Billy took his second to last final yesterday.  His last one is on Tuesday which means I will come home Tuesday the second he finished and we already decided what our first date back together will involve.  

Wendy’s now serves their frosty’s in a waffle cone for just $1.  I think this will be perfect for us because we are super fancy like this.  

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Just two more pictures of my adorable nephew and niece from our park outing yesterday.

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I like being the youngest kid in my family because that means I have a million nieces and nephews that I get to hang out with.

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For some reason when we got home from the park we were all exhausted.  Brooke and I took a TWO HOUR nap.  Who does that?  It felt really good.  

We woke up and hit up their trampoline (aka what I lived on during the summer as a kid).

Photo 1

and then also their pool.

Photo 2

 They had a bunch of their friends over for dinner last night and grilled up some burgers and made some baked beans in the crock pot.  

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We made the Eclair Dessert on Thursday but you are supposed to refrigerate it over night before you eat it.  That was the hardest thing in the world to resist trying it each and every time I opened the fridge and it called to me.  

We finally had it last night and it was worth the wait.  Super easy and crazy good.

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Today I have 5 miles on the schedule (1st mile at an 8 minute mile pace and then the rest and a comfortable pace) and odds are I will sleep in and then run because clearly I did not get enough sleep with that nap and all:)  I think my body is forming a dependency for foam rolling because I have been doing it so religiously and then I forgot to yesterday and my hamstrings feel like they are going to snap any second.  Time to get the big blue foam roller out.


Race, long run, normal run or day off and sleep in today?

Anyone else the youngest kid in their family?

How often do you foam roll lately?

What is your Saturday morning breakfast?

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I saw those cones at Wendy’s the other day, but I didn’t get one :( Next time!
My husband and I are running a 5k this morning, so I foam rolled last night and this morning.
Have a good run today!


I can wait till you and Brooke are back with Billy!


I am actually the oldest but I really like it! Regular run today and I’m thinking breakfast will be leftover cheesecake :-)


I’m the youngest!

Today’s breakfast was a Cliff Builder Bar.

Today is an off day, so we’re heading to SLC for Trader Joe’s and REI.


I am the oldest! :) But I do always hope that I marry into a family that already has nieces and nephews since mine has zero!
Long run for me today! But I have to do it inside because it’s absolutely pouring! Which means I need to get going because we’re meeting to drive to Park City at 9. Have an awesome Saturday!


Guess what?! I got a purple Garmin forerunner 10 for my birthday and I LOVE IT! I logged two runs on it this morning – an easy 2 miler with the dogs and then 5 miles at an average pace of 8:01. I seriously love this watch.

I am the youngest of 2 in our nuclear family and the youngest of 6 cousins. I already have a few nephews and they are absolutely adorable!

I really should foam roll twice a day but I do so about every two days….eck!

I’m going to have some cheerio’s this morning – plain but oh so delicious!


I’m the oldest so I have to experience everything first. Sometimes it’s nice but not always…That dessert looks like heaven. I would be in heaven at that house- a pool AND a trampoline! My mom never let me have one of those growing up.


That’s so exciting that you almost get to see Billy again. I know that feeling, I can’t wait to see my boyfriend haha. I’m sure he would love to celebrate with Wendy’s Frostys as well.

I think today will be a short, easy trail run for me. I’m traveling so that’s that.


Is it OK if the eclair cake sits out for awhile? Like at a potluck?


Hey! Yes, as long as it was refrigerated right before! It is so delicious!


I went back to the smoothie for breakfast today! I’ve missed it lately :). Off for three miles! Easy run day today :)


Ahh I love trampolines!! I was a big fan when I was a kid. haha I was fearless flipping on that thing- it’s a wonder I didn’t hurt myself! lol

I really need to foam roll more.. I think I’m going to invest in a tiger tail roller. I tried to foam roll right after I ran a half marathon I ran last weekend (on zero training.. haha it was a whim) – but I was CRAZY sore after, it was insanely painful! I haven’t gone near the foam roller since.. haha maybe time to make friends with it again :)

Happy Saturday!! And hang in there Billy – first year law exams are a b*tc# but they’re the worst out of all the exams you’ll do , and once you survive them, you can survive them all! You will do great!!


I’m the baby of the family AND I married the baby of the family. Meant to be or butt heads too much ?! B


I foam roll everyday, I have to be in the habit of doing it or else like you something tenses up. I need to add yoga daily and maybe that won’t happen :). That dessert looks so yummy! I think as soon as I get out of this comfy bed (my toddler is asleep on my chest, don’t want to move her because I love cuddling with her) I’m going to have peanut butter toast, eggs, grapes and coffee.


I have been craving one of those Frosty Cones–I think I’m going to go get one today!


