Being out of running shape is frustrating and some awesome family news.

Can I tell you about some really fun news?

My awesome Dadio has lost 26 lbs!!! He is rocking it.  He is doing the bike every morning and writing everything he eats down (see his little notebook in front of him).  I am so proud of him!!!   

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Brooke photo bombed the picture with her foot.

My sister and I dropped Brooke and Curly off at my parents’ house this morning to babysit so that we could get a run in.  

Let’s just say it wasn’t either of our day for running.  It was really hard and there were just a few mandatory walking breaks that I enforced.  

I have a VERY easy time getting frustrated when I am out of my ‘normal’ running shape.  It really is so easy to compare your times/mileage to where you were pre-injury.  Whenever I do start getting frustrated about losing fitness (I wrote a post HERE about how much fitness you lose when you take time off from running) I force myself to start looking at it as a challenge to get faster and think about where I am now instead of where I was.  Make sense?  

I think the altitude may have a little something to do with this whole wanting to walk instead of run thing.

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I can’t even begin to describe how awesome my girls lunch was.  We have my mom, grandma (Mer), sissy, cousin, curly and Jarooke.  

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My sister recommended the turkey cranberry salad and I trust her with important things like this and she was so right.  It came with turkey, onions, mushrooms, cheese, cranberries and balsamic vinaigrette.  You also get as many free slices of bread to sample as you want at Kneaders and the cinnamon raisin bread was incredible.  

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Some of us just wanted to eat the butter.   

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Mmmm butter.  


Where are you in terms of your personal running shape?  Your best… medium… working on getting back to where you were?

Mom’s reading:  do you have anyone that babysits for you sometimes to get your run in?

How was YOUR run today?  How far?  

Last kind of salad that you ate?

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I think I’m probably in the best running shape that I’ve been in but still not where I want to be, haha I had a nice easy 3 mile run this morning. It was a nice shake out after a hard 15 miles yesterday


My husband and I tag team with our daughter to get runs in. Lately I’ve been hiking more than running, though I did run on the mountain trails a teeny bit with Susanna in the Ergo Baby with our diaper bag (a running bag) on my back when the hub was working. I think I just wanted to prove that I could do it. I can.

Lunch today was a green salad with left over dressing from Ohana. I love that when you order out, they put one salad dressing in the salad and another in the bag.


We’re a tag-teaming family too! Although both sets of grandparents are in town so G speeds the night with them many Friday nights. Not for us to go out but for Saturday long runs!


Nice! I wish we had family close by. Woukd be awesome to let girls sleep over. Could even sleep in a little bit before long runs!


Sorry your run wasn’t so great today- at least you got to spend it with your sister. You’ll be back before you know it.. it’s always hard not to compare though.

I would say I’m in my “normal” shape right now- I don’t do any speed work because I get injured really easily.. so i could be faster, but i’m happy where I am!

I ran for 45 minutes today- no idea how far though! I went a different route so I don’t know the mileage.

I had a side salad with dinner last night: spinach, tomatoes, artichokes, blue cheese crumbles, shredded carrots, banana peppers w/ blue cheese dressing!


I’m definitely far from my running shape but I look at it as you do now… A challenge to get myself back into running shape the best I can! The last salad I ate was a Chipotle salad. To.Die.For. I just love their guacamole. One day I’ll just order it as my meal. I’m so jealous of the eye color of everyone in your family!


I’ve been nursing a knee injury since the middle of March. It feels like it’s two steps forward, two steps back as far as my recovery and it’s soooo frustrating!! Pre-injury, I was the fastest I had ever been, running tons of miles every week, and met my half marathon time goal and was honestly wondering where to go from there. I had my daughter two years ago and will have more so I knew I’d be “starting from scratch” sooner or later but toning things down for a baby is MUCH easier than dealing with an injury!

Enjoy your time with your family!


Where are you in terms of your personal running shape? I’m definitely at medium, getting over an injury myself but this is my third week back at it, still easing back into it as I overtrained like crazy and got an awful case of ITBS. :(

I still have to go running – I think I’m going to try to get 6 in at an easy-medium pace.

Last kind of salad that you ate – Whole Foods Salad with Guta….so good!!!!


PS I love those zig zag shorts you’re wearing, where did you get them?

I saw them in another picture you posted. Also, is it just me or do most running shorts fit extremely oddly….maybe I’m just super picky but I almost feel like they can never figure out the crotch or when they try to make tighter shorts they go too tight and it ends up just awkward.


