Something exciting is going to happen on Thursday.

6 amazing words to start the post off with:  I GET TO RUN ON THURSDAY!  My running coach is going to have me try out the good old leg on Thursday and I am obviously beyond excited about it.  I decided that in order to make sure my legs are ultra fresh for my run to take today off from working out and just take it easy tomorrow teaching cycling.  

Instead or working out we went and did approximately 9 errands before 9 a.m.  One of the errands was to send some compression socks to my sister-in-law who is running a ten mile race this Saturday.  She has FIVE KIDS (her youngest is 6 months old) and started running after her last baby.  She has ran two 5ks and then trained for the 10 mile race.  I am so tempted to fly across the country just to go watch her race.  

After our errands we went to the mall to use some of my gift cards from my birthday. 

Brooke wanted to take a picture of us in the dressing room… her arm is waving so fast that it is just a blur.

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My Aunt gave me a gift card to Nordstrom and I NEEDED some new Toms!  The four I was deciding between:

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Brooke liked the striped ones the best so those are the ones I got.

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Brooke really wanted this onesie:

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After the mall we ran into the grocery store for ONE thing for dinner.  I haven’t been able to go into the grocery store without coming out with two boxes of cereal for months.  There is just something so amazing about carbs (with sugar) in a bowl full of cold milk.  

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Lunch was a little salad, grapes and a chicken and cheddar cheese panini.

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I really want to make this chocolate lasagna tonight for dinner.  My two favorite things in the world combined into one dish.  

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I hope you are having a fabulous day!   


Who else loves Toms?  What is your favorite brand of shoe (not running shoes) to wear everyday?

Is there a dessert that you have been really wanting to make lately?  LINK in the comments please!

If you could have a gift card to any clothing store right this second, which store would you choose?

What is your most common source of protein lately?

-I cannot get enough chicken.

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Love Ann Taylor Loft! That would be my choice :)


Chocolate lasagna omggggg. I just bought those Toms; love them! Brooke picked well :)


Do Toms run true to size? I always want a pair, but have never picked one up! I swear by Aerosoles. I teach, so I’m on my feet all day, and they are super comfy. (And not too hideous these days! They used to be uuuugly!)

I am all about the fish right now! We had cat fish last night. So good!


You are supposed to get a half size smaller for Toms than normal shoes because they stretch out. I love Aerosoles and I understand the necessity to have comfy shoes when you are teaching.


Ah her pigtails!! It’s too much! I’m in the market for new TOMS too. I’ll have to check out Nordstrom!


Yayayaya!!! So happy to hear the news!!!!!

Love the toms you got – I need some new ones for the warmer weather – I literally put holes in my two pairs from last summer b/c of how much I wore them !!


So my sister and I both run and we read your blog religiously and we are obsessed (ummm hope that didn’t come off as too creepy. ha!) Brooke is ADORABLE. She is seriously the cutest baby ever and we show your blog to our family and friends just so they can see the cutest baby on Earth. I’m so happy you can finally run again soon! I think it’s the time off that allows us to appreciate running the most :)


okay, seriously brooke is beyond adorable! her hair just kills me : )

my husband just made the byu mint brownies for easter, so that has been the highlight of my day every day since! : )

i am pregnant with our fourth, and i have been CRAVING meat like no other. usually i am not a huge fan due to texture, but all i have wanted are hamburgers, grilled chicken sandwiches at subway, jerky, ect. it is the weirdest thing! so meat is where i am gettin’ mine. and i finally get to workout again after being on pelvic rest for 2 weeks! yay!


Who else loves Toms? What is your favorite brand of shoe (not running shoes) to wear everyday?

Oh, my gosh I’m addicted to cereal right now and all your posts about Raisin Bran is really making me want to try the cereal again. I haven’t had it in years.

My whole family loves when I make Billy’s Vanilla, Vanilla cupcakes. They are so yummy.

If I could have a gift card to any store it would be to Neiman Marcus.

I’ve been eating a lot of chicken and peanut butter. Not together of course! :)


Oh, my gosh I’m addicted to cereal right now and all your posts about Raisin Bran is really making me want to try the cereal again. I haven’t had it in years.

My whole family loves when I make Billy’s Vanilla, Vanilla cupcakes. They are so yummy.

If I could have a gift card to any store it would be to Neiman Marcus.

