Mission accomplished and the most angelic thing in the world.

Remember how I said I was going to go with Paige to get our favorite salads?  Well, somehow getting a salad turned into getting 4 lb vegetable burritos and diet cokes.  I don’t know how it happened but I’m not mad about it.

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I love it when food is super cheap, it tastes amazing and then it also fills me up for a very long time.    

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We ate at a park to enjoy one of the last days of crazy good weather.  

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I found a costume that will be easy to run with and it looks pretty cool.  Mission accomplished.

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Let us take a moment to talk about Brooke’s eyelashes.  Babies sleeping may be the most angelic thing in the entire world.

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Birthdays= going out to eat some good food.  Happy birthday MEGAN!  Most restaurants give you a brownie sundae or something for your birthday but Pizza Factory gives you a pizza.

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We always get compliments on our salad making skills.

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And the non-birthday Megan sent us both home with homemade coconut almond butter and it is to die for.

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And my day (month/year) was made when I came home to this necklace from Karen.   You Are My Sunshine will always be me and Brooke’s song.

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Are you a jewelry person?  Do you wear it often?  Favorite jewelry store?

What did you have for dinner last night?

Almond or peanut butter… which do you prefer?

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I love places that give out free food for your birthday. You can get a free burger and fries at red robin if you sign up for their loyalty program. Totally worth it for those fries!


That necklace is beautiful!

I’m excited to see what you picked for your costume.

Last night we got subway for dinner. I usually don’t really like subway, but I had a craving and Mike wasn’t going to say no to getting an awesome sandwich for dinner.


Beautiful necklace!!!!


Last night I made chicken enchilada casserole that was amazing!!! And we finished wiry cookie dough ice cream :-) Pretty much any nut butter is delicious! I love that there are do many flavors and varieties now.


can’t live without my Michael kors watch and some rings. Love that necklace!!!


Dinner last night was left over veggie stuffed peppers. We Craigs Listed a greenhouse recently, and the people who took it (for free) invited us over for a thank you dinner.

The wife is an amazing cook and they’re leaving for Arizona on Monday, so they didn’t want the left overs to go bad. After we were completely stuffed, they sent us back with a full Trader Joe’s bag of goodies- including a new container of Tilamook’s Udderly Chocolate.

We were thankful that they took the greenhouse, and could not quite believe how wonderful of an experience it’s been- super incredible food and all.


Uhm, that picture of Brooke swinging is probably the prettiest thing I will see all day, and whoever took it should probably get paid to do things like that. Also – those eyelashes. Yes. Period. That is all.


I have to buy that necklace, that is the song I have sung to my son every single night since he was born. <3


Hi Sara!! Here is a link for the necklace if you are interested :)


Shoot me an email if you have any questions – [email protected]


sun flower butter! its the jam, man!


Love that necklace! I have never been a big jewelry person, but I have to dress up for work all the time now and I think it helps make me look more dressy. I also received a watch as a gift last summer–hadn’t worn one for, like, 15 years but I can’t go without it now!

Chicken and green beans for dinner. I don’t get home from work until about 8pm, so I’m not that hungry but I have to eat something.

Peanut butter–and my household is completely divided (and super opinionated) on whether creamy or crunchy peanut butter is better. So we always have both at our house :)


That sleeping picture of Brooke is soo cute and that is an adoreable necklace!
I had grilled chicken and kale salad for dinner last night.
Almond butter is delish!


I’m so jealous of Brooke’s eyelashes! :)

And that necklace is lovely — what a wonderful gift!


My favorite almond butter is the raw unsalted kind from Trader Joe’s. Very reasonably priced and very dangerous. I could totally polish off the whole jar in one sitting!


I love jewelry! I have a lot of it, but tend to wear only a few pieces at a time.

Dinner last night was a veggie bowl from Chipotle. It’s the best!

Almond butter for the win!


I had a turkey wrap and sweet potato fries for dinner last night…they are healthy because they are made from sweet potato right???

Yay for finding a costume!

I have been eating a lot of almond butter lately, but I would prob pick peanut butter because it goes so well with chocolate!


Love that necklace! I love jewelry of all types…I want a new charm necklace with a 13.1 charm though. I get jewelry from wherever something catches my eye.

Last night dinner was boring eggs so I made myself gluten and dairy free blueberry scones after – delicious. Pics are up.


