Did you hear the really sad news about Meb?  Breaks my heart. 

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I was rooting for him to win Boston since we are BFFs.   Can you imagine being injured from running when it is your JOB to run?  I get upset when I can’t run and it is just my hobby.  

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Back to yesterday.  We found the starting line for the RNR 1/2 Marathon that happened this morning.  Talk about MAJOR race envy.  I will do this race someday.  You don’t start your marathon in this racing position? 

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Brooke really loves her aunt Addie.  

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Dinner time came and we were starving and the best cure for hunger is a few lbs of sourdough bread with soup and crab.

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Our friend Addie had never had a crab sandwich before and she loved it.

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Picture taken after having our food for one minute and by the time the picture was taken we had already finished the soup. The best part of the bread bowl is clearly the bread part that gets a little soggy from the soup.

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It started to get really cold and the fog was setting in so we did what most normal people do when they get cold and we went for ice cream.

Addie’s ice cream came with a smiley face (actually it kind of looks like a frowney face).   She LOVES rocky road ice cream.  I do not understand what is so delicious about it?  I think that is the last flavor I would choose to get but it’s okay, I will still be friends with her even though she makes bad ice cream decisions.  

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Billy and I make good decisions about ice cream.   We always get the Cable Car which is three scoops of ice cream (mint chocolate chip, cookies and creme and cookie dough) with hot fudge.

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Do you ever get race envy?  Which race(S)?  

Anyone run RNR San Francisco today?  HOW WAS IT?

Feelings about rocky road ice cream?

Anyone ever had a calf injury?  What was it… how did you recover?

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Oh no — poor Meb! It must be hard to not be able to do your job :(

The food in this post looks particularly delicious — I must be hungry :)


Race envy? Yep people who finish before me….just want to do a half under 2 hours! Rocky road is gross…too many chunks!


I ran it!! It was pretty cool. Beautiful day for a run :) quite a few hills though and some tough congestion on the bridge but it was a lot of fun and I would totally do it again :) according to my Garmin, I Prd!! Waiting for official number thought before calling it. I will posting a race recap tomorrow. I Love rocky road I d cream. Now I am craving it. I may have Eric go pick some up for me after the giants game. Stretched, I e bathed and keeping legs propped up on pillows :)


I get race envy all the time…kinda like watching a basketball game and that makes me want to play basketball!…. and I felt so sad for Meb!!! I read that and then read another article about it again last night. He might extend his running career because of it!
Thankfully none of my race envy has been due to injury (knock on wood), I just like racing and can only afford to do so many :)! My sister did an 8k today and emailed me a picture…race envy! She got a way awesome shirt too!!!
Did not run Sanfransisco…live in Iowa :).
Hate Rocky Road…..Cookies and cream, cookie dough, good old fashioned chocolate and coffee are my fav’s!!!
No calf injury only runner’s knee…..and that was bad enough! I have been feeling really tight lately and it’s making me nervous! I am the picture of the kid throwing a fit when I am injured. (I loved that by the way!)


I’m with you on disliking Rocky Road ice cream…I’ve never seen the appeal to its popularity! The name doesn’t even sound pleasant, haha!


Awww Rock N Roll San Fran! Tear… I’m not gonna lie I would never eat rocky road ice cream unless it was the only thing sweet in the house and I just needed something. Definitely wouldn’t choose it! You and Bill look great together :-)


It is hard for me to go to a race I am not running! Seriously, I sign up for EVERY race. I like volunteering but then I get mad at myself for not being out there running myself. I have issues. I definitely approve of your ice cream choice :)


I am not even in that city and I envy all my girls who did the cherry blossom ten miler in Washington, D.C. Plus they rocked it so I wanted to join in the fun. :)


I’m doing the RnR Seattle Half in June!


I get race envy any time I see pictures of someone doing a trail marathon. I hope my husbands next duty station in California and I will take advantage and run all those beautiful races I see on the web.

Aww, you cut me deep with that ice cream comment ;) I love Rocky Road Ice cream!!!! How could you not? It’s chocolate, nuts and marshmallows thats the best combination. I totally don’t get the mint chocolate chip thing. Why would you want your ice cream to taste like breath freshner?!! LOL

Anyone ever had a calf injury? What was it… how did you recover?



I know it’s kind of short notice, but would you be able to run the Berryman trail marathon next year? (I’m guessing that’s your state based on your blog.)

If your hub’s next duty station takes him to Utah, the Buffalo Run on Antelope Island is amazing in March. Also, there’s a race on the Camp Williams grounds this August- Sapper Joe (15k, 30k, and 50k).

The hub was going to run it as he used to jump there (he’s ex-Airborne and SF), but plans changed.


