Why do you eat the way you eat?

I am actually addicted to your Worst Running Outfit pictures and I may make you guys send them to me year round because they make me so happy! Here are a few more:

From Dana:

My friend and I live in San Francisco, and always run Bay to Breakers in costume. This year we decided to dress up as unicorns, and made the attached costume. The outfits were amazing, BUT running 7 miles with a hood on in the heat was terrible, we were drenched in sweat and couldn’t take the hood off. When we ended I was so overheated, and had a plastic unicorn horn attached to my head. Worth the pain… but never again!



I ran in a Awesome 80’s 10k and was leaving super early in the morning. While tucking my 8 yr old son in bed the night before I was telling him I would be gone when he woke up. He asked me to come give him a kiss before I left. So the next morning I was about to leave when I remembered to run back upstairs, tip toe into his room, and give him a kiss on the forehead. He stirred in his sleep then opened his eyes right as I was leaning down to kiss him and he shrieked AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I think he thought some freak had snuck into his room and was about to kidnap him. He did not appreciate me laughing hysterically at him and told me, “You look so weird Mom, that is the worst thing you have ever worn.” I told him I was going to pick him up from school on Monday dressed like that. Lol

For the sake of my son’s mental health please help me find some cute normal running clothes Brooks. :)

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How to keep Brooke entertained for a solid 10 minutes so that I can eat my dinner.

Put a little bit of water on the coffee table and she will live happily ever after playing with it.

She takes it very seriously.

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Dinner was special last night.  I know you are thinking, ‘Janae that is what you have been eating 5 trillion times a week lately, what is so special about that?’

Rest assured… there was something very special about this chicken, sweet potato and broccoli mixture.

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The special ingredient was this tomato-less salsa.  (half of the jar was added to the potato after the picture)

They had this as a sample last time I was at Trader Joe’s and the second I tasted it I grabbed a jar (and another sample) and put it in my cart.   Sweet salsa.  Yes.

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Yesterday I got to go talk to a bunch of teenagers about running.  I kind of love sharing my passion for running with other people if you couldn’t tell.  There were other speakers there that were incredible and of course food after.  I have to tell you about this salad because you actually do have to make it if you want to be happy.

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-Romaine, Kale and Spinach






-Sunflower seeds, pecans and pumpkin seeds

-Shredded carrots

The dressing was the Good Seasons mix that comes in a box in salad dressing aisle.


The nutrition speaker really got me thinking about why we eat the way that we eat?  I REALLY wanted to hear from you guys about what thoughts go through your head when you are thinking about what to prepare or eat for your meals and snacks.   What plays a role in deciding what you buy at the grocery store?

Why do you eat the foods that you eat?

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I think for me personally a lot of what I eat is directly related to the way I ate growing up. I eat my meals similarly to the way my parents would make them- balanced with. A carb meat and vegetable every night. It’s weird to me not to eat like that. I don’t focus on macros or anything like that. I just eat what I like (which involves copious amounts of dessert) and usually it all balances out.


I eat the foods I eat because after watching documentaries and reading about clean eating, I’ve cleaned up my diet a bit, but I also need to eat enough calories to fuel my running!


That Salsa looks so good, I really wish we had a Trader Joe’s! I love those race outfit pictures, they crack me up.

Right now I eat the way I do because I know it’s what’s good for my body and if I expect the best from my body then I need to feed it the best.

Hope you have an amazing day Janae!



When I go to the supermarket, I have a couple of things that run through my mind:

1) Healthiness of the food
2) What can I re-use in the week? If I buy bean sprouts, I can use them in a stir fry and then in a Laksa soup later on that week….
3) What is easy to make! What do I want to make?
4) What treats can we have after all that healthiness? ;)

I LOVE indulging in chocolate and in eating out! So all my other foods I *try* to keep a little healthy…..

Except for bacon and egg muffins on the weekend!

Have a good day!

Ellie :)


I choose foods based on what I know is going to make me feel the best. I know you are a sugar gal, but it makes me feel really sick, so I stick to fresh and healthy food. I dont choose anything that is processed, or has nitrates. In changing the way I eat, I have more energy, perform better at work and at the gym, and ended up losing 33 lbs…and I am NEVER hungry! :)


I think your dinner was so great because of that sweet potato on your plate, but seriously, I need to try that corn salsa. I make my food decision based on how healthy the food. I try to avoid chemicals and preservatives too. I’m pretty lucky because I naturally like healthy fruits and veggies, so it makes it pretty easy. Love the funny running pics….keep them coming!


That’s a -good- question. I eat the way I eat because it makes me feel happy and healthy. I do my best to cater to my cravings, but I also eat things because of the nutrients in them. I have a huge sweet tooth which I know I can’t give in to 100% of the time because all the sugar would leave me feeling like crap, but I also know that I can’t deny those cravings because that just leaves me unhappy. It’s all about finding that balance between eating what you crave and eating what you know is good for you. Thankfully these days I actually do crave a lot of healthier foods, but indulgences are needed on a regular basis as well.


I eat the foods I eat because I love them. Yes, I try and maintain a healthy balance but there has to be joy in it too.


