My best idea in a long time.

I think I had my best idea of 2013.  My idea was to bring out my computer, set it on luggage (knowing my luck if I set it on the ledge of the deck bad things would happen) and watch Hulu while I ran.  I also used the BLUEBUD earbuds so that I could listen to Biggest Loser as loud as I want without my neighbors getting bugged.  

Today’s workout was hills because I have that little thing known as a TRAIL 1/2 marathon (Coyote Hills) coming up and my body currently only knows flat surfaces.  I pulled up the course map and elevation chart and tried to simulate some of the hills on the course the best I could.  I know treadmill hills do not equal trail hills but the treadmill is my only option a lot of the time.  

9 miles @ 7:45 pace with 1,100 feet climbed.  (I took a break 20 minutes into my run because Brooke woke up for a few minutes)

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(I tried to email Billy the picture of the treadmill so that he could photoshop all of the dust off my treadmill but I guess he was busy in class or something.   The second awesome thing about this picture is if you look real close you can see duct tape on our suitcase… the lock broke.  Duct tape works wonderfully)

Biggest Loser was my view to the left and Brooke snoozing away was my view to the right.  

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She has this fun game that she likes to play called ‘kick off any and all socks that mom ever puts on my feet.’  She always wins.  

Leftovers are the best things ever.  In less than five minutes I had CREAM CHEESE CHICKEN CHILI from last night with some corn bread muffins.   I really think this is one of my favorite recipes ever, which would make sense because it probably is the only recipe I ever really use.  

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Off to a running shoe store to help a friend find some awesome shoes!


What is the BEST part about your Wednesday?

Do you check out the course map and elevation before a race? 

Are you a leftovers fan?  Last leftovers that you had?

When was the last time you ran hills?

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Wow that is a good idea! I’m convinced runners are brilliant :-) Best part of today is going out to dinner with my husband and getting the BEST DESSERT I HAVE EVER HAD (taking your last posts shouting idea). I am way excited!!!


The best part about my Wednesday is going to sleep tonight…I’m off to the UK to visit my family for three weeks tomorrow. One more sleep to go!


That is so exciting! I am so happy for you! Enjoy every second with your family Cathryn. Safe travels!


That set up looks like mine next to my bike ‘trainer.’ I have to make sure it’s all cleaned up before my husband gets home so he isn’t completely disturbed by my lack of caution in my placement of the computer.
Brooke’s hair, HOLY COW, it’s awesome!


Hey giiirl, you’re motivating me to do ANY type of work out today. I’m having such a moody and blahhh day!!
Great , greaat run!


I LOVE going to the running store and always want to go with any and all friends who need new shoes.

I love your treadmill setup. I would love it even more if you’d start taking pictures of the people giving you strange looks at seeing your setup.

That chilli sounds delicious! If I hadn’t been eating yummy Costco Tortilla soup as I read this I’d be coveting it.


That would be a great post… pics of all the weird stares I get hahaha!
Okay, that Costco Tortilla soup is INCREDIBLE!


Best part of today is DATE NIGHT!! We are going out to dinner without phones and NOT running errands afterwards! Tomorrow is also exciting because I found a running partner! I will be running with a friend for the very first time (I have only been a “runner” since August 2012), I am beyond excited!!


Very cool Amanda, I also started running last year, an always run alone. I’m almost nervous to join a running club or run with a friend. Let me know how it goes.


AHHHH Date night and running with a new friend… best ever! Tammy, run with people… it is the best ever. I really want to do it more often because it is so much fun. Let me know how it goes:)


I can’t believe it, my hubby will be joining me on my freezing cold run tonight. So I guess I won’t be alone after all.


I obsessively check the course map before races because I like to know what I’m in for, or only pick races that are flat depending on what I’m looking for. The best part of my Wednesday will be getting out of work and getting to go do some speed work!


It cracks me up that Brooke has about ten times more hair than my 20 month old! I didn’t used to like leftovers, but now I love them. It all changed the last time I was pregnant and never went back. Weird, huh?


I just got excited when you said “trip to a running shoe store.” I haven’t been to a great running shoe store in such a long time. I always order the same trusty pair online. I might make that a weekend activity :D And as always, Brooke is the cutest, ever!


Cream Cheese Chicken Chilli?! I will HAVE to check that out. It just sounds so… awesomely amazing!

