Brooke’s Valentines Date

I haven’t seen this friend of mine since I was in New York City for the marathon back in 2011.  It had been way too long.

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She lives in NYC but now she gets to come to Northern California for work EACH MONTH.  That means once a month I get to hang out with her.  She had never ever been to Yogurtland and so of course I did the noble thing and accompanied her for her first trip there.   When I asked the employee to take our picture she was so excited and asked if we wanted her balloon in the picture… um YES.   

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I know that you are not even remotely interested in seeing another cup of frozen yogurt (especially one that has so many different toppings and things going on in it) but I had to talk about the little cake bites.  They JUST got the birthday cupcake flavor (perfect timing for my recent bday) and these cake bits.  I was skeptical of the cake bites so I only put a few in my cup but they were in fact the best things I have ever put on my froyo.  Going back tomorrow for an entire bowl full of those.   Seriously though.

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We went back to my apartment and hung out for a while before she had to go to the airport and then Brooke had her Valentines date come over.   Don’t worry, she is still single and lovin it but she is dating around. 

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Remember how Billy wasn’t supposed to get back until late last night?  Well he snuck home and made dinner before having to go back to working on his paper.  And the best V-Day gift ever given was this bowl of pesto pasta with shrimp cooked in butter and garlic.  Won my heart.  PS pasta is really good and then they went ahead and added cheese INSIDE of the noodles… I want to personally thank the inventor of tortellini.  

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Chocolate eating occurred after dinner because that would be just wrong to not eat any on this holiday.


Any New Yorkers reading?  Ever been to New York City?

What did you have for din din last night?

Ever had to travel for work?  

PS it is Brooke’s SIX MONTH BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!  I think we should all eat cake in her honor.  

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Happy Half Birthday to Brooke! It feels like it was just yesterday that you posted the picture of the baby sneaks next to yours and Billys! What’s her secret? She already has a date for Valentine’s Day and I’m almost 21 years old and still don’t have one? It just doesn’t seem right…
Billy is a sneaky one, though. That dinner sounds absolutely delicious and I’m glad you were able to at least spend a little bit of time with him. Obviously paired with chocolate, it’s the perfect meal.


Happy 6 months Brooke!!! Are you guys starting solids?? It is so much fun to see their reactions. I’m thinking you should take a video! I’m glad to hear she is single and keeping her options open… you just never know who’s gonna come along these days! Last night my husband recreated our first date for Valentine’s day so we had the Cheesecake Factory! It was divine. Enjoy you bowl of cake bits today :-)


We had scallops over polenta and asparagus. My daughter (7 mos) had a few dates yesterday afternoon at the park. Baby play group and she was the only girl.

Happy 6 months Brooke! How about an HRG baby post? ;-)


Happy 6 months to BROOKE!!!!!! She is the cutest baby :)

I’ve been to NY and LOVE it. It’s definitely one of my favourite cities.
I had pasta last night too! Stuffed with ricotta and spinach…the best.

Have a great day, Janae!


Happy Half Birthday Brooke!!! Froyo for all!


I swear Brooke has been looking like a new baby.. She looks so old and gorgeous!!


Happy 6 Months Birthday Brooke! Wow, time flies.

I live in New York and hardly ever travel for work. In fact just once…to Germany, so I guess if I had to travel just once, that’s a good trip.


YAY happy half bday Brooke!

Last night I had some amazing crab dip, Parmesan crusted chicken, and a raspberry amaretto cake for dessert. sooooooooo good.


Happy 6 months to baby Brooke! I love her name (it’s my middle name)! If you were smart, you would submit some baby pics of her to a baby magazine or something because she really gets cuter everyday.. just sayin :)


Happy 1/2 birthday, Brooke! I think 6 months is a good age to let her start dating. ;) I’m in Illinois and it’s very cold here, but seeing all of your froyo photos makes me want to go get some even if it is freezing out. And how sweet is it that Billy came home to make you a Valentine’s Day dinner. It sounds like you had a great night.


I have NEVER been to new york, but I know that I will eventually get there! I made a spaghetti squash casserole, and it was amazing!!! Happy Birthday Brooke!


Brooke needs some birthday cake bites today. My only trip to New York was for the non marathon last year. I’m going to do the 2014 NYC marathon so I will get to go again. I absolutely loved the city and can’t wait to go back.


