How to stay FIT when you are injured.

Wanna know the best way to keep a runner fit when they are injured?   Pool running. 

It may not be the most exciting thing in the world but I am going to be spending a lot of time in the pool until this little leg problem of mine is 100% gone.  I kept thinking that I would be healed really really fast and then resume running but that isn’t exactly how things are going so instead I am going to do what I know is the best thing possible for my training and for my leg to feel better.  

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Isn’t it beautiful?  

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And to help all of you injured runners reading to join along with me in hitting the pool for running, read this from Runner’s World:

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Welcome to my bowl full of happiness.  Layer of cottage cheese followed by grapes and apple.  Perfect afternoon snack.

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After running some errands (like getting the jog belt) we had an amazing dinner.  The KEY to having a bread bowl at home is to 1.  buy them from TJ’s 2. after opening the bowl put some butter on the top and inside of the bowl and broil it for a few minutes to toast them and 3. put clam chowder in them.

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Somebody is a little proud of their latest accomplishment:

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Two words;  Her elbows.  


Who has tried pool running before? 

What did you do yesterday?  Relaxing or busy Saturday?

Favorite salad dressing?


What was the best thing you ate this last week?

-See above bread bowl.

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Forgive me for asking a dumb question, but what is the purpose of the belt?


The purpose of the belt it to help you stay buoyant and upright so you can focus your energy on running in the water, and not staying above the water.


Look at Brooke! She’ll be running right next to you in no time (land and water)!!
Very busy yyesterday- morning workout, house cleaning (always exciting) then my baby shower…overall awwsome day!

Going to try pool jogging, looks fun and always nice to switch it up.


Ahh I just can’t get enough pictures of Brooke!!! She is so stinking adorable!

Best thing I ate this week wasn’t very healthy, but whatever. I had a BBQ bacon burger at Smashburger with rosemary fries and an Oreo shake. It was a pregnant woman’s dream. ;)


Well, lots of cross training for me – elliptical, bike and definitely upper body strength training (more now) – nursing a stress fracture. Working with a trainer on modified leg workouts as well.


I’ve never tried pool running… Favorite salad dressing is anything creamy… Because it’s so good for you ;)


I would love to try pool running, I hear it is a killer workout. Some of my friends do it during marathon recovery week, and they say it works wonders. I can’t believe Brooke is standing! The best thing I hate this week was Hawaiian BBQ Chicken. YUM!


I was obsessed with pool running a few years ago. It saw me through a pretty bad injury and it really was great for maintaining fitness! My one unsolicited tip would be to get one of those waterproof ipod cases. I found bouncing up and down in the pool to be preeeetty boring after a while- no scenery changes or TV.


Hope you get better soon! At least you are able to do some other workouts to keep up your fitness!
Best thing I ate – homemade lasagna and homemade chicken enchiladas – creamy ones.
Poppyseed is my favorite too! My mom got me hooked on it with spinach, toasted pecans, craisins, and gorgonzola cheese. Yummy!
Have a great Sunday – another snow storm is rolling through the Midwest – ready for a warm up and more running outside with the sun and warm breezes.


Good job Brooke! That is exciting. Yesterday was a super lazy day. I went running in the morning then didn’t do anything else the rest of the day. Perhaps I’ll be more productive today.


Yaye Brooke!

That IS the best way to keep in running shape while injured. I had to do pool workouts for a month while running in college. I am not a swimmer so I was thankful to have the belt!


Brooke is a doll! She has the cutest smile. I tried pool running after my oldest brother recommended it. He ran track and cross country for UT so he’s my go to guy when I need advice. He also recommended it to me when I had IT band problems. Nothing helped until I went to see a chiro.

Yesterday I ran 8 miles with a friend from my Moms RUN This Town chapter. We ran on a trail on the Military base that our husbands are stationed at and ran past a shooting range while it was in use very loud and scary.

My favorite salad dressing is ceasar vinaigrette.

The best thing I ate this week was BBQ brisket with baked beans….sooooooo yummy!


Well done Brooke!


YES to poppy seed dressing!! So good :)


Chris and I did a monster trail run yesterday. My left foot, which has been bothering me slightly, is now out of commission. Looks like I might be trying out pool running right with you.