I’ve been eating a lot of chicken and peanut butter. Not together of course! :)


We ran a ton of errands today too! I swear, running errands with a baby should qualify as a workout :)


I love Brooke’s blurry arm. Glad you get to finally run again!

Apple Fritter:
Funfetti cake dip:



Oh my gosh! I am in love with that onesie! I need to buy it for any future babies I may encounter! I love Toms too, though I just have simple grey and black ones. I need to get on this cool stripped/animal print Toms Train. Also, I have been obsessed with fish (specifically shrimp) lately as my protein source. Cannot. Get. Enough.


I can’t get enough of eggs right now and I guess that’s a good thing, what with Easter and all. I think I need a pair of Toms…I’ve never had a pair. My favorite clothing store is White House Black Market, so that’s where I would choose to have my gift certificate from, but you can never go wrong with Nordstom’s.


I’m a big Toms fan!!! Just got my first pair last year!! If I could wear any shoe at any time, it would definitely have to be my Nike flip-flops; they’re like walking on marshmallows!! I just made the following dessert a couple of weeks ago, and it both easy, and one of my favorites!!

Frozen Cookie Dessert:
2-3 packs of chocolate chip cookies (not chewy cookies)
2-3 tubs of whipped topping
2 Chocolate bars

* Quickly dunk cookies in bowl of milk covering bottom and top
* Line cookies on the bottom of a cake pan (may need to break some cookies into pieces to fit in extra spaces)
* Taked thawed whipped topping and spread a layer over cookies with back of a spread, carefully so not to tear cookies apart. Make sure to get it into spaces between cookies.
* Repeat cookie layer, then whipped topping layer, so there are 2 or 3 layers depending on height of pan (you will end with whipped topping layer)
* break pieces of chocolate bar and place on top layer of whipped topping, and shave part of additional chocolate bar on top for added chocolate goodness!!
* Cover with foil and freeze overnight or for several hours
* Remove from freezer about 15 minutes before serving to make it easier to cut

A-MA-ZING!!! :-)


LOVE those Toms. I own a black pair but am looking for something cuter for spring. My only complaint with Toms though is that the back falls in? Maybe that’s just me… but I wasn’t sliding them on or anything so idk!! I’m so glad to hear about your return to running! WOOHOO


If I could get any gift card, it would be the Gap/Old Navy/Athleta/Banana Republic one. I love to shop at all of those places!


I love the boots you’re wearing! I also need some Toms, I had no idea they had polka dot ones!


That is so awesome for your SIL!!! And for you about running – yayyy!

I am making that chocolate lasagna thing this weekend for a dinner party/game night we are having w/friends! I am making it into a PB version though – will modify the cream cheese part a little and put a combination of PB and chocolate chips on top. I can’t wait!!

I just discovered I like Tom’s. I have 2 pairs of the wedges I bought this summer that I love and then I got a pair of the flats this year for my bday. I was a little skeptical (for some reason I think I am too stumpy looking in them) but I wore them 2 weekends ago and everyone loved them. I like the striped ones. I want some of the sparkly ones now, too!

I would love a giftcard to Old Navy right now – I just went there last week and I ended up getting so much stuff for so cheap including some super cute patterned skinny pants and very comfy flats!


Brooke has great taste, those are the ones I would have chosen as well!!! Speaking of Toms, I need a new pair ASAP. I have the silver sparkly ones but they aren’t nearly as comfy as the original ones.


I want to try Tom’s as well. I think I will. I always get Kohls gift cards, and I didn’t like getting them at first but now I do. I also like getting Ross or Target because at Ross I like getting cheap namebrand shirts and cute bras. Target is awesome too!


omg I loooooove toms! I need a new pair too, I’ve had mine for almost two years (I only wear them in the summer since I’m in Chicago) and they’re about to get a hole where my big toe hits the top!


I cannot get enough peanut butter – I mean CAN NOT get enough. Eat it straight out of the jar – no joke.


Glad you get to run! F R E E D O M!

I completely understand about the cereal. It’s hard to pass up those beautifully enticing boxes, and it makes me happy to have several choices in my pantry on any given day. I entertain easily. ;-)

LOL I saw that chocolate lasagna on Facebook and instantly thought of you.


