Adjusting your running schedule and two videos.

The key to making the best tacos ever:

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Make mini corn tortilla quesadillas and use those as your taco shell.  

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The green salsa and crockpot chicken recipes are HERE and they are delicious. 

The two things I needed to end my night in the best way possible.  

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Oh and talking to my brother until 12:30 a.m. just like the good ol’ days.  He is really awesome.  


I promise just one more video of Brooke walking.  Now that she is around her Arizona cousins she has been walking an insane amount because she just wants to be like them.

3 things about the video:

1.  I cannot control my voice when I am talking to Brooke (especially when she is accomplishing something so awesome) even though I try my hardest to make it sound normal and an octave lower.

2.  You can kind of hear her say ‘wow’ at the end….she says it all day long now.  

3.  Her legs.


And a video of her laughing because this is proven to make anyone watching smile:



I am switching up my training plan this week.  This is a big deal for me because I usually stick to it as closely as possible. Between the heat and my brain I am taking training down a notch this week and I am very excited about that.   

It’s okay to miss a few workouts and scale back your running when you need to.  It is good for your body and your mind (I may or may not just be typing this out to remind myself that it is okay;)

It’s also okay to eat ice cream every night of your life for a while if you need to.  I think everybody needs that reminder once in a while!

Do you stick to your training plan perfectly or do you switch things up often according to your schedule/body/brain?

Where do you get most of the recipes/ideas for what you make for dinner?  A blog, cookbook, random, friends, your mom, other?

What are you most looking forward to about Fall?

-Brooke’s Halloween costume.  

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Brooke has THE cutest little laugh! lol its so funny and contagious, now im laughing! a lot of my recipes come from my mom, or my boyfriend, but MOST come from blogs.


Brooke’s legs made my day!


Oh my gosh her laugh is the sweetest thing ever, so adorable.
I think most of the recipes I do make come from blogs or just recipes I come across online and then do my own tweaking. I don’t know what I’d do without blogs, surely I’d just go hungry and never have any creative ideas.


You have the cutest voice!! You sound like a Disney princess when you talk to Brooke. Maybe you should try out to be Snow White or Belle at
Disney world/land !!! ;)


WOW, those do look like the best tacos ever!!! I am definitely going to have to try that! I hardly ever make recipes for dinner…I tend to just do really simple things with vegetables, a meat and a grain…sometimes combined, sometimes not. :)

The best thing about fall is the COOL WEATHER!!! I absolutely love this time of year!


Ohmygod, her laugh is really the cutest thing ever.
Although I have piles among piles of cookbooks, most of my recipes come from blogs and Pinterest these days! It’s just so easy having it online.
And in the Fall I’m most looking forward to my birthday ;-)


I think we all need a minor break from running once in awhile. I’m currently on my rebuilding phase but it’s really nice to just run when I want to and now feel like I have to since I’m not currently training with my coach. I’ve always been someone who follows a plan exactly, but it’s way less stressful now following it! Also, Brooke walking. Oh my gosh that is absolutely the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.


Those Brooke videos just made my day :) . She’s gorgeous!


Great wee videos!

It is so hot here at the moment- I too am moving away from my schedule slightly, but I know I have to make up for it as I have a half marathon in oct


Of the training runs I’ve been doing, so far I’ve flat out missed 2 and had one cut short because I fell down. I feel like this means I will never be able to finish the marathon and will be a total and complete failure but then I get distracted by oreos and television and I’m ready to move on with my life.
And I can’t wait for cool weather, apples, pumpkin everything, cider donuts, mums, Halloween movies that are not scary like the Worst Witch Ever…


We had tacos last night from the crockpot too! Taco Tuesday! haha
Brooke is the cutest, those videos made me smile!! I can’t wait to see what she will be for Halloween, haha I loved her lobster costume last year.

You seem to be so strong, keep up the self-help books, ice cream, and family talks, I think its a winning combination to get through this tough time. :) The best things about Fall for me are Fall Fairs, pumpkin-spiced things, and wearing chunky sweaters.


Aw I agree you do sound like a Disney princess and you can hear the love for Brooke in your voice!


