What effect endurance training has on our body… SO cool.

I am jealous of Brooke.

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A friend that works at Oakley gave her these sweet purple Oakley sunglasses.  They don’t fit quite yet but when they do she will be the most fashionable baby around.   I have passed my love of purple down to her.

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I am absolutely loving my Hansons Marathon Method book.  My favorite chapter so far is ‘Marathon Physiology’ because it is incredible to learn about the changes that our body makes when we are in training.  

Some of the things that happens to your heart from endurance training (straight from HANSONS MARATHON METHOD):

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“In sum, more blood is pumped with greater force and less effort.  Because the heart has bigger chambers that hold more blood, heart rate slows across all running paces, making the entire system more efficient and healthier.”

….. now THAT is awesome.  

Not only does our heart become stronger and more efficient but our muscles adapt to the training and become able to handle more and more.  We hear that all of the time but I love learning the actual changes that take place in order to get stronger.

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“The bottom line is that the body is remarkable at adapting to training.  It will do everything it can to support a given activity and become better at it.”

Learning about all of the remarkable things that our bodies can do sure makes it a lot easier to stop thinking about our bodies’ flaws!


I have gotten back on the oatmeal train and this morning we had the LOVE GROWN kind.  Convenient, delicious, and in Billy’s words, “sweet but not too sweet.”

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Are you an oatmeal person?  What kind?  What things do you add in? 

What are some cool changes in your body that you have experienced from running?   How has your body adapted to your training?  I WANT DETAILS PEOPLE:)

Are you having a lazy Sunday or productive Sunday?

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One of my favorite moments ever was when I was a senior in college…I had recently run my first marathon…I had a dr appt with one of the doctors at West Point…as he was checking my breathing with the heart thingy (I don’t know the technical term), he said “Wow…you must be a long distance runner” =) He said that I was taking such full, deep breaths that he is only used to seeing with endurance athletes. I think I smiled for weeks =)
We’ve had both…I ran 10 miles…hubby ran 5…and know we are being lazy and not doing much of anything. HA =)
Brooke looks too darn cute with those sunglasses!


That really is SO cool! I love that he knew you were a distance runner just because of your breathing… awesome! You rocked that 10 miler with those speedy last three miles!


I’ve been following you for awhile and LOVE your blog! I feel like your East Coast twin sometimes bc I love running, good food and my 5 month old daughter! Anyways, your last blog post about how to start a blog inspired me to restart one I had given up. I hope it will appeal to you and any of your new mom followers…
Thanks for the inspiration!


EMMA!! We must be twins:) Your little girl is the cutest, I loved the video. Can’t wait to continue to follow your blog!


I make overnight oatmeal! Delicious and easy! I make it with vanilla almond milk and sweeten it with agave and add raisins and walnuts. YUM!!!


I really really really need to try overnight oatmeal!


I love it because I’m not a fan of hot oatmeal. I measure it out the night before, stick it in the fridge, and voila! it’s ready to take to work in the morning! Filling and a little bit sweet. Perfect!


Seconds for overnight oatmeal! Once I started long trail running, I find it is difficult to go for a hike and not want to run (esp on the downhill part). More of a mental than a physical change but I just can’t stop my legs from the urge to run (even if I have already run that day).


That is too awesome… hey the mental changes are just as cool as the physical changes!


I love oatmeal. My favorite is Better Oats with Maple and Brown sugar.

My ass and thighs got way more toned and my resting heart rate went way down. I also have hypertension in my family, and with exercise I have been able to keep my BP 100-110/70’s which is perfect!!

This sunday is both I ran this morning, then went to church and grocery store. Husband, baby, and I cooked lunch, cleaned, laundry, and now we are lounging going to watch the Golden Globes :)


WOW!! Jen!! That is all so awesome. Running sure is the best:) Enjoy the Golden Globes!


I really want to like oatmeal but the texture is too goopy for me. What a word. I like the taste though. Especially cinnamon sugar.
Ummm I wish I was as stylin as Brooke when I was a youngin. She’s the cutest. And is rocking some awesome designer shades!


Goopy is an awesome word hahaha!


I love oatmeal – I make a bunch of baked oatmeals on Sundays then I have them for breakfast before work each day – super simple!

I also LOVED reading the Hanson’s book! So interesting and informative!


