Probably not the best thing to do when you first meet someone:

You know how there are some people out there that you have an identical life with (besides your hair color and height)??  Well, the below girl and I have that identical life thing going on.  Her husband is in med school (okay, so that is different from law school), we both ended up teaching for 3 years and now live pretty close to each other in California.  We also both have awesome kiddos about a month apart from each other.  

Oh and we both really like sitting at Chipotle for hours and hours.  
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This burrito bowl looks a little boring but oh my my… it was anything but boring.  The worker must have been in a really good mood because he did the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me and added at least a cup of guacamole to my bowl.  Their guac is the best guac ever, don’t even try to disagree with me.    

Can we also talk about how good of a deal Chipotle is?  I am always amazed at how much deliciousness and freshness you get for just $6.25.

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We were trying to take a self-portrait of the four of us at the table and next thing I knew it Brooke was trying to eat her new friend.   Probably not the best thing to do the first time you meet someone.  

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After lunch and driving home (have I ever told you that I do not like driving one bit…. and yes I was a drivers ed teacher…. don’t know how that happened) we did some stuff to get ready to move to our TWO bedroom apartment, ate some pretzel sticks while watching House Hunters and then it was dinner time.  

Bangs Friend had us over for taco soup and I brought a spinach/poppyseed dressing/craisin/feta salad.  Please beg her to share the recipe on the blog because it was the best.  

That would be more avocado in my bowl, I can’t stop the madness.  

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We ended the night talking for a while on the floor and planning out our next camping trip.  

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You know the discussion that goes on in your head when your alarm clock goes off and you consider just turning it off and skipping your workout?  What is it that gets you up?  What do you say to yourself to get yourself out the door to get your run/workout on?

Are you an avocado/guac obsessed person like me?  When was the last time you had it?

Do you like to drive?

What is your favorite restaurant lately?


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Brooke might need a few lessons on how to make friends. Eating someone else’s head mightttttt not be the best way to go about it. I love making friends that you can talk to for hours and they know how crazy you really are because they’re the same way. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
When my alarm goes off I just wake up. I get jolted awake so fast that I just can’t fall back asleep. I guess that’s a good thing?


Chipotle is sooooo good! Those bowls are amazing and agreed on the guac front! I do like driving but only because I like to sing really loud when I’m alone : )


Hahah, yeah I would agree that trying to eat a new friend is not the best way to get on their good side, but good trying, Brooke! I do love avocado and guac but have never been to Chipotle! (We don’t have them in Canada – deprived).


I LOVE Chipotle. To get myself out of bed in the morning I remind myself how angry at myself I will be if I skip it. That normally is enough. If the weather sucks then it is not enough. The weather sucks right now so I haven’t been getting up as early. I’m hoping that it if ever warms up again I will get my mojo back.


hate driving but really miss it now that i can’t drive in Ireland (have to take driving test again!)

Had avacado last night in a panini yum!


Oh, I love having those “twins” kinds of friends! I have a good friend like that, too, we’re living parallel lives. Mmm, Chiptle. I eat avocado or guac almost every day. They’re local here and so cheap and good! Love that last picture with the baseball hat!


Brooke is so cute she can do nothing to scare a new friend away. If I ate someone’s head I’m sure things would be diff though. I’m completely avocado obsessed. I have a little avocado everyday….sometimes a lot daily ;)


I love that picture of Brooke eating that child’s head. Haha

What gets me up in the morning? Knowing how much better I feel the rest of the day because I DID get up.


I always think about how I’ll feel if I DON’T get up and it’s usually enough motivation to do it! Not always but mostly! I do not like to drive… I make Joe do it if we’re together. And I have been loving this place called Eddie V’s when we go out. Best. bananas. foster. ever!!!


I hate driving!! Now that we live in the wilderness it’s not so bad but when we lived in Boston I always just took the train. I love guac too!i think those 100 calorie ones can go on anything :)


Chipotle’s guac is unrivaled, I agree. That place is the bomb, such a healthy, cheap treat!


I despise driving and I am having avocado tonight!


