The CURE for anything.

You have to admit…this is so true:

The Cure For Anything Is Saltwater

Now I just need to drive up north to the Great Salt Lake for some of that saltwater. 

This morning’s run was quite sweaty which is why I included the quote above.  Sweat is our cure.

I didn’t get out the door until much later than i planned because Brooke decided that hanging out with me at 6:00 a.m. sounded like much more fun than sleeping and I have to agree with her… it actually is.    So I ran during her nap instead. 

Best idea of the day—>  Listening to Beyonce while I ran.  Girl power.  

Worst idea of the day—->  Eating an Ego waffle with syrup minutes before my run.  

1 mile @ 8:00

4 miles @ 7:07

Break for two minutes because of stomach cramps from eating right before my run.  I am really trying to figure out my nutrition before my runs because during the summer I got used to not eating anything before I ran (because I had to run so early) but it is time to change that.   Can’t run a car on an empty tank so I shouldn’t try to do that with my body in the morning when I go for a run.    

1 mile @ 8:00

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And for your daily randomness from Janae:

1.  A life-size Barbie.  They do exist.  I don’t know what to think about them.  

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2.  A purse’s best friend.  These little pb packs to go are one of the top 10 greatest inventions. They have saved my stomach many times when I am out and about.

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3.  Saw this from my good buddy Bart Yasso and loved it.    NONE of us are fake runners:)

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4.  These are in fact the best popsicles. 

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And now Brooke and I are doing our usual activity of laying on the ground at my sister’s house for as long as possible.  

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Fill me in!!! How/what/when do you eat before a morning run?  What works for you?  What doesn’t work for you?

What snacks do you have in your purse right now?  What are your favorite purse snacks?

What song(s) did you listen to on your run today?

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I always keep one of those nature valley sweet and salty nut bars in my purse and I always have organic fruit roll ups in the car for the “kids”. (Really they’re for me and sometimes I share, but I’m not good at sharing so sometimes I just make them wait.)


That quote is amazing! And so true. Just pinned it :-)

If the run is very early, I won’t eat, but if it’s past 8:00, I’ll have a small snack, like a wrap with peanut butter or a banana with peanut butter.

I have…Swedish Fish in my purse right now. And I always do! I also usually have pretzel goldfish AND those delicious raspberry blue diamond almonds.

I didn’t run today because I took the day off. Instead I was on the elliptical reading the text book for my NASM training certification. The chapter was may have went in one ear and out the other ;-)


I love both of your bangs!


If I wake up early to workout, I usually eat something really small and bland like a banana or a piece of toast. That way it doesn’t mess with my stomach, but gives me some extra carbs and calories to fuel my workout.

What snacks DON’T I have in my purse right now? Kidding. Kind of. I have a variety of like five different bars though for those “just in case” moments. I am not a happy woman if I don’t have food in my belly.


I always have some kind of bar in my purse- thinkThin, Larabar, Clif bar!


Before all my runs I eat 1/2 a clif builder bar (chocolate mint). Works wonders!.


We have a bunch of those popsicles, too! They were on sale so we stocked up.


Before long runs (when I have a little bit of time before my run), I like to eat a GF Van’s waffle with PB and blueberries on it. DELICIOUS. If I have to run first thing I try to just drink a little something with some carbs/caffeine in it.

I always have some almonds and some sort of Luna bar in my purse :)


I love waffles before I work out, but I don’t work out nearly as hard as you do and I also just do butter, no sweetness.

I usually have a Fiber One granola bar in my purse. They keep me full.

I don’t listen to music when I go on walks because I’m paranoid that someone will come attack me or kidnap me and I won’t be able to hear them coming with my headphones on. My walks are also only about 20 minutes tho and I go with my dog so keeping her under control keeps me busy.

Those peach Popsicles are the Both my mom and I are obsessed. She wishes she could live off them but my dad won’t let her.


No snacks in my purse right now…such a travesty! I usually have my water and a banana right when I wake up before my run and its usually settled by the time I am dressed and ready to go. You should put your playlist on here! I need some more good tunes!!


