Don’t text and walk. RAY-BAN Giveaway Winner! And the shortest post in the world.

I had an easy 50 minute run today (negative splits with an average of a 7:49 pace) and when I got in to my apartment complex I started walking. I was texting my mom as I was walking and this speed bump came out of nowhere and almost killed me. I tripped and luckily didn’t fall very hard at all but the moral of this story is to not text and walk. Or at least don’t when you are still kind of asleep.


The winner of the Ray-Ban Giveaway is:

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Welcome to the shortest post ever on Hungry Runner Girl. I am keeping it short because like usual I am extremely late to the airport. I bought a last minute plane ticket to go to Utah for a few days! Billy will be crazy busy studying for the patent bar that he has to take soon and I found really cheap tickets so that = go to Utah. I am already preparing myself to be able to deal with the heat and elevation when I am running but who doesn’t like a challenge?

And a cute picture of Brooke before I say goodbye.

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And last but not least I am already sweating thinking about my Tuesday and Thursday run this week. Fartleks for ONE WHOLE MINUTE and I haven’t ran up a hill during a training run since 2002.

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This will be fun.


What are you up to today?

Have you gone on vacation this summer? Are you going to go anywhere this summer?

How often do you run hills?

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I just ran a relay this weekend in CO that took me over mountain passes, so I would say I run hills pretty often. Way to go 12 min miles over mountain passes at 10,000+ feet above sea level. Now it is time for serious running training.


Going to visit my little sis up in the redwoods tomorrow :) much needed vaca. When ever I run around my neighborhood I do hills. it’s one giant rolling hill and always a climb back home. ha.

physical therapy appointment followed by an easy swim or cycle class.

have fun in Utah!! hope you survive them fartleks ;)


No vacation this summer. Boo.
Try to run hills at least every other week. Enjoy hot humid Utah!!!!


Yay for going to Utah to visit your family! I’m actually visiting my parents for a few days right now. I don’t run a lot of hills when I’m at home, but boy do I run a lot when I’m visiting my parents!


As usual Brooke is adorable and makes me smile!!

Have fun in Utah and congrats on the fartleks. You are braver than me with them! I generally avoid hills but before I got injured I was running alot of bridges. Forcing myself to do it just because I know I needed it!


Did some CRAZY hills this weekend while pacing at the VT100!! Literally the entire course is either steep uphill or steep downhill (which isn’t any easier when your legs are shot and your feet are killing you!). I can NOT imagine how the 100-miler did it–I only did 26, and I could barely move at the end of it!


We are headed to the in laws for dinner! No summer vacations for us since Joe started a new job, but we did book a trip to BRAZIL in November! His dad has an apartment on Coco Cabana beach so we figured we needed to go before Noah turned two and we had to pay for his ticket… Enjoy Utah!!!


Good luck to Billy on the patent bar! I am a paralegal in a patent law firm. We also have an office in San Jose. Maybe Billy will be one of my attorneys one day. :)


I run hills every time I run around my neighborhood. The hill usually comes right in the middle of my run, and I gauge my fitness by how long it takes me to recover. I went to Puerto Rico back in April, so no real summer vacation for me. Glad you’re getting to see family, and GOOD LUCK BILLY on the bar!


Has Brooke ever taken a non-cute picture?

I just started incorporating hills and while they’re hard, they do make you stronger. I’m starting to kinda almost like them.

We’re going on vacation next month to Lake Tahoe. A giant house for my little family, my husband’s parents, and my sister-in-law and her husband. I’m so looking forward to it!


Today is my birthday so my sister is making me dinner :)

We are going to Thailand in September!!!!!!!!

I kind of hate running hills but there is a great hilly trail right near my house and I try to run it about once a week.


I broke my hand texting and walking. True story. I under-stepped on a curb, fell down, and caught myself with my hand…fingers extended forward. Broke three fingers at the base. It was so humiliating.


Oh girl! That sounds so awful!


I got to run today!!! I’m not sure I want to call it a run because I was so painfully slow from where I was before I pulled my hamstring BUT I will stay positive because I was able to run!!! It had been 6 painfully long weeks without running (technically 4 since I was jogging at crossfit before I realized I pulled my hamstring) and finally!! Only 1.25 miles at a slow pace for me personally but YAY! Now to smartly increase my distance and decrease my pace over the next 6 weeks for my 10k and then my two half marathons in late Oct and early Nov. I’m seriously so excited right now!

