The Maiden Voyage

Brooke has grown rather fond of my Garmin and it is one of her favorite toys.  She is becoming more like me every day.  PS Billy does not think she looks like either of us…. whenever I ask who he thinks she looks like he answers, ‘a baby.’

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I checked the forecast this morning and it said there was a 30% chance of rain.  It wasn’t cold out but I brought my rain running jacket just in case.  Right before I turned around it started pouring and so that definitely turned my 6.5 mile run into a progression run.  Starting at a 8:44 mile and ending with a 7:10 mile… overall a 7:52 average pace.  

I went into the apartment gym to do a few minutes weights before going home and this picture is meant to show you that I am soaking (even though you can’t tell in the picture) and thanks to BOB’s ginormous canopy, Brooke didn’t feel a drop of the rain.  I almost climbed on in there with her at one point.  I am so in love with this stroller.


My favorite thing to think when I am tired (like today as it was raining and I was pushing Brooke uphill) and want to quit because the circumstance isn’t perfect is that those are the runs that makes us stronger.   Running in perfect conditions all of the time doesn’t make us stronger but the hard stuff is what really gets us ready for race day.  

For lunch I had a mixing bowl bbq chicken (from Costco) spinach salad, juice and pb/j toast.  Hit the spot.  

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Do you ever wonder how I multi-task late at night when I am blogging?  I didn’t think you did but I am going to tell you anyways because it is the coolest thing ever.  I COMPEX (I don’t normal wear extra short purple shorts all day but I do when I use my Compex machine).

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 We were sent the Compex Sport Elite and both Billy and I use it each day and are loving it.   If you have read my blog for a while, you know that we have used previous muscle stimulators but none of them even compare to Compex.    I have really and truly noticed improvements in my recovery time after a hard run when I Compex afterwards. I use the potentiation setting (optimizes muscle potential before a workout or competition.  Especially effective for sports requiring speed and velocity) before speed work and my last race and I really think it helps a lot. 

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Interesting… those are all things that I want for my running:)

I will continue to be using Compex and keep you updated on my thoughts about it. 


What was the hardest part about your last run?  Weather… hills… speed… tired… 

Do you think Brooke looks more like me or Billy?  

Parents reading:  Who do your kids look like?

What did you have for lunch today?  Where did you eat lunch?

-I ate lunch on the family room floor.  

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I had all of the above on my run last night. Hills rain speed workout. Forgot my hat and my gloves. It sucked but you’re right it made me stronger. I’d be totally interested to try that compex. I’m for anything that helps with recovery

I had peas and lasagna for lunch at mys desk because I’m lame


Great job Amanda… that sounds like a killer run! You are incredible for getting through that. Your lunch sounds amazing. Lasagna is my favorite food.


SO glad you had a great run with the BOB =) =) =) Your pace with it is incredible!!!!
Hardest thing about last run was going slow – trying so hard to slow down the pace on easy/recovery runs!
I think Brooke looks like you! AJ looks like me and I see a lot of my husband in Ryan =)
I ate lunch standing up in the kitchen – bbq chicken with cheese, lettuce, tomato, avocado sandwich – YUM =)


GORGEOUS GIRL!!! You are going to rock your 20 miler tomorrow so good for you to take it slow:) I agree about AJ! I just watched the movie you sent, I have to post it in my next post. Your sandwich is making me drool.


Yesterday was weather for sure. I am not a fan of the rain… I kind of think she has Billy’s facial features! It’s good though because he is cute! My family says my son looks like me and my husbands family swears he looks like him. So it depends who you’re asking. Who do you think Brooke looks like? I ate lunch with a really good friend of mine who had her little girl three weeks after me :-) we also had BBQ!


I agree with you about Billy’s facial features. I have convinced myself that Brooke looks like me. BBQ is the best and girl… I GET TO SEE YOU IN LIKE 15 DAYS!!!


I KNOW I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! And it’s almost your birthday!!! What more could you ask for in one month?! ;-) Please tell me I get to meet Brooke!!!