I am pretty sure life size Barbies are scary :)! If I go really early I don’t eat much of anything either and usually I don’t really think thta is a big deal except on marathon day when I need to eat something at o’ dark o’clock and I can’t. I might have a handful of raisins or honey nut cheerios. When I wait a bit I usually eat a banana and that works for me :).
My biggest fear is during race nutrition!!!
I went headphoneless for speed today! Way to kill your tempo after speed!!!!!


No snacks in my purse just gum! I do have some in my desk at work tho.. I run too early to eat anything before, but on LR days I usually just eat a plain piece of bread or something easily digestible so as to avoid issues :)


I usually have some kind of bar. I really like Picky Bars because they aren’t too big but they get the job done.

Nice tempo run! I’ll be doing one tomorrow!

I don’t have any purse snacks…I’m going to have to change that.

What flavor fruit bars are in the freezer? Coconut?


I ate about thirty minutes before my run last night and realllllly regretted that decision. I don’t normally do that! I try to get a little snack in about two hours before, when I run in the evening, or no food, in the morning.


oh i love that bart yasso quote. SO true! i have to take a break from running right now and sometimes i feel like i’m not a runner anymore, so this is a good reminder :)

i don’t have any snacks in my purse at the moment, but i usually carry around almonds and an apple (sometimes even a protein bar just in case i get ravenous – haha it happens!).


Hi – the Honey Stinger waffles work great minutes before a run. They digest really well (for me). And they are a “waffle”… :)


Before long runs, I eat a tablespoon of peanut butter about 15 minutes before I leave. SOmetimes I burp up peanut butter breath, but it works for me! I currently have grapes in my purse. But I like bars that don’t go bad or granola or nuts! Something that will last and hold me over when I need it. I listened to a lot of Timbaland today on my run. And some RiRi!


I honestly don’t eat before my morning run. I usually will wake up and have some Powerade zero or some sort of fluid and then about 15 minutes before my run depending on how hard and how long it is I will take a power chew or gel. I cramp really easily so it is easier for me if I wait to eat until after.


I love those little PB packets too. Perfect for throwing into your purse or diaper bag! I usually eat a granola bar and part of a banana before my morning runs.


How/what/when do you eat before a morning run? What works for you? What doesn’t work for you?

Currently, I don’t eat before my AM runs because I’m running so early (5:30 AM or so). I’m also only doing 5-6 miles, so no real need for extensive fuel. If I run later in the AM (like on Saturdays, oh how I love them), I usually have oatmeal (Panera’s oatmeal is a favorite of mine), a Quest bar, or Vermont Peanut Butter on a whole wheat english muffin. Usually, I eat an hour or two before I run. I haven’t had any issues with that strategy.

What snacks do you have in your purse right now? What are your favorite purse snacks?

There are no snacks in my purse right now. Earlier today there was a Lemon Pie Quest bar, but it disappeared mid-afternoon. LOL I keep almonds in my desk for an emergency snack too. I usually carry a Quest bar or two and sometimes single serving packs of nuts.

What song(s) did you listen to on your run today?

I ran yesterday and listened to Disturbia (Rhianna), Fell on Black Days (Soundgarden), Higher Ground (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Canned Heat (Jamiroquai), We’re Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister) and No Excuses (Alice in Chains), among others. I keep my Running playlist on shuffle during my Zombies, Run! app so that I never know what is next.


I am training for my first full marathon, and have been eating 1-2 packets of oatmeal before my long runs. I use either plain, maple & brown sugar or mix them together. I love peanut butter, but it just does not sit well if I eat it before I run so I had to ditch that idea quickly. I also like cliff bars as pre-run fuel.
I just want to say how much I admire your strength and positivity through all of this. You are not just a running inspiration, but a personal one as well. Stay strong! xoxo


If I’m running before work I try to be out the door within 15 minutes of waking up, so all I do is have a big glass of water & sometimes grab a stick of gum. However, I’m slowly increasing my mileage, so I know I need to think more about how I’m fueling my body.

And sadly, no snacks in my purse. Just gum. Even my snack cupboard at work is looking pretty bare.


I don’t run super long distances (2-4 miles) but I like to eat half a banana with a teaspoon of peanut butter before I run. My stomach loves it! An orange sits really well too!


The only thing that sits is an English muffin with peanut butter. I actually only started eating before my runs a few weeks ago … amazing what a difference it makes, especially with longer ones!