Ohmigoodness it really is impossible not to smile when you hear a little kid laugh. Brooke is adorable :) And the way you end your day is pretty much how I start mine… although I guess I replace ice cream with a bowl of sweet oats… but starting my day with a devotional definitely helps put me on the right track.


That laugh and her walking. Too much! And the Mrs. Fields cookie dough is the best Breyer’s flavor besides their chocolate! I grew up in Memphis, TN where she lives too. Small world.


Those tacos look incredible!


I can not wait to be wearing scarves!! I have been waiting for this for way too long. That video of Brooke laughing….OMG, adorable, I couldn’t help but smile. I love it when little kids laugh, they are just so happy, truly happy.


Ya know I was actually wondering if you actually cooked the other day! I guess you do :)

I try and read other “normal people blogs” for recipes. I stay away from pinterest. Pinterest lies!

I’m totally ready for fall. Running in 98 degrees kinda sucks. I’m ready to rock out the headlamp and run in a brisk evening.



Most of my random cooking ideas come from blogs! Or they are variations of things that I find on blogs.

I usually stick to a training plan, but I definitely believe in taking rest days when you need them.

Most looking forward to about fall – the cooler weather! I snagged a trench coat from Target (that place is dangerous) and I’ve been waiting to wear it!


I tend to stick to a plan, for the most part.

I get most recipes from cookbooks. And some online.

I am looking forward to Halloween, it’s my favorite holiday!


I switch things up for lots of different reasons. Sometimes we just have to have grace for ourselves.

Dinner is the meal I struggle with cooking. I am learning to think and plan further ahead to make things more interesting. I get ideas from friends, my mom, and my favourite crock pot cookbook.

I am most looking forward to getting to know my new class of 4th graders and helping them learn and grow. :)


I am a HUGE fan of switching things up! Mentally and physically it is great for you. My legs need the break almost as much as my brain sometimes

What i love about fall: Baggy sweaters, tall boots and scarves. And of course anything pumpkin. So excited for some cooler running weather!


OMG! I love those videos!! I don’t think there’s anything cuter than that laugh!

I think you’re right about scaling back. I think it’s good to listen to your body & do what feels right. It’s extra important during this time to listen to what you need & be easy on yourself for taking some time if you need it. That looks like a good book! I’m sure that ice cream helps too!

I can’t wait for fall weather & candy corn (which is already here) and my birthday!


HAHA that’s adorable!
The taco idea is fabulous. And I agree it’s okay to take training down when you feel its fit. Sometimes we mentally just need a break as well as physically. You have to stop, regroup, and come back strong. One thing that makes a great runner is to know when to slow down!


Sometimes switching things up with the workout is a must, especially when you have kiddos. You definitely made me smile with both videos!!!


She is too much; I love little baby legs!
I’m glad you’re straying from your plan this week. This year I really tried to listen to my body instead of a schedule. I trained for two Ironmans and after the first, I had to lower my training expectations.
I think ice cream every night is more than acceptable! I had the most delicious soft serve last night from a little convenience store!


Good for you for being careful in the heat! Love the Brooke videos. Can you do hair and eye makeup tutorials in your next ones? Yours looks really good lately.


Wow I think you just revolutionized the taco…I NEED to try that! I switch up my training plan a lot based on feel and mental state. Some days I just can’t do what I want and other days I could run forever and feel amazing.


I used to give myself a lot of pressure to stick to the plan but am now (trying) to just give myself a break if I need. Easier to do physically than mentally but I know it is a good thing to adjust to the situation and the surroundings. I’m hoping that learning to adapt is going to make me a better and smarter runner.

Dinner: Whatever is in the fridge. Ideas from the internets, mostly. Or coworkers.
Fall: Cooler running weather. Sweaters. Boots. Crisp fresh air. Pots of stew bubbling on the stove.


When I first started training for my marathon I had every intention to follow my training plan to the tee, but after I got about halfway through the runs were becoming more of chore, so I decided to modify it a little bit depending on how I was feeling :)


I switch up my schedule all the time. Probably more than I should. It’s especially bad when you trade a run day for a rest day… every day. I really need to stop that.


You’re not wrong about Brooke’s laugh-inducing smiles. Just what I needed! :) Big thanks to the little lady! :) xx


That video of her walking is just about the best thing ever. You have such a cute voice!!!


