Shopping really is amazing therapy

Rachelle and I own the streets of Utah County each morning that we run together.  She ran a relay race this last weekend (ummm she ran an average pace of 5:39 for one of her legs) and so my workout was her easy run because she was recovering from the relay:)  

I had a progression run to get done and it had been a long time since I had done one so it felt good to be back at it.

First mile at a 9, most of the middle ones around 7:30ish and the last mile at 6:30 for a total of 9 miles.  For some reason my breathing felt really off and more difficult than normal but like usual when our bodies don’t fully cooperate we just have to remember that it is completely normal for some runs to be crazy.

You know I need to do laundry when I am wearing my chocolate milk shorts.

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Yesterday was dedicated to getting a lot of not so fun errands done but at least one of the errands had fresh chocolate chip cookies waiting for us.

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There was one R.E.A.L.L.Y. fun errand and that was to buy Brooke some clothes.  It is amazing how much happiness this $14 pink jean jacket brought me.  

Brooke looks too cool for school in this picture.   She also got the shoes.  Shopping actually is proven to be amazing therapy especially if it is for Brooke clothes.  

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Some day I will learn to not take pictures in front of windows.  

Utah bloggers unite.  Annette and Ashley (and HUNTER) met us at Cafe Rio for the usual deliciousness.  

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And they came bearing treats.  I miss having a TJ’s a mile from my house very badly so to have a TJ’s treat again was the best.   I wonder where Brooke learns the grabbing sugary foods  from?

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The night was finished up with a walk around the neighborhood.  

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Did I tell you about the fact that Brooke FINALLY started saying mama?  It is adorable and she says it all day long.  


Do you ever do progression runs?  Do you like them?

Ever ran a relay race? Which one?  Do you want to run a relay race?

Favorite chocolate covered food?

-Besides the chocolate covered toffee….chocolate covered cinnamon bears.

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That pink jean jacket!!


So glad she can say mama!!!! How exciting! That jacket is adorable!


Oh goodness! I want a pink jeans jacket now! It might not look as cute on me though:) So many adorable pictures in one post!

Glad you had a good run! I love progression runs the most, though I have never done one that long. Good work!


How can anybody POSSIBLY choose the best chocolate covered thing? I mean, there are salted cashews, there are dried cherries, there are pop rocks (yup)…mango! Pineapple! Way too many choices.


Most of my runs unintentionally turn into progression runs. If you ever get back to TJs you must try the chocolate covered marshmallows!


Cute jacket! Also love your yellow running top…may have said that before!


I love how Brook and your momma are both wearing pink on the walk!! Whoo!


stupid computer didnt put the ‘e’ in Brooke! Boo!


Wait, chocolate covered cinnamon bears are actually a thing?! Oh my. I’m going to have to look into this… but for now my answer is chocolate covered marshmallows. Or ice cream.


I have done a progression run a couple of times. I actually like them lol to me, they aren’t as bad as doing HIIT runs. Never done a relay, but I’m dying to do one!!! Mmmmmm…….this question is hard, I like too many. But I’m going to go with chocolate covered espresso beans :) Love Brooke’s little outfit, way too cute!! Hooray for her saying your name :) That has got to be a great feeling!


I do progression runs sometimes- usually when I’m on the treadmill, but I’ve been trying to do them outside. It’s hard when it’s so hilly here… but I’m getting better! I’m going to try to do them more often now that our half marathon is bout a month and a half away- I have the mileage down, but I need to make sure I can pace accurately the whole way!

I’ve never done a relay race.. I’d consider doing one, especially if my friends and husband wanted to do one with me!

Favorite chocolate covered food- do peanut m&m’s count?! Or chocolate covered raisins. Those are delicious too.


fresh choco chip cookies when running errands?! amazing!! ps awesome nail polish color!!