I agree I can’t stand when my shorts ride up. I’ve gotten to the point where I only wear capris but with summer coming it will be too hot!!


Running shorts always fit weird, too short, too baggy, I would like to run in bike shorts -only not quite as long and without the chami.


I got some just like that (like bike shorts but not as long and no padding) from lululemon! love em


Yes! I was talkin about this! I some that are baggy some that ride up my crotch after 10 steps and i just got some that look like biker shorts but my husband laughed at me in them haha so i have no clue what to do. Someone needs to make a running shorts compendium !


I haven’t really taken enough time off of running recently to get out of running shape but it is definitely something I worry about with taking time off. I try to remind myself that it comes back relatively quickly if you are careful about it though. Curly is the cutest- besides brooke, obvi, and I’m loving the “jarooke”. Billy might get jealous…


oh and congrats to your dad! that’s amazing!


I am horrible running shape :( Last year I ran every other day, whether it was cold outside or not. I had a minor injury to my achilles tendon and started to cross train. Bad part of that was I just stopped running. Trying to get myself back into it and stop making excuses.

I did not run today because it was storming out, so I did some weights. I am definitely going tomorrow!

I hit up the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday’s the other day with my friend. I tend to get the spring field greens and spinach, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers. I am still evolving… I use to not eat anything green until a couple of years ago!


Your cranberry turkey salad looked good.

The last salad I ate was from the grocery store and had romaine lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and cheese. It was pretty good.


I’m in the best running shape I’ve ever been in. I still have tons of room for improvement. After the marathon this month I’m going to start working on speed. That’s where I struggle.

That butter picture reminds me of my sisters wedding. My husband thought this light colored ball was a piece of cauliflower or something and he popped it in his mouth. It was a ball of butter. Funniest thing ever!


Sorry your run wasn’t great! That salad looks delicious. CONGRATS to your daddio :-) I would say I am in “mom” runner shape. Fine for this point in life! Not colligiate distance caliber but eh… I have something better to come home to!!!


I’m officially injured now. Ran my 1/2 yesterday with my sister and totally made my hip flexor groin pain worse. I’m going to have to keep your words in mind when I go stir crazy for a month of no running :-(


Oh Sonia! I am truly so sorry! This breaks my heart!


Aww it’s okay. I knew going into the race it was a possibility. But I got my sister across the finish line for her first race so I am happy with the outcome :) going to the doctors Wednesday to get it properly looked at and figure out from there how to get me marathon ready. :)

Glad your dad is taking care of his health. Hope you have a great time with your family :)


I am out of my regular running shape. I had to take time off Jan-March and just started back 5 weeks ago. It’s HARD!


I ran 5 miles this morning! I am in medium shape- not nearly as fast as I was in college but faster than the past few years.


I’m in ok running shape. I could be better, but I’m also improving, so that’s good. I’m afraid if I don’t get new shoes soon I’ll get injured though.


Oh, Im definitely medium and seem to be getting stagnant, which is so frustrating. Hopefully my doc next week will be able to tell me what going on. Hopefully my new shoes will help with that foot pain im having!


I’d have to say I’m in the best running shape I’ve been in. Having only been a runner for 3 years and working on weight loss (50 lbs down) during that time, I’m still not very fast. BUT I completed my first half marathon yesterday in 2:32 I was expecting more like 2:45 given my most recent training paces, but I felt good yesterday so I kept pace with the 2:30 pace bunny for as long as I could. I lost them somewhere around mile 7 or 8, and that was when I got a bit slower, but I’m still very proud of the time that I got!


Aw good job to your dad!

I usually have my mom watch our baby while I run if my husband’s at work. She gets baby time and I get to go on my run (without the jogging stroller!)– win/win!


No run for me today, recovering from a half marathon I ran this weekend and even the thought of running is painful. I should be smart and get some cross training in but sitting on the couch sounds great..

The last salad I ate was one I made myself that involved everything we had in our fridge at the time (romaine, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, red peppers, avocado, tofu and a mustard/agave dressing). It was delicious and now I want to make salad for dinner.


Part of the reason I do so many untimed runs for myself is that I won’t compare myself…not just to preinjury times but to day before times or last week times. I think it’s important to realize regardless of your training, injury or not…sometimes you just feel awful or off.

I know altitude is a huge factor! Keep on keeping on and I know it will come back fast! :-)


Even if you didn’t have the best run, you do get to spend time with your amazing family and that’s all that really matters anyway :) That can’t really be curly, right?? She looks so much older! Wow!