What an awesome question- I have to admit, most of what i buy is out of habit. it’s food i’m comfortable with, don’t have to think about, and know how to prepare. sometimes something new will catch my eye and i’ll buy it on a whim, or ill get something the blogosphere recommends, but yeah for the most part i stick to what i know.


Those pictures are hilarious and I will never be able to top that! I usually just try to buy a good blend of proteins and carb snacks


So great you get to share your running passion with young people!
I think I eat what I do for a few reasons: health, taste, and ease, and whether or not my husband likes it.
Although I definitely eat sweets and junk, I’ve been trying to eat more for health/fuel for my body. And my husband is vegan, so that plays a large part in what we eat, too!


For me, it’s a lot about conditioning. I make the same meals my mom made. Which really isn’t always the healthy choice. Other times its what my boyfriend makes (he is going to school to be a chef), and sometimes it’s what I find on sale that week or have coupons for.

That is a really great question that I could really do some works shopping with.


I eat the way I do to keep my weight up, as I have had Female Athlete Triad Syndrome. Now that I have a healthier balance between input and output, I am much happier in myself :)


I eat the foods I eat because I love eating and it’s what’s in my fridge – that said, I make sure to have healthy things in my fridge so I don’t balloon up. Although I do have a healthy (way too much) amont of crackers, cheese, and red wine. Those things are my pitfalls in life.


I eat the foods I do because I enjoy them! Of course price plays a role and I try to buy seasonal things! I also want my family to be healthy so that’s a factor too.


I have to admit, a lot of what I buy is based on “safe”/”healthy” foods. I’ve evolved a little more since college though and am starting to buy more whole, organic foods (instead of the “diet” “Fat free” labels that are actually full of sugar or chemicals).

We try to stick to a budget, so sometimes sales come into play. We eat green smoothies every day for breakfast and lunch, so we tend to buy spinach and fruit in bulk. For dinners, I usually try to use as many in-season veggies as possible. I avoid fats, salt and dessert usually. Sad, but it’s for the best.


Hmmmm…I don’t think I have ever really thought about it that much but I have actually been thinking more about since I have been reading blogs.
I eat what I eat for several reasons….I think a big one being habit. I have certain foods I buy and we eat all the time because we always have. I do buy based on cost quite a bit. I will buy stuff that is on sale and that I have coupons for.
Since I have increased my training I have tried to be consious of some of my nutrition needs, but I don’t put nearly the amount of time into that that some do.
Your meeting last night sounds fun….I would have loved it!
I am going to Trader Joes today and buying that salsa :)!!!
They make so much money from their little sample booths! I think we always buy the samples we try!


I didn’t like vegi when I was a kid. Every time whoever put vegi in my plate I’ll eat it first. (I like to save the best to the end). So they thought I really like vegi. They just gave me more. I was afraid to speak out that I don’t like it. I just kept eating more and more vegi. Now I really like it. I remember that I hate to eat Chinese celery. My uncle told me that Chinese celery has some special taste. So I tried to find out what that special taste is. I can’t live without vegetable. :)


That’s me in the 80’s costume. I think it is awesome that I show up in the same post you talk about tomato less salsa. I have always despised tomatoes since I was a kid. They are my #1 most hated food. When I met my husband and found out he also hated tomatoes I knew he was the one for me. :) I must go get some of this salsa immediately! I used to eat just based on whatever sounded good. I have definitely started craving more healthy things since I started running. I started running just to lose weight. Two years later I have fallen in love with running and am eating new foods that help fuel me on my runs. No tomatoes, but I love my spinach smoothies!


Oh my goodness, I wish more people would think about WHY they eat! Emotionally motivated eating is such a contributor to unhealthy eating practices. I would love to say that the majority of the time my food choices are fueled by a desire for a healthy lifestyle but sometimes it’s because it just looks so darn good!


I am a big believer of eating as much whole food as possible. I like my ingredient lists to be short and pronouncable. But I also don’t mind a bowl of Lucky Charms every once in a while ;) I also buy certain things out of habit and eat them regularly without any thought (eggs, bananas, bread, cucumbers, avocado are bought on almost every grocery trip).


I eat a lot of what I eat based on my gluten issues and price factor! It has to be cheap but nutritious and keep my stomach happy at the same time :)


I make 9o% of my meals from scratch because of food allergies. We don’t worry too much about calories, but we try to avoid fake food. Food allergies and label-reading have brought to light a lot of the crap that’s in packaged foods, and I firmly believe that the fewer chemicals, the better.
Plus, who wants chemicals when real sugar and butter taste so good?!


I eat because my dietitian makes sure I have enough nutrients to run 100 miles per week. !