I have a Macrobar in my purse, some almonds and dates in a container and an apple. :) I swiped stuff from my parents house since I forgot my lunch bag at home. Ha.

I don’t tend to eat before my short runs 5 miles or less. But try to eat something before longer runs. This past Saturday I ate a PickyBar before my 1/2 training run and it fueled me pretty well. I was eating whole wheat toast with a smear of almond butter or pb and 1/2 a banana before my races.

I think I have a doll like that. Tucked away at my parents place. Scary thing.

I haven’t listened to music on a run since April 7. lol


I love that quote!! Before most of my morning runs I’ve been on a big Smart Start kick. I have a small bowl (no milk) and if it’s a long run, I have some of the Gu Chomps too. Or sometimes just a piece of toast with peanut butter.


I can only stomach a single piece of toast with a bit of peanut butter before an early run — anything more is not a good idea for me!

Great quote from Bart Yasso!

Have a great night!


I must eat before I run…I always run right after breakfast and usually have a small bowl of oatmeal with berries and sometimes banana. I can tolerate peanut butter (my favorite food) but try not to eat too much of it before I run because it can sometimes sit funny. I live on apples but have found I can’t run after eating one.


I don’t like to eat or drink anything before running. That’s why I prefer to go in the mornings. If I do run in the afternoons, I only eat a small meal or granola bar 2-3 hours before so I don’t cramp up. Otherwise it’s miserable. Also, that is my absolute favorite quote. I have it written on my mirror in my room for whenever I’m having a bad day. Oh, and that barbie is a little bit creepy…


Applesauce with a bit of protein powder (unflavored) does the trick for me!!


Oh my goodness look at Brooks little bottom teeth they are so adorable! I never can get over how adorable she is. You are doing an excellent job Janae! I usually just carry around in my purse something I’ve grabbed like an apple or banana or lately these oatmeal balls which are awesome. I have to time my eating before I exercise because I am a diabetic :(

Have a great day!


Yes those are in fact the best popsicles!


I usually do toast and pb while I’m tying my shoes. Long runs, I eat toast & pb, a stinger wafer before I go. Then gatorade chews or gel starting at mile 3 and every other mile after. I ran a 10k Sunday morning- toast and pb, a stinger wafer when I got there, sucked a gel at mile 2. Then gatorade chews every mile. The freezing cold at he beginning sucked out my energy!

Purse snacks: Cheerios for the baby. I’m hardly away from home long enough to need a snack in my purse unless I’m running.

I’m just using your running playlist. Yeah. Needing to add some new. Hoping for a iTunes gift card for my bday tomorrow!


I love to eat a granola bar before I run. I add a piece of fruit (usually a banana) if I am racing. I just added some old school Hanson to my iPod to listen to during my run tonight and I am embarrassingly excited about it.


I’m not a morning runner, but if I were I’d probably go with a liquid meal. Does that sound doable for you?

Love the quote about fake runners – I use to say that, I’m glad I stopped!
I live 5 miles from the beach – so Salt Water is part of me. I have a Salt Life sticker on my car.

Oooo – I found small travel size squeeze pouches of ALMOND BUTTER yesterday! Jackpot!!! I only bought two because they weren’t priced. They were under a $1/ea – I’m going back for more for sure!


I saw this link and thought of you!!!


Hahahah yes!!! Thank you!


For me, it’s not so much what I eat but when I eat it…I have found that I need to eat at least 1.5 hours before I go out (and yes, this means getting up at 4 sometimes for weekend long runs…ugh). Eating any sooner than that almost guarantees G.I. issues for me! I’ve had a bowl of Grape Nuts Fit (cranberry/vanilla flavor) cereal before every long run this marathon training cycle and have had no problems. I also usually hydrate with a Kona Cola Nuun before-hand, also 1.5 hours before I run.

I’ve had the lemon Outshine bars, but the peach sound amazing! There is nothing like a popsicle after a hot, hard run!


I always have a banana before I work out. I can eat one as I walk out the door to run and it doesn’t bother me at all. If I have a few minutes to digest I make a smoothie with milk, banana, pb, and ice. Sometimes I do an eggo with pb and banana (if I’m feeling fancy ;)


Before a long run I usually eat peanut butter toast. Those jif to-gos are awesome! I will bring that if I’m traveling for a race so I can still have peanut butter on a bagel or bread. For shorter runs I always have coffee and could be nothing or just a handful or dry cereal.