We made spaghetti for dinner last night & it was so yummy. We had a bunch of my father in law’s homemade sauce & meatballs – so it wasn’t overly processed either.

Happy 6 months to Brooke! Has she started eating solids yet?


I completely agreed that chocolate eating is a requirement on Valentine’s Day.


I’ve never been to New York City and I insist on going for the first time at Christmas. Maybe this coming year.

Last night was left over black bean burrito bake- not so romantic, but yummy!

How is Brooke 6 mo. old?? I’m going to celebrate tomorrow evening by going to Yogurtland. P.S. You got the amazing toppings and new flavors like a month prior to us getting them out here in Atlanta.


Love NYC! Before I met my bf (I’m from CT) I would go into NYC all the time to go out with friends! Dinner last night was a big piece of grilled chicken, broccoli, and french fries! I love the fact that I get to travel for work every couple months. No where exciting (Texas, Alabama, Tennessee) but it’s fun!

Happy Birthday to Brooke!


I travel very occasionally for work. I don’t enjoy it, so it’s for the best that I rarely even leave my house for work.

Happy half birthday to Brooke!


I LOVE her little leg warmers – too cute! Happy 6 months Brooke! :) That pasta sounds amazing! Way to go Billy!


OH MY GOSH, is she seriously 6 months already?!?!?!?! Happy SIX Months Sweet Baby Brooke <3
Ok, I'm drooling over the frozen yogurt..can you PLEASE eat enough frozen yogurt for 40 days for me too??? Lent is already kicking my butt! haha


HAPPY SIX MONTH BIRTHDAY TO BROOKE!!!! She should wear those leg warmers again to celebrate :) And I am SO EXCITED because I am going to Yogurtland for the FIRST TIME EVER TODAY!!!! We got one in Chicago while I was gone over winter break, and I’ve been resisting going the past 4 weeks because my friend who lives in the suburbs really wanted to try it for the first time with me. We finally made a date and we’re going tonight!!! Can you tell I’m excited?


NYC is on my travel bucket list!
I’ll eat a brownie in honor of Brooke’s 6-month birthday today :)


I went to NYC the first week in December for the first time and loved it!
My husband cooked Peanut Chicken Satay with Grapefruit and Quinoa. It is so good, one of our favorite recipes from Iowa Girl Eats.
I travel for work bit nowhere cool or far. Lol.
Happy 6 Months Brooke!!!


HAPPY 6 MO BIRTHDAY BROOKE! That sure went fast.. wow!

For work I travel to Ft McCoy, WI and will be spending all summer in Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. The life of the Army.


Happy half birthday to Brooke!
I live in N.J., about 25 miles west of NYC, so we can catch the train into the city, fun!
I have a chicken & bacon chipolata sanwich with parmesan fries last night, at the dine-in movie theatre, watching the new Die Hard movie. Good food, and a great date!
I am going to Orlando for work on Monday, for a whole week. I’ll miss my husband and kids, but hoping I get to see some sunshine while I’m there!


New York is my real home-Norcal is my one I only live in. It’s really hard to get New Yorkers to come here so you are sooooo lucky you have a friend who is forced to. LOL.


I celebrate my half birthday too… conveniently it is on Valentine’s Day! :)
That’s how I got through the single years…. Vday was my 1/2 Birthday instead.


6 months was the turning point for both my girls, they started doing so much more. Of course I had two early crawlers and that meant baby proofing around that time.

I love tortellini, but only like it stuffed with cheese, not meat. My husband will only eat it with meat and both my girls are disgusted by it in any form. So I never get the stuff any more!! I saw that they now make small packages and I a may just make some for myself one day.


Half birthdays totally count so happy half bday to Brooke :)!


Yay! Happy 6 months to Brooke!
And for dinner last night, I had asparagus, chicken, and a sweet potato.
I’ve been to NYC when I was a sophomore in high school. It was in May and the weather was perfect! I would love to go back some time again.


I will definitely have cake in Brooke’s honor. I wonder what her favorite kind will be??


Happy 1/2 Birthday to Brooke!!!

That pasta looks A.MAZ.ING. I’m kind of jealous!


Happy 6 months Brooke!


What a great day!
Your dinner looked amazing!!! Yum!!!