Chocolate covered cinnamon bears sound SO good but no have never had them. I love chocolate covered almonds the best I think, I could eat a whole box in 7.4 seconds. Brookes jacket is the cutest, you should find a pink Jean jacket for yourself to match! I know what you mean about baby clothes, I bought a little onesie for my niece this weekend and things that miniature just make me so happy.


Brooke seriously does look too cool for school in that outfit. I like it.

I’ve never run a relay race, but I did volunteer at a Ragnar, though. Your friend is seriously speedy!!

I’m not sure I can actually pick a favorite chocolate covered food.


Brooke is just about the cutest little girl ever! She’s a girl after my own heart, going after all that sugar! ;)


I’m so jealous of your blogger meet up! I was lucky enough to meet Ashley a little over a year ago and I’ve spent a lot of time talking to Annette and would love to meet her too! And that little pink jean jacket? SO ADORABLE. I want one too!


That jacket is SO cute and I love her pose in that picture!!

I ran Ragnar Adirondacks last year (it was my bachelorette party!) and can’t wait to run another relay. They are SO fun!


That jacket and her stance! Too sweet! I just love it!


I always prefer progression runs… I like starting slow and feeling a strong finish. It makes the ending that much sweeter.

p.s. I think we need a Brooke saying mama video :)


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Ahhhhh there is the pink jacket you were talking about! LOVE it!! SO adorbs.

Loved hanging out with you yesterday!! You’re so gorgeous & wonderful and I feel lucky to know ya in person. And Brooke, oh my gosh, adorable!! <3

muah! <3 xo


Progression runs are super challenging both mentally and physically. I think they are really good especially for races


I’ve tried progression runs because I usually do them in reverse–you know, start out as fast as I’ll get then burn out in a fiery blaze.

And I don’t know if it’s the jacket or the capri pants but that stance just says “sassy” to me.


So cute! I loved shopping for my girls when they were little. It is a lot harder now. They are so picky and insist on picking out their own clothes most of the time. Wah.


yay for Brooke saying MAMA!!! That is amazing :)


Lol, I have friends where I am their “easy run” some people are just too fast! I was supposed to run a relay race last week but then I found out you had to be 18 :( did you notice Brooke and Hunter glaring each other down? Haha!


That little jean jacket Brooke is wearing is SO CUTE!


Your momma is so beautiful, Janae! Is that weird for me to say? She seems so sweet.


She really is the sweetest and most beautiful! Thanks for your comment!


That popcorn is my favorite TJ treat!!! I get it every time I get a chance to go to a trader joes! I’ve done Ragnar- loved it! Want to do another :) Brooke is so adorable!


That jean jacket is the cutest! I got a regular jean jacket for my little at osh kosh and am in love. Too bad it’s still a million degrees!

I never do progression runs. I’m not sure I even know what they are really….

I’ve never run a relay, but I have a deep need to run a Ragnar in 2014. I have 3 people plus a van driver, so I need 9 more and another van plus driver. You in?!

I love chocolate covered raisins. I see a trip to target in my future.


I’m addicted to Ragnar! About to run my 4th SF to Napa. Where do u live?



Cincinnati. I haven’t looked at dates recently. But everywhere is going to be a road trip. We want a Friday to saturday one so we can be at church Sunday.


I’m so jealous you to got to hang out with Ashley. I don’t know Annette, but you and Ashley are a couple of my favorite blogger ladies. ;) I wish I didn’t live on the other side of the country!!


Maybe you can come shop for my son! I am not a fan of shopping for clothes of any kind. It totally stresses me out.

I’ve never done a progression run – I will have to look into it. I’m not great at adding variety – I just run. I should add variety though.

My son is just starting to say mama, but it sounds more like baba, so I’m not sure if he means to say mama or baba….


Ahhh there’s that jean jacket you were telling us about! I just LOVE it – adorable!

You are just the best. I’m so glad we were able to meet up! Love you girl!


