Why I didn’t run today:

Do you ever have those days when you wake up and your body tells you that a rest day is way better for your body than a running day?  That’s what mine said today.   A rest day today will make my 10,11 or 12 (haven’t decided yet) miler tomorrow feel really good.  

My body also said that today was a day that Billy should make me his classic breakfast burrito.  He uses southwestern frozen veggies with the scrambled eggs and cheese… those veggies are KEY for the perfect burrito.   Also loads of salsa are key for the burrito, I added about 4 times as much after the picture… it would just be embarrassing if I showed you how much I really put on there.   

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Breakfast was eaten while watching Flash Point (I am so emotionally invested in this show) in our cupcake pajamas and my awesome floods.   First time in the history of HRG that I am wearing matching socks (they are actually Billy’s).   

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Remember how I made an entire post all about how I wanted a juicer for Christmas?  You guys saved me in the comments by telling me about what a pain they are to clean.  My goal in life is to clean as little as possible.  Now we are just buying these delicious juices every now and then to get our juicing fix… I am still afraid of the green one.  

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FYI I have really good news for you all.  I know that many of you reading are also part of the ‘can’t go 5 minutes without lip gloss or chapstick’ group… I wanted to share with you THE best chapstick you will ever find on the entire planet.  

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I am making Billy’s favorite casserole in the world for dinner tonight.  It has 4 ingredients.  I better not mess this up:)


Anyone else have a rest day today?

What are your Friday night plans?

Are you a juice drinker?

How do you like your eggs? 

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Can’t wait to see the casserole! And I’m hoping to “juice” in my new vitamix! Apparently it’s easy to clean!


I love an over easy egg with a gooey yolk. The best :) but not a big juice fan. Tonight were driving to Atlanta to run the Hot Chocolate run Sunday!


I totally think rest days are important – I probably have too many, but I tend not to get
injured! I try to run every other day.

I was considering a juicer too – thanks for saving me lots of money.

And I’m actually going out tonight with the girls – a rare night out. Can’t wait.


I have been eating lots of veggie omelets lately! Lots of protein and a great way to get veggies in!

Tonight we’re going to Bingo night at my son’s school!


I love the green juice. I was actually craving some last week and had to go buy some and drink them every day last week. Rest day today and some how I have to get a 22 miler long run done at the gym tomorrow. It is too dang icy and cold to do it outside!


Naked juice is the best, don’t be afraid of the green one, it is really good!
My Friday night plan is to watch Brave with my hubz :)


I love Naked juice! Did you know that they sell it at Costco?! It comes in variety packs, you get something like 24 smaller juices per pack. Still kinda expensive, but I think it’s worth it!


I love eggs with spinach, green onion and peppers! I am not a juice drinker due to the cost but I would love to try juicing (minus the cleanup).


Hi there! I’ve been following your blog for about a year now, and I really enjoy reading your stories. I too, am a runner (a serious runner since 2010), and i’m training for my first half-marathon in April. Thanks for sharing your stories of running, food, and life! I love reading your posts :-)
-Julie C


Another thing about the juicer (at least the one we have) is that I think it wastes a lot of fruit. I feel like I have to put in so many things just to get a decent cup of juice. It is a pain to clean too. The only way I will eat eggs is hard boiled! Don’t know what it is, I’m very picky about eggs.


I had a rest day today! I’m in need of it, for sure, and I’m also convinced it will make tomorrow’s 10, 11, or 12 miler tomorrow that much better :) Well, that and the fact that I’m at the beach overnight, so my run’s gotta be good here, right? Right!


I might just have to check out that show now that my hubby and I finished Dexter. Is it on Netflix, Hulu or On Demand cable? I’m kind of a tv geek. Also yes I like to take breaks from running and even though I still run in the double digits I’m taking one day off a week from workouts and doing weights, my elliptical and only about 2 days of running. This way I can tone and lose weight and still get my runs in. I’m also working on getting stronger legs and hips, hence the weights. I love salsa and I love breakfast burritos, looks so yummy. What’s your 4 ingredient casserole?


Good for you on the rest day! I took the day off yesterday. 17 miles this morning training for the marathon! Feels good to get it done.

Eggs are my favorite! I like them boiled cuz they’re just easier and I’m always gogogo.

Have a great wknd!


I didn’t ever bother getting a juicer for the same reason – as much as I love the taste of fresh juice, the cleaning is just ridiculous. And it also seems a little bit wasteful… there’s so much left over that I just have no idea what to do with. Good call on the Naked juices… they’re delicious :D And I like my eggs pretty much any way as long as either salsa or ketchup are involved.


Today is my husband’s birthday so we are going to get Mexican food tonight.

I only like my eggs scrambled. I’m really picky about my eggs. I think it’s a texture thing.

