Can you believe this??? And running hair.

This happened.  I’m sure if I tried it I could do it too;)

Isn’t that just insane?  25 MPH on the treadmill.

Today’s workout was a 5k time trial on my own.  6 weeks ago my splits were 6:25, 6:35 and 6:45 (not sure what the last .1 was).

Today they were 6:31, 6:25 and 6:21 and 6:22 pace for the last .1.  It was hard but it is done, two easy days now and then a 10k race on the 4th!!

I was doing my normal ‘read every running website created’ this morning and came across an article—Eight Runner-Tested Hairstyles.

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I really want to try the fishtail braid out!

I decided to tell you all about my runner-tested hairstyle.

How it is done:  Put your hair in a ponytail (using two elastics) the night before you run.  When you wake up put a headband on to pull back all of the hairs that fell out of the ponytail while you were sleeping and get outside asap for your run because every second counts in the morning… no time will be wasted brushing my hair.

PS I have no idea why it looks like my face is bleeding, it is probably just Swedish Fish remnants.

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For lunch I had leftover (from last night) carne asada tacos.  The carne asada is from Trader Joes and they season it for you.  It is seriously so amazing.

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Finally Starburst.  You finally realized that no one likes the non-berry flavors of Starbursts and you made an entire bag of just the good flavors.

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Annnnnnnnd Brooke really likes computers.

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What is the fastest speed (even if it is just for a second) that you have ever ran on a treadmill?

What is your running hairstyle?  Who else NEEDS a headband on when they run?

What kind of computer do you use?  How old were you when you got your first computer?

Is there anyone that actually likes orange and yellow Starbursts?

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I have wondered for AAAGES how to do the fancy plait! Thanks for enlightening me!

I run with a high ponytail and 1000 bobby pins sticking my fringe back. A hairband would definitely help me out.

Erm I am all about the red Starburst. But M&Ms beat any kind of Starburst any day, don’t you think?



By the way …. Plait is what we call braids in England! :)


NO ONE likes orange and yellow starbursts! Why do they continue to make them??? My go to running hair is a plain old pony tail. Not much different than any other time in my life…


What? orange is the BEST!!


haha, orange and yellow are my FAVORITES!!!! I’ll gladly take your leftovers ;)


I agree, lemon and orange are the best!


I can do without orange but lemon are the best for sure!


We should arrange a swap. An elaborate mail-your-friends-your-leftover-starburst scheme. :)


LOL! My friend eats the yellow/orange/green of any candy like starbursts and sour patch kids and I eat the red. Same with mike ‘n Ike’s! Yellow seriously is the worst! My go-to running hairstyle is a bun and a BIC band, preferably of the sparkly sort!


I love the lemon and orange Starbursts. I give my sister all the pinks and reds. LOL.


Me too!! When my Mom and I share movie candy, she eats all the reds and pinks and I get the yummy yellow and orange! I did try a package of the berry-only ‘bursts the other day though, and they were delicious.


I’ve been a Mac girl since the 80s. My dad had the sweet black and white Mac laptop when we were kids. I use a MacBook Air now.

I usually just put all of my hair in a bun with a headband when I run. Curly hair is hard to tame into a “cute” running hair style. Also, I am lazy.

I don’t know what the fastest speed I’ve run on a treadmill is. It’s definitely not 25, though!


I never knew people DIDN’T like the lemon and orange starbursts……am I just weird, what’s not to love?? I love any lemon or citrus flavored candy.

I have short hair so I just throw on a running cap and call it good.


That makes my legs hurt just watching it! I didn’t even know treadmills went that fast. CRAZY!
Also, my favorite Starbursts are the orange. So that bag would be my worst candy nightmare.


I like orange and yellow Starburst! They are actually my favorites! I will trade you for red and pink any day!

I MUST have a headband while running. No matter how long my hair gets, I always have little hairs that come out and bother me if I forget my headband. Generally I just have a ponytail but I think I am going to try a braid because I often end up with a tangled sweaty mess by the end. I don’t think I have the coordination (yet) for a fishtail so probably just a regular braid!