That is a great idea to make it all on Sunday! It really is such a good book!


How do you make the baked oatmeal? I’d love to try it!


I have a recipe on my blog – It is so simple and delicious! You can add any of your favorite fruits to it! http://livingrunningeating.blogspot.com/2012/09/sunday-set-up-baked-oatmeal.html


Can’t get over how cute that pic is of Brooke with the half falling off sunglasses!! Love it!


Ahhhh thanks so much:) Hope you are having an amazing Sunday!


BEST oatmeal that I must eat every morning (and it keeps me full through my morning workout until lunch)… a 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal (I like the normal ones instead of quick cooking so they arent mushy), put it in the microwave with a tiny bit of water for 2 mins. Then add about 1 tbsp of peanut butter, 1/2 tbsp(ish) of honey, and regular almond milk. It’s around 320 calories and delicious! My husband counts how many meals consist of my oatmeal creation each day :-)


That sounds incredible… I might just have to come over for breakfast at your house:)


Last night I decided to run on our hotel’s treadmill at 10PM and it felt so good at a 9:22 pace that I couldn’t stop. I went for 6 miles and couldn’t believe how well my endurance has stayed without running such long distances since last October. Its incredible how muscle memory works! I’m still on runner’s high. And my heart rate was stable and didn’t skyrocket. I was shocked!


BROOKE!! That really is so so awesome, your heart and muscles are so strong! Way to go and keep enjoying that runner’s high:)


I love instant oat cups!! I really wanna try the Love Grown ones!

& it is totally a lazy Sunday :)


I am a huge oatmeal person! I love brown sugar and cut up apple chunks in mine. Sometimes I put nuts and raisins in it or blackberries yum! Oh and a splash of milk…ok now I’m hungry :)

Back before I got pregnant I was able to run long and fast and not breathe hard but since having my baby and getting the ok to run again I’m struggling like crazy. It’s amazing how in shape I was pre pregnancy and how right now I can’t even get to the pace I used to run at! In time :). The body is an amazing thing.


I love those glasses! I’m not a purple girl myself, but I just ordered myself some new Pure Project shoes and one of them was purple and it make me think of you (which then made me feel extra stalkerish, oh well. I guess I can use that for my talent at the ward talent show later this month.).

I loved the Hanson’s book too! I also loved that the longest run is only 16 miles, my kind of long run!


What interesting info!! I LOVE oatmeal, especially steel-cut oats. I usually add-in nutbutter and fruit.


Definitely a lazy Sunday. Just finishing up my second nap. I need to get that book too! I trained using their method before the book came out and really enjoyed it.


I LOVE OATS!!! I eat them pretty much every morning for breakfast. I pre-toast a bunch of rolled oats (so they microwave faster) and then mix in the goodies (lots!) so I can have a big container ready to cook. I always top with PB and maple syrup.


Ahh that second picture of you and brooke – precious!

I have never felt so accomplished as I have with running. There is no natural athlete/runner in me whatsoever, and the overall health benefits and being full of energy ever since I’ve started running is AMAZING!


Great blog! training for my 7th marathon- so it was great to read that marathon training is good for the body, all the more reason to train! I love oatmeal with a touch of blackstap molasses(high in IRON), a touch of almond milk, some cinnamon and maybe some honey… :)


I love the Hansons book too. I’m also lucky enough to have one of their stores about 2 miles from home. A great resource.


I love oatmeal, but the only thing I like to add is homemade maple syrup. I like to put it on wheat toast though.

The biggest change I went through with my body from running is more mental. Of course, I can run harder, longer, faster, etc. but running really showed me how much I appreciate this body I have, the fact that it’s healthy, the fact that I can run, and every time I overcome a new goal I have set I am in awe by the human body and what it is capable of if you try.

Pretty lazy Sunday, but I just got a ton of ironing done!


I love oatmeal, will have to try that kind.

The things about your heart and running are so true. I am pregnant due on August 18th and my Doctor listened to my heart the other day and asked if I ran long distances because he could tell by how well my heart was pumping. It was pretty cool, and let me know running the princess half at Disney in February is a good idea!


Today was pretty lazy but I got the laundry done so not a total bust of a day. I eat oatmeal every morning. I have old fashioned oats with raisins. Pretty simple but I love it.


