Worth it and tips for your best race!

My coach sent me 10 Racing Strategies to Run your Best.  Read it.  If you do races, this article is for YOU.  Super helpful tips.  I really loved the below tip and I also loved the one about visualizing your race before race day.  I ALWAYS do that.  Try visualizing yourself hitting your goal over and over again before your race, it really works.  I used to make my cross country kids do it all of the time before a meet.

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MY FIL and BIL went on a camping trip the last two days so my MIL said that while they were gone she wasn’t going to cook once.

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We went to Panera Bread for lunch and it was my first time ever eating there.  I have heard so many good things about this place and it did in fact live up to what everyone says about it.  My bbq chicken salad.  The chicken was the best part, I don’t know how they made it so good.

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I have told you about my lip gloss obsession but have I told you about my lotion obsession?  I actually have to have at least a travel sized bottle of it with me at all times.  I can’t fall asleep without a layer of it on so you can imagine how happy I was to go in to Bath and Body Works to find lotions for $2.75 each.  Delicious.

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Fast forward through a few hours and a Target trip and then we were at Flame Broiler for dinner.  This is our favorite.  The brown rice, veggies and chicken are good but it is the hot sauce that really makes it.  I literally added 4 of those cups of hot sauce and my mouth is still on fire.  Worth it.

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Snickers ice cream bar for dessert.

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And my MIL and I watched Chopped (this is our show that we watch together).  How does the below appetizer sound to you?

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Do you get REALLY nervous, a LITTLE nervous or NOT nervous at all before a race?  Does it just depend on the race?

What is your favorite thing at Panera Bread?

Favorite lotion scent and brand?

What is the weirdest food you ever eaten?

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Wait you’ve never had panera?! Ahhh how have you lived? My favorite is the Mac an cheese. It’s so addicting, I swear. I love any and all food network shows but the dessert ones are my favorite. Cake boss, anyone?


It just depends on the race. Sometimes a little nervous sometimes not at all.
I love a lilac scented lotion!!!


I usually get nervous at every starting line, but rarely before that unless it’s a marathon.

I haven’t been to Panera enough to have a favorite thing on the menu. That is a depressing statement.

My favorite lotion scent is vanilla or cocoa butter.

I can’t think of anything really strange I’ve eaten. I mean, I’ve had crawfish, but that’s not really weird in the South.


Thanks for linking up to those tips! I’m racing a half on Sunday! Next time you go to Panera (I’m slightly shocked you’ve never eaten there before) try broccoli soup in the bread bowl….HEAVEN!

I love lavendar anything. My favorite perfume smells like lemon grass. And my favorite bath products/perfumed items come from Loccitane.

The weirdest food I’ve ever eaten…..black pudding. I wouldn’t recommend it.


Favorite thing at Panera is their Fall Harvest Salad their corn chowder soup Panera used to be my study spot throughout college. Who needs starbucks when you can get free refills on coffee at Panera! The only bummer is that they limit wifi to 30 minutes during lunch hours. You should try ordering from their “SECRET” menu.


I get really nervous before a race! Wish I didn’t though.

I’m not a fan of Panera. I know call me crazy. :)

B&B works Sweet Pea used to be my fav. Now I just use Jergens or something. Why did I ever stop using B&B?? I need to fix that!

I don’t really eat strange things. I’ve had shark before but I can’t think of anything else strange. I can be picky. :)


Panera!! :) We all love Panera. :) The boys love the mac&cheese & Rissa enjoys the brocolli cheddar soup in the bread bowl. Last time I was there I had the pick 2 (the new pasta w/turkey sandwich). So good! Love the bbq chicken salad too. Good choice Janae!

I love the Red scent from Bath & Body. & my favorite signature lotion is the sweet pea. You reminded me that I need to stop in there to stock up on my hand sanitizers. love when they have sales!!

YES, I always get nervous before races. It’s great adrenaline & I usually start races a little faster than I should because of it! Your coach is really staying on top of helping you to become a great runner Janae…awesome!!! luv ya xo


I’ve only had Panera once and I loved it. Also, Chopped is one of my favourite shows on TV. I love the crazy things they have to us.


It depends on the race. Mostly a little nervous. Before my first marathon I was really nervous but before my last half I wasn’t nervous at all.