I’m curious, do you actually eat the bread? I went to some friends last week and none of them did. They just watched while I ate mine?!


Sorry to butt in but WHAT?! What the heck is the purpose of the bread bowl if you don’t eat it? Lol. I am certain Janae must eat some (if not all) of hers! It wouldn’t be very Janae-like if she didn’t! :)


Ahhhhhhhhhh how could they not eat the bread bowl! That is the best part!!!!


I knowwww! I think I need new friends!!


It’s great to see that you’re staying positive about the pool workout. When I was recovering from a shoulder injury from swimming, I did a lot of kick drills and cross training pool workouts. I actually do them even when I’m not injured. Good luck and I can’t wait to hear how your workouts progress.
My favorite salad dressing is the poppyseed too. Spinach, strawberries, toasted almonds and poppyseed dressing. Mmmmmm
Rest day yesterday and long run today. I’m looking forward to it. Happy Sunday


Can you explain the difference between pool running & swimming? Also, what exactly does the belt do? Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I’ve never heard of this before!


Hey bri! I am going to do a full post on it tomorrow after I do a pool running workout! Thanks for your comment!


What did I do yesterday?
I ran my second half marathon. I started running last year when I was 39 and ran my first half in October of last year. I fnished it in 2:24. Yesterday I ran my second half in 2:11! I am feeling great. I have my next half in May. I am addicted!
Janae, any tips on how to become faster?


I’m injured right now also and hadn’t even considered pool running! I might have to do that. Do you actually run, like … up and down the length of the pool or just do the motion staying in one spot?


I looooove poppyseed dresssing! And now I want some :)


Does the pool running hut your leg at all? Just wondering, because I think of pool running as an activity for injuries that you can’t put full weight on (like a stress fracture), whereas IT band is a mechanical issue, from the tendon rubbing over the femur from repetitive motion, whether your putting weight on it or not. Anyway, just curious. My medicine/science mind is always over analyzing things, for better or worse : ) Hope you’re feeling better soon!

btw, that pic of brooke holding on to the park equipment the other day when it was time to leave was the cutest thing ever.


Hey! I was wondering about that too but figured it wouldn’t since I bend my leg like that when I row. I don’t really experience the knee pain, it is mainly in my hip now so I guess I will see tomorrow morning in the pool if I feel it:)


Water running sounds like fun! I’ve heard it’s great exercise but I haven’t tried it. I’m sure you’ll be great!! Yay for Brooke standing up! Woohoo! She’ll be running a marathon in like a year.


Boo for being injured! I am so happy that you are playing it smart and making sure that you are 100% healed- great job! I’ve never tried pool running- so I am curious to read about how you like it.
PS: that bread bowl looks life changing.


Pool running sounds kind of cool! I hope your IT band starts feeling better soon!

I ran 8 miles yesterday and tried Gu for the first time! I’m starting to try different things so I’ll know what I’ll like most during my half. I ended up getting like half of it on my face so I now know I’m no good at multitasking at least?! :)

I actually haven’t liked any dressing I’ve tried, I’m weird.


I really hope your IT band gets better soon, Janae. You have been so smart about your training and you so deserve that sub-3 marathon. I hope water running keeps you in great shape. Congrats on standing Brooke!! Pictures of her make me just a little baby crazy, she is beyond precious!


I’m injured too and I’m doing a lot of walking instead. I thought mine would heal really fast and it just isn’t so I get where you’re coming from. It’s frustrating not being back to it as fast as I had hoped!


Pool running is an awesome way to stay in shape! There have been Olympic athletes who get injured and that’s basically all they do and they’re still in awesome shape! I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you :-)Favorite salad dressings are the champagne pear and spicy asian peanut from TJ!


I’ve heard great things about pool running. I’m excited to hear what you think.

Newmans lite honey mustard dressing yuuuum


I’ve never tried pool running before, but it sounds interesting! Do you mind sharing what you think of the belt/pool running once you’ve done it? Also, this may be a really dumb question…but how does pool running work with the belt? Fingers crossed that your leg heals ASAP!


Hmm is anyone else ennrinteoucg problems with the images on this blog loading? I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


Relaxing Saturday, just a run and vegging out!