AHHH! Speeeed this morning!!! seriously, so hard. Didn’t help that it was 4:30am, and I was just tired!
I love that jacket that you are wearing to run in.
At first glance, I would say Brooke looks like billy, but she really is a great combo of both of you.
My oldest looks just like my husband, my middle looks more like me and my youngest is like a mini version of my husband. I got 1 out of the 3, not bad! :)


Your speed workouts always amaze me… they inspire me! I agree about your middle one looking like you! I don’t think I have ever seen a picture of your husband. Glad you made it to lulu…. and grocery shopping today:)


PS my comments don’t show up on your blog!


Oh no!!! That is not cool! Maybe they go to spam:( I never check that…I’ll try to fix it!


Last night’s run was intervals, that speedwork was SO hard! I think Brooke looks like Billy, I’ve heard babies look like their daddies for the first few months, so maybe I’m biased!
My daughter is the mini-me version of my husband, they are identical. My son is blonde like my husband, but definitely has the facial features of my side of the family.
I had a good chicken sausage sandwich with onions & peppers today at my work cafe. They actually have really good food!
I hope you’ve dried out from the rain :)


Well done for the run in the rain – you look soaked! My son looks just like my husband…but he uses my expressions so he sounds like me ;) I’ve heard that most babies look like their dad initially – it’s a caveman thing so that he recognises his child and will look after it. But sometimes they change with time. I hope my son gets my husband’s height. He’s 6’4 and I’m 5’1 – boys look silly at 5’1!!!


Brooke is totally going to be a runner, especially if she loves your Garmin so much. I agree that running under bad conditions makes us better runners…I need to try reminding myself of that during my next run in bad weather. Today I had veggie sushi from Whole Foods for lunch and it was fantastic!


omg I NEED a Compex machine!!! I’ve had this stupid IT band injury for 3.5 months and I want to murder someone!


I ate lunch at work and it was yogurt and grapefruit because I was running late and couldn’t pack something more awesome!

I think Brooke looks like you!


Lately my runs haven’t been challenging “elements wise” but definitely mentally. I still get out there, but while I’m running I just can’t seem to get myself to pick up the pace!

I think Brooke looks like the perfect combination between the 2 of you!

I ate steamed sweet potatoes, a pear, and a cranberry almond KIND bar (so delicious!) in a cafe on campus :)


So interested in this Compex thing! I love anything that shortens recovery time!!

And I am in love with your running jacket!! Where did you get it?


Thank you so much for getting back to me!! Definitely going to save up for this one :)


I used to think Brooke looked just like your nieces, but now I definitely see more of Billy…either way she is TOO CUTE!!!


Aww, I think Brooke looks like Billy but she definitely has your eyes and gorgeous hair! :)

I ate lunch at my desk at work and it was a turkey sandwich.

My last run was hard because I had just taken 6 days off due to being sick, and even though I felt pretty good, the residual sniffles and cough from my illness turned my run into a mucus factory. (Sorry for TMI!!)


I think she definitely looks like Billy! I see a lot of him in her eyes, but who knows?! My 5 month old definitely is my husband’s “mini me.” I get jealous she looks so much like him– for carrying her for nine months, I’d at leastttt like someone to say “she looks just like you!” haha ;-)


Haven’t run since sunday. Nothing was wrong with it. I got tired towards the end and Lando was a wee bit slow, but it was a good 7 miles….

I had tuna salad on romaine with a side of veggies.


Who cares who brooke looks like! She looks like adorable!

My last run had exactly zero hard things becaues it was freakin’ awesome.

I love a run like that.


today i had baked potatoes, taco-seasoned beef, salsa and yogurt in a bowl all mashed up!


LOVE what you said about the hard runs being the important runs. It’s so true. And not just with running; but the hard workouts, the challenge is where we change, not just physically, but mentally. Mental toughness is a huge part of running long distance I think (and an epic resistance to boredom), so I toast to you!


That is a fast pace with a stroller–nice work!

I think she looks like a perfect mix of you two, actually! She def has your eyes though!

Tough things are what make us stronger–and hence why we keep going back for more ;)


I think Brooke is a good mix of you two! She’s a cutie for sure. I’m SO curious to see who our little man will like… So fun to think about!
Your lunch sounds delicious! I’ve been obsessed with PB&J on toast lately… Just had it for an afternoon snack actually. I had a spinach salad with hard boiled eggs, broccoli, carrots, and honey mustard dressing with a Chobani + granola on the side for lunch.