Hahahaha- Brooke decided to teethe on her new friend, that is HILARIOUS! Thank you for the much needed smile this morning :D
I do not like driving either, would much rather have someone drive me OR I would rather run or walk to wherever I need to go (if it’s close enough). I have the worst luck driving, and I just don’t like it.


1) This is probably terrible, but on my iPhone alarm I change it so it says either not nice things about myself or is just a list of all the bad things i ate the day before. or something like “beach season is coming up…” or “youre going to see your ex in 2 weeks” or something to that effect.

2) I LOVE avocado, and I have eaten sooo much of it since moving to California almost a year ago. Absolutely amazing, I pretty much put it on everything.

3) I also LOVE driving! driving in Los Angeles is not really my favorite, because I get stuck in traffic everywhere regardless of time or direction, but when I can take road trips and drive out and away for 2+ hours… I’m in heaven. I was in a long distance relationship where I drove for 2.5 hours both ways each weekend, and then I’ve done several Boston-Minnesota, MN-Boston, MN-Wyoming, Boston-DC drives…. I love it.

4) No favorite restaurant currently. Broke as a joke so I take food from work…


Yeah, sometimes it’s hard to wake up in the morning to workout. BUT I found the trick that works for me: have a snack and coffee before I go for my run! That way when I wake up, I don’t think about working out or going for a run in the freezing cold… I think of coffee and food. Works every time!


I love driving.

Last summer, the hub and I packed up a 14 foot UHaul with an auto transport and moved across the country while we were 20 weeks pregnant. I did 80% of the driving of that including Monday morning pre-rush hour traffic through the Chicago area and the PA mountains where I pointed out my favorite chocolate place (Sarris Candies).

We recently did a trip from Ogden-Reno and back, and it was awesome!


I don’t mind driving. It’s not something I get crazy excited about, but it’s not something I totally hate.

When I have an AM workout the one thing I know that will get me out of bed is – makeup. I know that sounds weird, but as I lay in my bed I force myself to remember that if I wait to workout at night I am either going to have to A) wash off my makeup before my workout B) not wear anything but concealer so I don’t have to wash off my makeup.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I get excited about makeup. I like trying out new looks. It’s fun for me. So when I know that waiting until night time for my workout means washing my face at 5PM and then having to go out afterwards, and possibly reapply makeup, I just think GET YOUR ASS UP.

I’m way too lazy to reapply. That probably wasn’t the answer you were looking for though. I guess I probably should have gone with the standard: when I wake up I think: YOU CAN DO THIS!

Yeah, nah. Let’s be honest, it’s all about the makeup/having to change out of a cute outfit.


The fact that I know it won’t get done later, so I just push myself knowing I’ll be happier once it’s done.
Love Chipotle’s Guac!! I’m not sure what they put in it, maybe some fairy dust or something, but it’s honestly magical. Just too good!!
Hahaha love Brooke eating her new friend, too funny.
It depends, sometimes I love to drive, others I hate it lol.


Oh Brooke, don’t eat your friend! Much harder to convince people to hang out with you in the future. I have been loving guac lately too! Envious of the good avocados in Cali.


Yummm I love avocados…there is one waiting for me in my lunch today!!

And I love driving, if I am by myself. But if I am going with anyone else I prefer being a passenger.


Ha! What a funny picture of Brooke! I actually love to drive – a common saying in our house is “you know I love a good road trip…” One year we drove from NC to TN then on to CO and a couple months later drove from TN to TX. Hubby relaxes (read: works) while I drive although I let him take a turn after lunch so I can take a nap :)


I always tell myself that I will feel so much better once I have run. And, I always do! I like avocados and guacamole, but we don’t eat it that much… I love to drive because I have been getting car sick lately if I’m the passenger. We love a local restaurant called Shepard’s Pie! It is delicious!!


I hate driving! My hubs & I are always bickering about who has to drive – even if it’s just to the grocery store.

I have been addicted to Moe’s lately! So yummy & so fresh.