Sunday was awesome….pretty lazy though!!! Church, a bit of shopping (got some awesome purple jeans!) and then just doing college work!

So far my body hasn’t changed all that much apart from longing for more water than normal!!

Love you Janae and Billy and Brooke


We went to a home and garden show but that is about it.

The Kidless Kronicles


So cool! Everyone seems so anti endurance now a days with HIIT being such a trend, but obviously any form of cardio has great benefits. I’m not a runner, but I’m a spinner and it’s seriously changed my life for the best! I love it so much, and I never ever dread it (okay, fine sometimes I do when I have to be at the gym at 5 and I’m tired). My Sunday is FOR sure lazy. I think I’m always lazy on Sunday’s.


I like overnight oatmeal…although since it is winter I am to making it as much. I also like hot oatmeal when I have time, I make steel cut oats on the stove with some fruit and sugar free maple syrup.

We were lazy today…made a Walmart run and have been sitting around watching football.

Running completely changed my body! I lost over 50 lbs and have never felt better! :)


I have lazy Saturdays and productive Sundays. My FAVE spin class ever is Sunday mornings, and then I always get my grocery shopping done for the week and (attempt) to clean my house. And I’m ashamed to say I FINALLY took down my outside Christmas lights today! (We’ll just pretend like Christmas wasn’t three weeks ago…..)

Love Brooke’s glasses!


I love oatmeal!!! I like the Quaker Weight Control Maple and Brown Sugar because it’s not as sweet as the regular kind and it has extra whey protein added. I toss in some apples/raisins/craisins or whatever is on hand and it keeps my tummy happy until lunch.

I have been devouring running books lately learning everything I can because I’m a newbie runner. I’m currently reading Kara Goucher’s book and it’s probably my favorite so far. I got it from the library but I think this is one that I will have to buy because it has so much great info in it and I can relate so well to some of the things she talks about.

Purple is the best color there is and those specs are the coolest. :)


Brooke rocks purple that’s for sure.

I LOVE oatmeal. My favorite add ins are bananas, peanut butter, and honey (original I know.) Favorite flavors are banana bread and cinnamon roll! Chocolate chips are good in banana bread!

My resting heart rate is definitely slower as a runner. They can usually find veins easier if I give blood. Also, I noticed that labor wasn’t very long with Noah. I felt strong and confident and he just popped right out (I spared you the hard core details ;-)

I’m gonna call this a productive Sunday. Marathon PR, church, CHEESEBURGERS, cleaning, ironing, laundry (Joe is like sit down you are a nut case but I still have a weird amount of energy so whatever.) Now my problem is what will I have for dinner and more importantly DESSERT!!!

Hope you have had an amazing Sunday friend!


I love this post! It’s so cool to know what actually happens in your body and muscles. We all know we get stronger, but actual process of getting stronger is pretty awesome. This was my favorite part: “The bottom line is that the body is remarkable at adapting to training. It will do everything it can to support a given activity and become better at it.”


I’ve actually gained a lot of muscle from running, the scale has stayed the same but my clothes are looser


Lazy Sunday….well other than church, a seven miler mad 35 minute Pilates DVD it’s been lazy. Omg…….I downloaded The Hanson Marathon Method book too last week. I. Am. So . Loving . It!!! The part that I loved is how our bodies benefit so much from slow easy runs. (Note to self…..use this advice!)


Wow, that’s so cool! I totally love the way my body adapts to new and longer distances, as well as hills when I am training and pushing it further. It’s one of the things I love about running – seeing how your body changes and adapts. Amazing!


I have been on a total oatmeal kick lately too! I buy the flavored packets (Giant store brand because they are the cheapest and taste just as good) and mix one packet with an equal amount of plain instant oatmeal. That way it is sweet but not too sweet. Plus one packet is not enough to get me through a whole morning of teaching. :)

I have just started a blog (it is VERY basic right now) so I really appreciated your recent tips on blogging!


Im so jealous of Brooke!


