If you want to be happy right this second…

Brooke was not very happy with us for getting her out of her warm bed at early o’clock this morning to catch a flight.  

I was happy because I had a yogurt parfait and chocolate muffin for breakfast.  I would be fine starting every morning off with that. 

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She thought she was pretty funny because she fits on as a carry-on.

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I wasn’t able to get out for a run until 1 this afternoon when I put Brooke down for a nap but it was more than worth the wait.  Between listening to ROAR on repeat (that song is addicting) and having 1 hour and 15 minutes to just think, it was an awesome run.  

I can’t wait for these leaves to start changing colors. 

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I did a progression run and started with an 8:15 mile and got a little faster with each mile until the last mile which was a 6:49 mile.  10 miles with an average pace of 7:29.  Progression runs are by far my favorite runs…they keep me entertained and allow my body plenty of time to get warmed up before the hard work.  

This is the best water fountain in Utah.  I swear that the fresh mountain stream water is sent directly to this water fountain.  It tastes so good and it is always so cold.

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Just a few things I want to share with you…

Jodi sent me this quote and I think it is 100% accurate.  Another reason that runners are so cool.


If you are in need of reading something extra happy then you have to read the 30 Happiest Facts Of All Time.  

3 of my favorites:

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And the last thing that is coming out of my random brain is that I signed up for iFit (I have to tell you because I can’t do something running related and not tell you about it.  That would just be weird).

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Reasons I am excited to use iFit to track my workouts:

1- It keeps track of all of your stats and you can see your stats according to your stats for all time…for the last 7 days….for the last 6 months etc.

2- It is free and incredibly easy to input your workouts and all of the details.  I love looking back on past workouts during a training cycle (looking back on workouts that I nailed  really helps with my confidence when it is race time) so this will be really good for me. 

3- You can keep track of your FIT Score according to how often you work out, reaching your goals and the amount of time that your work out each week.  Kind of a fun way to see your progress and a way to motivate yourself to work out.  


What breakfast would you be happy eating every day of your life?

Favorite type of run lately?

What have you been using recently to track your running/workouts?

Favorite muffin flavor (s)?

-Chocolate, pumpkin and poppyseed.

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I knew as soon as I heard “Roar” that it was the perfect running song!! I had to download it and put it on my shuffle. I finally got it on there and had it for my long run on Saturday – I listened to it three times on repeat at the end of my 13 miles. It was perfect.


Awesome job on your 13 miles!!! That is great Meghan and I am happy to hear you are obsessed with Roar too!


I use daily mile but this one sounds really similar! That’s my favorite part about running- being able to think. It really helps when you’re struggling but it’s also a way that I’m convinced helps me study or write blog posts. Long runs are the absolute best and I always wake up so excited to go in the mornings!


Yep….I do the exact same thing! Hope you have a great day Sarah!


I don’t really care for muffins. I’d rather get the icing and just call it a cupcake. I don’t want to pretend I’m eating healthy when I really just want to go all the way.

I use garmin connect to track my workouts.

The color of the sky in your run picture is phenomenal!


Okay. I like the way you think. Next time I am going to ask them to put frosting on top of my muffin:) I LOVE Garmin Connect too!


Oh my goodness! I so needed this post today! Thank you for your happy facts! Another get happy activity: reading HRG (well maybe not so much for you since you probably already know what it will say)! Your blog makes me smile.


You are so sweet hahaha! Hope you are having an awesome day Leetra.


I’m happy eating overnight oats for bfast every.single.day. I use Cody to track my workouts, but I’m gonna checkout iFit now!


I STILL need to try making those!


For now, I could live happily with pumpkin bagel and cream cheese from Panera and a side of fresh fruit as my breakfast.

Dunno about favorite type of run, but getting a new PDR takes the cake :)

I’ve been using RunKeeper for my runs.

I agree. Fresh sprint water from a fountain is utterly refreshing. Even though I have a bottle of Nuun in hand, I have been stopping at the water fountain in my local park because it just tastes so much better :)


I could live happily ever after with that too..that sounds amazing. I also agree with you about the PDR:) Enjoy that water fountain!