The best part of my Wednesday by far was my ballet class – brain switched off from stress, shoulders relaxed for the first time in weeks, classical music and worked my muscles. Now experiencing a ballet-high.


Hockey Scrimmage tonight!!!!!
Yes, unfortunately I look at the elevation charts. But I shouldn’t.
Last time I ran hills (on purpose) was the trail race back in Dec. But I did hike on 1/3. Lots of hills. No running.
Last leftovers were chicken pot pie soup and corn casserole. YUM!

The Kidless Kronicles


Hill training? What’s that? ;) I really need to start seeing as I’m running Austin marathon in a month and it’s supposedly a hilly one! Oops!


Ran some hills yesterday. It always feels tough after running on treadmills for too long. I should incline more, just maybe.

And I always look at elevation before a race!!! That’s sometimes how I decide on whether or not to run them.


Go check out the elevation chart for the Catalina Marathon, that one is FUN!!! I was having lunch at an Irish Pub once with my husband and the TVs in the background had some financial show on and they had all these charts and graphs up and all I kept thinking was “oh, what race is that?” All the little ups and downs of their financials and all I could see was TRAIL RACE!!!!


I’m interested in this chili! Making chili right now, but there are so many variations, I’m always looking for new ones! I live in San Francisco, so I pretty much run hills every time I run ;)


Bahaha I love how many different electronic devices you have going on while you’re on the treadmill! I did 8.3 today on the treadmill (my longest on that stupid thing EVER) and didn’t have any headphones. There weren’t any good people to watch at the gym either. It was pretty sucky. I could use a sweet setup like that, duck tape suitcase and all.


I live in a rather hilly area in Germany (near the pre-Alps), so half the year I run really hilly trails, the other half – in Argentina, where everything is flat – I run flat streets.
I love leftovers! – I usually combine them with other foods. Often I make more than I can eat so I can have the leftovers the next day.
I love your treadmill! I need me one of those! :-)


Can you please teach me how you run on a treadmill??? I can run outside for hours on end and love it.. I get on a treadmill and feel like I’m dying and immediately hop off. I need to know your secrets!!!!


Best part about today was that the data I’ve been trying to get for a week and a half FINALLY worked!! woohoo! now I get to start all the reports…

Do you use the iFit technology on your treadmill? I’ve been looking for a good review on it and how it works with the Nordictrack!

PS – you are really killing those hills!!


Hey Brittany! I actually don’t use the iFit technology… I am too lazy and just jump on the treadmill and push start. I do LOVE my treadmill so very much though:) It is the C900. Let me know if you have any other questions, sorry I am not much help with the iFit review.


Dear Janae,

Didn’t you know that baby shoes were invented to keep socks on babies feet? Pop shoes on Brooke and she’ll find it much harder to kick off her socks :)


maybe harder, but not impossible! – my close friend at work said her daughter managed to somehow remove her velcro shoe and sock before she dropped her off at DayCare today! She’s only 1!


I don’t think she really likes wearing shoes that much so that is why I don’t put them on… especially when we are just at home and she is napping:) HAHAHA Brittany, that is one smart 1 year old!


I am so in the same rut you are in right now and I am just burnt out to the crisp. I was talking about this yeasedry matter of fact. Will have to try those adult vitamins why is it I make sure each nite kids take theirs but I dont have any. Great post and go on girl!


My husband has dibs on all of our leftovers for his lunch everyday! I have been avoiding hills to ward off an injury that is healing. I love your treadmill set up and the headphones are awesome for that I bet!


What a great running set up! And that soup looks delicious!


Janae – you have the most beautiful baby I have ever seen :-)

BTW, I’m making Billy’s favorite dinner tonite (macaroni, ground beef, mushroom soup), thanks for sharing!


Oh GOOD!!! Let me know what you think about it!

Thanks for your sweet comment about Brooke!


It went over very well! Even my picky kids liked it whoo hoo!


Oh good!!!!!!!!


Those cheeks and eyelashes!! I die.

Still in the process of watching that ep of TBL. It sure is taking me a long time. I am watching it while I fold laundry today. Be so jealous.