Appetizer? Lol… that doesn’t even sound like food to me. Ick. I actually don’t think I’ve ever eaten anything really strange. I’ve always been super picky, so I tend to keep things pretty basic and stick to what I know. And it’s sad, but I have no idea what my favorite meal at Panera is… I blame Canada and their insistence to keep all the good stuff out of the country. I’m lookin’ at you, TJ’s and Chipotle!


Hehehe regarding the “appetizer,” you articulated my thoughts exactly. Hehe your comment made me laugh out loud.


Chipotle has finally come to Canada! There’s one by the Eatin Centre in Toronto and I’ve heard rumours of other locations! I know what you mean though. :)


I can’t believe you had never been to Panera before yesterday! My favorite thing is the Mediterranean veggie sandwich.


UHHH what are feet cake?


My favorite thing from panera is their strawberry poppyseed salad!!! I love watching Chopped – every time, I get so amazed at what they create from the ingredients. One time my boyfriend’s sister gave him ingredients to make something with and actually turned out good! We call it the chopped dessert. You have cut up bananas on the bottom, then an apple toaster strudel with a layer of cookie butter on it and then top it with thin mints or similiar cookies crushed on top!! Delicious!!!!


Haha!!!!!literally laughing out loud…..


It definitely just depends on the race. Sometimes I’m not nervous at all sometimes I feel like I’m going to be sick. I’ve never been to panera either! It looks great!


I love the Panera broccoli cheddar soup in a bread bowl. It’s been years since I’ve had it, but I used to get it a lot! :)

I only get nervous before races where I’m unprepared. I got super nervous before my first marathon since I had no idea what to expect. I cried before the NYC Half a few years ago because it was about 70 and 100% humidity at the start of the race. I was undertrained, so I freaked out a bit!

I’m obsessed with the Body Shop’s coconut lotion!

I can’t think of a weird food combo, but my brother in law likes to put lettuce and mayo on his PB and banana sandwiches. Ick!


I’m a vanilla gal all the way. I have always wanted to be a judge on chopped, how weird must the food taste, the ingredients are so rogue!


I get a little nervous minutes before an adventure race simply b/c I’m reminded that I may die–seriously. I just stocked up on BBW sales lotion as well. My fav scent is Dark Kiss (discontinued) and I bought 5 of them last week.


I sometimes get nervous before a race, but usually I’m just excited. I get nervous about stuff like traffic, and not finding parking- things that would prevent me from racing all together!

Weirdest thing I ate- alligator. Atleast recently, I may have had weirder stuff when I lived in Europe. But I had alligator for the first time last week, and I remember feeling weird about it.

Also- I LOVE PANERA! And it actually blows my mind that you’ve never been there before. But I don’t think they’re as big out west as they are in the South… Their Fuji Apple Chicken Salad is my all-time favorite salad EVER.


I get a little nervous before small races and with 1/2 marathons or anything over, I get really nervous. It’s hard to sleep the night before.
We call Panera bread, St. Louis bread Co in St. Louis. I love love love it. I usually get a half of a Mediterranean veggie sandwich or smoked turkey Panini with a side of cheddar broccoli soup.


I love Panera pastries. So delish! I just started watching Chopped and I am always amazed at how tasty every thing looks but idk about pig feet…eew. I always get nervous before a race but try to remember all of my past races where I did well and even if I didn’t do well, it wasn’t the end of the world and that usually helps.


Love Panera! So glad you finally got to try it. I JUST bought that wild berry tulip lotion too! They are having an awesome sale! I stocked up. Plus I had a $10 off coupon so it was a win, win!

Have a great weekend!


I usually get nervous before a race, But as soon as the gun goes off, chills race through my body, I guess it is kind of like all my nerves are getting out of my body. I just really hate those few moments right before the race starts.


Favorite thing at Pamela bread…. Well, the bread. Bread bowl. Bread rolls. Bread load. I just love carbs so much


Love Panera – I eat there at least once a week! Love there broccoli/cheddar soup, black bean soup, tuna on rye, bbq chicken salad, asian chicken salad (love this dressing). Also, I always have bread as my side :)

Your mom-in-law is amazing and looks like a lot of fun. The graduation party looked so awesome. I so wish I could throw a party like that! I just know you and Brook are having a fun time.

My husband & I were in So.Cal. just last week. I wish I had known you where there too it would have been fun to have a meet up at a fro-yo place. Next time:)


Also my phone wants to change panera’s name to pamela. How cute!