Thanks for the info Wendy! The Berryman is already sold out. Maybe next year ;). A big thank you to your husband for his service and to you for the sacrifices you make as a soldiers wife.


Sorry about leaving the comment at the end. I always copy and paste your questions so I don’t forget what you asked. I’m very forgetful.


Yeah, hi, I live in Kansas. Which means about 75% if my time is spent in race envy! San Fran would make a particularly tempting race, though, because its my second favorite city in the world (the first is New Orleans)! I can’t believe Bill looks so formal!! Who knew, lol ;)


Rocky road definitely isn’t one of my favorites. I think it’s because there’s too many things in it – my mouth gets overwhelmed.


LOL, your comment made me spit my coffee out. Too Funny!


I get really bad race envy too when people go out to run and I can’t do it because I’m injured. It’s still fun to go feel the excitement though! I love your ice cream choice flavors. Cookies and cream and cookie dough are my go to flavors especially when you combine them in a milkshake. I think I know what my dessert will be tonight…


I always have race envy for the NYC marathon. I also have race envy for today’s rock and roll, since it filled up so quickly I had to travel to San Luis to run and that was far!


Poor Meb!
I did an 8k today, Shamrock Shuffle in Chicago. It was fast & fun!
Rocky road is the bomb.


I’m not a big fan of rocky road ice cream either, mostly because I find chocolate ice cream to never be chocolatey enough for my tastes. I’ve never heard of a Cable Car before, but holy.wow… mint chocolate, cookie dough, and cookies n’ cream are pretty much 3 of my favorite flavors. I need to find me a place that makes something like that!


No wonder you are so much faster than me; I didn’t know I was supposed to start my distance races in starter blocks! :-)

I had race envy a year ago when my husband and friend ran in the Rock ‘N’ Roll USA Marathon while I was injured and couldn’t.

I didn’t realize there were any other ice cream flavors besides mint chocolate chip…


Oh, gracious, I always get race envy when I see races I’m not in – even if I’m perfectly healthy and chose not to race it. It doesn’t matter: as soon as I see that starting line I wish I was out there fretting about how many gels I brought and if my Garmin is fully charged. Love the whole race atmosphere!
That’s such bad news about Meb. I was really hoping he’d podium or win this year. He’s 37 and eventually he’ll slow down so he’s running out of good years to race it! But I definitely want to see him win Boston!


I agree… and he’s seems like such a humble and down-to-earth person.
The racing atmosphere is the best. I haven’t volunteered… but I think I’d rather do that than stay at home if I’m injured.


I tore a calf muscle this summer while I was running on the beach and it was HORRIBLE! I had to walk to remainder of the distance back to my house, was late for work that day, couldn’t keep up with my campers, could barely straighten my leg, and could hardly touch the affected area without pain. It was SO SO bad and it took me off of running for about 6 weeks. It was HORRIBLE! I hope you never have to experience one.


I get race envy all the time! I really want to sign up for a RnR race but they are so expensive.

I have runners knee right now, so I’m taking it easy. Reading and following Hanson’s Marathon Method and loving it!


I had race envy today! I saw all the tweets about RNR San Fran and the Cherry Blossom 10 miler and I just wanted to be running! But I can’t because my arch hurts and don’t want that to get any worse!


I get race envy all the time, mainly because I can barely run 3 miles so the idea of running a half or even a full marathon makes me jealous! Mmm I may not make super smart ice cream choices like you, I like stuff a little plain… but I am all over that Cable Car!


I’m going to go cheer on my friend in Boston and next week and there will definitely be race envy!!! I wouldn’t choose rocky road but I also wouldn’t say no if someone gave it to me :)


Oh! You are going to Boston! Too fun! You will blog about it, hopefully! :)


Oh gosh- I am so jealous of your bread bowls! Last time I had one was in San fran 5 years ago!?

rocky road ice cream is so-so for me. My favorite is mint chocolate chip followed closely by cookie dough (as long as it’s loaded with cookie dough- not some lame scattered pieces!)


We have similar ice cream likes. My grandma LOVED rocky road. Even if I don’t eat it, it has a special place in my heart.
Bread bowls = ultimate happiness. I miss Panera!!!!


Not into rocky road either. Marshmallows take up too much space, put some more chocolate or nuts in there instead.


Right now, my husband (who is also a race junky) and I are figuring out how to do races with a baby. So, we’ve come up with a plan. We alternate races. The races I don’t run… total race envy. I also have serious race envy every year during Ironman Hawaii (bucket list)
Also, totally jealous about the bread bowls and ice cream. Mmm mmm


I think you have totally hit the nail on the head about marriage. Give and take. So. Can you figure out a way to totally enjoy the experience of cheering at a race with the baby? That will be hard, but you are SO close with the balance issue already ~ trading races. Enjoy the cheering!!!