In 2010, I ran my fastest marathon. I have yet to get even close to the shape I was in then. I’m not as fast, nor can I run as long as I used to. However, I am in running “shape.” I can run up to 10 miles and feel fine, but I still miss being able to cruise forever :-) I can honestly say I’d be happy with being in this shape forever though.

I ran 6 miles at a 9 minute pace. Nothing earth-shattering but by far my favorite part of the day.

I like salads as much as you, and I eat them almost every day! Today, I had a taco salad complete with guac, tortilla chips, cheese and a tomato/onion mixture from the huevos rancheros I made yesterday


I have no running shape… I miss it so much!


I am not in goo running shape. It’s difficult, but I am going to get better and enjoy my time!


I know how you feel, I ran a 5K with friends a week or two ago and it KILLED me. We finished with like an 8:30 pace and that’s fine but not what I used to be able to do. It’s very humbling to go from marathon shape to just making it 3 miles…


Hahaha that last picture! I would say I’m in the best running shape I’ve ever been in, but hopefully not the best I’ll ever BE in! I also think I’m being a bit too vigorous and should cut back a bit if I don’t want to injury myself (which obviously I don’t). Ah, running. Patience and perseverance and you’ll be laughing!


Hmm I guess I am in “medium” running shape…I can still go out and run a decent pace but I can’t run my 5k pr or anything right now. I haven’t run yet today but I’m hoping to get 6 miles in!


I’ve only been running for 3 years but I’m definitely in the best shape of my life. In fact Saturday I ran a 25 mile trail race which is my longest distance to date and I’m so happy with my finish time and how my body felt. Even today I’m still not sore, yeah for proper training!!!


WOW 25 trail miles! Thats amazing!
Great job. My longest is a Half… So I can not imagine running that long!
Woo Hoo for you.


Running shape? Hmm, well not as great as I was last fall. I kinda used the whole “it is so dark outside when I get home from work and the air is all smoggy (gotta love SLC in January) so I am just going to sit on my couch and watch reruns instead” excuse for some of the winter. Finally picked running back up at the end of March and it is slow and steady.

Today’s run is hill repeats. I’m excited.

I eat a salad everyday for lunch. Today, romaine with hardboiled egg, leftover roasted broccoli, and some chicken. Delish!


First off congrats on your Daddio! Thats awesome!
I would say I am in medium running shape. I am much better then last year but this year I have only been training a couple of months so I have much to improve :-)
My run today was only 2 miles. But I am still a little sore from Saturdays 13.1 I did abs and arms today too!
My last salad was a homemade yummy salad that had cranberries, tangerines, spinach and almonds… Other good stuff too.


Trying to get back to where I was. I too am recovering from ITBS. :( Only up to 5 miles now. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrating.


Best running shape of my life.
I love all the generations at your lunch.
Last salad was a taco salad.


Congrats Dad! That’s awesome :) I’m in medium running shape. Whenever I start to beat myself up about running I remember how awful I was when I started and how far I’ve come. That usually helps change my attitude.


I think I’m in the best running shape of my life. First half marathon is in 2 weeks! The last salad I had was chicken, walnuts, cranberries, strawberries, and feta. Mmmmm!


Are you naturally blonde too? Or are you the one sister that came out brunette? My friend is like that, her whole family is brunette, but she is blonde! Funny how things work.


congrats to your dad – that’s so awesome!

yum your turkey salad looks good! by the way, the jarooke part made me laugh :)


The last salad I ate was at chickfila. It had strawberries and blueberries in it. Yum! P.s. bonus question: does the 8 minute abs video music ever get stuck in your head? It’s been in mine for approx 4 days now….hah


I’m sorry your run was hard today :( Whenever I have a bad fitness day, I try hard to focus on what I was able to do (I have legs that can squat, etc.). Helps a bit.

Congrats to your pops!


I’m nowhere near the running shape I was a year or so ago…but that MIGHT be because for about 7-8 months the most running I did was 10-15 minute intervals on the treadmill. Now that the weather’s cooperating I’m sure I’ll be able to get some of that back.


I am probably at my worst running shape. Since I’ve had my son 8 months ago I just haven’t found the time to go much. Between work, going back to school, coaching golf, and spendinG time with my son I just haven’t found the time. I really, really hope to soon!


Hmm where I am no where near what I used to be. I mean I can actually hold my old pace but not for long. I ran sat and sun, prb too much because now my back hurts. I never had a baby sitter when I began running. My husband and I took turns.


