We got Billy his It’s Its Father’s Day request at Costco yesterday.  

Just pretend that the below picture is a video and imagine Brooke bouncing up and down in the cart, waving her arms as fast as a hummingbird and making a high pitched squeal…. that is how excited she was about the purchase I was about to make.  Just under the It’s Its is 2 dozen eggs that I have to get weekly.  Brooke and I eat a lot of eggs.    

Photo  1

The reason I am furious.   The watermelon I bought has seeds.  It was in the seedless watermelon bin.  I didn’t even know they made seeded watermelons anymore because who actually chooses those over the seedless kind? (it doesn’t look that bad but once I cut this in half there were a zillion seeds) 

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You know how when you are going through Martha Stewart’s website and you come across a recipe like Penne with Shrimp, Feta, and Spring Vegetables and then you can’t stop thinking about it until you make it?  That’s what happened to me.  Asparagus and shrimp should be added to every pasta dish.  

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 And I polished off these babies for dessert with a side of Billy and Brooke in the background.

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The real question is whether she is going for the iPad or the pb chips?!?

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PS do you like their matching pigtails?



I am currently working on changing up my running form so my coach has been sending me all sorts of helpful movies and articles to read to help me to learn to run more economically.  I wanted to show you the slow motion video of the Boston Marathon 2011 top 3 women finishers during the LAST 800 meters of the marathon… aka the same time during the marathon that I am crawling to the finish line and they still have perfect form.   



A reader emailed me asking for YOUR help!!! She wants to hear about different affordable and reliable treadmills because she will be buying one in the next few months and wants to get the best kind!

-We have the Nordic Track C900 and absolutely love it.  Zero problems even though we have put a zillion miles on it.  

At what mile of the 1/2 marathon or the marathon do you usually start to ‘hit the wall’?

Costco shoppers:  what were the last things you bought at Costco?

And time for the most random question of the week:  If you could go anywhere on vacation right this second…where would it be?

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Figi please!!! I’ve been dreaming about a tropical vacation for a month now! Love the matching pigtails :-)


On Saturday I bought Costco’s red velvet cake for a baby shower. It was amazing! I can’t believe it took me this long to try it. I may make a Costco stop (it is only 1/2 mile from my house) today for spinach, strawberries, and mangos.


Don’t hate me but I’ve never had an it’s it’s. I love Costco though. They have the biggest cartons of grapes. It even lasts me two days instead of 1. I usually hit the wall around mile 11. Last time though it was mile 5. Lets just say it was a painful race.


We were at Costco yesterday and bought frozen pineapple and strawberries.

I’d go to South Africa for a vacation right now, as the hub lived there for a while and is eager to return. His happiness and sharing with us what he experienced (though it would be different as he was there at the end of apartheid) would make it best.


I love the matching pigtails! If I could go anywhere in the world? I’d definitely go back to Italy. I didn’t see everything I wanted to see last time, so I need to finish that off before thinking of any place else. I am going to the beach tomorrow for a few days!


Love my c900. Feels like I’m bouncing! Costco- toilet paper!


The matching pigtails are too cute!


Last time I was at Costco, I bought organic mixed salad and spinach, bananas, almond butter, brown rice and clif bars. I hate seeded watermelon….such a major hassle! ;) Love the matching piggy tails!


We have a Sole F63…if I have to be on the treadmill it’s great!
What wall??? Haha…just kidding. In my first and only marathon (so far) I hit a few walls – mile 16 and 20 were the big ones.
Costco: organic beef and cowboy caviar (so good!). And a $1.50 hotdog meal!
Reese’s pb chips are some of my favorites! I would take them with me to Bora Bora :)


I always hit the wall at mile 20- I’m running one in two week and hope to not see any walls the whole time!! I’d choose a tropical vacation right now !


Haha I love the matching pigtails! She really does look just like boo in that pic! And that slo-mo of the finishers is so awesome. It’s almost like they’re flying, even in slow motion :) And I’d love to go Italy right now!!!


marathon: mile 23. half marathon: mile 9. I feel like with half marathons I don’t have enough time to hit my “groove” so the wall comes a lot faster! My form also tanks at that point. Just hired a running coach too, so hopefully that will change!


She was using the iPad to bring the PB chips closer because she couldn’t reach those ;) And I’m feeling you on the seedy watermelons… The worst is when they’re full of the big, still-soft white seeds that I’m not sure if I should be eating or spitting out… most of the time I just eat them because getting rid of the seeds takes too long, and I need my melon NOW.