When i ran track in high school, nothing compared to the nerves i felt at the starting line! if/ when i start doing races, i assume the nerves will be similar. that snickers ice cream bar looks so yummy. taking a break from cooking is so fun, isnt it?


I get nervous before every race and love the tip to use that energy as fuel! There are so many good things at Panera. The Thai Chopped salad is awesome and has a little kick. And you can’t go wrong with the soups. Love the black bean and chicken and wild rice.


I love panera pastries and coffee, my kids love the Mac n cheese. The weirdest thing I’ve eaten is lengua tacos (cows tongue) actually really good.


I can’t believe you have never been to Panera!!! OMG! I love love love Panera!
Also, Berry Summer Vanilla is MY FAVORITE lotion ever!!! I wore it on my wedding day :)


I love the black bean soup in a bread bowl at Panera. So good!!!

The very best lotion ever is from Victoria Secret and it is called Love Spell. Simply the best smelling lotion, ever!! It smells like sweet tarts to me. Weird, but it works!!!


I’m usually pretty nervous before a race…moreso before big ones that I’ve trained a long time for, like half-marathons.

I haven’t eaten at Panera in awhile (should probably remedy that!), but they have one salad with chicken, bacon, and avocado that is DELICIOUS! You’re right, their chicken there is fantastic! I sometimes have a texture issue with chicken, but it’s so tender there!


I used to get really nervous before a race, but now I hardly do at all. Visualizing helps me a ton, both to be less nervous and to be more mentally prepared to tough out a hard race.


Usually a little, I am more excited than anything.
We don’t have Panera in Canada so I have only been 1-2 times in the US. Last time I had a really good salad, but cannot remember what kind!
That is a tough one, I love anything fall-pumpkin scented in the fall from Bath and Body Works.


Once in awhile I get nervous the night before a race, but it mostly has to do with the logistics – parking, waking on time, remembering to bring gels, etc.


I freaking love Chopped. I get so many good ideas from it!


I get REALLY nervous! I don’t even know why- I was a competitive gymnast for most of my life and in those meets I was competing to win and I still get more nervous for races now when I know I am not going to win (because I am not fast. Yet!).

Panera’s veggie sandwich is really good- the tomato basil bread it is on is HEAVENLY


Never been to Panera before?! Whoa! I love their Asian sesame (I think it’s called) salad. It’s yum!

I always get nervous but a race. Or before anything really lol. :)


I’d never been to Panera, either, for most of my life because there aren’t any in Louisiana. I love the mac and cheese, and I like the Bacon Turkey Bravo.

I’ve only ever run one race, but I was so, so nervous that it’s amazing that I didn’t get sick before. For my next race, I’m going to have to figure out how early I need to wake up to try to get my nerves under control (and to eat breakfast)!


For me, it all depends on the race! Sometimes I’m so nervous I can’t eat anything, and other times I’m just there for fun and feel zero nerves.

And y’know, it’s funny, but my mom was a stay at home mom yet rarely cooked because my dad loved cooking! He’d come home and cook and it was his way of destressing. But he worked 40 hour weeks, and as someone who has worked those 12 hour law firm days, you do NOT want to cook at the end of those! There’s a reason lawyers order so much take out ;)


I always get fairly nervous about/before a race…I don’t know why! Just in my nature to freak out about things, haha!

Also, Snickers ice cream bar —- alwayyyys the way to go!


I don’t get nervous but I am either way excited or completely dreading it and just wanting to get the whole thing over with… Another surprising, I usually PR the excited races and tank the dreaded :(

My family adores Panera Bread. In summertime, I make my kids ride their bikes there and I run. Total trip is 6 miles… my daughter just knew she was going to die the first time(she was 8) but totally worth it for their bagels! Gotta try the Cinammon Crunch. Yum!

Weirdest food would either be chicken feet or Durian, a fruit from SE Asia that is so bad that Andrew from Weird Foods couldn’t finish it.


There’s some kind of Thai salad and Fuji Apple salad that I kind of like. For the apple one, I usually order it with a fresh apple and slice it up into the salad to make it even more humongous.
oOOoh I’ve heard about Flame Broilers, but never been. My boyfriend said he used to eat that a lot when he was in college in Southern California!