Love that Jean jacket, shopping for my daughter is one of the things I enjoy doing most. Still can’t run but I would love to do HTC relay race and what would make it even better was if you were in my van Janae! xoxo


I did a progression tempo run yesterday actually. 10 miles total – 3 easy, 5 miles progressive tempo working from 8:27-7:37 pace (you are much quicker than me) and then 2 easy. It made the workout go by much quicker!


The fact that she started saying “mama” must have you beaming! That jacket helps a ton too! Too cute!!


It really does!


SO many things…

1. Where in the world is that cute jacket from? I think I need to buy 2!!!

2. So jealous of your date with Ashley and Annette!!!


Yes yes you do!!! Carter’s! Thinking about you gorgeous girl!


Good Morning!
Yes, I’ve done progression runs on the treadmill, not really my favorite run, though. I’ve never done a relay but would LOVE to!

I like chocolate covered gummi bears but how have I not heard of chocolate covered cinnamon bears?!?! Where might I find these??


I really want to do a relay race, I really wanted to Ragnar Chicago but I couldn’t find enough crazy people to do it with me. Maybe next year….any takers out there?


Holy cow Rachelle is fast!!! Wow!
I love that Brooke is also holding a bag of Swedish Fish. Like mother like daughter :)
Yay for saying mama!!! So fun!


I love chocolate covered fruit- like Edible Arrangements! I love love love chocolate covered pineapple, strawberries and especially the apple slices.


That jacket is sooo cute! I totally agree that shopping for little girl clothing is so fun and always puts me in a good mood :). Annabelle has a off white and blue striped pea coat waiting for her this fall/winter…I got it for really cheap at a Baby Gap sale!

I love progression runs! Well, I love them when they turn out like they are supposed to :).

If it’s covered in chocolate, odds are I am going to like it. I’ve never tried chocolate covered cinnamon bears, nor did I know they existsed until you mentioned them!


Not only are the jean jacket and shoes adorable – I love how she is standing in the picture. Like her hip is all out with some attitude. She is so stinkin cute.

Way to go on your run! Love that you and Rachelle get to run together because running is just so much better with friends. And speedy ones make hard workouts a little more tolerable ;) I think most of my runs are progression runs…not always on purpose. I just always start slow and get faster as I run (not yours and Rachelle’s version of fast). I think my favorite run/workout are fartleks. Not only is the name just fun to say, but they go by so quick!

I have done Red Rock relay – zion. I loved it. And I will do it again one day. Pretty much if you ever want me to do a race, just mention St George being involved and I will be there.

Chocolate covered cinnamon bears FTW. In a close second are chocolate covered almonds and the dark chocolate covered acai berries from Costco.


My post today has a similar title. I def participated in some retail therapy yesterday. This running injury really sucks! We need to get together so you can share your running injury coping skills and how to get back and be awesome lol but seriously…


just tried chocolate-covered bacon. heaven.

brooke is waaaaaaaaay too cute. also, a 5:39 pace– holy toledo, rachelle!!!


Aww yay for calling you mom! I’m 16 days away from even having our son and I can’t wait to hear that!

Chocolate covered graham crackers are my fave!


That jacket is so cute! And I can only imagine how awesome it must feel to hear Brooke say ‘mama’!


I like how Brooke is looking at Hunter in that picture :).


ahh yay I love that she says mamma, it must make your day! That jean jacket is soo adorable!


I’m a big fan of progression runs, and in fact I believe in making every run somewhat of a progression run. No matter what I like my last mile to be faster than my first, even if it’s only a few seconds and still at an easy pace- training your body to finish faster is key in my book.

Chocolate Covered anything, but gimme chocolate covered peanut butter (hellooooo reeces).


I really would like to have a pink jean jacket of my own! I love jean jackets, especially in cute colors! Brooke is such a fashionista! My favorite chocolate covered thing is marshmallows or pretzels w/peanut butter! Pleaseeee post a video of her saying mama! So much cuteness!