My purse usually has kid snacks (goldfish, dry cereal, etc) and maybe a granola or protein bar. It’s definitely helped me out in a pinch when I’m starving somewhere!


I prefer running first thing on an empty stomach. But as it gets colder ill have to go back to my later AM time- which is hard because if I have coffee/water etc beforehand I have to pee the entire run ha. And food wise oatmeal or an English muffin seem to be ok. Let me know what you figure out. And now I’m craving waffles..

That life size Barbie is sweet! I wanted one so bad as a kid haha. Curly is really growing up- she’s a cutie. You and Brooke look gorgeous in that last photo btw!

Have a great day Janae!


Those jif packs are the best! I need to remember to put that on my grocery list… I’m n east coast girl so bagels ate where it’s at (for my pre-run fuel). I’ve learned the hard way that I need at least a little somethin’ somethin’ before I go out for my run. No one likes to be stranded, on the side of the road, with nothing left in the tank! As for my purse, I always keep some trail mix and bars stashed inside. And no, I will not specify if the bars are granola or candy ;)


I can eat pretty much anything before a run. I’ve got a Clif bar in there right now. I didn’t listen to anything on my run because I need to get an iPod shuffle! Anyone selling one?!


I love that quote. I do think salt water cures all! If I’m going on a long run, I try to eat something with some substance-like a bagel, and then wait an hour or so before running. But if I’m going on a shorter run right when I wake up then I’ll eat a graham cracker or two before and then eat a full breakfast after. Graham crackers seem to sit really well with my stomach and are just enough so I’m not starving during my run.


I love this idea! I do granola bars now, but graham crackers would probably work the same and be much more fun. I have to try this out.


I officially registered for my first full marathon today. In the past few years I’ve run a bunch of half marathons but never a full 26.2. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for the past few years and you’ve been so brave and strong especially recently that you’ve inspired me. The marathon always seemed so daunting but I have just decided I’m gonna go for it! Now I’ve just got to book my ticket to Honolulu for the Friday before December 8th! =)


Ahhhhhh this is so so exciting!!!!!!! You are going to rock it! Please let me know how it goes!


Oh geez… what snacks DON’T I have in my purse right now? I get hit with the hangry pretty hardcore, so I always make sure to have food on me to make sure I don’t expose other people to the terror that is me without enough food in my belly ;) Right now I’ve got… raisins, dry cereal, a snack bar, a few mini chocolate bars, and a banana hanging out in my purse. I seriously need a portable mini fridge so I can carry around yogurt and ice cream too.


I have to eat something before my run usually a protein pancake, like you said “can’t run a car on an empty tank”.

Question- Do you or have you run before sunrise? I’d like to start running before my husband leaves for work so I don’t have to push the stroller (I love my son but he’s getting heavy on my longer runs) but debating whether it is safe.
Anyone opinion?


If I’m working out in the morning I eat a Lara Bar (Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip is AMAZING) about a half hour before a run. I try to eat one an hour before but sometimes I don’t wake up with enough time to do that.


pre run food: toast with sunflower seed butter, banana, honey and chia seeds :)

purse food is typically trail mix & starbursts. also, have you ever had the trader joes fruit frenzy bars?? definitely the BEST popsicles everrrrr!


I always eat before I run. If it’s super early then just a banana but I try to have a quick blended drink with protein powder and a banana so I get the carbs I need. One thing that I’ve found that is awesome is those packets of organic baby food. (I KNOW!) Sweet potato or a mix of a veggie and fruit are good. Another good thing is the Fruit Crushers from TJ’s. I’m working towards having an all natural fueling system instead of using GU’s…etc.
Try Pace bars – they are local. SO GOOD.
Justin’s has the best packets of almond butter…I use them during relay’s. I really like the maple and the chocolate flavors.
No run today…


Breakfast–Eggo with crunchy peanut butter
Snack in purse–Dried edamames (like the ones by Seapoint)
Music–Avicii Promo Mix 2013 (it’s an hour long!), Passion Pit, and Calvin Harris.


FALSE! I am most definitely a fake runner. #truestatement


BANGS…… You are in trouble


Nah… I don’t get untrouble. You know this!