Best thing was homemade pizza last night with spinach feta & sundried tomatoes… soooo good :)

Honey Mustard is the best dressing followed by Thousand Island


I tried pool running when I tore my MCL and it was really a great workout and harder than I thought. Also, it was great for non-swimmers (like me) bc I wouldn’t have been able to do water workouts otherwise!


Brooke is adorable, have you tried to get her into modeling?


I just swam for the first time since November this morning. After getting multiple surgeries on my right knee, the fact my LEFT knee has plica irritation is scaring me and I’m trying to do all things possible to heal it WITHOUT surgery. I wish I knew how to pool run but I think I’d look like an idiot so I just swim laps which kind of hurt the plica. EEEEEeeek. I love Brooke’s little chubby elbows. lol babies are so cute!


I got a 5 mile run in yesterday (was supposed to be 10 but my lack of carbs made me stop.) Best thing I ate was Steaks last night! I hadn’t had red meat in months and we had huge steaks with garlic herb butter.


Awww I could just squish her! So much cuteness!

Pool running is awesome – and SO much harder than I expected it to be! I figured it would be easy enough – I’ve run a marathon, it can’t be THAT bad? Um yeah, it was a lot tougher than I expected :)

I hope you’re feeling better soon!


The only pool running I’ve ever tried was just “playing around” in the pool with my kids. It certainly is harder than one would think. I can see how it would definitely keep you in shape.
One month ago I was playing volleyball in a league with my girlfriends. I jumped up to spike the ball and when I landed my kneecap dislocated. The dislocation tore my ACL and meniscus. I had a major meltdown when my doctor called the MRI results to me. I was so depressed and mad that this happened to me. Why me? I’m just trying to stay active & healthy. This was devastating to me. A tragedy in my life.
I had surgery to repair my ACL & clean up my meniscus 1 week ago. This week has been painful, depressing, and very insightful. It’s funny how losing the ability to walk without a crutch, drive my kids to their functions, cook for my family, and even dress myself without a huge leg brace will suddenly make a person thankful for the small, everyday tasks we perform mindlessly. Am I sad that I had to cancel my runs I have already signed up for this spring? Yes! Am I sad that I won’t be able to run again for 8 months? Yes!! But I have to keep things in perspective. My knee will get better with alot of hard work. Some people are not as lucky as I am to only have a knee to heal. Some people don’t have the hope of ever running again. Despite the fact that I have been couch-bound for an entire week, I choose to be thankful. Thankful that my knee is fixable. Thankful that I will get better and be able to drive my kids to their activities again soon. Thankful that a knee is…just a knee. I still have my health.
I have had stress fractures from over training in the past. I have had chondromalacia of my knee following the Dallas Marathon last year. One thing I do know is that injuries are major bummers for those of us who love to train. But I’m now a firm believer that we must keep things in perspective. An injury IS a bummer, BUT for those of us who are lucky enough to have our health, an injury is only a “bump in the road” of this thing we call life.


Love this!


Poppyseed dressing with a strawberry topped salad is the best! My Saturday was pretty busy, but quite fun as well!


Brooke is one step closer to running with you! I have heard very little about pool running but this sounds like the perfect summer time cross training. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.


-I’m excited to hear how pool running goes for you!
-My Saturday was pretty low-key, but today is much busier. I’m going to the Mall of America this afternoon and then to a Rihanna concert tonight, should be fun!


That bread bowl looks delicious. I never get to eat those! I really think Brooke gets more adorable by the day!


More great pictures, love them!
My favorite dressing is Cafe Rio’s cilantro lime. Alas, no Cafe Rio here so I either make it myself or use my second favorite, Trader Joe’s creamy cilantro.
Yesterday was ten miles on the treadmill, my longest distance so far, whoo! Now I KNOW in my heart I can run my first half next month!


Pool running seems very strange to me, but I’d love to try it! Lately my favorite dressing has been French. Love the creaminess.


I love the idea of pool running, especially since I did something to my foot while running yesterday and it is currently up and being iced. If only the temps weren’t in the 30s here (in CT)!