No running for me today or tomorrow because I am bridemaid dress shopping with my bestir. I will probably run on Sunday before church.


I haven’t tried the Island, but the new Burts Bees grapefruit is amazing!!! My husband even commented on how good it smelled.


I’m taking a well needed rest day as well, preparing for 11 miles of seriously steep trails tomorrow. Also don’t be afraid of the green one, it’s actually really delicious


Sometimes unplanned rest days are the best. I don’t do it often enough and I’ll be the first to admit that but I do believe they do your body more good than running, even though it’s sometimes tough to believe at first. Good for you for just listening and loading up on the salsa instead… that will REALLY make you extra speedy tomorrow ;)


You have to try Shaka Laka Lip Blaka. Locally made in Utah. I usually buy a bulk of them twice a year. They are fabulous, delicious and they have ones that are SPF 30 and still yummy!


Annabelle loves the green drink…so if my 6 year old will drink it… ;)

Rest day for me. Mostly because I am avoiding my gym this week. It is so crazy busy with new years resolutioners that I have been running on my treadmill at home or doing videos instead.

Eggs–>scrambled with pico and avocado in a corn tortilla is the best.

Gosh can Brooke get any cuter?! I want to say no, but then in the next post it will.happen. how does she do it?


Friday night plans – Pizza night over at my parents to celebrate my new job!


Don’t be afraid, the green naked juice is awesome!


I am taking tomorrow off in prep for my 3rd MARATHON Sunday (first post baby)! My uncle and I are running together and going to attempt to run 3:30! I am in love with grape juice. Yum. And I like eggs in an omlette! Some sort of meat, cheese, peppers, and other veggies are a requirement. Tonight we are having a game night with friends! Yummy food and dessert will be involved! Have an awesome Friday night Janae!


Getting to hang out with Brooke totally trumps a run! Yes, rest days are so important and I’m glad you share that with all your readers! Eggs scrambled! With veggies!


Rest day here! That burrito looks delish! I like eggs pretty much anyway, but especially love a good quiche. Have a fun weekend!


Green machine is surprising delish! Freaked me out a little too at first, but now it just feels like I am drinking life out of a bottle. Love it. :)


Rest Day here.
We are going out to dinner with friends and trying out a new spot.

I like a hard boiled egg or a fried egg. I would eat that breakfast burrito for any meal….bfast, lunch or dinner…..delish.


Enjoy your rest day!
And I had a workout today, but yesterday was a rest day (leg muscles were super sore).
Friday night plans will be Bible study and hang out at church, as well as praise practice. Have a great weekend!


1) i had a rest day…. actually Ive had a rest month. HELP ME! haha
2) Friday night plans include a GNI {girls night in} with my pseudo sisters {I’m nannying this week}. We ordered pizza, baked cookies, and are planning to watch Nicholas Spark movies. OOH YEAH!
– I like my eggs scrambled. that’s the only way I’ll eat them.



Please don’t be afraid of the Green one. It is the best! I promise :)


Rest days are very important. Trouble with me is that I take one too many rest days ;) Tonight is some more hot yoga.

Aiming to do 3-4 miles tomorrow or Sunday morning.

Yes to the juice, but I don’t have a juicer. Love me my POMS.

I can eat eggs any which way as long as it’s cooked. My favorite though is over medium with the slight hint of runny yolk to scoop up with a piece of bread. Yum.

And I have like 5 chapsticks piled on the dresser at home, with one in the car :) It tastes like a pina colada.


The green one is the best!!!! And juicers are a PAIN to clean! You’re not missing out!


Fridays are always rest days for me – I do best with two rest days a week.

That breakfast looks super deluxe! I had popcorn and chocolate/peanut butter ice cream for breakfast, yours wins hands down.


I have a rain induced rest day today. My runs this weekend will be that much better. Don’t be afraid of the green juice. It is actually one of my favorites!


That breakfast burrito sounds super tasty! Today is definitely a rest day for me… It’s been 20 degrees and snowing all day, so it’s making me feel extra lazy. ;) Tonight I think we’re just going to stay in and possibly rent a Redbox. I’m all about relaxing today!


I’m doing a rest day today too. I have several shows sitting patiently in my DVR queue waiting to be watched. I love Flashpoint and I don’t know anyone else that watches it! I love eggs anyway they are fixed-that burrito looks yummy! I’m not a juicer, but reading all the comments makes me want to try those Naked Juices. I’ve been reading that the green ones are really good for you. I love Brooks flower in her hair-so chic!!


I’ve recently become obsessed with scrambled eggs with lots of gorgonzola cheese. So, so good.

I got some eos lipbalm for Christmas and I love it. http://evolutionofsmooth.com/products/lipbalm-sphere/


I have a medically ordered rest day today. I am less than happy about it.