My family and I just ate a huge bowl of homemade guac on Monday. I made shrimp tacos with all the fixings. Check out my blog on it:


Oooh avocado really is the best thing ever…especially on toast with a runny egg mmm


I have arguments (in my head) all the time to get up, even though I am an early riser I have a 2 year old that doesn’t like to sleep and there are nights that I am up half the night. The alarm goes off at 5AM and I leave myself time for two snoozes and in that time I have to convince myself that I need to workout. The best one that works for me is that I am going to be tired regardless so I might as well get a workout in and be tired than just being tired. It works most days and I also use GymPact and I don’t like losing money.

I love avocado and I am making my grocery list now. Thanks for reminding me I need more.

And I pulled out my Yonanas last night and had a fantastic bowl of “strawberry ice cream”


Love guac and avocado! I eat it daily :)
I am fine to drive during the day but hate driving at night on the highway.
Does Subway count? lol


I love how Brooke is eating that babys head! So cute!
I hate driving and I don’t like guac. Sorry :(


Brooke “eating” his head is so cute! I love avocado!!! I am not a fan of driving, I typically make the husband!


When I was 16, I LOVED to drive. Now…I really don’t care for it. Unless, I’m going somewhere exciting.
Avocados are my fav w/season salt on it.
I just mentioned something today about my own personal motivation. “No excuses, no disappointments. Be strong every day.”
Plus, you got to get your sweat on to get your guac on! :-)


I really have to be in the mood to drive (usually a long drive with really good music) to enjoy it. Otherwise I really just like to be driven around like a celebrity.

Chipotle guacamole is the BEST GUAC EVER. I’ve tried a million times to recreate it with the copycat recipe but I swear it is never as good. Just isn’t. And there is a Chipotle right next to my apartment and that has been the death of me for the last two years. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get tired of Chipotle.

I’m usually not too good at getting myself out of bed for a workout. I wind up only doing about one morning workout/week and it’s usually better if it’s not running. When I do my runs I like to be outside in nice (daylight) weather and be in the right state mentally, and that’s usually only after a long day at work.


Ahhh stop taunting me with the Chipotle! Either that or convince Canada that it needs to pick up that gem of a restaurant! It’s been far too long since I’ve had it, although avocado makes pretty regular appearances around these parts, with the last time being last night for dinner. With salsa. And cheese <3

I actually really love to drive, but NOT when the traffic is bad. I'm usually a calm person, but there's nothing that annoys me more than bad drivers, so if I can avoid transit when most people are out then I definitely do!


I’m 100% avocado/guacamole obsessed. I never liked it until I first went to Mexico and it was literally everywhere so I tried it and now I’m addicted. I just had it last night. And now you’ve got me craving Chipotle with a heap of guac on top!

I have a hard time getting up to work out on a lot of mornings, especially the mornings that call for a 4:30 am wake-up time, bleh. But running my first half marathon in 5 weeks is keeping me motivated! I want to do well!


Driving– don’t mind it. BUT I do mind going to the DMV to get my drivers license renewed… I finally made an appointment today.. its been expired for 9 months.. oops..
SEE? I’m a good driver.. or just really good at dodging the police ;) 2 year old Twins, in a DMV= madness. Do you think if I bring them they won’t make me retake the test?? hahaha! I’m going to try it!

Love chipotle!! And yes their guac is the best… its like the only place I eat out!


I LOVE to drive!!! and Brooke will learn from her mistakes… hopefully that cute little child will forgive her and they can still be friends…


Squeeze some lemons over your burrito bowl next time you go to Chipotle. It takes it to a whole new level :)


I love avocados! I just finished half of one with my cottage cheese. And yes, Chipotle has awesome guac. I have a BOGO from them that arrived in my mail this week and can’t wait to cash it in this weekend! Cha Ching!

That picture of Brooke trying to eat her friend is hilarious! And, it just occurred to me that I have never seen her with a pacifier. Am I mistaking?

O.M.G. – I don’t know how you could have been a drivers ed teacher! I would have had major anxiety attacks and drank a bottle of wine every night to calm down. I couldn’t even ride with my sons when they were learning. You have nerves of steel! (Chills just thinking about it…)

“The sooner I start, the sooner it’ll be done” <– that's what gets me going.