I get race envy all the time. But I try to only focus on 2-3 races a year so I just remind myself that it’s better to be patient and wait for one of my goal races


I’m not a fan of rocky road either. Agreed, you and billy make the perfect ice cream choice! Those three flavors are my top favorites.


Yes on race envy! It’s the worst! And I love the RNR races, have done Miami an Dallas, such a blast!


I know I feel so badly for him. How disappointing it must be.
I love Rocky Road ice cream-anything chocolate in my opinion-lol! On the last day of my sugar detox-I would knock everyone of you down (except Brooke) to get at one of those dishes of sweet goodness.


Rocky Road is one of my favorites, not just because it’s super tasty and I love marshmallows with ice cream, but because it always reminds me of my dad. It’s his #1 choice!


Reminds me of my grandma (granny)!!!


Heck I get envy every time someone tells me they ran over 10 miles. However, I only have envy if it is that good kind of tired…..envious of you doing a marathon (yes) envious of the person who is puking and looks like death (not as much)


I have race envy for any race that is close by that I am not running.


I don’t get race envy, because well.. I prefer not to race. However, right now I have running longing. You know, the feeling you get when you long to run long or just long to run…

Because you have put your running on the backseat for your husband to do what he needs to do and to take care of your daughter.

Because you have (yet) to find a trail that is home in your new state.

For all of my longing to run, I’m grateful to live the blessed life I do.


I was raced envoyed today! We had a local marathon that I had no idea about and wish I could have ran it! I can’t eat ice cream (lacto), but I love Arctic Zone “ice cream.” Always the peanut butter chocolate flavor! So sad to here about Meb!


Ohhh poor Meb!! That’s horrible!! I can’t eat ice cream (lacto-intol), but I don’t know many people that do like rocky road ice cream. I really don’t get marathon envy.I did so many in high school and college that I am over them. I teach aerobics every Sat and Sun (Sat is my craziest gym day of the week), so I’ve gained the mentality of making $ over spending $ (on entrance fees). I do make exceptions for my adventure races, though!!


Ohhhh I have sourdough bread envy right now! :)

I was so so sad when I heard about Meb! How can you not root for the guy?
I had major Gate River Run envy this year! I had every intention of flying home to run and watch all of the elites warm-up for the 15k National Championship. Talk about a killer expo!
There’s always next year :)


Love all the pictures! Your friend Addie is adorable and I love the pic of her and Brooke! I am going to the city tomorrow and will definitely be partaking in a delicious bread bowl as well!

My current Race Envy? Any of the Ragnar Relays. I did one last year and fell in love. I must do one again ASAP.

Rocky Road Ice Cream sounds disgusting to me but that’s probably because I would go into anaphylactic shock after eating the nuts. :) FYI: I just bought the best Ice Cream today: Brownies/Cookie Dough/Cookies and Cream combined into one delicious carton. I CANNOT wait to eat it tonight.


Since I’m injured (and have been for awhile), I get race envy every weekend when my Twitter feed blows up with PR times and long runs! YIKES I can’t wait to get back out there. That cable car is most definitely a great decision :D


CABLE CAR OMG. Rocky road is nastyyy. I can’t imagine running as a job! That would be so weird!


Rocky Road was always my Gram’s favorite ice cream. She insisted it was the best! :)


I had a calf injury in February and while I am not back to 100%, I am well enough to run Boston next week. I am so bummed for Meb.


So I got super excited today when I realized the new place that opened up by my boyfriends house was cafe Rio, which was the same place I’ve seen in your blog a bunch of times. I insisted we try it because “my friend loves it and talks about how good it is alot”

Nevermind I’ve never met you.

It was amazing and didn’t disappoint. :-)


Ahhhhhhh I am so happy you loved it! It is the most amazing restaurant ever! Eat a pork salad for me!


Rocky road just doesn’t get it done for me either. :(
I have race envy pretty much anytime I read running blogs!!!!!!


Meb and I ran past each other one day while running around Mission Bay (San Diego) and we waved at each other and I almost passed out….


I’m not a fan of rocky road, either. I used to like it as a kid, but not anymore. I would definitely choose cookies and cream or cookie dough first!


ACK! I LOVE Rocky Road myself, so not a bad choice! Try it!


I was never a fan of rocky road….race tracks ice cream though, that’s a whole different story. so good!


I do not like rocky road at all but that cable car is right up my alley. Definitely a good ice cream decision.


