Tree trunk legs running and I need to go back and edit my entire blog.

I am sure going to miss seeing the three of them play together all day long.  

My scene this morning as I was eating breakfast.

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I didn’t have a workout scheduled for today so I just did my own thing and ran for a little under an hour at a 7:35 pace.  That was a little bit slower than my pace on Saturday (which felt comfortable) and today it felt like I was sprinting with tree trunks for legs the whole time at that same pace.  Amazing how our runs vary SO much from day to day…. today was a run where I didn’t love running during but after I finished the endorphin rush made me love it again.

The friends you meet through blogging.  Emily and Emz came and met us for lunch.  I had never met either of them before and I instantly fell in love with them.  I have read Emz blog for YEARS and also followed her instagram (runemz) so I felt like I already knew this incredible running star.  I could talk to these girls for hours.  

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La Grande Orange.  I am 100% honest here… if you are ever in Phoenix you MUST go there.  I can’t even describe how amazing everything looked and then when my sandwich came out I almost passed out I was so happy.  The Avocado BLT:

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As we were driving to go meet them my SIL said how much she was craving sushi so we were forced to share this beauty: 

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And then Emz bought us all desserts.

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The A-Z cookie… it has peanuts, corn flakes, pretzels and pretty much anything else in the world all in that cookie.  

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I am going to go back through every post I have ever written and fix any posts that talk about eating the best cookie ever because NOTHING even compares to this cookie.  

For the record, this IS the best cookie ever.

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Emz even bought one for us to take to my brother since he works so close to the restaurant.   I am just amazed that I didn’t eat it on the way to his work, I truly am the best sibling ever.  

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Time to enjoy the last 24 hours of my time with these people of mine.


If you had a friend or family member coming to your area to visit…. what restaurant would you HAVE to take them to?!?! 

Sushi love or not? Favorite sushi roll?

Was your run today a loving running day or a not so much loving running day?

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Unfortunately I live in a small town and the best food is Dairy Queen! That cookie sounds yummy! Is there a recipe?


Agreed can we have a recipe?!?! Emz is a speedster. I’m jealous y’all got to hang out!


Same goes for me with the Dairy Queen….its the closest “restaurant” near my house! (and it still takes 10 min to get there!)


I feel your pain Lissy, we live on a Military Base and by the time we get off post it takes at least 10min too. Then we have to drive back to base, wait in line show our ID’s to get back in…no fun!


A love running day! A tempo run in the rain with my friend and my dog!


Haha that truly is the ultimate cookie! Although it’s been difficult for me lately to get back into running, today was a good running day. And I miss sushi SO MUCH (there’s nothing good here… booooo).


What!? You live in Maastricht and find nothing good there? You must have not been out much because I’ve eaten fantastic food there.


Sure, there’s good food, but no good sushi!!


How fun! It all looked so delicious. So true about runs varying. Last week I had an awesome 9 mile run and then my 10 miler on Saturday was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.


LOVE sushi! Always in the mood, yet I seem to only eat it 3 or 4 times a year?!? No idea why that is…

Too many restauarnts that I love. Seriously hardest question ever. McKenzie River Pizza??

Today is an easy run day (on my way to go do it right now) and luckily it is with a running group that is a bit slower than me so it will be a true recovery run! I need it… I am super sore from working on my HIPS after you reminded me of how important hip strengthening is for runners! thankss!


Love that Brooke’s outfit matches your shorts and your shirt matches Emz. That’s a photo shoot waiting to happen right there!

Spicy tuna rolls are my favorite sushi delight. Suddenly I’m really craving miso and sushi for dinner…

Today was an 8 mile love running day, I think it was making up for a run I did last week with cement blocks for legs. :)


No running today or for a few more days. I ran my first full marathon yesterday and I can barely walk. The only way that cookie would have lasted would be if there was someone else in the car with me or if he knew there was a cookie coming his way. I devour sweets!


Today’s run was fan-freakin-tastic. It was short (only 4miles. I had to get to the other gym for the chest/tricep class) but I did it in 29 minutes (the first mile was a warm up one at an 8min/mi too) and it felt easy. Doubt that will happen on any of my other runs though. Ha! So I will just enjoy this day ;)

I have only tried a few kinds of sushi. With my shell fish allergy I feel like all the ones people tell me to eat, I can’t. I have found that I like tuna the best.

My current favorite restaurant is Mazza in salt lake. Mmmmm. I love Middle Eastern food.

I want that cookie. I am off to google a copycat recipe. I am sure there will be one out there. Enjoy your day with the fam. And yay for getting to see the Billster soon!