I’m with you on the driving thing. I absolutely hate driving! Anytime I go out somewhere with someone else, I make them drive if it’s at all possible. It just freaks me out and I get overly nervous when I’m out there on the road. I don’t know what it is!


I’m pretty sure in NYC the burrito bowl with guac is $10!


Avocado and Guac are soooooo awesome. Love it when I go to SoCal and I see all the road signs saying 15 Avocados for $5!


MMmm Chipotle is so great! It contributed to my freshman 15 though cause I had one real close to me on campus and would mow down on burritos once a week at least.

The past two days I had that “should I/should I not workout” when my 5am alarm clock went off. Yesterday I really just listened to my body and realized that I NEEDED a rest day. Today I contemplated it for two minutes and finally hopped out. I know it’s a great kickstart to my day & it justifies a second cup of coffee in the afternoon :)


I LOVE driving and I miss it so much living in NYC. I grew up in rural WA where driving meant 50 MPH on highways and 70 MPH on the freeway (singular; there is only one, not a million like on the East Coast!). I don’t like city driving, though, only country driving. Road trips in rural areas are one of my favorite things to do!


I absolutely love to drive with the windows down and music up. It’s so relaxing for me. I take road trips specifically for car rides! When I wake up in the morning, I have the determination to rehab my knees. There are days all I want to do is lay around and sulk but it does not do anything to get me back to where I want to be. I used to hate guacamole but I had it about a year ago and fell in love (thanks to Chipotle)


That picture of Brooke made me literally laugh out loud, the people sitting around my in the student union might think I’m crazy but that’s okay!
I loveeeee avocados! Except I went to buy some at the grocery store on Monday and they were out! I cried a little bit.


I have a really hard time going back to sleep once I’ve been woken up so once the alarm clock goes off pretty much any chance of more decent sleep is gone. On the rare occasion I try to go back to sleep I really just toss and turn in a terrible half sleep which is more frustrating then refreshing. So when I’m tempted to try and get more sleep I just tell myself it’s going to be yucky, frustrating sleep and I’ll just regret not working out.

I love love love avocado’s I eat one almost every day. I mash it up with tuna face, for a delicious version of tuna salad. It’s amazing and I highly recommend it just one can of tuna and half to a whole avocado depending on the size, some purple onions salt and pepper. Eat with crackers


I think preparation is key for getting in a morning workout, at least for me! I make a big batch of iced coffee at the beginning of the week and set out my gym clothes each night before bed so that in the morning I just throw ’em on, reach in the fridge for my coffee and walk out the door. Also going to bed at a reasonable hour is make or break.


the alarm clock thing??? what’s that? I just sleep. ALL. the. TIME. ;)
I love avocado! I can just eat it with a spoon and salt and pepper. YUM.
I hate to drive. I get so sleepy in the car, so I make Diz drive everywhere.
fav restaurant – probably costa vida or cafe rio.

um, that pic of Brooke trying to eat her new friend is HILARIOUS. girl must be hungry. give her more avocado! ;)


Haha love the picture of Brooke eating her new buddy!

I don’t like driving either!

Have a great weekend, Janae!


The friend-eating photo is HYSTERICAL!


I love guacamole too. There’s been once (or twice or three times) where I’ve used chips more as spoons than actual chips. Just don’t tell anyone.


I’ve never tried to eat someone when I first met them, but I’ll make sure to avoid that. Regarding guac, I’m ALL about it. Wish I could put it on everything.


I hope all your friends apercpiated the hard work you’ve put into your back yard. How did you keep the dogs off the grass!! Miles looks so sad behind the partition, he mist have missed all the fun!


Today I was not successful with the getting out of bed thing. But usually I tell myself, if you workout now, you can enjoy your evening being a couch potato.


I am definitely an avocado person!! I swear, I could add it to just about anything and make it better than it was before!


I’m definitely into avocado and guacamole! And my favorite restaurant these days is Yiasoo (Yiassoo? I forgot the spelling). It’s Greek food, which I super love!