I have gotten up to 12 mph for a few seconds (sprinting) and I didn’t know it went higher! I guess there are fancier ones out there that can go that fast? I feel like I am running 25 mph when I go 10-12 mph!

I am not even sure what my computer is…so long as it works!


I’m not sure what my fastest on a treadmill was but my fastest mile was a 5:55 in 2007. I had to run that fast my first mile of a race or I was going to get run over by a massive crowd.
Fall out of bed hair is my style, my hair styling abilities are mediocre at best. I have to have a hairband!!
I use a Macbook Pro and my first computer was purchased when I was 19. I hate orange and yellow starburst! I love pink and red!


I actually do like them but I can live without them no biggy…
I have long hair and bangs so I do a French braid that would take my bags in, hate hair on my face…


That treadmill clip is ridiculous!

Starburst needs to make a reds only package… although only berry is an improvement on the real thing!

I had a mac in college.. but after I graduated and my mac died I bought a dell. Apple was just too expensive, although I loved it and will get another after I finish PA school/get a real job!

I always need a hairband to run!


I always run with a braid and a headband. LeBron James style-right across the forehead. Looks ridiculous but I don’t care. The one I use can convert to cover everything but the top of my head in the cold-or as a simple band, but it’s dri-fit material and really keeps the sweat out of my poor burning eyes!


I’m searching for a no-slip headband that will actually stay put on my runs. Right now I’m rockin’ the humidity-induced crazy wisps that escape my ponytail after ever run!


A headband is a necessity for me, I use the skinny lululemon ones because they don’t slide around and are adjustable. Win!


I love the yellow starburst. I didn’t at first but it was one of those acquired taste type deals.
I didn’t get a computer until I was probably 15 and that was a family computer. My own wasn’t until I graduated high school. I also didn’t get a cell phone until I was 16 and got a car. Oh how times have changed!!!


I have done intervals and gotten up to 11.0 on the treadmill. I am positive that if I would have even set my foot down at the speed he was going, I would have flew off the back.

Just a plain ponytail for me – I do prefer a headband though – I hate flyaways, I can’t sleep with a ponytail in though, Drives me bonkers.

Ross built our computer. Nerd,

Yellow and orange aren’t my favorites (green and pink FTW!) but I will eat them. I don’t think they taste bad. Does syrup have sugar in it? Then YES! <– probably my favorite line from 'Elf'.

Way to go on your run today. You are so speedy. You are going to rock the 10k on the 4th! I can't wait to see how you do!


Yellow Starbursts taste like furniture polish! Well at least what I imagine furniture polish tastes like. Gross! (I’m more of a skittles fan instead if starburst anyways…

I am such a speed demon on the treadmill…I think I once hit 6.0! Haha!


I ONLY like the yellow and orange Starburst! I also love Apple products, but I also think some allegedly privileged little kids today don’t color, draw, or read in the physical world anymore.


Oh, and I cannot wear those elastic headbands. They just roll right off my head. I have tried and have had zero luck.


I like orange and yellow Starbursts, and pink the most, but definitely won’t eat the red ones. Yuck!


My fastest pace on the treadmill is your normal (easy) pace haha. I am pretty sure it is a 7:30, (8 or somethign mph, i dont remember exactly)


ME TOO! Lol, I feel like I’m flying at that pace.


And I can only hold it for MAYBE a minute!!! My comfortable pace is like 11:45 though, a 5.2 i think?


I can live without orange but I do like lemon Starburst.

I typically just through my hair up in a bun or pony tail. The hairstyle doesn’t matter but a hat or visor is absolutely necessary.


Lemon Starburst are my favorite. Srawberry are the last to be picked. That candy reminds me of YMCA summer camp.

Hair goes in a pony and gets covered by a baseball cap that keeps my bangs out of the way.


I HAVE to have either my hat or my headband. It’s a requirement.
I like a pony tail or just a normal braid. I’m not good at fancy types of braids. I should practice more or else if I have little girls they’re going to never have cute hair ;)
I use a Mac but I think I prefer a PC (I know, I know). Really, it doesn’t matter to me.
I think the fastest speed I have been to ever is the 8.0.