Oh Janae, I am so sorry about your IT band – I know how frustrating and hard this must be for you, especially since you had been kicking tail and taking names with your racing/running the last few months. I love that you are trying new things like rowing and pool-running and can’t wait to hear how that goes. I’ve heard great things about it but have never done it (I’m intimidated of swimming/pools unless I’m just getting in to cool off from laying out with a cocktail! :) ).
Sending you prayers! You will get through this and will be an even speedier and stronger runner than you already are!

Fav dressing is that honey-lime stuff from Chili’s or spicy ranch. Best thing I ate was a whole box of thin mints in less than 48 hours. Those things are crack.
PS – Congrats to Billy on his internship!! That’s incredible!


Ah, Sports Basement– the greatest place on earth!! I haven’t been to the one in the South Bay, my fave is the one in the Marina in SF. I can spend hours in there admiring all the gear! Can’t wait to hear how the belt works, and hope your injury heals quickly!


Noooo she can’t already be pulling herself up!! That’s crazy! Little Brooke is growing up!


I’ve never tried pool running but I know a lot of runners swear by it for cross-training! Busy busy Saturday. 7.5 mile run (with a mile PR time! :D) followed by helping my cousin move in to his new apartment and then my boyfriend’s soccer game. Phew! Time to relax. Brooke is too cute.. I love the elbow rolls ;)


I love baby elbows :) The best thing for me (and I didn’t even anticipate it) was when it went from winter to summer and all of a sudden my boys were in shorts and tank tops. I got to see their perfectly chubby arms and legs every day and it was adorable!
I don’t have a favorite dressing… I like so many.
Salmon salad!


I want to try pool running…do you run in place, or literally run the length of a pool? The best thing I ate last week was coconut rice and Korma chicken, homemade. Mmm. I’m so excited for the leftovers tonight!


Pool running is on my list of water activities I will be starting very soon while healing my ankle! I need to look into a jog belt myself. Yeah shopping!

Yesterday? Boring. Lots of napping, internet surfing and watching TV. Pain killers make me very drowsy so it’s hard to read a book at the moment.

The best thing I ate last week was Belfonte Birthday Cake ice cream!


Pool running!! I’ve done it (without a belt- you know, just running in a pool) and it is HARD!!! Shoot, it might be even more exercise than running! ;) Brooke’s elbows are just too much for words. What a cutie.



I too would love you hear more about your workouts/thoughts on pool running once you get the chance! I think that Brookes little look of excitement is just the cutest thing :) without a doubt, one of the best culinary experiences of my life was Boston clam chowder, in a bread bowl, in Boston :D DEE-licious


I’ve never tried pool running. Will you be using deep water or shallow water where you feet are actually pushing off of the bottom of the pool? I think I’ve heard of both methods.

I had a crazy busy day yesterday. We hit the ground running in the morning (literally, with a long run) and didn’t stop until 11PM last night. My in-laws were visiting so we were on the go the whole day.

Favorite salad dressing- Catalina!

Best thing I ate last week was some fro-yo yesterday. I hadn’t had any since Christmas!


Ahhh Brooke is so big!!! And I’ve never tried pool running can’t wait to hear more about it!


Woohoo, Brooke!!! I have never tried pool running, but I had one of my clients do it after a major ACL tear last summer. It wore her out, but helped her maintain her endurance. She said it’s major boring so maybe a friend can join you! Yesterday was a crazy, busy Saturday and today seems the same!


Definitely the way to go! I did a ton of pool running after i was in a bike crash last summer and fractured my pelvis. It helps! to combat the boredom get a swim ipod! i use one when i swim and it makes it sooo much better! have fun!


Ohhh pool running! I have a love/hate relationship with it! I love that it is such a great workout, especially when injured, but HATE how boring it is!!! My coach had our team do pool workouts to get our heart rates up without too much pounding on the legs. You go a super nice belt though. I always used a blue foam type belt that was about 15 years old. Oh well, I guess it did what it is supposed to do!

Best thing I ate? A GIANT apple fritter from a local bakery…it had delicious chunks of apple so I figure it was a serving of fruit.


Look at Brooke! Such a big girl and yes her elbows :)
My favorite dressing is poppy seed, catalina, and my new fav is Trader Joe’s Champagne Pear Vinaigrette-yum!
I was trying to swim for CT while recovering from an ITB problem but I even had to stop that.