I have a gluten intolerance so I mainly stay in the produce and dairy aisles at the market. Actual gluten free items have a ton more sugar in them so to stay healthy I stick to naturally gluten free foods. I am also a vegetarian so for me its veggies, veggies, veggies! If I do buy anything in a box or can, I don’t buy anything with ingredients I cannot pronounce, as they are in all likelihood chemicals! It’s a pretty good rule to make sure all natural food goes Iin my body !! :)


I eat the foods I eat because they taste good and make me feel good. That combination is so important to me because I have a sensitive stomach and a lot of foods that taste amazing to me (fried things, sigh) also give me stomach aches for hours. I mainly eat fresh, whole foods but I occasionally splurge because it’s worth it :)


I eat based on how things make me feel, and the nutrients! I generally eat whole foods because they make me feels my best, but I definitely buy things for my sanity, too. ;)


Unicorn = amazing. I eat for fuel!!!! 100%!!! However, it has to be quick and digestible. I teach group ex and peronal train all day. Great question!


Haha I go with what sounds good. Sometimes that is a week of “healthy” food and sometimes cookies for every meal of the day. As a recovered (?) anorexic it kind of has to be that way though, or I slip back into food control obsession.


I eat the way I do based on my values (I’m vegetarian and have been since I’ve been 12) and based on reading a ton of books and articles on healthy eating, and also listening to my body and how it feels when I eat a certain way.

So over the past 15 years (I’m 39) I’ve progressively gotten to be a more healthy eater and am now at a place where I eat very healthy and my body doesn’t like too much sugar anymore. I eat mostly whole foods and my body really likes it.


I eat the foods I eat because it’s the foods I enjoy and I like the way it makes me feel. I pretty much stick to whole, healthy foods because those are the foods that make me feel the best


I mostly stick to whole foods. I’m not super strict about what we eat, and I haven’t done any real research on what things are good/not good to eat, but common sense tells me to buy things that are still in their original form, as in, the way nature made them (fruits, vegetables, grains). We also raise chickens for meat and eggs.


Please keep the running outfits going! I love it! I also love TJ’s Corn and Chili Salsa!


Nutrition/health, fuel and because it tastes good! I like to try and follow a 80/20 or 70/30 rules to give my body the best clean and healthy food to fuel it and keep it healthy, but there has to be treats in there too :) It is all about balance.


I can’t wait to read the comments– I love understanding why people eat the way they eat!

I eat gluten free (because I have celiac disease). I used to be a vegetarian (for animal rights), but I recently (like three weeks ago) added some meat back to my diet because an RD recommended it so that I didn’t eliminate too many food groups.

Also, I like whole foods because my body seems to thrive on them (imagine that).


I am vegetarian right now but have been considering adding meat back into my diet. How did you find the transition? I’ve been totally vegetarian (no seafood) for 5 years now but I’m thinking that adding local, hormone free meat once a week might be good for me as I’ve been struggling to get enough iron, etc in my diet while starting a new career.


Hey Meaghan,

I found the transition to be easy. I didn’t have any issues and I was a vegetarian for three years. I started out with a little bit (super small portions) of seafood and good quality deli turkey meat. For me, I think the key was just eating a little bit at a time and eating it with other foods.

Also, I only eat local, hormone free stuff (my hubby calls me a snob haha), but it makes me feel better about the choice to add it back in. I’m pro-veg still, but it’s made eating a lot easier!


If you like that corn salsa, you MUST add it on top of crab cakes. With a little hot sauce, it’s my fav way to eat it!


great topic…ultimately, I eat whole foods, meaning things that just have that 1 ingredient: fruits, veggies, whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, barley, etc.), nuts and seeds, and eggs. But, I definitely believe in having a treat every once in a while when I’m craving it! (hello, dark chocolate!)


Love those running outfit photos! Good point about why we eat what we eat. I’ve fallen into a food rut lately and have been eating the healthiest stuff that I can find that’s easy to get/prepare, which hasn’t really meant super healthy eating for me. I definitely need to step it up since I’m training for a marathon. Thanks for the kick in the rear!


I eat what I eat based on a different one of your reasons each time. Sometimes it sounds good, other times I know it’s good for me, my family likes a certain meal…I think it keep things in perspective.


I try really hard to eat mostly healthy, but I’d be absolutely miserable if I didn’t splurge every now and then (aka once or twice a day). We typically eat a well-rounded and healthy dinner – I try to make good choices with lean meats, lots of veggies, whole grains, etc.. but there’s also a lot of random things that get thrown in my cart, totally depending on my mood when I’m shopping.

We have a few staples that always end up in my grocery cart (smart balance peanut butter, vita tops, pretzels, reduced fat cheese sticks, chobani greek yogurt), plus whatever Publix has BOGO that week that we either eat already or want to try, the random items the kids throw in that I don’t see ’til we are checking out.. and chocolate. Always some sort of chocolate.


I normally base the foods that I eat out of habit and convenience. I have changed some of that now that I live with my boyfriend and we trying to eat a little healthier. We have started planning our dinners before we go to the store so that we have everything on hand. It has worked and we have been ordering out less and less.