It was a magical day when I clued into headbands. I wear a braid because otherwise it all becomes a snarled mess.

First computer owned in 2004. I must’ve been living in a cave.


I never brush my hair on days where I do nothing but run/go to the gym. I just put it in a big messy ponytail and be done with it. I take it out after the run but usually don’t bother brushing it lol


Orange starbursts might be my fav, but yellow is ick.

I always wear a lululemon headband, it’s the only one that isn’t too tight/ doesn’t slide off.

That video is crazy!


Red and pink starbursts are the only way to go. I love that other people pick them out. I never eat orange ones, or orange skittles, or orange/brown M&M’s.

You are a super speedy 5k runner!


I have the most outragelous running hair. And yoga hair. Oh god that’s the worst. People ask me frequently if I just rolled out of bed. I didn’t get my own laptop until I graduated from middle school. My mac that I use now came after I graduated High school. Now I’m craving CANDY after reading this post. Typical ;)



that video is awesome


If I am in the mood I will braid my hair, but usually it is just in a pony tail with a few bobby pins.
That Video was insane. I am not sure what the fastest I have gone on a treadmill, I am sure when I was in college I put it as high as it would go just for fun. I have heard too many treadmill stories from falling down, that I am not that adventurous as the guy from the video.


Love the fishtail look! I always try it but then my arms get really tired and I end up saying, “screw it…a regular ponytail is fine” haha.


My hair is so thick I always use THREE elastics + a headband – always.

I will only eat the pink and red starbursts. I would give away the yellow or orange, same thing with skittles (except only purple/red). I dont’ really like citrus flavored candy.


I like yellow Starburst! (Indifferent to orange.) Try eating a yellow and a pink at the same time – someone told me it’s a bit like strawberry lemonade, and if you don’t like the yellow maybe that’s a way to make it tolerable.

As of this year, I don’t have enough hair left to style. Though I do throw some clips/pins on my bangs to keep them out of my eyes when running. My bangs are too short for a headband, so if I try to use one, they just stick up right behind the headband and look ridiculous. If I run outside without pinning them, sometimes I come back looking like Wolverine. I’m ok with that. It seems hardcore. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.


I run in a messy bun. Easy and quick and keeps the hair off my neck.

I’m in LOVE with Apple products!

I like the orange starbursts – the yellow is ugh.


My running hairstyle is just a ponytail with a visor if I am running outside, headband if I am running on the treadmill. There isn’t a flavor of Starburst I don’t like, but for some reason I’m picky when it comes to Skittles.


Yep, last night’s ponytail and a hairband. That’s how it’s done! Hair band is a must though. Otherwise, I am eating my hair for the entire run and noone has time for a proper do-up in the morning.

My husband likes orange and yellow! So I make sure I eat the good ones first, just to make sure he doesn’t have to eat one of those pink or red ones :o)

I was 18 when I bought my first laptop. I am only using apple. Started with windows and then I bought my first apple 3 years ago. There is no going back.


Only pink starburst!!! I don’t even know why they make the other flavors! I am going to have to try these berry ones though!
I only wear a pontail when running…I don’t have the patience to do anything else :). Headbands give me a headache…but I really want to try sparkley soul ones, I just keep waiting to win one :)!
I use a dell laptop and I am not very techie at all!…but I am learning since I have started my blog!!!!


I NEED a headband when I run too! .. My ponytail/messy bun never stays in when I workout.. its so frustrating.. I constantly have to fix it.


Orange is my absolute FAVORITE! flavor or star bursts.


I need a headband or a hat. I’ve wore a hat lately because I kept getting the top of my head burnt =( If i’m not wearing my hat then I have to have a headband to keep the hair away.

Oh and I got my first computer when I was 14, it was a dell. Now I only use apple. I have a imac and a macbook pro.


I love all the TRADITIONAL starburst flavors…none of that tropical stuff. I will seriously eat any of the red orange yellow or pink ones though!