I love BBW! Right now I’m obsessed with Forever Sunshine, Coconut Lime, and Cool Citrus :).


I def get nervous before triathlons, but not that much from marathons, except right before the race starts!

Your salad is making me very hungry!


I will be fine until the day before the race, that’s when I get extremely nervous and sometimes think maybe I’ll “miss” the race lol. Love Panera’s Thai Chopped Chicken Salad. It’s the only thing I’ll get there, everytime I get something different, I end up disappointed. I love any lotion that has shea or cocoa butter in them :D


Ahh, Janae you are SO cool! I also LOVE watching “Chopped” with fam – so much fun and such weird food. Lol! Can’t remember the last weird food I’ve had though.

But oh, Panera – wow, can’t believe that was the first time you’ve had it! It is me & hubby’s absolute Fave “Sunday, after-church” lunch spot! I love so much of their food that it’s really hard to narrow it down to one – love their salmon caesar salad, broccoli & cheddar soup and absolutely love their tomato mozzarella panini (not all at once, obviously)! Lol. But please do try either of those the next time you go! You will not regret it. :)


I used to get nervous but now I don’t anymore… like, AT ALL! But I get so excited that I can barely sleep the night before a race… the pre-race adrenaline is just too strong for me to handle! I LOVE racing SO MUCH! Btw, thank you for the great article you shared with us! During my intervals and tempo runs (my fav workouts) I always pretend I’m racing… When it gets so tough that I cannot possibly push any more, I close my eyes and picture that finish line… it works like magic ;)


I got really nervous before my first marathon and before my first Boston, since then my goal is just to have fun at the race, so I don’t get nervous anymore.

Panera Bread has a summer salad that has chicken, blueberries, strawberries, and pineapple in it. It’s delicious and by far my favorite dish there!

I love Bath and Body Works vanilla spice lotion and body mist!

In fifth grade I ate a chocolate covered ant!


I love the lip glosses from B&BW. Every time I go in there I have to keep myself from buying 3 or 4 of them….. cause I already have 3 or 4 of them.


I really don’t get to nervous before races. Now when I played sports I got nervous all the time, maybe because there were spectators?


I only get nervous if something feels off before starting, but that doesn’t happen often since I have my pre -race routines pretty dialed in.

Panera: I like their tuna sandwiches, broccoli cheese soup, and the bear claw out of the bakery. Ymmmmm.


I’ll have the thai chopped chicken salad with no nuts or wonton strips please. Apple on the side and I’ll just have water.
^ You just experienced a trip with me to Panera and standing together at the counter.


Are Brooke and the other little girl related? They have matching BEAUTIFUL eyes :) !


It definitely depends on the race. Normally just a little nervous. I went to Panera once- LOVED it! If only there was one in my town… yeah that dinner doesn’t sound too good haha.


I always get super nervous before races. Lately I’ve been letting it overwhelm me and lead me to poor race results because I care SO MUCH.

Panera Bread – so flippin’ good. I always get the you pick two and the chicken avocado cob salad and the sierra turkey sandwich – or if it’s winter I substitute one of those for the broccoli cheddar soup or the loaded baked potato soup. The mac and cheese there is incredible too – the kids get it in their meals and I’m constantly stealing it. It’s the best ever.


I get pretty nervous before races and I think that’s actually been part of my problem with not reaching my goals in a marathon. I psych myself out too much. I also have trouble with visualization, I’ll to visualize myself doing what I want but end up visualizing what I don’t want.


I definitely get nervous before races!! I try to visualize the race beforehand as well, I find that it helps me a lot!!

I’m not a big Panera fan…I used to be in college, but it’s just kind of blah to me…so many better places out there!

I used St. Ives Natural lotion and its like Fruit extract scented or something? I used to be really weird about lotion and I HATE having it on my hands, but now I put it on every single day after I get out of the shower and I can totally tell a difference in my skin! I still wash it off of my hands though, it creeps me out :)

Weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten….hmmm I don’t really know, but I don’t like hearts of palm? Weirdest taste ever!


Panera is my happy place!! :) Love it so much. My go-to all year long is the greek salad with chicken added, it’s so good. BUT in the summer they have a Strawberry Poppyseed Chicken salad with strawberries and blueberries and pecans and their wonderful chicken and poppyseed dressing and it’s so fresh and summery and magical but it’s only there in the summer so you have to go get it now!! GO!