Multigrain breaded tilapia !! It’s amazing. Paired with a pineapple habanero sauce that Costco also sells.


Gahhh I wish I owned a treadmill, that will be on the “must have” list after our wedding and moving to a new home happens. Let’s see, I usually hit my wall at mile 24 on the marathon, and I would say mile 8 for a half (mainly because it’s harder for me to get in a good groove with a shorter run). Costco is a beautiful place, last time I was there I felt like I bought the entire store! Although, one of my absolute favorite things to buy from Costco is their pesto, it’s SO GOOD, and their mangos mmmmmm! I would hop a plane to Maui RIGHT NOW. Every time we go we stay longer and longer….it’s my version of Heaven on Earth.


Last thing I bought at Costco was organic chicken and olive oil. We forgot eggs and it was very sad. We also eat a ton of eggs in our house! I would cry if my watermelon had seeds. They should really just discontinue those!


I hit the wall at about the 10mile mark of a half marathon. It feels like I’ve been running for ages but the finish line is no where in sight! Once I get to around the 12mile mark I can motivate myself to push just that bit harder because I know it isn’t for long!

And right this second I would like to be on my honeymoon in New Zealand! I’m not going till next week, but wish the rest of the stress was over already! (Also looking forward to the views while I’m running…. but the new hubby doesn’t know he’s agreed to that bit yet!)


Brooke is getting so big!! She’s gorgeous!

I bought a treadmill a few months ago – my insurance paid for it (I have severe back problems from a car accident and running has been a saving grace), but they didn’t give me a lot of money to work with. I ended up buying a Livestrong treadmill (I got it on a great sale, about 40% off and it came to under $1400 including taxes). Between my bf and I we’ve put tons of miles on it and it’s holding up great!

As for the marathon, I ran a very hilly marathon last fall and didn’t hit the wall until somewhere around mile 19-20. I don’t think I ate enough during the race, but it turned out alright!! :)


Brooke’s face in the first picture. So priceless. I’ve never seen peanut butter chips, but I feel like I need to seek them out now. Reese’s are my FAVORITE. (Then again, how can you not like peanut butter and chocolate together?!) I want to go somewhere sunny. It’s been entirely too cloudy and gray and rainy and miserable here lately!


I don’t think that I have ever hit a wall during a 1/2, but during a full it typically hits me about 22 or 23. I try really hard to fuel and hydrate though so this does not happen! If I could go anywhere it would be Walt Disney World! I am kinda obsessed!


I always hit a wall at mile 7 of a half marathon to about 9 for some reason. It’s definitely all mental though.

I had to get rid of my Costco membership because I was buying wayyyyyyy too much giant sized containers of candy.

I really want to go to Thailand or Greece. Or basically anywhere that I could eat my way through.


16-18 miles. That’s where I start having to double up the fueling to keep my blood sugar up.
I would go to Disney World right.this.second. I went once when I was almost 5. As an adult, it would so fun to go back. They just had a Modern Marvels episode al about Disney, and man I want to go. Though, in all honesty, I’d rather someone sent me for the Dopey challenge…. :)
We have a Precor 9.23. It was a little more expensive ($1600), but we’ve had it for a year and a half, and it has been great. Helped me log my long runs last winter when it was too icy to run outside.


I hit the wall when I wake up, it’s still dark out, and it’s kind of anyone’s guess if I’ll actually get out of bed. Once I’m out, though, there’s no stopping me.



Half Marathon normally 11 if Im pushing the pace. 16-18 in the full.

I really want to go any where with a beach so I can just lie around and read a good book


I was wondering what It’s Its were! We don’t have a Costco anywhere near us, so I’ve never been to one. :(


LOVE the pigtails :). I didn’t really hit a wall in the 1/2 but mile 10 and 11 were slower and in the marathon it is mile 22-26 that are slower. I almost always start faster and slow down…I just can’t seem to help it :).
Costco=goldfish, raspberries and strawberries…I want to go to Costco now!


In a marathon, I usually hit the wall around mile 20. In a half, I sometimes hit it at 11 and then just have to push a little bit to get past it.

I would just go anywhere where there is sand, water and sunshine.


The pigtails are so cute! If I could go anywhere in the world right now, I’d go to the Rockies. I know I just came from there but I have family out there and the scenery is breathtaking!