Running hair was always a french braid (or 2) or a pony tail with a headband. BUT now that I am growing my hair out for my wedding, things are a changin! It’s getting long enough now where it tangles pretty easily. Add that with triathlon training = nappy mess all the freakin time. So I braid more than pony, but I really should try the fishtail, I wonder if it would hold up in the water and on the bike too. First 70.3 tri is in 2 weeks and I am seriously freaking out with what to do with my hair, yes first world problems.


I saw the running hairstyles article too and thought, “ain’t nobody got time for that!”


Bahahahahahah your comment made my day!


I love lemon & orange starbursts!! But I do like the berry kinds too–they should do a mix of those!


My bff just got me a Lululemon headband just like that (but in lime green) for my bday!! :) I’m totally going to wear it tomorrow on my run. I’m pretty excited, since headbands are pretty much necessary when running! And you should definitely wait until Brooke’s 2nd bday to get her an ipad mini. I mean, come on, now. ;)



I always put my hair in a ponytail when I run, or the humidity makes it grow larger than a Chia Pet’s hair!

Like Billy, we are an Apple family! I have a MacBook and love it! Don’t hate me, but I don’t like any flavor of Starbursts!


I’m okay with orange Starbursts, but leave the yellow. Pink are the best, no debate here!!

The RW hair thing is silly to me. Do people really take the time to do this to their hair prior to a run?? Mine is worn in a messy bun with a sweaty band and bobby pins for my bangs. I can no longer do a pony tail b/c of the humidity- my hair will hit my neck and then stick (so ew!) and I have to peel it off the side of my neck.


I think you can win this “fight.” Kids aren’t suppose to have any screen time until age 2 (it changes how their brains develop), so he can wait at least another year. :)
I often forget to do anything with my hair, and it gets all over in my face when it’s windy…


I can handle the orange Starburst, but definitely NOT the yellow ones – they taste like Pinesol smells. Pink is the best, followed by red. And that’s -insane- about the treadmill run… But does it make me a horrible person to kind of wish that he tripped up and flew off the back? I wouldn’t want him to get hurt… just to see how far the treadmill would shoot him back at speeds like that.


First computer? 18 yrs old. First Apple computer? 32 yrs old. Billy is a smart guy. Apple products are the best. And worth the price. Not sure if it’s worth the price for Brooke though ;)

Fastest speed on a treadmill? Probably 12mph. Any faster and I’d do a face plant.


Of course no one likes the yellow or orange Starbursts.
I got my first computer when I was 22 and Mac Performa 630. Since then I have converted to PCs. I just got a touch screen Lenovo and I love it!


You are sporting my all time favorite running hairstyle. Sleepy hair makes for more productive runs…or so I tell myself. Also I don’t think I’ve ever in my life run without a headband, that sounds terrible!

This is hilarious because orange starbursts are my FAVORITE flavor! Just take all of your oranges and mail them to me. That. Sounds. DELISH.

After seeing you post approximately 1.3 million pictures of the TJ’s corn salsa I am now convinced that I need to go buy some ASAP. TJ’s should hire you on full time for all the business you bring them!


I have to have my hair braided when I run because it’s so long and thick that it goes everywhere especially when sweaty ickk. I usually put it in a pony tail, then braid it. That way it’s super away from my face and neck. I always wear headbands too!

I got my first computer in 9th grade. I use a macbook :) Love macs and iphones nothing else compares

I like yellow starbursts with a red one! But ew not orange


Yes – I have fallen for the headband problem and now must be wearing a headband otherwise my hair feels naked (?!?!) – because I have bangs, I like the bang tamer or whatever it is called from Lululemon – it works beautifully and makes me look nice ;-)

That video is insane.

I had my first computer when I was probably 12 or so – but it was one of those non-windows computer that you had to program. I played lots of jeopardy and wheel of fortune. Now, I’m just like Billy and love my Apple products :-)


I’m pretty sure I didn’t get my first personal computer until I went to university…before that, it was a desktop that my brother and I shared. But then again, I didn’t get my first cell phone until I was 16 and now 8 year old kids have them, so I guess kids are getting into electronics really early these days!