I see both of you in her, but more Billy.

My oldest daughter looks like me. My youngest looks like their dad. Except both girls have his straight, blonde hair and blue eyes.

Lunch today was a frozen Californian Pizza Kitchen Margarita pizza at 4:00 PM. Long day!


My last hard workout was a speed workout but it was awesome which is saying a lot since I hate speed but I need to be ready for this weekend! Think Brooke is adorable no matter who she looks like but I think she has definitely developed your smiling personality!


I think Brooke looks like a blend of you and Billy, plus a little Curly too.
She is so cute!


I think Brooke is a combo of both of you. One way to tell, though is to look at your and Billy’s baby pics at the same age. My husband and I never thought our son looked like either of us, but when he was around three years old, he looked exactly like my three year old self!
I had kind of a breakfasty lunch today: oatmeal with granola and an apple. Then I was still hungry so I had some celery and peanut butter.


I am laughing at Billy’s comment because Ross says that EXACT same thing about ANY kid. Or when I ask him ‘What do you think they are going to have?’ (meaning boy or a girl) He will always say ‘a baby’. I think Brooke is a good mix of the both of you. Annabelle looks just like Ross, but has my mannerisms (that is what happens when you get to hang out with me all day). But if people don’t know Ross, then they think she looks like me. I get told by a lot of people that she looks like me. So I guess Ross and I must look alike?? Ross and I can;t figure out who Evan looks like. No one in eiher of our families can either. lol.

The hardest part of my last run was finding time. Things have been ca-razy this last week. So I ran for a 1/2 hr before I took Anna to dance yesterday, then came back and ran for another 15 minutes, showered quick, packed food, picked her up from dance, drove to Ogden to give my sister her car back, then raod the front runner back home and had a friend pick us up because Ross has been out of town. Aaaaah. We need a car.

I ate smore cookies for lunch. And I ate them in the kitchen as they came out of my oven. Someone please come put a muzzle on my mouth. I need to be stopped before I am 300lbs.

Guess what is on the meny for dinner tonight though? Cowboy quesadillas. They looked so good I knew I needed them to be in my life. I hope they are as good as they looked on your blog!


hill run in the rain in Oklahoma!!! Before I ran went to a gym class and swear I did like 300 push ups. My arms feel like noodles!!

I don’t think my son looks like either of us either.


Oh wow… that Compex thing looks interesting… I like physiology, so I went to their website to read more about how its supposed to work.

Do you feel anything when using the Compex? In a science class, I had some electrodes attached to my arm and then “gentle” electricity applied to make my muscle contract and lift my hand up…. but it was REALLY uncomfortable “zingy” feeling, and when the teacher made the muscle stay contracted, it started to seriously HURT! I’m sure it was a pretty crude setup compared to that Compex device, but still does it hurt or feel uncomfortable??

Have you ever compared baby pictures of you and Billy to Brooke? My dad’s baby and boyhood pics looked just like my sisters, although you would never had seen a resemblance by looking at him as a grown man.


Depends on which mode you use because they all have different modes…. It doesn’t hurt but it isn’t comfortable! It really makes your muscles contract, I think it is kind of fun!!


i ran this afternoon, started out wanting to go my four mile loop, but it is soo cold up here in NH! We are supposed to get two feet of snow in the next couple days! treadmill time!


Oh you lucky little thing- COMPEX!!!!! So glad you got one. Can’t wait to hear more about it. So excited for your BOB too!!! yeah!


Where did you get that jacket? Because I have a slight obsession with jackets.

I have a different electrostim. It’s ok, but I always feel like it’s more work than it’s worth.


For lunch I had left over stir-fry and added avocado. Best decision of my life! And I ate it on the couch while watching NCIS :) I think Brooke looks like you both!


I’m definitely in awe of your determination, girl – have any you can spare? :D My legs felt kind of exhausted during my last workout, but a date with the foam roller thankfully helped wake them up.