You are so strong and courageous! Nothing is better than the arms of your family.

And I can’t wait to see what Brooke is for halloween! I need to get my little pumpkins outfit started.


Quesadillas as taco shells = genius. Brooke is the cutest ever!


Ok, that is the most brilliant taco idea in the history of taco ideas.

Baby laughs are pretty much the greatest thing ever.


Nothing better baby than baby legs! Thank you for saying that eating ice cream every night is ok….because I totally do it!


And OMG, that laugh just made this work day so much better!


I don’t vary my weekly run routine although I should more often and have been thinking I will…on a side note, I recommend that you read the book, Split by Suzanne Finnemore. It is a sarcastic yet serious yet light yet heavy yet funny and oh so real in the feelings about going through a divorce. I fell upon it and read it in the beginning of mine, when I felt the worst, yet it made me laugh and feel better. I think I should read it again, it was so good and hysterical!


I used to be super strict with my workout schedule, but I’m happy to say that I now listen to what my body needs first, and if I need to decrease the intensity or change something up, then I do it with no guilt.

And oh my, quesadilla taco shells are BRILLIANT!

Dressing up Hunter for Halloween is one of the things I’m most looking forward to for fall too! Oh, and pumpkin everything, obviously. ;)


I try to stick to my training plan as best as I can, but I skipped a workout on Saturday and I switched Monday and Wednesday’s workout of this week. I’m not mad about it and I didn’t stress as much as I thought I would. I get my recipes from my brain :D I kind of just throw things together and hope for the best. I’m looking forward to being able to run a little bit later in the morning because the temperatures won’t be as hot, but true fall will not be here in FL for a while!


I’m still side lined with an IT band injury so no training plan:( your brothers sound so amazing, you’re a lucky girl and mama, Brooke is the cutest!!


Please don’t make that the last video of Brooke walking, it really did make me smile!!


I love soups and stews in the crockpot in the fall. I made chili yesterday in the crockpot and I love how it smells when you get home and it’s ready. I also love wearing boots and scarves.


Halloween is my favorite holiday, by far. Also, cooler weather, sweaters, boots, pumpkin spice lattes, being able to cook in my kitchen without dying of the heat…I could go on forever.


The way you talk to Brooke is absolutely perfect!! When you use high pitches and exaggerated tones you help baby learn valuable language skills. You’re clearly a naturally awesome mom :)


oh i love the videos! babies learning to walk and laughing are my favorite ones to watch on youtube.

I don’t cook much but have found a few recipes on pinterest or from my mom’s cookbook:)

well, as you probably know, az doesn’t get much ‘fall’ weather so i am looking forward to the temps cooling down so i can run in the mornings again. don’t know how you are able to run here, i’ve been here forever and still cannot run in 90 degree weather. you are amazing!


Quesedilla taco shells is brillant!!

I mainly use looneyspoons cookbook (my fave!!) or just make things up myself… My boyfriends family also has an awesome family cookbook for some of the classics


YES, everyone needs a reminder that it’s OK to eat ice cream. Every. Single. Night. And sometimes right out of the carton in the morning! And I LOVE that you’re listening to your body & soul and scaling back on running. I think that’s more important in the long run than strictly sticking to a schedule/plan. After a few very intense marathon weeks, I took an easy week and switched out my tempo and long runs for trail running. It was just what my mind and body needed.


Aww that laughing video MADE my day! Shes the cutest little thing!


Love the videos!!! And your voice is totally cute.

Fall is my favorite season so I’m so excited for fall baking,changing leaves,cooler evenings and Halloween!!!


That ice cream is TO DIE FOR! I buy it “for my husband” but then end up eating most of it :). I’m like you and usually stick tightly to my training plans, but I think it’s important to loosen up when you know your body is demanding it. The videos are amazing!


Hi Janae, just want you to know that you are in my prayers. Im going through a rough time right now that is different than yours but still gives me heartache. Seeing your positive attitude on your blog is really encouraging to me. Also, thank you for sharing about those times that aren’t so positive….it makes me feel normal. You are so beautiful and sweet….the Lord has great plans for you! Jeremiah 29:11


Thank you so much for your comment! I am truly so sorry you are going through such a hard time… We will get through this! Thinking about you and keep in touch!