Im so jealous of Brooke!W


I love oatmeal. I have tried the overnight oatmeal, and it is awesome and I ALWAYS forget about it. Myself, I do the quick oats. I mix anything in it – unsweetened applesauce, honey, whatever. My favorite may be pumpkin spice with a little sweetener mixed in- tastes like pumpkin pie :) I just joined a running group today (a run/walk interval group) to train for the Flying Pig Half Marathon in Cincinnati. I’m super excited, and was so pumped after my run (it was a 2:1 interval run – and Cincinnati is sooooo hilly!) My Sunday has been simple. Some cooking, cleaning, and visiting with my dad, husband, and daughter. Have a good week!


First of all, Brooke’s sunglasses are awesome. Please tell me they make a grown up version.

Oh my gosh I want this book! I am a total science nerd and aspiring physician AND a runner so reading those passages you shared certainly sparked my interest!

I’ve noticed that as I train, I become sweatier and sweatier, both in and out of my running shoes. I guess my sweat glands kick into overdrive and adapt to constantly being forced to run in stifling heat and humidity?


I’ve recently fallen in love all over again with oatmeal! It’s such a great breakfast treat. I made a big pot of it yesterday morning and set up an “oatmeal breakfast bar” of sorts, with various toppings to put on it: peanut butter (a given), Nutella, bananas, berries, cinnamon, applesauce, almond paste, etc. I had enough to stash in the fridge for a couple more mornings. Easy peasy!


I had a productive morning (ran a 5k) and a very lazy rest of the day. My idea of a perfect Sunday :)


I love me some oatmeal. When it comes to running I have noticed that my lungs can handle more activity without me being out of breath, with anything 3-5 miles I am hungry, anything 5-13 miles I dont even want to look at food. My body moves better when its cold but I dont regulate my body temp well cause I will get really hot and then around mile 5 I get super cold no matter what the temp.


Hi Janae! Ok, first, I just die whenever I see pictures of your daughter! She is not only beautiful, but I can tell she has an awesome personality! Her parents are definitely to blame for that:-)
Secondly, I haven’t really been training since June due to moving, and well, you know how crazy life can be when that happens. So, long story…. But now I’m back, and I have my sights set on another half , a ten miler I run for cancer, and whatever fun ones come my way! I just adore how my body adapts- my legs feel stronger, I walk taller( like I’m so bada$$), and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I LOVE when my pants fit better:-) Honestly, too many people( doctors included) have told me I’d never run, or I will hurt myself, or blahblahblah. I LOVE proving them wrong! Ha ha!
I also love Trader Joe’s maple and Brown sugar oatmeal. The best….;-) have a great week!


I love all that running and heart info – I have a heart condition and sometimes wonder if running is harming me (I never feel ill) so it’s comforting to read that and know that I’m doing my heart good and not harm. There’s a great article in RW this month about three heart transplant guys who run. I have scars like them – I was so excited and glad to see them in RW!


Definitely a lazy Sunday over here, but it was much needed after an overly productive Saturday. Note to self: stop procrastinating on housework – it won’t go away if you ignore it.


I eat oatmeal pretty often, and my toppings depend on my grocery status. Often fruit, nuts, flax, peanut butter or molasses. Today’s oatmeal had protein powder, sunflower seeds, and jam (i’m pretty much out of food…) Today was supposed to be a run and Jillian Michaels day, but i HAD to do laundry before putting my workout clothes on again. Since moving, laundry now=going to the laundry mat, and turns out laundry mats are CRAZY on Sundays. Soooo, today turned into a laundry and biggest loser marathon watching day. Oh well, still got my Jillian fix.


I love oatmeal. I like it with a little bit of brown sugar and either berries or nuts. Perfection.

I LOVE the Hansons book! I just finished week 10 and even after some hiccups (I missed a lot of last week..oops), I’m still really enjoying it. The biggest change I’ve seen in my body during training is a huge change in the way my knee feels. I have cartilage problems in my left knee and I was really worried that it would just get unbearable, but I have noticed that the consistency of the workouts and the strength it is bringing back to my hips/quads/hammies is making an incredible difference in my pain levels.


Multi-sport dork moment, but for me, the coolest manifestation of all these physiological changes was this: I’d been a swimmer for YEARS before becoming a runner, and had always struggled with 3- and 5- stroke breathing. Once I started running, I found that breathing every 2 strokes was totally unnecessary, 3-stroke breathing was pretty easy, and I could at least DO the previously-elusive 5-stroke breathing. And all this, from a sport that let me breathe whenever I wanted.