I can’t wait to see the costume!

I like jewelry but I don’t like to wear a lot. I switch it up. I love the necklace! So cute!

I love my Skippy’s Natural PB, but I love me some Justin’s Almond butter (especially on a sweet potato)!


Not a jewellery person, at all. Even my wedding rings rarely stay on. I really adore that necklace though. Stella & Dot have some amazing pieces .

Dinner was spinach, red peppers, edamame and corn with grilled chicken.

It’s almond butter for the win although I’d never say no to some PB. I’m a spoon and jar kind of lady.


I love jewelry! My favorite piece is from a local business called 2 mama birds- it’s a nest with a pearl in it to represent my son. Cutest thing! Last night we had pasta with sautéed zucchini, tomatoes, onions and peppers with chicken sausage ( my addiction right now…so good!)


I’m not a huge jewelry person but there are two pieces that I always wear.. my Claddagh ring (worn the correct way too, heart facing me on my right ring finger) and a metal flower ring that my mom and I both have.

I had Red Robin last night.. a grilled chicken sandwich and two bowls of steamd broccoli… their broccoli is really good..

I’ll eat both, but I’m a peanut butter person through and through! Especially paired with strawberry jam or chocolate!


I’m really not a jewelry person, even though I pretend I am! The only jewelry I wear on a regular basis is my wedding ring, MK watch, and diamon studs. Do you consider hairties bracelets?? If so I wear bracelets every day :)

Fish sticks and green beans for dinner… had to share with the baby.

Peanut butter ALL THE WAY! But it must be super extra crunchy.


I love jewelry!! I’m on the search for a plain gold Midi ring right now. My favorite store is Charming Charlie’s, they have every piece of jewelry you could ever want!! I had a chicken salad with a side of broccoli, but I was dreaming of other things like sausage, and caesar dressing haha. In love with almond butter, I don’t like peanut butter too much


I like that necklace! I was never a jewelry person, but I have lately been becoming one more and more. I do not like to wear large pieces or big costume jewelry though. I’ve never tried almond butter but I would like to just to see what it’s like.


Nothing more precious than a sleeping baby. Even now, my son is 10, he may drive me insane but when he is asleep – oh so precious and peaceful, I can’t get enough of him…I used to think I was a jewelry person but I have noticed that since I stopped wearing my wedding rings a few years ago, I forget to put on the rest of my jewelry. My earings and a necklace are the only constants in my life since I sleep in them lol.


I’m not a huge jewelry (the fancy stuff I mean;)) person but I will wear costume like jewelry. I recently got the cutest necklace from Bama+Ry, she has a shop on ETSY you should check out… adorable handmade pieces and her story is pretty inspiring.


Ah those eyelashed are gorgeous-so are those cheeks. She’s too adorable.

I used to be a jewelry person & wore lots of accessories but since I wear my army uniform everyday that kind of ended. I do LOVE my Michael Kors watch that I left at my parents house a month ago and I’m so excited to go home to get it this weekend.

I usually stick with PB but the Justin’s Maple Almond Butter is to die for :)


You could definitely be Wonder Woman – that would be totally appropriate, and probably not too hard to run in since it is made of spandex. But I’m excited to see what you will be!

Almond butter, all the way. It is such a pain to make your own, but it is so worth it. I love homemade espresso vanilla almond butter.

PS I love Brooke’s boots. Do they make those in women’s sizes?


I like some jewelry, but I’m not a huge jewelry person. My favorites are my watch, rings, earrings, and maybe bracelets. I always feel like I do a terrible job with necklaces – need to work on that. ;)

We had homemade pizza for dinner last night! Yummmm.

PEANUT BUTTER all the way! I love me some AB from time to time, but PB always wins my heart.


That’s a pretty necklace! I just signed on to sell Origami Owl (their lockets are so pretty, and I love all the charms). I love changing it around every day!

I think I have to go with PB, but I’m really wanting to try that almond coconut! Mmm.

(disclosure: my link above goes to my O2 site)


OH I love the necklace!! :) and YES you need to teach me your salad making ways. ;)

good luck this weekend at your race my friend!! can’t wait to hear about it! :) xo


I want Brooke’s eyelashes, they are soo long!! I also think my fiance wishes he could get free pizza for his birthday over cake, he loves pizza!