I think Brooke looks like both you and Billy – she definitely has your eyes! And I just asked my mom who she thinks I look like and her answer was: her, but when I was a baby, my dad.


The hardest part about my last run was feeling tired/low on energy. I think I’m in some kind of winter slump :(

I think Brooke looks like a mix of you both (and a baby, I guess :)

Today I had a turkey sandwich with provolone cheese, two clemetines, and three air heads (we got a 90 count box for Christmas from my in-laws!) I ate my lunch in my car during work.


So glad you had a great run with the BOB! wish I could have had one when my two were little and I stared running again, usually my husband would watch them for me and then when they started riding their bikes really well, they would ride in front of me for five and six milers…now they are 12 and 13 and have ridden in front of me on 13 milers :) Where does the time go…I love seeing the pics of Brooke and remembering adorable baby cheeks…I think she looks like both of you :)
My running has been hard here because I’m coming back from being off for a month due to nagging old injuries and my body just needed a break! That complex looks awesome :)


So we were supposed to run hills today…we did two repeats and smelled the stink of fresh skunk! We got out of there quick! It burned our noses, so I guess that was the hardest part of our run today :)

Nice job on the rain run…your little Brooke is a cutie! I think she looks like a mix.


I’ve just recently started running, and my last run was a cold one. It was only 17 degrees out but the wind chill made it feel more like 5! It felt great once I was done though :)

Our son has what I call “Mommy” and “Daddy” days…….some days he looks just like me and some days I look at him and see my husband (and none of my husbands features even remotely resemble mine).

Lunch was a turkey, lettuce and cucumber sandwich at work.


The hardest part of my run was the tail end of it… actually no. It was when the group of little boys was screaming at me while they waited for the school bus. I think Brooke looks like you, obvi, because you’re BFFs and you start to resemble the people you spend a lot of time with ;) For lunch I had a berry spinach salad with sesame ginger dressing and spaghetti squash with roasted vegetables. I ate it at the high school I work at three days a week :D


Definitely hills and weather! It was a chilly run and my lungs were killing me! I almost had to stop but I managed to keep going and felt great afterword. You and Brooke look so much alike! When you showed the pictures of yourself as a baby and Brooke as a baby you were spiky twins!


The hardest part of my last run was entertaining the toddler while trying to squeeze it in between getting home from work and going to literacy night at preschool. :) Our daughter is my mini me…our baby pics look like the same person in different clothes. I had soup for lunch at the table in the back of my classroom while I worked on an IEP….fun times.


I love the feeling of e stim! So awesome that you have that at home


I ran after work today and it started off badly (tight IT bands, legs heavy, tired from the day) but I kept trudging forward and after about mile 1 all the bad stuff melted away and it ended up being a great run. I think it was one of my fastest times and it was a very hilly course.
In one of your recent posts (I think the last one) there was a picture of Brooke that I thought she resembled Billy in.
I had lunch at work and someone brought in Panera bread, so I had a little of the Apple Fuji salad (yummy) and a half a turkey sandwich and passed on the chips and cookies-though I had to leave to break room quickly to stay resolved :)


Ran 4 “easy” miles today which was anything but easy. I just felt so tired. Hope tomorrow is better.

Your “sidekick” is too, too cute. And it’s hard to tell who she looks like. Maybe pull out some of your baby pix and compare. : )


I think Brooke looks more like you, she looks more like your family like Curly.


The hardest part of my last run was pushing past the five mile boundary. I was too scared to leave the treadmill because it had been snowing outside, but boredom got the better of me – and was it only the most beautiful run of my life! My favourite runs are almost always the ones where I’m on unfamiliar terrain/territory.
I’ve always thought Brooke looks like Billy.. but I also know I went from being a carbon copy of my dad to a Mom 2.0 over the course of a decade ha POINT: Brooke is gorgeous so it doesn’t matter ;)


I think Brooke looks like both of you equally. Both my kids look like me more than my husband.

I did a 4k tempo last night with my run group and my lungs were burning at the end. Good to push thru. It was also really icy so my stride was all over the place.
I’m jealous of your sleek pretty stroller. I push a double chariot stroller and I cannot go fast with that thing lol.