The last time I ran hills was Saturday. I love left overs – well some are better than others. I have a bunch in my fridge, but the last time I ate any was yesterday for lunch. I woke up feeling super nauseous today and nothing sounds good to eat. I still went to PiYo early this morning because I thought maybe the feeling would go away. It didn’t. But I made it through class…barely..

For half marathons/ marathon I check out the course, but then I get angry when it says & looks like it is all downhill, and then I run it and want to strangle that person because sometimes they are anything but! I did a 5k once that was a trail race as part of an off road triathlon. I didn’t look it up because I was like, I can do a 5k in my sleep. Ya. Basically you ran straight up the friggin mountain. My worst finish time ever. lol. I probably should have looked that one up!

Have fun shoe shopping. I NEED those ear buds! I am off to enter the contest.


Hi! Can you do a post on how to train for hills on the treadmill? thanks!


Yes for sure! Great idea!!!


Niiiiceee running set up for sure! It’s like ALL your fav things in one place. Awesome :)

My day is going pretty good, but I kind of want to go to bed right now. I need sleeeeeeeeeep! I had a rough night last night of not being able to fall asleep. Ugh.

that soup does look yummy!


The best part about my Wednesday is that we got in a frosty 14 degree 8 miler this morning at 4:30 and work is now done! However, a meeting yet to attend.
I ALWAYS check out the course map and elevation chart. I like to know what lies ahead. Mentally being prepared is crucial for me. Hill training hasn’t taken place in a few weeks and that was on a treadmill. I live in an area where there aren’t a ton of hills and training on hills isn’t at all convenient for me so early in the morning. (too dark and six miles to get there.)
Love leftovers. The problem is…..never any left. ;)


4:30 a.m….. 14 degrees….. you are my hero!!!!!!!


Oh how I miss the days where I could use my parents’ treadmill and set up a computer to keep myself from getting bored – it definitely helped reduce the hamster-on-a-wheel feeling. But I guess that having access to one and being able to stay active is better than nothing, right? Right :D And the best part of my Wednesday? Mom coming over to take me out for coffee. Love.her.


I am not looking forward to the coyote hills course. Forgot about them hills. ;) I love leftover. I typically eat them for dinner every day when I don’t make something new. Tonight will be eggs asparagus rice and beans . Last time I ran hills was last week. Not pretty. Great job on the training!


Brooke’s eyelashes are beautiful in that photo!
Way to go with the hill session on a treadmill! A trail half marathon will be so much fun.
I generally don’t check elevation for running races, but I do for cycling. (Ignorance is bliss sometimes!)


holy moly that chili sounds amazeballs! best part of my wednesday was my 7 mile run that i predicted to be crappy, but was actually awesome! now, to stretch and do some core :)


o my goodness we had that EXACT same soup last night!! It’s amazing. Now I’m a mom, I’m a huge leftover fan…leftovers=no cooking. In fact I just finished leftover mexican beef.


I had leftover crockpot beans today for lunch that were so yummy and healthy. I’m the exact opposite, I don’t look at the course but very good idea and thank you. I love that pic of Baby Brooke with one sock off…lol. My co-worker brought in his 3 day old to work yesterday and I’m at an all time high for babies right now. The best part of today, will be getting off work and enjoying my own run and workout with weights. Happy Wednesday everyone!


Oh and one more thing, there is a Brookes Outlet not too far away, that I’m dying to go check out. I really want something bright for my St. Pats Dash run in March!


Baby high is the best:) I hope you have a wonderful run and weight workout! AHHHHHH Let me know how your Brooks Outlet trip goes!


The chili looks yummy! Best part of Wednesday was running 9 miles in the snow with a friend :)


I do not run hills as often as I should but we had plenty in the Hot Chocolate race on Sunday. And I absolutely love leftovers :)


I actually ran a big hill on the treadmill on Tuesday! It wasn’t as bad as I thought! Really need to do that more often!

I ordered some Brooks Pure Cadence yesterday! I am SO excited. I currently wear the GTS but I’ve been experiencing some PF and lots of people say these help. Plus Brooks rock!


Yes they do! You are going to love them!


I bet I will!! I wish I’d gone to the store and bought them because I’m SO impatient!!


Pictures of sleeping babies are the best! So sweet. We had leftover french onion soup for dinner last night. Yum!