I’ve always wanted to try the fishtail braid, but just the thought boggles my mind. I’m not exactly talented in the hair department!


Headbands are SO important. I couldn’t run without them. I think I’m definitely trying that criss cross braid at my next race!


That video literally made my jaw drop. Insane!!

I got my own computer for the first time the summer before going to college, but I used our “family computer” (terrible old desktop) all through middle and high school. I just got an iPad mini and love it!!


Where is the TJ carne asada? Is it in the fresh meat section or frozen? (can you tell what is most important to me?! ha)


It is in the fresh meat and refrigerated area!!! You have to get it!!!! So so good!


My fastest on treadmill is probably 8.5… But very short lived!
Running hair do for me is always a pony! I need a new one though because my hair is long and very heavy. Thinking of rocking a braid. A headband is a must to keep those strays from my eyes, I can not stand hair on my face during a run!
Apple all the way! I love my apple products… we have iMac, 2 mac books and 2 iphones and 1 iPad!
My first computer was probably when I was 22! I had my parents and family members computers I used but never my own until I was out of the house!
I kinda like the yellow… Think it grows on ya!


I absolutely hate macs and am totally a pc girl. I have a Samsung tablet and dare i say it, but it’s way freaking better than an iPad!

I always wear a visor when I run; helps keep my sweat and bangs out of my eyes! And usually I wear a ponytail, but now that it’s getting longer i’m trying to wear it in a twist bun so it doesn’t get all gnarled and stuff.


I saw that hairstyle article, too, and immediately tried to do the fishtail bread. Epic FAIL! I feel like I need another couple of fingers for that one!!


I’m not fast. Recently, braid. Headband, ALWAYS. First personal/own PC at age 18 (when I went away to college). Currently have/use HP laptop & iPad mini. LOVE yellow starburst.


My running hair philosophy is basically the same as yours. Except I put it in a bun when I run on the treadmill at the gym because my hair is super long and I feel badly about flinging sweat all over the place. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to do the fishtail, and I’ve watched like 90 youtube videos.

The fastest I’ve ran on the treadmill is 11.5 while doing sprints. It’s SO fast. I can’t even imagine 25 mph!!


I know I went really fast yesterday, but the display doesn’t work on my treadmill so I am not sure exactly how fast it was.

I run with a ponytail and possibly pre wrap

I use a MacBook, but I’ve never had my own (and I am fine with that)

I only eat the red anything, but I can’t stand Starburst of any flavor


What is the fastest speed (even if it is just for a second) that you have ever ran on a treadmill?
Er…like 8.5-9?

What is your running hairstyle? Who else NEEDS a headband on when they run?
Pony tail braid. Still haven’t found a headband that fits my head.

What kind of computer do you use? How old were you when you got your first computer?
I use an HP laptop. I was probably 15 when I had my own computer. It was a Windows 95 with dial up internet. :o)

Is there anyone that actually likes orange and yellow Starbursts?
Hell yeah! It’s sugar. I’ll eat it.


I can’t do ponytails: my hair becomes a rat’s nest. I wear a tight bun with hair sticks. Never budges!


Very Berry Starbursts are the best invention of all time. Orange and yellow are a waste of candy wrappers ;) I did 9.5 mph today and felt speedy! And I wrap my hair up in a knot. Ponytail bobbing on my neck bothers me when I run!


Wait…orange and yellow are good! I mean they’re no pink but come on that lemon flavor is awesome!

The fastest I’ve done is 9.0 but that was a SPRINT like no other sprint for me haha and it lasted less than a minute. Working on that speed :) It’s no fun sometimes but seeing your speed increase is so cool!


I **have** to wear not just a headband, but a bandanna to keep all my curly curly hair out of my face! I swear, the stuff has a mind of it’s own.

Treadmill video comment by my hubby: “the treadmill is doing more work than he is; its pushing him back, he’s just managed to keep his feet under him”. Engineers. :P


The only elastics that keep my hair in a pony tail while running are these:

Not even using two works. I have so much hair. I read that article about the hairstyles yesterday and although they are cute I can’t keep my hair in any sort of braid. It turns it into a whip and the elastic at the end always falls out (even the super hold ones). They are adorable though!