Oh and I’m so glad you get to run on Thursday :)


I think Toms are so cute, but I don’t own a pair. You are going to rock those striped pair! Brooke looks like an awesome shopping partner. I’m doing a week long sugar detox and I’m on day 2, I almost passed out looking at that dessert-which I WILL be making next week. I’m still really into running clothes so any gift card from one of those stores would be great! I’m really into chicken right now too and peanut butter as usual!


I’ve never had a pair of Toms. Yet. I do like the wedges though!

I think you need to make the Chocolate Lasagna and share it with me!


I love Toms! I have owned probably about 15 pairs in my life so far. I always rip them though! Boo :( So far my favorite pair has been my leopard ones. My favorite brand of shoes are Vans though. I have probably owned about 40 pairs of those over the years. My current favorite ones are mint green!

I would definitely have a gift card to American Eagle or Pac Sun. Those are my 2 faves.

Most common source of protein for me is probably chicken also


I love Toms. They are my go to shoes. However, I bought the cutest pair of yellow patent leather ballet flats from J Crew that are awesome.
Favorite clothing stores right now: J Crew, Nordstrom, and Neiman Marcus Last Call.
Best cookies ever: Grasshopper Mint Cookies


YAY for running on Thursday!!! Those Toms are adorable. Brooke made a great decision! I can’t get enough cheese and salty things lately for protein. I think my pre Easter celebrations with too much candy are needing to be balanced out… I’ve been thinking about you and missing you friend!!


I LOVE TOMS!!!!!!! Toms and running shoes are basically all i wear :)
My main source of protein: greek yogurt, CEREAL(it counts ok!), salad, turkey breast.


I love that onesie for Brooke. And you are making me want a panini maker! Congrats on getting to run again. I bet this is one of your happiest moments.


LOVE Toms- wearing them for my wedding reception next month!

I’ve been wanting to make these like crazy:

Nordstroms gift card, please!!

Protein for me= greek yogurt, peanut butter, beans


I LOVE Tom’s, they are my favorite shoes. I am currently crushing on the purple crochet ones. That chocolate lasagna looks amazing.


I would like a banana republic gift card. I am obsessed with their jeans. My main source of protein lately has been eggs. I’ve been eating tons of eggs for some reason.


OMG! I love chocolate lasagna!!!! One of my favorite desserts ever! Toms are officially the comfiest shoes ever. I have like a gazillion of them ;) They make them so pretty and you can wear them with just about everything! I just made peep cakes for Easter with homemade buttercream icing! Delish!!! (Although really sweet!) I took the Peep off because I’m not a fan of them, but everyone else is!!!
Exhibit A ;)


1) Nordstroms is my favorite store and I am obsessed with your new toms
2) Chocolate lasagna sounds like heaven on earth and I need some right this very second
3) I AM SO EXCITED YOU CAN RUN!!!!! I hope it goes amazingly and that all the rest pays off!


YAY!!! That’s so exciting you get to start running again!!! I’m super stoked for you! :) can’t wait to hear all about it! Gotta go, class is about to start! :)


Oh-and congrats on the reprieve from running jail!

Oh #2- my favorite dessert:
Fat Man’s Cake
1 cake mix (any kind, I like to use yellow)
1 jar carmel ice cream topping
1 can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Canned Milk
1 (10 oz) container Cool Whip
6 Skor or Heath candy bars, crushed

Bake cake as directed on box- in a 9 x 13″ pan. Using the end of a wooden spoon poke holes in the cake right when you take it out of the oven. Pour carmel and condensed milk over the holes while cake is still warm. Sprinkle half of the crushed candy bars over cake. Allow cake to cool, then spread Cool Whip over entire cake. Sprinkle with the remaining crushed candy bars.
Yummy! If you have to ask how many calories are in it you don’t need to be eating it-lol!


Cute pick on the Toms!!

Wow–that dessert looks fab!
YAY for getting to run on Thur!!! congrats :)


I love Toms and just ordered a new pair for the summer. I think they are the most comfortable shoes ever and I will be living in either those or my running shoes for the next 6 months


I was going to say that I’m super excited that you get to run on Thursday but… then the chocolate lasagna stole the show. I’m sorry. I’m super happy for you, but chocolate, whipped cream, pudding, and cookies in one amazing dish? It makes me all sorts of crazy happy just looking at it.


Yay for you on running Thursday!

I had never heard of Toms until I took my granddaughter to Napa and we saw some in a store. Thanks goodness for Megan or I would be such a square! My go-to shoes are Danskos and Keene’s. Never met a pair that weren’t sooo comfy and suited to my lifestyle.