I will love to hear about tmills too! I am buying one in a few months.
In my full marathon is was around km 32. I knew at that point I just had to keep moving forward.
Tons of food! Lol. Our usual – almond butter, cereal, Greek yogurt, produce, oh and some new uber larabars.
Greek islands – its a dream trip of mine :)


I have a Sole F63 and I love it!

We don’t have a Costco around us. Bummer. My town is so silly.

I want to be with my family on vacation… at their house in Thailand. My parents live overseas and I miss them so much!


I don’t shop at Costco because my mom works for Sam’s Club so I shop there. The last thing I bought was Greek yogurt, pineapple, portobello mushroom caps, and chocolate covered pomegranates.

Half marathon is about mile 10 or 11, but i usually try and talk myself out of it.

I would go to Egypt or Australia. I’m going to Costa Rica next month for work, so that’ll be fun.


I would go hiking in the Rockies! I have a weird craving for some camping and hiking right now


We have a Landice treadmill. We had it for 7 or 8 years and have never had any trouble with it at all. It’s great to have when I can’t get outside for a run.

I bought WAY too much stuff on my last visit to Costco. Does yours carry Angie’s Kettle Korn? If so, grab a bag. It’s AMAZING! The other thing I just picked up is 2 Kirkland brand running tanks. I have to say I was unsure what I’d think but I love them. They are so soft and have just a bit of room in the front to hid my I’ve had 3 babies belly. I keep trying to think of reasons to head back to Costco so I can get two more!

I’d love to go to St. Lucia for a beach vacation but would also love to go to Europe.


I feel like Brooke was just born… how is she looking so big with her pigtails? :)

For me – in a half marathon, mile 9 is my dreaded ‘wall’ … if I can make it through that mile feeling OK, I feel like I succeeded.


Aww Brooke looks so big sitting there with the doll! Shes so dang cute.
Now you have me craving pb chips.!


I unfortunately can’t run on a treadmill without loosing my mind. I usually hit the way around mile 19. Last marathon I tried a new strategy and told myself just to get to mile 20 and then worry about the last 10k and it worked great.


my apologies to the reader, but I don’t have a treadmill at home :-(

I have only done half marathons and I usually hit the wall around mile 10. HOWEVER, the last one I did in April I NEVER hit the wall. I crossed the finish line actually thinking that I could keep going if I needed to. It was also a PR for me.

I am not a Costco shopper but we do have a membership to BJs which is similar but not as big. The last thing I bought there: grapes, lysol, shampoo, vitamins, paper towels, and I think that was it.

Love the matching pigtails! I JUST got my daughter’s hair in a ponytail this weekend. She is 5. Yes, she was bald until she was 2.


Ahh love Brooke’s jellies! Brings me back.


I want to go campinggg! I am dying to go hiking and actually just found a dog friendly bed and breakfast with lots of hiking and have my fingers crossed that my knee will allow it next month! Brook looks adorbs per usual!


I bought a ton of things at Costco at our last trip… organic chicken, organic mixed veggies, salmon burgers, chobani greek yogurt, etc. Love that place!

And if I go anywhere right now it would be Fiji please – laid out in my own cabana with the hubby and enjoying the beautiful weather & tranquility! :)


I have never been to a Costco…tragic, I know. I need to get there ASAP and the It’s It will be first on my list!

Half marathon wall hitting happens around mile 10…but once I see 12 I’m good to go. My one and only marathon…the whole thing felt like hitting a wall.

Hawaii….please put me in Hawaii :).


I’ve run 3 halfs and I always hit the wall around mile 11. I’ve PR’d each time though so I’ve obviously learned to just push through them! : )


I have a pacemaster gold elite treadmill that I have moved cross country and put probably 8,000 miles on and still love! As for Costco, organic strawberry jam. Yum! I hit the wall in the half at mile 10 and then death march to the finish. And if I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Austria for the Sound of Music tour. It just sounds like a ridiculous amount of nostalgic fun!


No treadmill here, but I’d be interested in seeing the results. Heading to Costco today actually for laundry detergent, veggies, frozen fruit for smoothies and paper towels. I just might have to add some It’s-It to my cart too ;-) Would totally travel to New Zealand if I had the chance!


I have never heard of those It’s Its before! What are they??

Brooke and her doll look adorable with the piggy tails. :)


They are the best cookie ice cream sandwiches ever! I hope you get to try one soon!


