The Sunday Randoms

1.  I walked into the family room last night and saw this:

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Billy and Brooke were watching Lomong break the American record for the 5000!  His average pace for the race was a 4 minute and 12 second mile…..

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2.  Anyone looking for a song that will make you really happy?  What about a song that will make you really happy and that is an awesome song to listen to while running?  

I found the answer for you:

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It was my repeat song for my 15 miler.

3.  The new cereal of the week is Special K Vanilla Almond.  This was my favorite cereal in college and when I noticed it on sale at the store the other day I had to get it.

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My other college staple foods were:  Wheat thins with cottage cheese, baked potatoes, lean cuisines, cookie dough and the Olive Garden (Billy and I used to go there once a week).

4.  Did you see in the cereal picture that Brooke is in her HIGH CHAIR?!?!  She thinks she is cool now that she has her very own chair to eat in.  

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5.  I am having a very hard time with an important decision.  Sunday night dinner is a big deal to me so I really have a stressful time figuring out what to make.  Today’s options are between pizza, quesadillas, burritos or pesto pasta.  

6.   Lori sent me a picture of the coolest new candy:


My week will be dedicated to finding a bag of these for myself.  


What were your college staple foods?

What has your favorite running song been lately?

Has anyone NOT had Swedish Fish before?

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Brooke looks so grown up in her high chair! What a cutie!

I need to find those Swedish Fish jelly beans! Yum!


I love that Billy is getting Brooke to watch running. So cute! I LOVE vanilla almond cereal with Coconut milk. You MUST try it.


They make swedish fish jelly beans? SAY WHAT?! I’m totally looking up that song right now. And scavenging through grocery stores to find it. Oh, and casually ran a 5K at 4 minute mile pace… nbd.


WOW! How is a speed like that even physically possible?
I absolutely love the Vanilla Almond Cereal. Another good one is Blueberry. I like to mix those two in yogurts instead of milk. It’s a DELICIOUS treat!


I am awestruck for two reasons.

1. That is just too screaming fast for words.
2. Brooke is seriously adorable in her new high chair :)


Brooke looks like she is loving her new high chair!

Ooh, I don’t love jelly beans but I do love Swedish Fish- I’ll have to try these!


I love Imagine Dragons!!!! Radioactive and Demons have been on repeat on my running playlist!


Okay….I have never had Swedish Fish! I’m not real big on candy that’s not chocolate, but maybe I should give them a try. In college, I pretty much lived on frozen pizzas and fast food. Two things I very rarely ever eat now. The song Girl is on Fire by Alecia Keys is a great running song!


The song that I have been hooked on is We are Young by FUN. Not sure why but making the whole young thing gives me a little push when I need it.
My husband loves swedish fish. I am going to make sure he has some of those jellybeans in his Easter basket. I hope they have them some where around here.
Love the highchair.


M college staples were English muffins, Smartfood popcorn, and vanilla pudding. I eat like a 5 year old…


Your family is just too awesome for words. I want to move to CA just so we can be best friends and eat a million Swedish fish together. Is that super creepy? Haha


Yes, love imagine dragons!

I vote pizza for dinner.
The little boy I nanny for LOVES swedish fish and jelly beans, so I’ll have to find a bag of those for sure.
My college staples were- frosted mini wheats (had to be safeway brand), luna bars, golden delicious apples, and these delicious bread sticks from the dining hall.


So yesterdays race? They had awesome bag give aways. Full size Starbucks Iced Via packages and this great spread, that has the texture of peanut butter but the taste of a cookie. Biscofi spread. OMG so good. You have to try it. I love it.


Before Nemo (winter storm), we bought a two 2lbs bag of Swedish Fish. The bigger the bag the bigger the handful you can take… right? They didn’t see the other side of Nemo.


I cannot believe Brooke is in a high chair! Crazy! My college staples were oatmeal with pb, oranges, turkey, pasta, snickers marathon bars, also cold stone and cookie dough :-) I had never had swedish fish until you introduced me to them last week! They are pretty good!


College staple foods? Well, I’m still in college (medical school) and my current staple foods are Tetley Orange Pekoe tea, chicken fried rice (with or without the chicken depending on how much money I have), apple slices with peanut butter, and some form of chocolate.