Yum that place sounds amazing! I REALLY love your outfit though. It’s super cute! Especially the shirt- I’m a big fan of anything boat-related. I hate those runs where it just feels hard. I always feel good after, but it’s tough to get through the not so great workouts sometimes. I didn’t run today but yesterday’s race felt like I was running at olympic speed and it ended up being my slowest 5K ever. You just never know!


Pie Pizzeria and Maddox for visiting family or friends. We’re actually going to Cafe Rio and Farr West with my visiting-from-VA folks on Saturday, and we’re going to have plenty of Beehive Cheese Company cheese on hand!

… Though if we were still back in the ‘Burgh it’d be either Church Brewworks or La Feria’s… (can we get them to Utah, please?)


I’ve never tried sushi!!! Shocker I know!
I haven’t run since Saturday. Saturday was my 2nd marathon ever! And I’ve had a cranky left foot ever since :( So I’m taking a few days off. It is amazing how our runs are so different from day to day!


Hi Janae, I know this doesn’t answer any of your end-of-post questions, but I just wanted to comment because I ran my VERY FIRST 5K yesterday thanks in no small part to reading your blog for the past 10 weeks while I trained. I don’t consider myself a runner (I have exercised-induced asthma), but I set this goal for myself and I’m really happy that I achieved it. I love your posts about your daily workouts, the food pics (motivation to get cardio in daily so I can eat all the yummy things I like and still stay fit!), and of course your adventures with Brooke always make me smile. For now I’m going to up my strength training and do a little Insanity, but I haven’t ruled out another race in June :) Enjoy Phoenix!

Dominique from NJ


Ahhhhhhh thank you for your comment, it made me so happy!!!! Congrats on your 5k!!! You are incredible! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


I wish I felt sluggish at 7:35… Actually, I wish I could run that fast, period ;)

My 3-mile run yesterday felt great and then I still had energy for an aerobics class after it was over. Today, my 4-miler felt like I had put lead in my shoes.


I’m so glad you are having such nice visits with your family!


Where can I get the recipe for this AZ cookie you speak of?! I love cookies that involve TONS of ingredients!


If anyone comes to visit, I take them to Poor Phil’s, a local seafood place. It’s been in town forever and has the best beer selection in town.

I LOVE sushi so much! I could eat it for the rest of my life if it wasn’t for that ‘too much mercury’ thing. My favorite roll is anyone that has unagi! I went out for sushi for my birthday to a new place in town and they had Green Tea Creme Brulee. It was SOOOO good (and I’m a harsh creme brulee snob). The sushi was also amazing!

I have yet to go running, I might get out and go just before bed (I know, I know, I’m really pushing it) but right now it’s too dang hot! Guess what, I just signed up to run the Walt Disney World Marathon in January!!!! I’m so excited, I’m running for the American Liver Foundation, and coincidentally, I’m also putting their Chicago Marathon Team together!


PS: I was almost wearing your exact oufit (2nd picture) this past Friday. Except I had green leggings and my blue blouse was a bit longer in the torso and had tulips on it instead of sailboats!


That sandwich looks delish! Can you believe I’ve never tried sushi!? Yep I’m 27.. and still have not. the though of raw fish creeps me out.

It’s been really fun seeing your adventures in Arizona- it’s fun to see a different part of your family that we don’t usually see. I wish I was close w/ my siblings like that!

p.s. glad Brooke is feeling better!


I love sushi! I normally get the Washington roll, but the last time I had sushi it made made super full after eating half! Today was not a running day, today is a upper body weights and core day! :) Hopefully tomorrow will be a loving running day!


AHHH the avocado BLT… it’s everything I love in the world. I might need to create that at home!


Love sushi – if a friend was coming to visit and wanted sushi, I wouldn’t even know which of my favorites to take them to. I love so many….my run today felt a little bit like yours. It took over 3 miles to feel warmed up. Hate that! It really is amazing how one day you feel like you are flying and then the next you are struggling to keep pace with your easiest, slowest, pace.


Love sushis! I have a super mega important question for you. My boyfriend is going to America and I would like for him to bring me
Back some cookies. Which ones???? I trust your cookies expertise so let me know ;)


Those cookies look good but I bookmarked the peanut butter chocolate chip cookie recipe to make next. Yum!

Your nieces and nephews are adorable. I bet your time with them has been wonderful. I know I sure missed my family when I lived so far away from them.


Oh lucky you meeting super Emz!!!