LOL the pic of Brooke eating her friend made me laugh out loud. Too funny.


I love the picture of Brooke trying to eat his head! I am obsessed with avocados!!! My husband and i just call it ‘avo’ and people always look at us crazy like they don’t know what we are talking about. I used to enjoy driving, it was the only place I could sing at the top of my lungs and pretend I sound good. Now driving is the most stressful, heartbreaking thing for me because my 7 week old son HATES the car and just cries and cries the entire time.


My hubby usually drives, but I don’t hate it when i have to, just hate scraping off the car!
We need Chipotle in Canada!


I LOVE avocados!

I actually hate to drive. My commute is an hour one way. Hate it!!

My favorite restaurant is this little place near us called “Old School Sandwich Shop”. It is a little family owned place and the owners know us by name and are so super sweet!!


Yea, I hate driving too… the hubby does the driving mostly. I only drive when
I have to, for errand running. Heehee.

I also hate guac unfortunately… the look, taste and texture makes me gag! :( Now hummus?? Phew, love the stuff! Weird, I know.

And I’m sure you get this ? a lot, but can Brooke get any cuter?? Seriously, adorable!! :)


Mmmm I have been craving some chipolte in m life lately!

Meet friends who are basically the same person as you (aka wake up at 5 love to run, eat, talk about food, and eat some more) is absolutely the best thing in the whole wide world!!!

Knowing how much better I’ll feel while sittin at a desk all day gets me out of bed and into the gym (almost) every time.


I am ashamed to say that I don’t eat guac or avocado! I have this weird aversion to it, maybe it’s the green mush and texture? What’s funny is that I WANT to like it! If anyone got over an aversion to avocado and now really enjoys it, I would love to know your secret!


I am in love with gauc, but even more in love with Chipotle! I actually gave it up for lent because my trips to Chipotle were getting a little out of hand. I cant wait to have a burrito bowl right after Easter! YUM!

Getting up for workouts only happens if it’s bright, sunny, and warm out or if I tell myself you really dont want to do this workout after work tonight you would rather enjoy free time!


My BF goes on and on about chipotle and I’m very jealous because I hear such great things about it and I’ve never been there! We don’t have one near us but theyre is one by where he works (an hr away) so he gets to eat lunch there once a week.


Avocados are my favorite food! I eat them every day with something! SO SO SO GOOD!


Do it now or you will regret it later. Crap comes up during the day so get it done!! It still doesn’t always work. It did not work this morning. lol. In my defense I was up for 20hrs yesterday. I am determined to do a video today though after Anna goes to school.

I ate at Chipotle for the first time while on my trip to DC and then I ate there again the next day with my friend :) It was so good. Their guac is delicious! So the last time I had some was Saturday. But we are making some tonight for our dinner. I just wish I had some major persuasion skills or what not, like you, so they would just ‘add’ some to my salad instead of it costing extra. Lame sauce. Their roasted veggies were my favorite part of the salad. Mmmmm. I will be going there more often now.

The picture of Brooke eating the little boys head is my favorite. So hilarious.

I don’t mind driving. Don’t love it, don’t hate it. I hope you have a great weekend! Good luck with the move! I wish I was there to help out or watch Brooke while you guys move!


HAHAHHA! Brooke tried to eat her friend! That picture is amazing.

I used to love to drive, but now that I work from home and don’t go anywhere, I don’t like it as much.


In college when I was part of a running club, we would run in the mornings and I would get myself up by reminding myself that the satisfaction I got from sleeping in could never amount to the satisfaction I would get from running! And every single time when I slept in, I always felt disappointed with myself and realized that the extra hour or so of sleep wasn’t worth it.