I get probably half my recipes from blogs, the other half from images, I see while at the grocery store. As in I see a picture and make up my own way on how to make it look like that, it doesnt always work.

PS. I usually take the soft tacos cover with cheese then place the hard taco inside and stand them up, you may need a ball of tin foil to hold them, and stick them in the oven. You should try it.


Brooke is awesome! Love that laugh!
Thanks for sharing the taco shell idea, because more cheese is always good.


Two best videos ever! Love it!
I have been pretty flexible with my training schedule. I don’t want to wear myself out and if I need a break, I need a break!! I’ve been trying not to stress it too much.


I try to stick to my training plan perfectly, but things invariably happen (sickness, busy day, laziness, etc.) that mess up some runs (or weeks…). I don’t stress about it though. I figure the schedule is meant as a guideline anyway, so as long as I’m feeling good and strong, I’m happy. Besides, I tend to alter my training plans about 5,000 times before I commit to them, then alter them a few more times during the first month or two, so as OCD as I am about creating the perfect plan, it tends to be an ever-changing entity for me. I like to see how things are working in my schedule (my being a mommy and working full time and the kids are both in soccer this fall for the first time and my husband had ankle surgery and can’t drive for 8 more weeks schedule) and make changes as needed to minimize impact on everyone else while still getting all the “stuff” done that we have to and keeping myself happy. It’s a delicate balance, eh?

Most of my dinner “recipes” are tried-and-true simple entrees that we’ve come to love over the years and that I just throw together any old time because we tend to keep the general ingredients in the house at all times. I try to add 1-2 new recipes a week, and those mostly come from blogs or suggestions from friends, though I do own a shelf full of cookbooks that I “should” use…

Fall is my favorite time of year, and October in particular is my favorite month. Cool temps, fall colors, HALLOWEEN and costumes and candy!, fun races, school pictures, my birthday, lots of parties and weekend adventures to pumpkin patches and hiking, apple pie and pumpkin spiced anything, seasonal candles and the only time of year I really decorate for (other than Christmas), and really, what’s not to love about October?!


Yes, I totally change my schedule if I need to. I just remind myself…I am not a professional athlete, it IS okay! If I want to continue to LOVE running sometimes I just need to do that and it is okay :)!!!!
I faithfully eat ice cream every night :)!
I get ALL my recipes online…either from pinterest, allrecipes or bloggers :)
Brooke is so sweet….I am sure things are so hard for you, but think of how much Brooke blesses your life :)!!!
Have a great day!


Brooke is looking like such a big girl!!! I am loving her hair right now.

When it comes to training I am a total sucker for the schedule. I used to be at least. I am just now starting back into running after 4 – 5 months because of injury and I will be WAY more lenient with the schedule. I am going to completely listen to my body because a bad knee is not something I care to have for the rest of my life.

My recipes typically come from what is on sale. I hate following recipes because I don’t like to buy ingredients that I will never use again!

And fall… I am looking forward to running and not being so sweaty that my thighs attack each other!


Look how grown up and responsible you are scaling back after listening to your body. This is truly a new janae!;)

I have told you before that I could listen to her laugh all day. The only thing better is when I am the one who makes her laugh. Ha! I love her little nose crinkle is just too much! So just keep those videos coming! And I am super excited to see what she will be for Halloween. I still haven’t decided what we will be. I doubt we can top our incredible costumes last year.

I love fall so much. I just wish winter did not come after. It haunts my Fall time. I love cooking and fall baking. I would say 20% of my recipes are given to me by family or friends, 15 from cookbooks, 10 I make up and the rest are from the Internet. What did we ever do before it??


I have been reading your blog for a long time now, but have yet to comment.
The way you are with Brooke, reminds me of my mother. My parents divorced when I was two years old. As hard and heartbreaking as it was for my mom, she remained strong for her children. I think you are an amazing mother and your positive attitude is inspiring.

Do what you need to do to get through this time.. even if it means ice cream for dinner :)


Oh man, I can’t wait to see Brooke’s halloween costume, too! Have you already decided?