Can’t wait to see your costume! It’s funny because I love peanut butter but don’t like eating plain peanuts, and I love almonds but not almond butter!


My mom used to sing “You Are My Sunshine” to me every morning to wake me up! We call it our thing too and before I left for college last year she gave me a little jewelry box with the words engraved on it! Its my absolute favorite!


I LOVE that necklace! so cute. just like Brooke! and your salad skills are very impressive! looks delish!


I love that necklace! That’s my mom’s song with us kids too.


I tend to only wear necklaces – most are from Stella and Dot. Nothing else really!

Last night for dinner I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I came home from track practice with no dinner or any food in the fridge – so PB&J it was! Super exciting……I might write my own cookbook with my exciting meals!


I don’t wear jewelery very much…mostly because I just don’t like to spend money on it, but I did meet someone that does some cute jewelery at the running expo last weekend so I want to check out her etsy store. I LOVE peanut butter!!!!


Aww!!! :) I am soo so glad you love it <3

Sleeping babies just make you FEEL peaceful!!



I’m pretty simple when it comes to jewelry, and I had cereal for dinner! Haha it was just too good.


i think i prefer almond butter but the price difference isn’t worth it IMO! that burrito looks amazing.


I wish I was a jewelry person! Simple stud earrings is all I can pull off. That salad looks amazing! I had vegetarian “chicken” and dumplings last night for dinner.


Ok, I’m a local girl and have to know. Where is that giant burrito from? I just came across your blog last week and I have to say I love it. You are beautiful, fun, and an inspiration.


What a thoughtful and sweet gift! You will have to get a matching one for Brooke to wear when shes a little older!


Last night we got a late start on dinner because my husband had a big test so I ended up having soup! Oh, and maybe some froyo…….

That necklace is beautiful! The only jewelry I wear much is my wedding rings – I sometimes will wear necklaces but very seldom, i’m just not good with jewelry!


Besides my wedding and engagement rings, I usually only wear earrings. But I’d love a necklace for my kids that I just wore everyday. I used to wear my pandora bracelet all the time, but it’s gotten too big since I’ve lost weight.

I made chicken fra diavlo with rolls and steamed asparagus. Super yummy. Can’t wait to eat leftovers tomorrow!

Peanut butter when I eat it. Which is not often.


“I love when food is super cheap, super filling and super delicious”. Bam. Soul Sisters.

I have two pieces of jewelry I wear (at all times). A wings necklace and a navy anchor bracelet. Dad’s navy and Tim’s Air Force. I hate rings and all other forms of jewlery because it is a pain when running. haha.


I need that burrito now. It looks so good. And Megan has me craving Chipotle, soooo. Looks like we need to be having some lunch/dinner dates again soon.

If it is paired with chocolate, I like PB. But wit fruit, I like AB. I maaaay have just eaten my almond butter with a spoon….after I finished eating my breakfast. I am like a freakin hobbit with my 1st breakfast, 2nd breakfast. EAT ALL THE THINGS attitude.

I love that necklace! I sing that song to my kids all the time. And now Anna will even sing it to me :) Kids are great. I love that pic of Brooke in the swing. She is so adorable.

Last night was great. I sure do love you girls. I am excited to see your costume. You are gonna rock that race tomorrow!


I just got my 1st Stella and Dot necklace…and I am in love!


She is so beautiful. Those are some crazy long lashes!

I’m a total sucker for jewelry but don’t wear much usually. My kids get all excited when I do which is really cute :) My favorite jewelry store is called Pavé. There’s one in Berkeley and one in Oakland.

I had a tortilla-less burrito for dinner.


The only jewelry I wear is my engagement ring and a necklace from time to time. I don’t have my ears pieced (crazy, I know!) and bracelets are just annoying. ;)


Love love LOVE that necklace! Last night I had a buffalo chicken sandwich that was soooo delicious I could’ve eaten four of them.


Jewelry is definitely something close to my heart. I would talk with my Mommom about it for hours and she would always get me the most PERFECT pieces of jewelry at every holiday. She never went wrong. I miss her a lot, so each piece of jewelry I have reminds me of her because she most likely got it for me :D


Oh! I sing “You are my sunshine” to my nephews as well – makes me tear up every time!!


There really is nothing as beautiful as watching your child sleep. One of my favourite times of the day is when I go in to check on my girl before I go to sleep. She looks so peaceful.