Now that I’m not in college and my schedule is more flexible, morning runs have not been happening. If you discover the secret to getting out of bed, let me know! :)


Its fine. I chew on the scalps of people I meet for the first time too. Lol Too adorable!



the pic of Brooke eating her new friend’s head is the absolute cutest!! :) happy that you had such a nice afternoon. You really are such a good friend to so many!!

love taco soup!! I’d love if your friend shared her recipe. Looks great! I concur, Chipotle’s guac is the BEST!! Love their chips too. You can’t just have one. I’ve been known to make emergency pit stops at Chipotle for their chips & guac!! :)

happy Friday & have a great weekend!! xo


My husband doesn’t drive (eye disease… he took himself off the road about 8 years ago) so I choose not to hate driving!
Brooke was going to take a nice big bite out of her new friend’s head! Too funny! I guess he just looked yummy! :)


I just had to comment and let you know that I am obsessed with your blog. I’m not sure how I found it other then I may have been searching for running blogs but am so glad I found it. I am fairly new to running but have a goal of running a half marathon in October. I have a daughter who was born on August 29th so it is fun to see the pictures of your daughter since they are so close in age. I also love avacado, my daughter seems to love it too.

Oh, and my motivation to wake at 4:15 to be at the gym and back by 6:00 AM is my love of food and my need to continue to take off all of the weight that I allowed to pack on while pregnant.


Love that picture! I am obsessed with avocado as well. I just bought a new one a few hours ago :)


I always have to remind myself that I’ll regret it if I don’t get up! I don’t think I ever regretting getting up to work out. (although I might regret staying up too late!)

Love guac! Haven’t had it in a while though. That needs to change soon!

Lately, I’ve been craving breakfast foods, so I’m thinking I need to get some Kneaders french toast this weekend.


Chipotle is heaven in a bowl, for sure!!! I am definitely having guac and extra avocado on everything today, thanks to you. ;) What gets me motivated to get up and get moving is thinking of that amazing feeling I’ll get afterward! Also, sleeping in my workout clothes helps sometimes, too, when I know I’ll be extra lazy in the morning!



Hahahahaha ohh that photo of Brooke eating her new friend is priceless!!

I actually loveee to drive. Long drives with some great tunes are some of my favourite times!
Also an avocado lovah!


Always read your blog while “working” and I just totally laughed out really loud when I saw the picture of Brooke eating her friend, for some reason that strikes me as being the funniest thing she has done yet! My co-workers now think I have figured out a way to make budget planning funny.

Anyway, I’m totally obsessed with avocados and guac. I make a 1 avocado bowl of guac every night, I usually have avocado sliced on my salad at lunch, and my son just convinced me that it also makes a fine breakfast food when sliced on top of an egg/english muffin sandwhich, so now there are days when I eat avocado 3 times during the day. -I keep telling myself it’s ok to it so often because it’s brain food.


What a fun Chipotle date!

I looooooooooove avocado/guacamole. Have you had avocado on toast with some sea salt? SO Good!!


Ahh Chipotle sounds so good! I love that place!

I don’t mind driving, if I have good music and a sun roof!

Where are you going camping? We’re trying to plan our first trip of the year too.

I am obsessed with avocado. In any way, shape, or form! So good, I am always stunned when people don’t like it. It’s almost offensive! haha.

Have a great weekend.


Chipotle is good! I actually don’t eat out too much. That would be up there though.

Yes, I am avocado obsessed and have it at least once a day:-) I put it on everything!! Pulled BBQ Chix, tuna, pizza, scambled eggs….you name it and it tastes good.


I love tortilla soup, my fam has a great recipe! Brooke seriously can not get cuter, the next time your in UT I think I need some Brooke time=)


I LOVE avocados! I am having it with my dinner tonight! I could probably eat them with anything!


I always consider sleeping in, but I know I will regret later on in the day. I always feel better after getting in a good workout first thing in the morning.

I like to drive after I get a new car! But when that wears off, I’d rather be the passenger and take a nap.

Love avocado and guac. Just had some yesterday. TJ’s less guilt chunky guac is quite tasty :-).


Janae have you tried TJ’s Reduced Guilt Chunky Guacamole made with Greek yogurt? So good!! Would be awesome on a salad or sandwich, with chips, or just by itself with a spoon. I do agree that Chipotle has the best guacamole around. I am loving Jimmy John’s sandwiches right now too!!


Hmmmm…. so our Chipotle charges $6.95 for a bowl, but they add $1.95 for guacamole. I had guac last night because it was Thursday, and we celebrate “Chipotle Thursday” EVERY week!