I usually don’t follow a training plan except for long runs. It keeps running fun.

I get most of my recipes from pinterest or other internet searchings.


Looking forward to cooler temps for sure!


Ice cream can’t fix everything, but it sure does help! :)

Brooke is too cute for words!


so glad to hear you are taking care of yourself and the videos of brooke are absolutely adorable!! i get most of my recipes via my partner who cooks most of the time…otherwise from blogs and moms :)

i am most looking forward to all things pumpkin spice related this fall and traveling around north america!


What will be her Halloween Costume??? Do tell, come on ;)
I love fall in NYC and the thing I’m looking forward to the most is the NYCM!!!

I’m OCD when it comes to running plans but sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do…


Hi Janae!!
Those videos made me and all my roomies smile :) Brooke is so cool!!

I definitely, completely agree about training plans. I took some time off while my parents were visiting which was just what I needed. Now i’m back at it with a vengeance!


Long time reader, first time commenter – I don’t even run (I despise it) but I adore you! Thought of you earlier when I read this article about Zoe Romano running the Tour de France:

Most of my recipes come from family, blogs, and pinterest!!


Fall = chai tea!!

I’m a little OCD with training and feel like I have to follow my plan 100% – or at least I did until I finally realized it’s OK to miss mile or just take a break. One of our coaches said it best: “there are so many other important things in life that can cause you stress and running shouldn’t be one of them.” I missed most of a week in training in August and was stressing because I was down about 15 miles but realized my body (and mind) needed the break. I think that’s how injuries happen – when we just keep going without listening to the warning signs.


When training, I listen to my body.
It depends on how I feel. “Body sensing “, I learned it from the book “Chi running”. Most times I decide during the warm up phase what and how much I am going to do. I also don’t wear a watch on most runs.
However, I try to vary my runs. Once a week something with hills, another day something with more or less speed, then something easy and so on.
When I feel I’ve energy I go longer and faster, when I’m tired or have a lack of sleep, I slow down.
A constant is the long run in the marathon training. When I’m supposed to do a certain number of kilometers I’ll do them! (Unless I’m sick or injured of course)

The same with nutrition. Years ago everything I ate had to be “healthy” and “low fat”. Not anymore!
Why the heck do I have a craving for icecream right now???


I change up my training if I feel it is needed. For instance, yesterday i had 5 miles on the books. Well, I only made it 4.5 (that was even dying!) because it was a new area that had more hills (like 1 mile steep upgrade) than I was expecting. i felt that I pushed myself more in those 4.5 than 5 on my normal route. I am just looking forward to relaxing nights in fall and having fires outside. I think that’s a really fun time!


Living in AZ all summer long my training plans revolve around the heat and the storms here. Get up early or run really late or die from the sun. FYI don’t run during a storm or right after, rumor has it that is the highest risk time for getting valley fever.
My recipes come from stalking blogs and Pinterest. Spekaing of food, you should go to Pita Jungle while you are here, I don’t think you will be sorry about that decision.


Brooke’s laugh made my morning! I would love to start my day off with her! I always write things down or say them aloud to remind myself they are okay. I just need to convince MYSELF sometimes. I am looking forward to the SMELL of fall and pumpkin everything, of course. Plus, I love being able to live in sweatshirts.


oh man. I needed to start my morning with hearing a baby laugh! you are right. proven to make a person smile :)


For fall, I’m looking forward to the Malibu Marathon! Also, Thanksgiving.
Hehe, LOVE the videos! Now that she’s getting the hang of walking around, you’re in trouble (won’t be able to let her out of your sight for even ten seconds, hahaha)!


I adapt my training based on how I’m feeling sometimes. Last week I felt like I really needed a rest day on Thursday so I switched my rest days. Totally helped


Brooke’s laughter is infectious!!! ((:


I love when babies laugh! It always makes me smile!
I think adjusting your training especially in the heat is very difficult for many people. But I always feel like if you love running, you need to respect your body when it needs rest or a slower pace.


YES I just got a crockpot I can’t wait to make these! Cute videos… my heart is melting :-)


awww Brooke! love that little girl :-)

I switch my training up depending on how I feel in the morning. Since I workout before work between 5:30 and 7:25, I might switch it up completely if I’m dead sore from the previous day(s) workouts. I listen more to my body these days than being stubborn.