In trouble*


I run first thing in the morning, eeeearly,so I don’t eat anything. if it’s over 10 miles, I’ll down a pc of bread with PB or a banana w/PB.

My “go to” song this morning was “Push It” by Salt N Peppa. Love
And the other that got me going was (shamefully) Mambo No 5. ;)


I was always surprised your coach let you get away with running on an empty stomach. For any run over 30 mins, I aim for about 150 calories, mostly carb, about 20 minutes before I start running. I avoid dairy and protein like the plague, and I don’t think fructose is good fuel so I skip that too. I usually choose some kind of granola bar for anything over 4 miles during the week (so usually less than 13 miles), and on the weekend, I usually do instant oatmeal (slightly higher in calories, but usually going well over 13 miles).


Both of those quotes are amazing and very true. On my run today I listened to Kanye West. I think he is super annoying but really gets me going on runs. Before a morning run I can only handle oatmeal and a banana. Anything else and I spend more time walking out cramps than running.


I just used that quote on my blogpost 2 days ago – so weird! I love it though- its so true

I need to eat about 2 hours before a run to make sure everything is settled :)


I have discovered that I do better eating something like a Luna bar like 3 miles into my long runs (if they are first thing in the AM) than trying to eat before. I do drink coffee before, however ;-)


A handful of almonds usually works for me first thing in the morning before a run. They have so many great flavors! LOVE that quote about saltwater. So true!

PS What mascara do you use? I’ve noticed in several pictures lately your eyelashes are gorgeous :-)


I LOVE that quote :)


I haven’t really figured out my nutrition before running either, so I’m eager to find what find out and hear what others have to say!! I love that Brooke’s got a microphone. Sing it, sister!



I use to never eat before running either but a fitness instructor gave me a recipe for a protien shake. Eat it at least 15 min before running. It sits easy, tastes delicious and gives me tons of energy both short and long. 1/2 c of raw oats, 1/2 banana 1 scoop protein powder vanilla flavored, vanilla almond milk water and ice till its the consistency that you like. I use a magic bullet so I just fill the cup up and drink straight from there. You can also substitute a banana for any fruit you like just use 1 cup. Mangos are my favorite then raspberries. Also the kind of proton powder matters. We got a cheap kind from Walmart and it was nasty. We use gnc syntha 6. If your interested.


I go with a bagel/toast with PB before runs!! Always does the trick. If I’m running really early (like my 4 am runs) I’ll just have a banana before I go!

And favorite purse snack is the packs of 100 calorie almonds- the cocoa and cinnamon are the best!


Oh my gosh, I TOTALLY agree with that statement! I ran a 5k today- not much by your standards ( ;) ), but the longest distance since I got to college a month ago!


Outshine is the best kind of popsicle!
Amazing splits on your track workout :)


I like to eat a toasted bagel with peanut butter or almond butter about 45 minutes before a run. With cherry limeade Nuun. Sadly I don’t have any purse snacks right now. Oh wait, I lied. I had a PayDay in mine yesterday but I ate it. Carbs and protein right?


I usually eat a larabar before my morning runs! Energizing with very little bulk.


I like something small like a banana or piece of toast with peanutbutter. Speaking of which, I NEED that to go pack of peanutbutter! That would be awesome to take to work with me!
I’m not running again quite yet but I did go down some stairs with less pain. Progress! :)


During the week I run at night and on weekends when I do my long run I have oatmeal. Mmmm, plain bland boring oatmeal. So good.


I prefer to run on an empty stomach, but oatmeal about an hour before seems to work well, too. When i wake up to do it in the morning, I just can’t eat and then run, so I don’t, and I’m fine! I have been listening to Katy Perry playlists for the last few runs. I love her songs haha perfect to run to! In my purse you could find a Quest bar, and a Clif bar! Gotta stay on top of things ;)

Love that Brooke couldn’t wait to hang out with you again today so she woke up early! Too cute!


Banana and peanut butter!! Or almond butter. AT LEAST 1 tablespoon, usually a heaping spoonful :)


we looooooooooooooooove those peach popsicles over here! They’re our favorite!


Way too cute!! Let me know if you are going to sell any:) I switched weltals and now have no coin purse. I keep waiting to see a cute one now I have. I really need to learn to sew!