Also, my primary reason for commenting: OMG BROOKS EYES IN THAT PICTURE!!! that shirt makes her eyes such a beautiful piercing blue!!! holy moly, she should always wear that color


When we moved to Utah last year, it pained me that there were no Paneras here. My Tuesday or Thursday night dinner used to be Panera’s black bean soup.

Now we’re moving to Washington at the base of Mount Rainier in 7 weeks which means a return to…Panera!


THANK YOU for these tips!! I am running my first marathon in October and I definitely need these :) As for nervousness… I get SO nervous even if it is just a run run! I need to learn how to relax and just enjoy the race :)


SNICKERS dessert bars! I forgot about those! I haven’t had one since I was little.

I looooove Panera! Especially the soups with the banquettes! Yum! And bread bowls! I know you’d love those ;-)


You seriously need to look up philosophy lotions.. AMAZING!! LOVE their stuff!!


I’m not American and I’ve eaten at Panera bread before! I think I had a chicken salad, and it exceeded expectation for me! Delicious!
I’ve never really been nervous for races before because to be honest until recently I’ve never taken running that seriously but I’ve gotten into it recently so maybe next time ill feel a bit more nervous? I get nervous before exams…
Coconut is my favourite flavoured lotion… Reminds me of summer tanning lotion! Any brand is fine but I have visited bed bath and beyond on trip to the us and the freshly baked cookies flavour candle is nice for post run baths in winter…burning it so much at the moment!


I get nervous EVERY race… the length of the race depends on the severity of the nerves :) Perfect science to me


I’m obssessed with lotion, too. I love wild berries type lotions and orange flavor. I think I have an obssesion with that, too.

I’m planning a trip to this restaurant called Hugo’s in Houston. They have sauteed grasshoppers (not the drink) on the menu. I’m actually really intrigued to try them. It does look good and grasshoppers are supposed to have lots of protein. But I guess the weirdest thing I had was bacon ice cream and it was Heaven, Delicious, Awesome, Did I say Heaven?


I’m down for everything except the pig’s feet…although I would like to think that I’d try anything.


We don’t have Panera bread here but when we were visiting family In the states my boyfriend stopped for a coffee there and everything looked delicious!!! I’ll have to go next time I’m down there :)


Mmmm….looooove sriracha. Used it in a PB sauce on Father’s Day!!! We found this organic one at Costco and I’m so glad we did. thebomb.com


Bath and Body Works Twisted Peppermint!


I get pretty nervous before races. Especially the first few when I first started. But the past couple of races, I wasn’t nervous. I knew what I was getting into. I trusted my body and just believed in the best outcome, being flexible when it was obvious it would not happen. I know I’ll probably have a panic attack leading up to CIM but that is something to be nervous about ;)


I don’t really get nervous before a race, it’s more like a combo of excitement and anticipation.

Panera Bread is one of my favorite restaurants! My favorite items are the broccoli cheddar soup, macaroni and cheese, tortellini Alfredo, and their chocolate chipper cookie. Not the best food choices but they’re delicious.

I don’t really have a favorite lotion scent. I used to buy lotions all the time from Bath & Body Works but now I just use Jergens. I do love their hand sanitzers though, perfect travel sizes.

I’m a picky eater sooo I haven’t had any weird foods. Haha.


Oooooh THAT’S what Flame Broiler is. I’ve been seeing them pop up everywhere but didn’t know what it was really. Looks good!

Weirdest food I have ever eaten is sweetbreads. It’s a gland?!?! I live in LA and there’s this trendy restaurant called Animal that has the weirdest dishes… not gonna lie, it was tasty.


Panera bread is the BEST! I am glad you could finally experience it. My favorite thing there is the power breakfast sandwich… YUM :)

I don’t really get nervous before races. I get more nervous about the logistics of getting to the race, finding my corral, etc. than actually running.

I used to buy this hemp lotion that was amazing and just smelled like SUMMER. I don’t know how else to describe it. I could only ever find it at Wal-Mart and now I can’t find it anywhere :(

Weirdest (and one of the BEST) food I ever ate was ostrich steaks. Try it. AMAZING.