I try to stick to my training plan pretty closely as far as getting my total weekly mileage in. Some weeks that means moving some runs around, though, and I just adapt to whatever my schedule/life dictates. I recently started going to bootcamp classes twice a week, so the whole schedule had to adjust for that!

I get my recipes from all over the place, but most of them are from doing an ingredient search on,, and skinnytaste.

I am looking forward to EVERYTHING about fall! Fall is my absolute favorite. Bring on the caramel and pumpkn flavored everything, running tight and gloves, and of course, my marathon in november!


Those tacos remind me of the cheesy gordita crunch from Taco Bell, which I used to love back in my college fast food days (no shame). I have to try that homemade version it looks DELICIOUS!

I am usually a hardcore “stick to the training plan girl” but last week training and life got the better of me and now I am exhausted and have a lot of pain in my right leg. I know I have to take some days off even though I don’t want to. When you rearrange your plan how do you usually pick back up afterward? I know you aren’t supposed to make up all the missed runs but for example my long run this weekend is supposed to be 18 and right now I just don’t think that’s realistic. But if I am feeling better next week my long run is 20 and I wonder if jumping to that distance is a dumb move if I’m not building off the 18?


Wow, that taco idea is GENIUS! It’s like a tostada+taco+quesadilla!!!
Yes, it IS fine to switch up your training schedule and eat ice cream! Life happens, good and bad and we need to adjust to changes and transitions. Sometimes this requires more flexibility than we’re used to, but in the end, it all works out. As long as we just keep going forward….. :-)


I’m pretty anal about sticking to my training plan but I HAVE learned to just roll with it if I need to skip a day here and there. A few years ago I would have so NOT been ok with it. Guess I will blame it on older and wiser! =)


Omg Brooke is the cutest. She is seriously the happiest baby I’ve ever seen!

I sometimes switch up my training days based on weather, stuff like that.

I’m looking forward to cooler running temps and pumpkin! I love all things pumpkin.


I love Kristin Armstrong. I love Mile Markers, so I can only imagine how eloquently this is written. I kind of want to read an excerpt even though it is not really applicable to me.
I had a doughnut before bed every night during my last challenging time. I never even viewed it as negative………just as a little “me” comfort before bed. And now when I just spoil myself after a long day, conferences, just because etc. I plan out the doughnut time, and it’s awesome.


Blogs are my go to dinner inspiration. I don’t know how I made meals before blogs. I am most excited for fall weather and my birthday!!


definitely scale back when i need to. I feel like sometimes my body does better with running by running less and cross training more if that makes sense? i get sluggish and heavy legs when running too much. i like to do spining, lifting, yoga, insanity to mix it up. i have definitely cut back on running during my marathon training this fall and i hope thats okay :-/ kinda nervous about it to be honest but my body was so burnt out that i needed it.

i get most recipes from blogs! except some family gems.

fall….looking forward to crisp perfect running weather, nutmeg, pumpkins, you name it! and halloween candy duh

and dont feel bad about the ice cream im a dessert feign myself…cant help it!


Honestly do you have the world’s happiest baby? She is too much!


I am the queen of schedule readjustments :) I usually have a few different “plans” that are an option for each day, so I kind of go with what feels right…if I have NO plan, then I just start and quit about five workouts hah! Since I am marathon training, I do try and do a long run each week though.

Also, when it is hot out, I gravitate towards rest days and short easy runs. :)


Her laugh!!!! LOVE it. And her legs. I just want to eat her up! Speaking of eating, let’s do fro yo when you get back!

And yes, it’s always a good idea to scale back training when it’s hot outside. DEFINITELY.


My half marathon plan I stick to pretty strictly… Unless I am sick, which happened a couple weeks ago. Cross-training gets switched up/skipped based on how I am feeling with my runs!

Many recipes of mine come from cookbooks or blogs. I have a couple staples that come from my mom, but I like to find and explore new thing :)

The thing I love most about the Fall is also the thing I miss most about living up north: the colors! Nothing beats watching the leaves change into fiery reds, oranges and yellows!