Great run! You inspire me to run FASTER! :)


I’m a HUGE leftovers fan. Any recipe that makes tons of leftovers is for me. Because then that means that I don’t have to cook for a couple of days. WINNING. ;)


Ran hills yesterday with the stroller, VERY slowly, but am still hurting. Ha. Love your treadmill set up. :) Off to check out that chili- I bet Andrew would love it.


Haha your suitcase reminded me of the family vacation one of our suitcases broke on the first day. We had to duct tape it every day when we moved on to a new town for three weeks!


I highly recommend Running Revolution in Campbell. The owners are amazing and the staff are incredibly helpful. LOVE that store.


That is where we went! I loved them!


This is comment #46, so I’m not sure if you’ll actually read it, but I work part time in a local running store — I’m intrigued by your comment about going to the store to help your friend find shoes. Do they analyze his/her gait? Suggest shoes? What was the experience like?


Hey!!! Yes! They analyzed everything! They would watch her run and had her try on about ten different shoes! Do you love working at a running store?


I completely LOVE it. I call teaching my mortgage job and the running store my fun job! (You know, teaching is fun, but it’s WORK!) I’m always curious about other independently owned, local shops and how they work. I love stopping in the local running stores on all the trips I take! Glad your friend had a good experience. What shoes did s/he get?
ps – that pic of littleB sleeping is a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e!


That is SO SO AWESOME! Yes, teaching is a ton of work. I have always wanted to work in a running store. She ended up getting the Brooks Glycerin 10s… I was pretty happy about her decision:)

Thanks for your sweet comment about Brooke!


That’s a really good idea! Our condo’s have a gym, but no TV … I wonder if I took my laptop down there … but hmmm, no wifi …


Do you check out the course map and elevation before a race? I didn’t my first race. Lesson learned the VERY HARD way! Let’s not talk about the mountains in Oregon, okay.

Last leftovers I had was chili last night. Chili is always better as a leftover.


Looks like Brazen’s Coyote Hills course, no??
They are the BEST race company in the bay area, hands down! Their courses are killer, and the elevation charts are so fun to look at, especially their Wildcat and Rock Ridge courses. Very challenging! I always study the charts and picture myself as the little swiss alps guy from the Price is Right game (do they still have that game??) making my way along the course!
Plus, Sam and Jasmin reward all your hard hill work with an Its It ice-cream sandwich at the finish line!


I LOVE leftovers! I am a happy camper when I have leftovers from dinner for my lunch the next day.

hehe Brooke’s sock is missing – super cute!


I struggle soooooo much with the treadmill and I’m envious that yours appears to be outside??? Way neat!


Um, your baby, the treadmill and The Biggest Loser, I’m surprised you would ever leave this awesome spot.
Best part of my day was my run! I started it with little expectations, but from the start it was awesome. And i conquered a new hill! Unfortunately i didn’t tape one of my knees well, and i can feel it. So lots of icing tonight. Still was great though.


Try Robeez kick-proof socks. They are the only socks my girls couldn’t get off. I’m actually about to go get them again because my 15-month old takes her socks off in the car every time – it drives me crazy and them i’m left to search for the socks in the back of the car…


Oh and i LOVE leftovers :)


Thank you so much! I am going to have to get some!!!


I check out absolutely every single race detail that I can before each race…I don’t like those kinds of surprises :)


The BEST part about my Wednesday was when the rain finally stopped this afternoon after 2 1/2 days of nonstop downpour!

I religiously check out the course map and elevation chart before a race. I also tend to freak out when I have an upcoming race that does not provide them.

I run hills every single day that I run! We live in a mountainy area and I actually noticed on my run today that no matter which direction I looked, there were mountains on the horizon. I really need to get one of those panoramic cameras so I can show you what I’m talking about.


That chili looks amazing! And the best part of my Wednesday was seeing my cousins new house and congratulating her on her engagement!


Whoa those eyelashes on Brooke!! She’s going to be a heartbreaker!


I wish I could watch TV when I ran! Well, TV I wanted to watch, at my gym they just have big TVs with ESPN and the news playing…


I am glad to see that someone else’s treadmill is dusty too!! I was afraid it was only mine!! Biggest Loser is the best thing to run to, don’t you think? So motivating!!


It really is the best thing to run to!