No run for me today. I did my second half marathon yesterday. It was great but I didn’t reach my goal.. The weather was incredible AND I had a lot of fun:)


Congrats to your Dad! That’s huge!

I’ve taken 4 days off of running so far, so I don’t think I’m in tippy top shape. But hopefully I haven’t gotten much worse? (Crossing my fingers.)


I would have to say that I am “medium”. I think my cardio is pretty good, but I put on some weight… I’ve been indulging a bit too often!
We’ll see how it all comes down when I run my 4th marathon at the end of this month. I’m hoping to PR in that race!


Congrats to your Dad, that’s fabulous!!!

I am finally getting back into running shape after being out for FOREVER with injuries. Yippe!!


I’m in “medium” shape, but I’m working on getting back into it! I ran about 4 miles today and it was great :D The weather was cool and not humid at 6:30 am (its been 80 at that time the last few weeks), so I just went out and ran! It felt great…but then I was a blob the rest of the day. Oops…

My last salad was an “everything in the fridge salad.” It’s just how it sounds.. spinach, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, cottage cheese, parm cheese, and a lil amount of salad dressing.


Awww love your girls lunch group! So cool how many generations there are in that photo :) I had a romaine salad with basically everything I had in my fridge i.e. broccoli, craisins, walnuts, cheese, apple, balsamic vinegar and olive oil! That’s pretty much my lunch every day. So many veggies!



I’m in a running slump right now, my actual running is going pretty well, but getting it in + motivation = low. I need to adjust my attitude! Weird to be in a place where I’m feeling speedy yet unmotivated.
I was SO SURE your news was going to be that your sissy is prego! I was excited!!


Curly reminds me so much of my little anna – so much personality through the pictures and mine is a wild child! You can see it in the eyes!;-) So much fun.
I totally know the feeling of not feeling up to speed (pun intended), know that you will be right back to where you were and beyond because you will be stronger for resting and healing, in no time.
I signed up for a 5k this weekend because I was itching to race and I just ran a half and I have another half in a few weeks! I hope you find a race soon:)


Congrats to your dad! That’s great news! And don’t overthink your run too much. Altitude is a nasty b & always kicks my tail! I’m just rebuilding my base after #2 but starting to get marathon itch…


I am in very bad running shape after only taking 2 weeks off for shin splints and family emergencies. I am beyond frustrated and want to cry every time I run but I will persist because I know if I got to such a great place the first time around I can get back there and surpass all my old prs!

Today I only ran 3.1 miles and it was awful after 1.68…that is how I know I’m in trouble.


I am definitely at *MY* best running shape right now. I ran a mile straight (without walk breaks) for the 4th time in my entire life, today! I beat my time from last week and finished under 12 minutes, 30 seconds!


I’m in pretty awesome shape for me. I’m about 4 weeks away from my first 50k, so I have two more peak weeks ahead of me before I start my taper! Altitude is a total killer. I’m from Colorado and every time I got back to visit I feel like I am totally just sucking air.


Pretty close to my best running shape right now although if I could drop about 5-10 lbs. would be even better. When my weight is down I don’t have the energy that I do when I carry a little extra. Weird! Oh well….I’m healthy(knock on wood) and putting about 50 miles/week and still feel like a have a life.


My run today was cut short due to a 3 year old threatening she had to pee…and yelling that she wanted to go home. 1.5 miles when I should’ve done 2. First half marathon on Saturday!!


I really feel like I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. Seeing how close you are to your family makes me smile. It must be so hard to be away from them!


I got really sick about a year ago, which destroyed the best shape I’ve been in since high school. My immune system started attacking my nerves, so I basically had to start from nothing. It’s been very frustrating, but I’m trying to look at the bright side and be glad that I can even run at all now. Going through something like this makes you so grateful for your health, and not judge anyone, because you have no idea what they’ve been through.


Congratulations to your Dad! That’s awesome! Keep up the good work!


I would say I am in medium running shape :) My hubby will always watch Elijah so I can run. Good man! I took a rest day today since my hip flexors were pretty sore from yesterday’s run.


Jarooke made me laugh!


My last run was today, and it was super frustrating. I started out awesome and was feeling great, but then I had to stop and go to the bathroom. As soon as I started back my side started cramping like no other and the rest of my run was split between power walks and a slow jog. I was so mad!

The last salad I had was actually for dinner. I enjoyed a delicious taco salad with guacamole, tomatoes, onions, and bell pepper!