Mile 10 on is normally me wishing I could lay down and take a nap during a half. I’ve only done one full marathon and unfortunately the “I want to die” portion started around mile 12. That was a rough race.


I am not even a watermelon fan, but the seeds would upset me.
Costco, I bought a new pair of glasses and probably fruit.
Mile 8 of a half seems to be a tough one for me. Not sure why. I train up to 14.

The Kidless Kronicles


Love reading your blog, but what’s an It’s-It? – I feel like I’m missing out on something here?! (btw I’m from England).
Can’t answer about the wall as my first half is yet to come in a couple of months, but I’m sure there’ll be a wall of epic proportions!
It’s cloudy and rainy here so I’d love a vacation anywhere with sun right now!


It is the best cookie ice cream sandwich! I hope you get to try one soon!!!!!


We have a LifeSpan treadmill and have been really happy with the quality. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s rated on of the top treadmills for serious runners. I usually hit the wall in the marathon around mile 20. That last 10K is brutal! Vacation anywhere in the world? With the kids, Hawaii. Without the kids, New Zealand for some serious hiking with my hubby.


Brooke looks just like a doll EVEN next to the doll (a much voter one at that!)

I have accidently bought a seeded watermelon too and I was so mad. Ross was amused with just how upset I was. But seriously. Why do they even grow that type anymore??

Those runners are amazing! Look at that perfect midfoot strike. My form isn’t like that one mile 1 of the marathon. Perhaps this is why they run theres an hour faster than me ;) I hit the wall at mile 23 and I hit it HARD. I have never hit the wall in another distance like that before.

I need to go to Coscto tomorrow. My list is long. Last time I went I got grape nuts and bananas ( mind you I had already been 2x during the same week ). Let’s hope the samples are good!


If I could go on vacation now, I would just go to Hawai’i since the flight is not too long and I looooove Honolulu.
For when the wheels come off, I would have to say it is around mile 22 (except for the most recent ones where they fell off around 19. Luckily, the wheels somewhat reassembled so I could finish strong in the last 0.20 mile for a PR).


Well the last time I ran a half marathon….which I believe was in January, I didn’t hit a wall. Most likely because I was moving slower than molasses lol. I would defiantly go to Bora Bora :) I think Brooke was going for the Pb Chips!


I haven’t run either one of those distances … but I will run my first 1/2 (and first race!) in September, so we’ll see :)
Is there a PA equivalent of Costco?
Hawaii or Chincoteague … I’ve never been to Hawaii though but I love the beach and it looks so beautiful!


I always buy the trail mix with the M&M’s in it. I also always have to hit up the books section. At this point I’d go anywhere on vacation. I haven’t been on vacation since my first son and I went to Arizona back in December 2011. I NEED a vacation at this point, but I’d love to go to Australia.


I don’t have a treadmill and I’ve never been to Costco. I live a sheltered life.

This is probably too technical, but hitting the wall means that you’ve depleted your glycogen stores in the liver and muscles and that takes a long time. I don’t think you can officially “hit the wall” in a half marathon. People usually store about 2,000 calories of glycogen in their body, so that burns off at about 20 miles – which is when most people “hit the wall”. I’ve never hit a wall, but I start upping my carbs when I start tapering and really up them 2-3 days before the marathon by eating thinks like baked potatoes with salsa. This is a better approach than just carb-loading the night before the marathon.

You can probably psychologically “hit the wall” in a half marathon or marathon at any time – but that is different than physiologically hitting the wall.

I don’t mean to sound like a know-it-all. I’m not an amazing runner by any means. However, I particularly remember learning about this, so thought I’d share. And the upping of carbs for a week or so before the marathon has really helped me avoid the wall completely (but not actually run fast or anything).

And if I could go anywhere on vacation right this minute I’d go hiking/camping in the Grand Canyon.


I would definitely be in Hawaii right now. Ahh. Sandy beach & palm trees are what I need. I have the Nordictrak C900 too. Love it.


Ireland to see the view and Italy to eat the food… Gelato please! :)


I’m glad I’m not the only one who has baby fingerprints all over my iPad ;-)

I usually “start to hurt real bad” at KM 18 in a half

I would like to go to the beach right now!


Those pigtails! And those cheeks!! Too cute!

Vacation? Anywhere if there is a beach, not too many people, and a spa.


I’d go to Ireland. Or somewhere on the west coast of Canada like Vancouver or Victoria.