You must try a pace’s popsicle. They are made in Davis County. They have all different flavors….Peach, rootbeer, lime, grape, tiger’s blood, blue raspberry, cherry.


I’m definitely a fan of the food-at-all-times strategy…you never know when you’re going to need a snack! I did just eat some of mine, but I’ve still got a mini rise bar and a Quest Bar in my purse…I ate my almonds today ;-)


If I am going to run and it will involve speed I seriously prefer a middle of the night snack to accomplish this. It must be because I wake 2-3 times a night anyways, but I found this to work for me for speed or race day.
My pr half marathon was fueled by a cinnamon roll eaten at 3:30am.
Maybe the lesson here is don’t rule out anything.


I hate eating before morning workouts for the same reason but I’ve found that forcing myself to eat a couple bites of something does the trick. I prefer half a banana or a couple bites of a granola bar.


I’ll eat like a half of banana with a little PB. Oatmeal works for me too…not too much food, but just enough.

My current purse snack obsession is roasted edamame. I found them in individual packs which makes it so easy to throw in my bag or purse. And they are packed with protein. Seriously, favorite thing ever right now. Oh, and I did find an apple in my purse the other day too. Not sure when it was from, but it saved me from starving during my errands the other day. I seriously always need food, it’s kinda ridiculous.

Today I listened to good ol’ T-Swift. She fits any mood I’m in.


Aww so sweet, Janae. Praying for you. I know you’re going through a tough time. Trust in God’s strength :)

Since running is my full-time job, nutrition is key. And, so important. I have oatmeal ( I make it in a mug in the crock pot overnight so it’s ready right when I get up!) When I do my afternoon run, I like running on a pretty empty stomach. But, my favorite snacks are almonds or larabars. Anything gluten free and vegan.

Also, I love Vega bars, Picky Bars (created by Lauren Fleshman), and MacroBars :)


I love the Outshine bars in Acai Blueberry!


Before EVERY run I have a bowl of cream of buckwheat with a scoop of protein powder, peanut butter and flax seed mixed in with almond milk. I love it! I eat it about 1-1.5 hours before I run.

My go to snack in my purse are the lara bars or kind bars.

My favorite song to run to right now is Blurred Lines!! I put it on repeat and GO!


I just started trying to eat before my runs since I can’t get out the door before 10:00 these days. The hubby’s work schedule has changed he works late at night and my one year old refuses to sleep past six i also have a 3 year old too. Anyways I must be abnormal I like to eat the malt o meal version of honey bunches of oats a banana sliced on top with skim milk a cup of coffee and cup of water. I eat this about an hour before a run and I feel a ton more energy and it sits fine with me. Now given I am a slower runner and the longest run I have tried this on is 7 miles. I have figured out that sausage or eggs does not sit well. Really been enjoying Katy Perry’s new song roar i love beyonce as well I love girl power music.


If I’m going for a long run or a race, I’ll eat toast with pb or jelly or both, never without coffee! And if I’m just blasting out the door for a run or other workout before work, I’ll only eat something sugary that can be instantly digested, like dates, or, let’s be real here, pieces of Pop Tarts.


I agree, sweat is the best cure for just about anything.

BTW, really cute feature on Women’s Running today!!


I found your blog the other day and have really loved it. I so wish I was fast like you, I am so inspired by your speed.

I run early also and I like to eat plain yogurt with granola and chia seeds on top or a banana with a scoop of PB. I do not like running on empty regardless of the hour. I often am out the door before 4:30 and I ALWAYS eat something. Of course, you are faster than I am so. . .who has the better way? Ha ha!

Seriously, be my coach.


I always have a Quest bar (Brownie or apple pie flavors) and half a banana. Such a weird ritualistic morning routine! I LOVE and thrive off normal/regular routines like that. However! I have been switching it up lately (who am I!?) and I have been having a Thomas Light English muffin with chinky PB and half a banana. LOVING the switch.

I LOVE the idea of carry to-go PB in our purse! Whenever I feel like I need a snack or f I am feeling an every/bood sugar low I ALWAYS crave PB!

I keep Quest bars in my purse at all times. I am a dork like that ;) Have you tried Quest bars! I am clearly addicted haha


Love, love , love the quote! I recently started running and absolutely love it! You’ve inspired me to keep going no matter how bad I want to give up sometimes.. I found your fan/blog page on Facebook and sent you a message.. Hope you get a minute to read and respond!