Love the pink jacket! Brooke is so adorable!!

Chocolate covered pretzels or gummy bears are my fav.


5:39 pace? Wow! That is incredible! She is a rockstar.

Shopping for toddler clothes is way more fun than when they get bigger. They’re so cute and adorable now, but all of a sudden you find yourself looking through clothes that make them look like the kids they are instead of shirts that say stuff like “your girlfriend is staring at me” (I have boys) or “Danger, sexy beast ahead.” Why in the world would you put those things on a child? Seriously. And my kids are only 5 & 7!

I have run a couple relay races, Ragnar Northwest Passage, and it’s so much fun! Though I’m not nearly as fast as Rachelle!

That’s it. I need to visit Utah. Every time you post about Cafe Rio I start drooling.


I definitely need to get into the runner’s lingo. I just go by “I’m going running” and then whatever it turns into, I do it. I totally would love a coach in the future because I want to work on some speedy paces like you!! Love that you got to meet Ashley…she’s one of my fave (virtual) gal’s :)


Chocolate covered peanut butter m&m’s…….YUM! It is kind of a daily treat :).
I try to do progression runs once a week….but I am bad at it! I usually end up with up and down times and a fast last mile. Anything in the 5’s is just faster than my legs can possibly go…I am jealous!!!
I used to love shopping for my kids…now that they are 9 and 11 is is not nearly as much fun, but it saves me money!


Rachel is so awesome! I found her through your site and she’s such an inspiration… you two together! Man, that’s just a big ball of running awesomeness!


I love that in 95% of food pictures, Brook is reaching for it :)


I do progression runs and I love them!
Just ran my first 24 hour relay at the end of June here in MI and it was so much fun, not to mention our teams first place finish!! =)
Fave chocolate covered food is raisins. Mmmmm……….
Brooke is way too cool for school!!!


LOVE those little pink shoes. Where did you buy them?


They are from Carter’s!


I love that Brooke is saying mama!! Progression runs are great! But I’m not so good at them…. I always start out way too fast!
Chocolate covered pretzels for the win!


awww i bet hearing brooke say “mama” is the cutest thing ever :)

oh, and that pink jean jacket is adorable – i’m probably going to go broke buying clothes when i start having kids, haha ;)


I think I may have to move to Utah JUST to attend one of these blogger meet-ups and meet you! ;-) That totally wouldn’t be stalkerish, right?!


I love your yellow running top! where do you by most of your running clothes??


Chocolate-covered cashews, peanuts, almonds…pretty much chocolate-covered nuts! I go crazy for them, so I cannot keep them in my house.


I love Brooke jacket!!


Love Brooke’s new jacket! I still love buying cute clothes for my kids who are no longer infants :)

I do progression runs about twice a week. I haven’t done a relay yet, but I think it would be super fun.

My favorite choclate covered something would have to be dark chocolate over dried blueberries :) Yum! They make me happy.


Weeeeeeeee’re gunna need a video of ‘mama’ :)


I’ll have to try that TJ’s chocolate covered toffee- YUM!! Brooke in that picture looks SO sassy and like you said- too cool for school. Adorable! That jean jacket is perfect, too. I definitely agree- shopping is the BEST therapy. :)



If only I could shop more often ;-)

Cute jean jacket!


I just ran Hood to Coast this past weekend – my first time running it or any relay race!!! It was really fun and my all of my legs were awesome (even the one up 1,000 ft of hills in the middle of the night on gravel roads) but i certainly didn’t come close to any sub-6 paces – way to go Rachelle!


Chocolate covered potato chips… YUM!
Brooke always has the cutest poses in her pictures.


I’ve done a few progression runs – they are not my favorite.
I’ve never done a relay run, but it is definitely on my bucket list.

I keep it simple with chocolate covered peanuts…they are one of my favorite snacks.