I taught Driver’s Ed for a year when I was a PE teacher, too!


I LOVE getting the vegetarian burrito bowl at Chipotle because then I get free guac. It’s so good. We probably eat there once a week, because my husband is obsessed.


That’s a hilarious photo! And very cute too!

The main thing that gets me up and out to workout is the horrible feeling of regret if I DON’T do it. Also, I try not to overthink it anymore, I leave the house before my brain gets a chance to think of excuses like it’s too cold/I’m too tired/I want to eat the entire contents of my fridge instead, etc.

I am OBSESSED with avocado in all its forms. I would eat it just sliced and dipped in tabasco sauce. They are so expensive here though, and to get good ones that don’t taste crappy you gotta pay big bucks. I had avocado and chili pepper sliced over wholewheat bread topped with a poached egg a while ago. It was amazing!

I’ve never been to Chipotle, this makes me sad.

I love driving! hoping to actually buy a car next summer. Yay!


I LOVE avocadoes but problem is where I live in Michigan you can’t just decide on a whim that you want an avocado. :( You need to plan in advance as they are always hard as a rock and take 5 days to ripen or they are rotten.
Dislike driving. I can’t sit still for very long. If given the option I would fly everywhere!!!
Brooke is just showing some love!!! =))


Chipotle is amazing. No doubt about that.

As for driving, sometimes I really like it. I think it’s a control thing, sometimes I feel like running/training is the only thing in my life I can control, but so is driving. When I drive, I am in control, I get to decide where and when I am going and how to get there.


I JUST finished eating half of an avocado – love them! Part of it I had smashed on toast with hot sauce and the other part I ate straight up with a little salt. I completely agree about Chipotle’s guac. I’m actually hoping that’s where my husband and I end up getting dinner tonight!


Food usually gets me out of bed in that I think about what I want to eat for that day and then I get up and get my run in so I’m one step closer to eating that deliciousness. I also remind myself how great I will feel if I get a little workout in versus how I will feel if I don’t workout.

Love avocado, haven’t had it in a week though. And I hate driving!

I have been loving Qdoba lately but I don’t go out to eat very much.


I hatttttttttte driving. I make my boyfriend do it every time!


I used to love to drive but recently my car broke down (the front half of the frame broke) on my WHILE I was driving. It scared the crap out of me, and isn’t even drivable anymore. I drive my husband’s car some now but I’ve been nervous driving ever since!


I literally just got back from eating Chipotle and see this post! I was craving it and haven’t had it in months!

Are you an avocado/guac obsessed person like me? When was the last time you had it?
I love avocados. Look up grilled avocado sandwiches. Trust me, best sandwich ever.

Do you like to drive?
Love to. I love going alone as well.

What is your favorite restaurant lately?
Usually me and my boyfriend eat at home. But I’ll just copy your answer and say Chipotle since I just finished eating it.


I’m a teacher! I teach an integrated preschool at our neighborhood elementary school. Love it! :)


Babies taste good, apparently! LOL

The thought that goes through my head before early morning run? Simple. “Get run done!”

I LOVE avocado & guacamole! I have it almost every single day. And I agree, Chipotle is the very best guac. I really wanted a Chipotle veggie bowl today after my surgery, but was told I couldn’t have anything spicy due to the anesthesia. I WILL have it tomorrow! I think its fresh, healthy goodness will help me heal quicker! ;-)


That picture is AMAZING! I can’t believe she tried to eat him : )


In Brooks defense, he did look delicious.


Jules! You guys are awesome that you still keep in touch! Loving your blog!!


I want some soup recipes, my soup always is so bland.

Brooke is just kissing him.. ;)


Chipotle is a gift from the heavens! They probably shouldn’t know me when I walk in because it’s a hour from my house! That and our local taco truck keep me going!


Avocados and guac = best foods ever! And yes Chipotle has the best! I actually hid in the closet to eat half an avocado yesterday because my girls will steal the whole thing if they get a chance (I did share the other half with them).

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