Brooke loves the best two things in the world… Blogging and peanut butter. :-P She’s took cute with those pigtails and jellies.

I didn’t hit a wall my first half marathon, to be honest. I was loving every second of it and felt REALLY good. Plus, I was pacing a cute runner so I think he distracted me about 80% of the time until I blew by him at the end ;-)

I definitely want to go to Italy or somewhere tropical.


Our treadmill is a Reebok. I know its a weird brand but it works great and no issues! We have had it about 5 years!
I start wearing down about mile 8-9, Then I take an energy shot gel and usually that and my mind will get me through. I am bad and do not drink enough water during the race, in fear I will have to empty my bladder mid way through the race!
No Costco by me… :(
If I could go anywhere in vacation… Think I would go to Italy too! My great grand parents were from Sicily and I would love to go there.


It’s It’s It’s…. what? That’s what I think about every time I see you post something about an It’s Its. I have no clue what those are and I’ve never had one. Just give me some froyo.


Oh girl they are the best ever cookie ice cream sandwiches! They are way better than froyo!


That’s POSSIBLE? Froyo is at the top of my “best things about having a hand that can scoop food into my mouth” list.




That happened to me with my last watermelon and I had the same thought “Who the heck is buying a seed-ful watermelon??”. Oh man, I was so mad. :( Ruined my watermelon time.
I usually hit the wall at mile 11 on a half it’s usually the point where I’m like “man.. this was a mistake”.
And I wish I could be on a sandy warm beach right about now! Perfection…


Oh my that photo of Brooke reaching for the iPad/peanut butter chips is so incredibly cute!

Costco: A bag of 1/2 cheese 1/2 caramel popcorn made by G.H. Cretors. I grew up in suburban Chicago where it originated (or something, could be wrong about that). My Mom & I used to share it while waiting on my sister’s dance lessons. So good, I’m not ashamed to say how quickly I plowed through the bag.


Agreed, asparagus and shrimp should be in EVERY pasta dish. You should try this one!


You can leave out the anchovies if they freak you out. Just use more olive oil.

The last things I bought at Costco would be tons of produce and dog food.

Anywhere on vacation not taking cost into consideration? BORA BORA. Hands down, without a doubt.

Taking finances into consideration I would go to the Santa Cruz KOA, also known as my favorite place on earth.


So it’s its IS ice cream! Billy should be pleased to know that they sell one type called the big daddy ;)

I recently visited a costco business center, if you think costco’s big, this ones HUGE. The downside tho is no free samples or food court :'(


Hahahah we will have to try those!


I’ve only done one half and my wall was at 11. Everything started to just hurt and I was just ready to be done with this whole running thing.


Enuff said.


If I could go anywhere right now, I would go to Aruba.


Treadmills: The Nordictrack Commercial 1500. Excellent. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. Look for deals and promos, they are out there.

Costco Churros.

As for the wall, it varies. More than once, I never hit it, but actually felt I gained energy with the last miles and ran negative splits. When this happened, it was the biggest highs and thrills of my life, and part of the reason I keep coming back.


That video is so cool!

Seeded watermelons are good for seed-spitting contests! There’s a silver lining everywhere :o)


And… If I could go on vacation anywhere, it would be to that moment when I ran those last 6.2 faster than the first 20. Non-stop flights only, of course.


I have the Precor 9.27, and I absolutely love it. It’s a little bit more expensive, but it’s so so worth it!


I have the Nordic trak 2500r and absolutely love it. It’s a wood treadmill that bounces and absorbs shock. I don’t think I could ever get a different kind.


So I’m the most sporadic commenter ever but I do read your blog! :-) That recipe looks great! I went to the website and printed it off. I love all of those ingredients and am always looking for new and healthy ways to carb load!

As far as hitting the wall- I do not race enough half’s to remember but in a marathon it is usually that last 5K that gets me. I did not hit a wall in my last marathon (Boston) and that was the first time ever to NOT hit a wall. It might have been because it’s Boston though- total adrenaline rush and constant cheering the whole time definitely helped!


The last time I was at Costco I bought a bag of frozen salmon filets, frozen blueberries, bananas, ibuprofen, Ray Ban sunglasses, and 2 Quicksilver tees for my son. What I did NOT buy–a fountain diet Coke from the food court because Costco recently switched to PEPSI! Yuck!! (I’m still very bitter about this; I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it. LOL)


I’ve never run a full marathon so I don’t know when I would hit the wall there, but I’ve done three 1/2 marathons and it’s always mile 11 for me. I’m jamming the first 10 and then 11 hits and I’m dead. I took that as a sign I need to train longer than 10 miles for my next half.