I told my husband about those waffle cones at Wendy’s and he didn’t seem to be too excited about it. Bummer. I have a race this weekend. I love race weekends!


Unfortunately I’m at work today instead of outside on a run or at home with my husband and baby like I’d love to be! And so I’m probably terrible, but I’ve never foam rolled. Eek. I better get on that.


I have a really busy Saturday so I did my long run yesterday after work. I thought I would be exhausted but I actually really enjoyed it. It feels good to have a low key Saturday morning.
Breakfast was pb toast.


A nice, easy long run of 5 miles too. I’m running with a friend and hopefully all goes well. We have plans of brunch afterwards for some crepes and bloody mary’s.


I have a 5K today. It’s the first annual CUPCAKE Run…yes, this means there will be cupcakes after I finish. How could a cupcake lover pass this up?

I am the youngest child in my family. I love my big bro – he’s my hero :-)

Saturday breakfast: Extra Large DD iced coffee and blueberry muffin. Race/Cupcake Fuel!


A cupcake run? I’ve gotta check into that! Where was your race?


It turned out to be a swim morning. I was planning to go for a 4 mile quick run, but we are having a thunder storm.

Strawberries and bananas for b-fast..

I’ll have to make that eclair dessert..yum!


Today is just a casual run with my fiancé. Neither if us are training right now so we just go until we get hungry. Breakfast was a two ingredient pancake :)


What are the two ingredients?!


One mashed banana and 1 or 2 eggs. Scramble together and fry like a pancake :) guilt free pancakes!!


Day off and slept in. It was so nice!
I am one of two in the middle of six kids. For breakfast
I am going to have lots of fruit and a bagel. I have to change the way I am fueling my body and I prep for marathon training.
I TRY to foam roll on nights of the day that I ran or the night before a long run or race but usually I am already in bed before I remember.


I’m the youngest in my family, and there’s a 10-year gap between us 2 youngest and the 3 older. Which equals 5 adorable (and pesky) nieces and nephews. They’re awesome because at 23 I have no desire to have kids, so I get to play with the little monsters and hand them back to their parents when I’m done.


I have a long run today. I’d be looking forward to it more if it weren’t so windy. I ate a piece of toast with peanut butter and now I need to go find my shoes.

I’m the oldest (of 6) and my youngest brother is 16 years younger than me.


Day off today. I did a 5.5 mile walk yesterday and my legs are killing me this morning.

I am the youngest of two. I have one step niece and she will start high school in the fall. Eek!


Will you please please please write a post on how and why to use the foam roller?? I am a newbie and don’t know why I need it or how to use it!


Great idea! I totally will!


Yippee! Looking forward to it!


I love trampolines!
Today is a run day… probably a medium length run like a 10-12 miler.
I have to force myself to foam roll (I’m one of those weird runners who doesn’t really see a benefit from foam rolling but there is so much hype around it I try to do it anyway!) and it only happens once/twice a week. I should definitely do more.
My Saturday morning breakfast is the same breakfast I have every single day… oatmeal w/ bananas and a scoop of almond butter aka bliss.
Happy weekend!!


Thanks for the tip on the Wendy’s waffle cones. Yum! Little one was up and crying from 4:15 to 5:45 this morning, but then we all slept in until 8. Unheard of in our house!! We had blueberry oatmeal for breakfast this morning. Ran yesterday so will probably do some strength training today. Have a great weekend!


did my run this morning. I’m only up to three miles so far, but I’m very happy with that!! I haven’t done foam rolling since before my surgery a year ago. Breakfast.. eggs with lots of veggies!


Youngest of 5 here! I love having four older brothers & sisters. They took me to movies and Dairy Queen all the time growing up. :)

Today is an easy run day and tomorrow is Sunday Funday (rest day)!


I slept in today! Maybe a run later, but not right now. I don’t really foam roll, but I really should start!! I am the youngest in my family, but only out of two :) Haha Still lets me get away with things, though!


Saturdays are usually my long run but I pushed too hard this past week and so I am delaying until tomorrow morning and taking today off. My favorite pre-run Saturday breakfast is this wheat & flaxseed pancake recipe that I found online. I add blueberries and they are delicious! I make a big batch and freeze them in twos so all I have to do is pop them in the micro on Saturday mornings.

I foam roll when I think about it, usually at night while I am watching TV. I am not really sure how often to do it or when it is most beneficial (ie, pre-run or post-run? everyday?) What I DO know is that I no longer have upper back tension and neck pain because of it!