My mom fell out of a tree when she was 11. Lucky to have survived, walk and have children, she used a swimspa to keep in shape even though walking was tough as she aged. Now 80, she is truly an inspiration. Water workouts are great for injury!
Brooke looks so sassy!


Good luck with the pool running! That bread bowl soup looks AMAZING!!


I tried pool running once, it was actually really hard!! But definitely a great way to stay in shape (and running shape) for when you get better!!

Yesterday I had an 11.03 mile race, which gave me guaranteed admission into the Marine Corps Marathon – it will be my first marathon!!


Go Brooke!!!!

I haven’t actually tried pool running. I don’t have one available to me to use.

Favorite salad dressing would have to be zesty Italian! And the best thing I’ve ate this week was the pizza my boyfriend and I made yesterday, Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Yum!!!


Hi Janae! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile but felt especially compelled to comment to say kudos for having such a positive attitude during your injury. We are pretty much opposites because I have been running as cross-training thanks to a back injury/surgery from rowing! I think the erg (rowing machine) is one of the best full-body workouts you can do and am so glad your discovered it. I’ve also done a great deal of aqua jogging thanks to this injury and while I think aqua jogging is awesome, its a little boring, so I would suggest finding a buddy to chat with while you run!


I hope you get better soon! :)
My favorite way to cross train is swimming or pool running…I’m also a huge fan of weight training. I can definitely get my heart rate up with weights if I work hard enough and do a continuous circuit!


I ran in the pool for 8 weeks while my stress fracture healed. It was super boring but I enjoyed it sometimes. It was better than sitting around feeling sorry for myself. I think it definitely helped keep my endurance up. At my gym, all the elderly people hang out in the pool in the morning so it was funny exercising among them. I would clip my iPod shuffle to a headband on top if my head and put a baseball cap over it so it wouldn’t get wet but I could still listen to music. Find a way to listen to music or you will die of boredom. My Achilles has been hurting so I think I will be running in the pool this week. Nothing says hot mom like one of those pool belts. :)


CUTE Brooke!!

My fav is poppyseed too.

Ahhhhh bread bowls. YUMMO


You are so inspirational! I love that you’re staying positive despite your injury. You’re such a great role model.


Best thing I ate was the pancakes after my race today…nothing tastes as good as food right after a good race


My girls (1.5 & 5) love seeing what Miss Brooke is up to every day, they were very impressed with her new skill!

Yesterday I ran my first 5k of the year. We live in Iowa and while it’s technically spring, it was still only 32 degrees at race time! But the sun was out and no wind so really it was quite lovely. Much better than the 4 inches of snow we’ve gotten so far today.

I have a question for you seasoned runners out there; what’s a newbie to do about a side stitch? I’ve been running 3 days per week, about 2-3 per run, since Christmas and I still them quite frequently, especially during a race. What is wrong with me?!

Never tried pool running, I’m still figuring out this whole running on land thing…. :)

Favorite salad dressing, FF Raspberry Vinaigrette.

And best thing I ate was a pile of pancakes at our local fireman’s pancake breakfast this morning!

Thanks for the inspiration and information, you definitely keep me motivated to work harder!!


I’ve never even heard of pool running. It sounds interesting, but I feel your pain! I ran my first marathon in January, and a few weeks after, I had IT band issues. I thought it would go away after a couple weeks of no running, but I’ve been dealing with it for two months now. I’ll definitely try pool running to get some other cardio in. I’m beyond bored with the elliptical!


I just did pool running for 2 months while injured (I also swam and biked–it was a foot injury, so I couldn’t do the elliptical or Alter-G treadmill). And now that I’m healed the transition back to running was pretty seamless. I think biking/spinning helps a lot, too, for cardio conditioning. I also took the time off to do more weights and core work; that stuff is SO important for improving form and economy and preventing injury. Almost every injury I’ve ever had has come from having a weak core. And weak ankles.

I assume you’ve seen the Pfitzinger pool running plan?

I have to say, without those interval I would have wanted to shoot myself. Pool running WITH hard intervals? Um, awesome. No impact! Scare off old ladies with your sweaty screwed up face and heavy breathing as you appear to tread water very slowly and vigorously!