Not much of a dessert person – fresh pineapple is my idea of a treat.

A gift card – hm. I could get a lot at Kohl’s but I’m really into the Skirt Sports running skirts now so that’s the one I would choose.

Have a great time Thursday – Brooke is of course just adorable as always!


I don’t currently own a pair of TOMS, but I like them! I think the ones you picked out are super cute!


I would definitely choose J Crew right now! Also love all of those Toms options! Good luck choosing!


Whoooo hooo for the run!!!

I get almost all of my (non running) clothes at the Loft.


I don’t have any Toms bc I love flip flops in the summer so much, BUT….I just got these Sanuks ($) in pink and love, love, love them!


Love the striped toms! I wear my tons SO much I need to replace my grey ones soon, I’ve worn a hole in the heel bc they’re my go to shoe

If I could have a gift card right now it would be to lululemon. I went in for the first time today and am in LOVE with so many things. But my wallet would not be my friend for a long time if I actually bought those things


That onesie made me giggle so hard! Right now it is ALL. ABOUT. CHICKEN. But also beans, especially black beans, because spring means eating outside and eating outside means Mexican food. So there you go. I think right now if I could have a gift card anywhere it would be either lululemon or my friendly neighborhood running store – I’m desperately in need of new shoes (Toms excluded purely due to budgetary reasons!)


i wore Tom’s to my college graduation instead of heels! I love their message and my sister is obsessed! I only have one pair, but they’re so comfy! My favorite protein sources as of late are peanut butter and tofu.

Good luck on the run! Can’t wait to hear about it!


That onesie is adorable! Love it! Love Brook’s pigtails too! She is too cute!


I love Toms, but I don’t actually own a pair because I can’t decide! Funny story- When I saw the picture of the 4 you narrowed down to, I liked the striped ones best. Then I scrolled down and found that Brooke also liked those best. We have the same taste :-)

If I could have a gift card to any store, it’d have to be Gap. I love their springtime dresses!

Chicken and eggs are my main protein sources lately.


Wait people wear shoes that aren’t running shoes daily?
I like my sperrys because they’re so comfortable.

And I only eat white meat so chicken makes up the majority of my protein diet.


I think Brooke likes stripes? ;)


Those striped Tom’s are totally the ones I hoped you’d choose! Adorable!

That chocolate lasagna looks incredible! Super yum!

Most common source of protein – Nutella.


A few random things…
First I just have to tell you that I made the Spinach and Feta pasta meal you mentioned a little bit ago and took it into my husband (he had to work late from home) and he just came out from his office and the first thing he said was, “That was hands down the best pasta meal I’ve ever had!” I did give you the credit for the recipe:). So just wanted to say thank you!!!
Also, I wanted to ask you if you ever posted your presentation from the running retreat you attended…just wasn’t sure if I missed it.
You have also inspired me to have a fruit for lunch AND dinner from you posts!
Thank you for the great workout ideas too! I did the 2 sets of 6x 1:30 today at the gym!


Ahhhhh all of these things make me so incredibly happy wahoooooo! I love that pasta! I still need to post the presentation! Expect it soon!


I’m so happy that you get to run on Thursday! I’m actually going to start running again on Monday (a pinched nerve in my foot has stopped my running for the last few months). I love Toms, but only have a navy pair right now…but I’m sure that will change soon (I’m in love with these…


I would loveee a Nordstrom gift card right now. I love ballet flats of all kinds and have been lusting after Toms forever. And I am all about seafood for protein these days. Shrimp, salmon, tuna, you name it.


I JUST pinned that chocolate lasagna– looks so freaking tasty! Can’t go wrong.


I recently ordered a pair of Toms from Amazon and I’m hoping it gets warm enough to wear them soon! I’m worried they will be too big when they stretch out though :(. The striped Toms are so cute!

I absolutely love dessert but I’m trying to cut back…it’s not working out so well though!

I can’t wait to hear about your run on Thursday!


Naturalizer…not super trendy, but comfortable, and I am LIVING in their sandals out here.

Chocolate chip cookies. No lie. No link needed, but look at the back of the chocolate chip bag. And be sure to underbake them by bout 2 minutes. :)

I’d take a gift card to Athleta, any day!


I wish our mall was open prior to 9am! But I’m sure I’d be in a lot of trouble!