That is also one of my all time favorite soups. So easy and so delicious.
Just wanted to say thanks for the motivation to do speed work. Haven’t done it forever. I did your .5 repeats on the treadmill and LOVED it. I only did half of what you did and my legs were done. You truly are such an amazing runner. I can definitely see why an ice bath was in order. Keep the great workouts coming. And Brooke jus keeps getting cuter. If that is even possible.


That makes me so happy!!! Great job girl!!!!


I agree with Erin above who said Biggest Loser is the best thing to watch while running on a treadmill – so motivating!

Also, I really need to try that chili recipe because I LOVE anything with cream cheese. I made chili for the first time ever on Sunday and I wasn’t that thrilled with it so I filled up on cornbread. Oh man, cornbread is just so dang good.

And…leftovers for the win. They are so awesome.


I made that chili on Monday and I originally found it from your blog! HUGE fan, so thank you!

I had the leftovers for lunch and dinner today. Good thing I love it. I top it with sour cream (creamy chili with cream on top), sriracha, and cilantro. Try it. Your welcome.


I am so happy that you loved it:) It really is my favorite. I can’t wait to try your extra add ons!


Jealous about your running views!!

Best part about my Wednesday? catching up with old friends over dinner out :)!


I made cream cheese chicken chili for dinner for the first time tonight! It truly is amazing stuff!!


That makes me so happy! It really is the greatest:)


My dad and I are OBSESSED with the cream cheese chicken chili! I got the recipe from you and I’ve made it about 5 times since. It’s become a favorite/staple in our house now. You know it’s good when you’re asked to make something again and again. The best part is it’s SO easy. I think it’s even better the next day leftover!

I never check course maps/elevations etc. I feel like if I do I build it up too much in my head. I like to just go with the flow and enjoy the run (:


Oh good!!!!!!!!! You are so right… It is even better the next day!


Zutano bootie=equals a really expensive bootie but also one that RARELY falls off. Therefor totally worth the cost. I have a fast crawler and I can count on one hand the number of times the booties have fallen off in the 3 months we’ve been using them.


Do you check out the course map and elevation before a race? – ALWAYS. You dont want to be saying ‘oh thats nice and short’ then realising it has crayyyyyzeee hills.

Speaking of hills, Im currently banned but I’ll get on it as soon as Im clear :)


Love the one sock on, one sock off look – I think she gets cuter every day. And that chili looks amazing!


I LOVE leftovers. When I lived alone I would make a huge amount of something and eat it the whole week. My husband seems to prefer several different meals a week. Huh. Genius idea setting the computer up there.


You mentioned that you run in the Brooks Pure Flows. Do you midfoot strike? If so, have you always, or did you have to transition from heel striking?


Hey I did used to heel strike a few years ago but I have transitioned to midfoot!


That would be an interesting blog post. I have been transitioning for the past several months and my calves have been sore for about that long. I would like to hear how you did it without injuring yourself!


Great idea!! The sore calves are very normal! I mainly transitioned after coming back from a stress fracture and so I was forced to only run a little bit at a time (starting with only a mile three times a week). The key was starting small with a lot of rest days thrown in! Keep me updated on how it is going for you!


I usually check out the elevation of a race before registering and then forget about it until the week before. It keeps things exciting.

The wireless headphones is a genius idea for running on the TM. I always annoy Mike because I jack up the tv so loud when I’m running on ours.


I do check elevation maps before I pick a race! It is usually how I decide to do a race or not! haha :)


Did I miss Biggest Loser this week? My DVR didn’t record it! Was it on Monday night again? Boo!


It was!!! Watch it on Hulu!


So, I ran “hills” on the treadmill Wednesday morning. Just set it to “rolling hills” and would adjust the speed. Anyway, Wednesday evening I went back to the gym to run some more and set the treadmill to run “Utah”. Um, yeah, turned into more hills. I only made it 3 miles before having to stop (legs were screaming) and just slow and low incline.


Robeez kick proof socks will change your life. (and brooke’s). I got mine off babysteals and I wish I would have bought them in every color!!


What treadmill are you currently using???


The Nordic track c900! I love it so much!


I made that chili a few weeks ago, but it was too thick to eat as a soup. We ended up eating it over tortilla chips. Which was amazing. Any tricks to get it soupier?


Hey!!!! Bummer! Try adding a can of tomato soup!

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