Just make sure to ‘slice’ the water with your hands and keep arms at sides so you’re in alignment… no making fists.


Thank you so much Sam for your comment! It was just what I needed to read! I hadn’t seen his plan before but thank you so much for posting it because I am going to use it TOMORROW! Thank you so much:) I am so happy you are back to running!


Great, so glad I could help! I just remember how depressed I got after I heard I couldn’t run (I went through the 5 stages of grief!) and pool running really helped. Good luck with it–let us know how it goes.


Can you please talk a little more about what exercises/stretches you are doing for your IT band? I am having pain in my right IT band, as well, and really don’t know what is the best thing to be doing. (If you have already done a post on this, can you give me the link?)



I can’t believe Brooke is doing that already! So cute!

We had a busy Saturday…hosted a party to celebrate my brother’s marriage!

I’ve never tried pool running before, but I should have since I’ve had plenty of stress fractures. :-(


I will be fascinated to hear your experiences pool running!

Call me crazy, but during my stress fracture, I couldn’t fathom the actual mechanics of pool running. I just can’t imagine what it feels like to move your body through the water that way.


I just discovered your Blog a few days ago, and I think I have already run through every single one of your posts! I LOVE it! I have been a runner my whole life and I am currently 23 years old in grad school ((can relate to Billy’s hectic school schedule)) and am bouncing back from injuries of my own! I can truly say you have inspired me in so many ways! THANK YOU!

Oh and my favorite thing?? — your love of Costco. Whenever I am having a bad day…. I call up my mom and we attack Costco. IT IS THE GREATEST. Wherever my future job takes me… living in a city with a Costco is a must. My mom and I almost missed a flight in Denver last week because we just HAD to go to the Denver Costco to “See if it was different than Indiana Costco’s!” …. ((they arn’t)) : )


Nice! I ran almost every day of my pregnancy in the pool bc it was sooo uncomfortable to run on land. I loved it so much I would be in there for an hour and half sometimes!


go and also id war my iPod; id wrap it around my bun- see here for pics…then ii smartened up (freaked out) and got a waterproof iPod. makes time go a lot faster.
PIC at bottom of post) it works, i swear


I have done pool running once, and oh my freaking god, it is hard! I was huffing and puffing the whole length of the pool. I didn’t have a fancy floatie thing (I didn’t even know they existed to be honest). I was just trying to keep myself up by propelling myself forward. It was hard. I’ll be interested to see what your own experience will be.

Yesterday, I did a lot of studying for a Spanish exam and then did a quick 10 miler. It was super nice outside, so it was nice to breathe in some fresh air after being trapped at my desk with my Spanish book holding me captive all day. Speaking of which, got to get back to the books. Good luck with your pool running!


I pool ran last summer when I had PF and was marathon training. My friend, who was also training, did it with me — thank goodness, because I think it would be boring otherwise. It is a killer workout! I plan to do it again this summer when my marathon training ramps up — beats the elliptical!!


I am trying with every bit of my being to not run while trying to heal my IT band! Probably giving up my half in two weeks due to this darn thing :( I wish I had a pool at my gym to pool run! Ohio needs to warm up fast & stop this snow business so pools can open up ASAP.

p.s. never left a comment before but I LOVE your blog! Brooke is the cutest & I love hearing about your runs! You are inspiring, so that you for that!


Brooke is pulling herself up?!?!?!?! OHMYGOSH! GO BROOKE GO! :D She is SO proud of herself, I love it. And her elbows…so cute!!
I’m so curious about your pool workout, definitely something I’d be interested in.
Hope you guys are having a great weekend!!


Brooke looks so big and grown up!
You should seek out one of those zero gravity treadmills. I hear they are great for runners recovering from injury! Also while you’re in the pool, there are lots of good core exercises you can do.


I’d love to read a post about the jog belt- does it keep you floating? More info please!


So funny.. I just did aqua running today too because my foot has been super cranky. Being injured stinks!! Get better girl.


I’ve tried pool jogging when I was playing around with my kids in the pool and yes! It’s a workout. I’ve never done it as a real structured workout thought but imagine it will be tough. And awesome. Good for you for improvising.

