework done, then went and got some Togo’s and came home and cuddled up with the boyfriend and we watched our shows, :) My favorite way to spend a Friday. No race for me, just a 3-6 miler (I haven’t decided how far I want to go yet haha). Beets = disgusting, there are some things in this world I can’t handle.


i spent my friday night working and then eating pizza in a hotel bed! it was pretty epic. beets…SO disgusting. gross. ew. let’s stop talking about it.

best thing i ate yesterday was probably the cookie my husband brought me to go along with bed pizza! i hope your miles are going great this morning-you are super inspiring to kick my butt into gear and run farther!


Good luck in the 5k! I’m sure you’ll kill it. The best thing I ate yesterday was sweet potatoes from the farmers market! I baked them and topped with coconut oil-amazing!!!


My Friday night was spent with my family in front of the television watching Undercover Boss and Shark Tank. A visit from my brother and his girl along with some words with friends with my mom. The best thing I ate yesterday was grapes from our grocery store. Seriously, best grapes I’ve EVER had! We’ve gone through two pounds in a day. Oops.


I really like beets! However my mother HATES them! When she was younger her brothers and she would steal the cans of beets out of the cabinets and throw them in the creek behind their house! Littering, yes… but a funny story.


Ooh I LOVE beets! Try Borscht soup, that’ll change your mind!!

Have a great running day, you’ll have Brooke back soon. I am hoping to run up a mountain (2500 ft) today but can’t seem to get off the sofa!!


I have never tried beets – they scare me! The best thing I ate yesterday was 1/2 cupcake from this place in Quincy, MA called Babycakes…yummy!


That pasta dish looks yumbo! I had nearly an identical looking dish at my local fave, Owen and Ollie’s…spinach and Gorgonzola in a balsamic vinagrette reduction. Omg delish!!


Wow that pizza looks awesome! We have had a hard time finding good pizza in Seattle. My favorite Cheesecake Factory dessert is Adam’s Peanut Butter Cheesecake. Best thing I ate yesterday was a bowl of Dryer’s Fudge Tracks ice cream.


I actually love beets, especially roasted beets. Maybe they didn’t prepapre them right??

No race this weekend, did a half last weekend so today I have an easy 8 on the schedule. Then we are celebrating my youngest turning two with delicious pizza and cake!

Have a great and fun race!


i hope you have a great weekend and all that running distracts you from missing brooke. good thing you’ll be reunited soon enough! =) good luck on your 5k (and your 14 mile run) – that sounds like a fun race!

i had a date with my mom last night, too. we went to the bon jovi concert in LA. so fun!


Since I wrote an exam yesterday afternoon and my brain was mush I spent the night on the couch watching tv.


blech, beets are disgusting!

best thing eaten- made pumpkin cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting… my daughter and I tried to do big fat roses on top, errrr not so much. She did way better than I did, they tasted AMAZING.

I’m just running 7 or 8, but Cheers to you on your run!


I spent my Friday evening at Oktoberfest with friends and then crashed out early – just the way I like it. :)

I love your guys’ strategy for the Cheesecake Factory. You almost have to share with those huge portions! I hope your 5k is lots of fun and that your weekend goes by quickly!


Friday night? Home in bed after a shift at the hospital. It was great!
I may run today, I may not. Dang work.
I love beets. Love, love LOVE them.
Yesterday my best meal was leftover Tilapia. So much buttery goodness.

Don’t worry, the drop off weekends will get better and it’s so worth it. Fifteen years later and I don’t regret one of them and the relationship that my kids have. Kids figure stuff out on their own and encouraging those relationships only makes them better people.
Enjoy your 5K!


I spent my Friday night playing Cards Against Humanity with Christian and some of his friends! Whenever I think of beets I think of Dwight Schrute from the Office….. ;)


I have a half Marathon Tomorrow, so I spent my Friday night freaking out about it with my running buddy, a sub3 marathoner who will kindly pace me for the last 4 miles of my race, meaning, he is gonna walk for 4 miles while I am gonna die for 4 miles. Happy Saturday girl.


That shortcake looked so good :)


I am not racing but plan to watch my husband run the Chicago Marathon! Cheerleading is fun!


Love “that” mall and the Cheesecake Factory there :) We always hit it up if we drive down to SLC – I have two dishes that I get when there; either the spicy (it’s not spicy at all) terriyaki chicken with brown rice (it’s amazing but salty from soy sauce..) and their orange chicken with brown rice (it’s HUGE but AMAZING). I have a thing for asian dishes and they do an amazing job! Hope you have a good run day!