Brooke is adorable in that pick jacket. I’m going to be an aunt this year and cannot wait to buy cute little kid clothes :)


Did she by chance run the Hood to Coast relay this last weekend?? I ran that and it was amazing! Although my fastest leg was a 7:49 min/mi 5 miler! I couldn’t even imagine hitting the paces she did! Maybe if it was straight down a hill. On a moped. ;)

That jean jacket is the cutest!!!


I wish I had friends to run with, even if it was their slow run :) Shopping really is a cure haha That pink jacket is adorable.. so glad you found it for her :)


If you cover it in chocolate… Right now I’m more into covering my chocolate…chocolate chips in peanut butter or sunflower seed butter.

I love relays. I really love the team thing. I like training on my own mostly and then coming together with others for the big event. I’ve run a few relays…a 4-person marathon relay a few times and Hood to Coast twice. So much fun!

Progression runs were always one of my favorite workouts.


Cutest jacket ever!!


Aww!! So adorable that Brooke finally says Mama!!


Anything covered in white chocolate!


When your baby says ‘mama’, it’s the best!! I love it hearing it in that tiny baby voice. Love!!

Progression runs are probably my favorite type of runs. I always feel fantastic at the end, so strong. They’re great for simulating what you want to happen on race day.


On top of the absolutely adorable clothes, Brooke’s ponytail is just so cute in that picture, too!!


Ahhh! She says ‘mama!’ That must just melt your freaking heart. It’s amazing the amount of joy these little kiddos can bring. Makes me think having one of my own someday may be pretty spectacular :)


I love your yellow running shirt. It that Lulu Lemon? I want one!

Brooke is the cutest little one ever. I smile every time I see her pictures.


It is!!! Get one!


I’m so happy that Brooke says Mama! I can’t wait until I am *old enough to be* a mom <3


Never done a progression run, but might have to give it a try, sounds like fun! And ohhh my goodness, that jacket is sooooo freaking adorable on you’re little Brookers!


That jacket! Sharsti just wrote about retail therapy today, too! You great minds must think alike ;) I love how your momma and Brooke are twinsies in the bottom photo. Too cute! I don’t INTENTIONALLY do progression runs, but they happen and I’m not mad about them. I love chocolate covered pomegranate. Or chocolate covered Oreos, but those are an indulgence.


AWWWWWEEEEEE! I love that she is saying ‘mama’!!! :) SO sweet!


I’ve never done a relay, but I want to badly!!! I think my sibs and I are going to do a trail relay next summer in Michigan!!


I love chocolate covered ANYTHING!!! Especially dark chocolate!!!!


Video of Brooke saying mama pretty pleaseeee? She is too cute


That outfit is just too cute!

I’ve never done a progression run or a relay race. I’d love to do a relay sometime in the future but would need to find people to run with.

Fave chocolate covered food? That’s not a fair question. I’d have to go with chocolate covered almonds. That’s what first popped into my head. And btw, I have to know where you find these “cinnamon bears”. I’ve love to try one of those!


chocolate covered pretzel thins from Costco..

Love Brooke, it is much more fun to buy little clothes.


Oh my gosh she is so cute in that jean jacket! Trader Joe’s def has the best chocolates ever!


I want to run a Ragnar Relay, but always seem to be out of town the weekend of our local one. Oh well, some day…

I love Brooke’s pink jeans jacket! It’s adorable!


Oh my gosh yay for ‘Mama!’ Can’t wait to see a video of it! She is such a cutie!


Yaaaay for Brooke saying Mama! I bet that feels great! She’s the most stylish baby I’ve ever seen. I need to take some fashion advice from her.


YAY for saying “Mama”! xoxo


I love Brooke’s jacket, too cute!


How funny, Annette was in my singles ward at byu


I’ve done THE Relay (from Calistoga to Santa Cruz) six times. SO MUCH fun. You have to see this video though of someone trying to explain running a relay to a “non believer” — so hilariously true:

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