I live with someone who continually makes that same bad ice cream decision. It’s hard to watch when you love someone. Although I admit since he’s a slower ice cream eater than I am, I do occasionally have to resort to finishing his rocky road for him because its better than nothing.


I’m the opposite. I love Rocky road but I don’t understand mint chocolate chip at all!


I am getting extreme race envy for people running The Canadian Run. Its not until August but man I wish I was in it! You get to run it at night! How cool would that be. No me gusta rocky road ice cream. Cookies and cream all the way.


I ran the Santa Cruz Half Marathon today as a pacer. It was so scenic and the participants were so cheery! It was a lot of fun.
I had some race envy when it came with some of the SF races, but luckily I get to participate in the SF Marathon (as a pacer again) with my running group. Super excited!


I ran the RNR SF today as my first half marathon and it was amazing!! Beautiful course, so well organised and friendly happy people everywhere.
I loved loved loved it and now want to sign up for another immediately!!


That’s so sad. I have a friend that finally qualified and had to pull out because of injury :-(.

I had a calf muscle tear about a 1 1/2 ago and I went to a chiropractor who used A.R.T. It was amazing and it helped me heal pretty quickly. I would def recommend it to others.

Rocky road, meh. I am cookies and cream all the way!


I just love reading your blog. Seriously. Who says that they’ll still be friends with someone who makes a “bad ice cream decision,” and follows it up by saying, “Billy and I made a good ice cream decision”? YOU!! And it is those comments that make me laugh out loud when I am reading and always come back for more!! :)
Brooke is so beautiful :)


I finally found something we disagree on! Rocky road ice cream is DEEEELICIOUS!! Do you like normal chocolate?


I used to love Rocky Road as a kid but now I don’t understand it. I just don’t think nuts and dessert go together at all. Your ice cream decision looked AMAZING! Good work.


I haven’t had Rocky Road in AGES. I’m a sucker for the classics!


YUMMM you and Billy DEFINITELY make good ice cream decisions! ;) Rocky Road makes me think of my mom because it’s her favourite :) I don’t like the almonds in it. I love almonds, but don’t like them in ice cream? Makes sense? No? Ahh well.



Lately I’ve had running envy of pretty much anyone that can run while I’ve been injured! :) I did go to a 1/2 recently that I was registered for but unable to run due to injury and THAT was so hard! I did get to spectate my very first race, though, which was awesome!


Oh no! Poor Meb! He’s a beast though, and will undoubtedly bounce back from this.

I have race envy right now reading all the hype about the Pittsburgh marathon. I have to remind myself “the races will be there.” And they will.

I didn’t really injure (more like overused) my calves. One word: Insanity. After three weeks of persistent calf and shin pain that began to affect my running, I bailed on the program. It was definitely all that jumping.


i get race envy all of the time. especially when the finishers are lapping me but more recently because people can race. i have already sat out two races and will be sitting out a third due to foot injury. i feel your pain on the IT band syndrom. i battled that last winter.

keep at it! chin up! (yes, i know that sounds lame! but i mean it!)


Mike is obsessed with rocky road and I don’t get it either. I’m not really a big fan of chocolate ice cream to begin with, though.

I have running envy in general. Even if I just ran a really tough long run and I see someone else out running later, I get jealous.


I met Meb at an event here in Dallas. He’s super sweet and humble.


boo-poor Meb! At least he’s being smart and withdrawing.
I have race envy all the time-yet I can’t get myself to WANT to train hard. Something is wrong with me.


I get race envy all the time!

I am also broken hearted about Meb. He is one of my very favorite runners. I don’t know which guy to cheer for! (Girl: Shalane. She’s so hardcore.)

I currently have ice cream envy…


Ooooh all of the food looks delicious!

Strangely enough I loved Rocky Road when I was younger, but now it wouldn’t even be one that I would consider… I wonder what happened haha.


I have race envy… terribly!! My knee is still on the fritz and I’m trying to figure it out so i’ve been doing very VERY low mileage at low pace and have come to the conclusion that I will not be running any races this year probably at all… so every time I read a race report I get jealous and try to talk myself into “just a 5k” but I can’t… not until this knee gets better!! :(


Cable car?!? Omg…3 of my favorite ice cream flavored all in one dish?!? YES, please!!


I had TOTAL race envy this past weekend!! The Cherry Blossom 10-miler is my dream race! I’ve never run more than 5 miles and at the moment I’m not running any (preggo with TWINS!) but every year I’m so jealous of those that get to run this race! I’m hoping that I’m back at it next year and I get in :)


I don’t get rocky road either, which is strange because I love chocolate, I love marshmallow, and I love nuts. But together? Meh.

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