After struggling with disordered eating, I really try to eat a balance between healthy and fun. In terms of the healthy part, I mostly just aim to eat a lot of produce. Breakfast is fruit-heavy and lunch is veggie-heavy (HUGE salad); I typically eat the same things every day for those meals because I like routine and it’s convenient. For dinner it is usually a more balanced meal with protein and carb. And I usually have some kind of sweet treat once or twice a day! I used to be stricter and tried to control calories and eat “clean” all the time, but I learned that you gotta be healthy in BOTH body and mind. For me, eating clean all the time wasn’t healthy for my mind even though my body felt better. So now I try to strike a balance … mixing food that is good for my body with food that is good for my soul (and whenever possible, foods that are good for both!). It seems like this is kinda how you eat too, and it looks like it’s definitely working for you. :) I find that “intuitive eating” works best for me … try to eat only when hungry and stop when full … emphasizing healthy food but nothing is off limits … this way of eating keeps me saner and seems that is the way nature intended us to eat (we only have to watch babies eat to see that in action). Great question, Janae!


I choose my food based on several reasons:

1. Does it taste good? I like to eat healthy but if it doesn’t taste good, I don’t want it. Simple.
2. Is it good for me? I try to eat healthy 80% of the time and save the treats for the other 20%.
3. Convenience. I am a mom of two so I don’t have time to make crazy elaborate meals several times per day. Breakfast and lunch MUST be simple and I save the more time consuming meals for dinner and the weekends.

By the way, how did you get your chicken so thin? Did you buy it that way or pound it down? I dislike thick chicken so I really need to know!!!


I eat the foods I eat because they are tasty and healthy. My eating habits are pretty much whatever is on sale in the meat department (chicken / pork / fish / turkey / burgers) and a ton of veggies. I also eat popcorn like it is going out of style. And chocolate. I tend to cook mostly paleo at home just because my belly is happy with out dairy and grain but when I’m outside of the house I tend to eat whatever I want, paleoish or not!


For many years I’ve had a lot of trouble regulating my blood sugar. I’ll be fine one minute, then suddenly I’ll pass out. If I eat sugar to get my glucose back up, I’ll end up with levels that are too high, a raging headache, and nausea. So when I finally figured out how to keep things stable (multiple small meals, no white flour by itself, lots of fiber, heavy on the protein) I stuck with it!


This is a very frustrating topic for me. I try to eat healthier but my family resists. They are overweight and I know it’s my responsibility to teach my son so he doesn’t have lifelong problems with his weight. For the past couple of months, I’ve just given up. Thanks for this blog and reminding me its time to get back on track.


I’m LOVING the worst costumes–I’m definitely in support of doing them year-round!

I eat the way I eat for a few main reasons. One, they help my body feel its best and perform its best. Two, I do try to get my servings of fruits and veggies in every day so that my body has the vitamins and minerals it needs. Three, they satisfy me mentally. The last one is a huge one for me, as I’ve struggled with eating disorders in the past. If I don’t eat something that satisfies me psychologically, that tends to bring out the eating-disorder part of me and then the whole restricting-binging cycle goes off. And that never ends prettily.


I eat the way I eat for nutrition, satiety, cravings, and if it sounds good to me! I used to put WAY more thought into calories, macronutrients, fat grams, blah, blah, blah, and it was way too stressful and time consuming for me. Now I just eat what I want when I want it, and try to make healthy choices most of the time!


I try to eat a pretty healthy diet as much as I can. I would much rather have a salad and veggies than a burger and fries, so eating healthy for meals is not an issue. However, once I have eaten a nice and healthy balanced meal…bring on dessert! All in moderation right???


Well, my pained body from all the gluten and dairy filled treats my class brought me yesterday wouldn’t know it, but I make food decisions based on what works with my gluten and dairy sensitivities first. That is closely followed by what is healthy a d affordable, which is convenient because most gluten/dairy free stuff that is healthy is usually affordable. It’s the substitutions of bread-based products that can get unhealthy. I also choose based on allergies (no nuts), and of course, what is delicious (I’m loving berry season!!!). Everything must also pass the test of efficient fueling.

It can be frustrating having to find food that fits all these requirements, but I get into a groove of eating what I can, and then it just feels normal.


It depends – sometimes I have to grab what is convenient – when I am in a rush or on the go – but that usually fruit or nuts. When I buy food for our house I do look at the serving size (I want the most bang for my buck, you know) calories and protein and minimal ingredients on the list. That way our house is stocked with good food. I don’t count calories, but I know about how much is in everything I buy…does that make sense? I always eat what sounds good. Eating is to be enjoyed – I am not going to eat something I don’t enjoy just because it is ‘healthy’. I make dinners that I think sound good, but will also be good for me and my family to eat. I think I do a really good job at that….and then the hours of after dinner time roll around. Oh man. Let’s not go there. I was really good for the last 7 weeks while my family and I did that challenge, but then my mom felt the need to give us a bunch of CRAP and if it is here, I will eat it. I can’t have all the temptations in my house! Aaaaahhh. I don’t think having treats is bad…but in the amounts I can pack it in, it most certainly is. By the way – those watermelon oreos (my mom gave us some) are surprisingly good. Now come get them from me!


My goal for eating is to have a really good balance. I try super hard to eat/cook clean for both myself and my family. My husband and his family were raised on meat, potatoes, and desserts so it’s been a long transition but unlike his mom, dad, and sisters, he is not overweight and is finally starting to run a little bit with me!