Obsessed with Apple products. And yellow and orange are my favorite Starbursts!!


In summer I have to wear a hat, I don’t wear sunglasses when I run, so it has to be a hat.
In winter, I wear the headband, just to keep those flyaway hairs off my face, but to keep my ears warm too.
so you aren’t the only one that has to wear a headband.

I think I was 22 when I bought my own laptop and that was like 10 years ago. I have a desktop now as it suits my needs better.


Pink will always be the best BUT I like orange & yellow better than red…


Pink and red starbursts = always. :) 25 mph is RIDICULOUS


If I run outside, ponytail and a visor. Treadmill I just pull it up in a ponytail. I got my first computer in college – a Gateway and it was so cool;) We drank the Apple Koolaid about 5 years ago and never looked back. I have a MacBook now and love it!

Brooke is too cute!


Orange is actually my favorite! (Of anything) that bag of starburst makes me very sad. My sister and I used to have an arrangement with a bag of skittle that we threw away the purple, I got all of the orange and green and she got all of the red and yellow.even once we grew up and didnt live together we would bring each other bag of our left overs when we saw each other (every weekend)

It would be one of the cruelest tortures ever to ask me to run without a headband


WHAT?!?!?! The lemony / orangey ones are the best!! I happily unburden you with those if they are causing you distress :-P

I’m not sure if you guys have / had these in the US but you should totally get Brooke an Etch-a-sketch they were the best when I was a kid!!
Although I love my iPad and couldn’t do without it now so maybe you should introduce her to the wonders of apple.
I’m totally an apple girl at heart and wanted a Macbook Air when I was buying a new laptop but my sensible and infinitely more intelligent boyfriend persuaded me to just buy an ordinary laptop rather than shelling out major £££ on a Macbook that I ultimately wouldn’t use much as I’m on my iPad all the time anyway!!


Hahhaa- Love the last line about ‘don’t be concerned about us :D
Did you get a new phone number? I texted you a few times and haven’t heard back from you. I MISS YOU!! :)


Wow that video is insane! Can’t believe how fast he was going, that is impressive. I love your runner’s hair idea, I always have to sort mine out in the morning before a run as it goes everywhere!

What is the fastest speed (even if it is just for a second) that you have ever ran on a treadmill? I’ve never done it on a treadmill, always run outside! I’d say my fastest ever was around 12km/ph.

What is your running hairstyle? Who else NEEDS a headband on when they run?

What kind of computer do you use? How old were you when you got your first computer? Macbook Air. I love it! My first ever computer was an Apple Mac before they were popular and everyone wanted Windows, it was a family shared computer and suuuuper crappy. Haha.

Is there anyone that actually likes orange and yellow Starbursts? No! Definitely not! So glad they brought out Very Berry!


Definitely use the same hair technique- scrape it back on the top of your head, slap on a headband and go!


The fastest I’ve ever held was 9.0…because I’m a slow runner. My hair is short, so when it gets a little overgrown, I put it in a tiny fountain ponytail on the top of my head. I look super cute ;) I have a MacBook Air and I love it. I didn’t get my first computer (of my own) until freshman year of college!


Dannng my pony tail can be so high. I just got my miles in for today but kinda feeling some shin splints :(

I definitely need a headband!!

I like lemon but not orange blech


Um the yellow and orange Starburst are the best!!
I hope we can still be friends after this ;-)

My sister and I received our first desktop computer in 1999. Then I got my very own lap top when I graduated from high school for college! :)


I don’t do treadmills – so not coordinated enough! I tried running on one and nearly killed myself – never again!

Definitely need a headband to control the wispy fly-aways! I keep mine in a ponytail that turns into a messy knot (I hate the pony tail hitting me in the back when I run) on top of my head with a headband.

I know I was in elementary school when we got our first computer.. it was a family one though. For my own computer, it wasn’t ’til I moved out to go to college.

I do love orange and yellow starburst!