We don’t shop at Costco :( Sad day.

I would go to Hawaii if I could go anywhere. I’ve never been there and always wanted to.


Brooke looks so much like Boo in her pigtails! I love it!


Closed down Costco last night by my lonesome. Seeds are the main reason I never eat watermelon. LOVE the pigtails!


Spain. Right now I wish I were in Spain


I have never heard of seedless watermelons!

If I could be anywhere in the world right now it would be the south western corner of France. Surfing and eating seafood on a campsite.


Costco is the best! Got Self magazine for 30% off and 4 movie passes (good for 2 admissions, 2 pops and a popcorn) for $26 each. Too awesome.
I’ve only run 10k and 5k races but signed up for a half in August. I don’t hit a wall yet so I’m hoping to keep it up…


I have a NordicTrack C1550 and I love it. It was a tough choice between the Sole and NT. I would highly recommend going and trying them in person if you can. That helped me a lot. I ultimately picked the NT because I like some of the extra programs it can do. Good luck!


I got a supposedly seedless watermelon at Walmart last week and there were tons of seeds in it. My 6 yr old refused to eat it. I tried pulling one of those “when I was a kid…” but he just looked at me like I was crazy.


She’s grabbing the iPad but eyeing the PB chips ;)


That video is amazing. I highly doubt I run 5 steps in my first mile of a run that look as perfect as those marathon winners.


Costco: grape tomatoes, whole pineapple, Fuji apples, Kirkland brand keurig cups, Lara bars, clif bars.
I heart costco!


That pasta sounds delish!

I ran my 2nd half marathon this past Sunday and this time around, I really thought about fueling properly and not drinking TOO much water during the race so I never full-on hit the wall, but I was definitely a bit wobbly around mile 9.

If I could go on vacation anywhere right now, it would be basically any place with a clean beach and fruity drinks. I’m easy to please. :)


love the pigtails!



Brooke has such long hair!! So cute in the pigtails. I really need to jump on this It’s Its train, I’ve never had one or even seen them anywhere. And definitely mile 9 is my wall, once i get past 9-11 I’m usually okay.


Janae, OH MY GOSH. I CANNOT get over Brooke’s amazing pigtails!!!!!! They are perfect, and she is WAY too cute with them :D
We also had a Nordic Track, which I was in LOVE with, but we had to loan it to a friend because we had too much baby stuff- the pack n’ play is now where the treadmill was. I miss it so much. I think we need to make room for it again…especially with this Florida heat. I was SOAKED after my run today. I mean soaked. Gross.


If I could be anywhere on vacation, I would pick Hawaii! I have never been and would love to see it :)


If I’m lucky, I find the wall at 21-22 and then just push through. However, Boston this year I found it near 16. Blegh.

In the half I haven’t hit a wall (knock on wood), but normally I start doing a mental calculation around mile 8 for how many minutes it will be before I can just sit down. The pace in half marathons is just ouchy after a while.

My Costco vote is for the Cabot Big Block of Cheese and craisens. Yum!


Yum, PB chips! I tried It’s-It’s for the first time in SF a few years ago, it was a chocolate covered mocha? one!


Folly beach, South Carolina!!! We went there last year and fell in love :)


The only time I can go to Costco is when i’m visiting my parents and can get my mom to take me…which hopefully will be in about 2 1/2 weeks!


I usually hit my wall at about 18km


I am the worst closer in races. I hit the “wall” usually about a mile from the finish line because I think, “Yeah! I’m basically at the end.” Then I still have a mile to run, and it doesn’t not seem as short as I thought when I started. If I could trick myself into always thinking I had miles to go I would be fine, but the finish never sneaks up on me. I always put a brave, happy face on when I cross the finish line because I don’t want the onlookers to think I suck. HA! I’ve really got to work on that last mile….

PS. I’m glad I saw the picture of It’s Its because I had no idea what you were talking about. I actually thought it was a typo at first! It must be a West Coast thing because we don’t have it in Georgia.


Thanks so much for all the treadmill advice!!! Really appreciate it.

I hit my wall at mile 8 of the 1/2 marathon, every time like clockwork….