I eat what tastes the best to me…. Or what my body is craving the most at the time… Last night it was eggs. I’ve recently been totally turned off of sweets! So strange… The other night I went for frozen yogurt and declared right after that I am done with it!?! Made me feel gross and didn’t taste as awesome. Never thought that day would come.
I’ve also studied nutrition and manage a health food store so I technically “know” what I “should” eat but the stress of the “should” takes the joy out of it all and hampers the digestive process.
I’d love to eat like an old school Italian :)


It totally depends on the situation. I’ve tried to be more conscious the last few months of having more protein, less dairy, a moderate amount of carbs and more fruits and veggies. So sometimes my eating is based on reaching those goals. But sometimes, I eat just because that’s what I feel like eating at that moment. Sometimes, it’s what’s on sale (to an extent). Often it’s what’s easiest and most convenient to make/grab on the go.


Ugh, I have that conversation with someone at least once each day. Garbage in, garbage out. I don’t understand how people don’t get that. I buy what I buy because it is food that my body needs. Fruit, veggies, good fats, some starch. I have the same thing for breakfast usually, because when I have it, I feel good, full, and slender. So why change? I eat useful food for lunch becuase I don’t want to be tired around 3pm at my desk, and I don’t want to be hungry and go snacking. I make filling but light dinners so that I’m not overstuffed, but not starving before bed. If my body has to digest food while I’m asleep with no outward physical help from me, then it had better be food that my body can deal with and use!

I’m also a label reader. If I can’t pronounce it, spell it blindly, and I don’t know where it comes from, it shouldn’t be in my body. Unless it’s in wine, and then that’s permissable.


I have slowly but surely been making the transition to whole foods. I am far from perfect but I’m working on it. The more I learn about what is in our foods the more disgusted I get. So I work on eating things I can pronounce that come from the putter perimeter of the grocery store (meat, dairy, produce). I want food that will fuel my body in the best way possible. Then… when I have a sweet tooth I hit the ice cream. :)


I could never run far in a costume……I wish I could


I eat what I crave. Whether a conscious choice became habit or what I honestly crave salad, fruits, meat throughout a day as much as I crave what people would consider true cravings. If I go to the grocery and buy exactly what looks good, I will leave with a balanced cart.


I have been clean eating for a year now. I just started doing the paleo diet. I love it and feel amazing. It’s expensive and hard to find grass fed beef though. I’m still getting the hang of where to shop for what. Basically if it is not fed corn and is a whole food I eat it. Its not easy to figure out what the best foods to eat are. I have been researching for a year and still learning new things.


I eat what I eat to try and stay healthy. I take a lot into consideration, including amount of calories, nutrients, and of course TASTE! But sometimes I will also just eat something purely because I crave it and it tastes good!


Those unicorn costumes are awesome! We try to eat healthy, balanced meals & snacks in our house. I want my girls to grow up loving all kinds of different foods and never want them to be afraid to try new things. I also want them to be realistic about their eating and never go to extremes. While I understand the importance of whole & wholesome foods, I also believe it’s OK to eat a less-than-healthy dessert or grab a quick convenience snack when you’re on the go. Life’s short. Eat dessert! After your veggies, of course!


I eat what I want! I’m not one to put restrictions or guidelines on every little thing that goes into my body. It’s all about balance. I aim for meals that are somewhat healthy and have their share of veggies and protein but in terms of snacks…I like to indulge!


I do a lot less home cooking than I’d like- running around NYC all day makes it hard to bring food along. But I usually choose my meals by listening to my body. If I stop and think for a moment, I can usually recognize what my body is craving. Yesterday, that meant GREEENS galore. And a chocolate muffin.


I try to keep things healthy and easy. I occasionally try new recipes, but I stick to a lot of stir fry, pasta, baked potatoes, and sandwiches. In the summer, I like to add a side salad to almost every meal. I know my diet is too carb-heavy in general, so I need to balance better, but I just love carbs! :-(


There’s a few factors that go into choosing what I eat. First factor is nutrition. I focus on having a nutritious balance at every meal. I really make sure to have fiber-rich foods and protein at every meal. Second factor is budget. The healthy/natural/whole foods tend to be more expensive but I would love to stock my home with this stuff if I could make it work within my budget. Third factor is my family, more specifically my husband. I don’t want to buy food that only I will eat. If I don’t have food he wants to eat in the house then he’ll probably go get take-out which also hurts the budget. I’m also trying to get him to prefer healthier foods so I need to find healthy foods/meals that he’ll like eating. Lastly, the food needs to be easy to make because I really hate cooking. Wouldn’t it be great to have a personal chef?


I eat a lot of my foods out of habit… and I tend to eat foods so they don’t go bad. I have tried to branch out, but my busy schedule makes it difficult.