Vacation? What is vacation? I’m teaching summer school, so that’s taking up lots of time.

Before the hamstring pull I ran hills a couple times a week (where I live is not flat). Going to be working my way back to hills for the Nike Women’s Half but not until I know for sure this hamstring is okay.


Have fun in Utah and good luck to bill on his test! Eat some cafe rio and Bombay house for me.


Oooh Fartleks! good luck ;) I just went to the beach last week on vacation. Divine!


Have a great time in Utah!


I do a hills run once a week but there are usually hills on my other runs as well. Found a great steep hill not too far from home the other day so I’m excited for that!

I just got back from a big trip to France and Italy in march so I’m staying at home and saving money this summer! Totally okay with that because Victoria in the summer is pretty amazing!!


Awesome run today! Hitting negative splits is always an awesome feeling. Have fun in Utah and good luck with your hard runs this week. Today, I’ve mostly been up to napping. I had a busy weekend with lots of running and yoga and apparently my body needed a break.


If I run outside there are hills. If it’s not raining, I run outside. This usually makes for about 3-4 days a week of training with hills. However, any race that I run will more than likely have hills because of where I live.


I am finally home but just for a second. After work, I went to have my half marathon medal (from yesterday’s race) engraved for free. I love Fleet Feet! Now, I’m going to run with a running group. I have 5 miles scheduled for today, I think I’m going to hang at the back today as it’s my recovery day.

I’ve gone to Colorado this summer in May to visit family – it was awesome! The whole family got together for the first time in 22 years for a surprise birthday party for my grandma’s 90th!

I don’t run hills that often. As I’m in Chicago, I could run over the expressway I suppose….that would count as a hill….here at least.


Have so much fun in Utah!!


My only summer plan is to cook these babies! Being on bed rest kept me from traveling anywhere!


I went back home to Colorado for two weeks over the 4th of July. It was awesome. I packed it with hiking, kayaking, trail running and backpacking. Now that I’m back in DC, I’m already itching for another outdoor adventure.

I have hill repeats twice a week in my new training plan…I start tomorrow. It’s gonna be rough! I think that they really improve my running strength and speed incredibly, though, so they’re worth it.


have fun in utah! :)


Ahhh have so much fun in utah with your fam!! :) And I have totally tripped while walking and texting too. It’s a dangerous thing. ;)



I run hills all the time since there isn’t really a non hilly option around here. I get super excited when I can run a flat course!


YAY have fun in UT with the fam! I will be leaving UT here soon, or else I’d say let’s meet up again.

It is HOT here, just sayin. And sunny-wahoo!


Welcome back to UT! It’s cray hot here :( I’m running the Deseret News 1/2 marathon down Emigration Canyon on Wednesday! wooo


I absolutely hate hills, but I know from my last marathon that this is something I really need to work on. Safe travels to you!


Those runs look like fun! ;)

I slept most of the day since I have worked the last three nights (fri,sat,sun) 12 hours each…so I am exhausted! Woke up, gym date for an hour and then cleaned house….Now the kids and I are going to go for a walk/jog with kids biking!

I run hills constantly, because it is hilly every road/path I go on! I have learned to love hills (for real!). Also, the upside to hills is that there is always a downhill!

have a great night!


My usual park loop includes hills, but I rarely do hill repeats. I should work on that!
I’m going to New Hampshire in two weeks and I’m so excited to get out of the city and into nature!


Yay! I’m glad that you get to go to Utah. I always love reading your posts when you are back in Utah.


When I first came out to UT in June the hills by my parents house (I think my parents live really close to yours by the look of pictures you have posted around there) KILLED me. Now that I have been here for a bit I am more used to it which makes me happier because that means I have gotten stronger! Wahoo!

So glad you get to see your family for a bit. It’s hot here but I love it!


Have a great trip & safe travels! It’s super hilly in NE TN, so I run hills almost every time I run. Last week I ran a trail race with a monster hill that is about 1/2 mile long. Super steep and never ending, but at least you get an awesome descent on the back side!


I never do hills on purpose. Ever.

We slept in today, eye exams all around and grilled pork chops & asparagus. Sent my oldest to a sleepover.