I definitely always listen to my body as far as my workouts go. I plan a schedule, but still go day to day. Don’t want any injuries!! :) Those videos of Brooke just made my day!!! Thanks for sharing! They’re sure to put a smile on anyone’s face, no matter what mood they are in! :)



She is precious! I had one of those scale back weeks last week and I’m thankful I did – feeling so much stronger now! And that book? Amazing. I read it when I was going through the same thing a few years ago.


You and Brooke are the coolest!! Brooke’s little laugh is adorable!

I try to stick to my training plan, but if I need to I’ll switch it up. Usually I try to rotate workouts so that I am still getting the planned weekly mileage. Sometimes I just need to take a day off and I try not to be too hard on myself about it.

My mom has a lot of great recipes that were passed down from her mom and grandma. I also like to look at recipes on pintrest :)

I am really looking forward to wearing sweaters and jeans. Also I can’t wait to pass out Halloween candy! Love that!


So adorable! Seriously! She is so cute!


I have learned lately to listen to my mind and body when it comes to running!

I get most of my recipes from Pinterest and I just tweak them a bit to fit them to my liking.

I am looking forward to your blog this fall and the Halloween costume you pick for Brooke, as well as PUMPKIN FLAVORED EVERYTHING!!!


She is beautiful and sooooo happy with you :) You’re doing an amazing job dealing with everything. She is so lucky to have you as a mom.


that is the cutest vid ever!


Ok, first that CANNOT be the last video of Brooke walking, I just won’t have that! ;) She is doing SO well with it- GO Brooke GO!!! :D
And her laugh, oh yes, there is absolutely NO way you can watch that without smiling! Love baby laughs. The ones from the belly are the best.
Keep staying strong Janae, you are such an inspiration in more than one way.
Love you! & we should totally catch up on the phone soon!! XO


That taco shell idea is brilliant! I’m totally trying that.

Brooke is just too cute. That laugh is so awesome!

I hardly ever adjust my training schedule. I’m so Type A that it feels weird to do so. I have had to change it when I’ve been really sick, which luckily hasn’t been often. I need to relax.


Seeing your book made me think of another one I heard about on Sunday. Max Lucado spoke at our church this weekend, and he has a new book out called “You’ll Get Through This.” If it is anything like his other books, I’m sure it would be an encouraging read. Praying for you sweet girl!


Thank you!!! Ill have to get that ASAP!


Those are the cutest videos ever!

I try to stick to my training plan as close as possible but at the same time, if my body tells me it needs a rest day – I’ll take a rest day. Example: I was sick all weekend so last week should have been 52 but I only ran 24. This week I have 35 on the schedule but I already ran 22.5 on Monday and 4 today. I’m going to try to get back on schedule.


That laugh!!!! Omigosh! LOVE!!!


Even the elites take breaks from running. It’s a good thing.

Looks like some fun reading :). Just remember that some day you’ll be able to help another person based on the experiences you’re gaining now.


These videos made my day. The End. :)


Hope Kristin is helpful :)

You’re doing well to listen to your head and your body about training. One week won’t kill your CIM plans (two won’t, either) and your mental health is more important. Enjoy the extra resting time. Eat more ice-cream.


Usually I stick to my training plan perfectly, but I will switch it up from time to time. Especially if I have a day where I really would rather swim than bike, etc. I’d rather do a workout that I want to do than force myself through one that I’m really not feeling (within reason, of course).


Brooke is SO cute! You’re one lucky mama!


brooke is just too cute. both videos put a smile on my face :)

i’m looking forward to halloween, too – it’s my favorite holiday!


OMG those videos make my heart melt. I have been having a good day already but that definitely made me smile.

I don’t stick to my training plan 100%. I always set the plan up for the cycle but then reevaluate each Sunday before the week starts based on how I am feeling and what’s going on, and obviously change it by the day if something comes up. This “loosely followed” training plan works best for me, I still get my training done but more according to my schedule and not what is best for someone else.

Most of the recipies are typically things that I find around the house and see what I can make from that. But if I am actually planning a meal out, I have a bunch of cook books at hand- and a whole bookmarked tab on my laptop of blog posts and recipes I have found online that I want to try.


love brooke’s drunk baby stagger :)


I am actually in the process of reforming my running schedule this week. I’m cutting down my weekly runs and keeping my long weekend runs because my times have been getting slower instead of faster and my shin isn’t healing.
Most of my recipes I either make up or look up online when something sounds/looks good.