Hi Janae :)

I ended my season the US 25k Road Championships, so I have a 2 week break from my coach. Extremely long for me, but typical after the end of my season. was my first year as a post-collegiate/elite runner.
Breakfast today? Hazelnut coffee with organic cream (Seriously, the cashier at Sprouts said the Horizon organic cream I got was the best. I thought it was silly…..until I tried it).
And, fage yogurt with some flax/chia (It’s the chocolate ‘decadent’ kind with coconut!)
On the foam roller: Don’t foam roll too much. You have made your body dependent on it. If you stretch your IT bands after you run and a little before, as well as your hips, it should help significantly. :)


Long run today. 10 miler. BUT it is pouring rain outside at the moment so I am waiting it out because I really don’t want to get that soaked. 3 mile run, sure. 10 miles, no.

Youngest in my family too! Just added the 8th grandchild last month so now I have 6 nephews and 2 nieces. Oh, and I am about to score the Favorite Aunt award because I just got tickets to take my 12 year old niece to the Taylor Swift concert in a couple of weeks. She is gonna flip.

I have never foam rolled. It kinda scares me.

I am eating apple cinnamon oatmeal and raspberry greek yogurt – my go-to breakfast.


Off day for me today..I biked to work everyday this week and managed to get a couple of strength workouts in, so I need the rest. Although sleeping in didn’t happen – my puppy decided that getting up at 5:30 was necessary on a Saturday morning.


Why do you have the most adorable family?! I have an off day… my first half marathon is tomorrow!!


Good luck tomorrow!


My allergies are keeping me from opening my eyes all the way today so I’m resting. Kiddos woke up at 6am so I didn’t get to sleep in though!
Breakfast today was Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Cereal. It was amazing.
Brook’s hair looks adorable with that bow. Very Baby Chic!


I’m the youngest by two minutes. I’m a twin. LOL. My parents didn’t know they were having twins. My sisters always told me I wasn’t wanted when we got into fights when we were growing up. Good luck to Billy too. I’m sure he’ll do great on all his finals. Is he going to try to get on a journal? I work for law journals. I love working for them. The students are great. Have a great weekend.


I’m a twin too! I am younger by a minute, but my sister acts like it is a year! ;)


LOL. My sister did the same thing!!


– I did run! But 4.5 miles is a “long run” for me these days!
-I’m not the youngest by a long shot: I’m third out of nine! I have six little brothers!
– I’ve been told to foam roll before I run so I’ve been trying that to lengthen out my tight adductors. It does seem to help.
– For breakfast today I had an egg, provolone, and onion marmalade (new recipe I tried out – sounds bad but it’s great on sandwiches) sandwich on homemade bagels. Store bagels are nowhere near as tasty as homemade.


Thanks for letting me know about Wendy’s ice cream cone, that was news to me!! Today is a rest day for me. Tomorrow bright and early at 6am on the trail running 8 miles with my running buddies. Saturday morning breakfast: sweet potato/sausage hash with fried egg on top, yummy!! I am going to have to pin the eclair recipe!


I have never foam rolled, am I behind the times?!?!? I am the 4th out of 5 kids, I was the youngest for 6 years until my younger brother showed up and ruined it for me, haha.

Today is a rest day for me cause I’m running the Surfers Path half marathon tomorrow in Santa Cruz.


I had eggs with salsa and toast made by my hubby. Happy Saturday! :)


I had the Frosty cone in October and I was so disappointed in it :( I think I like my regular frosty better. I slept in today and had/have every intention of doing speed work, but I’m exhausted right now so I might just go back to bed and do my speed work later. We’ll see. I foam roll twice a week but I should have done extra yesterday because I’m sore this morning. I will probably foam roll again after my speed work.

For breakfast I had a bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter, strawberries, walnuts, and chocolate chips :D


I slept in today and it was so nice! :) I’m having eggs and toast for breakfast AND I also am the baby of my family! I love it because of all my nieces and nephews and they’re fun!


I PR’d my 5k this morning at the Semper Fi 5k and then went to Crossfit. Needless to say my legs are smoked.


Wow!!! That is awesome! Huge congrats!


Could you share the baked bean recipe? I would love to try to make them in the crock pot. Thanks.




Today was just a normal run day today. It probably could’ve been a long run day but my IT bands have been giving me some pain lately so I decided to just not chance it. I have never foam rolled before but I’m thinking I should try it!


I’m off today and enjoying a peaceful morning of Pancakes, Boy Meets World, and Puppy Dog kisses


I wanted to foam roll but I couldn’t find the one at the gym! What kind of gym only has one foam roller?!


I’m always super jealous of your eats. For some reason baked beans in the crockpot sounds super yummy.
Its just me and my brother but I am the youngest and will finally enjoy the pleasures of being an aunt this year. Baby will be spoiled.