Brooke is a beauty! Through the eyes, she looks just like you. The rest of her facial features resemble Billy.


Brooke looks like Curly!! :)


Hardest part of my last run was running with a blister on my pinky toe…note to self: just don’t!


oooooh, this looks interesting!! Yesterday’s run was so hard for me. It wasn’t even a hard run. Just hard because I was emotionally depleted and this carried over to my physical energy.


aaaahahaahhah LOVE Billy’s answer about Brooke..I think she looks more like billy at the moment. It’s always interesting to see when they grow older though!


Haha Billy’s so funny! I guess he can say whatever he wants, he just spoiled you & Brooke with the BOB!!


Brooke is absolutely adorable! You know, every time I see a picture of her I think “Wow, she looks SO much like Curly! :)


I think Brooke looks like a mini Paul McCartney! She is absolutely adorable! :))


I have never heard of a compex. What does it do for you? I’m old !I need it.


I made a Mediterranean flatbread pizza for lunch today. It was insanely delicious (mostly because I didn’t have to make the flatbread, the red pepper tapenade, or the cucumber yogurt sauce… which were what made it so good).


I used to think Brook looked more like you because her eyes look a lot like you, but after seeing the picture of Brook and Billy’s mom the other day, I think she looks just like her! Minus the hair color of course. I do this with my kids too, must be a mom thing!


The hardest thing on my last run was a crying baby. I only made it about two miles because I couldn’t take it :(. We’re traveling and we aren’t used to this cold! I guess I’ll have to try again tomorrow.


Not sure if you would need it or not since you are in a warmer climate, but the Bob Ironman stroller cover works great! Even when it is super windy or heavy rain, it keeps the little one warm and dry. I don’t have one for my double but have often wished that I did when the weather is nasty.


I definitely think Brooke is the perfect combination of the two of you!!! Billy is silly. (That rhymed!) I ran today and juuust as I was finishing it started raining!! Perfect timing? I think yes! :)



I’m thinking Brooke is looking like Billy right now, but that could and probably will change. Either way, the girl is adorable :)
The hardest part of my last run was the speed! Mile repeats.


Well done for not giving up! You are so going to get that sub 3h marathon!


That Compex thing looks pretty awesome! The hardest thing about my most recent run…it was on the treadmill!! I do not enjoy running indoors, so I can’t wait for spring!


My daughter & husband are twins. People are always saying “OMG she looks just like Eric… sorry Bri.” Like I should be upset by it!


Brooke totally looks like Billy!!!! Hardest thing about last run is that is was on a treadmill. Uh-oh……did I just really say that?? Yep I did!! 8 miles seemed like 800. About a foot of snow here since last night so looks like I’m stuck there again today. Maybe it will be magical for some reason or another?? ;)


Brooke looks like Curly, V looks like me sometimes and his dad sometimes. So I guess my grandma was right when she said he looks like himself.


I think she looks a bit more like Billy. I do love his answer to that question, though!


There wasn’t anything really hard about my last run. I ran to the gym, did weights, and ran home.
Brooke looks like Billy.
Lunch was a bagel flat with peanut butter. It might be lunch again!

The Kidless Kronicles


How do you like the Garmin 310? I was thinking about getting it but was concerned about the bulk and whether it would irrate my wrist bump.


That machine looks awesome. When I was going to the chiropractor they did that on my neck and shoulders and it felt so good! I think Brooke looks like both of you. She clearly has your sweet tooth though :)


My run today was SLOW. I am trying to get used to the SLOW and Steady runs in pregnancy!


I think Brooke looks like her cousin Curly!


My last run was in the beginnings of a blizzard, so there was a lot of slipping and sliding around. It’s really tough to run uphill in the snow.

Brooke definitely looks like “a baby.”


Brooke is the best of both you and Billy :o)


What a great post! I had just finished writing my blog post about running in the rain and then I read yours… My running partner had only just said that it was those runs that make us appreciate the great ones. I normally eat lunch anywhere but the table – with 2 littlies under 3, I often eat on the couch while working or with one hand while feeding BW or managing some other important disaster they have!
Love your posts!


I think Brooke looks a lot like Curly.

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