I like having a secret stash of chocolate in my bag…except when it’s hot out because then it gets all melty and leaks all over.


Brooke looks so happy in these pictures. Actually, in all of your pictures. I bet she wakes up and goes to sleep everyday knowing she is LOVED. You’ve given that to her, Janae. You rock!!!

Now on to food stuff. I always have a packet or two of Justin’s Maple Almond Butter in my purse as an emergency snack. And before long runs, I eat two pieces of cinnamon swirl bread (from Trader Joe’s) with cream cheese or almond butter on top. Yum.


Half of a plain toasted bagel with a bit of PB works every time. And coffee…I eat it an hour before my run/race and I’m golden :)

Always have an apple in my purse along with fruit snacks incase I need to bribe my 3 year old to do something haha. Oh and right now there is also a bag full of candy corn :)


When I need to fuel before a run, I’ll have half a banana, a piece of granola bar or a handful of crackers. Then wash it down with some water. If I eat a full meal, I wait about 60-90 min to run.


I haven’t commented before, but since I’m finally through reading your blog from the beginning.. I must say that You were the biggest inspiration for me to get back running again. I used to be a cross country runner in high school, but all that training just made running an unpleasant activity for me. From You I learned that I shouldn’t go running with expectations and I noticed more how happy a good run really made me feel. Do not ever stop blogging !


Perfect pre-run snack for me is a banana + peanut butter. I have it almost every morning. It is delicious and gives me just enough energy for my run but it is easy on my stomach.


I love this quote and really believe it to be true!
My favorite purse snack is a KIND BAR (but be careful they can get mushy) or some trail mix. I love Justin’s individual packs of almond butter and peanut butter. Great for traveling!
I have the same issues w eating before I run…I’m a teacher and now that I’m back at school my runs have gone from morning to afternoon. I have been feeling so sluggish lately because I’ve had all day to make unhealthy choices rather than start the day off right. I’m working on it…I do love Eggo waffles though :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


The new Katie Perry song Roar is the best song to have on when running! Its got such great lyrics, and I love her!


I love all of this!
I have trail mix in my purse right now. Love it.


I make these little peanut butter balls that I found online. Its PB, ground flax, honey, oatmeal and mini chocolate chips, then you roll into the size of a golf ball. They are so yummy and I keep them in my freezer, grab one and go. And they literally take 10 minutes to prep about 30 of them.

Love the Outshine bars – Mango is my favorite


If I have a long run, I usually eat a bowl of plain oatmeal with applesauce mixed in. If it’s just an easy short run, I’m good with cereal. But I have to wait at least a half an hour before running either way.


I have a tiny bit of coffee (like 3 oz) and a spoonful of Jif Natural extra crunchy PB or a banana. I have to eat something before I run, but it’s so hard because I never feel like eating when I first wake up. I’m trying to figure out my fueling, too. It’s tough!


If I run early I would have a yogurt or just a few bites of yogurt before I head out. I always have a Cliff bar in my purse.

I love Brooke holding the microphone in the pics. Too cute!


I love that quote!! And that lifesize Barbie is a little creepy…. I run @ 4:30am most days, so no food. On my long run days I’ll get up super early and eat a piece of pb toast. I currently have Larabars in my purse.


I eat peanut butter/nutella (yes, smeared together) toast and that fills me up just enough for a run. I can’t do yogurt or bananas before a workout…

I didn’t run today, but one of my absolute favorite songs that I’ll listen to on repeat is Jump by The Cube Guys and Luciana. I am obsessed with this song!


The popsicles are amazing! I have two boxes in my freezer right now…perfect post-run treat :)

I’m usually an evening runner, but I’m starting to switch to mornings now. I’m still running on an empty stomach, but in the past, I’ve found that a piece of toast is usually sufficient for a run under an hour. For runs longer than that, I tend to do my whole pre-race routine (earlier wake-up, race day breakfast and time to digest).


Peanut butter on Ezekiel. Has to be 45 min to an hour before the run though. I struggle with nutrition while running too. Some people seem like they can just eat whatever and run. I wish.