I am a New Yorker! Upstate though or how the people around here refer to us “North Country.” LOL! And yes I have been to NYC – 3 times but haven’t been since 2009!


Skeptical about cake bites? Girl! I’m almost disappointed! They look delicious! And speaking of cake… Happy 6 months to Brooke! I definitely wouldn’t mind enjoying some cake in her honor :D


Happy half birthday to Brooke! Time flies when you’re having fun ;-)

Birthday cupcake is my absolute favorite frozen yogurt flavor. Mmm, funfetti! It’s like a party in your mouth!


That’s so crazy! I cannot believe that she’s already 6 months! (and I can’t believe I’m saying that to a stranger but I feel like I know you so well from reading your blog everyday. haha)

Last night my mom made dinner and we have chicken, red lentils and green beans. I LOVE lentils. Cannot wait for leftovers for lunch.


what a nice little surprise Billy did for you! Brooke’s got to keep her options open, too soon to settle down on one boyfriend ;)


Happy 6 month birthday to Brooke!!
We actually went out last night in SF for dinner and had five courses! FIVE!! They were all delicious but now I think I am going to be full for the rest of time!


I made pesto shrimp, too! I went a little heavy on the garlic, unfortunately, but maybe that means we’ll all be really healthy :)

hAppY HaLf bIRthDaY, BROOKE!!!! Time really flies….


Is it crazy that I can’t believe Brooke is 6 months already?? I feel like it was just your picture announcement shutting down the blog! LOL I’m in NY and it is COLD! Jealous of your California weather…gotta get out to the west coast at some point!! It always looks so gorgeous!


Cake bites are delicious! Your tortellini looks great. Glad you had a great day :)


How SWEET is billy?!?!

Happy 6 months to your precious little girl!!

I’ve been to NYC..I love Toronto so, so much..but nyc is simply magical. I’m in a dream when i’m there!


Brooke looks just like a mini Billy in the last pic! Wow!


Happy Half Birthday Brookster!! She looks so cute in her leggings just sitting there by herself like a big girl :) I was horrible last night for dinner, I had 2 pieces of King cake, then I ate a little turkey, cheese, and pickles-I guess a bread-sandwich!


What a catch that Billy is :) Brooke’s little outfit is too cute!


I have never had to travel for work but would love to get paid to travel! I am a big fan of visiting NYC but can’t imagine living there. So crowded, I need some space :)


that is so great you get to see your friend every month now. what are the odds? and happy six months to brooke. i remember that being such a FUN age for babies. at least mine because their sleep was better, they started eating foods, sitting up and smiling more. love that stage! enjoy your sweet little girl she is darling!

i was in nyc when i was 14 for 1 afternoon. it was way too quick a trip. we were staying in d.c. and took a day trip. but i managed to go score me a cheap new outfit at a little boutique! and of course see the statue of liberty:)


Happy 6 months Brook! I’m in sugar coma and have dubbed this day no sweets so I can get over this sugar hang over!!


I’m going to attempt to make my very own (homemade) ravioli this weekend. I hope it turns out, or we’re going to have cereal that night.


I had heart shaped pizza and beer for dinner last night :D Happy 6 month birthday, Brooke! Take my advice, you’re young, date around, and live it up!


At my old job, I traveled to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Guatemala — it was fun, but I’m happy to be home again!


My husband made me chicken curry while I went for a run…it was awesome!


I was just thinking how old she looked sitting up by herself like a big girl with that full head of hear (though she’s always had that). Happy six months to Brooke! She’s adorable.


Happy 6 month birthday Brooke! And she is sitting up like a pro now!


Aapko dekh kar mujhe Narayan Murthy ki kahi baat yaad aa gai. Bhagwan ke prati samarpit raakhr apne kaam par vishwas karo, aapko safalata jarur milegi


Happy 6 months Brooke. I will eat cake in your honor!


Happy half birthday, Brooke!!! My mom made half cakes on half birthdays (now that I think about it, she probably made the whole cake but we only ever saw half). We’ll definitely celebrate this milestone with something sweet… Don’t want to let Brooke down :)


I went to university in western New York, and my hub lived in central New York for a while. Those areas are, hands down, some of the most beautiful places around!

Happy 6 months, Brooke!