Your sister has the most gorgeous hair!! I’m totally jealous!


I’m in medium shape right now. I tried some new shoes and that was a big mistake so I have a cranky shin that is going to require a couple of days off. I’m trying to learn to take whatever each run day gives me and not get too frustrated, but that is so much easier said than done! Great job to your Dad!


I’m definitely running farther than I have before but I think I’m still a bit slower than I used to be. I’d definitely prefer to be faster than I am now but I’m okay with baby steps if it means avoiding injury.


I think I am currently at my beginning best. What I mean by that is I have only been running consistently since January and completed my first half marathon a week ago and have my second half then end of this month. I feel good, but I know with practice and patience I will get better.

I try to get in my running between work and picking my daughter up from daycare. I have a BOB and sometimes she rides a long with me, or my handy dandy Mother likes to watch her.

My run today was good, I did 4 miles pushing BOB. (or as we like to call it “The adventure machine”

The last kind of salad had was mixed greens with tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta cheese on top. mmm

LOVE the pictures of your family, glad to see your are having a good time. Don’t get discouraged about your run either. We have to have bad ones because it lets us soak in the amazement of our good ones!


Last salad – approximately 1 hour ago; greens, egg, snap peas and hummus; random and oh-so-called. :-)


Good questions! I read your blog often but I am not a big commentor.

Anyway congrats to your dad! That is awesome!!

As far as running- I am in the best distance shape. Well, any distance over a mile. I was faster in shorter distances in high school but I don’t see myself getting that back. Hoping to keep improving!

Last salad- the new Cobb salad at Chick-fil-a. They have a whole new salad line and they are GOOD! I recommend the avocado lime ranch salad dressing!


I am in meh running shape. I have been working out a lot (CrossFit), so my stamina is really awesome, but my shin splints are almost at the worst they’ve ever been. I changed my job in the past year, from a job in which I never sat to one in which I am constantly bound by either a desk or a steering wheel. As such, I have had a TON of injuries that I’ve never had – insanely tight calves, piriformis pain, hip flexor issues. The process of learning this new version of my body and how to keep these new lifestyle changes from affecting my body in the long-term has been really challenging!


I’m in baaaaad running shape. Tops was about a year ago at my first half marathon. I was religious about my training from the word go, and managed a 2:22 half. I could run 9:15-9:30 miles, no sweat. Now, I can’t hold that pace for more than a mile or swithout taking a walk break. I’m working hard to get back in that shape!


I am definitely back at the beginning since having a baby. I have been incorporating lots of walking breaks into my short spouts of running. Don’t get down on yourself, you are an amazing runner and probably your hardest critic. You definitely always inspire me!

Your dad is awesome by the way! Glad you get to be with your cute fam:)


Janae, have you ever used the Nike Training Club app? I just started using it and totally thought of you because it has all these cool running workouts with some from awesome runners like Kara Goucher. I love it and just posted about it…check it out!


Working back into getting in the shape I was pre baby. It’s been a slow process. But it’s nice being able to push myself again :).

Last salad I ate was a mandarin lime salad.

My parents have watched my kids a handful of times so I could go run. I feel too guilty asking anyone else (even though I shouldn’t).


Ugh I totally understand. I still can’t run since I have a stress fracture and I have a little over a month until my half marathon… freaking out much?!


Low running shape – coming off plantar fasciitis and trying to transition out of stability shoes plus orthotics into neutral shoes (with help of my awesome physios). I find that if I worry less about time /speed that I can keep injuries at bay. Babies put strain on us, both during pregnancy and in the first year, so be kind to your body, and yes! Altitude makes a huge difference. Whenever I go to sea level I feel like I’m flying and my times are much faster!


Congratulations to your Dad! That’s awesome.

I love that Curly has slightly crazy eyes in the butter picture. My 7 year old licks butter too and gets the same look.

Let’s face it. We all just want to eat butter straight. Kids are the only ones brave enough to do it.


Aaah! I love how Brooke is reaching for Curly! :) Too sweet!


I always find that even if I miss a few days running, my fitness levels drop. I always notice, even if no one else does. Very frustrating indeed!
Help a local business lady out :)


I am 100% in the unfit and building back up to where I was stage.

Today Im not running cause I have a five freakin mile hill race tomorrow :(!