Last thing I bought from Costco was my favorite bag of frozen antioxidant mixed berries… that the had to recall due to a hepatitis outbreak!!!!! :( sad panda


Would go to the South of France – it’s hot and beautiful at this time of year – we’ve just come into winter in NZ. In a marathon – about 30kms, then I get a bit of a fresh burst once I get past the 40km mark. In a half – about 18kms.


I just got a Sole 63 and so far so good! I had a Pro Form for 10 years and it was great! I heard that the newer Pro Forms and Nordic Tracks have springs now and more cushioning which is great for not getting injured but that the Sole is more ‘road like’ which is better for runners who want to do road races. It definitely isn’t as ‘springy’ but so far I like it. For my first 1/2 I pretty much trained exclusively on the treadmill but now that I have been running more outside I really dread getting on the treadmill. Ugh! After 4 miles I am pouring sweat and so done! Plus there is absolutely nothing on tv at 5am besides the news. Dreadful!

Your daughter is so freaking cute and happy, she totally makes me smile! : )


I get to make a Costco trip this week but I am pretty sure I have never seen an It’s it’s. Actually, I have never even heard of them!! My Costco purchases are pretty healthy normally but I think I need to splurge this week and get something really decadent….for FATHER’S DAY!!

I just got a Sole F80 a couple months ago and I LOVE it!! I got it at a Sears Outlet for less than $1000 which was a steal. Your reader should check out the website because they have tons of treadmills in all different price ranges.


I usually hit the wall at mile 20.

My first and only visit to Costco so far consisted of buying new tires for our car. I’m looking forward to the day when I actually get to go in the store and not just the tire center. :-)

If I could go anymore right now, I would go to Alaska and go for a dog sled ride on a Glacier.


Please be careful trying to alter your running form….

I was trying to be conscious of my foot strike and form while also transitioning to running 6 days per week. Yeah, happy stress fracture to me!


I’m working super hard on my running form too and it’s made a difference.

In my last marathon I hit the wall before I even started. No joke. I completely sabotaged myself. It was awful.


Usually hit the wall at about mile 10/11 in the half. Never done a full, though I want to, so I don’t know about that one! I’ve been dreaming about vacations lately. Anywhere really. But Hawaii sounds wonderful, never been and I really want to go with some friends!! :D


It’s so awesome that you get so many responses-I kept scrolling and scrolling to get to the comment box!! That video is amazing. I can’t believe that they are probably really racing right then and still strike on midfoot! They even look they are over-striding yet they still come down under their body. I’m trying to work on my form to-it’s really hard to run like that! Brooke looks adorable in her pigtails. I really wish that first picture was really the video :)


If someone would whisk me off to Paris right now that would be fabulous! I haven’t had a week off in over 2 years and it’s starting to take it’s toll on me. Paris is on my bucket list and after having studied French for 6 years I’ve yet to make it there.


Our Costco has these dark chocolate covered caramels with sea salt, they are really good.


I am on vacation right now in Vermont, and even though we’re going to the Ben & Jerry’s factory tomorrow, I’d kill for an Its It right now! They used to make strawberry ones and they were the best kind ever.


Costco shoppers: what were the last things you bought at Costco?

We always buy tons of fruit, Chobani yogurt, Craisins, milk, & eggs!

And time for the most random question of the week: If you could go anywhere on vacation right this second…where would it be?



I love my Sole F80! It is sturdy, dependable, love everything about it. So worth the price if you are going to run the heck out of it, which we do!


We just gave our treadmill away because I would rather run naked through Grand Central Station than run on a treadmill. (What that really translates into is that I would rather run in the rain, cold, etc. — which I do — and my kids are old enough to be left alone for an hour or so at a time).

Costco: Kayaks. (actually, probably a graduation cake, veggies, Bolani, etc. but the kayaks are more memorable).

My list of vacation destinations is long: Thailand, Fiji, Scotland, Italy, Laos, Costa Rica, etc.


When running a half or even training, mile 10ish is where I hit the wall…ugh!!!
I really want to train for a full!!!!


Interesting video…I changed from a heel striker to more of a forefront striker to help with my IT Band issues…in this video it looks like the first 2 have more of a forefront form and the 3rd runner is a heel striker…what does your coach say about the difference and what are you???


we bought a “seedless” watermelon that ended up having a ton of seeds, also! what the heck?! i was so disappointed!

i’d pick a tropical vacation to either hawaii or mexico :)

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