Are Toms supportive at all? I need shoes but I have awful, awful feet. I had bunion surgery on my left foot at age 29, I let it go too long and was on a month of bed rest and another 4 weeks in a walking cast, then 2 weeks in a surgical shoe. So now my right foot is going in that direction and I am having an awful time finding shoes! I am a part time preschool special ed teacher so I need comfy shoes but sneakers are not allowed.

As for a gift card, totally love Target but I would want a huge gift card, totally can rack it up there! Oh and I love grocery store gift cards, it lets me stray from my budget! Trader joes is especially cool.


Is this the sis-in-law in KY? If so, I’m doing that race too! Tell her to make sure she gets her free pizza after the race and to see if they put her on the jumbotron when she gets into the stadium!

Too bad you aren’t flying here or I would introduce you to the awesomeness that is 32* Yogurt Bar!


It is that SIL!! You have to find her for me okay:)


Have you seen the baby Toms? I saw a mother and baby daughter in matching red ones, and I almost died from their cuteness! Brooke needs them :) Striped ones like yours if they have them… those are super cute btw!
And congrats on your exciting news! I’ll be thinking of you running again on Thursday.


Congrats on the 9 errands before 9am. I’m surprised that places were open before 9!
I like Toms, but I have a weird issue with wearing shoes without socks. I prefer Rainbows… does that count.
I can’t wait for you to hit the pavement again. CONGRATS and so excited for you to break free from your swim belt and get those running jitters out.
Good luck to your sis. Just started running, 10 miler, youngest baby is 6 mos… AWESOME!


That chocolate lasagna looks so yummy! There’s a Snickers Ice Cream Dessert that I like to make from time to time, and I’ve been craving it lately!


I love Tom shoes!! They are so comfy!

I want all the desserts, right now.


Yay!!!!!! A run on Thursday! I’ve never tried Toms before, but everyone swears by them. I would love a gift card to my fav local boutique!


I LOVE my Toms! I just got some for Christmas and they are great! Also, my best source of protein right now is probably from protein shakes. I am not a huge meat fan, but my husband and I love to make protein shakes after we work out. We use vanilla whey protein and mix it with fruits, milk, ice and sometimes a bit of yogurt and it is delicious and refreshing after working out! Last week I even tried a banana/peanut butter protein shake and that was great, plus has extra protein :)


I LOVE your Toms!! I think you definitely chose the best pair! They will be great for summer!

I would love a gift card to just about any clothing store!

Main source of protein – well aside from the hardboiled Easter eggs now, I eat a lot of yogurt and a lot of deli turkey breast.


Thanks so much for sharing my Chocolate Lasagna! I hope you made it and enjoyed ever bite! Took a look around your site and I am a fan! I need some inspiration to get my butt running again and I think I’ve found it. I’ve subscribed! Looking forward to keeping up with you. :)


My sis got me a pair of Sperry’s for Christmas and I love them.
SO proud of you for being patient with your healing body. Thursday will feel amazing!


I got my first pair of Toms of Christmas and absolutely love them. Great for teaching.


I stand at work all day in the pharmacy, and I wear cowboy boots! Great support, slight heel – not as revoltingly ugly as clogs :)


I love those Toms, so cute! I’m so excited for your run on Thurs!!


ha, other than running shoes i’ve been either wearing flip flops or ugg like boots.

this is a toothache waiting to happen, but looks sooo good!


i love toms! my mom gave me a pair of pink sparkly toms for my birthday last year and they’re definitely my favorite shoes ever :)

my main sources of protein are chicken, eggs, and greek yogurt!


So happy that you’re able to run on Thurs!! :) You’ve been a smart chica & a great example to the running community in regards to how you’ve dealt with your injury. I know it wasn’t easy for you to resist the urge to run. “Well played my friend, well played!!” ;)

I love my Nike’s, flojo’s & TOM’s when I’m not running. I’m loving tofu & egg whites right now. Gift card? Probably, Macy’s. :) :) xoxo


My son loves his Toms!
That chocolate lasagna looks so good…
I had an AMAZING day! I went to my first track workout ever with the local running club. Loved it!


I have been a cottage cheese + greek yogurt FIEND lately, so that’s my fave source of protein! Love the party at my crib onesie- she would totes rock that! And omg please tell me you’re making that chocolate lasagna?!