My Friday night plans including making a veggie omelet scramble, changing into comfy clothes, reading blogs and watching a movie. Need to be in bed early so I can get up at 4:30 AM for work tomorrow.

Those Naked juices are great! I buy the Odwalla juices by the case at Costco.


Rest days are so important……I should remind myself of that more often. My evening consists of reading blogs, a glass(or two) of wine,guacamole,chips, and comfy clothes. Two of my running gals and I have a 5 am departure for 13-16.
Eggs…have to be scrambled but nice and creamy!!!!


I think it’s great you listened to your body and rested! :)

I had ZERO motivation/mood to run today..but I hit the road anyway and it turned out better than I thought!

I neeeed my eggs scrambled!


I also decided to drink as many juices as possible. So last week we bought the Vitamix. It’s great you, i love it because you end up eating every single part of the fruit or vegetable. And to clean it is as easy as cleaning your blender. The only bad thing about it is that it’s a little pricey.


Did some weights and sat in the sauna today!
Going to the movies.
I prefer to eat my calories, not drink them!
Over easy mostly. But I eat a lot of egg beaters.

The Kidless Kronicles


Juicers may be a pain to clean, but they’re way more cost effective!


Ooh, casserole recipe, please!! :) Also, I need to get me a baby, because every picture is always better with a baby added in it.



I had a no run day today too. I should have run but I wasn’t feeling it. I have a 16 miler planned for tomorrow so taking a break today is just fine.


Love those Naked juices! I used those to get my fruit and veggies in during my first trimester, when I didn’t want to go near anything healthy! ;)


i love the green machine naked juice! you cant taste the green at all, ive even gotten my non heath-nut friends into those haha. the protein one is really bad to me though un fortunately.. super chalky and blech. i took a rest day today too! yay to making our bodies even more ready for tomorrow


I took a rest day today too! I woke up with a calf cramp and said… forget it. Hope your casserole comes out good!


I did have rest day today! Love Burt’s Bees!


Naked Green Machine is the absolute best! Don’t be afraid! It’s sweet! I drink it WAY too fast when I get it!


Happy Friday night! Hope dinner goes well! Glad you got a rest day. I have to remind myself to listen to my body a lot. Hugs friend!!!


I’m having a rest day today as well because I prefer to stay home and stuff myself with pizza and the brownies I made.
The good things about rest days is indeed that you know that tomorrow’s run will be better for it.
Love the pic with you in your pajama bottoms and (gasp!) matching socks!


My Friday night plans include having a night to myself because my boyfriend has a very late night at the office. So, I’m going to drink some wine, watch reality tv and blog! I like my eggs scrambled or hard boiled.


Today was my rest day :-)

I recommend you try and go to Mother’s Market in Laguna Woods or Costa Mesa and order the Goddess of Greens drink. It’s much better than that prepackaged stuff :-)


I’m a Burt’s Bees addict! I’ve never seen the Island one..I’m gonna need to get on that asap!


Accept green Naked juice into your life!!!! It took me awhile, and I had to close my eyes at first (and drink it out of an opaque cup), but it’s actually quite tasty. I promise. :) Also, see if your Costco has the bigger containers, they’re more economical and give you an excuse to drink even more delicious juice (which, in the end, may be LESS economical, but at least you’re getting your fruits & veggies???).

I like eggs, period. If I’m making them, then I prefer scrambled, ’cause it’s easy. If someone else is making them, I prefer sunny side up. If I’m eating them out here, then they’re likely super soft boiled (runny yolk, half runny white, broken into a little saucer, add soy sauce, and slurp), ’cause that’s how everyone rolls. I’m a biologist, I should know better – but runny eggs are just really.tasty. :-/


Green Machine is AMAZING. Just drink it. You will love it.


yeah i took a rest day today, well lets just say i had indoor track practice but we didn’t do much, mostly practiced relay handoffs and i was going to run when i got home because im definitely that track girl try hard but i didn’t go! I will go tomorrow though and am looking forward to one of my favorite 3 mile loops!


haha, I am so part of the “can’t go 5 minutes without lip gloss” club ;-)

Max likes lip gloss too – today he tried some on and when Mommy realized what he was doing, she took it away. Oh boy – tantrum time! :D


Juicers can be a pain to clean but they sure can come in handy. Our daughter used to eat anything then she became a toddler and decided to be picky. So we’d throw any and every kind of veggie (with fruit for the sweetness) into the juicer and she’d drink it. Sometimes they we’re so scary looking I wouldn’t even drink it but she would as long as it was called juice! ;) Might come in handy later on in life.. but in the mean time Naked juice is super tasty!


I’ve been eating homemade bfast burritos all week. I made a batch on Sunday and put some in the freezer. I add baked tater tots too. So yummy.