I am so out of running shape, and not sleeping isn’t helping.
I don’t have a sitter to watch V. Now he is getting a bit older, I am looking forward for him to stay home by himself..prob 6 more years or so until I can do that ;)


Blarg, my run yesterday was less than ideal… I started having back pain over the weekend [first time ever] and thought it was better so I did a short, light run yesterday morning but it ended up making things worse later in the day. Definitely will be taking it easy this week and sticking to other forms of cardio – I’d rather take a couple of days off now than have to take more time off in the future!


I’ve totally been there before, feeling the frustration. Whenever those feelings start to creep up I try to remember myself that you can’t always be at the peak of your fitness/running abilities. I mean, it’s called the peak for a reason right? Not something that can be sustained for months and months and months. I tend to go through highs and lows, and so far I think that’s ok for the most part.


I just posted about how I’m sort of terrified of what kind of shape I’m in. I’ve been running the Run Less Run Faster marathon training plan and I feel like I’m not in good enough shape at all. I miss running 50 mile weeks!

Mike and I made an enormous salad on Sunday and then ate it in tortillas. It was amazing.


Definitely not in peak condition! I can still sprint and my speed is fine, but after 3 months off for PF and low mileage before that due to surgery recovery (I got the PF to begin with because I tried to jump back in too quickly!)… my base just IS. NOT. THERE. Like, my mileage in the past month has gone 4 –>9 –> 22 –> 28 [it’s not as shocking as it seems because I was doing ~*~*pool running*~*~ in addition, whee].

So yeah, I’ll start a nice tempo at 6:35 pace or whatever and 5 minutes in I’m like ‘oh wait. What? OW.’ I think I’m scaling tempos back to 7:00 for now, even though my top-end speed still lets me do my intervals a bunch faster if that makes sense?

I don’t lose speed, I lose endurance… it’s sneaky because I’ll think I’m fit but I just can’t sustain the paces I want to.


I’m definitely NOT in my best running shape. I’m coming back from an injury right now and focusing more on building mileage instead of doing speed/track/hill work. I’d say I’m a medium. It’s hard to not beat yourself up sometimes about it but it’s important to remember that you can only go up from there! Can’t wait to get my speedy legs back!


Congratulations Daddio! That’s an impressive amount to lose. My advice would be to mix it up with a bit of cross training now:


Hmm, I wonder what you consider running shape? I use to just run 3 miles here and there for exercise, and when I was getting ready for a fun road race.

Since I have been training for my first half Marathon (this SAT!) I have been doing 10 miles runs, 6mile runs. I never thought that 10 miles would be an average Sat distance, but it has been and I LOVE it.
So, am I in running shape? I can run 10miles and not die or feel pain.
Can I run that faster then 10min miles, heck no! But, for me, the distance is clutch!

I always wonder what I should focus on more-pushing my distance ability, or my speed?!?!


Congrats to your dad! That is amazing news. Good for him, he’ll be around much longer for all those gorgeous grandkids.

I love how in the ladie’s lunch picture Brooke is trying to get ahold of Curly’s golden locks. But who could blame her really?


I feel you on being frustrated about running and not being in the “running shape” you were in! I am going through the same thing! BUT Saturday I did have a run where I thought “I’m back!” It was so nice! I am sure you will have a day like that really soon!!! :)

PS. I LOVE YOUR FACE in the picture with your sister after (maybe before) running! It TOTALLY sums up how I feel when I feel like that too!


Add me to the injured and frustrated club.. This IT band is taking its sweet time healing.. I’m thinking its time for me to see the chiropractor, and maybe get some acupuncture..


I literally LOL’ed at your comment about Brooke photobombing. Every time I looked at her photo I couldn’t stop laughing! On a side note, what kind of camera do you use to take some great photo-bomb worthy photos?


Yay for your dad! Looks like you had a great ladies’ lunch!


Curly has perfect, straight teeth! Jealous!


I *totally* hear you on getting out of shape when you’re injured and being so frustrated with how slow you are afterwards. I got injured last fall training for the Chicago Marathon, had to take a couple months off, and I’m still not as fast as I was pre-injury. I think about how much faster I could run on almost every run I go on, which I’m sure can’t be healthy. It’s nice to know other runners struggle with accepting their post-injury fitness, too.


I’m just starting back after an injury too so I am nowhere near where I want to be… BUT I have plenty of time before my two big races this year and I need to focus on that and not being too stressed about it. If I’m not even running them for 5 months why should I be “race ready” now?


Trying to get back to running, miss it so much. Ran almost til my due date, but had to stop … She’s three months old now, got to get back to it soon!

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