Grew up in northern New Jersey, so NYC was a pretty regular visiting spot. Sometimes, I kinda forget that the rest of the world doesn’t live 90 minutes away from such awesomeness. :)

Dinner last night: Roasted chicken, baked potatoes with pepperjack cheese (YES!), and a big ‘ole salad.

Happy Half Year to Brooke! :)


I’m from New York, but have only traveled to NYC once. It’s actually an eight hour ride! People always assume we can pop into NYC all the time, but it’s faster to go to PA, NJ, CT, MA, OH than it is to travel from Western NY to NYC, haha!

Also, Happy Birthday to Brooke– majorly love her onesie!


I went to Yogurtland yesterday too..AND got the cake bites!


Happy 6 month birthday!


I can’t believe Brooke is 6 months already! Your Fro Yo looks so good!!!!!


Happy 6 months!!

That frozen yogurt looks sooooooooo good, as well as the dinner!! <3


Happy 6 months Brooke! I’m a NYCer :) And 92% of the time I hate traveling for work… It makes me really crabby, haha.


I think Brooke looks so much like Billy in that picture of her and her date.


6months already?!! whoa. where has the time gone. . . . it feels like just yesterday she was born and then meeting people at Yogurtland.

I’ve been to Upstate NY but never THE CITY.

I made breaded chicken cutlet with Hungarian style potatoes for our V-Day dinner.

Love pasta too. especially if it has cheese in it, on it, made out of it…. i think i just love cheese. lol.

and I had a funny running dream where you and Brooke were in it :)


That pasta looks awesome! Way to go, Billy!


I traveled to the UK a couple times and I got to visit Vancouver for the first time for work. I love traveling, so adding work to the mix is a small price to pay.

I made my husband indian food from a packet for dinner and I had salad with avocado and crab…boring.

6 months…time flies


I made an effort to make a Valentine’s dinner last night, but it turned out more weird. I made a heart-shaped pizza last night with some heart-shaped pepperoni and bacon on it. The only thing that was truly heart-shaped by the end were the pepperoni. It’s the thought that counts though..right?


Happy half birthday little Brooke! I love the Single shirt…..


Happy 6 months to Brooke!!

The yogurtland looks sooooo good!


Happy 6th month birthday Brooke! My stepbrother lived in NYC for a few years and I loved visiting him there! He was on broadway so we always went to the shows and of course all the amazing food!


HAPPY 6 MONTHS BROOKE!!! I can’t believe it.

I really really want to go to NYC someday!! Preferably to run the marathon and then stay for two weeks afterwards to check out the city.

Last night we had meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

I travel for work maybe 8 times a year, or so. Typically it’s just for overnight trips, but sometimes it can be up to a week.


Happy 6th months, Brookers!


Happy six months to Brooke! She’s so precious. Good to know about those cake bites… they sound amazing. We’re going out tonight for our Valentine’s date… I’m craving sushi. And now yogurt with cake bites. :) Have a great weekend!


Happy Six Months Brooke!!!
Not a New Yorker but I have been to New York many times as I live in Connecticut, right next door!!


My husband surprised my girls and I with an impromptu Valentines day dinner at Red Lobster! Crab legs and bacon wrapped shrimp! Yummm!


1. Happy 6 months Brooke.

2. Coincidentally, I read your post while eating tortellini. Ha! I have to agree tortellini is the best and makes a great pre-long run dinner.


I live in and go to school in NYC but would LOVE to visit Cali :)


I can’t believe she is already 6 months old. I saw a yogurtland last weekend, but we didn’t get to stop. I am curious if it is better than Yogali Mogali. I used to live in northern NJ, so have been there many times.


Coming out of creepy lurkdom to say that I was actually thinking about you a few weeks ago – I realized that a Yogurtland FINALLY opened near me (about a 1.5 mile round trip walk) the day before I “ran” a 10k that had hot chocolate at the finish. I was totally there for the free yogurt day and got a few dirty looks from the surly 16 year old working when I accidentally dropped some of those cake bites on the floor – hey, I wasn’t happy about it either!

I recently moved to NY, but I travel to Southern California for work a couple times a year and on my first trip I made it a point to go to Wahoo’s! I’ve also got other places that I get to travel to – but they aren’t as exciting (except for Boston; Boston > NYC in my book & I miss it dearly)


Ahhhhh so happy you finally tried yland! Those cake bits are incredible. Now I am craving wahoos! Thanks for your comment!

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