Yay, you get to run! Before I started running, I couldn’t understand how people didn’t enjoy the excuse to take a break. Now that running determines my sanity level, I completely understand.

You’ve done a great job recovering and listening to your body. I know you’ll come back better than ever!


I have 156 pair of shoes (really I do) but not one pair of Toms? That is really amazing!
Fish and yogurt have been my go to protein lately.
Woo.hoo! Running on Thursday!!!!!!
Seriously……chocolate lasagna? Brilliant!


Hmm now that I think about it besides running shoes I don’t have a favorite brand shoe! I have a couple Toms and everything else I just grab at Target.
Favorite dessert that I am dying for lately is Better Than Sex Cake! Or as I call it, Chocolate Cake. I can’t eat Chocolate cake any other way now. Unless it is store bought chocolate ganache. I’ve had people tell me they don’t like chocolate cake and then have the cake below and change their minds


I LOVE Toms! I have four pairs, including some sweet wedges.

Well, now I really want to make that dessert!


Those were the TOMS I would have went with too. I have two 3 pairs and really want those striped ones. The thing is I hardly ever wear real people clothes these days…
After work I change out of my army uniform, put on workout clothes to workout then my PJs. So glamorous.


Hmmm…. I think I would pick Nordstrom, too, but a LOT of other stores come to mind! I don’t have a link to it, but I just might have to send you my Chocolate Amaretto Mousse recipe. It is To. Die. For!


I am in love with TOMS!!! It is a similar craze for running shoes!
I am putting chicken and tuna on everything right now!
I love Target clothes, so I would say Target!


OK, I couldn’t resist! This recipe is too good not to share! I actually wrote it down from a TV show years ago when I lived in Utah, long before the internet!

Chocolate Amaretto Mousse
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 3.5 oz packages instant vanilla pudding
4 tablespoons cocoa
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons amaretto (can substitute almond flavoring, but use less)

Whip cream, and set aside. Mix milk, pudding, amaretto, and cocoa in mixer. Fold pudding mixture and whipped cream together. Put in dessert glasses and chill. Top with a little Reddi-wip and a few shavings of chocolate bar.

Warning! You’ll probably want to double this recipe… it’s that good! :-)


I’m loving eggs right now for protein!!! Of course, chicken and flavored tuna single-serving pouches are awesome, too.

I would take a gift card to T.J. Maxx/Marshall’s. I LOVE that place.

Fave shoes – Born Crown, Sperry, Reef (and they have flats now!!!)


Hahaha, this is random but I remember you saying you had family in Kentucky. Well I’m running 10 miler in Louisville, where I live, on Saturday! I guess that’s where your sister in law is running! Wish her good luck from a fellow Louisville girl :-)


I will!! Good luck to you too! Let me know how it goes!!!


Congrats on being able to run! I think your plan to play it safe sounds good. We just did a fun shopping trip up in Chicago this past weekend. Was a blast. Wife got some great shoes as well. :)


My fave proteins of choose – salmon for dinner and eggs for breakfast!!!

Not really a sweets person, but that chocolate lasagna would Def. make my list…even for just a bite or two. :)

My gift card of choice would be Michael Kors, or Steve Madden! Only because (1) both stores are incredibly expensive so I wouldn’t really shop there without a gift card ;-), and (2) I just LOVE shoes & purses/handbags. A girly girl all the way!


What kind of dressing do you use? It always looks so delish!:)


I use the pear champagne one from trader joes! Sooooo good!


I love Toms!!! I have the plan grey ones, but I am really loving your new striped ones so those might be my next purchase :)

I love love love chicken too, but I’m also a tuna fan!

Um, I WILL be making that chocolate lasagna..don’t you worry!


YAY! Can’t wait to hear how running goes!!

When I am not in running shoes, I’m almost always in either my old beat up Adidas sneakers or my Vans. I have yet to jump on the Toms bandwagon but haven’t committed yet. ;)

I would love a gift card to NY&CO because it would force me to actually buy work clothes instead of spending all my money at Dick’s and Running Warehouse.

My protein source is eggs! I make them every morning, and if the hubs is gone I will hard boil some for dinner, too!


I got Nordstrom and Ann Taylor Loft gift cards last Christmas which was great!

That chocolate lasagna looks AMAZINGGGGG


I looove my Toms! So cute and comfy! Brooke is honestly the cutest girl ever. I’ve been obsessed with chicken too!

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