I’m looking forward to Starbuck’s fall drinks and cooler temps!


Brooke’s laugh definitely made my day! What a good walker!

I’ve been trying to listen to my body more and more, but it’s really hard. And thanks for the reminder that it’s okay to eat ice cream every day. It’s easy to forget.


Thank you so much for sharing the videos of Brooke walking! That is such an amazing accomplishment. I think I watched the videos of my goddaughter’s first steps like a million times, I was so proud of her and I’m just the godmother lol


Oh my gosh! How cute (and huge!) is your little peanut!! Way to go Brooke- nice walking skills!


I completely giggled at Brooke, even V had to look and he was in the middle of Turbo you know that is cute. :)

I am so sorry you are hurting. I wish I could hug you and make the pain go away.


Janae, I also want to thank you for you blog content lately. The way you are handling a heartbreaking situation is really helping me as well to see a good role model of how it’s ok to feel so upset and have a good cry, but at the same time to focus in the small daily blessings in life, like a baby’s laugh or a yummy lunch with friends, and find comfort in those positive things.


Her little giggles! Watched those vids several times each!


I stick to a general structure of training, but make adjusts as my body needs. I definitely don’t run if I’m not feeling good or feeling pain. It’s more important to stay injury free than run just because it’s on your training plan.

Brooke is adorable! Love that last video, so cute!


Oh gosh Janae, your voice is so cute! Babies laughing are the best. I will do just about anything to get my little guy to laugh.
Fall is my most favorite time of the year here in New England. This year Halloween is extra special because it will be my sons first birthday. Sugar overload is sure to happen!! :)


Your tacos remind me of Chipotle’s hidden menu item called the quesarito…a burrito wrapped in a quesadilla!

Halloween is probably the best thing ever. Besides Christmas of course


I need that right now!


I like to stick to my training plan, but I am trying to better with listening to my body and adjusting accordingly…injuries have taught me that lesson! Grrr!

I get a lot of my recipes from online…and a lot from my mom (always the best)…and then I make up a lot too (more fun that way…)

Fall? Hmmm..probably the cooler weather and the beautiful fall leaves! But does summer really have to end??


Both are those videos brought a smile to my face…
hope you’re doing alright, Janae <3


Your Brooke has the cutest giggle.

I’m not a runner (usually) but I stick to my workout plans unless my body is too sore or I feel like I’m getting sick. I should give myself a break more often, but if I let myself get out of routine its really hard to get back in.

I get most of my recipes from pinterest! clean eating crockpot recipes are my current favorites.

Fall is my favorite season. salted caramel mochas, leggings and boots, and all the beautiful colors make me so happy :)


I love the videos of Brooke walking and giggling! Thank you for sharing them!

I switch up my training plan as needed. In fact, this Friday I will be doing my long run since I can’t fit it in on Saturday.


Great post Janae! Way to maintain a healthy, balanced mindset! Keep on BLAZIN’, you are doing FANTASTIC.

ps: yes, I am that random, slightly annoying, chick poster that always manages to incorporate the word “BLAZE” into each post. But in all seriousness, just BLAZE ON….


I can’t wait to show my Sweets these videos of her BFF!! Too cute for words. That giggle!!!


Just stopping by to let you know that you are handling this tough time like a champ! Reaching out to family and friends and talking about it on the blog are all going to help you get through this time. You are NEVER alone. Hugs, kisses and prayers to YOU.


Brooke is so darn cute!! I can see how she is making this time for you just a little bit easier. I am praying for you and Brooke. I am positive that the Lord is working in your life in so many ways, and your testimony is touching many lives.


Brooke is the cutest. Love the videos of her. I think you should eat ice cream everyday, one bowl can bring you so much happiness :) You’re doing fantastic with all you have going on.


Brooke is SO cute!! But we already knew that

I mostly stick to my training plan, but sometimes I switch days around if something comes up. If I am really exhausted I will take the day off. I think that’s perfectly okay :)

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