I grew up in a Taiwanese household, where we would eat homestyle every night. Each person got a bowl of white rice, and on the table, there were maybe five or six different dishes that we would all help ourselves to and eat with the rice. Even though I’m too lazy to prepare five different dishes for myself, I do still have to eat at least three or four different kinds of things for dinner, otherwise I’d feel funny. I couldn’t eat just one thing! Last night, I had a big salad, then an omelette with hummus, and roasted Kabocha pumpkin drizzled with honey. Two spears of dill pickles. Then watermelon. Then my current addiction, yogurt/strawberries/dried wild blueberries/Kashi cereal/honey. And then my second dessert (Second Dessert is normal, right?) was ice cream and a piece of Kit Kat. Wow, I eat a lot. So I guess I eat relatively healthy, because it makes me feel better and helps me run! It’s all about how you feel now, not about living until 100. But still, I just can’t quit you, ice cream!


I was diagnosed with a wheat allergy last year, so no glutenous products for me. Fortunately, there are lots of options these days; unfortunately, I don’t necessarily like the options. So these days, I eat what my stomach, etc can handle, and my tongue enjoys. Lots of experimenting. Lots. And I still haven’t found anything that gives me enough energy for my long runs. Races have become more about finishing, than finishing with a great time. But, I love running, so I keep on.


that’s a really good question! I eat what tastes good and sounds good in the moment, what is easily accessible, while keeping nutrition at the back of my mind.


These pictures are cracking me up. Great morning giggles! You MUST keep posting them!


This is a hard question for me to answer due to certain circumstances, but I am on the way of eating the way I eat because… It makes me feel good to give my body what it needs and to supply it with the nutrition it needs. I eat what I eat so I feel healthy and energized to live a long and happy life. Also, I eat what I eat because I’ve been to a place where I didn’t supply my body with enough and I paid for it. Now, I realize how important nutrition – and candy, cupcakes, and chocolate – really are for my soul. <3

PS. Unicorn picture is my favorite so far! HA


I eat what I like mainly and what I grew up eating. But I am trying very hard to be more conscious of the foods I am choosing. I am vegetarian and I really believe in balance. Sometimes I find myself in a stage of eating too many soy products (usually BBQ season) or grains or whatever so I just try to switch it up.

I’m fresh out of university and still figuring out how to best fit my healthy eating into a responsible budget… Really loving reading everyone’s tips and ticks here so thanks for posting this question! :)


I am trying really hard to ‘eat with purpose.”


I LOVE corn salsa! Its really good with sweet n hot jalapeno relish. Mmm


After going through a bout of cervical cancer three years ago, I completely eliminated as many chemicals, gmos and processed foods as I could from my body. I believe in the body’s ability to heal and making sure what I put in is wholesome and real is very important to me. Not to say that I don’t imbibe in some swedish fish every once in a while.


I eat based on nutrition and what I enjoy eating. I workout a lot (teaching classes, my own workouts, etc) so I am mindful of how big my meals are and what combinations I know work well for me energy wise. I do put a lot of thought into what I eat and take time meal prepping each week.

There are times too though that I eat purely based on what sounds good..no matter what it is nutritionally. Sometimes you just have to eat what you crave.

No matter what though, I try to be mindful and eat what my body needs as well as what I know will serve me best energy wise, especially during the work week when I am constantly busy.


In a lot of ways, I eat the way I do because that’s how I was raised. I’m southern, so most of our meals weren’t the healthiest. Plus I was raised by a working mom who didn’t have time to go to the farmer’s market and focus on all whole, all healthy stuff all the time. She did the best she could, but I’m not ashamed to say that I ate mac and cheese and McDonald’s more than once as a kid. Now I’m trying to improve my diet and eat healthier. It’s hard because my taste buds rebel at the thought of broccoli. My philosophy is moderation at this point in my life – I don’t want to give up my cheeseburgers, but I also want to incorporate healthier options into my diet.


we LOVE that salsa…here’s what you need to try….mix a couple of tbsp of sour cream into it along with lots of Mexican shredded cheese and eat with tortilla chips. You’ll go nuts!


I, unfortunately, have to admit that my choices are often based on “safety.” (As I sit here with a plate of raw veggies . . .

I’m an all or nothing kind of person, and I have a bad habit of going overboard with sugary/cheesy/rich things. Even cereal is tough for me . . . one bowl ALWAYS turns into the whole box. But my safe foods don’t give me the adequate calories I need for my runs (10-15 miles), so I often find myself eating all of my “unsafe” foods at the end of the week due to poor fueling.

It’s a shame, but I love food so much that I can’t stop at one bite.


I eat the way I eat because:
1) I try to eat for fuel, and not on impulse
2) I eat things that are calorie concious (I’ll admit it!) while I try to reach my weight loss goals
3) I eat things that work for my husband’s taste preferences as well as mine, and our budget, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle that supports both of our physical activities and training.


I was always overweight as a kid and teen, and became obese in my last two years of college and first year of graduate school. I joined Weight Watchers in 2010 (my 2nd year of graduate school) and lost 80 pounds over the course of 2 years, largely from “just” eating well (I lost 60 in the first year, I didn’t lose the final 2o as quickly because I had a serious medical issue and didn’t follow the plan for 6-8 months)

I don’t strictly follow WW currently, but a lot of the food choices that my husband and I make are based on what would be “WW-friendly”. I specifically try to eat foods that will keep me feeling full and energize me long-term, and I do my best to exercise portion control on foods that are not so healthy for me!