Have you discovered Macklemore and Ryan Lewis yet? I think 90% of their album The Heist makes for amazing running music (and you and I seem to mostly agree on running music). “Can’t Hold Us” is my favorite (they played it on SNL last night).


I have to confess I have never had a swedish fish-don’t have me :) Look at Brooke being all big girl!




PB Crackers, ramen noodles. Pizza.

The Kidless Kronicles


My college staples are peanut butter, clif bars and chobani.. and froyo! I bet those jelly beans are delicious, I hope you can find yourself a bag!! And I think my favorite new running song is Heart Attack- Demi Lovato !


My college staples were: Lean Cuisine Pizzas, cereal from big bins in our dining hall, Baked Cool Ranch Doritos (which they don’t make anymore!), and Nature Valley Yogurt Granola bars.

Lately I am listening to songs I used to love to listen to when running in college! Songs always remind me of different points of running in my life and places where I ran so the current rotation is from the indoor track at college: Breath by Breaking Benjamin, Everything by Buckcherry, and Red High Heels by Kelly Pickler.


College staple foods were brown sugar pop tarts, cinnamon toast crunch cereal bars, pints of Ben and Jerrys, Mt Dew, and Starbucks bottled fraps. Scary what I would have looked lie if I didn’t work out!


Nooooooooooooooooooo! Why, oh, why do you torment me? We don’t have swedish fish in Melbourne, and boy do I miss them. Seriously, Australia needs to look into importing the good stuff, especially swedish fish and Ragu sauce.

College staples – pizza, hummus wraps, frosted mini wheats, omelet station


That picture of Billy and Brooke is too cute! I had swedish fish…14 yrs ago lol that’s crazy!!! I think I need to have them again!


PB&J, cereal, pasta, apples. My staples changed as I learned what made me gain weight like crazy haha! No freshman 15 but close enough!

What did you end up making for dinner? I’m secretly hoping it’s the pesto pasta. That sounds amazing! Also Brooke is getting so big so fast! Crazy!

I need to find those Swedish fish jelly beans also. Update us on where you find them. Thanks :) Happy Sunday!


Brook & Billy are cute. That’s a sick pace!

College staples: pizza, sausage pizza, pizza dipped in spicy ranch. I may have had a pizza problem.

My favorite workout song is Love on Top by Beyonce… It’s so good you all should get it!!


Lean cuisines and wheat thins were staples of mine too. Mixed in with brownies and no bakes haha


Somehow I went my WHOLE LIFE !?! without trying Swedish Fish. Thankfully, I cured myself of that ailment this year…phew!


College staple foods: Wendy’s chili and subway.

I have major hair envy of Brooke!


I have to ask. Does she love her highchair because it is a “Cosco” and it is so similar to Costco??


My roommate and I used to get Little Caesers every Thursday night and eat the whole thing. And microwave rice.


Awww cutie in a chair! I never had a high chair for the girls, I just bought them each a chair that strapped to a chair and it was so nice! We had limited space so they worked out fabulous =)
I have been really loving Theory of a Deadman their album Scars and Souvenirs…I love all types of music, but really love a good alternative or rock to make my workout! Plus their songs remind me of out late honeymoon getaway to Tennessee (my hubby doesn’t listen to anything but alternative or rock)!!! And I really heart sweedish fish too! Delish!


No, I’ve never had Swedish Fish. Yikes! Do you still think I’m cool? :) Jelly beans are awesome! I really like the Starburst jelly beans. I looked up that song and thanks! I needed to hear that today. Its now my new fav song. Have a wonderful week. Go for the pasta for dinner.


College staple foods are Cliff Bars, Chobani, and lots and lots of fruit. I’m still in college, and I ran out of Cliff Bars last week – it was traumatic, let me tell you. I am not a huge fan of Sweedish fish (I know ultimate failure), but I like Sour Patch Kids, which I am pretty sure is owned by the same company…

I can’t believe Brooke is already in a highchair! It seems like just yesterday she was born, and now she’s a little lady. :)


4 minute 12 second mile is INSANE. Someone give that guy a high five for me because that is CRAZY!