I had a rest day today because tomorrow I am running a 5-mile race! Getting excited/nervous because I’ve never run a race farther than a 5K (cross-country veteran over here…) so hoping all goes well.


I saw that chapstick in the store – I need to go back and get it – you know so it can join my other 82 sticks of lipgloss!

Rest day for me too. 6 tomorrow and 10 on Sunday!


I feel that you are becoming more in tune with your body and its needs everyday. You are just radiant and glowing these days, and your attitude is contagious. I love reading your posts because they inspire me to find happiness and the sweet things in life (metaphorically and literally, teehee). Thanks girl!


Green machine is awesome! It is seriously my fave juice ever and I consider it a ‘treat’ when I pick some up at the grocery store! Let us know your reaction when you try that one :)
I was also considering getting a juicer a few months ago but I did a lot of research and heard the same thing about wasted food and cleanup. It also requires a lot more produce than making smoothies in a blender. I just got a ninja blender and I love it! It works so much better than a standard blender. I throw some fruit, veggies, almond milk and a scoop of protein powder in after a workout and its great!


That burrito looks good!



Scrambled!! I probably like them best because they’re the easiest for me. Boiled=sometimes I cook them for too long; Sunny-side up=overcook; Omelet=can’t flip one to save my life. :/


Have you tried the handy-dandy omelette maker that closes and you flip over the whole contraption? So easy!!


Whatttt???!!! Must try that! Thank you! :)


the green one is so delicious! it’s sweeter than you’d expect ;) also trader joe’s has a version of that juice too that is really good.


I didn’t run today!
An egg omelette with veggies and cheese on an English Muffin (don’t forget turkey sausage) is delish.
I haven tried the Naked Juices. Good?


Just received the same Oakley sunglasses you own. Wanted your readers to know they were only $60 (original cost $200) from 6pm.com.


The green one is the best one! It tastes like apples. Also it makes me feel extra tough and healthy to drink something so ugly and like it!


I love the green juice, it’s yummy!


Vitamix blenders are the absolute best for juicing/smoothies! And clean up is super easy….


Oh my gosh–that pic of Brooke with the juice. PRICELESS.


Naked Juices are delicious (green machine is great) but too expensive! I too am a huge salsa fan and regularly use half a jar in a sitting. It’s delicious. But not mixed with Naked Juice. Ok, maybe with the green one.


I still want a juicer, I love the Naked juices though, however they are full of stuff that isn’t the “healthiest” option so I limit myself with them. And don’t be scared of the green one! Its the best one!


Today is a rest day for me too- much needed! Instead of a workout, I will be indulging in a massage :-)


The green one’s my favorite!


I have the Jack Lelanne (I know I’m butchering that spelling) juicer from Costco. It seemed like a PITA to clean at first, but it’s not so bad once you figure it out. I love mine! I juice all of the time! Also, don’t be afraid of the green one! It’s so good! All you can taste is the fruit, and it’s super good for you! I mean, yeah, the sugar content isn’t optimal, but I am almost positive it’s 100% fruit juice, right? Enjoy it! Take care :-)


If you want a good “juicer,” you should try and get in touch with blendtec. They are the Vitamix competitors and often give their products to bloggers to try. I have one and love it. It makes whole fruit juice like the naked juices.


Today was supposed to be a rest day but it started to snow so I had to go out there and run in it, of course. I will probably regret that tomorrow when I have to run 10 miles.


The green one is actually good! I promise it doesn’t taste as gross as it looks, or like you’re drinking grass…


Green Machine is delicious, Janae! Go for it :)
I’ve been working on perfecting poached eggs. They’re so fun to cook and eat! :)


I like juice, but we rarely buy it. Why is it so expensive?? We switched to green tea a while ago and haven’t looked back.

What’s in the casserole??


The Naked green monster is great! I hope you tried it!


The omega J8006 juicer is one of the best on the market and very FAST to clean. This video shows how easy it is:

I can’t imagine life without a juicer. After drinking fresh juice from home, those Naked drinks started to taste artificial and syrupy to me. The vertical omega juicers are great for chewing up leafy greens, in addition to solid fruits like apples. It also makes yummy fruit sorbet from frozen fruit:

Aaaaaaaaaaand pasta:


Hello! I am new to your blog and I LOVE it! I am a working mom runner, my daughter is 17 months old so your posts and pics really hit home.

That said, i LOVE the NAKED juices, and don’t be afraid of the green one. It is by far the best one! Those juices got me my extra calorie boost and energy while I was nursing. Good choice :)


Hey Jessica! Thank you so much for your comment! They really are the best juices ever! Hope you are having a great day!


I love the Naked juices. Bolthouse Farms are good too! I was afraid of the green one at first but I’ve grown to love it. Also, Bolthouse farms has a vanilla chai that is seriously delicious!


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