I try not to consume minimal empty calories and try to eat things with the greatest concentration of nutrition benefit. For instance, if I have a choice between a (over process high sugar) granola bar or apple for a snack, I will always choose the apple. If I feel like salsa, I will have salted vegetables with salsa rather than chips. There are two exceptions: I eat chocolate almost every day with my coffee, and I often have a glass of beer or wine at or after dinner.

The other thing I look into is convenience. I’m in residency and don’t have the time or desire to cook up fancy stuff. I eat and purchase things that are easy to make or throw into a lunch bag.


First of all, let me just say that I love the 80’s outfit.

And here’s why I eat the way I eat…it’s really pretty simple: If I eat crap, I feel like crap. If I eat whole, minimally processed foods, I feel good. I don’t like to feel like crap, so I don’t eat it! :)


I tend to eat minimal amounts of processed foods…and lots of fruits/veggies/greek yogurt/hummus/chicken/fish/quinoa/brown rice/sweet taters/and a shheettt ton of nut butter! I had a huge eating disorder for 5 years, so for me to get better I had to get super healthy and feel comfortable knowing that what I was eating was giving me all kinds of nutrients! I do still keep daily indulgences like dark chocolate or froyo or french fries..but try to keep the bulk of what I eat centered around fruits and veggies!


I try and get a meat, fruit and veggie daily. I feel so much better when I eat well!! I also have a small cup of coffee in the morning because it seems so relaxing to just chill with a hot beverage!


Unfortunately I eat mostly what is convenient. I try to keep it healthy…alomonds, clif bars, bebe carrots….. but there r definitely times I swing thru a drive thru for a snack wrap! I’m go go go between my 2 jobs and if I don’t do a good job meal planning the weekend before that’s what happens!


My eating has definitely changed a little since I’ve started reading healthy living blogs. I’ve learned a lot about new foods/recipes/ways to prepare food (overnight oats, greek yogurt, spaghetti squash…) and it’s taught me how delicious whole foods really can be! I’ve never really been an UNhealthy eater… however, I don’t eat as much processed food as I used to growing up. This is probably due to how much I’ve read and learned about processed food not being so great. I’ve always loved fruits and vegetables and grew up with my family having a vegetable at every dinner. I always genuinely like the food I eat, I don’t just eat it because I think it’s good for me. Eating whole foods just makes me feel better than eating processed foods :)


That salsa is my favorite!

I eat the way I eat because I have an autoimmune disease, and a healthy lifestyle helps to keep me off medication. I truly believe that food has the power to heal- but don’t get me wrong. I love a good bagel and some cookies every now and then!


I eat what I eat because of training, what my parents taught me, what I’ve learned, and sometimes what my body is craving. I try to eat healthy to fuel my body correctly. :-)


I naturally want to eat how I was raised ‘Meat/Potato type’ or very ‘Carby’. I work very hard mentally to lean my eating towards a more ‘Whole/Clean’ ingredient list, and to improve my healthy food intake. I still find I need to ‘satisfy’ my need for carbs *aka bread*.

Take today’s lunch today. Cafe choices included, Brats/Mac&Cheese/Simple Sandwiches/Salad Bar. The best choice would have most likely been a nice salad with Chicken, but it wouldn’t satisfy my carb desire. I really wanted a bowl of mac&Cheese, but realize this doesn’t fuel me properly or maximize my calorie allotment for the day. So I went with Simple Chicken Sandwich (Carbs & protein), no sides, and have a banana at my desk for an afternoon snack. I actually stood in the cafe having a mental war to pick ‘wisely’ with myself for 2 minutes. *I have issues :)


I think I eat the way I do because of all those reasons, honestly. The majority of the time I aim to eat “clean” and make sure I’m fueling myself for all the working out I do. I also fall into ruts because I’m a creature of habit and I like it that way. Money does come in to play- we are trying to save for a future and make smart decisions but at the same time I would rather spend money on GOOD food than nice clothes because it’s more important to me. I’m always intrigued by how other people eat, it’s fascinating how such a basic need is something so personal.


I’m a creature of habit and have my faves that I always go back to. I always take into account if/when and how far I’m going to run in order to determine how many sweet treats I can have…terrible I know!


About three years ago I decided to overhaul what I ate. I was overweight, tired and had no real idea what I was putting in my body. Today I am 60 pounds lighter and very active. I eat very cleanly and most closely watch my fiber intake and sodium. I have never felt better and never loved food more.


This is a really good question! I choose whole foods and when I put a meal together I try to combine protein, whole grains and fruits and veggies. I also try to avoid animal products when possible, for health, environmental and economical reasons. And I always make sure to get some treats into my day :)


So fun!

I eat what I eat because I like the way it fuels me well–both for fitness & life. And of course, helping my baby girl grow well too. I eat what I want, when I want & it works fantastically for me!


I just had a baby two weeks ago and even though I’ve always been a healthy eater, I am way more conscious of what I put in my body now that I am breastfeeding. I know it really should’ve been like that while I was pregnant too, but it’s so much different now that I can see his little face!