We had a friend-filled Sunday. So I guess it was productive on some fronts (friends! community! relationships!), but not so productive on others (cleaning the apartment! doing the laundry!). Ah well, there’s always Monday for those things! :)


I’m having a pretty busy Sunday – laundry, had some family over, made a roast chicken dinner – now working….and watching golden globes ;-)


Believe it or not but we are now a no oatmeal family, except for the awful packets my husband brings to work. My youngest is very allergic to oats, so no more overnight crockpot oatmeal for us, which I loved! I have discovered that if made right, quinoa and millet are a great substitute. I love pumpkin cinnamon raisin quinoa. I do not get to make it often, but when I do it just tastes like a winter day to me! It floors me when I hear about people going grain free, besides eggs and bacon, what on earth do they eat for breakfast!!
i think the effects of intense training is amazing. I had the easiest labor and delivery with my first baby and I credit it to my training at the time. I was on a masters swim team and still racewalking long distance. My blog title explains how she was born!


I’m currently on a pumpkin oatmeal kick I found on sale at target.

My best measure of endurance is that I have always worked out during lunch. When I first started I could only get 4 miles done in the allotted time. Now I am up to 6 miles with time for a quick shower!


I remember when my resting pulse was 90. It’s 55-60 now. Feels good :)

I ran 9.3 today and ate it all back at the Hot Chocolate 15k in Atlanta!


fun stuff, i could read/learn about running and how it effects the body forever! :) i will say one of the most glaring things is is makes me huuuuungry! lol.

brooke is certainly rocking those shades! :)


I love to make overnight oats! I eat them everyday for lunch and usually use black cherry yogurt with some granola and chocolate chips on top. So good and convenient. I actually don’t like the taste of hot oatmeal, which is weird, I know.

Productive Sunday for me: ran 3 miles and walked 2!


That’s so cool about the changes your body makes. Sometimes it’s so easy to just look at pace/distance and get wrapped up in that when really, EVERY run is doing amazing things for your body! You just can’t always see it :)

My 5 mile run today was AMAZING!! I got my first runners high and I seriously could have kept going. I’ve been incorporating sprint intervals during my week day runs and I can finally tell a huge difference on my long runs, and it hasn’t even been that long! Love it :)


Freaking love oatmeal!!!


Oatmeal is super duper delicious, especially in the Winter!! I love mine topped with bananas, peanut butter and honey. Actually, I love all things topped with those three items!!

See, maybe I am one of those people who are meant to be a great runner. I swear, my body NEVER adapts to it. I feel like if I try to run more than 3-4 miles, it screams at me, “Why are you doing this”? I don’t know, maybe it is my MIND and NOT my body. I would love some tips on how to increase mileage and feel good about it. If you are willing :-)


Brooke is the cutest thing ever!
The biggest thing I notice about running is that my feet are leather (and covered in blisters) and my calves and quads are defined and stronger!


LAZY Sunday. I’m working in Rock Springs and we had a high of ZERO degrees. Unless we have to transport I’m not leaving the base.
I use to eat Oatmeal until I started eating Paleo. It can be delicious.

True Story: I was getting my vital signs taken by my MD’s medical assistant and my heart rate kept getting lower and lower. (I had just sat down) When it went under 55 I mentioned that I was a runner, she said, “we like it around 60”. Needless to say it went down to about 52 and she was all a fluster.

Running is awesome!


I am not an oatmeal person. I like the taste (apple cinnamon) and texture, but for some reason it does not keep me full at all. Within an hour I am starving and want more food!

I haven’t really experienced much differences in my body when training (longest distance half). But one summer I ran 6 miles everyday at 8:00 am and at exactly mile 4, I had to poop. Thanks Torri’s restaurant… They said yes one time, after the first week I quit asking. You asked for details!!!!

I had a productive Sunday. I went grocery shopping, babysat and went for a run. I took my little buddy Mack for a run for the first time. It was my first time pushing him in a jogging stroller and I kept thinking of you pushing Brooke for 8 miles or so. I made it 2.5! It was a fun way to spend a bit of our afternoon.