Van’s apple-cinnamon GF waffle with peanut butter and blueberries on top…could probably eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner all-day-every-day.

I use Garmin Connect to track all my runs and workouts – easy upload right from my watch.


“Roar” is the BEST running song right now!! Such a fantastic power song. I’ve been doing a lot of progression runs lately too, although not nearly as fast as yours, but they’re really nice to stay entertained by changing things up every few minutes.

I ate a snicker-doodle muffin the other day and it was just…woah.


I’ve been running pain free! That’s my favorite type of run! :-)


Belgian waffles with cinnamon butter!
I’ve been using RunKeeper to follow a training plan and also use the Nike app.
Favorite muffins: chocolate, blueberry, pumpkin


I am all about Roar right now too! I could eat waffles or french toast every day and be the happiest girl in the world. My favorite muffin is definitely Starbucks pumpkin cream cheese. I haven’t had one yet this season because once I do I won’t be able to stop.


I’m SOOO happy you have your #1 girl back!!


So glad you have Brooke back, must have been a happy day:)
I’m ALL about pumpkin muffins! Those and banana muffins are my favorite.


I could eat a New York style pumpernickel bagel everyday, no problem — so good!

Glad you made it back to Utah safe & sound!


I have been having smoothies for breakfast for the last several months. I’m pretty sure I would happily have them every day for all of eternity.


Cows have best friends?! I never even thought about that before… haha moooosic… ;) Your running trail is so gorgeous! I’m jealous!


You have the best running scenery!

I love progression runs too! I like to have the warmup time and see how strong I can finish :).

Muffins…hmm, chocolate chip, pumpkin, and blueberry. Can I have all 3? :)


Brooke’s unhappy still looks pretty darn cute!
I’m surprised your leaves haven’t started to change yet. Our leaves are starting and it’s so pretty already!
I make the most delicious mint chocolate vegan cupcakes with a even yummier ‘buttercream’ icing. SO amazing!


I listened to Roar at least 20 times in the hour before my marathon last weekend! It’s a great pump up song!

And I loved your running quote – my marathon didn’t go as planned (I finished, but had to walk half of it) so I’ve been super bummed. But I still fought, one foot in front of the other and finished. Good and bad runs are great opportunities for life lessons! :)


You still did a marathon, though – that is an amazing accomplishment!!


Brooke is adorable, and I might have to try iFit … :)


My favorite run lately is any time of run!! I’m getting over an injury (:/) hopefully. So I’m happy to be able to run even just 3 miles.


I know this is sort of gross but I think I’d be happy eating McDonalds mcgriddles every day for breakfast… those syrup cakes are to die for. That or chocolate cream filled donuts! I pass a McDonalds and a shipleys every morning when I walk or run so it’s like a slow form of torture each day!


I would have been so happy if I had men dressed up in superhero costumes while I was in the hospital! Seriously, anything to make you laugh in a hospital is a great thing.


Def with ya on “Roar”–great motivational song for sure! :)

Mmmmm mountain water–the best!

Muffin: blueberry or cinnamon streusel!


To track my running/cycling I’ve been using SportTracks (http://www.zonefivesoftware.com/SportTracks/) for the past 4 years. I added Strava (http://www.strava.com/dashboard) last year, and when I replaced my Garmin with the Suunto Ambit2 (true love) I started using MovesCount (http://movescount.com/)

I’m a full-on Data Geek!


I love suunto products :)


I use MapMyRun but it isn’t always accurate. I should try ifit instead…breakfast lately (as in a few years lately) is all about oatmeal a majority of the time…I went years though on an English muffin with peanut butter every single morning for breakfast.


When I was younger, I went through a phase of eating a huge chocolate chip muffin the size of my head every morning for breakfast. Definitely not the healthiest way to start the day, but I don’t remember having any complaints ;) I think I must be getting old or something, though, because these days I really love a good bran muffin, especially when cinnamon and raisins are involved.