We went on vacation last month. Niagara Falls and the PA Grand Canyon. Certainly lots of hill walking and hiking! My calves hurt for a week!


I live in a super hilly area so I run them almost every time I go out. If my hamstrings are feeling crazy tight, sometimes I’ll drive to a park where there is an almost flat 1 mile loop, but otherwise, it’s hills and more hills for me. My usual route ends in a 1 mile climb which always makes me die just a little, even after 3 years of running it. Good luck with your rolling hill fartlek work-out and have fun with your family!


That is a precious picture of Brooke! I went on vacation home to North Carolina for my brother’s wedding, but now we don’t have any vacations planned.


Have fun!


Hope you have a good trip, out of curiosity what site do you use to find cheap tickets?

I try and include a run with some elevation changes at least once a twice a week. But I know I need to do actual hill repeats more often than I do.


They were just last minute southwest tickets! I just found them on their website… They were reducing the price since the plane was pretty empty!


We took a road trip from CO to the Jersey shore. It was a long drive but a great adventure with the kids. There are a couple of long slow inclines in my neighborhood so most of my runs basically start and end with a hill.


Have a great time in Utah!
We are currently on vacation this week, camping for the weekend, I haven’t done anything but stuff my face full of chips and queso, I need to squeeze in some sort of activity tomorrow ;)


When is Brooke’s birthday? I am thinking soon?


I run up hills pretty often (but try to avoid the biggest ones ;-) ) Have a nice vacay! I am headed to San Diego in a few weeks.


I am always running hills these days because I have been trail running. And I just recently decided I would do hill repeats as well (but I have done them like twice this summer… which is still two more times than I did last year, hahaha).


why were you walking on the road in the 1st place? :p
I try to get hill runs in at least once a fortnight. Or at least a good tempo run.


Woah! That’s awesome that your husband is going to be a patent attorney! That’s what I do! I *love* patent law!!

I also love vacation! Husband and I are going to Chicago this weekend, Vancouver for the Lululemon SeaWheeze half marathon weekend on Aug 10ish, and then to Hawaii for a week to celebrate our 5-year anniversary!!


i hate, hate, hate hills! i try to avoid them but i know they’re good for me so once a month or so i do hill repeats and then hate them more after. sorry this is such a negative comment, but it is the truth. hills are the worst.


Have a good trip!!

I’m going to be running around like a crazy person trying to get sizes fit for a new Aspaeris product for the fall!


Yesterday I ran a painful 6 miles in the heat/humidity/hills. I’m really starting to hate “h” words… I can’t wait for summer to end so it can cool down and I can run longer outside!

We went on our honeymoon to the Dominican Republic in May :) Then we went to Texas for a family reunion/30th anniversary trip for my in-laws. No more trips for awhile… I really wish we were back on our honeymoon. That went by WAY too fast!

I run hills every day of my life. Unless I want to only run on the treadmill (yuck…), then I have no choice. my work/apartment/local parks are all near a small mountain, and everything around it is big rolling hills for the most part. I guess that will help eventually when we race a flat course? Which, again, is never actually around where we live…!


So, listen to this. I was starting out my run the other day and I was setting up the Nike + on my phone while I ran. TERRIBLE idea, because I tripped over a bump in the side walk and fell REALLY hard. My knee is all scraped and bruised. Not to mention it happened on a really busy street at the height of rush hour. Sigh.


Have fun in Utah!!


Have a great time in Utah!


let’s just put it this way….I do not run hills on purpose


We went to the shore for the weekend over 4th of July and in 2 weeks, the hubs and I are driving to my hometown in upstate NY for our godson’s baptism :)

I live in a sort of hilly neighborhood, so I run on gradual hills 3-4x/week. I do my long runs somewhere else because double digits on those hills would probably crush my soul.


Ooh have fun in UT! Hubs & I just got back from Belgium & France for our 7 year anniversary, and we’re leaving tomorrow for Portland (taking the girls on this trip) :)!


my hubby gets on me about text walking all the time! Just last week I almost walked into a telephone poll, while instagrammin’. whoops!

Have a fabulous time in Utah with your familia! My vacay isn’t til mid-August; cannot wait to spend my birthday with my toes in the sand, plus knocking out some long runs on the oceanfront :D

fyi…noticed that there are increasing amounts of ads and pop ups when I come to read your blog now.. its kind of a deterrent. :|

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