I do ezekiel too! But I do pb & j. That seems to help a lot. I used to do oatmeal but not so good. I also do a half bagel with jelly too. My last long run I had too much candy corn the night before so I was worried it would affect my stomach but I had so much energy & ended up going a lot faster than I planned! :)

I love that quote!


38 weeks pregnant and craving peaches like mad… ran out for those popsicles last night and am super excited to have another way to indulge a craving :D THANKS!


I “taught” myself a morning eating routine quite a few years ago, when I came to the same decision that you just did (I can’t workout in the morning without a bit of fuel). I started by eating one bite of banana before my morning workout. Over time, I increased the number of bites, one at a time (I swear this is the truth) – until I could easily eat a whole banana before a workout. From there, I could diversify a bit. Now, I usually eat half a bowl of cereal. I have no idea if/how my stomach “learned” to handle this…but it did. [And if I had eaten a whole banana on the first day, I can assure you things wouldn’t be pretty.]


I copied you and started listening to podcasts while I run…. GENIUS! I listen to soccer podcasts while I’m running- combining two things I love!


Love that quote. I live in Fla. about 45 minutes from the beach and I definitely need to get over there more and take advantage before it becomes “winter” here… aka 75 degrees lol.


Purse snacks…hmmm…with 4 kids and 2 of them smaller I always have a ridiculous amount of snacks in my bag. My motto is “When all else fails, give them more food!” I usually have – crackers of various types, granola bars, applesauce pouches, newtons, cookies, fruit snacks, string cheese, water bottles, sippy cups, and apples or bananas. I’m surprised my shoulder isn’t permanently 3 inches shorter on the side I carry the bag. :)

I downloaded Starships a while ago but just finally got to it in my running playlist so this was the first time I listened while running – very good.


Before a long run i always eat the same thing – one piece of whole wheat toast with PB and banana slices. I drink a cup of coffee with creamer and stevia, too.


I try to have an apple and pb before my morning runs

Indigo Girls on the morning run today

* is where I’ve been getting great new running gear for fall!


I prefer to eat nothing before my morning run.. however now that I have a baby to dictate my “morning run” it’s not that early every day anymore and I get hungry! So if I know it’s going to be a later morning run I have something light, couple handfuls of dry cereal, or granola bar, or sometimes plain wheat bread, today it was a banana and always WATER! I used to have a very hard time with food prior to running, back in my younger days, but I think I’ve gotten used to a little more in my stomach. If it’s going to be a hard workout I would be a lot more careful..but really can’t go wrong with bland plain carbs. I’m used to running without much in me, but sometimes I just need take the hunger edge off.


i’m so lame but i always eat a larabar before my long runs. boring i know — but they’re simple, have very few but REAL ingredients, and a descent amount of calories. they’ve never upset my tummy, so i stick with what works for me. i’ve definitely also tried other things like bagels and pb which didn’t necessarily upset my stomach. . . but it’s hard for me to stop eating bagels at a reasonable spot, they’re too delicious. i need prepacked ;)


I agree- Outshine Fruit Bars are the BEST popsicles. That is what you should eat before you run. They have fruit, sugar, and make you happy :)


I eat “midnight breakfast” the night before I do early morning runs. I have never been able to do food before a run without a 2-3 hour break to digest. My midnight breakfast (typically whole grain toast with natural peanut butter and jam) is perfect because it isn’t to big so that it ruins my sleep, but it also sustains me for my run.


those belvita biscuits may be a good source of food before a run! Maybe not the whole pack, but 2 and then the last 2 after. They are good for fuel, and have a neutral (but pleasant) enough taste that shouldn’t upset stomachs. Good luck to you!

PS I just wanted to add how much I admire your strength! With everything you seem to have going on, you still smile and that is half the battle!


I’ve noticed that as far as eating before an AM run, the best choice for me is to try to make it sort of healthy, but keep it on the snack level as far as calories go. If I eat a lot I want to yack, but a snack size meal (300 cals maybe?) is perfect. Then I eat for real when I get back.


A banana is the best pre workout snack for me. Just enough but not too heavy. Oreos are a bad choice :) I learnt that the hard way…


Random comment – I have that same yellow wallet! Target, right? :)




The last photo is so cute, it looks like Brooke is belting out a song haha


I love that quote. I don’t think I’ll ever consider myself a runner.

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