The last couple of weeks have been light easy running because I just wasn’t feeling it. Today I finally had a run that felt so good, 8 miles and I’m hoping it lasts:)


I’m not a huge raw sushi fan, but I can put a hurtin’ on the rolls! When I travel for business, one of my colleagues and I always go out for sushi. The sushi restaurant near our Colorado office has a ‘Goodman’ roll, so I feel it’s my duty to order my namesake roll. And it’s delicious!


OMG! I went to EMZs blog (I’m pretty new to running, so I had never seen her blog before) And this woman has abs to die for!!!! WOW! I wanna be like her!


I think the ups and downs of running is what keeps me coming back. It is crazy how I can run 10 miles and feel great and then struggle to run 3.


I love anything with tuna in it. Yummmm. Those cookies look so good! I’m glad you finally found the best cookie ever!


That’s awesome that you all got to hang out! I wish I lived closer to some bloggy friends so we could all meet up! :)
Even with tree trunks for legs, you are still super speedy! :)


It was a love running day, built from a 8:30 pace at the beginning to a 7:30 pace on the treadmill. Felt great. I love sushi. If anyone came to visit they have to go to Three Crows and FOG. Awesome restaurant. Rockland is becoming a foodie city. It has always had tons of restaurants, but now the cuisine is just incredible! You showed a lot of restraint not eating that cookie!


I haven’t been to too many restaurants in my area and I’ve lived here almost a year… but I think I’d have to take them to the Tiki Bar or to El Tequila. Tiki Bar has happy hour from 2-7 on drinks AND foods and El Tequila is just really good mexican food. I really like sushi but I don’t eat it too much anymore because I’m an environmentalist and a vegetarian (sometimes pescatarian) and only eat seafood if it is sustainable or the chefs can tell me where it comes from. It’s hard to get either of those options at a restaurant, so I usually pass.

I did 3 miles outside today and it was good but it was hot and I felt like I was swimming in the humidity. Then I came in and did 2 miles on the treadmill and didn’t die even though I hate the treadmill. Overall, I’d say it was successful.


OMG, I’m deeply in love with sushi! Actually, right the other day I was thinking about the fact that I never saw a post/pic of sushi here on the blog (maybe I missed it) and I had a semi-panic attack: HRG doesn’t like sushi :( Good thing you posted this today!

I hated each and every one of my 4 miles today- quads are mad sore from Saturday’s Half Marathon and so I was in serious pain ! But I know it’ll get better thx to today’s recovery run!

PS: You have to come to NYC- I know you did in the past but you need to do that again!!!


Today was a non-run day since I ran a personal half marathon on Saturday! Hmm let’s just say anger is good fuel;) I hate boys.

That cookie sounds unreal.


Today was a non-run day since I ran a personal half marathon on Saturday! Hmm let’s just say anger is good fuel;) I hate boys.

That cookie sounds unreal.


Today was another one of those “I’m injured so I can’t run” days. Worst. There are some really wonderful local fish & chips places here so I’d probably take someone there if they were visiting.


I would definitely take them to the river front because it’s one of the coolest parts of my area in the Hudson Valley. The restaurants there feature a beautiful view of the river and mountains. It would be a toss up between a delicious barbecue joint and an American restaurant.

I am a sushi fan, but I always have to eat like 5 rolls. I like the Philadelphia roll.

My run today was very nice and easy because I ran in 2 5Ks this weekend!


Today was a rest day for me, but yesterday was totally a “love running day” because I ran with my husband and he pushed me hard!

Avocado BLT… What an outstanding idea!


Just got back from a run: LOVE running day! {of course, it’s not *too* hard not to love an easy 3.5 miler!}

Loooooooove sushi. Really good salmon is, approximately, the best thing ever.


Before I answer one of your questions, please answer one of mine. Where did you get the blue shirt you are wearing in your second picture. I LOVE IT!!!!

I also LOVE SUSHI!! My favorite is the Rainbow roll.


Thank you so much! It is from j crew!


Thanks. I found it online. Ordering it tonight :)


Oh good!!!!!! It is so comfy too!


I’ve never shopped at Jcrew. Does the shirt run big?


They are pretty true to size!


That’s a nice view of the kiddos to start your morning! They’re so cute! :)
I like to bring visitors to anything local. A place that can only be found here in my hometown of course. :)


there’s another la grande orange cafe in my hometown (pasadena, ca) and it’s my absolute favorite place for brunch! i love their daybreaker omelet, which is topped with the best tomato-avocado salsa ever. :) yum!

sushi lover – rainbow rolls are my usual order!