That picture of Brooke is so beautiful. Angelic is a perfect word.


I like almond butter, but peanut butter will always be the absolute favourite. Last night I made pasta with shrimp in a white wine and garlic sauce. It was pretty fabulous!


Goldfish on salads is hands down the best.

I usually end up always wearing the same jewelry – and always my gold fossil watch, that’s my favorite. Dinner last night was leftover chicken alfredo! I eat pasta every night…


Those are such long eyelashes!! What a total cutie! I usually wear jewelry but I don’t own a ton.. except for 7 strands of pearls, and a few pearl pendants, and I never take my pearl earrings off.. haha.


I love maple almond butter, but coconut sounds SERIOUSLY good.

The only jewelry I ever wear is silver hoops. I always, always, always lose jewelry so I don’t buy it often.


I have been on a new peanut butter kick recently. I cannot get enough but I should really cut back. Last month it was almond butter. I cant make up my mind.


Love that necklace! I’m not a huge jewelry wearer but it is one of the things I buy when I travel because I love to have unique pieces of jewelry. I love a little jewelry shop we have in town called Violette


Baby eyelashes are amazing. My little boy’s are fabulous, totally wasted on him. Me and my stumpy lashes are gutted!!


coconut almond butter sounds amazingly delicious. i love anything with coconut in it!

beautiful necklace! i love jewelry that has meaning :) one of my favorite pieces of jewelry is a silver necklace with a moon and a heart from my mom (it’s called “i love you to the moon and back”) – i LOVE it!


I love that you put Goldfish on your salad…so original and funny!


Sporadic jewelry person. Sometimes I search for the right piece to make the outfit. Other times it is none.

Dinner last night was chicken, broccoli, mushrooms, and red peppers over whole wheat linguine. Delicious.


coconut almond butter?? woah….I can’t imagine it NOT being heavenly!

And yes, baby eyelashes are worthy of jealousy and picture taking that wakes them up (heee) I love it!


Brooke’s boots are pretty much the cutest things ever!


I looooovveee that necklace! SO pretty.

And those eyelashes. ahhhhh <3 I can't wait to have my lil' girl here so I can admire those!!!


Not a huge jelewery person, but I am definitly a huge peanut butter and almond person! just depends on my mood.


I am a jewelry person and unfortunately I like expensive jewelry. Love Tiffanys, can’t help it, it’s the blue box.

Just want to say thank you for planting the bagel seed in my head because not only was it breakfast yesterday but I’m ashamed to say, it was dinner too!

Almond Butter rules!


I prefer almond butter, but I’m cheap so I go with PB most of the time.

What a nice necklace, I’ve heard lots about Stella and Dot!


It depends on the occasion. If I am going somewhere and I am dressed up I will wear more jewelry than if I am just going to the mall or a store. I don’t have a favorite jewelry store.

Last night we had Chicken Ratatouille. I have a picture of it on my blog. http://adayinthelifeofarunner.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/it-just-makes-sense/

I prefer almond butter, but I will eat either one.


Beautiful necklace, how thoughtful! I love it!!
And Brooke’s boots…I MUST know where you got them!?!?!?! How stinking cute are they?? Brooke makes them look EVEN cuter.


Dinner last night was an easy egg sandwich. After working a 12.5 hour shift at the hospital, I was ready to eat and crawl into bed!


I love that necklace! My grandma sang that song to me growing up, great memories!


Love the necklace. I got one made after my 2nd child was born, one circle has an H on it (Hope) and the other an A (Aidan). Then there is the word love between it. It’s awesome.

I am not a big jewelry person but I wear necklaces sometimes.

Last night I had roasted green beans and brown rice with a butternut squash sauce and rolled up almond butter with chocolate chip chews for dessert.

I love all nut butters but prefer almond to peanut.


Brooke is the cutest!!!

Right now I’m obsessed with the cocoa and coconut almond butter from Barney butter.


We went out for dinner last night, and my husband and I split this GIGANTIC chicken burrito. So good! And possibly the perfect pre-long-run fuel. I cranked out an awesome 20-miler this morning. And now I’m looking forward to tapering for Richmond. Three weeks! YIKES!


I had almond butter and jelly on pancakes last night (like every night) for dinner :)

I prefer peanut butter but for some reason I have it in my head that almonds have more nutrients or something so I make myself eat that instead. Ha.