This morning hunny really wanted a McDonald’s iced coffee so I got an egg mcmuffin and took one bread off. Saving room for a smoothly :-)


No run for me today. Getting over some sort of virus. : (

The no bake chocolate eclair looks delicious. I’ll have to try it out.

I need a foam roller. Where can I get a cheap one?? I’ve looked everywhere and they’re really pricey.


I really need to go swimming like yesterday. It’s my favourite :) I’m the youngest, too! With two older brothers. It’s pretty much the best. No kids for any of us, yet, though. Hopefully soon!! Happy weekend!



Today I ran my first half marathon!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!! :)


Sounds like you had a great day and good luck with the 5 miles! My Saturday morning breakfast today was fruit and cool whip. I’m the oldest in my family, and I kind of like it that way. That means I get to be in charge!


Supposed to go for 3 miles, but I had 2 60 minute soccer games and I have 1-2 tomorrow so I am taking it easy

I am one of the oldest; I’m the younger twin by 1 minute, and then my poor little brother is the youngest

I’ve never foam rolled …. should I?

I had toast and peanut butter


Totally off topic, but I got the Blue Jay wireless earbuds for Mother’s Day, and used them for the first time during the very wet Ogden 1/2 marathon. They were freaking amazing! Thank you so much for the recommendation, they were perfect. Plus, I got a 2.5 minute PR!


Ahhhhh congrats on the pr and I am so glad you love the headphones! They are my absolute favorite!


I’m the oldest in my family and my husband is the oldest in his, so no nieces or nephews. :( I’m impatiently waiting for all my brothers/brothers-in-law to get married so I have some girls to hang out with!!
Pancakes are my absolute fave Saturday morning breakfast! And I just bought some new peanut butter that has chocolate chip cookie chunks in it, so I’m super excited to try that on my pancakes!!
No run for me today. Taking a rest day and will prob foam roll and do a bit of yoga to loosen up. I’ve been really tight this week.


I bet Billy misses you guys so much!


You’re family has such cute kids!

I cross trained on the elliptical today- so boring!

I’m the 2nd oldest kid out of four. No nieces or nephews yet though- I actually wish I was the youngest so my siblings would have kids first.. because I love kids but am not ready for my own yet haha.

I have a foam roller.. but have maybe used it twice?? I know so bad.

I had quaker oatmeal squares w/ milk and toast and jelly for breakfast!


Oh man that dessert looks amazing!! I am serious need of a delicious dessert binge.

My saturday breakfast was oatmeal with banana, brown sugar and walnuts. My usual but I’m thinking pancakes or french toast for tomorrow.


Yeah for Billy! He’s almost done and yea for you guys having a fun and exciting summer ahead. My boyfriend finished his law finals last week and we are heading out to celebrate this evening!

My workout today was a 90 minute BRICK. Loved it!


Yesterday I went to Burger King and got really mad when they didn’t have a “Frosty”, then the guy told me I was at Burger King, not Wendy’s. Boy did I feel silly.


I agree- Frosty cones are well worth the wait! That dessert looks divine. I am the youngest kid in my family! I have not foam rolled in a while. Although it is a necessary evil, I haven’t had access to one! My Saturday morning breakfast was OIAJ! :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


I ran my first half marathon today- the Brooklyn Half Marathon!!! I finished in 2:02:23- although I know it’s not a bad time for a first half, I was truly aiming for 1:59… I was going well but the last 3 miles took a big toll on me. Oh well, yet another reason to train harder and harder!

Best of luck to Billy for his last final!!!


Girl that is an incredible time!!!! Huge congrats to you!


If YOU say that, I better believe it! Thank you for your kind words!


I have had that dessert before and it is to die for!
Hubby is out of town, so I was able to get a 3 mile run in with my 2-year old in the jogging stroller and my 5-year old riding beside me on his bike…with many water breaks :). I figured it was better than nothing! Just couldn’t bear to be on the “dreadmill” on a gorgeous day like today!!


I made the BEST oatmeal for breakfast this morning. Trader Joes steel cut oats, almond milk, apricots and flax seeds. So yummy!


Mmm that dessert looks amazing!!!


Long run today! I ran my first 12.2 miles since I am training for my first half marathon. I also live in AZ, it’s crazy how hot it’s getting. I feel like once 10 am hits running outside is out of the question. I felt insane waking up @ 5:30 am this morning to run in the cool weather.

I had 1/2 a banana mashed with chia seeds pre-run, and Joe’s Farm Grill post run :)

Foam roll after long runs or leg day!

I love your blog :)



Today is going to be my first run in a week. I’m kind of nervous about it, but very excited!

For breakfast on Saturday, I had a banana bread streusel muffin. It was amazing.


My mom always makes that eclair dessert, I love it!

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