Welcome to the club of Panera Bread fans! There’s one really close to my house and I go there a lot when I’m craving a quick salad. Whether or not I get nervous before a race depends on how hard I’ve trained for that race. If I’m hoping to PR, I get pretty nervous, but if I’m just running the race as a training run and to have a great time, I don’t really get nervous.


I love Panera Bread’s chicken and avocado BLT… mmm so good… paired with a soup it can be even better! The weirdest thing I ever ate was probably squid pizza in Japan, with corn and mayo. SO WEIRD, Japan. I love Bath & Body Works’ lotions as well!


Escargot is by far the weirdest food I’ve eaten. BLECH, I haaaaated it. But I’m all for trying (almost) anything once! ;) Now I need a snickers ice cream bar. Yum. What a steal on those lotions, too! Score!



I’m nervous!!!!! I run the Seattle RNR half tomorrow (my first race EVER) and I’m really nervous


I’ve been “wined and dined” in China — so I’ve eaten some pretty weird stuff: duck tongue, chicken feet, and sea worms, I know for sure. I may have eaten dog testicles — they wouldn’t tell me what it was until after I ate it. And I’m not sure if they were messing with me or not. For all future China trips, I will be vegetarian.

I rarely get nervous before races, because I’m not usually “racing” in the competitive sense. I just run for fun, so none of my times matter. Sure, I’m excited when I PR — but I rarely set out with that in mind.

Love Panera. It’s all about the Thai Chicken Salad for me (and the amazing side of french bread). My 11yo orders the grilled cheese with a side of bread. Load o’ carbs girl.

I love anything citrus scented (lemon, orange, cucumber — I guess cucumber isn’t citrus, but for some strange reason it falls into that category for me).


When I ran the 400m this spring during track, I got extremely nervous. I would be almost crying before every race, but the more nervous I was, the better I did.

I’ve never eaten at Panera … maybe I should change that.

I don’t use lotions, unless my hands are really chapped; then I use Aquaphor or Eucerin

I can’t think of a weird food … weird


I love the show Chopped! My BF and I watch it all the time!!!


Bath and Body Works has a Cotton scented lotion that is so good! Either that or Black Raspberry Vanilla is my favorite!


How have you not been to Panera? You will be going there every day now! Do you know there’s a Bath and Body Works outlet in Gilroy? Crazy great.


Ahhhh I didn’t know about that! I might have to stop on my way home:)


Adorable blue eyed babies!! :)


I get nervous at the starting line, and when i first start! And the night before…

Panera is the BEST!!! It’s also my son and I’s special place, I’ve been taking him there since he was about 18 months old and we always have mom-son dates there. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Strawberry poppyseed salad, only in summers and it’s my favorite of all time. i also adore their black bean soup, and mediterranean veggie sandwich. Other salads I love are the Fuji apple chicken salad, and the Thai Chopped Chicken salad. You must try all of these!!!


While you are down here, you HAVE to go to Pieology at the Irvine Spectrum. It’s like Subway but for PIZZA! It’s $7.50 for a freshly baked, personal pizza with UNLIMITED TOPPINGS! So good it hurts my feelings.

Please, please, please do yourself a favor and GO!!!!!


That’s a great way to think about nerves – use them as fuel! I’m going to remember that, because I’m sure full of fuel before a race then :s


I don’t sleep we’ll at all the night before a race. Like 5ks…..

I love paneras BREAD. Of course! And they’re wide colorful straws for their frozen straws. I’m easy to please!

I bought that 2.75 lotion! TE lemon vanilla scent, smells so delish!


Frozen drinks*


I’m obsessed with thew new hidden Panera menu!
I love the hummus and chicken bowl!


you pick two- tomato mozz panini with french onion soup. the best.


You’ve never been to Panera????? I’m glad you liked it! It’s not my favorite but I love that we get it for work lunches a lot, haha.


I really like the Fuji chicken apple salad (or something like that), french onion soup, and the iced green tea.

My favorite lotions are: a poppy scented soy lotion I bought off of Birchbox, Palmer’s cocoa butter, B&B Dark Kiss.

I do get nervous before races, and also before training runs, but I try my best to manage it so I don’t get sick, lose sleep, or mess up my running/emotions with anxiety. Being nervous really impedes my running.


I have a bit of a lotion addiction too – haha, my Mom gave me a whole pile of Bath and Body works lotions for Christmas. Usually good ol’ cocoa butter vaseline is my lotion of choice

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