Beets. Yuck.
Spent my Friday night on the couch watching Say Yes to the Dress. #Perfect.


That dessert looks amazing!!!

Hope you are having a good weekend regardless of the circumstances *virtual hugs* – go rock that race!


I just had a salad at a restaurant with beets in it, and I have to agree with you: NOT a fan. I literally ate around them haha. That pizza looks amaaazing though!! And yay seat warmers! Coolest invention EVER.



I LOVE beets – send ’em all my way. I’m doing the Chicago Marathon tomorrow. Just got back from the expo – it was a bit lame but I got my gear, got taped up and am ready to go!


Friday night was spent carbo-loading and an 8pm bedtime for my marathon this morning!
Do you have one of the new garmin watches? I thought I remembered you posting something about it but I don’t know when that was. Wondering if you did a review or plan to do one? Thanks!


I ran a race last weekend and I am running one next weekend but no race this weekend. I spent my Friday night panicking about an online quiz I thought was due that turns out isn’t due till tomorrow night (stupid)


Can’t say I ever ate beets—or that I even want to!


I HATE BEETS! One time at Thanksgiving I went to take a bite of my cranberry… nope it was a beet. Scarred for life.


I went to bed EARLY last night since I had a 10K race today! I get skeeved out from beets after working in a place that had pickled beets… When you’re around that smell a minimum of five days a week for five years, unless you love them, seeing another beat in this lifetime would be too soon, lol.


WHAT?! A whole entire day in one post?! I was hiking and out of service until just now and expecting a whole lot more of new HRG posts and only one :( boo hoo hoo, hahaha! I kid I kid. GL at your race!


I know this is off topic and I don’t know where you are in relation to Holiday,Utah but below is a link to another blogger mom and they’re hosting a free movie night for kids with snacks and a bouncy house included :) there’s a group of other momma bloggers getting together for the event too…I don’t think any of them do as much running as you do tho :)


Awesome! I also did my early morning run and then did the Hit & Run 5k. It was fun to watch people go through the obstacles! My Friday night was spent with my sweet boyfriend catching up on Walking Dead. I like Beets but probably not on toast. And best thing I ate yesterday was dinner.. pizza from Costco. :)


I LOVE beets! LOVE them — but didn’t eat them at all growing up. It probably wasn’t until the past couple of years that they were really even on my radar!


Friday night was spent relaxing at home because I have two races this weekend–I did a 10k today and I have a half marathon tomorrow. :)

I actually love beets. I like to roast them in the oven. And they’re also good with a little horseradish!


Spent my Friday night working and doing homework. What fun! :P No race this weekend, but a couple of miles with a pal. :) Beets taste like dirt to me. Ew. Best thing I ate yesterday was this Indian curry thing over rice. It had garbanzo beans, ground turkey, carrots, potatos, and all kinds of indian spices. SO delicious! That pizza looks amazing!!! I’m hungry…hahha. :P


That toast and beets looks amazing – but then I love them. The strawberry shortbread looks pretty good too. What a lovely tradition. My mum and I share a banana on toast with walnuts tradition… And rice and lentils. Not nearly as decadent as yours, but still pretty special when together xx


I met a friend for Mexican Friday night, though I would much rather have gone to the Cheesecake Factory.


The best thing I ate yesterday was probably a cinnamon roll from Ikea. So delicious.

I didn’t race this weekend, but I did work at a race expo, so that kind of counts…not really.


Friday night…watching movies with the hubby.
No races this weekend.

i am learning to like beets…slowly. They are good slices really thin on salads. Where I get all my cold weather performance apparel!


I like beets when I go out to eat, mainly because they can be such a mess to peel/prepare at home, haha.


I am weirded out by breaking up my long runs. Is that really ok? Educate me!


Let’s try this again. Teresa and the boys a long with my kids and granddaughter
Came and cheered me on for my second marathon. I did the St George Marathon. I beat my time from my first one (seattle rock n roll) by 10 minutes. I was excited and felt good. It got in my blood now. I have set a goal that by my 55 th bday I will have or will qualify for the Boston Marathon. Teresa said she would cheer me on but not race with me. Haha guess everyone needs a cheering section a long the way. I have 3 1/2 years to do it. I have to shave one minute per mile give or take a little. What would be your suggestion to help me pick up speed. I so want to do this. This is a big dream of mine. I know I can do it but will take some hard dedication. Any help would be wonderful. Thanks Diane

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