After a lifetime of high-stress living I developed what some categorize as an auto immune disorder. Certain foods exacerbate the symptoms. I eat mostly an anti-inflammatory diet. No gluten. No dairy. No soy. No eggs. Lots of fruit and vegetables and fish and poultry. When I’m really paying attention I don’t eat sugar. That one is the hardest for me to completely eliminate.


The unicorn outfits kill me! Too funny


I eat to be healthy, keep weight controled and feel good. I am all about checking the ingredients on everything I buy to ensure there are no additives, as well as checking the calories/fat/sugars/fiber/protein. All important to me!
I try to ensure all meals are protein & veggies and min. carbs.(sweet/reg. potatoes, wheat pasta, brown rice, barley)
I eat about 90% whole foods and make all my meals (and snacks usually)
The only ‘spluges’ are Sprouted bread, tortilla chips (usually made from beans or w/flaxseeds) and dark chocolate.


I base most of my food choices on: nutrition, taste, cost and convenience.


I definately need to get better “control” over this area of my life…because lately it seems like I have been eating what I “feel like” at the time…that does not always lead to very good choices


I choose the food I eat for a variety of reasons. It’s usually based on nutrition, cost and what makes me happy!

A habit that has stuck with me since I was young is always wanting something sweet after a meal. I’m okay with that though :)


I try to eat whole foods as much as possible, at least on a normal day. While I love love love to eat junk food sometimes (parties, bbqs, etc.), I never feel good afterwards. So why would I want to feel that way on a daily basis? That’s just the way I see it. I also used to be really into “sugar free” food and drinks but since I cut out diet coke and diet iced tea for New Years, all my stomach issues have gone away! Now I will have them sometimes, but for the most part I want to feel good so I steer clear. I think life is best spent, as many people have said, eating a balance of foods. So frosting is good one day, but broccoli can be just as satisfying the next!


Hmmm.. I eat the food I eat for a combination of reasons! Of course, I eat healthy and like to put foods that are nourishing into my body, and also (OF COURSE) if I LIKE them!! :) It’s a balance of those two things!



Haha the unicorn costumes are awesome!


Because the foods I have eaten in the past cause me much heart burn and my hubby go sick of hearing me complain and burp before bed. (THus, no more pizza and red sauce….before bed anyway!)

And I feel better when I eat better….duh?!


This is a very good question. I honestly eat first because of nutrition. I have been ill before because of food so I am pretty careful. But there are sometimes it is just straight up emotional eating. However, I always pay the price of emotional eating with the worse heartburn ever, so that alone has significantly decreased my emotional eating habits. :-)


My husband and I started following the paleo diet about 2.5 years ago. He follows it as fuel for his workouts – Crossfit. I follow some of the principles but I’m pregnant now so I eat whatever sounds good.


About 9 months ago I gave up sugar, gluten and processed foods. I wanted to finally get back to my prepregnancy weight (my youngest is 6!) and just feel better generally. I lost the weight easily (15 lbs) after giving up the junk and feel great. No more sugar swings, no more feeling tired at 3pm. I eat when I’m hungry and focus on whole unprocessed foods (lots of veggies, nuts, eggs and dairy). The downside of eating this way is we rarely go out to eat anymore but I am cooking a lot more and really enjoying knowing everything I am putting in my body. I’ve been a vegetarian for 25 years for ethical reasons.


Definitely a combination of factors for me…I try to buy whole foods as much as possible, heavy on fruits and vegetables. But I am also always trying to compromise with my husband, who for some reason doesn’t always agree 100% with me! weird right? And then there is the convenience factor. I honestly tend to repeat a lot of the same, simple dishes so that I don’t have to do tons of planning for the day to day. I’m like you, happy eating the same thing for like a week straight!

PS LOVE your blog!!


I try to make things from scratch when it’s reasonable. I always try to make our meals include lots of fruits and vegetables, without including ingredients that are not overly priced or “weird”. I feel like I eat we’ll forbygevawrsomw must part, and I’m physically active so I allow myself treats when I want one.


I eat the way I eat…

– To stay full (lots of whole grains/fiber) because I am miserable when I’m the tiniest bit hungry
– To entertain myself (buy things to cook and bake because I love it and like to try new and different recipes)
– To indulge (I am such a sweets person). I know it isn’t always a good thing to “reward” yourself with food but I love treating myself to dessert!


Most of the time I try to eat for health and fuel:
-focus on whole foods, avoiding processed
-balancing every meal with protein, carbs and healthy fats
-watching portion size
-trying to add veggies and fruits as much as possible. Mostly veggies though.

But I also grew up in a family where cooking and sharing meals was a way to connect with others. I have my fair share of indulgences, and most of them are sharing meals or drinks out with friends one or two times a week. It’s a healthy balance that keeps me feeling satisfied and far from deprived.


I take pride in a GMO free household. Thankfully our garden, fruit trees, chickens and milk man and my love for food preservation (aka canning) help us to do that.


That tomato-less salsa is amazing! I tried it last week at Trader Joe’s and my boyfriend and I are now addicted to it!


I laughed out loud at work at Megan! Great picture and funny story!

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