I despise the orange starburst and won’t eat them. I love lemon though, followed closely by strawberry and cherry. Yum!

I pull my hair back into a ponytail and use a Sweaty Bands head band (totally rock solid and awesome – they have not moved in my hair at all, and I’ve worn them for Zumba, running and boot camp) to keep my bangs and frizzies out of my face. I hate having my hair in my face when I run. I sweat a TON, so it is nice to have my face clear of any sticky hair.

I use an HP right now, but our first family computer was a Commodore 64. LOL It played like 5 games, and that was it. I got an IBM computer of my very own when I was 18. I am old!

I have no idea of my fastest speed on a treadmill, but that video was INSANE.


I’m a weirdo. I MUCH prefer chocolate to most candy, but if I eat candy, I’ll always choose the yellow or orange flavors. They’re also very reliable, and have less tendency to turn your mouth weird colors. =)

I have short hair, so my running hairstyle is: Pull bangs back. Apply bobby pin. Run.


The fastest I’ve ever run on a treadmill is 10mph, but I’ve never ran on a treadmill that goes faster than that. I’m not a huge Starburst person, but if I do eat it the only color I like is pink. I am currently running with my hair pulled back in a pony, but it’s fairly short and I don’t need a headband. I figure a headband would only add unnecessary heat. I just bought my first Mac in June and I’m in love :) I didn’t get my own computer until I moved out and went to college.


Yum… totes getting those berry starburst ASAP

The fastest I have ever run on a treadmill is probably 8.5mph but I can only hold it for a short period of time. I typically stick at 8mph for my speedwork training and hold it for 4-5 minutes at a time.

I always wear my hair the same way for running – pulled back into a puffy/messy bun (my hair doesn’t do ponytails well). I french braided it once for a race and will never do it again.

The hubs and I recently got a new computer – an Asus desktop. Yes, we are old and traded in our laptop for a desktop. But it’s just easier for me to work from home on the larger computer!


NEED either a headband or a hat…if I don’t have one of these – the run is not happening


Get Brooke the Ipad mini!! I gave my now 2.75 year old my old Ipad 1 and my ipad touch to her when she was around a year old. Fisher Price makes good kid proof cases for them (a tad heavy, but they do the job) Download some kid friendly apps and you will be amazed at what she can learn. I loaded my daughter’s up with games and photos. It’s great for road trips and plane trips.

PS: I’ve never commented on your blog before. Am I only supposed to stick to the questions you ask?!?


I am so so happy you commented and you don’t have to stick to the questions at all! You may have now convinced me….


I actually saw that treadmill video while running on the treadmill this morning. Talk about an instant boost of energy to bump on the speed.


OMG that treadmill run looks crazy!!!

I am making a Trader Joe’s run tonight so I will have to look out for the carne asada!


My husband actually likes the oranges and yellows — that’s why we are a match made in heaven.

We’re also all about the apple products at my house — my parent’s very first family computer (back in 90 something) was a Macintosh — it was awesome. (See? I’m telling you we were meant to be best friends, except that I’m still in Utah, oh and that I’m a really, really slow runner compared to you… and that guy)

Always, always wear a headband when I run. And also, when I am in labor (true story — my water broke, but I couldn’t find my headband so we went to target to get a headband before going to the hospital…)


The highest our treadmill goes is 10 MPH… so that is the fastest I’ve ever gone, and yeah… it was only about a second! I am a frizzy, haired Florida girl, so I rock the headbands when I run. I am trying the fishtail braid tomorrow though!

I love orange and red Starbursts – not a fan of yellow though. I’m not sure I would like those blueberry ones… I tend to only like real blueberries, not anything blueberry flavored.

I got my first computer when I went to college – and it is on its dying leg right now! I think I’m just going to get a tablet once it finally goes kaput.


My hair is short and curly so it goes in a bun with a Bondi Band on to keep my hair back.
I definitely think Brooke needs an iPad mini! :-)


they make some amazing learning apps for kids. ;)

I actually like the orange flavor!

Thank you for stopping by my fb today and wishing me a Happy Birthday, it made me giggle. :)

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