Definitely no sushi love here, but I’ll take one of those cookies (minus the peanuts) please! And my cardio of choice today came in the form of shopping in our huge mall, so that kind of counts as running… right? ;)


I have been thinking about putting pretzels in a cookie…time to do it!!!!
I did strength training today instead of running but I had a terrific run yesterday – intervals of jogging and running. I call runs like that my “angry runs” because I run out all of my stress/frustration/anger. It really helped. I think I might register for another race soon to keep me going.


That is SO true about a run changing week to week, day to day. My legs too felt like tree truck, super heavy ones, on my half on Satruday. It was only my second one so of course I was comparing it to my first where I felt great. This time, ugh not so much :(


I want to go to Phoenix just for those two things. Ohh myy goshh they look fantastic. The most delicious cookie I’ve ever had is always changing! I should become a professional cookie taster.


Aww, what a fun day! And all that food looks amazing!!


You met EMZ?! She is my hero!


I have a friend coming to visit this weekend so I’m taking her to my favorite breakfast place, Portage Bay Cafe…it’s going to be amazing!!!


OMG! I saw on Instagram that you and Emz met (I follow her Instagram, too). How very extremely awesome!
And today was a loving running day! I felt like I was flying while running in SF :)


those cookies sound and look amazing!

my run today was split personality. the warm up and 6×400 part was great, but the 2 mile cool down was bleh im so over this i cdont think i can run anymore. and to top it off my music dies with 1 mile left. talk about lame!

have fun with your family and travel safely tomorrow!


Ooh that cookie looks so delicious!!! I love me some sushi too, but I can’t do the raw fish. Strictly a california roll/unagi girl. No sashimi for me! :)



LOVE sushi! My favorite is a good crunch roll with eel sauce, SO delicious!

I’m definitely going to have to research that A-Z cookie recipe, that sounds un-freakin-believable.

So jealous you got to spend the day with THE Emz! She is so incredible and legendary!


Glad you’re enjoying the last few days with your family. I think Brooke getting along so well with her cousins is her way of telling you that she wants siblings. ;) I LOVE sushi, although I just eat the veggie sushi. Avocado rolls are generally my favorite, but this sushi place by my house makes a sweet potato roll that’s to die for.


The best cookie ever?! I may or may not need to make these ASAP


There are so many good restaurants in my area so I’d have to narrow it down to my city. (I live in the outskirts of LA and Orange county.) One of the vest places in my city has to be New York Pizza Dept. It is amazing. I try something new every time and am never disappointed.

Love wishing. Favorite would be spicy tuna or a Philadelphia roll.

I’m itching to get out and run. Ive forced myself to rest my knee for a week or so. Hoping I can run on Wednesday after the Dr oks.


Looks like you had a blast! Hopefully I will get to meet you next time you are in Phoenix!!!


I can’t even entertain the thought of sushi. Also Marathon training starts in 2 weeks. I’m terrified.


I like walking and hiking much more than running, especially in Arizona, since it gets so hot here. But if I had one of your famous cookies, I think I could do pretty much anything! :)


Sweet Frog! Some people might not consider froyo a restaurant, but I do!!

Ew. I don’t really like sushi.

Not so loving. I was running about an 8:22, but it was so hot outside that a half mile into my 1.84 mile run I wanted to stop and turn around.


I must put pretzels in my cookies the next time I make them.
Today is a no running, stuck in the house with kids while it’s storming day because my car is in the shop. So, I’m going to go with not to loving running day.
I live in a really small town and we have a local Cajun restaurant (which is very different for mid Missouri!) it’s called Taytros and it is AMAZING!!! Plus they have live local music which is always awesome!


That cookie does look pretty amazing. And it really is crazy how one run can make you feel like you’re on top of the world and could run forever, and the next can make you question why you like the sport to begin with. It’s totally hit or miss for me sometimes, but I definitely always feel great when the run is done!


Def no sushi here! I love to cook and really prefer to cook for our guests. That usually request it , too! Safe travels today!


I loved running yesterday, but it didn’t love me. My IT band is still acting up, so I’m taking some more time off.

I love sushi, but Mike hates seafood, so I rarely have it. I guess that makes it that much better when I do have it.


OMG, now I totally want an avacado BLT for lunch today!!!


So glad you and EMZ got to meet. Two beautiful, thoughtful, running mamas!


I actually just tried sushi for the very first time ever last week…we had a spicy crab one that was delish…but my fav of the night was the chicken teriyaki…it was soooo yummy


Awww, you met EMZ! I adore her! One day I am going to meet all of you!


LGO is the best place on earth!!! Glad you tried it!

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