Have you tried baked oatmeal? I make a large pan on Sunday night then eat it all week (just reheat individual portions in the microwave). It is delicious with milk, brown sugar, raisins, nuts, etc…


I love oatmeal! I’ve gone on a massive porridge kick the past few months because it’s tasty and it seems to be helping my digestion. This is despite the fact that it is summer in Australia and it’s STUPIDLY HOT, although I have drawn a line and eaten muesli bars (made with oats, haha) instead on days when it is in the high 30s-40s deg. c (over 100 deg. f). I have my porridge with brown sugar, a small splash of vanilla extract and a sprinkling of cinnamon. A couple of weeks ago I tried it with Nutella, which I did not like but I have a sneaking suspicion that you might like it! Perhaps you could add some Giradelhi chocolate chips?!


My whole family got the flu recently, but I got better way faster than anyone else. I have a feeling my excessive running has prepared my body to deal with more stress. Who knows if that’s true, but it’s cool to think about.


Brooke’s sunglasses- AWESOME! I’m jealous of her too. Love learning about effects of endurance athletes. I heard it stated once like this “runner’s have bigger hearts”. So true. He he.


I love raw oats mixed with Greek yogurt, applesauce & PB- so delicious!


I love oatmeal as my pre-run breakfast. It’s easy on your stomach, but keeps you full. In general, though, I’m more of a cereal person.


I LOOOOVVE oatmeal and just tried your overnight oats recipe! DEE LISH! I didn’t add anything in but def will! Wishing you a happy Monday! :-)


Thank you for sharing this info. I love researching all the details and reasoning behind why/how/what we do to our bodies with running. SOoooo interesting:)

I think I need to pick up this book.


I’m so not an oatmeal person but I’m also not a granola person, and I LOVE the Love Grown granola. So I intend to try their oatmeal! It is pretty amazing to focus on what the body can do and you’re right, definitely makes it easier to appreciate it and stop focusing on our flaws. Brooke is quite the fashionista! I am wearing a purple top and ring today, just for you two :D


I am totally an oatmeal person! I will have to try the Love Grown Apple Cinnamon. I’m always looking for something delicious to eat on the go in an attempt to avoid a drive thru bagel!


Very interesting. I think endurance running sometimes gets a bad rep. The majority of runners are not ultra marathoners or taking taking training to an extreme which means the benefits can actually be good for the heart! Love your blog btw.


Sundays are my long runs so I try to get out by 11 and then I am lazy the rest of the day! The biggest change I have noticed is the heart rate, when I go to the doctors they always triple check it because my resting currently hangs under 50 bpms. Then they ask “do you run” and I proudly reply “yep!”. PS your hair some how looks perfect in all your pictures!


As follow up for a health condition, I get a chest xray every two years. The technicians always can tell that I’m a runner by my lungs. The lungs lengthen to allow more air in. It also happens with lifelong smokers, so he said I’m either one or the other. :)


I have noticed my average heart rate while running has dropped a ton! When I first started running last year (& 35 lbs ago) – I was averaging high 180’s when running. Now I average 150’s on my easy pace. I get sweaty about 20 minutes in rather then 4-6 minutes and never breath heavy like I am going to die. It is AMAZING!

Love Brooke’s shades! She is going to be rockin’ those later this summer!


Is the Hanson method book just for fulls? Or halfs too? I’m 13 weeks prego so no full marys for me this year!!


I just got back into oatmeal too! But I buy the huge tubs of quick oats because they are cheap. I usually like oatmeal with just salt, but every once in awhile I can get myself to go sweet and put in white chocolate peanut butter and fruit and cinnamon.

In high school I actually almost failed my sports physical because my blood pressure was too low…until they found out I was a cross country runner, and then they said that made sense!


Oatmeal. The breakfast of Champions! Coffee creamer is your new best friend. Flavor, creaminess, a little sweetness..Yummmm.. A little goes a long way too. Imagine this. Warm steamy oatmeal with a splash of coconut creamer, sliced bananas, and a sprinkling of toasted coconut. Banana Cream pie in a bowl :D The choices are endless..


My body has been adapting to my training like crazy! I never thought I would run such long distances and then be sore, but sore like workout sore and not like race sore. It is crazy! Also, my body is adapting by using fuel more effectively. I can tell a huge difference in the amount of food and water I take in and how my workouts go as a result. :)


No wait, these pictures of Brooke!!

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