Peanut butter banana toast would be good with me. I’ve been tracking my running with a piece of paper that ran out of room today.. uh oh!! Banana is the best muffin flavor:)


There was an AMAZING Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffin from this bakery near my old apartment in Chicago, Laticia’s. They are the size of your head. AMAZING. I’m going back to Chicago in November, and absolutely plan to grab one :)


I have to thank you for re-inspiring me to get back into running! I took a break for about 6 months (how I went so long without I don’t know) and now it’s back in my life in a big way. :) Everything bagel (super toasty), whipped plain cream cheese, and a big cup of coffee with pumpkin spice for me! I’m with you on progression runs… pushing it for the last stretch feels so good. Tracking using Garmin Connect! And muffin flavors… if you haven’t tried the Panera Apple Crunch muffin you need to get one immediately.

What breakfast would you be happy eating every day of your life?

Favorite type of run lately?

What have you been using recently to track your running/workouts?

Favorite muffin flavor (s)?


I would be happy having donuts every morning! If only they could be healthy…

I use Garmin Connect and I hand write all of my runs in a notebook. Sometimes I just prefer to skip over all the technology stuff.

Favorite run: Lately I am loving the long run.


My absolute favorite running song is Survival by Muse. It is such a hardcore loud song, and then the lyrics are super motivational. You should check it out ;)


I love oatmeal no matter how hot or cold it is outside! I eat it pretty much every morning with chia seeds and a scoop of peanut butter. Yum! Favorite muffin is banana nut!


I could eat waffles or pancakes or oatmeal or eggs! I LOVE breakfast.


I currently use dailymile to track my workouts (before I had to break from running for a bit) but I will definitely look into this one! It have been looking for something new to track my workouts on!

My favorite flavor of muffin is either cinnamon or blueberry


Long runs are my absolute favorite. All my other runs are done just to make long runs possible. :)

I track my runs in a hand-written running log. I also sporaticly use Garmin Connect.


Awww I LOVE that cows have best friends – so cute!

My favourite run right now would be any kind of run. I just got diagnosed with a ‘stress reaction’ in my right femur – the step before a fracture so no running for me.

Definitely needed this dose of happiness today!


fluffy waffles with tons of syrup yum


Roar is my favorite song to run to. Such a motivator! I’m loving long runs since I ran my longest (9 miles) this past Sunday.


It’s apple-pickin’ season in KY and I can’t stop eating Nancy’s bagels (local gig) with fresh from the farm apple butter.


Pumpkin muffins are my Fav and I could eat oatmeal every day forever I think!


The picture of Brooke not being happy that she was woken up… too cute. That is exactly how I look until about 10:00 am. Then I start to perk up.


I’m pretty sure I could eat french toast for breakfast every day and be happy. But considering that I tend to be lazy in the mornings, I don’t ever really get around to making it!
And best muffin = morning glory. There’s literally everything in there! Banana chocolate chip is a close second ;-)


The window washers at the children’s hospital I work at dressed as super heroes this spring, the kids loved it :) I currently use mapmyrun because it keeps track of my distance/speed and plus it maps where you are so if I get lost (it happens) I can figure my way back home!


I just want to tell you that I think you are so amazing Janae! You are so strong, and you really motivate me! I am 5 months pregnant right now and you are my inspiration to keep running and stay fit during my pregnancy. Thank you so much for your example!


Was this in corner canyon? I was there for labor day! so beautiful!


I would be completely content eating a pecan waffle and country ham every morning. Love the sweet and salty combo! I’m also a big fan of progression runs…they definitely help the miles go by!


Cinnamon Crunch bagel from Panera with lots of cream cheese.. mmm!! Can’t get enough of those :) My favorite run has been a speed workout. I always feel so accomplished when I’m finished. I think my favorite muffin is cinnamon.. I really like cinnamon ;)


I just want my coffee in the morning!


This answers NONE of your questions, but I feel I must tell you that I just ate the most scrumptious peanut butter and chocolate chip rice krispie! Oh, my. I was absolute heaven and I need about 1,000,000 more!


I’ve been using RunDouble (I started with Couch to 5k on their app) and I love it! Keeps me up on how fast I’m going plus has lots of structured and unstructured run options.


I needed this extra happiness today :) Thank you.


Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins rock my world!! I think I would be fine eating these for the rest of my breakfast life :-) Glad you and Brooke are reunited!!