I have never had swedish fish. And I feel like it might be a crime to type those words over here at HRG!

My college staple foods were totinos pizza rolls and pop tarts. Wonder where the freshman fifteen came from? LOL!


College Food Staples: Baby carrots, graham crackers, cereal (mostly Quaker oatmeal squares), and PB&J or turkey sandwiches snuck out of the cafeteria…


I am a huge fan of imagine dragons but haven’t heard that song yet. I must go looking for it now!


I lived on pop tarts and Chinese food my freshman year of college. Gotta love the freshman 15! For the remainder of college, I ate a lot of oatmeal, yogurt, and turkey sandwiches. I love Swedish fish…even had Swedish fish flavored candy canes this year!


I have never had Swedish Fish solely because the word ‘fish’ on candy weirds me out. Ridiculous, I know. My current favorite running song is Robyn “Call your girlfriend”. It’s been on repeat for a while now.


Time is going to go even faster. Brooke will be walking / running before you and Billy know what hit you. It’s bittersweet. I get SO excited each time a new milestone is reached but it’s so sad to know that they will never be at this stage in their life ever again.
We had to eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria (mess hall) every day so I didn’t really have much to worry about. I swear I think I ate about 3-4 apples a day during college though. Totally obsessed with them and pretzels. So weird.


Hey I love Swedish fish and HATE. The jelly beans. Just tried them last week. I’ll stick with sweet tart and starburst jelly beans.


Haha, my husband told me about a week ago that song is his “theme song”. I’m lucky to be married to such a happy guy! Also, we just bought that special K….maybe jelly beans are in my future?


Brooke’s leopard PJ’s are adorable! Do they make those in adults sizes??

Right now I’m rocking out to “Promises” by Nero, “Cinema” by Benny Benassi (Skrillex remix) and also “Don’t you worry child” by Swedish House Mafia. Amazing jams to run to!

My college staples were wheat thins, lean pockets, rolled tacos and diet cokes. Diet of champions!


Thanks for the song suggestion! “Happy” is totally the best way to describe it.


WHAT?! swedish fish as jelly beans? brilliant! those would be absolutely amazing to bring with me on long runs :)


I went through a lot of weird food stages when I was in college and one was chickpeas with feta and olive oil. Sounds healthy — but I would LOAD up a a big bowl with that. Pretty sure that (along with the nightly brownie ala modes) contributed to my freshman year weight gain!

Also, the happiest song of all time is Life’s A Happy Song from The Muppets Movie. If you have not listened to it, you totally should. Pretty sure Brooke would love it, too!


That song is my ADDICTION!!! I did a half marathon recently and listened to that and their other song ‘Demons” for the whole race!


I’m sad to say that my staples in college were Belgium waffles, peanut M&M’s and grilled cheese sandwiches. And yes, I weighed 40 lbs. more than I do now…ugh!

I love On Top the World! That song, along with Safe & Sound by Capital Cities, and Addicted by Morgan Page make up my “repeat play trifecta” : )


I love swedish fish and MUST try those Jelly beans!!!!


My college staple food is Kraft Mac N Cheese! I love it so much that it will be staple food for my whole entire life probably.

Swedish fish are perfection. I really hope everyone has tried some. If not, let me know and I will send some to you… I’m not kidding.

I love running to Toby Keith. He makes me feel like a bad mamma jamma.


Thank you for the song recommendation! I LOVE and was looking for some new running tunes. College staples were soft pretzels, mac and cheese, lemonade, popcorn, and lots others that I’m drawing a blank on right now..


When you find the jelly beans please report the store!!!


I just added that song to my running playlist! It’s hard to sit still at work lately while I audition songs off pandora for my running list. I may have asked my boss to add money to the team budget for a treadmill desk….doubt that is going to happen :)

Taco Bell was a huge college staple and I couldn’t make it through a winter term without a batch of Puppy Chow before finals.

Our Sunday night dinner was hamburgers – we hadn’t made those for a long time!


Love Lopez Lomong! Have you read his book, running for my life? It’s awesome.