I ran 16 yesterday, spent the day shopping and lunching, and then hung with the fam. last night. Perfect day in my book.


Oh my gosh, those elbow wrinkles — too cute!


Her elbow dimples are too much! I love that you are documenting everything. Those sweet little details are always forgotten.

We had a family dinner last night and my mom hooked it up! She made the best chicken parmigiana, rice pilaf with shrimp and roasted potatoes (holy carb overload, I just realized). It was heaven :)


I will immediately seize your rss feed as I can not find your email sbicsriptuon link or e-newsletter service. Do you’ve any? Kindly allow me recognize in order that I may subscribe. Thanks.


She is just too darn cute!


oh my word! that pic of brooke is so dang cute. she’ll be running in no time:) best thing i ate were dark chocolate covered cashews and walnuts from whole foods!


When I had a groin injury I used the pool to run. I didn’t get a float belt, I got water shoes and ran laps, changing up stride and intensity. I would do about an hour and actually healed pretty quickly! Now, I have patella tendinitis and need to get back in the pool again, but have yet to do it. I am increasing my weight lifting time in the gym to correct for specific weakness that are causing the problems. Good Luck!

I don’t use salad dressing and I love everything I eat, so no one thing in particular was my favorite.


This post is perfect timing for me since pool running may be on my schedule now, too! Injuries suck but at least there are ways to stay fit :)


The best thing I ate this past week was actually the honey barbecue meatloaf I made tonight! Here it is.

I have never had poppyseed salad dressing. I will have to try that!

And oh my goodness your daughter is adorable!


Good luck with the pool running. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. I always thought I’d go nuts with the lack of scenery change and lack of a TV to watch. I’m hoping you have an interesting place to do it. Post pics please!

Newman’s lite balsamic vinaigrette is my usual go-to dressing. Sometimes I have Trader Joe’s Cilantro salad dressing if I’m feeling crazy. Love it!


I totally relate to this post! I currently am injured with multiple hip issues. I pool ran on Saturday for an hour and I was totally wiped out after. I’ll be doing it every day this week. I’ve just been doing the recumbent bike and pool running is a nice change. Also hitting the upper body weights and majorly working my core. I wish you THE BEST of luck with your recovery. Solidarity in running injuries and being strong and training through them!


i have certainly done my fair share of time circling around the pool…lol. and dodging wayward noodles from kids too. :P i do agree it’s a really great form of cross-training, so great that you’re going to be doing it (well, not that u’re injured, but u know wat i mean!) …u’ll be over the injury soon, stay tough! :)


When I ran xc in college, there was a girl with severe IT band stuff and she did a lot of pool running. I hope it works for you! I’ve done it a couple times–at xc camp and a couple times in college when I was trying to not get any full blown injuries.


What I Reality do Not understand is why don’t go and see a doctor? Malve you should’t move the Foot at all… Wouldn’t it be wider to get it checkend first, before treibt out other exercises?


Sorry, different languages and a auto correct resulted in a lot of mistakes…


Please tell me you will include a pool running video in an upcoming post :)


Would love to try pool running. I had an avocado, strawberry, feta sandwich and it is now my new love. Watch out now that she is pulling herself up she will be walking before you know it!


In high school, we would have to pool run when we were injured. That is, if it wasn’t swim season and the pool was free. I have to say I used to hate it, but then again, that was when I was 16. I haven’t pool run since. I think if the alternative was no working out because of the injury, I’d be all about the pool running. It’s, physically, harder than running on land, that I remember.


Favorite salad dressing is white balsamic vinaigrette, I put it on everything, marinate chicken and fish in it too!

I did pool running a lot in college when I was having knee issues, it was a great way to stay fit and active, gets boring but it’s better than nothing


I might have to try pool running. What does the jog belt do? Do you stand in one place in pool or run from end to end?


I am obsessed with blue cheese salad dressing, but I’m not so obsessed with how unhealthy it is. This is why my most recent discovery is so heavenly: CREAMY YOGURT BASED BLUE CHEES DRESSING!! This brand has tons of yogurt based dressings that are truly delicious and so much healthier for you!

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