My favourite in right now (and of all time) is the long run. It’s one of the few runs during the week that I get outside (not on the treadmill) and it’s quiet and good for the soul.

I track my runs on paper. I print out my schedule when my coach sends it and check my workouts off when I’m done. Something so satisfying about checking off a run with a pen the old fashion way!


You should listen to Brave by Sara Bareilles, it sounds similar to Roar and has a great message!


I love pastries but the best would probably be a warm cinnamon bun with cream cheese icing and coffee.
I still love my long runs the best. I like feeling the transition from stiff legs to warm legs to tired legs. And with fall here I could seriously run all day. The crisp air and pretty scenery makes for perfect running weather.
I track my workouts with my garmin610 but I still haven’t downloaded them onto my computer and I’ve had my garmin for a year. Oops ;)


I could eat a scone, a fried egg, fresh berries and a chai tea latte every morning for breakfast. But my favorite muffin is lemon poppy seed so I could prolly also eat that every morning. Favorite run recently is mostly an easy five miles. Will be amping up the training soon for a half marathon. I usually upload my runs using Garmin connect and I also keep a running journal where I record how each run went, pace mileage, etc. This has really helped me in keeping injury down.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with peanut butter, agave and cinnamon. Every. Single. Day. this is what I eat. And vats of coffee.

Favorite Run: Long runs

Tracker: Garmin Connect and now the IFit on my new treadmill! Love.

Muffin: Anything with a streusel topping. Or pumpkin.


Oooh pumpkin muffins are exquisite!
I also like the carrot raisin ones at Mimi’s Cafe. So hard to eat a moderate portion when it’s so delicious and it’s the size of two fists put together :)


AVICII promo mix 2013 is awesome.

Best breakfast is.. oatmeal plus nutbutter plus chocolate.. it’s like Reese’s oatmeal.


Thanks for sharing the iFit app information, I joined and I like it so far!

I have seen that thing where window washers dress up as super heros for kids and it just makes me so happy. How pumped would you be if you were a kid and saw that?? haha, amazing!

The breakfast I would be most happy eating for the rest of my life (but can’t for my waistline) is eggs benedict OR banana pancakes. So good… lol


I love that thing about the cows.


Favorite breakfast- french toast w fresh berries on top (yum!)
Tracking workouts with my Belive I Am journal, so helpful!
Favorite muffin is cranberry orange w walnuts on top (now I will be thinking of this the whole day!)

BEAUTIFUL run you had! I also can’t wait for the leaves to start changing colors, it’s one of my most favorite times of year.
Right now my favorite run is any run, I’m lacking some serious motivation to keep strong and get out the door!

Karen @karenlovestorun


That first picture of Brooke…her little lips- I die! how stinking sweet is she??!?!
So jealous of fresh mountain water, that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Great run Janae, you are SO fast!

Breakfast everyday: Pancakes. For sure. No questions asked!
Tracking run: App on phone- RunKeeper


I pretty much only use Daily Mile to track my runs.

I usually eat cereal everyday for breakfast and it gets the job done, but if I wanted something exciting, I’d probably say an omelette.


My mind is my tracking device lately, I’m convinced I was much faster than I am now. I will say that I love these posts because they help me go out and run at night, your hard work is really inspirational.

Breakfast: Waffle. Oh I do love waffles.


I think cows having BFF’s is the cutest thing ever.


It’s official, you’ve made Utah on one of my top places to visit/run.


I use the Nike+ online app. I like it because you can follow people and my GPS watch automatically syncs to it.

I would eat a biscuit and white gravy with a huge cup of coffee every morning if I could.


I use daily mile, and also an excel log to track specific workouts and my mileage on each of my shoes.

Awesome progression run!


I could eat oatmeal every day for every meal for the rest of my life and be happy. Or raisin bran crunch, my guilty pleasure. I just love breakfast!!


Mmm, muffins! I love chocolate chip and pumpkin muffins too!


That fountain looked amazing!
I would eat granola and strawberry yogurt everyday!
Outdoor runs on a trail with the crispy fall leaves have been my favorite lately.
I’ve been using runkeeper on my iphone to track.
My favorite muffing flavor is bran date (and I’m not even an old woman yet)!

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