I LOVE the necklace. So sweet.


Almond butter all the way! I LOVE it! Can’t have it before running though… And I don’t like peanut butter.


Not a big jewelry fan. But I love earrings. I had Dominos pizza for dinner last night. Definitely peanut butter.




OBSESSED with almond butter. Ever tried the dark chocolate kind by Maranatha? Holy goodness. To. Die. For. It just goes great on anything and everything. Banana’s, apples, toast, on a spoon (my favorite), or just all over my face. Either way, it’s fantastic!

For dinner I had tilapia, quinoa and potatoes and green beans smothered in some yummy buttery sauce. Then…… went over to a friends house to study where I proceeded to have chips and queso (LOT’S of it) and Take 5’s and Receeses :)

LOVE jewelry. Necklaces, rings and watches (<- literally have a watch obsession) are my favorite!


Last night my husband took me out to dinner after I PR’ed in my race!

I am definitely a peanut butter fan. Oddly enough, I like almonds better than peanuts but I just can’t get into almond butter.


Fish sticks and potatoes last night!

Peanut butter all the way!!

http://expertbrand.com for all the best running apparel!


I wear very little jewelry but the pieces I do all have specific meaning.

My engagement ring and wedding band
Simple stud earings (2 holes and 2 cartilage)
My Favorite Michael Kohrs watch which was a gift to myself
and a little Tiffany’s necklace from my parents on my wedding day.


Little kids eyelashes are the most beautiful things ever.

I’m not much of a jewelry person. I tend to injure myself on it. Or lose it.


Veggie burritos are the BEST!! Love that salad mountain with goldfish crackers. Such a better alternative to croutons.

Almond butter or peanut butter? SUNFLOWER BUTTER! I’m such an addict.


Yum that homemade coconut almond butter sounds amazing!! Yay for birthdays and pretty jewelry! And Brooke’s eyelashes are so prettyyyy!



Must be a thing with mom and babies…I sang that song ALL THE TIME to my kiddos when they would be falling asleep while rubbing their forehead. I actually think 2 out of the 3 loved it b/c they occasionally will ask me to do it when I am saying good night to them….ahhhh!


Can’t wait to see what costume you chose! I just discovered Costco’s natural PB and it’s pretty amazing.


I love cashew and pecan butter but I just can’t get into almond butter!


Veggie pie, peanut butter, and not a jewelry person – though I wish I was!

Babies are gorgeous sleeping soundly!


I am sort of a jewelry person…I love jewelry and all accessories, really, but I don’t wear them as often as I could. I LOVEEE that necklace though! SO pretty! Although not as pretty as baby eyelashes- she really does look like an angel :)


I think peanut butter. Although that coconut stuff looks to die for! Hahaha I love the salads. People think I’m crazy when I build a mountain salad. They’re so hard to eat though!


Brooke sleeping is probably the cutest thing ever! :D And I really need to build a mountain salad sometime … ;)
I love the you are my sunshine necklace :)


Everyone once in awhile I’ll wear jewelry. Since I work outside and get pretty dirty some days I won’t wear it to work. It’s when I go out with friends that I’ll wear jewelry.


Yum! The Coconut Almond Butter sounds delicious. Love baby eyelashes when they are sleeping! So precious!

I love that necklace too – I go through periods of wearing jewelry but even then I wear really simple stuff. I like the more rustic look of leather and metal stuff when it comes to bracelets but necklaces I love the style of Stella and Dot stuff as well as Erica Sara Designs.

I honestly don’t even remember what we had for dinner last night. That’s how crazy my life feels.

I love Almond Butter since I switched over from Peanut Butter but … I still have a strong love for good Creamy JIF All Natural Peanut Butter.


How about a spoon of almond butter dipped in peanut butter–the more the merrier :)


Biggest jewelry fanatic ever! Wear lots of it everyday. Feel naked without it.
Peanut butter= life. :)


I usually just wear small earrings to work during the week. On weekends I might wear a necklace. I will always love peanut butter more than almond butter!


Wow!!! That is a beautiful necklace!!!!


I love V’s eyelashes too. They are long like Brooke’s


I prefer almond butter!

Brooke looks cute with the bow in her hair.

Lots of love from Holland.


What a great necklace!


This necklace it super precious. I love jewelry but have no go-to store. I just buy what I like.

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