WHERE CAN I GET SWEDISH FISH JELLY BEANS?!?!?!? This is a serious matter.


I found the perfect chair for you to sit next to Brooke in:


In college, my roommate and I always had Ramen noodles, Chef Boyardee, and microwave popcorn in stock! Real health nuts, huh?!

I’m sad and embarassed to admit I don’t remember ever having Swedish fish…please don’t hate me! :)


Your beloved FMW were part of my college staples. Oh, and I’ve never had sweedish fish! Yikes!


That song is my ringtone, morning alarm song, and top favorite workout song. Another favorite running song of mine is “Try” by PINK.


I’ve been hooked on that song for months!


That is soooo fast!! I’m a big fan of the Dr. Pepper flavored jelly beans – oddly delicious!

I’m still big on “Some Nights” by Fun.


Guilty- I’ve never tried Swedish Fish..I’m more of a chocolate person!


My husband and I ate at Olive Garden about once a week too when we were in college! :)
Fun post!


College food staples? Cereal, cereal, and more cereal. There were days that I had it for all 3 meals. Twas sad..yet delicious. Generic FMW, aka Mini Spooners, were my favorite.


I read your blog all the time and never comment—BUT wheat things and cottage cheese!!! I do that all the time and thought I was the only one… and now they have flavored wheat thins – I especially like the zesty salsa ones with cottage cheese! Brooke is adorable, love the pics of her!


She IS so cool in that chair. College staple foods- chocolate milk from a carton and low fat Twinkies. I was THAT girl. :) Hugs friend!


I have never heard of Swedish fish but I hate candy unless its chocolate. College staples salad of all kinds totinos pizza hamburger helper and cereal. I cant even look at hamburger helper anymore its nasty. I have been enjoying the hip hop exercise station on Pandora it gets me running just a little bit faster. Shake senora by pittbull was a happy get moving song and the lyrics had me laughing at the end.


I never had Swedish fish before. Can you find them in the UK?


oh my GOODNESS. 4:12 mile? How is that humanly possible??? I caaan’t. haha! amaazing!


I love that song!
My diet in college consisted of lots of cereal (I still eat lots of this), baked potatoes, pasta and giant tubs of yoghurt and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.
I’ve never tried Swedish Fish! I don’t think we can get them in the UK. I think I’m missing something good. It’s my mission to find them!


My favorite running songs are:
Stronger (What doesn’t kill you makes you) by Kelly Clarkson
Thunderstruck by AC/DC


I may have Call me Maybe on repeat on my long run play list….don’t judge


Brooke is so grown up in her high chair!

I need those jelly beans right now!


I am pretty sure I got the idea of Swedish Fish for running fuel from you but the jelly beans would work even better!


Swedish fish jelly beans? I have to find these.


I found swedish fish candy canes for Christmas this year…jackpot!


I must find those Swedish Fish jelly beans!!! Swedish fish are my favorite!!


PLEASE share where to get those jelly beans!! YUMMY:)


I eat wheat thins with cream cheese. So good!


Um, downloading this song ASAP! Perfect spring running song. Thanks for the heads up! :)


I hadn’t tasted Swedish Fish until I was in college! And my favorite running song recently has been Some Nights by Fun.


I love Imagine Dragons too!! I need to get it on I tunes soon. Is the whole album good?


Finding the Swedish Fish jelly beans is now my main goal for this week. Must. Have.


I LOVE that song!!! it was my repeat run song for a long time :) That entire album is so great!

My current repeat run song is Tegan & Sara – Closer.


I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a Swedish fish, but then again I’m more of a dark chocolate kind of girl! Brooke is looking pretty cool in her very own chair!


college staples = raisin bran/bran flakes and very large veggie salads with kidney beans. i guess these are still pretty much staples:)


I used to love Maple and Brown Sugar Life cereal in college! And hash browns on Sunday mornings. I haven’t had either in a really long time. My favorite running song has been anything by Calvin Harris or “Who’s that Chick” by David Guetta. Can’t believe how big Brooke is!!


I LOVE Imagine Dragons and I LOVE the way that song makes me feel so happy!! Got to see them in concert a couple of weeks ago and they were amazing live!


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